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tv   Syurpriz dlya lyubimogo  RUSSIA1  February 4, 2024 6:10am-8:00am MSK

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well, it’s like a moment of like-minded people, that i’m not the only one so crazy, but there are also people who like to read poetry and want to convey something to people, say something about love, about life, about the world, my missionary subconscious was not in the desire to become an artist to show myself to perform, but i wanted to make the world a better place, to open up something beautiful to people, to open up to talk to... that’s exactly why i sort of went to the theater school, although before that, after school, i went to become a teacher and didn’t in the theater, because i never thought that i talented, that i am, well, for me, these are the actors whom i saw in the theater, i loved going to the theater, but they were gods, who am i, a girl from minsk?
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on the other side there is a medal, and at the same time such sublimity, it makes a creative person generally unviable in everyday terms, yes, there is such a moment, that’s why i have ilya, even here is our house, i have an idea, and ilya, he’s like a locomotive, who embodies my dreams, he began to make it come true, so that len would not lose this feeling in our real world, because... i have no doubt,
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that in your life there were troubles, and there was grief, but the tip of the needle did not break off, because all troubles break us, they break off a piece, we become less susceptible, because we become callous, at some point i, too, got carried away by this so, well, as we run for the golden key to some kind of box, i lost my bearings, that’s why i basically came into the profession, because it’s very... all this nonsense, competition, somehow you have to do better , stronger, higher, and here, and you grab this job, this one, everywhere, as if not until, at some point , about 6.7 years, probably, maybe more, at some point i stopped and thought, what am i really all about, what do i, as it were, want, what do i what i expect from this life, and do i need it, how much? i
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changed a lot inside myself, i began to look for some books and so on in search of some kind of guidelines, and i returned to myself, having found the right, well, it seems to me, a guideline is that - in any work that i undertake now , coming out to the audience, i have some key points, i know why i’m coming out, and what i i want to say, i’m leaving, i’m already leaving the stage. i’m a character, but it’s me , where did grandma go, look under the pillow to see if anyone stole her valuables, under the pillow, yes, she hides her shares there, and how many times have i asked you, invest your shares in marcel’s business, invest, you invested, no, you sit on them like a hen on eggs, so sit there. and i’m leaving,
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they heard about the golden key in pursuit, in the search, yes, some kind of association was born, that the plot of the golden key is very suitable for acting, everyone is looking for this golden key, the key, fortunately, look, the producer karabas is also looking for the key, durimar scoops it up with his labor, searches, the old woman, a veteran of the tortilla stage, passes it on to the young one, and giuse, who ... this is just a theater studio, found a talented log and passed it on to karl’s dad, who, this is already a teacher of a different level , squeezed out of him, and at the same time there are extras, there are obedient ones like pierrot, who is there behind malvina, there are also artemons, that is, there is roughly the whole scheme of an actor’s life, but the disobedient pinocchio gets it, that is , the one who i didn't want to learn the alphabet exchanged it for the theater and... this is
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disobedience, it gives you a greater chance of finding something, a golden key, finding, not getting, not earning, but finding, and disobedience of children in this case is also a degree. if you don’t love yourself, but i want us all to understand that we all, well, kind of came from adam and eve, and we are all relatives, we are relatives, will humanity have time
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to understand this, what do you think, i don’t know, after all, there is such a commandment, love your enemy, yes, the fat lion decided to figure it out. and translated the bible not from greek, as it was translated into russian , from hebrew, it turned out that the word enemy in hebrew , it means a person of a different faith, just, not the one who burned your house, but just a person of a different faith, treat him, yes, with human warmth and sympathy, a completely different meaning, you can watch all episodes of our program on the internet, in the app or on the website when everyone is at home, today piplc2 h5 uh, sat down on the niva, settled down, i have more than seventy harmonicas, the first time i loved, some song that
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i really brought you back to life, there is one, the gypsies are coming, singing from the bottom of my heart. evening show by andrei malakov today on rtr. will you try it on? thank you, it suits you very well. well, how's your new ball? very cool indeed. it’s as if these 12 years never happened. i missed you so much.
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in to me, let’s say this is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes grandma, hungry herself, but she’s not...
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amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, something happened here, the premiere on rtr, nina , what’s happening in the department , what happened, what’s going on here, i have to understand what’s going on, something happened... what everyone was waiting for, come on, tell me, sklefosovsky, new season, why everyone already knows, but i don’t, from monday on rtr, when everyone is at home, katyusha, i told you that you
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’re smart, well, i did, but i didn’t explain why? your scandal with a drunkard was caught on video, well, that’s it, i understand, yes, sales increased, and the blackmailers were dismissed in disgrace, and what’s next, next, remember? you wanted a house in spain, oh, choose the best one, oh, i must say about lisa, otherwise it will be, of course, we called her very much, but she has very important exams tomorrow , she’s preparing, and that’s why she’s doing her last course, last course i already have who she is going to be, as it seems to her, well, as it seems to her, journalists, she studies well, i think...
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this part that parents don’t know, does it increase or remain the same? well, to some extent it increases, and sometimes it increases, why is this closed country unknown to your parents? you are afraid that they will misunderstand, that they will ban it, yes, yes, it turned out that we know much more, i was counting on 2/3, at least, well, if you think about it. and how much do they know about us? well , it’s the same thing, it’s called, we are the closest people, right? yes, that's how it should be?
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let's ask the wisest man, yulia alexandrovna, life short, but we never told each other most of it, in the hope that someday they will understand and appreciate all our actions, how will they understand and appreciate if they don’t know anything? probably, such a directly specific answer cannot be for every family, for every child and his parents, this is somehow... my own understanding of all this, but i think that of course, communicate more with children, talk more with them, spend more time together, wonderful, like when at work, but you know, every time i think, how are our parents, they were also at work all the time, they worked, but they somehow managed to travel with us, and take us somewhere, and we also somehow tried to go for walks more often.
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75 is now to what minimum did it reach the minimum now and when your closeness was up to 15 from what point did the increase start hitting 18-19 years old well that’s still not enough the rapprochement has started and it’s gone higher well that is, i moved out
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well you can blush, of course, cat , let's tell you what it is, it's a man's strength, not weakness, to take care raising a child, talent, this is a talent, it seems to me, if not a genius, because love for your children, love for your children, responsibility for these children, no, also this is some kind of character, because i have here it wasn’t, but sasha didn’t have such a father, who, well, no, well... it’s like fathers and fathers, but ilya retained
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some kind of inner child in himself, which he takes out at the moment of communication with children. ilya it sounded like you haven’t forgotten the child in you. and there is such a technique, yulesan, you probably know when it’s easier to find a common language with a small child if you kneel down to his height, and you become his equal. well, yeah, what's the fun? i’m not even afraid to say the pleasure of playing with a child, and by the way, both of them get pleasure, otherwise it wouldn’t last, because this age will pass too quickly for... you can’t jump anymore, well, yes, i want to be closer to her, for me it was the same as with glasha, until a certain time, when she became a teenager, of course she no longer it’s very interesting to spend time with me in the format in which we are used to the females running around in crazy slides and so on,
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she has already grown up and i realized that it’s already pointless to insist on something, let it be like this... yes to plus infinity, it seems to me that children give us the opportunity to get to know ourselves, some kind of ironing, in general there at the age of 3, sometimes she gave out such phrases that i fell into a stupor, then - sasha is also very big for me teacher, maybe without going through this difficult transitional period, i maybe i didn’t open myself to the end,
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i never would have been as absolutely and harmoniously happy as i feel now. and i would still be inside and tossing about something, in our program there are words that sound from the heart, and these words you will have a child, say them with a mother’s heart, you will have a child, you will have a child, you will have a child , you will have a child who will have you, in the family of everyone, when everyone at home is a big addition, for varya and her brothers yaroslav and artyom from the orphanage tver region, whom we showed in our program, we found a family. today
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volgograd meets us, and we go to one of the children's homes. in the volgograd region. hello, meet everyone, when everyone is at home. this is deniska. deniska is a little over a year old. deniska lives in one of the orphanages in the volgograd region. today irina will help us get to know deniska better. hello. hello. irina works in this children's home as a teacher. denisochka was born prematurely, and because of this there are some problems. irin, which one? further rehabilitation for denis?
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an inquisitive, but quite vulnerable child, when he came to us, he was very small, thin, of course he couldn’t do much, but now he has already acquired the necessary skills for his further development, deniska, a great fellow, now he is taking his first independent steps , let's try, he'll come to me, or he doesn't trust strangers, do you trust me, thank you, come on, little guy, go, go, go, my dear, i changed my mind, irina is more reliable, yes, just like deniska learned to manipulate toys, well in general, he is a fairly independent child, everything is interesting to him, he is happy to learn new things, so he really loves these different games, sorters, so, well, let’s show you, you have wonderful textbooks, come on, show me, he’s generally very loves to assemble and
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disassemble everything, loves to play with the pyramid, and also sits for quite a long time. come on, come on, thank you, thank you, you shared, it’s very easy to put together on a car, ride around, loves different types of catalogue, he’s generally a very active boy, loves playing with a sword,
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the level of development of the child is noticeable , he is lagging behind, but nevertheless he is taking steps forward, he is trying, he is like that - yes, that’s what he is, well done with us, he himself offered to play, yes, why aren’t you... playing your favorite children’s game game? i believe that the most important thing is care, attention, and we, of course, sincerely want deniska to find his family, so that mom and dad surround him with their attention and care, let mom hear, let mom come, let mom definitely find me, after all, the world should not be like this, so that they are lost children. after all, it shouldn’t be like this in the world, that children were lost
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from our family, we want to give this gift, it’s a christmas tree toy, but it can... it seems to me that this will be a family toy that you can give to your children, grandchildren, as an inheritance, because this toy is only yours, only this is the only copy you have, in this year of the dragon - this is a little dragon, i would like to wish that there are holidays in our... life, but if not more, then at least no less , let it be, we wish everyone that one day the holiday came and came, and the new year
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began on january 1, with a new next birthday, we wish your family and all families to have more birthdays, yes, thank you, thank you very much, goodbye, when is everyone at home? good morning, friends, please take your seats in front of the tvs, our signature train of good mood is leaving, we ask those seeing you off to join those departing, the musical express is starting its route. morning mail under the control of lead driver nikolai baskov. first stop at the request of georgy lukyayanov from the city of lukhovitsy, moscow region.
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he writes: “hello, nikolai, my mother-in-law is a rare maximalist; if she plants flowers in a flowerbed in the summer, then all varieties at once; if she drinks coffee, then with all the additives at once. and if she puts on makeup, they use all the shadows at once. today it's my mother-in-law's birthday. i want to give her a song. nikolai, do you have a song assorted, so that it contains several songs at once. georgy, in the radio room of our express there is everything. the only assorted song in the world dima belan will sing about white roses for your beloved mother-in-law. congratulations and sing along. and who are you from the tv screen, singers of love, oh, these pictures transport me back, yes, yes, where
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are hidden in the songs, and why are you embarrassed, my premonitions, come on, about white roses, yellow silbans, siberian frosts. the dances are strange, but she’s up to the knife, she won’t let go, these are our movements, remember, come on, the okres, white, even, oh, yellow syubans, oh, the knife is gray again, just won’t let go, a living kutka. old cassette player. yes , music has connected us forever. and i'm typing
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to you in the pre-dawn silence, the words that i will sweep through the years, friends, get up, oh, with me, gaps, rages, yellow fish, siberian roses, strange ones took hold and again, noting, never letting go, well, we get up, we get up,
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in the morning mail studio still receives not only applications, but also requests for help, this is the problem our faithful viewer with the rare name samson lukich gorbunov shared with us. greetings nikolay from the city of maykop. in our family on sundays we
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have three dishes for breakfast: tea, pancakes. elena vaenga sings, airport, airport, i fly away, a million eyes, and i’m there, how did you manage, but i don’t know. don’t be a minute late, well, where
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were you before, and where was i before, and how could i live like this, i don’t understand, but where were you before, and where was i before, let’s be each other this time and we won't lose. i’m flying away from the airport, i won’t give up half of my heart, i ’ll lose it in the white snows of our land, where are
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you? you used to be, and where i was before, and how i could live like this, i don’t understand, but where were you before, and where was i before, let ’s not lose each other this time. well, where were you before, and where was i before, and how could i live like this, i don’t understand, well, where were you before, and where was i before, come
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on. let's not lose each other this time, let's not lose each other this time. who will be in charge of the operation? dr. bragin, if you don’t mind, the premiere is at rta. the city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up. 11 friends of bragin. this is an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events. the main thing is that they are digging you. there is time for a friend. i'll have a cry. well, we don’t have a campaign very everything. okay, you can stay with the children today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, i ’m here, help, please, make her get up, he said that we are doctors, and you are not doctors, i am a technician myself, and he is sick, shevs is with you,
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dear colleagues, you are a saboteur, the eleventh season of your favorite series, where this matter is needed, the more the occasion, from klifosovsky, from monday to... on the eve of the chinese new year, one of the most sought-after russian astrologers, a man whose predictions are listened to by ordinary people and stars, svetlana dragan, whose videos in occupies the leading positions on the internet, will tell us in the studio what to expect from 2024, the eclipse looks very negative, a huge number. changes of this level are the year of russia's revival. malakhov on monday on rtr. amazing. beware of elena. she may
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be your father's wife, but she is your enemy. okay, let's start the game. you are nothing to me, i am not going to listen to you. her task is to destroy me. she hates me. it was you who talked him into it. looking for the motives of the perpetrators is not here. they know that i am involved in this. despite all the winds, premiere on saturday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism is a parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new issues of our podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch. on the media platform we are watching, the first podcasts we are watching, how many animals are there in your family? 16, why stop, he offered a goat first, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys, he
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not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, be you a person, among friends, program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. kesha, while our morning mail train is moving to the next station, i suggest we pass the time. how many words do you know? million, million. great, then help me, please, i downloaded the game, it needs to continue the word. so, ruddy and beautiful. delicious basque, basque, loaf, and meanwhile we ended up in the city of yeyski. dear nikolai inakenti, me name is marianna ke. i met a guy on the internet, his nickname is 345. we
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agreed to meet offline in a cafe. upon meeting, i realized that in real life this user turned out to be completely different from the one in his avatar. alas, it happens so often, and much prettier than me! what do you mean , her boyfriend looks like a parrot, let's hope not in clothes, but in charm, i approached him, said: hi, you look cool, let's go hang out, he agreed, we had a great hangout, only it turned out that he is not a user 345, but just kostya, he ran into a cafe to have a snack, now i’m worried about how poor user 345 is doing, dear k, don’t worry, maybe your former user is also with someone by mistake.
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lifestyle, i immediately applied it to myself, my parents, of course, were not happy that i was hanging around the internet so much, you know, each generation has its own interests, at least i did. at least i do it wisely, otherwise some fool recently posted it, i won’t write about the fact that my parents went on vacation and that i’m home alone, otherwise some more will come to chekhov street 15, apartment 73, third entrance, fifth floor, but the door wasn’t locked, and once i was texting with a guy, well , we texted for a couple of days, then he said: let’s call on... let’s call on skype, and i just
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put a mask of burdock oil on my head, well, for a healthy lifestyle, well viduk , can you imagine, i say, well, let’s call , but without a video, i kind of immediately want to appear in all my glory with makeup, hair, fa-fa, he says: okay, he’s calling, lord, girls, how did i click this video, i don’t i know. i realized later, well, we were sitting and chatting, and so as not to waste time, i became a hair tweezer pull it out, i see his pupils are getting wider , it’s strange, he doesn’t see me, well, we chat further, and so that the mask is absorbed, i put a cellophane bag on my head, and so that the oil does not flow into my ears, i stuck ear sticks, but
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he me he doesn’t see, i see that he’s somehow completely skewed, then he asks me a strange question: tell me, don’t you sniff bf glue? well, it’s kind of strange, i say: did you guess with the bf glue? i had a whole story in my suchi: i cut my leg on the beach, the bandage doesn’t stay on, slip off... then i remembered that there is special glue bf , which heals such wounds, i went to the pharmacy, and my friend just had an upset stomach, she said buy me something, but at the pharmacy i asked, do you have anything, the pharmacy says, they’ve sorted everything out, i say , there is glue bf, well, they also fell down, he wipes the pharmacies, he says,
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now in the western hemisphere, now in the eastern, well, it hurts, i’m all turning around, and in his sleep he says: give me the left watermelon, it’s louder, well, they giggled, it began to talk about his life, and i, so that my head i warmed up, put children's tights on my bag , my ears are written off, i'm sitting like that... tireby
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, well, he doesn't see me, he just started hiccupping for some reason, he says: tell me, someone is advising you on your clothing style, who do you dress with, i wanted to say, my dear, who woke up, but i restrained myself. i say, yes, we’re all talking about me, you tell me about yourself, well, he started talking about his work, and in order not to waste time, i decided to do an exercise for joint flexibility, it’s called a well-fed cat, you need to scratch your right ear with your left heel, and scratch your right ear with your right heel . left, scratched, the man coughed, he says, i need to take volidol, he left, and in order to remember the pause, i decided to do one more exercise to improve
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blood circulation, i need to stick out my tongue, reach the tip of my nose with my tongue, bring my eyes to the bridge of my nose, when i brought it together for the fifth time, i look, he’s looking at me he stares, hisses, i look at him with narrowed eyes, he said, lord, what a blessing that you don’t see me, he choked and said: tell me, is some doctor observing you? "of course, i need eye to eye, i'm so miserable, i recently bought gel for legs, horsepower, i couldn’t get home for 2 days, on chekhov street, building 15, apartment 73, it skipped, and once while doing laundry
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, the washing machine jumped half a meter and the door was barricaded from the inside." he became emotional and said: you make sure that the vacuum cleaner didn’t come to you, we chatted some more, then he suggests, well, let ’s meet in a cafe, but the dress code there is strict, they might not let you in with tights on your head, girls, my whole life flashed before my eyes, i jumped out of this skype, like scalded. he calls back and says: forgive me for not telling you about the video right away, but when i saw you for the first time, for some reason i thought that you won’t save the world with your beauty, but on the other hand, he’s a lot of handsome, and the kind with tights on his head,
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turundas in ears, and even scratched my ears with my heel, just one, tell me, what happened to your eyes? i say: what about the song? fate brought us together, now we brought you together, oh, we’ve been living together for six months, everything is fine, he’s vacuuming, out of harm ’s way, and now attention, i invite our honorary helmsman into the cabin of the musical locomotive. i would even say commander this star cast, the main fireman of show business, the deserved drinker of nikolai basky, the undeserved, the people. hello, my dear, beloved viewers, i hug you, i’m glad to be with you again. hi nikolai, are you sick from exercise again? no,
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i just bought a fitness watch, they created an exercise schedule for me that i can’t break. nikolai. perhaps my question will seem strange to you, but why don’t you take off this watch? what’s more, i paid so much money for them, let the clock work for them, but in my opinion you are working off. phew, that's it, i'm free, i can read letters. very good, we just have a letter from your colleague, the superstar? no, a lover of physical education, from the city of eskitim, novosibirsk region. salute to the eskitim, dear nikolai. hello , my name is pyotr tolopaev, i’m a coach at a children ’s sports school, i collect songs about sports, i found out that from grigory leps’ song about exercises, it’s called, i raise my hands, unfortunately, i’ve never heard it, i’m interested in what exercises besides raises of hands are proposed in it, dear peter, with
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i will be pleased to introduce you to this song , but i warn you, grigory performs only two exercises: opening his mouth and doing push-ups from the microphone stand, and you can add your own exercises to this complex, grigory leps, i raise my hands, stop sitting, join me, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, i have been reading syllables for a long time, i have not trusted only words for a long time, and i have been choosing everything for a long time. i know in this life myself, i know how many friends i had, i know exactly where the north is and where the south is, but i saw you right away, i forgot everything, i
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raise my hands, i want you stasson, because you are so beautiful, and 18, i raise my hands, but suddenly it might remain, and a new chance to let go and not defend myself, i raise my hands, i want you to dance, because you are so beautiful, my 18, i raise my hands, but suddenly it might happen, you you just bought the chance and didn’t protect yourself. surprise the day, even if you suddenly have to be obedient, maybe you should immediately
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forget about everything, throw it at anchor somewhere quiet, be peaceful, but you know you can’t just change me, i’m raising you. i wash my hands, i want you to statson, because you’re so beautiful, you’re 18, i raise my hands, but suddenly the knife stays, you new chance to twist and not defend yourself, i raise my hands, i want to dance for you, because you are so beautiful, your 18, i raise my hands, but suddenly it might happen. you are just a chance to get away and not defend yourself,
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i raise my hands, i want you to stay, because you are so beautiful, yours. 18 i raise my hands, but suddenly i might give up, you’re a new shart from druk and there’s no need to chase, i raise my hands, i want you to statsam, because you’re so beautiful, my 18, i raise my hands, but suddenly i might give up, you’re just a chance from knocking and no reason to chase.
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will you try it on? thank you, it suits you very well, so what? like your new boss, very cool, as if these 12 years had never happened, i missed you so much, we won’t be apart again. you have to settle your unfaithful wife, this is our sonya, it’s a personal matter, you understand me , i want everything to be without torment, arranged, where is the photo client, i understood you correctly, absolutely, there are no tears in the rain, today on rtr, you look 100 to one, what task will we be able to handle to open the whole board, if you ask, then with a little help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows,
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how much it will be 7:8,8, how much, who is at work, he talks a lot and loudly, if you answer with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck. problems with water, electricity, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for a headache and god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, today on rtr, they said who, i asked him not to talk, the main thing is that he is healthy. look at the weekend, we will have twins, girls, what girls, you promised me that there will be a son, oh,
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when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife yet, i i’ll pay any money before it’s too late , do a good deed, i have to share , where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i’m still thinking, how can this happen? there's a boy in the bond, but a girl was born, what miracles, she 's completely different, her character doesn't look like you or leroy, our son will be just like you, olga is deceiving you, but don't you think that this is already somehow too much, nothing happens too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr, and... mobile voting point. pa, are you
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waiting for someone? but now you will see this special mobile. a point that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely runs, so that every resident can vote. how does it all work here? and just like at a regular polling station: you present your passport, receive a ballot, make a choice and vote. how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be stored in bags until the end of voting, and also at the polling station. observers. our musical express board received a message from igor kuzmin from yuzhno-sakhalinsk. hello nikolay. i work in provider technical support. from morning to evening my internet chat is filled with messages. either they forget to plug in the router and complain that it doesn’t work, or they manage to plug the video plug
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into the audio jack. by the time you figure out what's going on, you'll start to boil. today is my day off, i want to relax and unwind to the song of klava koki, this is for my personal technical support, thank you! igor, well, you surprised me, does klava koki have a song about technical support? oh, sorry, i slowed down, right, i left the chat, friends, for technical support of our mood in morning mail klava koka. left the chat, there are a lot of normal girls around you, but only i hurt you, you left, you pour out the pain, the pain at your parties, you miss me, but i don’t really ask to come back, but i
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know who. i won’t send you any more forbidden photos, let me go, don’t hold me, don’t look for me, don’t love me, we’ve separated in our line, you’re going wide, your name is everything, your song is light, the speakers are silent, i hurt you, i left the chat, there’s a lot around you normal girls, but only i hurt. left, left, i’m no longer an angel who’s bored at home, you taught me bad things in our secret chat, you want to talk, but i press the cross, but now with my friends, lower them, don’t hold me back.
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don’t look for me, don’t love me, separated in our line, travel in front of you with your name everyone, we write light, i’m silent, i hurt you left the chat, there are a lot of normal girls around you, only i hurt you left,
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our morning the train of good mood arrives at the final station. good afternoon listen to a short message from our regular passenger natalia lavrikova from yeniseisk. a musical train is rushing along the central road. the basques are driving a fast train, they are waiting for us. arty stations, leaves on sunday, improves mood, we want to wish him, we have a safe journey. thank you, natalya, and you, dear passengers, before leaving the train, do not forget your positive emotions in the carriages, in exactly a week our jolly express will bring you new ones, i was with you, if there is the main performer of all musical desires, nikolai baskov,
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be sure to write , i will have something read, you have something to listen to. love you. if love doesn’t come true, do as you want, and don’t reveal your sadness to anyone in the world, a new meeting is the best, a remedy for loneliness, but about... la, remember, do n’t forget, dreams come true and don’t come true,
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love comes to us , sometimes it’s not like that, we are all good, we are not forgotten, everything good is a dream, even if someone dares to say unexpected love , if you believe in it, don’t close your heart. heart uninhabited, love will be lost again, but remember what happened, don’t
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forget, dreams come true and don’t come true, love comes to us, sometimes in the wrong way. and we are all good, not forgotten, all good, a dream.
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viewers, as always, we welcome our viewers from the studio, thank you for coming , there’s a fun quiz on air, 100 to one, we welcome our teams today , the improvisation theater and the animators team, please come to the studio, oh, here it is improvisation, hello, hello everyone, hello, animators, this is animation, hello, wonderful, hello, hello, hello, hello, solemn, hello, ruslan,
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hello, your costumes are solemn some kind, yes, something like that, evening weddings , introduce the team, please, but i would like to start - with the man on the right ilya, ilya is an excellent freestyler, he improvises by composing tracks on the go, we have an idea with your permission to try to represent the whole team in freestyle, so let's try, or i, let's karim, yes, just to be short. we will do this with you, let's imagine who is standing in front of you? i understand that he is no stranger to captaincy, our best captain is ruslan, but we will return to him later a little bit, now for now you need to rest a little to understand what the point is, we will go to the right, because this man, he is erudite , handsome, it’s true, he is talkative, not drunk , he is quite erudite, his name is kolyan, this is him, and he’ll also tell you now , hello, this is our p-manager, she ’s nastya, so good, we’re still four people, but there’s still... karim will soon suffocate, it’s him,
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it’s true, he needs to rest, that’s it, i i’m finishing, i need to give him a little drink, bravo, freestyle performance, we understood everything, but at least two words about your captain and in general where you all come from, so ruslan noticed that there are guys who are engaged in a long form of improvisation, they play performances without a script, they also have a talented musician who creates without prepared ones.
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kostya has been studying for a long time, he led my holidays when i was little, imagine, i’m 48, friend, that’s good, girl, friend, girl friend, it happens, it happens, yes, alinka has been working for so long that she no longer works in suits, she hosts youth parties, let's applaud, yes, this is maria, maria , i don't know, the mother of animation, she has her own agency, we cross paths several times at holidays, and also this person, if you haven't noticed, then i'll even tell you, this is a double, clavs. nastenka
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is our soul, the camera loves her, she is a very beautiful person, she is an actress, acts in a movie series, and she is also a wonderful makeup artist and stylist, so beauty is her middle name, yes, but kiryukha is probably a person , which, mom, hi, yes, sasha too.
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wonderful team who will talk about konstantin? can i? we agreed in advance, this is not improvisation, this is preparation. well, you see, how good it is, we just immediately divide the role, there is improvisation, here there is no improvisation, we will rehearse everything, everything is done properly. kosya, he is a purebred, purebred animator, i invite him to all my events, honestly, because he really works with children very cool, and he has been working with children for so long that some of the children have already gotten married and given birth to other children. and he still continues to come to them, have parties, applause, kostya, they continue to feel like children , of course, well, great, our guests today are animators, improvisation theaters, it’s 100 to one, and we’re starting, a simple ordinary game, on the air 100 to one, we ’re starting, we’re having a simple ordinary game , and today we are meeting.
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come on, rus, ruslan was the first, so, attention, father frost, father frost, yes, e, applause, yes, yes, you won, you won! no, we won, we won, who needs a bag at work, the first answer we check, santa claus, look, yes, this is the first meeting, we return to the builder, or rather to the artist who plays the misfortune of frost, so we
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continue, ilya, who at work, hello, who at work needs a bag, at work, it may not even be a profession, you just use a bag at work, delivers letters. and is there a bag or a bag, or maybe a garbage bag, like, who are you , i also like it, i like it for people who take out the garbage, garbage men, cleaners, cleaners, garbage collectors, you give a version, we check it, so, i give the version, cleaner, cleaner, check, check, check, the janitor needs a bag at work, there is this answer, two lines are open, santa claus, this is what 26 people answered and the janitor, janitor 25, nikolai, but i have no ideas at all, so let’s have a bag at work, there is a construction bag, a magician, no, it seems
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to me that the magician is rather weak, the magician has a hat, not a bag , he can get a hat, let’s get a bag at work, look, it could be a mountaineer, because a sleeping bag, well, let’s try to answer that - a tourist, a tourist, needs bag, professional traveler, let's check, traveler, tourist, guide , it's too complicated, it needs to be simpler, nastya, i want to check the version with the postman, come on, postman, come on, yes, there's a bag for parcels , postman, let's check the postman, let's check, guys. reason, reason wins, that's right , karim, just don't rush , please, let's talk about your magician, don't, you know who, dudes, there is an idea, people, and dudes who transport money, collectors,
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collectors or collection vehicles, and a bag for money , money bag, wait for it, profession. the collector is checked by people who work with money, so, who needs a bag at work, santa claus, a janitor, a collector, a postman and two more lines, of course, so let's go, okay, let's go, okay, let's go, maybe. why do the builders need a bag there? construction construction bag for bringing construction waste to the animator, they are jumping in bags version builder, builder, try, builder, check, we have this answer, but it would be
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below the scoreboard, it is on the eighth line, and the eighth, but there was, there was, it was the sound of my awareness that i had to answer now. ready, you are hedgehog, yes, hedgehog, hedgehog, i'll send you the link later, combed, it's a mushroom for hair, i understand, okay, come on, it turned out beautifully, thank you, and oh-oh-oh-oh, loader, loader, loader, loader, a hard-working guy, we check, he’s a loader, he’s rushing, he’s putting, he’s dragging, but excuse me! so, well, gentlemen animators , you have a chance, the order is as follows, i give you each the opportunity to give your answer and then the captain gives a general answer, version, pastry chef, pastry bag, this, the cashier puts something in bags, packs the purchase ,
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it happens, but here’s a bag, we only had two options so far, so we can check, let’s think again, maybe a packer, packer, packer, he’s with a bag anyway. he's packing something, of course he's packing it, let's have the cashier try it, so let's have a packer, a confectioner or a cashier, we have two pastry chefs or a cashier, is it necessary for a suif , we decide everything, you decide why i'm for the cashier, i'm also for the cashier, the two of us, the team, decided for kasila i will not be a cashier for 30 years, we check the cashier, we check, well, the seller is like that. yes, yes, here is our knowledge about the rules of the game end, they end, what should happen next, and i’m telling you, you won, yes, that’s it,
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and this line will show the participants in today’s game that they are not expanding their consciousness enough, before answering the question, look at the sixth line, we in that direction. there was, there was an option, there was an option, in which register this is a profession, excuse me, they say at work, it doesn’t say profession, farmer, so, who needs a bag at work, santa claus artist 26, janitor cleaner 25, farmer, peasant , agronomist 12, collector 10, postman 6, robber, criminal, four 67 points, leaves, simple. ordinary game , improvisation theater, you watch 100 to
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one, we have a double game ahead, it seems like grown-up children, but i still dream of a gift, new episodes, what could be nicer, sklefosovsky, new episodes, from monday on rtr we collected the first a group of about ten people, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this cereal to the shelter, saying: baby, feed the dogs. lend a helping hand, olga and i decided
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that we needed to take the guys in, i came across such people, caring, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you , what you do is simply amazing, monday through thursday. on rtr, alisa, i have character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult, well, i can handle it, my daughter, my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how you all got me, and you break something, take it easy, i hate you, it’s clear, you are my dad stole, hit me in the face, are you a dekar? also a man, dad! allaganova, no one except us will protect alice,
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vladislav reznik, you will live with your mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid gromov, and don’t sue hotly, that’s how i i can move on with my life, i can’t forgive you, i hate my dad, but it will pass, it just takes time, all winds blow against evil, premiere on saturday on rt. those who want to stay in the know are watching the week's program, a program for advanced people, the week's show with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr, replace me at work with danilov, easy bro, anna , when i was little, i dreamed of meeting a prince, this is... my fiancé , this is my brother anton,
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now i have to understand who i slept with and who i married, without love, on friday on rtr, on the air 100 to one, funny quiz, we have a double game, all points are multiplied by two. in order to play, we invite the second numbers of the teams, please, to the table. so, hello, hello, good morning , good morning, so, attention to the question, sorry, we haven’t asked the question yet, we can agree that i will be the first to click, but i won’t know the answer , it’s a good idea, but maybe i’ll be a little first ? refuses to make this
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or that decision, as now, and he cannot rely on any serious, weighty arguments; in this or that situation, his inner world and his the inner feeling of what it carries, so that it is more popularly known as, well, this is intuition, intuition, let’s check the intrigue, this is the heart, the heart. nikolay, what helps a person make a decision, let’s answer super logically, let’s a hint prompts a person, prompts, a hint checks,
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let’s check, and we didn’t even prompt him, absolutely, he himself gives the following without a hint: answer, hint, check, yes , there is such an answer, on the verge, anastasia, this can happen when we buy something for medications, for example, instructions, instructions, check the instructions, there is such an answer, well , it’s difficult, let’s help karim, knowledge, knowledge, because knowledge is power, dude. listen, maybe the brain, the head, something else there, like there are two two resources, look, there is intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, yes, well, that’s all you have for your character, knowledge, power, knowledge, power, knowledge , mind, knowledge, mind , mind, knowledge, mind or knowledge, mind or knowledge, karim, knowledge, knowledge, you mean
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the speed of information processing, no, what will reach me is four, four correct answer, i'm dizzy, so , i have a version, uh, that sometimes the conscience can tell, oh, that's interesting, what is it, do you like it, if, if this answer helps destroy them, then go ahead, well, i answer the conscience , conscience
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, we check in conscience, answer according to your conscience, ruslan, so, yes , gathered, gathered, gathered, a most difficult philosophical question, the team of the improvisation theater copes brilliantly, so far without a single mistake, but of course, it will not open the third line, this often happens , i want to ask you, thank you for your support, i want you ask right now for permission to express your version, which i really like, and you will repeat the question, and i will immediately give an answer. what does a navigator tell a person how to act? oh, let's check, okay, wait
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, i would call this applause liquid, a popular answer like how to act , beat off the search engine and say maybe it's possible that he tells us - this is wrong, but we are already in his power, that's how i am now in the power of this answer, we're checking internet, check, check, come on, i was sure the internet didn’t go through, internet, no trust the internet, i became a victim of the internet, you are for this vote,
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intuition, heart, 30 people answered. confidence maybe, experience 11, instructions seven, conscience five, advice, hint, four, on the third line, something very important, yeah, but my version is like this, i think it’s possible with the heart, yes, we already have such an answer, and with the mind, they still say, this is how you made a decision with your heart or mind, i am for reason, will and reason, maria, and i think
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that you can try the horoscope, alina, i am also inclined that after all, through there is a heart the process is up and down, where all this is processed by information, which i hope, more often than not, most people make conscious , informed decisions with their head, head, mind, and by what do we mean? yes, we open the third line, the cannon, the cannon
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started talking about once, so, oddly enough, when making decisions , the mind or head is still in third place, 13267, the animators are ahead of the improvisation theater, it was a double game, we have ahead. triple game, you are watching 100 to one, triple game, on the air 100 to one, i invite you here to the table, third team numbers, fields, fields, fields, turn on your intuition. experience, because the question, question, question concerns young mothers, finish the sentence of the young mother, we will buy this particular stroller, because it is, i am the first, no,
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nikolai is the first, but how so, well, let's, because it is comfortable, because it’s comfortable, the answer is accepted, we check, it’s convenient, yes, this comes first, let’s go back. in short, if you are not a mother yet, then you can say beautiful, that is, you think that you will buy beautiful things, and then when you are faced with reality, you buy we named practical, convenient, we have options, beautiful, folding, with wheels
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, well, what a beautiful one, yes, we are still for a beautiful stroller, well, well, beautiful, we check there is such a fourth line for beautiful strollers , we will repeat, i have an option, yes, shine a light , dude, then we advise we advise which it folds because it folds folding folding we check, that’s it, we started digging in depth, we go to the top again, well, what would the man answer, ruslan, we will buy this particular stroller, because it is flexible, let’s compact, cheap, i i think it’s these men you asked, like why are we buying it, and they ’re like, it’s cheap, and maybe with a cup holder.
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that it is compact, we check, we check , compact, navigator, nikolai, kolya, come on, how do we buy this particular stroller, because it is, okay, i saved this answer for last, but in order for us to delay ours now, speak, speak, speak , light,
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stroller, because because i like it, yes, i agree, yes, i trust you, because i like it, we check, i like it, yes, you definitely like it, e , it was super, karim, karim, come on, everything is fine, you and i, this is the most non-empty line you won’t guess, it’s beautiful at a discount, this is why, this is some kind of, look, in -first of all, i'm just asking you logically now.
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we will buy this particular stroller because it is for twins, no, it is accepted, please , we lose one point, no, that’s it, we have 200, we understand,
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lines, it was a triple game, we have a game ahead, on the contrary, you are looking at 100 to one , today i drank c2 h5oh, sat down on the nibu, sat down mash, i have more than seventy accordions, the first time i loved, some song that really brought you back to life, there’s one like that. the tsigans are coming, tsigani tova, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, today on rtr, try it on, thank you, it suits you very well, well, like your new boss, he’s very cool, as if these 12 years never happened,
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i’m so i missed you, we won’t separate again, you have to settle your unfaithful wife, this is our sony business, personal, you understand me, i want everything to be without torment, we’ll arrange where the photo client is, i you i understood correctly, absolutely , there are no tears visible in the rain, today at the rta the floor is trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different
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functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are hitting through region, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes. “i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after after dismantling, many things will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, today on rtr. who will be in charge of the operation? dr. bragin, if you don't mind. premiere at rta. the city falls asleep,
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the mafia wakes up. 11 friends of bragin. this is an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events. the main thing is how they dig you. they will dig up, there is time for a friend, i need to cry, well, things don’t seem to be going well for us, you can stay with the children, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, i’m here, help, please make her stand up, who did he say , that we are doctors, and you are not doctors, i am a plumber, and he is sick, it’s still clear to you, dear colleagues, you are saboteurs, the eleventh season of your favorite series, what needs to be done, hurray! moreover, sklefosovsky’s reason. from monday. narter. you are watching 100 to one we have a most interesting
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game between the animator team and the improvisation theater team. now the game is in reverse, where you can make up 240 points if. guess the sixth line, that is, the most unpopular answer, and for the most popular we we get only 15 points, attention, andersen's most famous fairy tale, 20 seconds, kolobok stopudov, i'm telling you kolobok, damn it, just the name of fairy tales, right? hans christian andersen. animators answer first. glass all the time, teams to the table. teams to the table. teams to the table. konstantin. your
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answer. andersen's fairy tale. you know, they didn’t read fairy tales to me as a child, but i hope they read them to kirill. but you are animators. but that doesn't mean anything. and we think it is. nils, nils and, nils is accepted, your version, the most unpopular, was only read by if possible, kolobok, what are you just , he just introduced himself, he’s just ruslan morozov, well, give me another version, please, what other versions did andersen have, which one wouldn’t be named yet, he wrote cinderella, who is the cinderella of some dwarves . the little mermaid and nils' journey with the little
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geese, we check that on the first line, what is andersen's most famous fairy tale , the bun should have been, no one knows, some of you know, i just can tell you a different version then. i don’t even know if he wrote this or not, but my heart tells me that this is a little boy, maybe, well, this is probably the most famous queen, he wrote , and maybe the snow queen, snow queen, yes snow queen, open the first line, snow queen, open the second line, it’s me, open the third line,
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so, we have a big game, some of you have to stay in the studio, someone goes into a dark, scary room where you can’t hear what ’s going on in the studio, who am i coming back, okay or not, sorry, please, please , please, great. christmas trees, damn it, nikolai, kolya,
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together you must answer five questions , each separately, if possible, score 200 points, then you will receive the main prize of our program, and if you don’t score, it won’t work, and i’ll tell you how to score them, you need to answer five questions for 20 seconds, you're ready, yes, let's go. in which store window are there mannequins? clothes. what is charitable? fund. reptile - who is this? lizard. what do they sell in tubes? pasta. what mushrooms should you not eat? lovely. please come here, we are checking your answers. so, the first question was in which store window there are mannequins. you said a clothing store and just like you answered 49
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respondents to the second i hope 51 and we, well, yes, it happens that it can be charitable you said the foundation so answered 37 people not bad reptile - who did you say lizard or ex two options was or ex well, let's assume whatever. lizard and the same thing 28 people answered this way, more than 100 points, but how do you understand whether the answer is good or not bad, mm, good is 49, a little worse 37, even worse 28, i understood you, that they sell in tubes, you said paste, paste, carbonara, carbonara, perhaps even, how many answered the same...
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ilyukh, you don’t have to go out, sit there, now we, now we’ll pull it out, 39, this is serious , what mushrooms you can’t eat, you said fly agaric and also answered, 29 people, or i’m just now five times navigator, navigator, navigator, not bad, not bad, not bad, it happens, it happens, it happens, i ask you, return to the team. we are waiting for ilya, ilya, come out to us, what were you listening to? nagovitsina? congratulations, thank you. hello. kind morning. good morning. i ask you here, to this point. yes. i have a message for you. the maximum number of points you need to score in this competition is 200. your friend scored. 182. please answer how much
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you have left to collect. 18 points. it's already 16. attention, you have 30 seconds. in which store window are there mannequins? sports. what is charitable? ah, the fund. promotion. reptile. who is this? this is a lizard. this is a reptilian. what do they sell in tubes? pasta, food for astronauts. what mushrooms should you not eat? crested hedgehog. thank you, thank you, we will check yours answers. so, in which store window are there mannequins? your friend nikolai said the clothes scored 49 points. you said sports. and... and also nine people answered, 13
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people answered lingerie, what happens to be charitable, you said? it was a beautiful game, who is this? lizard, said nikolai, 28, this is the most popular answer, good answer, there are 14 of you, a crocodile answered, how many people answered,
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reptilian, zero, zero, don’t you read educational literature? two questions and six points left, and one nervous one the cage they sell in tubes, there could be six astronauts here, please, 39 people, for the sake of the arrow squirrel, 16 people answered, just paint, how many people answered, food for the astronauts.
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nikolai gave this answer, an excellent answer, 25 people answered, toadstools, how many people answered combed hedgehog. the intrigue is crazy, it was a wonderful game, well done, we fought today, a wonderful, talented improvisation theater, well done, wonderful team, animators, come to us again, you watched 100 to one, this is a fun quiz. what is your gang’s plan, and my buddies
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will take the cash register for lenin today even without me, and how many of you are there, so that i, lyokha volk, can tell you that at 18:30 they will stab her, but never. “you can change your passport, the kids ruined it for me, but everything is fine, then the whole day is just about your children, i’m saying, the children ruined everything for me, dear mothers, whose child smells like dior, if it’s from the new collection, then it’s mine, let’s run , when you give me the twenty, okay, take it, good day, you ’re at this morning...” i have to work another week, honestly to work off, you need a bag, yes , you need one t-shirt, no, don’t take the t-shirts, they will break from us, thank you very much, but they don’t always break, oh they tear, they tear, stories of a big country on friday on rtr, nikita, you
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’re marrying i'm over 3000, half a million? million, i want a family, but a real one, not a fictitious one, i fell in love with your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what did you arrange for the deputy, i agree, a million is out of the question, listen, antokh, it’s not the same, listen, brother, live your life, don’t interfere with mine, come on bye, are you twins, what? moreover, fall in love with the lord. oh, granny , i can’t hide anything from you, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took him off, congratulations, you’re pregnant, without love, on friday on rtr, late in the evening. don’t be scared,
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they are good, kind, but our program will show big politics from unexpected angles, where did they send you? the president, the main emotions, this week for all time, and also how to find out the phone number, everything, i am me, yes, the minister, and the most interesting shots weeks, dear friends, let's go, because the heads of state will go here now, they not only went. well, let's go , he gets behind the wheel, all the security services know what to do in such situations, this week we will also see, we will show more than
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others, we will do it, i am not against it, i am for it. moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. hello, this is news from alexander efremov’s studio. briefly about the main topics of our issue. hymers shells hit a bakery and a cafe, and ukrainian militants shelled lesechansk. 20 dead, under the rubble may there will be more people. heavy losses on the front line from above.


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