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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 4, 2024 5:00pm-5:50pm MSK

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he gets behind the wheel himself, all the security services know what to do in such situations, this week we will also see, we will show more than others, we will do it, i’m not against it, i’m for it. moscow, the kremlin, putin, look at rtr today. the united states is moving toward dual power; half of the american states declare support for the rebellious texas. this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev. good evening, watch now. the strategic initiative is ours, but the enemy does not give up. what's on the front now? our military officers. while some
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were throwing manure, others were using blackmail and threats, europe knows what this phrase on monuments in hungary is about, everything is changing, this is hungary with the territories separated from it, the ukrainian transcarpathia, why it is possible to beat the olympic champion from russia.
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today a day of mourning has been declared in lisichansk, lugansk people's republic. the day before, the ssu carried out an artillery strike on the city bakery. there were civilians inside the collapsed building. throughout the night, despite the risk of a second attack, the ministry of emergency situations carried out search and rescue operations. the number of victims is in the dozens. turns out to be saved health care. from lpr. mikhail ermishkin.
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we are in the lugansk republican clinical hospital, six residents of lesechansk who were injured by shelling by ukrainian armed forces militants were urgently brought here. now four of them are in the intensive care unit, in extremely serious condition, two are in serious condition, four more victims are undergoing outpatient treatment, all are receiving qualified assistance, 10 civilians were taken to a medical facility, all received medical assistance , four people are receiving treatment on an outpatient basis, six people were transferred overnight... four people are in extremely serious condition and are in intensive care. as a result of a ukrainian artillery missile strike on lestechansk, the building of the city bakery was completely destroyed, dozens of civilians were left inside under the rubble. as a result of shelling by the armed formations of ukraine in the city of lisichansko, lugansk people's republic, a two-story administrative building in which there were civilians collapsed. fire and rescue units of the ministry of emergency situations are at the scene russia. an examination is being carried out. clearing
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debris using special equipment. despite the threat of a second strike, rescuers carried out search operations all night using special equipment. as of the morning of february 4, 28 bodies of the dead were recovered from the rubble, of which 18 were men, nine women, one child, the administration of the head of the lpr reported. according to military investigators, ukrainian armed forces militants allegedly fired from the khaymars rszzo. the head of the lugansk people's republic leonid pasechnik declared february 4 a day of mourning for the victims of the shelling of lesechansk. now dismantled. about 65 destroyed structures - this was reported by the russian ministry of emergency situations. the search for victims continues. putin constantly returns to this topic, finding new twists and turns. this time, to bring gunsmiths to the city of tula, the president of russia, addressing the participants of the “everything for victory” forum, came in.
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patriotism in business, the homeland needs active patriotism, look, if we don’t do anything, if we don’t protect our people in the donbass, now in the kherson region, there in zaporozhye, then in new russia, we won’t do anything, we won’t help, we’d abandon people in crimea, which is what our country would turn into in the end, decrepit, not self-sufficient, in fact. a country that no one wants, which everyone, with its presence of a large amount of natural resources, which everyone from the outside would pat patronizingly on the head and give us rotten potatoes as humanitarian
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aid, and at the same time would always think about what and how to chop off. putin is infectious with his confidence and explains everything in simple words, simpler nowhere. if we don't want to leave. a decrepit, useless country, we don’t want to doom our children to feel like second-class citizens, of course, we should not, under any circumstances, abandon our people either in the crimea there or in novorussia and the donbass, we must to make our country self-sufficient, if we think about the future, about what country our children will live in, what we will leave for them, this is all together, all together, love.
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a week later, the examination definitely established a lot, the plane was shot down, this has already been established exactly, the american system is a patriot , an examination has already established this, this is the first, second, the ukrainian authorities somewhere defended the phrase that they would like to conduct an international investigation, we ask for this, we insist that an international investigation be conducted. there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take this opportunity, officially say, we ask you to send international experts and conduct this analysis, evaluate the available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the system a patriot from a specific place - at a specific
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time at 11:10 two launches were made - from the territory controlled by the ukrainian authorities, so we ask that ... an international expert come. so, the bottom line is that a russian plane was shot down over russian territory, shot down by an american missile from the american patriot system. to understand what the patriot anti-aircraft missile system is, it is important to know only five points. on the fingers of one hand. first: patriot is not something you shoot from the shoulder. patriot is part missile defense systems at the army level. usa. second. patriot. modern development. the modernized complex was put into service in the 21st century. third. according to an open source, the price of one complex can reach up to 9 billion
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us dollars. fourth. the cost of launching one rocket is from 3 to 8 million dollars. it follows from all this. fifth, they charge the patri system, and also press the start button in it, the americans. ukrainians are not trusted here. if the americans shoot, then they do not receive the order from the ukrainians. i i don’t want to say that president biden, suffering from dementia, or from his hospital bed, secretary of defense lloyd austin, gave a direct order to shoot down a specific il-76 over russian territory. but what happened still means that the american military sent to kiev and those who are remotely waging war against russia against the ukrainians. a priori, broad powers were given, in fact a clanche. here you have a weapon
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with such and such characteristics and do whatever you want with it, without any restrictions, be it moral, geographical or political. you do not bear responsibility for the consequences; it is removed from you, since the scale of the possible consequences, as they say, is obviously not about your salary. as a result, no one is responsible. well, not on biden, they’ll write him a certificate right away, and not on lloyd osten, he’s still getting used to living without a prostate, he’s suffering a lot from urine and sexual complications, it’s clear where his thoughts are. what should russia do? let's imagine a mirror situation: on mexican territory, a russian officer shoots down a russian missile, an american military transport plane us territory. what's the reaction? it’s good that there are not nervous people sitting in the kremlin, thanks
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to putin personally for his restraint, we always first warn and explain for a long time, but for some reason in the usa they think that by quickly passing from one averton window to another and provoking russia more and more, this is for them further on it will get away with it, but where to stop then and what is the braking mechanism, if there are any left.
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in response to the evidence presented by the russian investigative committee that the il-76 was shot down for the republic of kazakhstan patriot, there is a ringing, self-exposing silence in the west. american officials remain silent, not knowing how to react. the newspapers that write about ukraine every day do not touch on such an obvious explosive topic. american agency associated press. there were only a few lines of confirmation from an anonymous source, moreover, in the french ministry of defense. a french military official told the associated press. the ministry of defense concluded that ukrainian forces used a battery of patriot surface-to-air missiles to shoot down an il-76, firing from a distance of approximately 50 km, about 30 miles. the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to disclose the intelligence findings, said that the ukrainian battery apparently managed to covertly approach the target, then... turn on the radar long enough to hit it. in the footage of the investigative committee from
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the il-76 crash site, a large fragment of an anti-aircraft missile stands out, an atypical orange color with a white stripe. here is an archived video of test launches of patri missiles in the usa. the color of their body is clearly visible, orange. and here is a rare detailed photograph of the rocket itself in the hangar. in 2014 the pentagon together with the manufacturer zairka. 10 years later, these weapons were found to be used differently and sent to ukraine, which carried out a terrorist attack. 116 fragments of bodies and mechanisms of two missiles were discovered. the seized fragments are clearly marked in english. based on the conclusion of examinations carried out during the investigation, they were seized from the scene. fragments, according to their design features, geometric characteristics and available
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markings, are structural elements of an anti-aircraft controlled missiles (mim-104)a of the us patriot complex. the exact name mam-104a suggests that the ukrainians had the very first version of the missile with which the patriot complex was first introduced in the eighties. length more than 5 m, speed more than thousand. second, which is 3 seconds faster than the speed of sound, the mass is about a ton, of which 91 kg is the warhead, when it explodes it releases a hail of destructive elements. il-76, en route from a check point near moscow.
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established the identities of all the victims, their burnt documents were found among the wreckage, the remains were identified not only by tattoos characteristic of ukrainian nationalists, but by dna profile. genetic material is necessarily taken from all prisoners. now moscow is insisting on an international investigation. russian president vladimir putin called for an international investigation into the disaster. he stated that the plane was shot down by us-made missiles. putin claims that there were two patriot missiles. an attempt in such circumstances to shield the kiev edition of cnn apparently looked so ridiculous that no more russian news and video footage appeared on the air, and no one willing to join the investigation was found. westerners
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are obviously afraid that it will lead to them . russia now already has a plan. black boxes, which confirmed the defeat of the plane for the irka patriot. fragments of the rocket were examined, spectrometers showed the presence of traces of hexogen with impurities of up to 10% of another explosive - octogen, which, by the way, was invented by the americans in the forties. there is a high probability that the americans were among those who launched missiles on the russian il-76. patriot is a very complex piece of equipment, a whole complex consisting of several modules. it was constantly modernized. the battery of this air defense system is served by 90 soldiers and officers, and of course, a lot of experience in practical shooting is needed. who exactly gave the criminal order and who opened fire remains to be seen, but the fact that the weapons used were from american territory controlled by the ukrainian armed forces is no longer in doubt. alexander khristenko, ilya korchuganov, lead the week. well, now the latest
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news from the special military operation zone, reports by our correspondents, ruslan bikbulatov, mikhail. in the area of ​​the settlement of spornoye, russian drones are brilliantly destroying ukrainian firing points, an ukrainian armed forces tank stopped in the field for a few seconds , and a guided artillery shell from the krasnopol complex immediately flew into it. the use of high-precision weapons increasingly decides the outcome of the battle, and this is footage of the successful group work of the k-52 attack helicopter crews, accompanied by two mivos. they cover the leader from the rear hemisphere and provide evacuation of the pilot in case of an emergency landing. the group successfully destroyed a ukrainian armed forces stronghold in the kupinsk area. and the army aviation crew on mi-28 night hunters attacked ukrainian positions in the donetsk direction. an air strike was carried out on an enemy platoon stronghold in order to
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support the advance of ground forces. stormtroopers have similar tasks. on a low level flight. at subsonic speed they approach enemy positions and launch a missile strike from a safe distance. received the task of defeating enemy personnel carried out take-off - exit to the target area, launch for arcing based on the report of the forward ground gunner, all targets were hit. even higher and further is the su-35. russian multi-role super-maneuverable fighter. it is capable of suppressing ukrainian air defense systems. for this purpose, the su-35 has. and it brings results. after the failure of the enemy’s counteroffensive, the russian armed forces retain the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact. our units are moving forward, expanding control zones, improving their position in
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front edge. as a result of the complex fire impact, the losses of the ukrainian armed forces over the past month. on the ground, the main striking force is represented by artillery systems, msta, acacia, tulip, geocinth; they are built at ural-transmash; over the past 2 years, production has increased sixfold. these self-propelled guns have been in service for a long time, but the troops are waiting for a new super-long-range coalition of ground forces. sergei shaigu stopped in the urals to check how modernization is going. there is a problem.
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and the sv coalition is really good, it hits at 70 km, nato self-propelled guns, those that use ukraine is losing badly, the urals have everything to speed up the production of new lard, like at the concern plant, where they produce caliber sea-based cruise missiles, work. what we have today is about engines, we are talking about adjustment - production of launchers.
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last week, the prisoner exchange resumed, interrupted after the ukrainian terrorist attack, when a russian il-76 military transport plane was shot down over the belgorod region, but a few days later negotiations resumed and 195 russian military personnel returned to their homeland. we were just waiting for this , i know that i have never had such feelings, this is our own land, our homeland is here, it’s very good, my daughter was born, of course, they call home and dream of meeting their relatives soon, in russia already, yes, just how are you doing, come on, come on, okay, that's it, that's it, don't cry, come on, everything's fine, that's it, let's kiss. so far in january, russian troops have carried out almost 130 strikes with precision weapons on the military infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces, taken several settlements , vesyoloye, krakhmalnoye, tabaevka, are under control
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, enemy attacks in the krasnolimansky, yuzhnodonetsk and zaporozhye directions are repelled , the intensity of the battles for avdievka is increasing, our military in the donetsk region faces the most important operational task, to eliminate the enemy bulge as soon as possible and thereby push back front line. from the capital of donbass. dmitry petrov, philip nazarov, lead the week. soviet-built concrete hangars in belogorovka, in which ukrainian militants are hiding, are being dismantled by artillerymen from the southern military district. we work every day, day and night, at any time. they said war means war. active military operations in donbass are taking place in all directions in krasnolimansky, seversky, artyomovsky and donetsk. everywhere our army breaks through the enemy’s defenses.
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we are quickly catching up with non-standard frequencies and we are a little short, while enemy repeaters on devices suspended in the air are already actively used, including ... in this unit. pilots train and improve their skills at the same center kamikaze drones. a real racing track for fpv drones, rings, pipes, frames, a lot of obstacles. this is where pilots train after completing flight simulator training. according to the instructor, for a pilot, the main thing is desire and speed of reaction , but age is also important. the older the operator, the more difficult it will be for him to master the specialty, and he will have to study not only piloting. know the question, some complex technical aspects will not be mastered in a short period of time, but he can easily use the simplest ones things. the training program lasts 3
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weeks per case. after successfully passing the exam , the operator is allowed to perform combat missions. while the command sends already experienced military personnel to learn how to pilot drones, recruits who have just signed a contract will have to undergo a long training course. these are the training grounds where those who first arrive in the zone of a special military operation spend their first time. the crew of combat vehicles, infantry, tanks, combat vehicles, and tank support are trained here. there are not many shells here... everything is needed in order to master the military craft in full. the commander of a combat vehicle with the call sign kumys has been studying at one of the training grounds of the group of forces center for the fifth month. during this time, he said, the crew, with whom they will soon go on combat missions, learned to understand each other without words. the commander of a combat vehicle must have the skills of a driver , gunner, and so on, in order to replace one or the other at any time. car.
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weighing 55 tons , the bmpt terminator easily jumps over mountains of sand and dirt, a real fortress on tracks with a large number of different weapons on board, according to the crew, amazing survivability, here the entire crew sits five people inside an armored capsule, even if they knock the guns up, the car still drives, even if one of the tracks is damaged, the car is in reverse goes into rollback, that is... in any case, you can evacuate yourself, without waiting for evacuation. these bmpts based on the t-90 tank have just entered the troops of the central military district. the car continues to be improved. in the zone the svo is staffed by representatives of the manufacturer's plant. the potential for modernization of the bmpt is still very large, as is the case with all our military equipment. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev. news of the week, lugansk people's republic.
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he is in charge of enemy territory. our drone transmits everything that happens online in high quality, we are now working on infantry and highlighting the main target with a mortar, well, a short-range weapon. in the emptiness of the night, a uav operator records the movement of a pickup truck. a ukrainian armed forces military vehicle leads our reconnaissance to their own positions. now this is the target, and its coordinates are transmitted to the fire support group. it makes no difference whether during the day or at night. we have a goal, we have a lead, we are working. under the light. a 120mm mortar is aimed at the frontal flashlights on the right bank of the dnieper, its firing range is 6 km, but the closer to the target, the more accurate the shots, which is why they work near the front line. shot. the drone records the hits, and the mortar crew disappears into the night. there is a lot of remote mining on the part of our opponents. at dawn we go to artillery positions, danger can lurk both on the ground, roads and trails
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are dotted on... the drone is trying to shoot it down with machine gun fire, right now the military are working, they are trying to find the enemy's sniper drone, there is a falling, that's all that remains of baba yaga, which was flying towards our position, the ukrainian armed forces are not giving up trying to get across the dnieper, but the entire front line is under the control of our guns and howitzers, and let
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the prot. as they say, bring more, let them shove, we will be further than them minus, the borders of the country along the dnieper are guarded by the third crimean assault brigade, all volunteers, i have three children and two boys, 17 and 18 years old, and i don’t want my children to see the war, this is mine, so to speak, the purpose of being here, i just don’t want my children to see this, not war. explosions, yes, i live in crimea, yes , they fly there, yes, children there sometimes see them, hear sirens, but i don’t want them to see when civilians simply die. mgemo graduate, speaks arabic, studied bioengineering at an australian university, 10 i spent years doing science in dubai, growing plants in desert conditions, growing everything from karelian ice cream, i myself am from the republic of karelia, so this is relevant, so
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to speak. ending with salads, tomatoes, basically everything. i had to postpone my scientific work for a while and return to russia, change my business suit to a military uniform, my name to a call sign. when it happened. the incident in odessa, when the ukrainians burned the russians for not being russian, for the russian language, somehow this became a strong trigger, when at the stage it became clear that this would last for a long time, a solution arose dream, provide all possible assistance, here our soldiers play sports, these are the abs, we also have a curved bar, a homemade barbell, served in the army from the age of 18... besnazi, tactical medicine instructor, uav operator, was blown up by a mine, lost a leg , while i have the opportunity to work, i have to defend my homeland, i work, if you do not consider yourself disabled, then you will not be disabled and you will calmly strive for
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further in the future and work just like a completely healthy person. five operations behind him - indestructible fortitude, he mastered a new specialty, 4 months later he returned as a signalman to the northern military district zone, intending to stay here until victory. ruslan bikbula.
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local, as the military says, coordinated work of all units brought results. without interaction with other units, it seems to me that no operation, i am sure it is impossible, only clearly coordinated actions, they give a certain result, also for this operation, every moment, every meter, every ten meters, every hundred you work out, heights, positions enemy, naturally, the enemy... was not prepared one, oh, not one year, but 10 years, that is, it was very serious work, then we will do whatever the ministry of defense of our command orders. a unique
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video of the marine brigade commander’s copter, the very moment of the assault. the artillery is working on enemy positions and literally immediately our fighters are moving forward. an ideal combination of artillery and infantry. so respect, all tasks will be completed, victory will be ours, russia is powerful, the task was to break through the enemy’s defense line and open roads for the advance of the main forces. the preparation took quite a lot of time,
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it was necessary to calculate everything, think it through so that everything would work out the first time, probably, somewhere around two months of preparation, everything worked out. this week the work of the assault brigade of the russian ministry of defense, veterans. the head of state noted that just for the advance in avdiivka, several key buildings were liberated, where ukrainian armed forces snipers and fire spotters were sitting. a group of veterans in one of the most important areas where hostilities are currently taking place, this is avdievka, ahead of our troops, overtook them, ahead of these personnel troops, broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached the outskirts of avdeevka.
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they gathered, they took it in character, now they will put us here in the opposite direction , they will start working on us, wow, wow, wow, bullets are whistling , the reconnaissance group literally before our eyes went out to their own people right under fire, you will never forget this, they are talking, i got it , i got it, be careful, be careful, they ’re not far from us, watch the birds , now this is shooting, these are our guys working to cover the group so that the enemy just doesn’t get in their way, they won’t get in for a long time, arrival, they realized that, yes, yes, yes , for you, for you, the language is on our country, they are leading, leading,
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leading, leading, understood, understood, meet us, ours are coming, ah, seryoga, lower, lower, lower , ah, wait, sir, they are working on something so hard, this is the work, it’s ready , our intelligence is definitely invigorating, i’ll be honest, but we, okay, we came in, left, well... let’s god, let it go, but the guys work like this every day, every day there is a result, every single day they have a result, but can you imagine what our heroes are, their names, what you, lyokha, last name, ivanchik, set aside, set aside, we sit, we sit , the plaster is crumbling, crumbling, crumbling, we have plaster here, i can imagine, they know, yes, they know that their soldier was taken prisoner and... for a long time to be on purpose so that he doesn't get it. the guys still
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have a lot of work to do; by the way, they suggested a question to me for the press conference with the president of russia, which took place in december; they are already thinking about how to help their homeland when the war ends. as for the demand for people like you in the process of educating the younger generation, it is in the highest degrees.
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for 5 centuries, it is here that weapons are forged, with which the moscow kingdom, the russian empire, the soviet union, and now the new russia defended their borders, now in the workshops of the tula arms factories work is going on in three shifts, the army needs new tanks, armored vehicles, slam fire systems , the rear and the front are again, as during the great patriotic war, inextricably linked with each other. success is achieved by those who quickly react to the means of destruction that the enemy uses, and not only find them. the ability to suppress them, but also makes its own
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more effective means, our defense industry demonstrates very good pace and quality of work here, and of course, if you compare modern nato weapons and weapons of the last period of soviet times, they are inferior in some ways, by the way, not always, but what if take our newest weapons, then they are clearly superior to everyone else, this... the president conducts a conversation with defense industry workers at the tula enterprise. it is here that self-propelled anti-aircraft missile systems are produced. this air defense system is designed specifically for covering military and civilian objects, including from drones. the technology is unique and therefore in demand in friendly countries. it must be said that they are very popular in international arms markets. to be snapped up .
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russia has 6,000 enterprises throughout the country, 3.5 million people work for them, the results of their work are impressive, the production of tanks has increased fivefold over time, for example, the country produces 10 times more body armor than a year ago, with such at the pace of enterprises, of course, attract new specialists who need housing, but not all factories offer such a social package, here you can also talk to the management of our corporation so that they can also participate in some such areas, and some kind of
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lifting and maybe that means compensation, that means rent , and so on, so that they expand the social package, we can and should talk, just like... that there is no money, agricultural enterprises have money in their accounts in large quantities, this is true, but you always need to look at what funds are needed to fulfill the state defense order , which increase, and that the enterprise can be used to solve social issues, help residents of front-line territories, help soldiers of the russian army, the task of people who, meanwhile, were waiting for the president in the tula kremlin. the popular front is millions of people who, with their daily work, help the russian army and fulfill the goals of a special military operation. the most active volunteers were invited to the tula kremlin. these are people of different professions, different ages, they are united by one goal - to do everything to win. volunteers
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and activists of the popular front deliver humanitarian aid, treating wounded residents of donbass and helping to restore houses in mariupol. money is being raised for a thermal imager for the army. the forum booms are all about victory, the president notes the successes of not only the defense industry, but the entire russian industry, which is developing under sanctions. they predicted, as you know, recession, failure, collapse, that under the pressure of sanctions we would retreat, give up, fall apart, i want to show a well-known gesture, i won’t do that, there are a lot of girls here, nothing
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will work out for them. our economy is growing unlike... their economy, and today has become the largest in europe, number one in europe, in terms of purchasing power parity in volume, the economy has become the first in europe, fifth in the world, this process will increase, another example of the clear work of the defense industry in severodvinsk at the plant the new nuclear-powered missile cruiser prince pozhar was launched. the strategic nuclear forces have been updated, their naval component is almost 100%. this is a good reliable rear for our strategic
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security, a rear in the literal sense and figuratively, we will have the same results strive to equip the army. the entire line of conventional weapons, including promising models of the new generation, and we will definitely implement these plans together with you. this means that our enterprises and design bureaus will be guaranteed to be provided with orders for years to come. the results of the work of particularly distinguished enterprises will now be celebrated with a new award, an order for valiant labor has been established, and is awarded for merits aimed at strengthening. economic defense potential of the country. order number one is now with tula research and production association splav. the alloy workshop is the place where today the heirs of the legendary katyushas and modern multiple launch rocket systems are produced. hail, hurricane, tornado and
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tornado. alexey glovko, sofia petrosyan, anton kasimovich, alexey koshlakov and pavel alekseev. news of the week. chairs. in the tula region, vladimir putin visited the regional oncology clinic. the cancer center began operating at the end of last year. the latest equipment, highly qualified personnel. then vladimir putin stopped by cottage community for medical workers in tula. visiting oncologist yaroslav shvetsov. about this and other events of the presidential week in pavla zarubin’s telegram channel and the moscow kremlin program putin is right after us. fragment. right now, under the equipment , the approximate equipment of the model that is proposed to be installed was already written
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down, i quickly found an approach, slightly changing my own voice, hello, palina, hello, i need the soft animals that my mother ordered for me, well, here, here, here, more one soft animal, polina, what needs to be said, hold it, what is it, thank you, polina quickly relaxed, now she’s ready to read the poem, open it instead, no miracles, only... everything is so loved here, rivers, heads and res, here from sweet threshold,
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the country begins, there are many other countries on the map, only the homeland is ours, and after the poem there is also a musical number, and you ’re dancing, or what? yes, and some, judging by these shots of our program, the president also took part in the children's musical number, let's dance together, once again the sun, right? that’s how it should be, well done, yes, applause, well done, but when the devil came to sit at the table for tea, it’s clear who immediately asked polina, the president examined the table, the chair gingerbread, unexpectedly arrived, and alexey gennavich sometimes pushes on the tricks. before starting the treats, a question for the hostess, it’s difficult, well
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, the husband told me on what conditions the house was received, if 10 years, as they say, you give it to the hospital, you give it to tula medicine, then you can own the cottage, how many years, 10 years, 10 years, in this village such cottages for doctors 25, 280 million rubles for 25 houses, normally reasonable price, comfortable cottage. it’s very nice here, while the high-ranking guests were drinking tea , the attentive polina noticed that there are other people nearby behind the scenes, mom, when do the uncles eat here now, when do they eat, they eat, they eat the uncles, the uncles eat, that they don’t eat, unnecessary weight is necessary, they talked more about serious things at the table, but again there is - it was difficult for polina to constantly talk seriously. yes, yes, it’s hard, but we are very sweet.


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