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tv   Pesni ot vsei dushi  RUSSIA1  February 4, 2024 5:50pm-8:01pm MSK

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before starting the treats, a question for the hostess, it’s difficult, well, did your husband tell you under what conditions the house was received? if you give 10 years, as they say, in a hospital, you give it to tula medicine, then you can ride in the property for what 10 years, normally in this village there are 25 such cottages for doctors, 280 million rubles for 25 houses, it’s normal to show up, but the cottages are very comfortable, very it's good here while the high-ranking guests are pilich. attentive polina noticed that there were other people nearby behind the scenes, mom, when am i going to eat here now, when they eat, they eat, they guys eat, these guys eat, what they don’t eat , it’s all too much, they talked more about serious things at the table, but again there is always talking seriously, it was difficult, yes hard, but we are very sweet.
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out of the blue, she went to somersault next to the table. but then we had to return to the adults again for a group photo. let me even hold you in my arms. this is the news of the week. next in the program. while some were throwing manure, others were throwing blackmail and...
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threats, europe is shivering about what this phrase on monuments in hungary is all about, everything is changing, so what foam and how would the legendary pilot valery chkalov answer his great-daughter? the political map of the united states is reeking of the disobedience of american regions to federal power on the path to dual power. who will be in charge of the operation? dr. bragen, if you don't mind. nart premiere the city falls asleep, the mafia wakes up. 11 friends of bragin. this is an amazing person, he simply has the talent to always be in the center of events. there is time for a friend. i'll have a cry. but things don’t seem to be going well for us. okay, you can
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stay with the children, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, i’m here, help, please, make her get up, who did he say, that we are doctors, and you are not doctors, i am a plumber, and he is sick, everything is clear with you, dear colleagues, you are sabotaging, the eleventh season of your favorite series, where this matter is needed, hurray , especially the occasion, sklefosovsky, from monday to... the kamchatka peninsula, one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes. the pride of kamchatka, volcanoes, ice,
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stone, fire-breathing giants, the most powerful of which is included in the klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka, the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. the volcanoes of kamchatka are a world natural heritage site, where the natural life of the kamchatka peninsula has been preserved in its pristine purity. what's your gang's plan? my buddies will take lenin’s cash today even without me. at what time? so that i, lyokha wolf, can tell. that at 18:30 they
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will inject her and never, you can change your passport, the kids ruined it for me, everything is so wonderful, then all the days are about your children i... i say, the children have ruined everything for me, dear mothers, whose child smells like dior, if it’s from the new collection, then it’s mine, come on, run when you give me twenty, okay, take it, good day, you were fired in the morning, i have to work for another week , work honestly, you need a bag, yes, you need one t-shirt, no , don’t take t-shirts, they’re torn from us, thank you very much, but they don’t always tear, oh, they’re torn, they’re torn, stories of a big country on friday, on rtr, how many in total there are 16 animals in your family,
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why stop, he suggested a goat first, a goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys , he’s not a cat at all, he... behaves like a dog, lyovochka, well, i beg you, lyova, well, be you a person, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr , they said who, i asked not to say, the main thing is that he is healthy, we look at the weekend, we will have twins, girls, what kind of girls, did you promise me that the son will be oh? , when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and don’t want to lose my wife yet, i will pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed, i have to share, where is the second girl, i
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heard her screaming, where is my child, and i still think, well, how can it be that the baby is a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles, she is completely different, her character is not similar to ... there is no faith in you, our son will be all about you, olga is deceiving you, but don’t you think that this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr. on friday, the leaders of the european union finally approved the allocation of 50 billion to ukraine for the next 4
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years. true, in this joyful for kyiv news there is a fly in the ointment, you can count on only 17 billion euros free of charge in the form of grants, and the remaining 33 billion in ukraine up to...
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called ukraine could be closed now, this is a direct quote from orban: out of 50 billion euros, 17 are pure donations or grants, and 33 are loans, which, however , ukraine will never give to anyone. zelensky connected via video link, thanked,
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hinted that it was not enough, thanked again. kuleba, the one who was zelensky’s foreign minister , was so moved that he even admitted orban is not pro-russian, but still pro-hungarian. the slavs next door should not tell the thousand-year-old hungarian state who we are, we will decide it ourselves. but about the thousand-year state is especially interesting and, apparently, not by chance. this week the head of the hungarian siyartu went to the ukrainian uzhgorod to meet with the same kuleba, that is, which uzhgorod? in all hungarian sources, this settlement west of the carpathians appears as ungvard.
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it has special significance from a historical point of view, in fact, if we look at history, crimea was for a long time in the hands of russia, in the hands of poland. galicia and volyn were located for a long time, on this basis it is quite possible to lay claim to these territories. western neighbors, bankrupt
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ukraine, whose history will continue exactly as long as europe and the united states support it, are preparing to divide what will remain of ukraine in the end. of course, from the point of view of the european nomenklatura, everyone who is easily ready to part with 50 billion euros taken from the pockets of their citizens, these are extremely untimely speeches. these can't. u we don’t have a problem with so-called fatigue from ukraine, we now have a problem with fatigue from orban. orban, in general, is also not happy with the brussels company. instead of having dinner with colleagues at the summit, the hungarian prime minister preferred a walk to the camp of farmers who blocked the center of brussels with tractors and piles of manure. all day long they burned fires and fired at the police... the example of the germans
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turned out to be contagious; all week european farmers stifled traffic, organizing traffic jams on the main highways of france, the netherlands, portugal, romania and greece. the best results were achieved by the french peasants, who blocked the largest wholesale food market near paris. in some places there is already a shortage in stores, to put it mildly, a siege in brussels a day.
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we were glad that soon everyone would be in nato. for dinner they served vendace caviar with sour cream, triska fillet, saddle of deer with juniper and chamomile. there are no complaints, everything is according to status; someone may have a slight feeling of dissonance later, when, having wiped off the sour cream of the variety, macron goes to the podium and says the following. the price, the real price of russia's victory too high for all of us, both in the short and long term. so the sensible answer is to come together and support ukraine during this year and the years to come, no matter what it
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takes, no matter what it takes, macron will eat well. this is the privilege of the elite; ordinary french people, those same farmers and tractor drivers, who can then be transferred to tanks and sent to fight with russia, will sacrifice everything. there would, of course, be tanks. however, even among france's closest allies there are its critics. mistress strack zimmermann, which is in german. support for ukraine in the media and what france is actually doing in terms of arms supplies to ukraine. france's contribution is still very limited compared to the country's military potential. germany now provides ukraine with 50% of the assistance that comes from the european union. the difference is that we unnecessarily downplay our support while other countries are vocal about their
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little support. germany really invested the most in the ukrainian crisis, the warehouses are empty. in the batch of weapons transferred to the armed forces of ukraine this week, missiles for arst pvu systems, several all-terrain vehicles and mine clearance vehicles, 24 armored vehicles, a satellite communication system and 1.40 155-caliber shells, this is less than a day of artillery battle, out of the million rounds promised a year ago by march 24, europe will collectively supply at best a third to ukraine, the eu defense minister was planning. the war continues and, so to speak, the intensity of hostilities is increasing, and we do not see the light at the end tunnel. at the same time, they themselves are trying to convince europeans that the light at the end of the tunnel
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will most likely be the lantern of a russian electric train. professor of military history at podzdam university zenki neitzel. i am sure that in the event of a war with russia, the bundeswehr will fight, but the only thing it can prove is its ability to die with dignity. germany needs hundreds of billions to replenish arsenals and attract young people to the army, there is no money. that’s why the chancellor now has such a sour expression on his face when he talks about german aid to ukraine. funds that are allocated together by all today, this is more than half of those european states, it cannot be that germany bears the largest part. on
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the other hand, who else but germany should bear most of the burden. germany has clearly benefited the most from the free market .
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800 billion euros for coronavirus and energy aid packages to subsidize gas and electricity prices. now it's time for payback. from the beginning of the covid epidemic until today , the state has spent funds to support population and industry at a rate of about 200 billion euros per year, this is more than 40% of the state budget. previously, these funds
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mostly came from extra-budgetary funds , but the funds have run out, and citizens and enterprises in need... there is no support, economy minister khabik, who is a great friend of ukraine from the greens, on thursday proposed accumulating debts of several hundred billion euro to create another fund in order to compensate people and businesses for the rise in prices for everything. but the minister of finance objected lindner. he did not want to burden the next generation of germans with debt and spoil the voters' attitude towards his already tiny party of free democrats. the bickering in the coalition continues, meanwhile the door is being opened. this new, well-forgotten old minister of foreign affairs of poland, radok sekorski , came knocking, came to berlin to restore relations that, by all accounts, were completely ruined by the polish ones...
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a complete coincidence, he will ask for money from the americans, maybe ask for ukraine, but in current circumstances that's all the same as for yourself. scholz is going to washington to throw himself at biden’s feet and say that this can’t continue like this , is germany at the limit? let's see what biden will answer, although it is clear in advance that his desire to help germany depends entirely on one thing, on his own ideas about how much this brings him closer to winning the presidency.
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hungary occupied a special position in the discussion of 50 billion euros to ukraine; this was discussed more than once. in addition, hungary, unlike other eu members, did not come to the detriment of it is in their national interests to refuse russian gas. so why exactly the hungarians are in constant opposition to brussels, i figured it out. that the problems of farmers are not alien to orban; he calls himself a village child. welcome to felcun. this is the native village of the hungarian prime minister, viktor orban,
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who grew up here. behind the cozy houses are endless arable fields that are already being prepared for spring. it is unclear what the farmers themselves are preparing for. the european commission insists on duty-free import of ukrainian agricultural products into the eu. at the corn first-class humidity. farmer shander has grown an ideal product, but the price for it will be ridiculous, his corn, sunflowers, and wheat will lose out to cheap ukrainian supplies. they collapsed all prices, the italians used to buy wheat from us, now from the ukrainians, the same with corn, although our costs have increased, because of the sanctions only fertilizers have doubled in price. our interlocutor is going to support his colleagues on a tractor ride to the hungarian border. farmers have recently threatened to block entry into the country from ukraine. hungarian resistance in one poster: let 's not dance to their tune, suggests
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the ruling fidesz party. hungarians are scared by ursula vonlein and alex soros. thus, residents were encouraged to take part in national consultations. orban's party asked the hungarians 11 questions: what to do with ukrainian grain, money and weapons for kiev? 1.5 million people took part.
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especially here in the town of bereg shuran, which stands on the border, they were separated by the peace of trianon. the peace of trianon, or as it is called here, the trianon shame, for hungary great sorrow. you can find dozens of such monuments throughout the country. this is hungary with territories separated from it. romanian transylvania, ukrainian transcarpathia and inscription. everything changes. this is how hungary was punished
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after the first world war.
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lgbt minorities, hungary pays attention to important issues that are part of european values. the eu now cares about only one thing - financing ukraine. in order to save ukraine, intractable hungary was almost thrown out of the eu boat. on the eve of the summit in brussels, the newspapers were frightening, budapest they will be deprived of the right to vote, the economy will collapse, that is, some kind of fantastic union, where the relationship is like a thriller. the position of the hungarian authorities is reflected in school textbooks. let's take for example.
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despite the message that he is about to be fired, american television has been relishing the details of the political scandal in kiev for many days now, but they still have difficulty pronouncing the name of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. it is symptomatic that all intriguing details emerge exclusively in the western media, while ukrainians are forced to pick up the crumbs from their tables. listen, yesterday it was just a kind of armagidon that was informational, just an armagidon, if you go wrong, go for the wrong one, if you don’t go wrong, they will find the wrong one. the information armageddon , as ukrainian presenters say, has been going on for almost a week since western sources first announced the resignation of the commander-in-chief, having detailed information about what kind of
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conversation with ... took place between zaluzhny and zelensky in the latter’s office. according to senior officers of general valery zaluzhny , a cash meeting was called on monday with zelensky, where he informed the president that the presidential council had assessed the military situation. such a leak occurred. the economist magazine favors the first version. zelensky was told not to make sudden movements. it is unclear how this story will end, but if zelensky leaves his commander in office, he will look weak. a clumsy solution to a problem will only
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undermine trust in management. the washington post is happy that the ukrainian president did everything honorably before making a sovereign decision, he called curators. zelensky has not yet issued an official decree on zaluzhny’s resignation. and it is unknown when this might happen, his advance notice to washington reflects the influential role of the united states as ukraine's most powerful military political backer. an important role here is played by the american democratic channel cnn, where, after the failed resignation , an article authored by zaluzhny with signs of a political manifesto is published. on seven pages about how to fight and how not to govern the country. we have to. recognize the significant advantages that the enemy has in mobilizing human resources against the backdrop of the inability of ukraine's state institutions to increase the size of our armed forces without unpopular measures. we continue to be held back by the imperfect legal and regulatory framework in
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our country, as well as the partial monopolization of the defense industry. this leads to shortages of products, such as ammunition, which further exacerbates ukraine's dependence on allied supplies. popularity of zaluzhny. but they hate each other, it turns out that in the west they knew about it. in december last year , listening devices were discovered in the commander-in-chief's office; whoever installed them looked askance at the president's office; recently, a photo of a memo with excerpts from telephone
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conversations between zaluzhny and his subordinates, in particular with the commander of the ground forces, syrsky, appeared on some telegram channels. by the way, one of the supposed candidates for the position of commander in chief. zaluzhny, if you believe this document, never calls zelensky names. violent turmoil behind the scenes of ukrainian
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politics could change the course of the war. zaluzhny is not leaving quietly, we understand that he is not going to quit on his own. you are absolutely right, now is a critical moment in kiev. from fundamental disagreements between zaluzhny. zelensky’s attitude to the situation at the front is called, as is known, the commander in chief considers it a stalemate, the president publicly criticized him. second point: mobilization, zaluzhny is asking for half a million bayonets. zelensky says: there is no money, there is nothing to dress such a number of recruits, there is nothing to arm them with. pulitzer winner seymour hirsch, who conducted an investigation into the nord streams and came to the conclusion about us involvement, also has inside information about the ukrainian events. zelensky's desire to fire his commanding general was a result of this. that zaluzhny had continued to participate , directly or through aides, since last fall in secret negotiations with american and other western officials on how best to achieve a ceasefire and negotiate an end to the war. victoria came to ukraine this time without baking, but why?
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no one knows for sure whether to understand what is happening or communicate specific personnel decisions. zelensky lost the fight for power, his departure is a matter of the next few weeks. victoria nulland met with his successor during her visit to kiev. take a closer look at the following players: zaluzhny, budanov, poroshenko, these are the rumors: even if half of what various sources cite is true, zelensky must hate zaluzhny with all his soul. unless, of course, all this is just another, planned multi-step to fool ukrainian society. eat the likelihood is that zaluzhny will be a political candidate for the foreseeable future, and he is the only person right now who could be a political rival to zelensky. if so, then the diagram in the same way, correctly depicts the dove of peace, zelensky the hawk, who has prohibited negotiations on peace by certain laws. the same configuration occurred during the presidential elections of 1919. in a pair of poroshenko zelensky, the first threatened the children of the unrecognized
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republics with basements and shelling, and the latter promised to end the war in donbass, namely negotiations. evgeny reshitnev and alexey mashchikov, lead the week. an interesting turn in thailand happened with the once popular rock band b-2. once popular, because today the russian artists music chart is number b2. 912 with a trend of further decline in thailand, for illegal work on a tourist visa, the group was tied up with a fine, thrown into a common prison without any artistic privileges, rain journalists were horrified, the conditions are absolutely monstrous, they are now in an open cage, in such an open chamber, it ’s a cage under the hot sun, it’s 35-40° c hot, the last time when the organizer
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of the concert, when he was allowed to see the guys, they had no connection, their phones were taken away, then he saw just a group, a dump of naked bodies in shorts, because it is impossible there, all the clothes are wet, there is no shadow, which means, in general, with all the procedural violations that could possibly exist, due to the fact that they were not provided with a translation of what was happening in court, in as a result, israel took bedal into its fold. in russia, the story did not evoke sympathy due to the divergence of ideological positions. here is just one example, when one of the group’s fans congratulated the musicians, i would even say, somewhat timidly. happy great victory day. whatever crap happens in the world now, yesterday, tomorrow, we must remember the feat of our grandparents for peace, right there . i was eager for an answer from one of the founders of the left bi2 group. don’t fool me, you
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have turned into animals with conditioned reflexes of pronouncing words, but without any connection with each other. and immediately after. you are killers you crossed out all your achievements, and the achievements were common with ukraine, with europe. all that putin’s russia now evokes is only disgust and disgust. i was not satisfied with this. i will not return to russia. now everything is in israel. on social networks the group is already being told that it is time to give a charity concert there in support of the families of the victims of the hamas terrorist attack on october 7, relaxant bazhena rynska. i hope that b2 will now decide to give a charity concert for the benefit of the israeli army and the victims of hamas. to we will return to bazhena today, but as for such a cultural loss as the disappearance of the b-2 group for us, we will somehow survive it. it’s not a big loss for the purity of relationships; it’s probably even good that
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in our time everyone stands under their own banners and takes a clear position without splitting. this is what happiness is, living a whole life. on this path, a foreign land, however, presents surprises for those who leave. again, the once popular humorist galkin in russia, for example, is denied entry into some countries, for example, bali. at the entrance to indonesia. indeed they refused at passport control, while 2 days before they approved a work visa, all documents were in order. in addition, kazakhstan and the united arab emirates do not want to see galkin as their host. in dubai, they fear the incitement of interethnic hatred like fire, and last year galkin there shouted ukronazi greetings from the stage, pouring water on russia, for what it’s worth. despite the fact that the locals honestly warned galkin.
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boss from the mid-eighties of the last century to the mid-nineties, head of the main armored directorate of the ministry of defense of the ussr and russia, in this sense... maxim galkin, making such an unsightly zigzag, gives a kind of disgrace to the surname. by the way, maxim galkin ’s maternal grandfather grigory pragin, an engineer-lieutenant colonel, holder of three orders of the red star, during the great patriotic war, after the death of the commander, led a tank
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brigade out of encirclement and was nominated for the title of hero of the soviet union. in general, one can feel real relief from the fact that society is in russia. as a result of the ongoing elimination it becomes purer, as much as a writer is needed as an idol, who directly justifies terrorism, thinking that the head of the office of the president of ukraine ermak is on the telephone wire, and these were our pranksters vavan and lexus, the street is very willing to undress morally. we have such a desire to destroy all these propagandists.
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the pranksters, of course, brutally dismantled our rulers. in dialogues with imaginary ukrainian officials, this whole company, alexievich, bykov, ulitskaya, and others, showed such a level of russophobia that it’s not even themselves, for their consciousness, i became afraid. and they showed an equally high level of, let’s call it, intellectual defenselessness. it's amazing, they can barely think. their thoughts are somewhat obvious, boring, shameful. here was a country that fed them and brought them in.
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it’s calmer, so that it can be disassembled into parts, it’s completely clear to everyone already, i think that the coastal regions of the far east have been taken over for one thing, it will all be china, of course , the rest will fall apart into several parts, there will be raw materials areas, here is western siberia, first of all, there will be an area that will be oriented towards northern european culture, this will be st. petersburg and the surrounding area, all this would be.
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because people like weller, by and large , are not needed by anyone except russia for any reason, they are self-critical at the same time arrogant, but russia is like that, why? probably, as he says. putin needs those too, but i’d just like to hear from weller himself why exactly russia needs him, but more about that, probably next time, but for now... it’s time to say goodbye, have a good evening, wish you every success in your endeavors, thank you, every success,
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wish you good luck in our counter-offensive , that's all, with all my heart i wish you success in the offensive and in ending the war the way ukraine would like to end it absolutely fairly, yeah, boris akunin is also wonderful , who has complete unanimity with the formula good russian, dead russian,
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great-granddaughter our legendary pilot, hero of the soviet union, valery chkalov. she settled abroad; it probably hurts her to look at the map of her great homeland. i want the russian federation to turn into several different countries, perhaps either completely changed its government structure. this is my personal desire. and also grandfather frost, help us bomb moscow, even if it’s there. mother, grandparents live, my mother, grandparents live in moscow, so i think very seriously about this topic, we can
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look at it from the point of view, you personally have, yes, you have your family, your family, of course this there should have priority and so on, i mean, of course, that first of all it is necessary to destroy these decision-making centers, yes, everything else, this is peaceful. a gambling pilot, who was even nicknamed the air hooligan. chkalov, however, was responsible for many extravagant actions. but
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no matter how dashingly chkalov behaved in heaven on earth, he always had a holy constant, his homeland. this is the testament to us from this amazing ace. valery chkalov, hero and hooligan, in an essay by dmitry castre. we were very pleased to fly through. soviet pilots are heroes, the chekal crew and then for the last time together, the legendary
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ones on television, for the first time in the footage , his closest friends, remembered how he lived and the great ace flew. i’ve been flying for 15 years, and they say that i’m flying well, i see a bomber flying and making figures that are not allowed for this plane, i see a chkal gets out, valery, what are you doing there? i did a tb test in the first one, he said: didn’t you see it, or what? taught the plane to fly. the first pilot to fly over the north pole was sigismund levanevsky. the attempt was unsuccessful. levanevsky’s second pilot was georgy boydukov, he persuaded chkalov to take the record route. he didn’t want to be the crew commander, they chose him, this means that by two votes to one, he was elected commander of the crew. this is exactly the kind of person who could take such a very risky flight on a single-engine plane,
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the wingspan is 34 m, you see, yes, there are located in the wings... gas tanks were also unusual for that time, the fuel reserve of the car was 6 tons, you would have to be very a great master, in order to lift such a heavy machine from the runway, the same ant-25, its second name is the taxiway - a distance record, on which the chkalovo crew made two legendary non-stop flights in 1936 from moscow to the island of ut, now the island of chkalovo in ust and the amur river, in the next thirty- seventh. legendary from moscow to america, through the north pole. the cockpit is very narrow, and in order to change places between the pilots, the seat was folded out and they climbed over accordingly. the risk was enormous. over north america , oxygen and fuel almost ran out, and the water inside the cabin froze. a few more seconds, blood gushed out of my nose. it’s impossible to sit,
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i can’t breathe anymore, my pulse is 140, my heart is pounding. at home i stop the bleeding and quickly put on an oxygen mask, but they flew, 8,504 km 63 hours from vancouver, the pilots became global heroes, symbols of courage and ambassadors of their country. the moment we leave hospitable america, our friends and comrades make the same flight. it was. the youth of the young state and its national heroes, the same young strong ones, the main one was valery chkalov, the country wanted to see him every day, everyone from pioneers to veterans knew every moment of his life. it was not the three of us who received the high title of hero of the soviet union, but 170 million
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working class of our homeland. release the so-called legs, chkalov performed all imaginable aerobatics, began to twirl the barrels, this is a horizontal corkscrew, and many turns to create strong lateral loads and the legs would come out, i saw this flight, pieces were flying from the plane, mugs, all sorts of cheeks there , plugs, everything flew under these loads,
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once during high-speed tests chkalov even had to... land in the forest, right on the trees, the plane broke in half, and chkalov received a head injury, i remember he crashed the back of his head hid everything to himself, how he turned over there in the forest and sat down on stumps, and he hid and tried to be a wise man from the family, so that no one knew what to say, he suffered an accident, and once in a demonstration battle, when fighters, imitating a ram, went head-on, i missed my friend by a few meters, valery pavlovich told me when they sat down, he said, egor, why don’t you see, what? i had to turn away, i say, but you had to turn away, but what did you want, he says that i should turn away, i say, i’ll never turn away, what a bandit, hold on, fly, natya, fly, this famous flight under the bridge of equality, now troy in st. petersburg, was made by chkalov in 1929, almost hitting him with wheels, the scene
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was immortalized by mikhail kolotozov in the film valerichka. that came out 2 years after the death of the pilot, once the air ace turned over the dome of st. isaac's cathedral, another time the pressure made several hundred dead loops over dnevsky prospekt. and one day, when his sister, anna palna, arrived, he decided to show his skills and performed up to 250 loops in the air. i liked to take the car out of a tailspin , do sharp dives, fly upside down on...
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apparently the canopy was thrown back, opened, before that, he looked out where it was better to sit down, chikalov’s contribution to our aviation is priceless, largely thanks to him, during the war years pokryshkin and
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kozhidub will begin to fly in extreme modes, sometimes against the laws of physics and common sense; monuments to chikalov, like streets bearing his name, today exist in dozens of cities. the chakalovskaya staircase in nizhny novgorod these days has turned into a giant installation in memory of the pilot, whose under'.
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issued after several days of painstaking work, although the candidate’s headquarters delivered only a tenth of the collected signatures , 315 thousand lines still had to be checked, it was a great honor to receive and then hand over the certificate of candidates for the presidency of the russian federation to vladimir vladimirovich. along with written support from the country's citizens, putin's trusted representatives spent more than a month collecting proposals for the future election program. there are 544 people in this hall, dozens of heroes of russia and labor. honored figures of science and art, the most outstanding doctors, athletes, astronauts , people who best understand what is happening in all spheres of life in the country, and now it is they who have to tell people
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about what else their candidate can do, what he has already done as president, they can talk for a long time, therefore , they went to trusted representatives, and lugansk is my hometown, then we see colossal changes, global construction projects have begun, roads, kindergartens, hospitals, schools,
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which are fighting and risking their lives to protect their homeland, to protect our people. for there are now hundreds of support measures in place for the fighters of their families, it was president putin who proposed creating the defenders of the fatherland fund, which... is engaged, but some things still need to be finalized, there is a slight injustice, now the brothers and sisters of any age of a serviceman receive compensation in the event of the death of a soldier, but they don’t receive it, with the exception of disabled children upon reaching the age of twenty-three, thanks for the advice, but apparently they proceeded from the fact that for 17 years there is no income of their own, at 25 it already arises, that’s what it’s all about, we shouldn’t be talking about redistribution, but to ensure... the interests of everyone, well, let’s
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think about it, we can easily solve this. soldiers and officers continue to work for the good of the country even after returning from the front, they go to schools, head sections, work at putin’s headquarters, they want to make it systematic. in our opinion, we need, how to put it correctly, a single point of assembly of all the fragments of the education of a citizen, a citizen of russia. there is, in the best and most literal sense of the word, love for the homeland, in other words, patriotism. called well, how can you not love your homeland, it’s the same as not loving your family, not loving your mother, your children, the same with your homeland, there are things that should be, well, laid right in the subcortex due to the fact that russia is forced to defend one’s interests, including through armed struggle, and what has begun to happen in society in this regard, that historical russia has risen, still suggests that we have the foundation of education, it is sufficient.
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so far, in addition to self-nominee vladimir putin, the central election commission has registered three more candidates nominated by parliamentary parties, nikolai kharitonov, communist party of the russian federation, leonid slutsky, ldpr and vladislav davankov, new people. alexey konopko will continue. there were fewer candidates this week; after sergei baburin and irina sveridova, who voluntarily dropped out of the race, supporting the current president, andrei bogdanov also recused himself. i wrote a statement about withdrawing my candidacy from the elections due to the discovery of a foreign account, which i did not have time to close for obvious reasons, the issue of visas and the like. they stop fighting anatoly batashov and the russian rada. both did not collect the required signature base. candidates of parliamentary parties spent the entire week traveling around the country. nikolai kharitonov, together with the chairman of the communist party of the russian federation, began with a two-day visit to... where they honored the memory of those killed
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in the siege, and then stopped at the kirov plant , whose tractors helped improve the agriculture of the stranirovo region, we were happy to receive these tractors, we believe that it is necessary immediately 20 billion to invest in industrial development and the loan repayment period is not 7 years, but at least 10 years, because in 7 years, in fact, it will not pay off. the communists invited veterans of the northern military district to a state farm near moscow to talk about the agrarian part of their program. education and teacher salary increases were discussed in the capital. the soviet government did everything to turn an illiterate country into a leading power in the world. and when we defeated the nazis, they were interrogated, they said: first of all, we lost to the soviet teacher, the soviet doctor, engineer and scientist. at the beginning of the week, the kirov plant also welcomed new people, vladislav davankov. from the north capital, the candidate went to nizhny novgorod with an inspection of housing and communal services.
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we looked at a real example of a smart home , where there is separate waste collection, where there are solar panels on the roof, where there are smart locks, and most importantly, where every resident sees every penny that is spent by the management company, and on friday the candidate opened his headquarters in in the very center of moscow, where they decided to discuss the future program with experts, every day we receive new requests and proposals for the program, a record became the day before 1 a center for children with special needs will be built in blagoveshchensk, and of course, personnel are needed here. what we have to do is to ensure that people do not leave here, but come here for high salaries, for a professional career, to participate in creative, innovative, large- scale projects. and in the capital
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, the ldpr candidate talked with the youth wing of the party. in today's russia, which is experiencing a moment of truth in its modern history. we need young people. the central election commission will solely on the basis of current legislation, whether someone likes it or not. the final list of candidates for the presidential post must be announced by the central election commission by february 10. news of the week. russian president
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vladimir putin awarded the speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, who turns 60 today, with the order for services to the fatherland, first class. the kremlin press service reports this. the head of state awarded volodin for his great contribution to the strengthening of russian statehood, the development of parliamentarism and many years of conscientious work, it follows from the decree. this is the news of the week. next in the program. the political map of the united states will be crossed by the disobedience of american regions to the federal ones. on the way to dual power. why did the olympic champion from russia not have a chance to win in the international court of arbitration for sports, but a transgender swimmer from the usa does? where is sports here anyway and how many winter
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olympics is italy ready to host? when cancer is not a death sentence about our best doctors, our new technologies, we will live. late in the evening, pauline, don't be scared, they're good, good guys, only our program will show big politics from unexpected angles, where they sent the president why. the main emotions of this week, and how to find out the phone number? and the most interesting shots of the week.
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dear friends, let’s pass, because the heads of state will be coming here now, they not only went, but drove, he himself gets behind the wheel, all the security services. in such situations this week we will also see , we will show more than others, we will do it, i’m not against it, i’m for it. moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look right after the news of the week.
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nikita, will you marry me for 3000, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not an effective one. i fell in love with your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, which the deputy ministers arranged, i agree, he doesn’t mind the road, listen, “listen, brother, live your life, don’t meddle in mine, come on for now, you’re twins, what
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or something like that, you fell in love, oh , granny, you can’t hide anything from you, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took him off, congratulations, you’re pregnant, without love, on rtra. every time i cry. it's very hard to remember. i went into my house , sat down on the floor and said: “i’ll stay here. the military should have been made aware that animals are simply dying there. donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite. the main thing is that we together. ours! ours don’t abandon our own. from monday
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to thursday. on rtr. last week we already touched on this topic, about how the governor of texas, using a subordinate unit of... the guard , erected a barrier of barbed wire to hold back the flow of immigrants. the white house won the case against texas in the supreme court, but texas did not give up and simply did not allow federal security forces armed with metal scissors to approach the erected fence. biden was directly asked to leave texas for good health. crisis in american relations. the federal center of the american regions is obvious. this week
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it only got worse. when the state of florida sent a thousand of its national guardsmen to help texas, along with volunteers, so called the florida state guard. but is this separatism? most likely, no, not separatism. moreover, texas’ position is still supported. looking at this map, what kind of separatism can we talk about, who will emerge from whom then, although,
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of course, jokes have already appeared with putin’s decree to recognize texas as russian, but these are all jokes, the matter is much more serious. rionovosti columnist pyotr akopov believes that things in the united states are moving towards dual power. before us are two americas with different understandings of the same constitution, and the further we go, the more they differ in interpretation. not only its essence, but also its spirit, not only on border issues, but also on security, family values, weapons, education, history, racial issues, and so on, and the powers of government, both at the local and federal levels, while no one intends not to retreat, not to separate from the united states, both sides want to take power at the federal level in washington, but given the growing mutual hostility between the parties, the process could go by the end of the year... and how far, at best, the new president will become partially recognized, that is, its
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legality and powers will not be recognized by individual states, in the worst case scenario, the loser will become president of the united states, america will immediately have two forty-seventh presidents, that is, the parallel existence of two americas will become a reality from a figure of speech with disastrous consequences for u.s.a. at the same time, we understand that the situation within the country is in control. i apologize, give us a minute, the situation is going
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haywire for america on the international front, there have been no victories, and there are no victories, but we can fight. as one would like, characteristically here is us presidential candidate from the republican party nicky haley in an interview for fox news. do you think now is the time to strike iran? now is the time to strike at the leadership of iran - this is different, there is no need to bomb the country. but their infrastructure needs to be disabled. yes, the infrastructure in iraq and syria, let’s start with that, then sanctions, and then we need to eliminate a couple of their leaders, that’s how we need to act. right at their home. either at their home or when they go somewhere. our intelligence services are capable of identifying them location and eliminate them, this will be our message, we must do this immediately. nikke haley is catching up with the fog of war, which is already too thick in america without her. from the usa, our correspondent, dmitry melnikov. 125 bombs dropped in the night. the united states
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speaks of eighty-five iraqi targets hit. and syria about dozens of dead, mostly civilians. the acts of retaliation for the deaths of american troops in jordan came after several days of dire warnings from washington: there will be punishment, but there will be no war. we want. the american hawks, who have been demanding a strike against iran all these days, are clearly disappointed. they have crossed the american red line, killing americans, until we cross their red lines, they will not... will view this as a serious problem, i am not saying that the first attack should be a threat to the regime, there are many targets inside iran, coots force base , air defense systems and others that would be a good idea to destroy, and this would serve as a signal that if the iranian government does not understand, we can send a few more messages. a few hours before
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strikes began in delaware. joe biden took part in the welcoming ceremony. bodies of those killed as a result of a drone attack on an american base, and before and after the attacks on iranian forces, the white house and the pentagon repeated like a mantra: we do not want a war with iran, but what does the biden administration want in the middle east, washington has no long-term strategy, but there are 30,000 american troops in the region, whom pro-iranian groups consider a legitimate target and continue to use against them the tactics of a thousand cuts or... skirmish war, when from where who fired is unclear, it is unclear how to respond without striking iran, just as it is no longer clear who controls the american military machine, obviously not the head of the pentagon, only this week lloyd austin appeared for the first time after a month of unauthorized absence from work due to... for a secret operation on the prostate, which neither
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the president nor the deputy ministers knew about, a rare, if not unique case, sorry. war, and its abraham accords in 2020 were signed by israel and a number of arab states. this week supporters nominated trump for the nobel peace prize. the participants in this caravan, american patriotic truck drivers who flock from all over the country to the front of the internal war, which runs along the southern border
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of the united states, rely on him. starting early in the week in virginia , the convoy finally made it to texas by the weekend. migrants, and as is clear, everyone who is present here now, and the drivers themselves, who are naturally greeted by ardent trump supporters. several hundred trucks, vans and pickups traditional for rural america, settled in texas for a long time, on flags and football. obviously, they cannot save you from migrants. we have gathered to pray together and to let everyone know that we are here to protect our border. angry truckers arrived to the aid of the texas national
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guard, which, by order of the state governor, removed the federales from border guards and established control over the crossing. with mexico. armed guardsmen on army humvees are still coping on their own. after the introduction of the invasion regime to the states, the number of illegal immigrants decreased significantly. country without borders are not a country. we love our way of life and do not want to allow unknown people to freely enter our country. it is not right. you say that you are russian journalists. i am sure that this is simply impossible in russia. the world is watching the situation in texas with bewilderment. the us president demands not to interfere with thousands of migrants walking, swimming and even crawling towards the american dream. but the participants in this convoy, as well as the authorities in texas and 25 republican states, understand.
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volunteers also went, created personally by the paratroopers of the state guard, a separate a unit that reports to no one other than the governor. i say thank you to my fellow governors, half of america has now risen up against the biden administration, as well as most state attorneys general. biden is now opposed not only by texas, biden is opposed by the united states of america. on the border of mexico and texas, for several years one of the most. hot spots on the mexican-american border, now taken under full control by state national guard forces. as washington did not ask allow federal border guards to access
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the rio granda river and remove this barbed wire. the state is closing the border to death, but of course, these are conventions, since it is simply physically impossible to close thousands of miles of the mexican-american border. how the american indian tribes once missed out on illegal migration from europe. for which they paid with their existence, today illegal immigrants are bringing modern america to its knees. in the center of new york, several young people kicked police officers, as it turned out after the arrest, they entered the united states illegal, but the new york court decided to release them, that is, back to the temporary detention center, without bail, but with the prospect of obtaining citizenship. young people left the courtroom, showing the cameras to all americans the average. to the question: will the biden administration deport them, my answer is this: it doesn’t matter whether they are deported from the country or not, they will still be back here in 6
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days. we have a lot of examples when migrants returned, for them it was like riding on a carousel, they left, came back. designed the senate's national security bill, which includes a bipartisan border agreement, was buried by republicans in the lower chamber before even beginning debate. speaker. johnson speaks next to poster 64. that is how many destructive orders the biden administration has issued to deliberately undermine the country's security, including the release of detained illegal immigrants, as happened in new york. homeland security secretary alejandra mayorkas is set to be impeached by congress next week. with since biden and mayorkas took office, only our southern border has seen more. including my home state of louisiana, the population is small, but that 's how many people have been apprehended at the border in the last 3 years, including over 300 people
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on our terrorist list. and now it has finally become clear that the aid package for kiev will not be agreed upon in congress, the funding for ukraine and israel has been decided to be divided, this was announced the day before by the same mike johnson. voting on the allocation of 17 billion. now there is a real collapse in ratings, and during a meeting with voters in the capital of the american auto industry, detroit, he is again overtaken by protesting defenders of palestine.
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the loss of muslim votes amid new attacks in iraq and syria is the most noticeable , from 59% at the start of the term to 17%. now even the sanctions announced by the white house against israeli settlers have not helped. on the west bank, a reduction in arms supplies to tel aviv. biden loses not only to trump, but also to number two on the republican ticket, nicky haley, the democratic party campaign headquarters is coming running.
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the most unpopular president of all time wants to start a relationship with taylor swift. this looks like a marriage of convenience. biden doesn't even know who taylor swift is. he can't name a single song of hers, and swift can't name a single biden policy. these relationships were designed in the laboratory. but taylor swift is well known to donald trump, who was seriously offended when time magazine named her person of the year. not him, but the singer, and with with the current intensity, it may be that in the battle for the white house this fall, the decisive force will be armies of loyal supporters, glamorous pop singers on the one hand, and fiercely patriotic truck drivers on the other. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news of the week from texas. on monday , the court of arbitration for sport handed down the harshest possible verdict in a doping case against russian
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figure skater kamilla valeev. disqualification for 4 years, cancellation of all results in tournaments starting from december 25 twenty first year, this is the punishment for trimetozidine, a drug for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, found in the samples of a fifteen-year-old figure skater, this medicine is not doping , and it is unlikely that a minor athlete would intend to take a heart drug on the eve of the olympics, but for... beijing in team competitions together with the entire russian team. in russia , kamila valieva was supported not only by her colleagues. huge banners with a photograph of the russian figure skater appeared throughout moscow. words of support: camilla, you are our golden one. by the way, beijing's gold went to the americans.
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they are sport. allowed much more than everyone else, it is no coincidence that immediately after the decision of the arbitration court , demotivators appeared on the internet comparing the fragile russian figure skater, allegedly on doping, and muscular, supposedly clean american athletes. furthermore, transgender people have already penetrated into big-time sports under the guise of women, men who claim to be women participate in competitions even without reassignment surgery floor. at least 3 years ago , the international olympic committee recommended allowing transgender people to participate in the games. many athletes from sports federations, for example, the international swimming federation, are still resisting. well, we have a report coming up from italy, which is due to host the winter olympics in 2 years. asya emelyanova. milano-copina.
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what a holiday it was, and what an election video it was, the hissing of mocha with morning italian coffee, sunrise in the alps, slopes with natural snow, ecological wooden olympic villages in the heart of the dolomites. we are getting ready, and you are the pista olimpica, the olympic babesleigh track, if you believe the map, then we are in that very place. where in november 2024, that is, 8 months later, italy promised to hold test competitions of the new track, no, we are exactly in that very place, because the wreckage of the old one is there, but no one has started the construction of the new one, in the picture of 2024 everything is completely different, as in the video, the picture is 2026, soon it’s time to light the torch, but here people are still living with memories of
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the olympics. 56, fifty-sixth torch, ice palace - fifty-sixth, a springboard , more like a funeral stele, the calling card of the city of fifty-sixth, the owner of the legendary bar bob, which stands near the ruins of the old route 56, has long been mentally prepared for demolition, and the excavators still don’t come, i’m not a builder, but i know for sure that in russia the track took 3 years to build, in china 3 years, tourin 2006 - 3 years, yes, and here... and here we have snow, it’s hard to believe, but there is no one willing to build a track for 140 million euros . this summer there will be no competition for the construction of the san-on-babble track. no applications were submitted.
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yes, built just in time for the olympics. we are in piedmont in the town of pariol, here it is, a pearl, pride. top. turin 2006. it couldn’t be any other way, because the state invested 110 million euros in this. no security, no fence , we enter italy’s olympic past completely, unhindered. passion lives here, the motto that opened the tourin 2006, nothing has lived here since 2011. this stadium hosted 20 competitions, including the olympics, the inheritance
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turned out to be unaffordable, 1.3 million euros in year for the tiny town of cesana, this is a default. yeah, well, here’s the route, its final part. and the last time spectators sat here was in 2011, 13 years ago. the stadium in cesana is also a cemetery for amiak 50 tons, which was used to cool the track. thorin 2006. entry allowed for vip guests. well, most likely, just somewhere. hung here, if only there was a bubble track, there are such monuments to the olympics scattered throughout the valleys of piedmont, the city is inhabited, the jumps, here they are in all their glory, the two main olympic jumps, a long
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140 m, this one is 104, the record on it, by the way, belongs to the russian dmitry vasiliev, for a tiny village lived then, this object was supposed to be manna from heaven, a jump into a big sports and tourist event. future they stopped jumping here immediately after the olympics. the springboard was no luckier than the sled. as it turns out, there is always little snow here. this is the main stand. everything here has been stolen. inside, under the spectator seats, there was a restaurant. they even took out a huge multi-ton kitchen block. and here they cut off all the copper cables. as in chi for here neither there is no security, no fence, not even glass anymore. road sign, how did it get here? well, here’s the 2008 grand prix, it was 2 years after the olympics, after that it was all over, judging
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by the labels , they still tried to revive hotel jumping for jumpers after the pandemic, there was no demand, unlike the olympic village of turin, where unsold budget houses were seized guests from africa. to plaster, but prices have increased slightly, they promised to raise the springboard for 3 million, today they are talking about forty, the renovation of the biathlon ski stadium in anterselva has also become 20 times more expensive, 41 million, there are 70 objects on the list,
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but only 20 of them are olympic, everything else is tofana, tofana, ecco resort tofana, look, an elevator between three resorts, ottafana kallige and from tafana carabba. for example, 95 million euros. olympiadato? nothing to do with it, it’s just the pleasure of the owners of private ski resorts. well, this is a scam, a scam both for the residents and for nature. 2 years by olympic standards is almost tomorrow. italy will not have time to dig this grave for itself. this is clear if you look closely at the construction posters around the painting. 2021, 2021, this was all started for the world cup, the championship has passed, work is underway. i can still understand 2020, there was a pandemic, covid,
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everything stopped, but in 2021 it was possible to accelerate, especially since all the facilities now have special commissioners. italy risks screwing up at the international level in 2024. asi emilelova and anton chagaev, news of the week, turin, painting diam. on monday , a meeting of the supreme state council took place at the konstantinovsky palace in st. petersburg. union state of russia and belarus, which turns 25 this year. behind at this time, trade turnover between the countries approached 43 million dollars. there are 2,500 russian companies operating in the republic of belarus. on the eve of the state council, at a bilateral meeting with vladimir putin, alexander lukashenko expressed gratitude towards russia. and i thought about what kind of country could provide such opportunities.
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on thursday, prime minister mikhail mishustin arrived in kazakhstan, where he took part in a meeting of the eurasian intergovernmental council. later , the russian prime minister spoke at the international digital forum almaty, where he stated that... russia is one of the three world powers that
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most actively develops digital technologies. more details about everything. anna semyonova. mikhail mishustin's first foreign trip to kazakhstan this year. in almaat, the council of heads of government of the european five. for the eac countries, the past year, when russia presided, was profitable; the economy within the union grew by 3.5%. the union will soon be 10 years old from the signing of the agreement. and during all this time the union has proven its ability to adapt to changing international situation, but to progressively develop in the conditions of the turbulence of the global economy, although at the time of its creation, i think few could imagine what challenges we would have to face in the future. two of the five countries of the union - russia and belarus - are under unprecedented sanctions, while industrial production has grown by almost 4% over the past year. retail trade turnover is more than...
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which replaced russia as chairman of the eac, is generally called the armenian economic miracle. in the twenty-fourth year, gdp growth expected 8.3%. nikol pashinyan, who recently often missed meetings of prime ministers in almaat. it is obvious that the direction of development that brings such economic results to the countries of the union must be maintained. the main thing now, notes the russian prime minister, is the development of the technological potential of the five countries. it's time to move on. to the practical implementation of this idea,
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to ensure the opening of new modern production facilities that produce relevant in-demand products, to create a unified transport system throughout the eurasian space, to establish, if you want, seamless and safe international routes, by the way, last year was a record year for our country in terms of the volume of road construction, about 650 km of federal and regional highways were built, i will remind you of this in three and this is inextricably linked with the reorientation of eurasian commodity flows to the most promising areas in the market of friendly countries. a free trade agreement with iran has been signed, but there are still unfinished formalities. here it is necessary to quickly carry out all the procedures that necessary for the document to enter into legal force. issues regarding a temporary free trade agreement with mongolia are currently being worked out, as well as improvements to the existing one with vietnam, and progress has been noticeable. to advance in dialogue with egypt,
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negotiations are underway with the united arab emirates and indonesia. the departure of american and european technology companies from russia has only accelerated the creation of their own digital technologies. russia is among the world leaders in the development of digital technologies, for example, 109 use government services in our country million people. the almaat digital forum is traditionally timed to coincide with the council of prime ministers of the eurasian five countries. and the agenda is largely common, this is the digital economy, the creation of a unified information system throughout the eurasian space. the introduction of artificial intelligence in industry has already brought an economic effect of a trillion rubles. however, the russian prime minister emphasizes that we must not forget. artificial intelligence always reflects the human point of view in the brains of the russian gigachat of the western chat, well in in particular gpt, of course, different pictures of the world, different understandings of what is good and what is bad, and when admitting artificial intelligence into science, medicine, industry, it is very important to use
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models that meet one’s own national interests, the main document, in in accordance with which the eu five will develop, the declaration. series sklefosovsky on the russia tv channel we will open late in the evening, damn it, don’t be scared, they
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are good, kind, only our program will show big politics from unexpected angles. where did they send you, why, the president , the main emotions of this week, and also how to find out the phone number everything, i am me, yes, the minister and the most interesting shots of the week, dear friends, let's go through, because here... now the heads of state will go, they not only went, but drove, he himself gets behind the wheel, and all the security services know what to do in such situations, this week we will also see, we will show more than others, we will do it, i’m not against it, i’m for it, moscow, the kremlin, putin , watch right after the news of the week,
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alice, with my character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult. well, i can handle it, my daughter , my beloved beauty, nastasia samburskaya , i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how you all got me, and you break something easier, i hate you, it’s clear, you stole my dad, you hit me in the face , are you a dekarka, i’m also a person, dad, allaganova, no one except us alice...
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tramma 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, let’s talk about all the issues, slowly, place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, return nuclear weapons to me, how on the business front, the weather is cloudy and hailing in places, the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, fast, reliable, there are eight of them, equipment, and we have domos, the second tank.
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continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts we watch, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours... together, what will you have left? they went against god, went on tour a tour of all the liberated territories,
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what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. i don’t deny myself anything, i wanted the premiere, and i got it. sklefosovsky, new episodes from monday. initially, on the x network, formerly twitter, someone launched a flash mob with the hashtag “prove that you are not in russia.” moreover, it was proposed to do this with only one photo, it turned out a bit boring. someone was laying out the toilets. bathrooms overstocked with chicken eggs untidy shelves, in a word it came out somehow unappetizing in the west, well, like a spontaneous
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response in the telegram channel resources us media group russia today a flurry of photographs rained down under the slogan we are in russia, it came out beautifully, upliftingly warm, despite the frosty lace of the russian winter. here there is caviar, red and black, and kamchatsky. crabs, and a gas stove with all the burning burners, many, as proof of local color , lay out thermometer scales, it’s frosty outside, but at home there’s complete comfort. photos are sent from all over the country, from kaliningrad to kamchatka, the general mood, a sense of superiority and pride in our beloved russia, there is no other like it. it all started on monday a couple of weeks ago, but beautiful photos of unique russia, distinguishing it from
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the rest of the world, are still appearing. what would you send? this week , the first footage from the moscow vishnevsky surgery center appeared, a russian journalist of afghan origin, an employee of the russia today media group, thirty-year-old khaibar aki. moves with a walker along the hospital corridor, this is a real miracle, after all, we all remember that terrible terrorist attack near belgorod, when a downed ukrainian drone crashed with its deadly cargo into a rural house where khaibar was with his five-year-old daughter, his wife and her parents, the daughter and his wife’s parents died immediately, and the survivors khaibar and his wife were seriously injured , the position of the father of the family. it was very bad, if not desperate, everyone immediately got involved, the ministry of emergency situations, governor glotkov, minister murashka,
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severe concussion, concussion of an unimaginable degree, ruptured lung, broken ribs, burned 15% of the body with subsequent blood poisoning from multiple injuries, barely made it to moscow, this is an absolutely miracle, in the sense that i don’t think anyone expected him to come out of this state, but... that’s it i also want to say again that i am really grateful, firstly, to his parents, his father , who was here very often, prayed for him all the time, supported him, he believed that he heard him all the time, this is the first, second , he himself helped us, when he began to come to himself, he certainly struggled, 50 days on iv, initially on the encephalogram of the brain there is almost a straight line, well, it turns out almost 40 days, 40 days i was in a coma unconscious,
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this whole story, of course, to the guys from , first of all, the resuscitators who started belgorod, the surgeons and resuscitators who brought us here, our cockroach surgeons, our abdominal surgeons, there were operations related to this, and of course, the entire burn center, andrei anatolyevich alekseev led this work. there were many operations involving autodermoplasty, sometimes with skin grafts, it’s necessary, this is not just one operation , there are dozens of these operations that need to be rescheduled, now khaibar is even joking, well, i’ve lost weight... well, for as long as i can remember, i always wanted to lose weight, to lose weight, i went to the gym there, trained, now you want to lose weight, ask me how it is now, now, now i’m already thinking, you need to be careful, probably with your wishes and dreams, because i dreamed about it, everything will be fine, of course,
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more will be needed. and the doctors fought, well i was aware from day one to this day, so accompanied, watched, so it’s good that everything worked out, in general it must be said that such a miraculous rescue would have been impossible in any country in the world, thanks to our doctors, well , today is oncologist’s day, in this area russia
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is at the forefront, report: elena erofeeva , it was not customary to talk about this out loud before, only in private. lord, why me, why me, it seems like life just started getting married and having children. it's about a cage that suddenly breaks and grinds people's lives. i have support my family, my husband. my children. numbness, fear, despair, for many there is only hope. mihalovich, inhale. we hold, we hold, we hold. don't breathe, don't move. it's hard for him not to move. mihaloch runs through life. down the stairs, always on foot, only above the third floor goes up by elevator. how did the doctor tell you that you have cancer? calmly. to
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be honest, i went out and got drunk. i wish i had a horse while i rode. and that’s it, i forgot. the diagnosis was made in 2013, liver cancer, there was no pain, there was discomfort on the right side, an ultrasound revealed a tumor, then an operation, several courses of chemotherapy and a meeting with artur palych, there is always a smile behind a medical mask. darling, let's not talk about how we lived, shining, as it seemed, the country to people, my sublime passion, beautiful, the author of poetry, also his patient, every time he comes with books, between the painful ones.
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blood vessels are the tumor, it itself grows them in order to receive nutrients and grow, thereby robbing the human body, precise bombardment with chemotherapy or radiotherapy stops this growth, in 2 months, mikhail will come back for surgery again, the little one, look how my grandchildren grow up, like the little one, look at how my side rises, in men, the most common areas for cancer to spread are the lungs, stomach, skin and prostate. the most common types in women remain cancer of the breast, skin, stomach, and colon, but modern treatment methods make it possible to gain years of life from the disease for these patients. how many people are completely cured without recurrence? in the early stages for many localizations, 95%. cancer breast cancer, skin cancer, now there are very
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interesting cosmetic effects there up to 100%. we get there, and of course, that continuum that i said is added, even with advanced stages, which they also add for 5-6 years, for the treatment of skin cancer at the hertzin research institute they have been using the method of photodynamic therapy for many years, in it is based on the destruction of cancer cells due to the action of reactive oxygen species. the second component is a medicine that increases the sensitivity of the tissue to the laser. due to its mechanism. it selectively destroys tumor tissues, it does not damage healthy surrounding tissues, and tumor addiction resistance does not arise. at the radiology center they are working on a drug called cartic cell therapy. living human cells are used as the active substance, these are his own lymphocytes. they are modified, their genetic code is changed, using a viral vector,
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and the immune system is trained to recognize malignant cells and destroy them. the administration of such a drug suppresses tumor growth. a drug is aimed at treating patients with a very aggressive type of tumor. gleoblastoma is a brain tumor for which it exists. to the microscope, neurosurgeon andrei kuzmin is trying to understand the head, the patient is already over 70. the tumor is benign, but is located in such a way that it puts pressure on the left hemisphere of the brain, which is responsible for movement
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and speech. over the past year, the chelebinsk oncology center has begun to perform twice as many operations as before. new expert class equipment has appeared here. raktny verdict, and yet we are now on the second stage of cancer. together, in the structure of mortality, in terms of the level of horror that this diagnosis causes, it is probably in the first place, but at the same time, we must understand that medicine has made a significant leap, and what was impossible just a few years or decades ago, today, well, this is already a routine for us. evgeniya ended up in the oncology department of the chelyabinsk hospital in the fall of 2013, then she was only worried about her own life. my sister sent photos of my children, i realized that... i need fight, went through all the circles of pain , worries, tears, well, now i’m here, 10 years later, everything is fine, cancer incidence is growing all over the world, the world
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health organization warns that by 2050 there will be 35 million such patients, this is almost 80% more than in 2022, on the one hand , statistics are affected by aging and population growth, we, of course, must fight smoking incredibly, because we see that this is exactly 30 times in many localizations, these patients get sick more often, and not only lung cancer , this is both colon cancer and esophageal cancer, this alcohol abuse, including promiscuous sex life, we eat very healthy, a sedentary lifestyle, obesity, diabetes, when understanding cancer, patients must understand: the earlier oncology is detected, the easier it is to treat. often such tumors are discovered incidentally during other examinations. symptoms sometimes appear too late, but a malignant tumor can be detected in the early
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stages. the final diagnosis is made by an oncologist. previously in district clinics, now in such centers outpatient oncological care, this is where the path of this difficult struggle for life begins. only 70 oncologists are seeing patients. in one center of the pribotkin hospital, here patients immediately take tests , undergo diagnostics, the examination takes no more than a week, previously they spent 2-3 months on this, if the diagnosis is confirmed, the person is prescribed treatment, because before, as it was before, the patient is diagnosed with cancer , thank god it is at an operable stage, he runs to the surgeon, the surgeon operates on him, and then where to observe, and where do follow-up examinations, now this patient remains. be observed in our center throughout life. the patient who found himself in the iron hands of surgeon dmitry pashkar today came after an examination at the outpatient care center. diagnosis of prostate cancer, operable. an academician
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works with the davinci robot. a surgeon at a computer console performs the most difficult step: removing the gland where a cancerous tumor was found. the botkin hospital operates a so-called fast track system. this is a system. quick help to the patient, you know, no need to say fasteg - this is a quick discharge, you know, as they say, no, no, this is quick help, today it is important that the patient does not wait for a long time. pancreatic cancer, the chief oncologist of moscow, igor khadkov , operates with 3d glasses, an immersive image on the patient, 73. he first underwent six courses of chemotherapy, underwent heart surgery, all this was done here at the loginov moscow clinical research center. now they are fighting the tumor, in the world we are noticing some trend towards people getting sick a little more at a younger age, but in general, this disease... our elderly
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are over 70 years old, well, almost half of the patients have cancer. the new building, which opened last fall, provided new opportunities. another 18 were added to the fifteen existing operating rooms. now about 140 operations are performed here per shift. three powerful accelerators were installed in the radiation therapy department. medical physicists work individually with each patient, programming the gamma ray.
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the long-awaited event on the russia tv channel will start the eleventh season tomorrow, immediately after the twenty-hour news universally beloved series. sklefasovsky,
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so what should the viewer expect in the new season of the medical drama dmitry castro. orlov, gennady petrovich, 22 years old, closed head injury, fractured collarbone, fell down the stairs. we're taking the viewing party. there is a whirlwind of events again at the main emergency medicine institute, and at their epicenter is the talented and unpredictable surgeon bragin. his calling is to be on this front line every day. careful, careful, turn around. i wanted this season to also have tests, serious tests regarding health, and even more so, i wanted i would like to give the audience hope, at least believe in each other and support each other. in the center of the plot is the appointment of polonsky to the post of new chief physician, he was played by roman madyanov, everything would be fine, but the new boss immediately begins to establish his own rules, not everyone likes them. “i want
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to warn everyone, i haven’t turned off the sound of my mobile phone, as the head of the clinic, i want to know when our doctors will return from the stadium. the heroes will face trials not only at work, but bragin’s wife, the heroine maria kulikova, will also have to face she suddenly inherits a house, but the first joy is overshadowed by the surprises of fate. there will be a lot of events, tragic, dangerous, and my heroine in the last season to a greater extent." from such a homely woman, let's say, serious adventures await her this season, i myself, go away, go away, please, nothing can happen to bragin to be established, as you understand, and two children do not hold him back, he is a man, a fountain, adventures, so we will also have a drink with him, the everyday life of medical personnel is just some kind of misadventures, trials, accidents, explosions, scandals , irina pavlova’s department, like...
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the viewer, when he gets used to the heroes he loves, he no longer wants to let them go, kulyakov’s title says that instead of svetlana there is a service, but we’ll take anyone, and svetlana and kulyakova and the service, in sklif everything is very painstaking, and yulia vladimirovna krasnova, our leader, she doesn’t let anyone relax, from the first episodes the main creative task for the creators of the film was authenticity, and the film is not documentary, but everything... accuracy and once again
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accuracy. everything that happens in the frame should evoke not only the love of the audience, but the respect of professionals and doctors. kana aleksanevna, are you nervous? a little. i realized how i was lying on this table and thinking whether i will walk or not, in addition to all the ups and downs , a quarantine was announced in sklefosovsky, the reason for this was an unknown virus that infected not only the patients of pavlova’s department, but also the doctors. there’s a lot of history, and that’s good, because there ’s such a montage, from some tragic scene it’s immediately funny, nin, you don’t understand something, i’ve been losing weight for 3 weeks on her diet, look how i lost weight in 3 weeks, look, there’s nothing behind me, why are they hanging? a test of strength, every day they give someone a second life, in the series viewers will again see nina usatova, konstantin yushkevich, andrei ilyin, andrei sirin, vladimir zherebtsov. whatever twists and turns await
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the heroes in the new season, you won’t be able to relax here.


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