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tv   Master i Margarita  RUSSIA1  February 4, 2024 1:35am-2:36am MSK

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are you killing us? well, okay, i myself, i’m julia, alexei’s wife, and you, apparently, nika, i can’t say that i’m glad to meet you. mutually. what are you doing here? yes, i came to see what your taste is. the taste is admittedly not very good. but this will not be said as an insult to you. well, what are you rich in? i beg you, don’t start, but i’m not starting, i just came in, i’m leaving, where, yulia, i’ll come now, yul, yul, yul, why are you? i came to make sure that
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you are the last bastard, i beg you, let’s go without this pathos, let’s come home, we’ll talk about everything, calmly, especially since you know i i’m not going to leave you anywhere , you’re crazy, you talked at home, yes, as if nothing had happened , no, go away, get away, i never want you again... to see that, well , no, if you’re such a fool that i came here, get out yourself, if you want, go, if there is, where, why are you looking at me like that, there’s nowhere, i should have thought about this earlier, and if you think that i’ll just pack all my suitcases like that, i’ll let you live you with my money with my children, you are deeply in need... my children will stay with me,
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and you are free, like the wind in the field. hello, mash, what time is our alumni meeting today, but i decided to go, and there will be champagne there, well, that’s great, and i ’ll be there, bye, well, come on, i’ll come now.
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crazy, where are you going? actually, this is a departure, you don’t want to leave, people are walking here, you’re okay, not everything is okay with me, i broke my heel for you, let me help.
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for repairs, so for repairs.
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i haven’t been photographed for so long in my life, how many times are there, are you listening to me, no? an ordinary woman, champagne from the throat, that i am an ordinary woman, well, that’s how i understood it, don’t even ask where i’m taking you, where you ’re taking me, repairs.
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i like your house, it’s nice, but you shouldn’t have come to you, let’s go inside and sort things out, let’s go. “be careful, we still have to fix the kablut, we like
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it, it’s beautiful, but it’s just somehow uncomfortable, joyless, but if...” you’re going to break the truth, maybe we’ll drink, i’m hungry, i don’t even know, well, look at what’s in the refrigerator- something there, but i’ll go have a look, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh. maybe some son is left, maybe, maybe, maybe, cut him, and i’ll go out, perhaps,
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no, it’s just a snack, just a snack, some pistachios, a tray of cognac, or do you prefer wine? oh, no, thank you, i’ve had enough for today, well, you decided to completely
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annoy me, by the way, what’s your name? julia, food is my hobby, although my husband doesn’t appreciate it. this is in vain, such a treasure needs to be appreciated, the subscriber’s device is turned off and is in my area of ​​action. dad, i’m hungry , again, well, i just made you a sandwich, i don’t want sandwiches, well, excuse me, there’s nothing else, here you go, eat some candy, dad, mom called, she won’t come today, she called, but where she, she will stay with aunt masha, listen
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, the hem of my skirt is torn, it needs to be hemmed, dashenka, dear, i ’ve been working on you all day, let dad work at least a little, and then i’ll do everything, the teacher will swear, okay, let’s your own house. the truth is that you are sitting on your husband's neck. he obviously has another one, for some reason you don’t like it, but what’s wrong, if we ’re all men like that, and that’s normal, if you wouldn’t drink anymore, no, you, just don’t be offended by all your whims, who he makes money, he's right, he brought a stack bills
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i don’t understand at all what you’re going through, well, a guy is walking to the left, well, let him walk, you went to physical education at school, so he walks, well, it’s just sex, listen, enough about him, but in general you know that from people like you really don’t leave, enough boring conversation. let's dance, let's have fun, yulia, let's live life to the fullest,
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and you were on the hook, i get it, don't slip, nothing, everything is fine, you have a crime, transgress. now i remember the next time we will soar with you.
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hello, mash, sorry for waking you up, i need you i'll explain everything later. you can take me away from here, i don’t even have money for a taxi. i don’t know where i am, the address, but i’ll find it now by text message, you give it to slepakov, how did you get here, by the way, i talked to your husband half the night, with my chest, one might say, i covered you, call him back, he’s waiting yes, of course, he’s waiting for your call, he can’t wait, yulka, listen, that’s the one who lives in this... house, think for yourself, he needs you, and alyoshka, he’s still, he’s still
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great father, and you’re not a bad guy either you know what this is, if you break down, if you break down, come back to him, that’s it, wow, well, well, can i stay with you, yulka, of course you can, well , only for a week, otherwise my zhenko petrovich is coming back, come on, sit down. something happened here, the premiere on rtr, no , what’s going on in the department, what happened , what’s going on here, i have to understand what’s going on, something happened that everyone was waiting for, come on, tell me, sklefosonsky, new season, why everyone already knows, but i don’t, from monday.
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today pplc2 h5uh sat on the niva rasseyli mash more than seventy harmonicas for the first time i loved some song that really brought you back to life is there such a thing? the gypsies are coming, the gypsies are coming, gypsies tova, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, today on rtr. replace me at work with danilov, easy bro, anna, when i was little, i dreamed of meeting a prince, this is my fiancé, this is my brother, now all i have to do is understand who i slept with and who i married,
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without love on friday nart. mom, mommy, mommy, my dear, you are beautiful, and you were with aunt masha, you were, you were, i brought
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you some food here, let’s assume that i understood everything and made conclusions, congratulations, i ask you, please, let’s not overprice ourselves, by the way, i received a bonus, and i want you to spend it all, don’t mind , let's go, let's go home, okay, okay, i'm ready to listen to all your conditions, what you want, i want to be loved and respected.
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and in general, i want you to think, and we will both pretend that nothing happened, everything, yes, but it’s not indicated in your ad, the two-by-two schedule doesn’t suit me, and no, uh-huh, thanks. dad, what are you doing? dad, did you decide to burn down the apartment, and we’ll take the school’s apples, and mom called? yes, i called, she will come, that's it, let's, let's, let's sit, let's go, i need to face the truth
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, i don't know how to do anything, i don't have work experience, i don't have skills, i won't find a job in this city, so yul, let's not panic, i'm through. lyosha is right. i can't live with you forever. soon i had my tail between my legs. i'll go to him to ask for forgiveness. yul, you still have two children. you can always push a man. so what are you talking about? i won't blackmail him with children. he is a great father and his girls adore him. and where will i take them? i'm homeless myself. it’s not their fault that he’s a walker, but i am. simple as a bar of laundry soap, listen, yulia , that’s enough, and you constantly talk derogatory about yourself, i’m a housewife, i’m a cleaner, as if there’s something shameful about running a house and raising children, listen, if you’re yourself you don’t respect me, but i don’t know, in the end, you probably need to remember your strengths, you have them, what are we
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talking about, what are your strengths, they remain along with dreams of the sweet life back in college? because i should have started my career 10 years ago, and if i had now in paris, and yachts, and convertibles, you will lend me money, until the first salary, yulia, i’ll be so upset that from this, well, i’m just a little... a little, listen, i really want to eat, you , listen, if everything burns out, i ’ll just feed you, delicate... because the business plan in my head still has rather vague outlines, the business plan, well, let's go to kaz, let's go,
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who are you? i'm going to nikolai, call him, please. wait, i’ll try to find him, so there’s money for the election campaign , i think there won’t be any problems, nicky, there ’s some woman waiting for you at the gate, what kind of woman, i don’t know, with bags, just a second, gentlemen. “hello, i’m on business, i apologize
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, how are you, yulia, yulia, why are you here, i’m on business, olechka, the people there have run out of whiskey, but what are you going to do? i can cook, i can organize entire receptions, my husband always invited his bosses home, and i also know english very well, my dad and i
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lived in dublin for 3 years, he worked as a chef in embassy, ​​i can cook such delicacies , you never even dreamed of it, try me, i even brought food, i really have very little time, if possible, thank you very much, no, no, i’m not going anywhere, am i crazy, no, i’m normal , i'm just on the edge, no. they want you there, yes, now, and your guests are not hungry, i can feed everyone, where is the kitchen, i remember, wait,
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you have a good friend, i planned to stay, well, lapul, i also planned to spend the weekend together, yes. well, of course, but now i have an unpleasant conversation with this special one, then i have to do a report on the germans in the evening, so let me call you, okay, yes, come on, i'll wait, come on,
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honey, come on, that's it, i'll call you, niki, i already miss you, smack-smack , well, you got two benefits today, first, we had a good lunch, second , my lady left without too much noise, otherwise i would have had to entertain her for 2 days. but if you think about it, you are the first woman who, having come to this house, immediately began cleaning and
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cooking. clean up, what was everyone else doing? undressed, although we have to give it's fair to say that most of them undressed much worse than you cook, so you're hiring me? no, that’s impossible, i didn’t believe you, you’re from your husband. because you’re tired of cleaning, scrubbing and cooking , you’ll really run away from me, you want to bet what else you’ve come up with, take me to your place, wait, listen, i’ll work for you
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for a month without... pay, although no , i can’t do it for a month, 2 weeks, i really need money, then if you don’t like it, you fire me without compensation and that’s the end of it, and where you will live, it’s most convenient with you, but i can help my friend on altushka, and the products, who will buy and deliver the products, i don’t trust anyone in this matter, i will do it myself, i have vehicles and a category b license at my disposal, we’ve thought of everything, drink wine, there is a reason, but if there is, your room is the farthest along the corridor, the door is on the left, just an agreement, then don’t be offended, what? well, even if i throw you out in a month and don’t pay a penny, this won’t happen. well, here's a reason
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to drink, excuse me, i don't drink at work, my boss is strict, good night, turn to the left, to the left, yes, honey, i miss you very much, yes, i will pick you up as soon as i can, very soon. “i love you, i kiss you, bye, bye, bye, payment delays are coming from eastern siberia, but i will resolve this issue in four days, please?” and take the bread, i
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baked it myself. alexander yarmalaevich , yes, yes, he is, yes, of course, thank you, mom, but you left us because dad has a mistress, who told you this, i’m already a... an adult, i already understand everything myself, mistress - this is the aunt who always calls dad, and she calls him, yes, on the phone, they fight constantly, fight, yes, dad says that he has children on him, and she is selfish.
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oh, come in, hello, i wasn’t waiting, but i came, you are now a single father, and i am your woman, so i decided to save you, very good, i just need help, by the way, tell me , do you know how to cook cheesecakes? well, i don’t know how to cook cheesecakes, but i have them. something more piquant, come on, great, come on in, i think i found some butter, this and that, and by the way, they gave me two recipes, one of which i need add flour to another semolina, i don’t know which one will turn out tastier, i’ll try to find both, oh, i was lucky right away, i found semolina, why are you standing there, about nick, are you crazy,
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now, now the children will come ... nek, you are completely out of time, you understand that i don’t live here alone, my daughters live here, my love, but we just quarrel on the phone all the time, i miss you so much, i understand, let’s do it next time, when you come to me, in advance. call and tell me, lyosha, you ’re home, that’s it, no problem, i don’t live alone, with children, come on, next time, i ask you, come on, hold it, on your purse, next time we will succeed, but semyonov touched me, almost to the point of bleeding, and he also hid my second shoe, i complained about my dad , and dad, what, dad came to school and told semenov that if he touched me again, he... would break his neck, now he walks around me a kilometer away, he’s afraid, and she fell in love with him , fell in love, i didn’t fall in love with anything, you what are you doing, that's enough, that's enough, you better tell me how you eat, what dad feeds you, belts, dumplings, mom, and when are you
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you'll come back, you'll come back, beat me, bitch , come in, dad, and you know what we saw at the zoo, where did you go, we'll give you slippers, what did you see there, oops, a lot, a lot of things, interesting, hi, dad, hi , and what are you doing, as usual, washing the dishes, hello, hello, let's go, ah, let's go, finally, well, why are you standing there, come in, tell me how you are, and how is nika? lyuchka, let's not have any drama, i'm very glad to see you, but i won't crawl on my belly in front of you, okay? yes, i actually
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came in to say that i found a job, rented an apartment, and was picking up my things. ile, what are you doing? are you kidding me? in general, keep in mind that i can stop this whole cardio-ballet in an instant. you want to make me jealous, yul, you can’t wait, yul , wait, you just want to hurt me, yes, you want to pretend that you are such a sought-after specialist, but i won’t believe it for the life of me, fool your girlfriends, and fool me leave me alone, i’ve already left you, and what kind of work is this, secret lady, god, you’re crazy, tell me, what can you really do? i know how to cook, wash, do laundry, and in some places i even get paid for it. wow, are you serious? yes, i’m completely serious , great, now you’re our floor scrubber,
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great, but if you’re better off there than living with me, then really, darling, take your things, exactly... i’m busy right now, taking my things, this is someone else’s, but we don’t need someone else’s, i want to give you a stern reprimand, i knew it, today is exactly... a month since i ’ve been working for you, 2 weeks since we made a bet, you’re firing me, yes, my belt is not enough for me, what is my belt too small for me, what should i buy new, what is it, tell me
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me, or should i nail a new hole here , right here on the buckle, what should i do, it’s all your fault and your culinary delights, leave your belt alone, you ’re hiring me, you’re joking, but i’m praying for. .. you are like a morning star, i feel so comfortable with you, i would lock you at home and not let you out anywhere, i would admire you , tell me this, you will pay me a salary, what kind of woman are you, i tell you one might say, i’m pouring out my soul, and you’re talking about material things, so be it... come to the office today, i’m already the hr department warned, they will register you as my personal assistant, more questions, no questions, the sailors have no questions, i
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love you very much too, and where will you look for an apartment, are we going to leave our house? when? i see, okay, please sign. that’s it for me, that’s it, i’m sorry that for last month we’re giving you a payment in cash, the bank card will be ready in 2 weeks, everything is in order, yulia vladimirovna, yes, right, now i need your driver’s license, nikolai sergeevich ordered to arrange official transport for you, he didn't warn you no, that's how it is with us. how much, is he going to pay
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you a month, are you sure you’re sleeping with him, no, in that sense he’s not interested in me, he needs me as a reliable rear, yulka, well , of course, you have the rear, what you need, but it’s all the same abnormal. most likely he is a pervert, or have our oligarchs completely screwed up? well, rather the second one, i'll take it! have you seen how much it costs? can you imagine how it will fit on me? i’ll go to the girls on september 1st, and let lyosha see that i can live without him. okay, let's go, i have another meeting. with real estate agent, recently all three
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rooms were renovated, everything you need for life is there, washing dishes, washing machine, well, a little more expensive than we saw last time, but as a bonus, there is a park nearby and the owners don’t need an advance payment, i suitable, i 'll take it, it's a pleasure to do business with you. “gordey emmanuilovich, my boss, is a very, very big man, believe me , it is almost impossible to surprise him, but you should at least try. i told him that you will organize a reception for him on the occasion of his anniversary in no time, don’t look at me like that, we’re flying with him to sochi for a few days, choose a restaurant, order some interesting menu, musicians, the budget is not limited, i’m into you. i have never done this, yes
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, girl, yes, two tickets to sochi on a morning flight, first class, yes, great, i 'm booking, yes, yes, oh, wait, nikolay, yes, yes, yes, i listen to what you said, well, where is your mother, she promised, mommy... my beauties, my kittens, how cute you are, hello, lesh, hello, i didn’t even recognize you, wow, you’ll be rich , you too well done, good, the girl is dressed, in fact, we dressed ourselves, and my dad weaved space, yes, well done, dad, okay, run, run to your people, what kind of mother do we have? beautiful, let's hurry up, don't chat, i'm telling you, she
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's beautiful, and you can't take your eyes off you, you 've become very prettier, but mostly you're down and ready, but it feels like they're doing everything the other way around, they're washing the floors for you and they’re cooking for you, well, let’s go, otherwise the director has already started broadcasting, let’s go.
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i understand that i have a chance, but what about nika? well, what's that all about? you know what, let's go home super, and even better, i’m tired of these restaurants, i was entrusted with organizing a banquet, there is an unlimited budget, the hero of the day, a very important shot, i’m worried, scared, how to save money, i know when the budget is
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unlimited, i’m lost, yeah. well, answer, this is probably something important, no, nonsense, you know, i rented an apartment, so i think it will be better if the girls move in with me, yulechka, i completely agree with you, but it will be better for our girls, if mom returns home, what will it be? this is my car, was it given to me at work? "i want you to say that i love you very much, bye, lesh, i’ll see you at home, yes, yes, you’re just at the wrong time, i’m very uncomfortable talking, because i
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’m at school with my girls, on a school assembly, oh, karinka, he’s telling me he said a bunch of compliments." he looks at me with completely different eyes, he invited me on a date , i’ll call the agent, i’ll give up the apartment, my heart feels it, i won’t need it. i knew it, in order to achieve this position, i worked for years, years, studied at the institute, gave bribes, kickbacks, shoved, these, drank
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with various idiots to get these contracts, yes she is. she works for a week , her budget is unlimited, you should see what she looks like, what do they earn good money for? that she waters the shrimp with olive oil, on her own, yes, she rented an apartment , she decided to take the children, the children, well, the flag is in her
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hands, but now you are free, lesh, well, we dreamed about this so much, well... i understood everything, she can’t earn so much money on her own, she doesn’t have enough intelligence, i understand, she definitely has a lover, while i was a fool, i was earning money for the family, she was tumbling around with this idiot. and as soon as i stumbled once, just once, she cynically calculated everything and decided to overthrow me, put all the blame on
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me, stumble, yes, that is, you think that what is happening between us is a misunderstanding, right? le, lesha , lesha, lesh, i have a bedroom, the bedroom is where lesh is, yes, hello, hi, dad, don’t worry , girls, dad is just very tired , by the way, my name is niko, you can just nika without children, you go , girls, relax, lie down, and who is daddy with? i don't know, let's go sleep. come on,
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lesh, lesh, get up, olesha, what are you doing here? yes, i’m saving you, hold on! by the way, i fed the girls , dressed them, combed them, took them to my friend, today is her birthday, yes, don’t worry, the girls and i became friends right away, come on, by the way, i called at work and said that you were sick, so let's go to bed and don't think about anything, go to bed, sleep, sleep, lyoshenka, and i 'll take care of you, your kitchen is really
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wonderful, there's nothing to complain about, well, let's talk about the decoration of the room, no, well, well, what is this, it’s no good, our hero of the day, the president of the foundation for effective politics, he is very well versed in such things. well, don’t make me look for another establishment, we can consider other options, let’s build on the invitations, the hero of the day has already approved them, okay, so i’m waiting for new ideas from you until tomorrow, there’s very little time, okay.
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yulia, you’re probably following the girls, they’re already at their birthday party, dasha didn’t tell you anything, who’s there? i assure you no one else, julia, julia, lyosh, where are you going in your dressing gown? yul, wait, where are you going? you run, wait, well, you got it all wrong, you compliment me, talk about how we have a future, at this time this is living in our house. i don’t know how this happened, i’m telling you quite seriously, i don’t need her at all, i only need you, i admit, i’m a fool, that means
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i’m taking the children, why do you need them, you now have some new wonderful life , yulechka, i beg you, don’t kill me, don’t take my children away from me, i can’t live without them, i can’t live without you, you can see them at any time, whenever you want, i said everything, leave me, that’s it, julia, julia, hello, hello! excuse me, i’m late, i was delayed, i’ll clean everything up now,
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i’ll just change my clothes, wait, spin around, yul, it’s you, you went on a date, who is he? no, i just met my husband, i thought about returning to him, well, i wanted him to see who he lost, i see that your plan failed. yul, maybe you will feel better, but i want to tell you that you look
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breathtaking. "hello, yes, hello, i'm talking about three rubles, the one with a view of the park, how it was delivered, or maybe it can’t, it’s clear, yes. what kind of day is this? are you ok? no, i’m not doing well, maybe i brought her into the house and call her something? well, let's call her a woman? i want to take the children, but i have nowhere now, i can imagine that they are there with this one, well, you knew that he has a woman and that sooner
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or later, she will occupy you anyway. place, no, but, but it seemed to me that he wanted to somehow fix everything, return it to the way it was, i refused the apartment, oh, you can’t be so stupid, you’ll excuse me for bringing you here i’ve opened up, it’s none of your business, i think i know how to help you, give me your hand, let’s go. lyosh, why are you so weak, well, sooner or later we had to run into her. she takes the children. mila, well, you can see them whenever you want. but now you will have more
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time for us. we can. go to the theater, and have dinner in restaurants, go for a walk after work, listen, let's take a vacation and go somewhere to italy, sun, sea, romance, i'm so tired, i had a family, a house, children, a wife who loves me. .. on which it all held up, but i took it all and ruined it, i said, where are you going to get from the submarine, that without me, you will still crawl to me, i told my wife, you will crawl to me,
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what an idiot i am! lyosha, what about us, what do we mean, what are you talking about, what are you talking about, nika, what are we like, no, no us, no, no us, excuse me, but we, you and i , have nothing to even talk about. well, you said, you promised, what did i promise? oh, yes, i completely forgot, we will assume that you have been appointed to the position of chief technologist, but that’s all, nika, listen, go away, you are young, beautiful, smart,
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everything will be fine with you, lesh, well, i need you. but i need my family and my wife, that’s it, lesh, you’re just inadequate now, i forgive you all these words only because you don’t understand what you’re saying, thank you. yulia, all your problems are being solved, especially since this is not a problem at all, bring your children to me, please don’t even mind, okay, that’s it, agreed, bring your girls tomorrow, let’s meet, chat, i think i’ll find something in common with them language, by the way, i said that children are animals they love me, nikolai, thank you, i am very
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grateful to you, but... as soon as i find an apartment, yes, i know, you will leave right away, you will not bother me, good, okay, well, well, when is she moving? and she’s already moved on, from the asshole, listen, it’s not fair for you, he cheated on you, and you’re paying for all this, the homewrecker needs revenge, the homewrecker, i just want to forget everything, start being, live again, take his children away, only he won’t just give them away. well, it’s necessary for the children, for the children to bake this nickname so that lyashka doesn’t have any there’s no other option, how to return the children to their true owner, otherwise it’s up to you, or you can throw some jewelry at her, well, say, she stole it, mash, well, what are you talking about, well,
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maybe i’ve read a lot of detective stories, well, i’m like that, ok, let's go. she must not stay in our house, otherwise her mother will never come again. what are we going to do? yes. hello, irina yuryevna? and i warned you that i wouldn’t be there today, yes. what do i have to do with it? and i realized that our line ensures the operation of the entire workshop, yes. tomorrow at 8:00 all questions
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will be closed. oh hi, listen, where are you? damn it, huh? by the way, i’m alone, at home, with the children, in the kitchen, they’re calling me from the workshop, the line is dead. some kind of madhouse, you walked from zhelebin, or what? i haven’t even crossed the threshold of the house yet, and you’re yelling at me. oh hi dad. by the way, i worked, unlike you. well, what do you have with mathematics? it seems like your teacher is changing. fine? ugh, ugh, disgusting! lisa, what, you can’t say that? actually, i’ve been standing at the stove all day, so i won’t apologize, please. lisa, lisa, that's it, i don't know how to treat people in this house.
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by women, but i will not tolerate such treatment towards myself. lisa, i beg you, apologize, nika, by the way, i stood at the stove all day, i won’t. okay, everyone. bon appetit, so who did this? dad, it’s not us, yes, it’s all her, that’s right, yes, and in general, kick her out, but nika, where are you? you haven’t seen the keys to my car, i left them here yesterday, they’re not there, come on here, what a joke, really, come on, girls, you’ve already got ready, we’re late for the meeting, let’s wait, we’re done.


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