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tv   Mestnoe vremya  RUSSIA1  February 4, 2024 8:00am-8:36am MSK

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or we will also see, we will show more than others, we will do it, i’m not against it, i’m for it. moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. hello, this is news. in the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. hymers shells hit a bakery and cafe. shelling of lesechansk by ukrainian militants. 20 dead. there may be more people under the rubble. large losses of the ukrainian armed forces on the front line, over 6.00 militants were destroyed in the special operation zone in a week. new data from the contact line. the waves are crashing. water
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flooded beaches, storm in baltic kaliningrad region, in norway, the wind knocks pedestrians to the ground, cars cannot pass due to snow drifts. torv burns even in thick snow in thirty-degree frost. in the vertlovsk region, it is eliminating outbreaks that have been smoldering since last summer. kyiv terrorists attacked lesichansk. in the lugansk people's republic , a city bakery was targeted. the strike was allegedly caused by the hymers multiple launch rocket system. the shells hit the buildings in the middle of a work shift. at this moment , out of twenty dead, 10 more people are known to have been saved. about twenty may be under the rubble. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations are working on the spot, dismantling the rubble and inspecting the destroyed building using special equipment. we are near the building. in bakeries combined
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with a cafe, day off, saturday, after the work week, residents of gorodchansk came to the cafe to relax with their family, eat cake, at that moment - another terrorist attack claimed the lives of our citizens, today the government of the ulgan people's republic, employees the ministry of emergency situations provides all the assistance that is necessary for sorting out the rubble, our most important thing is... to save the lives of those people who are stuck with us. the russian army has carried out 37 group strikes on military targets in ukraine since the beginning of this week. according to the ministry of defense, the targets were decision-making centers, military-industrial complex enterprises, airfields, arsenals and fuel bases of the armed forces of ukraine, as well as points of deployment of foreign mercenary fighters. all assigned targets are hit. this is how a total clearing of territories is carried out for the further advancement of our troops. strikes on live b. and
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the ukrainian armed forces are strengthened by night hunters and mi-28n helicopters. unguided rockets fly straight to the target. over the course of a week, russian air defense aircraft shot down 20 american guided missiles, a jadem smart bomb, fifty rockets and about 400 attack drones. the number of destroyed western weapons and special equipment is growing. over the past week, seven launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems were hit. including 5 s-300, samp - made in france, as well as irist made in germany. in addition, three were affected radio stations from the norwegian-made nasams interactive complex, two radars of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system, one radio station of the irist anti-aircraft missile complex, manufactured in germany, as well as six ammunition depots of the ukrainian armed forces.
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the enemy lost a man in a week in a special operation zone with an advanced report from our military correspondent grigory vdovin. it so happened that russian artillery systems are named after flowers, this geocinth is a delicate flower, a formidable weapon. target coordinates received it is located at a distance of approximately 30 km from this point. geocind, a powerful weapon, shoots far. this artillery crew has been fighting together for a long time. all commands are understood perfectly, everyone has their place, we have a friendly team, people have a variety of professions and repairmen, automobile workshops, and what did you do before the war, i studied before the war, could you imagine yourself in such a capacity? no, i didn’t know that sooner or later i would become a military man or a platoon commander, i studied to become a master of refrigeration and compressor machines, the shells are dispersed throughout the area, of course you can’t keep them all together and no one
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is doing this... and doesn’t, the counter-battery efforts of the enemy’s attempts should not even theoretically be rewarded, they are ethyl fuglas , the bf59 is a newer development, they fly an order of magnitude further than.. the twenty-ninth are shells of an older type, which means there is a greater opportunity to hit enemy equipment at a longer distance. some people here are fighting first in the northern military district, but there are also many veterans, those who stood up to defend their native land so far away, now fourteenth year. i worked in a taxi , was engaged in construction, worked in security , i went to serve at the age of 35, in the fourteenth year, i didn’t serve urgently, well, it happened , you see, the situation turned upside down, i and many like me had to, who... did not imagine themselves with weapons in their hands, opponents with their behavior do not deserve at least a hint of respect from us. the enemy, instead of the same counter-battery fight, began to fire at the city, and the city began to fire chaotically, well, to me it’s like when you drive a rat into a corner, it starts to bite
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, and that’s how it works, their main sponsor is the united states of america, i hope that their funding will be cut off, and accordingly, the shortage of ammunition will become more specific, and of course... the latest press, a military newspaper for the military and children's letters from school 125 to the first b-grade, one of the first graders definitely managed to make his message non-standard, and so that you don't get bored, here's an anecdote: in a restaurant, a visitor asks the waiter, tell me, do you have a wild duck, no, but for you we can ripen the home. grigory vdovin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev, andrey rudenko, news from the donetsk people's republic.
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food, gasoline generators, logs and concrete slabs to strengthen dugouts. in the area of ​​deployment of the third automobile company of the first donetsk army corps, it is now forming the next cargo for the delivery of military-technical equipment to the front lines of the defense of donetsk. in an autoroute
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, every driver, as well as a mechanic, can make repairs in the field. everything is being fully worked out. plus up there is even technical service for a car. is on a flight, something happened, everything needs to be done immediately along the way, that is, we even have a maintenance team, a department that immediately goes to the point where the car stopped and takes all the necessary spare parts. evgeniy has been fighting since 2014, he started with the militia, together with other drivers of the third automobile company, participated in the capture of mariupol, and delivered infantry to the front line. before each departure, the technical condition is checked transport. means, cars always pass , the cars are serviced, the route is laid out in advance, the routes are safe, when you always need an escort, the people's field kitchen bakes its own bread and fully provides the military personnel with food. we
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are in the field, as you can see, that is, here is our equipment on which we prepare lunch, breakfast, dinner for our comrades, that is, we feed our soldiers. between trips , personnel are on duty in such underground barracks, all equipment is dispersed under camouflage canopies in forest belts. at a considerable distance from each other. after the formation of the column, the next batch of cargo is sent to the front, taking into account safety; the journey will take several days. stanislav nazarov, viteley godonovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. the chorus of zelensky critics is growing in ukraine. the statement of a career ukrainian military man is being discussed on the internet. he constantly has to be pulled back. according to the american press, the resignation of another critic of the government, general zaluzhny, was discussed by the president’s office directly with the white house. more details,
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vitaly kormazin. things are so bad between zelensky and zaluzhny that today the commander-in-chief was not even invited to zelensky’s meeting with the military, and how can they look at each other now if it has become known. that the president of ukraine asked biden for permission to dismiss the commander-in-chief. zelensky has not yet issued an official decree announcing zaluzhny’s resignation and it is unknown when this might happen. states, as the most powerful military political patron of ukraine. according to sources of the famous american journalist seymour hirsh, if zelensky gets out of hand, washington has a plan b, to remove him, and the visit of us deputy secretary of state victoria to kiev is just proof of this. seymour hirsh confirms rumors from ukraine that washington has developed a plan to overthrow zelensky. the next few weeks are going to be interesting. while ordinary soldiers are complaining to journalists that all
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20 western tanks delivered turned out to be faulty and there are not enough shells, nsdc secretary danilov promises to push back demilitarized zone to moscow and st. petersburg. and such delusional statements from politicians greatly irritate the military. vlad doesn't want to. the authorities do nothing. the authorities do not want victory in this war. the authorities only think about political ratings, think about winning elections or prolonging the war, because... former president poroshenko, in an interview with the figaro newspaper, assures that ukraine is in a deep crisis due to the fault of the authorities. the government has put rose-colored glasses on people, they are led to believe that the ukrainian army is doing a good job, they they make us believe that at the end of summer we will drink tea in crimea. and it seems that even in the west they don’t believe in these promises. polish president duda saddened ukrainians with a historical fact. crimea. i don’t know whether ukraine will return crimea. i hope that donetsk-lugansk will return, but crimea is a special place for historical
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reasons, because in fact, if we look historically, it was russian territory most of the time. yulia tymoshenko has bad news for ukrainians. she shakes the new mobilization bill, accusing president and government in the deliberate destruction of the ukrainian nation. this is the same scandalous law, its new version is even more repressive. it’s time that boats take shelter from the wind in ports, communication with villages is cut off, how long will the storm rage, marina
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naumova found out. a storm is raging in the baltic, a high wave, even near the shore, it has flooded all the beaches of resort towns, now it is flooding the summer terraces, all small-size beaches are prohibited from going out to sea, the bays are prohibited, ships are moored and waiting for the weather to improve, the schedule is being adjusted. residents of the region should stay away from the building and advertising structures, and not leave their cars under the trees, but some tourists specifically came to the sea. i’ve been coming here very often since i was 18, and somehow i haven’t seen anything like this before, but now it’s not 5, but there are definitely 2 already. for thrill-seekers , stormy gusts of wind do not bother them; huge
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waves with columns of spray delight them . those who want to feel the full power of the elements now come to baltiysk, it is incredibly beautiful here, but it is not safe to go out onto the northern pier. in the baltic fleet assault readiness signal number one is in effect. bad weather affected the combat training plan of the formation and fleet units, and the kaliningrad zoo would have to. storm winds will not subside in the region until monday. marina naumova, evgeniy bekish, alexander naumov, elizaveta berezkina, conduct the kaliningrad region. norway is in the grip of the worst snow storm in 30 years. wind gusts 50 m/s. knocks people off their feet, journalists from local
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channels, instead of a reporter’s stand, the so-called stand-up, take a pose in the frame lying down, it’s a real test for drivers just to get to their cars. those who managed to do so were stuck on roads littered with snowdrifts and fallen trees. herod was enveloped in an impenetrable white sawn. 1300 people without electricity are carried away from the piers into the sea by moored ships. there are massive flight cancellations at airports. meanwhile, a state of emergency has been declared in chile due to the fire. shades, during the day the streets became suddenly dark, several residential buildings burned down, there is information about 46 dead, about 30 more people were taken to hospitals with burns, evacuation began population, if you want to live in the uk,
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say that you are a christian, a reminder from smugglers for illegal immigrants to the public. english police are hunting a thirty-five-year-old afghan man. abdul shakur izedi is suspected of brutally attacking a young woman and her children. the crime took place on wednesday evening right here, in a quiet residential area in south london, although many migrants who have settled in the uk live in the neighboring houses. these footage shows how a criminal gets behind the wheel of a car and tries to run over a standing there is a woman in front of him. before doing this, he threw an alkaline solution in her face. the poisonous liquid fell on the woman’s two daughters, the youngest of whom is 3 years old and older than 8 years old. those who were the first to rush to help the victims received chemical burns. i was just trying
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to help, i did everything i could, and i don’t even know how, but something came over me. in the hospital , i saw that my leg... had turned black, it was some kind of sticky acid, i don’t know what it was, a total of 12 people were injured, among them the police who arrived at the scene, the suspect himself received a burn to the face, this can be seen on still images of cctv recordings, the pictures were taken about an hour after the attack, already in north london, this recording shows how the suspect runs away from the scene of the attack and falls. abdul, you have a very serious wound, you need medical attention. do the right thing, give up. the thirty-one-year-old woman who was the victim of the attack remains in hospital in critical condition. the remaining victims, including children, had less serious injuries. to britain abdul izedi moved illegally in 2016. he managed to receive a suspended sentence here for a crime of a sexual nature. the authorities denied him asylum twice, but he was eventually
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granted it. to obtain documents, izedi converted to christianity. support of the church of england. many migrants use this loophole. vicars are accused of persuading refugees to play along with the immigration system and helping hundreds of muslims renounce islam and pray to stay in britain. it turned out that the smugglers used social networks, to persuade migrants to convert to christianity to gain british citizenship. one of these publications in arabic depicts jesus and says that finding god will help you succeed in obtaining asylum in the shortest possible time with the least cost. 2 years ago, a terrorist attack in liverpool was carried out by syrian refugees; he blew himself up near a women's hospital. likewise, this man received asylum in england by declaring himself a christian. where all those who are supposed to decide questions about visas, passports or other documents look, they must
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to know whether those to whom they are issuing papers have committed crimes or not; perhaps they have already been arrested. the crimes in london are not completely clear, what is known is that the attacker and his victim were close, and there is a suspicion that he acted deliberately. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, lead great britain. prince pozharsky will strengthen the combat potential of the russian navy and strengthen our country’s nuclear shield for the coming decades. the newest nuclear submarine was launched in severodvinsk. then, as a strategic missile carrier leaves the factory floor, observed. capable. almost 170 meters of nuclear power of a submarine cruiser appeared from the elling. prince pozharsky: the crown of military technology, this is his team, which is ready to defend the interests of our state anywhere in the world. during the ceremony, the ship's commander breaks
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a bottle of champagne at the stern. atomoh prince pozharsky is the eighth in the fourth series of submarines. and deliver from six to ten warheads with nuclear weapons that are able to overcome any missile defense system. having launched groznoye weapon. bareus immediately sinks to depth, only to then reappear at another point in the ocean. all the shortcomings that were present on the first ships have been taken into account, all the equipment and weapons have been verified, so its uniqueness is that it is... the eighth, the eighth, can you imagine, the eighth, well, the plant continues the series, the smelting shop, so in the new domestically produced furnaces, create
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high-carbon steel, the world's best alloys for the hull of nuclear-powered ships, the sevmash machine shop uses russian machines, here you can cut parts with an accuracy of 1/4 mm, the good news is that you understand that we have a lot of work, the program is huge for a decade. prince pozharsky, before entering the train, the train was improved according to all the wishes of the military. knowledge, experience, skills, working hands, of course, soul and heart. on board prince pozharsky there are ultra-modern torpedoes, navigation systems, radio-technical and hydroacoustic weapons at the launch ceremony of the missile carrier, a special design hides the aft part with it and parts of the water-jet propulsion unit, which provides the necessary fourth submarines. after after repeated testing, this noise will officially become an important part of the country's nuclear balance. oleg pasobin, anton kalimovsky, conduct
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the arkhangelsk region. last year, russians made almost 80 million tours around the country; demand for domestic tourism exceeded pre-covid levels. this was discussed at the russia exhibition; there is an extensive business and entertainment program. details from anastasia litvinova. at the tver region stand there is a full-size high-speed train cabin, in which everyone can feel like a driver. and after a little training lesson to rush to tver at maximum speed, watching virtual landscapes outside the window. today at the russia forum is tourism day, travel time. inside this spaceship, anyone can sit at the control panel and be transported to bashkartastan to see its achievements of beauty and visit virtual ones. and this is the yaroslavl region, a new tourist route is being launched here, the small golden ring of russia. pereslavl, rostov, the village of vyadskoye,
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tutaev, rybensk, myshkin, uglich, this is how we have already made the road so that it is good road. a very interesting program for guests, regions show and talk about new destinations for recreation and travel, vouchers are raffled off at almost every stand, and experts are today discussing how to increase tourism. the potential of the entire country, our call to the regions is, of course, to create more complex, more comprehensive products, it is important that it is not just a tourist who arrives there for a day, but a weekend leaver from moscow villages, it is important that we formulate a trip. the popularity of traveling within russia attracts this market and new investors. at the forum today , an agreement was concluded on the construction of new cable car lines at the arkhys ski resort, all equipment will be supplied by a russian manufacturer, business felt it. that all the support measures that are provided give him the opportunity to shorten the return on investment horizon, so they actively began to invest money, well, the second question
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is our sovereignty, since companies essentially produce and sell equipment that is needed for the tourism industry in our country. this year the tourist flow russia grew by 20% to 78 million people. we see great prospects for tourism, we see that the state today... has adopted a number of programs that support and develop the tourism industry in all areas. moscow, st. petersburg, krasnaya polyana, and the black sea coast are still leaders. if there is a paradise in the world, this is the krasnodar region. but more and more new destinations are appearing on the tourist map of our country. this is tyvakh, akasia, krasnoyarsk territory, this is sakhalin, the dream of many. the country is large, incredibly beautiful, all in one vacation. not you will see, but at the russia exhibition there is an opportunity to try and choose a lot, steer a nuclear icebreaker, sit in a tent made of deer skins, before they looked away, yes, now we are starting to look at everything, but for
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the real northern lights you still need to go not to vdnkh, and beyond the arctic circle. anastasia litvinova, yana streblyanskaya, nikita korneev and mikhail vikulin. news. vesti monitors developments in russia and abroad. stay with us. he's the only one. well, not me, of course, but sklif one day before the long-awaited meeting. sklifosofsky, new series, in monday on rtr.
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did they say who? i asked him not to talk, the main thing is that he is healthy. let's see on the weekend. we're having twins, girls. what
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kind of girls did you promise me that there would be a son, oh , when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife yet, i will pay any money before it’s too late , do a good deed, i have to share, and where is the second girl, me i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i keep thinking, well, how can it be that we’ve got a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles, and... “she’s completely different, her character is not similar to either you or leroy, our son will be all like you, olga is deceiving you, and don’t you think that this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, on saturday rtr
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, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are leaving this room completely without faces, we are creating three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans in front of...
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replace me at work with danilov, easy bro, anna, when i was little, i dreamed of meeting a prince, this is my fiancé, this is my brother anton, now i just need to understand who i slept with and for whom got married, without love, on friday on rta , on the air, we continue to broadcast in the republic of el salvador, they introduced prohibition and a regime of silence on the eve of the presidential elections, which will take place today and can change
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american contemporary art, very an interesting installation about latin america politics, and probably about politics in general , here we are sitting in the auditorium, but suddenly a podium appears, our podium is like... you see, no one is speaking, it turns out that people are speaking, but what kind of people are they? still without faces? a violation of human rights, some believe , others, those who came to el salvador for the recent miss universe competition, president najib bukeli positions himself as a savior; according to the constitution , he could not immediately win a second term, but in december he resigned technically.
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the us federal reserve is not neither the federal nor the reserve, that's right, they print money, they steal your wealth and your savings, and this is immoral. president bukeli’s decision to legalize cryptocurrency in the country in parallel with the us dollar is something that has caused trepidation throughout the entire system. success is indeed relative, but one more thing: the marti national liberation front, this left front and human rights activists, of course, the traditional rightists in the person of the arena party
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have not been able to do anything about crime before, and on the eve of tomorrow’s elections they are indignant. that is, don’t let the company of intimidation paralyze you, it’s about those who disappeared, whose disappearance from the street has reduced crime significantly, and the paradox is that according to polls on the eve of tomorrow’s elections, the majority, completely democratic, are ready to give up the rights of the minority in the name of security . there's a lot to think about. sergey brilyov, alexey kalach and evgeny makarov, news from latin america. in the sverdlovsk region, near the village of solnechny , a peat bog is being extinguished, but the fire at depth is not being interfered with. severe frosts and no snow cover, with the help 12 drone outbreaks have already been found, the nearest one was only half a kilometer from the village, how is the fight against the smoldering threat going? report by kiril bortnikov: such fireplaces, smoking even from under the thickness of the snow
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, cannot cope with thirty-degree frosts - this is a consequence of large-scale summer fires, when the middle urals were literally suffocating, then in the berezovsky region not all the fires were extinguished by the peat bogs, it supports itself and can easily survive the winter go out. in the spring, and here it’s only 400 meters to the nearest houses, and between this fireplace and the houses there’s a coniferous forest, but scientists and experts from the ural airbase were the first in the world to find a way to combat the seemingly immortal elements. bulldozers literally open up smoldering peat deposits layer by layer, and so they work on an area of ​​6 hectares. we dig up the ochak in half a meter layer, remove it layer by layer and distribute it over the surface, everything will cool down. the chemical reaction will stop and this source of peat fire will be eliminated. it is important to evenly distribute the smoking hot peat over the surface, then it is guaranteed to cool down in a few hours. the operation of the equipment is monitored from the air using, among other things, a thermal imaging camera. this is
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what a destroyed fire looks like. copters also help detect new outbreaks. through the smoke we can see an open fire, but now in cold weather he can perfectly see these fires from a great distance there . half a kilometer from a kilometer, it is impossible to miss the source of smoldering against the background of snow thanks to the thermal imaging camera, here are the red dots - this is most likely the source, now we will fly closer, if there is a sound signal, we it’s just a misfire that it should work above 0°, because it’s cold now. an alarm signal confirms the assumption, after which specialists go to the place, luck is here, you can get there on foot, but more often than not, smoke comes out from... under the snow in difficult places. it is at that point that the temperature rises to 230. the next task is to determine the actual area and depth of the underground fire. to do this, use a special thermometer probe. in this job.


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