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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  February 4, 2024 8:00pm-10:01pm MSK

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accuracy and once again accuracy, everything that happens in the frame should evoke not only the love of the audience, but the respect of professionals and doctors. kana aleksanevna, are you nervous? a little. i remembered how i was lying on this table and thinking whether i will walk or not. in addition to all the ups and downs, a quarantine was announced in sklifosovsky, the reason for this was an unknown virus that infected not only the patients of pavlova’s department, but also the doctors. lots of stories, that's good. because there is such a montage of some tragic scene that is immediately funny, nin, you don’t understand something, i’ve been losing weight for 3 weeks following her diet, look how i ’ve lost weight in 3 weeks, look, there’s nothing behind me, they’re hanging yes, but when i run, i feel like something’s falling off in me , their work is a test of strength, every day they give someone a second life, in the series viewers will again see not nausatov, konstantin yuzhkevich, andrei ilyin, andrei sirin, vladimir zherebtsov, what twists and turns? they don’t expect heroes in the new
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season, you can’t relax here, the further it goes, the more we probably have interest, so as not to it was boring, and i invited zhenya to congratulate the children, well, this is a phenomenon, the audience always says, well, when will everything be fine with them, people are happy, moments, seconds, years, but how much happens to them during these happy years of theirs, so he says, oh, it doesn’t happen, wow, how it happens, it’s already the second decade, a popular series that you want to watch again and again, the next episodes, unexpected collisions and favorite characters tomorrow at 21:20 on the russia tv channel. dmitry kayster, natalya gubina, lead weeks. well, that’s all for today, with that we say goodbye, all the best and see you next sunday, a little later, sunday evening with... solovyov, right now, moscow,
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the kremlin, putin. late sunday evening. pauline, don’t be afraid, they are good and kind. the only time all week. when about big politics. you will see the footage. which were not available anywhere, let’s do it, i’m not against it, i’m for it. good evening, st. petersburg, moscow, tula. the president’s working week followed this route. vladimir putin held a meeting of the supreme state council in the northern capital union state of russia and belarus, and then met with the governor of the city and the head of the leningrad region. moscow also has a busy schedule. working meeting, meeting on the development of new regions, opening of modern ones. campuses were
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the first to participate in the movement's convention. all the details of the president’s work before anyone else can be seen in zarubin’s telegram channel. and on the day of military glory, vladimir putin came to tula, where he spoke at the forum all for victory. the forum brought together hundreds of workers and engineers, defense companies, doctors, volunteers, everyone who supports our soldiers on the front line. they predicted a recession, failure, collapse, but they won’t succeed, he said. president, such people cannot be defeated. hello, yes, the week was extremely eventful, but what this means for us is that now our viewers will see much more than others. you know that we are in crimea with you, we will have to break through to washington, we will make a way there.
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and the cliche is this: patriotism is a haven for scoundrels, why? because there are people who hide behind love for their homeland, patriotism, and under this guise they do whatever they want, there are such people, but of course, there are always people who abuse something, but this cannot undermine the very idea of ​​love for the motherland, that’s what’s important, that’s what we must understand, therefore someone is trying to slander love for the motherland, right?
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either he doesn’t understand what he’s doing, or he’s doing it deliberately on the orders of our enemy, love for the homeland itself is a very bright feeling, it’s the same as not loving your family, not loving your mother, your children, the same with the homeland, here there are such things which should be laid directly in the subcortex, although what is happening now, historical russia has risen, still suggests that we have the foundation of education, it is quite strong and so solid, all this foam that is always present in any society, it is little by little, little by little, washed away, if we do nothing, if we do not protect our... people in the donbass, in the kherson region, there in zaporozhye, we will not help, we would abandon people in crimea, what would it turn into in the end our country, in a decrepit, not self-sufficient country, in fact unnecessary to anyone, which everyone from the outside would pat patronizingly on the
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head and give us rotten potatoes as humanitarian aid, and at the same time we would always think about how and how to chop off, well, we’re all right here in my eyes for these two decades i have watched how... what is happening, the speeches are sweet, good, but everyone is thinking, take a bite here, take a bite here, create rules in the world economy so as to extinguish all our competitive advantages, that's if we don’t want to leave such a decrepit , useless country, we don’t want to doom our children to feel like second-class citizens, of course, we under no circumstances should abandon our people either in the crimea or in novorussia and on donbass, we must make our country self-sufficient in this... the main manifestation of sovereignty, if we think about the future, what country our children will live in, what we will leave them, it’s all together, love for family, for children, for parents, to the small homeland, to the country as a whole, this is patriotism, so you and i are on the right path, our entire fatherland is free
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, about their nationwide support, i understand how important this is, i try very hard
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to help with something, we are trying to knit socks, we are lucky, 3 million letters sent to our soldiers to the front line.
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three paramedics, two drivers and a paramedic, this is after the second flight, when they provided assistance to the victims, what is called the ukrainian armed forces, it turned, of course, into such a terrorist organization, they shoot at ambulances, you know, i remember the year ago, the interception was simple, when
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armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine tried to enter donetsk, interception, just tankers talking to each other via communication in the tanks, a local resident came out of the house, he has a family there. there are children running around somewhere, one of the tankers, an army soldier , shot him, and he came out in a tracksuit, the second one asks him why did you do this, a man with... a tracksuit just came out of the house, in his house family, children can be heard, answer: yes, they are all terrorists here, just like that, he took them and shot them, it pains me to talk about this now, but still, i’ll say, when our unit withdrew from the kharkov region, we know what was going on there, what these scum were doing, but only the nazis could do this to it, that’s what it’s all about, that ’s who we’re dealing with , what is this if not ours?
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explosion, if at that moment our driver had not come running to us, he would have died on the spot, i would like to resolve the issue about our drivers, medical staff, doctors, filshers, orderlies receive a special certificate, but the drivers do not, but they are at risk with us life, we know what the burden falls on you as a nursing staff.
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the situation is jarring, which means she said, speaking in kiev, that
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nice surprises await mr. putin on the battlefield, and ukraine will achieve very serious success this year. well , firstly, of course, i would prefer not to comment on ms. noland, i think it would be better for my colleagues from the ministry of foreign affairs to do this, and secondly, as a rule, victoria’s visit to kiev does not end well, we remember this from the fourteenth the year she handed out the pies is now exactly 10 years ago, by the way, just these ones, you see. how yes, she comes there regularly, but as for surprises, you know, putting the words dear battlefield into one associative row, you probably know what is akin to, you remember mrs. clinton, how she burst into laughter when she saw the bloody gaddafi, we they came, we saw , he died, apparently, it’s customary there overseas, everything is different here, yes, the united states, being a direct... participant in this conflict, while maintaining an increasing degree of its direct
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involvement in this conflict, continues to provoke the kiev continuation mode war, this in no way can influence the course of a special military operation, this in no way can influence the outcome of a special military operation, all goals will be achieved, the americans are making the ukrainians sicker, the americans are making sure that more ukrainians die, it is the americans who are doing this. we ask for this , we insist that an international investigation be carried out, there are no volunteers from international organizations, so i officially take this opportunity to officially say, we ask to send international experts and conduct this analysis and evaluate. available material evidence that the plane was shot down by the patriot system from a specific place, at a specific time, as i already
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said, at 11:10 two launches were made from the territory controlled by the ukrainian authorities, whether or not this will stop the exchanges, we will not stop the exchange, we have our own the guys need to be taken away, if the ukrainian side, of course, is ready for this, they always give us a signal that they are ready, well, ready, please, it’s their business, what to do with their military personnel, why they did this, i don’t know. i don’t understand, you can still imagine why they are shelling peaceful cities, there are several goals, to divert the attention of the sponsors’ own population from the failures of the so-called counter-offensive, to show that they can do something, to provoke us into retaliatory mirror actions for strikes for civilian and peaceful targets on the territory of ukraine itself, as for the fact that they shot down a plane where their military personnel were, but i don’t have the answers, i won’t even guess, in any case that’s the same a crime, we know there is a fear that this will have a negative impact on sponsors, they will
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give less money, but they are trying to hush everything up, look at what is there in the media, in the west, nothing, just a click, everything is immediately forgotten, everything is cleared from the information field, but we will not forget about the crimes that they commit against our citizens , the pumping up of public opinion in european countries is growing, about some kind of almost inevitability of war with russia, germany is ahead of everyone, in an unexpected way, but nevertheless less so, this is just growing, the message is growing every day that we need to prepare for a war with... russia, well, we need to further sculpt the image of the enemy, do it texturedly, prominently, in order to justify the increase in expenses, you know, the allocation of 50 billion, on the one hand, for the eu , this is an amount, well, not very serious, on the other hand, it is still noticeable against the backdrop of the crisis phenomena that are manifesting themselves in
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the economies of the european union countries, what is germany, it is the economic engine of the european union, and whole sector of the economy. they went back to the machine and worked like this, but is it possible to defeat such people, never, now too, everything is for victory, victory in the rear is forged by 6,000 enterprises, 3.5 million people, the production of the most important weapons has increased sharply, all at times, a real breakthrough
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in labor a feat, you carried out the order of your homeland , thank you for this , show yourself to everyone... that we are a self-sufficient country, they expected that our financial system would collapse in 3 months, the economy in six months, the enterprise would close, recession, failure, collapse, that under the pressure of sanctions we will retreat, let’s give up , fall apart, i want to show a well-known gesture, i won’t do this , there are a lot of girls here, nothing will work out for them , we have the highest figure in the entire history of the country for housing construction, more than 110 million square meters of housing have been built, this has never happened before never, but we did it, a tremendous amount of work has been done on the territory, and even more remains to be done this year. kiev terrorists don’t like this, on the eve of a new bloody shelling of lesichansk, but victory is inevitable, and the groundwork for a calm peaceful life is growing every day
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more. everything is important, and this meeting is of particular importance. ekaterinsky. the kremlin hall, here , a significant part of the government, the head of the central bank in this composition about the development of new regions of russia, cameras were broadcast throughout the country, the head of the central bank heard in the hall , what they were afraid of before the sanctions, everything has already happened, what is there to be afraid of, you need to come to these territories more actively and work there, i turn to our major financial institutions, the main problem for obtaining a loan today is insurance, we unfortunately do not have insurance, unfortunately, for now there are still shellings. but those banks that are already working have staked out a place, as they say, this activity, although dangerous activity, increases their opportunities, like a bank, peaceful life will come, the one who is first will have more opportunities, and peaceful construction there more and more, the multidisciplinary center of the federal medical and biological agency in mariupol was put into operation, when i was there, i looked at
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this complex, to be honest, it is so grandiose, so you gave instructions to build a federal one. at the end of the year we want the first turn to start the work in full-time mode, and this is only the first stage, very much counting on the fact that the second stage, the work on it will also be quickly implemented, after the meetings they fell asleep at the seluans immediately for a separate conversation about money. you need a lot of settings, however, many regions help directly. the fact that today sevastopol is able to provide assistance to its brothers and sisters in melitopol is already such a good indicator of the situation. after all, it is developing in the positive direction we need, and avdeevka is also on the battlefield, this group of veterans ahead of our troops, overtook them,
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broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached the outskirts of avdeevka, captured 19 houses and held them successfully, the men there are fighting as they should, as they should, they are fighting in kilometers, how far they need to be moved so that they stop shelling, depending here... weapons that are supplied by western countries, but now this specific figure has been named, about 150 km, this line should be such a distance from our territory that it would ensure security, meaning the long-range guns of foreign countries before of all production that the ukrainian authorities use to shell peaceful cities. i just talked about what our guys are doing in, say, the avdeevka direction, although the same thing is happening practically along the entire line of contact. are pushing the enemy away from vitally important populated areas of the russian federation, and this is the main motive of our guys who are fighting and risking their lives, to defend their homeland,
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to protect our people, we will push them back , that’s all, to cover a civilian object, an infrastructure one, because we see how this government is behaving, hitting civilian targets, they need to be covered, and the border needs to be covered, your products are in high demand, the conversation with the defense industry is very frank,
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the governor, a minute before the president’s arrival , gallantly warned deputy prime minister golikova. tatyana alekseevna, come back. the meeting
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ultimately went according to plan, and before the meeting at the oncology dispensary, the operator of our program captured such a moment. in zarubin’s telegram channel, this video appeared earlier; the doctor invited the rest to visit his new home. 120 m. guests, thank you, well , we’ll hold a meeting now, we’ll wait, let’s start, yes , thank you, thank you very much, the cameramen and other accompanying people end up flying into the house at such a speed that these are the very first words putin says, you don't be scared, they , hello, pauline, don't be scared, they're good, kind, they won't, won't be offended, excuse me, please, that we... we are very honored, this house is provided to the family of doctors as support, but i don't i’ll go there, oh well, no, no, it won’t, listen, how great it is you have here, but bunny, you’re on
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victory, the president, whose grandchildren himself quickly found an approach, slightly changing his own voice, hello, palina, hello, i need the soft animals that my mother ordered for me, well, here, here, another soft mirror, closer, polina , what should i say? hold it, that's it, thank you! polina quickly loosened up and is ready to read a poem, no miracles can replace the land of vadima, only here everything is so loved, rivers, heads and foxes, here the country begins from a sweet canopy, there are many other countries, only one homeland. and then the poem is also a musical number, and you ’re dancing, or what? yes, but what about some? judging by these shots, the president of our program also took part in the children's musical number.
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once again, sunshine, yes, yes, sunshine, water , that’s how it should be, well done, yes, well done, but when the devil came to sit at the table for tea, it’s clear who immediately asked polina, the president examined the table, tula gingerbread cookies, unexpectedly arrived, before you start with the treats, a question for the hostess, can you, well, my husband told me, under what conditions you get a house, if you give it to the hospital for 10 years, you give it to tula medicine, then you can ride in the property, for how many years, 10 years, 10 years, in this village such cottages for doctors are 25, 28 rubles for 25 houses,
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normal. while the high-ranking guests were drinking tea, the attentive polina noticed that there were other people nearby behind the scenes. they eat, they eat, they eat, they eat, they don’t eat. we talked more about serious things at the table, but again there is always serious talk.
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she clearly let go, because further, no matter how whatever happened, she went to somersault next to the table. but then we had to return to the adults again for a group photo. i'll even take you into my arms. a group photo with putin was taken at the cancer clinic where the parents work; the governor initially remained behind the scenes. it is clear, of course, that it is impossible to solve housing problems for all families in all industries , they also told putin about one of the young specialists, but they have children, no, i just got married, give us advice, denis, let’s have children, young family , preferential mortgage, and if we immediately give him a preferential mortgage, and children will be put off, of course you need to talk to your wife about how she is, he is the only one
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to do this. they were practicing their diction and were clearly preparing for a speech, and putin came to everyone, high-fived them, impressive objects in the sberbank pavilion, now money, extremely rare shots of the president , along with everyone else, suddenly rise up somewhere.
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the government of soviet russia cancels. everything about the history of sberbank with details that are especially interesting right now. do not hesitate to say that the german auto industry began with us. yes, we are sponsors and investors, they are now destroying theirs, so we need to help somehow. well, modern sber relies on artificial intelligence. scanner
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he didn’t draw it in such detail , he was scared, he didn’t try so hard, he signed it, i’m not down, if he sketches my curls, then he’ll suck it up, vkontakte pavilion, good afternoon, dear friends, be at the exhibition for the fourth time, and there’s an explanation for that, what is presented here was once someone’s dream, i remember
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postcards from the beginning of the last century in vladivostok, they depict a bridge about which people dreamed, but did not dream, that he would one day exist. and this was at the very beginning of the last century, today there is this bridge, we built it, and another one, even larger than the one that people dreamed of, and many more achievements that we could not even dream of at one time, for example, in the field of aviation engine building, 90% is already a completely localized product, 90%. yes, thank you for the applause, this is the applause
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for the first time, when the meeting was completed, the television broadcast stopped, putin turned off the microphone, began collecting his documents again back to the topic, when delivery is required, well, i’m asking for everything, because i didn’t just
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look at the cities that lay claim to this great thing that caught my eye, well, they generally have a modest budget, huh? towards the end of the week, russia, russia, at the beginning of the week met with the leadership of russia's main partner, belarus.
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mutual trade is growing steadily from year to year, reaching a historical maximum. how could it be otherwise, when the work is structured around him, the minister of economic development also promptly responds to a request for a mobile phone and... personally writes the number, it’s all me, it’s me, yes , this shot was taken only by our operators, it’s clear that we can’t show the number to everyone, the photographers were also all very prepared for the work, everything is written on their faces, who is doing what, when i follow her into the hall, who will run across, who, who to where, who here, you take it off,
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such is the scope of russian-belarusian relations, and with whom else do negotiations take so long, they moved smoothly. thirdly , even in a car, putin is driving. movement, a day at hockey and at memorial events and security, safety of the head of any state - these are always special nuances. here there was more such for a short distance of movement, after all, they moved around the territory of the konstantinovsky palace complex, so they did not go out onto public roads, there, of course, this could cause a lot of discomfort to the residents of st. petersburg and guests of the northern capital, there it's without it.
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not from the blockade, it gave an additional
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emotional coloring to the events and of course for us, for everyone, for the russians , it is pleasant to understand that the fraternal people, like belarusian, he is absolutely in solidarity with us in preserving this memory. in honor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the union state , there are memorable souvenirs on the tables, and together with you we are watching putin’s facial expressions. well, that’s what else our program saw: “putin signed one of the... documents, and then drew attention to the text with the presidential work schedule. apparently, at that second putin decided to read out a quote, which was then replicated by everyone. you, that is, i, as the head of the host state , invite members of the supreme state council to working lunch, what a pleasure. thank you very much. this also says a lot, the president escorted the belarusian leader to the car.
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pavel, what are the president’s plans for the next week? i'll tell you point by point. we must do everything to ensure that the return from both fundamental and applied science is many times higher for our development. the country will celebrate next week. centenary of the russian academy of sciences, the president, of course, will congratulate the academicians and hold a meeting of the council on science and education, also in the presidential plan for the week of meetings with members of the government. our economy is growing and today has become the largest in europe. there will also be a meeting with permanent members of the security council, international contacts are also on the president’s schedule, in the conditions of an information storm, when there are a lot of similar telegram channels around, publishing the same thing, watch and read. the rest are the most
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interesting and important political personnel, well, on sunday and only in our program you will see more of the rest. thank you, pavel, as always, i say goodbye to you for the week, and we will meet with the audience after a short break. i'm waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening. today is a day of mourning in lisichansk and i kept trying to find for myself some kind of reasonable explanation, no, not why these bastards are like this. behave, here the president, the supreme
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commander-in-chief gave an unambiguous assessment that the armed forces have long ago turned into a test organization, and why are we here every time surprised, here we always have the feeling that no, no, wait, well, you are the world, you you can’t help but realize that this is a wild crime against civilians, take a hit at a bakery, where it’s obvious only peaceful and rejoice at how their... mangled bodies are taken out, a child died there, women, men, and then i read western historians, i read...
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well, what’s wrong, well, before that there was a bombing, by the way, worse than kheroshima and nagasaki tokyo, when even more civilians died at once, so what, what difference does it make, collateral damage, collateral damage, and we still can’t understand who we’re dealing with, we’re always looking to the west, trying to find them here are the great teachers who will say...
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we are naively mistaken, firstly, we must not forget about the charm of evil, and then we must simply look at what they do, you will know them by their deeds, it is obvious that we are saying, well , wait, well, you understand that we have nuclear weapons, we will use them, yes , listen, firstly, they are sure that we will not use them and will try to do everything so that those people from whom...
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therefore, the new world war already occupies a central place in the minds of western leaders, the vanguard of the process anglo-americans, if you think about it, yes, london, well to some leaks, in complete suriosity , he believes that it is possible to lead a certain nato contingent, i think, in fact, that this is a fake, i don’t believe that they are so stupid that they think that now they will send an expeditionary force to ukraine, liberate ukrainian troops, no , just like... the idea that now they will strike our territories, the northern ones, now they will attack kaliningrad, and we will not do anything makes me laugh, this is only possible if by this moment they are planning a series of terrorist attacks within the country, not only for the purpose of destabilization, but also the physical elimination of the top leadership,
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which, let me remind you, they have been talking about for many years, hinting to our oligarchs that you need to carry out a coup. do you think that we took it so lightly when the drones hit the kremlin, like just like that, but we reacted to it quite easily, and i don’t believe in accidents, for the west, in principle , there are no red lines, the west will justify any crimes, well, listen, well, when they speak in all seriousness about iran, argues that... and what we forgot, as families, not so long ago a conspiracy was planned, the goals of destroying the president of belarus and his members were not hidden, that is, they directly discussed the details of how they
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would do it , this is what we say every time, but no, well, but for those, that is, even... the wording itself seems strange, but what’s wrong? at the same time, on the one hand, they look like clowns, with all that they do in the middle east, but the clowns are bloody, clowns in the american tradition, scary bloody clowns, and one could say that nothing works out for them in the middle east, but that’s not entirely true, well, of course they succeeded. the region is on fire, the terrible tragedy that began on october 7 in israel has turned into an endless nightmare for the palestinian people, into a series of terrible tragedies.
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but they are driving themselves, where, they are preparing for a big war, well, it’s a staring contest, or what ? who will blink first? now
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a former googler read there, we must help ukraine produce 2 million small pividron drones that move on such speed, that they cannot be intercepted, and we must train ukrainian operators, that is , they are already saying directly: 2 million fpv drones, fpv drones are not a panacea, new weapons will appear, in general, now is the time when such agile weapons are appearing, that
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is, new systems are appearing weapons , constantly changing, it is clear that there will be a high level of involvement of artificial intelligence, well, this means the academy of sciences, finally we need to work in the name of victory, this means the entire civil society needs to get involved, all smart people, this means every university must prepare. operators in military departments, well, young, talented , capable, accustomed to playing, you just need to realize that no one will be able to sit out, no one, we have entered an era of great transformation. margarita, yes, when i went to this studio, at that time 28 people had already died in lesichansk, a monstrous tragedy, no military... there is no point in this as usual, the child died, the american
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hymers killed them all, i know that the american media and in general, the western media are closely following your volodya program, quoting literally our every word, entire pages, newspaper and television reports are dedicated, so i want to address them to america, this is your america hymers, killed people who. came on saturday just to eat buns , drink coffee with families, it’s you, america, doing this, america gareth beecherstall with her humanistic ideas, the little woman who wrote the great book uncle tom’s cabin, welcoming to the great war that ended slavery, as he called it lincoln, this book was the second best selling book in 19 century after the bible, this book. which, for the first time in america, proclaimed universal humanistic values ​​that extended to blacks, who are now not
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customary in america to call them blacks, but for us this does not carry a negative connotation, but african americans, it is lincoln himself, who began, finished this war, ended this slavery, this martin luther king's america, with his great thing, speech, i have a dream, a dream. about his people, his race , stopping being humiliated in this america, this america of beautiful words, from the declaration of independence, a document that , in fact, laid the foundation for the existence of america as a state, and there are such wonderful words that all people are born equal, everyone has the right to life, freedom to seek happiness, what are you america, christian once america with a completely christian ethic. america once denied the search for happiness, freedom in life to these people
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who live there, all they want is to live the way they want. as martin luther king's fellow tribesmen wanted, as she wanted harriet beecher stowe, what kind of life she, being white, wanted for blacks, just remember yourself, america, wake up, there are people in america who understand this, there are not many of them, there are fewer and fewer of them, one of them is rumored now in moscow, god grant that this is true, and that everything works out, they will show it, they will react to it, i was now at a meeting with the president’s confidants, as a confidant, and there was a whole line of western media lining up to interview , this is very touching interview, you know this steve rosenberg , many of our fellow citizens know him from the press conferences of our president, he always asks some question, well, he is so charming, so english, a completely typical english guy, he asks
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me a question that actually... we russians don’t ask each other questions, because the answer seems self-evident to us, and he asks: why do you think that president putin would be the best choice for russia? i was wondering how to explain it to them? and i say: you lived here in the nineties, even now we let’s ignore the fact that, in fact, there is now a war going on, a war, in fact, and it would be somehow strange in the midst of such global events in the world in our country, that someone friend suddenly became president.
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came up with this, i was a little teenager, but i remember it very well, you don’t remember how hopeless it was, how we were taught to despise ourselves, how my generation was taught this, it was drummed into us in schools in the nineties, throughout the media, in all of pop culture, so that we despise our own history, you don’t remember this
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widespread poverty, presidential scholarship, i read that now the presidential scholarship is 30,000 rubles. this is not a huge amount of money, but it is enough money, at least to feed yourself, especially if you live in a hostel, it is, at the very least , almost 300 dollars. i received a presidential scholarship when i was studying at the university, a long time ago, right at the turn of the nineties and two thousand. my presidential scholarship, as far as i remember, was the only one for the entire region, that is, it was very cool to receive it. it was 12 dollars. this enough for about two breakfasts and three lunches in the student canteen, in a cheap student canteen, where there was, you know, dried fruit compote, some kind of pasta, well , that is, it was just funny, you can buy several packs of the cheapest instant coffee, you have everything presidential scholarship , now it’s almost 300 dollars, it could also be more, but the changes are dramatic and most importantly separatism, i say, you don’t
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remember how our country split... they don’t remember the country, of course, but i remember in my kuban, where i was born and raised, in my native krasnodar region, rallies every saturday against moscow. i remember how the late governor, kondratenko, forbade muscovites to sell grain from the kuban, because they had their own wedding there, and we have your wedding. i remember how sochi wanted to separate from the krasnodar region, the krasnodar region from the rest of russia, in adygea, which...
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is a bit old, or are you lying, he says: okay, i accept the remark, old, okay, i say, that is , what you say, you will not refute, but you know, he
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he tells me that one person cannot hold this post for so long, rule any country , because this leads to negative consequences there, i say, listen, you come up with some kind of dogma, some kind of mantra that is convenient for you and turn it into some kind of discharge...
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our own place in the boat, we should be interested in the fate of the boat itself, because if the boat capsizes , it doesn’t matter what place you occupied there, and we are not now standing on the threshold, in the doorway of
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tectonic changes in the world and tectonic confrontation , threats, which our country, i’m not afraid of this analogy , has not seen since the time of the tatar-mongol yoke, because even during... during the great patriotic war, still a significant part, a good half of the so-called civilized world was on our side and fought on our side, now we are fighting on our own, we are alone, i don’t take belarus , because belarus is also us, it’s true , of course, it’s an independent state, but a union one, it’s us, it’s true, it’s a union state, those who sympathize with us, they sympathize , watching. they sympathize observantly, they do not actively sympathize, they do not sacrifice their people, they do not participate in this massacre , as england,
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france, and the united states participated on our side during the great patriotic war, and during the tatar-mongol yoke, we ourselves largely allowed what happened thanks to this fun, because of this fun. all the time i want to remind everyone of the year 1223, the battle on the kalki river, which we all go through in school, the catastrophic defeat in which, in fact, then led to batu’s invasion of their tatar-mongol yoke, was due to something, not coordination of actions, ambitions and rivalry, none of us lived under this, we trust historians, this is the collective opinion of historians, the russian polovtsian princes could not agree with them and...
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historical information remained, about three hundred , it’s archaeologists who are digging up that there were 15 of them, who they were, even what they were called, we don’t know, because the tatar yoke, not only... destroyed the crafts that we had developed, we had some kind of crafts there - septal ceramics, there are a bunch of names that we don’t even really know now what they are, not to mention the fact that we can’t repeat them, we were a developed country, it destroyed 90% of our written sources, it destroyed our history, and the past , which is not written down, it’s as if it doesn’t exist, it’s just earth, just humus, it threw us back for centuries.
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we should probably be 800 years wiser than those russian princes who could not agree, and before us stands the same horde, which has not changed for centuries, as he said louis 15, having seen at least some kind of rise of russia, as it seemed to him, the same louis x, whom peter i threw like that in the arms of a seven-year-old at that time, everyone joked that all of france was in his hands, he said that he would do everything in order to throw russia into the chaos and darkness that it...
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belongs to, unfortunately, only we ourselves can throw russia into chaos and darkness, and we have done this more than once in our history, so please, let's we will be wiser than our princes 800 years ago, we will stop being offended by each other, competing with each other, move each other like this in this place in the boat, hold on with all your might, and direct this boat itself only forward.
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now there is a colossal, what is called three shifts, continuously , the production of fundamentally new equipment is being mastered, while production volumes are constantly growing, day by day, week by week, month by month, over the year a number of indicators increase not by percentages, but by several times. based on the results of 2023, in the context of a special military operation, when priority is certainly given. production of military equipment, once again i want to return to our meeting with colleagues who are sitting in the front row, production at military-industrial complex enterprises of civilian equipment increased by almost 30%, by 27%. our defense-industrial complex includes 6,000 enterprises that employ 3.5 million people, a lot, but if you have keeping in mind... that in addition to these
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purely defense enterprises, another 10,000 enterprises are in one way or another connected with the defense industry, are their allied partners, and to some extent are their contractors, then you can imagine what kind of army this is, just in the last year and a half created in the defense industry 520,000 new jobs, more than half...
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advances this work by almost 80%, this is a good help for the rhythmic work of the defense complex, here... the answer, well , it would seem, everything is on the surface, which prevents this experience from being extended to the entire russian people economy, 5.5% advance payment , what we have been talking about for several years, everything is on the surface, here are half a million new
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jobs, while the civil sector is closing, and 30% growth, manifold, manifold growth, not on... and the inadequate scale of russia itself, its people, its history, its significance, its place in the world, not only the economy, but in the world in general, and speaking of what the president says, here the central bank again touched upon, i will support here, because in fact the delicacy
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of our president is , which does not have to be stated directly, he invites everyone to listen and draw appropriate conclusions based on their knowledge, skill and professionalism, well, let’s consider an option related to... what the central bank said the day before, he said that he sees space, space, sees for reduction of the discount rate in the second half of 2024, well, excuse me, but you can clarify how he sees this space, what kind of space it is and through what he looks at this space, but didn’t the president say that the military-industrial complex today lives on the terms of financing 5 ,5%. but he mentioned this for what, what? here’s another point to point out: the mechanism that lies in the financing of a huge sector of our economy, which affects, including the citizenry, is ensured by a simple solution related to the fact that the market today should develop for due to the increase in demand, and not its inhibition,
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when the same central bank recently said through the mouth of the head that the brix in terms of purchasing power parity has overtaken the g7, he thereby, excuse me, management. thus, it showed that we are developing, but due to what did he overtake? due to the development of each of the countries, but for some reason russia occupies the place of the country where the economy is overheated in the position of the central bank, where it is necessary to compress demand and thereby not allowing supply to develop, so there are obvious contradictions, but you shouldn’t devote attention every time, so much attention to the financial bloc, because in fact you need to look at what the president says, hear him understand, look, in fact, what he says...
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every time imposing this topic your own vision. if we are talking about our own country, about our country, then we understand today, rosstat recently published that the forecast for the 40th year is that we will have a decrease of 12 million people. of course, these are terrible numbers, they are not a disaster, but we must draw conclusions appropriate and not to listen, not so much
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to listen to the results of this research, but to understand what should be happening. realizing that we are faced with the enormous task of protecting our own side, we understand that the conflicts will not end, and desire. the degree of confrontation with russia will continue, we must understand that we must not only reproduce the population, but also increase it. how can this be done? this can be done primarily through supporting large families and through reurbanization. here he was in the same place in tula, where there was a meeting with the military-industrial complex, the president visited the family of one of the doctors , went in and saw how this doctor lived, with the governor himself, the figure was given that for only 290 million it was built, a complex was built from 25 houses, but... he is ready to settle in russia if there is a job there, if there is affordable
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comfortable housing and a normal salary. and by the way, when we talk about what conclusions we can draw from this, we must support the president’s position that it is our people who are able to reach the level of highly professional , highly qualified labor, which he demonstrates perfectly, including at tula enterprises. when we talk to you about supporting large families, how many large families do we have there? 2.2
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, converting them at the exchange rate, you and i get about 20 trillion rubles there, but i’m not in the mood to take it away, divide it, and so on to punish, let are carried out by those who are supposed to do this, i just want to say that if a country is able to ensure such volumes of output of real mass, commodity mass outside. sides and even irrevocably, because some, some leave irrevocably, others hang for a long time, then believe me, it means that our country still has the potential to find one and a half trillion to support large families through decent maintenance of their lives, and thus you and i will create the prerequisites , including for the economic development that the president is talking about, in order to forget or at least change the attitude towards migration processes, in order to understand how they did it in some regions, you know, the governors there say that they have carried out experiments with... they said , yes, we can do it ourselves, we just need to pay a decent salary, provide housing there,
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including housing, it will immediately be possible to work effectively, now about the mursk region, yes, yes, the promursk region region, so if you and i are fixing what we need to do in the near future, i would like the central bank in general to not cement a childless russia as such through a high discount rate, because it is impossible today, take out a loan and buy a home through the corresponding difficulties in developing housing and, accordingly,. not only does the cost increase, but the number of square meters per person decreases, and we need to draw conclusions so that 5.5% is not an exception, but a rule, moreover, the president shows us, well, listen, this is the military-industrial complex, why is there interest at all, this is a product that needs proof that someone needs it, there is a government customer, the ministry of defense, there is an order, and accordingly, resources need to be allocated and financing this, i understand, there is a risk somewhere, but what happens when the president talks about preferential subsidies, this means... that the rate is still at least 18%, this is the difference, what
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is subsidized by the state, goes to a private bank, excuse me, but why is the banking segment doing this in this matter of manufacturing the products needed by the state, and this is everywhere, so task number one is to make sure that the financial bloc realizes its responsibility and does everything to this year he saw space, preferably in the first half of this year and would make a return to at least... a few short comments, correct me if i 'm wrong, if we have a 30% to 30% increase in what is produced for the civilian industry, deliveries are 5.5, but similar products are produced by other enterprises whose rate is not 5.5, but 18, so the prices are the same.
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regarding the struggle for low-rise construction at the same time, but before isvo it was obvious that the competition is not between countries, but between megacities, when they look at where live where investments flow , where professionals move, then as a rule it was competition between giant megacities, of which there are less than ten in the world, among
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which moscow, for example, plays one of the leading roles, because in moscow a fantastic... atmosphere for life has been created environment for living, so here it is also very important not to go too far, because when we resettle everyone and everyone lives in low-rise buildings, we must understand that many other opportunities are lost, so here it is necessary to look for some kind of compromise, just it always seems to me that there is no need to choose only one path, sometimes, especially in such matters, flexible solutions are again important, that is, for example, for example, for siberia and the far east, it is ideal to build a low-rise building. from environmental materials and there it is clear what can be done, but there are megacities where people will flock to a certain type of investment, and there it is important not to raise a skyscraper by 100 m, well, that is, here there is no need to try to choose only one solution, further on the basis and time two, but it should be noted that our people are wise, so what can i ask a question that i ask people all the time, not only those who
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understand this, but also those who are responsible for this, have never received a clear answer, can you answer, an idiotic girlish question? why is the withdrawal of capital abroad still allowed? there are already two of us. i don’t understand the wording at all: withdrawal of capital abroad, why are offshore companies allowed? why is this what it means? why is this allowed? it is not allowed to withdraw capital as such, the withdrawal we are talking about is what we are talking about it is simply recorded by the banking sector and the banking segment that funds are withdrawn irrevocably, this is the withdrawal of capital.
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they surfaced somewhere there, this requires a whole special operation, and from the other side too, they must give permission to our fools who think that they are withdrawing money for themselves, and then they are told: of course, thank you for the money, but they themselves came out. we have an entire structure that deals with the passage of money, so restoring
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the tornado structure, advertising, to help financiers, is very helpful. who will be in charge of the operation doctor bragen, if you don’t mind, the premiere at rta , the city falls asleep, wakes up , bragin’s 11 friends, an amazing person, just a talent to always be in the center of events, the main thing is that they’re digging for you, let him dig, there’s time for a friend, i’m going to cry, but we’re going not very good. you can stay with the children, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, i’m here, help , please, make her get up, he said that we are doctors, and you are not doctors, i myself am a technician, and he is sick, it’s still clear with you, dear colleagues, you are your companions, the eleventh season of your favorite series, i’m probably all about this, especially
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the reason for sklefosovsky, from monday on rtr. if you are alive, you will meet the morning with urbich and there will be no problems. to know the country , how beautiful it is, you just have to taste it, we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it ’s just crazy taste, what’s next honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes, and you know why people consider proteins fatty carbohydrates to jump happily through life, unusual answer: i make a wish that all our tv viewers have a strong health. formula food every saturday on rtr.
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did they say who? i asked him not to talk, the main thing is that he is healthy. let's see on the weekend. we're having twins, girls. what girls, you promised me that there would be a son. when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and don’t want to lose my wife yet, i will pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed, you have to share, where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and me i’m still thinking, well, how can it be, there’s a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles, she’s completely different, in character not like... not like you, not like faith, our son will be all about you, olga is deceiving you, but don’t you
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think that this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr. oleg viktorovich, i want to continue the idea that you said at the very beginning, that the world is in a state of global transformation, so it seems to me that the most important task facing us all today, the political class, the authorities, the citizens , realize the scale of this process.
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well, russia, the soviet union, because the seventeenth year is a global transformation, and no matter how one views this great event, the fact that it radically influenced humanity, no one doubts this, then the victory over fascism, and this was russia’s contribution, this is another stage of transformation and a new world that arose on the ruins of fascism, on the ruins of defeated fascism, this is a gigantic role.
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and explain that the old world will no longer exist, and this signal should be heard by many others, when such a challenge occurs on our part, when we say to the old world: no, remember how in marx, yes, all the forces of old europe, swarmed in persecution of this sacred ghost, marx spoke about communism, and so today the communist party is behind ... all the forces of the old, all, all the forces of the old world today are up in arms in the sacred persecution of russia, which has thrown down its challenge to this old world, you know, the other day
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there was an article in the new york times, friedman, someone wrote this article, where he so say, compares today, today's world with the jungle and gives everyone the roles of animals there, she understands the americans. this is a really aging lion, that’s very interesting, the rest are spiders, caterpillars, which means caterpillar eggs, wasps, well, a little bit of lemurs, and america... it’s still a lion, but i want to remind you that in general there is one thing in the animal world the rule is that a leader, a wolf, a lion, aging, misses once, that is, he, if he missed, like kipling, if he fails, he is displaced, the jungle, they don’t forgive him for this, in big politics it’s not like that, if you imagine imagine that the united states, this aging lion, is
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already... believing that it still has the strength to wage these endless wars in all directions and win everywhere. the danger of these throws lies in two aspects: well, firstly, the world has changed a lot. and today, paradoxically, this lion, attacking, as it seems to him, caterpillars, they called the houthis caterpillars, the individuals called the iranians there, and so on. listen,
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iran, according to the latest data, has 15 types of missiles in all categories, that is, short, medium, long range all types of basing, ground, air, water based, and these missiles today are able to cause colossal damage to the largest army in the world, the second danger, that is, it is always a big war, according to
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johnson, a very popular english literary critic and politician at that time said this phrase, he was, he was called the british socrates for the aphorism of his expressions. what i want to say is that it has been studied, you know, from top to back, from right to left, this phrase, a huge amount of literature has been written, the meaning of this phrase is that scoundrels use patriotism to cause damage to their country, and this meaning was put in by the author, i’m not sure, but i’m not sure, he seriously studied this issue, it’s even more interesting, this is, if you like, the last
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straw: which can pull out even the soul disliking the world, love for the homeland, this is also a well-known interpretation, moreover, that is, he just meant this, yes, that only love for the homeland is the last thing that can revive something human in the soul in samuel's soul is a matter of what some english said, i’ll now explain what the meaning is, but our liberals, when they took this phrase to their shield in the 2000s, not love for the homeland, not love for the fatherland, is the banner of the russian liberal, so you know what has changed, changed radically in our country, let’s we’ll just show you so that they can see how vladimir vladimirovich said it, now kiril said about patriotism, people have different attitudes towards it in
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different times and different... the stamps were put on by so-called liberal people, i say so -called, because liberalism is also it’s not some kind of curse, there are also many different directions here, but still, people of this direction have long pasted the following stamp: patriotism is a haven for scoundrels, why? because people appear who hide behind love for... their homeland, patriotism and under this guise they do whatever they want, there are such people, but of course, there are always people who abuse something, but this... cannot undermine the very the idea of ​​love for one’s homeland, that’s what’s important, that’s what we must understand, that’s why someone is trying to slander love for homeland, yes, he either does not understand what he is doing, or is doing it deliberately on the orders
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of our enemy, love for the homeland itself is a very bright feeling, so there are three deputies present here, in general it is clear, yes, that the criminal code, criminal procedural code, i want to draw your attention to the meaning of this law with articles that certain actions aimed at undermining the security of the country in the form of fakes, in the form of calls, they will not just be punished, as it was today, according to criminal rules, according to criminal rules ... code, but will also be accompanied by confiscation of property if this property was used as an instrument of this crime, and vyacheslav viknovich volodin, whom it makes sense to congratulate today, and on his anniversary, he said, this is a law about scoundrels,
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you see, putin has the words scoundrel, and the truth is that the referendum is immediately heard by the leader of belarus, who called them vile, yes, it’s the vile ones that i want to attract here.
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has changed, we are under pressure from people who say: be patriots, protect our country, we will elect putin, these people say, they have no doubt about it, this change has happened before our eyes,
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when the request for patriotism does not come from the authorities, the request for patriotism comes from society, from the people, this is a colossal change , which accompanies this challenge that we are talking about today. maybe a small one into one generally amazing speech, thank you very much, indeed everything is so, except for one small correction, and 3 years ago society did not say that this is creative man, he can, and 3 years ago society was not one year old, the people were in a state of madness , they heard him wrong, probably or not not listened to him, as attentively as they listen now due to obvious circumstances, and 3 years ago this was noticeable to everyone, all these flickering people , we won’t say where, what they said , what they did, this caused the indignation of a huge number of people, you know, let’s start with this naked party, and many other things that are now happening before our eyes, the same akunin, listen , a man of 20 years old, 20 years old says everything that he
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he says today, i don’t like russia, it’s a nasty country, which means the government is mediocre, which means he lives in london, the shelves are full, akunin’s last film was staged... shown on television after the start of the svo based on his work. listen, no one touched okonin or protected him, in the sense that no one flagged him, no one took away circulation, everything was according to the laws of that time. and today everything has changed. but what happened? well , it still remains as is. akunin, how he lived in london, how he said these nasty things, continues to do so. as his books were published, so are published. but it turns out that today it is no longer possible. you see, everything has changed. i believe that this is a powerful request from society, it’s true, leonid, it’s a good request, but you should have listened to us earlier, 20 years ago, i waited, yes.
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einstein, according to the h-index , he has twice as many citations as einstein, they created one for him right away, and are now creating the same international one.
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academy of sciences, but i see something else, last week i looked at a study where, for example, ser it turns out that 70% of the servers used by our companies are still the servers that ibm, microsoft , which are located abroad, our companies are trying not to get rid of these servers that are inside, there are already perimeters there, that is, the most secure, where is the information, why, because our expensive. not really made, it’s still twice as expensive, because when you
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spoke correctly about percentages, you said it correctly, all this then comes to us in other prices, for example, in cars, even take chinese cars, why are they more expensive- then, even there are the same bmws, mercedes, which we had until recently, which is why there was a recent recent scandal there a week ago about the fact that the chinese there did not accept service for a car under warranty, which is ours. i bought the same car, but for 2.5 million cheaper somewhere in kazakhstan i brought it through parallel imports, and the chinese say: no, we won’t service it, even for money we won’t service it, of course that’s all, they say, probably not the chinese, our dealers, well, the chinese dealers, yes, let’s still be correct, that is the chinese, i think, don’t say anything on this topic, our dealers do, but i’ll go back to that, i talked about this, about small, medium , more than once, but can i ask a more terrible question, now the academy of sciences will be 300 years old, question for the claim? intelligence, have you heard about our academy of sciences lately? i heard
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about the brilliant developments of our tax inspectorate, i heard about the brilliant developments of sberbank, which i created... there, i somehow didn’t hear about the academy of sciences, i only heard about the academy of sciences when the next the director comes out with his rusaf statements, that’s also yes, but well, the fact that the academy of sciences remains there today is also the merit of some of our officials, as well as education, which they turned into something similar to us there, now i don’t even want to argue about this, but now we need to do it, absolutely right, so here i would like to return to politics.
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i’m absolutely right that we need to collect all this now, i see that gennady krasnikov has come, he is concerned about this, because we really have it there, not to mention artificial, we just need semiconductors, we just need to put things in order, just order, put things in order, but here i would like to return to politics and what is happening here today and say a little, let me remind you that all of our big science, fundamental, has risen at the expense of the military-industrial complex, so just a little, if you don’t...
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not only in lisichansk, in the donbass, our plane is there, and all the time - in belgorod, well, i have to tell you, which of course i haven’t outraged for a long time, i’m on your show all the time i say that why am i outraged by sarajevo , i remember libya, iran, iraq, and my fellow communists, the same thing, when suddenly the line for bread turned out to be destroyed,
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destroyed by a bomb attack, and here suddenly 30 different news agencies are filming this for us a long time ago or somewhere in afghanistan it was bombed. weddings and who cares, or in iraq , hundreds of thousands of people died there, well, some may still be indignant , but i want to say that it’s time for us to change tactics a little in russia, you know what, volodya, uh, we all time we say that we we won’t talk to the ukrainians, we will talk to the west, we will negotiate with the west insofar as there is a key and there is this egg, which means, and i’ll tell you, i remember what you said as a fake expeditionary force, which..
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how can you fight them? were they going to negotiate with us then or now? they don’t even want to think about it or even articulate it somewhere? they only see a problem when their people start dying like ours. two americans died, they start bombing, they start yelling, people died in vietnam, americans, they are starting to withdraw it eventually or somewhere else in afghanistan, but i suggest that we don’t tell these tales that we are up to...
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he will say, you will see what kind of war will start there . solution on our common land, with the help and today i preferred to look for lukashenko in ukraine, including even makhno, i remember, lenin took, found the time, accepted it, talked to him, he also played his role, then there are opportunities for this today to change these tactics and for good reason...
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this was a guy in a wheelchair, remember, who talked about his experience when he helped, and he almost drowned, the people there could barely get him out, ours, when
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the platinum exploded, the president spoke about this to kirill from crimea, when you spoke about the refuge of scoundrels, remember, and now , when you showed this, and i must say, for the crimeans, i often try to use this, many people, when they talk about negotiations, about agreements, about strikes on crimea, it means that it is necessary ...remembering this experience, i speak to these people and spoke then when crimea was not ours, for example, aksyonov , for example, for example, they talked about what, they came and said, guys, back when they were part of ukraine, if you don’t help us, we will die here, now we have helped them, they for a long time they sought this help, just like the donetsk people later, and now we have to say, god forbid, another missile will fall with the help of your complex, which guides these missiles, but we have to shoot it down ourselves. shoot down an american plane that flies in neutral waters, an english plane, if he is hitting our territory
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, officials must also say, that’s why i want to tell you about this, volodya, i’ll just formulate it so that you understand us, the french are transferring missiles of a certain radius, the british are transferring missiles of a certain radius, the americans are transferring missiles of a certain radius what we are saying, we will pass it on to the groups that are fighting against...
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the main buyer of their bananas, by the way, became the president, the main producer of these bananas became the president, so that’s why they stuck it in the show, advertising, with us something happened here, the premiere on rta, nina, what’s happening in the department, what happened,
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what’s going on, am i supposed to understand what’s going on? something happened that everyone was waiting for, come on, tell me, sklefosovsky, the new season, why everyone already knows, but i don’t, from monday on rtr, we gathered about 10 people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you and by us, yes, when they come running.
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personal, support in word, hello, dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr.
9:57 pm
are you responsible for your words? i am always responsible for my words, a hero from my time. beauty, reppin, the whole crew, only on the platform let's look. favorite songs are played in our studio!
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still, back to where you started, i don’t really understand what stuffing is. but i think that this is a sounding of public opinion, in one position, i regard this as such a signal to zelensky, there is a lot of nonsense, but if you look at it, there are not a few of these
10:00 pm
points, uh, well, let’s say, the establishment of a no-fly zone over the territory controlled by ukrainians, this is 80% of the territory of ukraine, i’m already tired of saying that the establishment of a no-fly zone means destruction. the complete suppression of the air defense and missile defense system is the conquest of dominance, not superiority in the air, that is, this is the destruction of enemy aircraft. how those english thinkers who write all this imagine it, so to speak, is not very clear. the second stupidity is this frankly, this is striking at critical infrastructure in our north. who will apply it, where they will apply it from, and i correctly agree with you that there will be no answer, of course, it’s just a declaration of war, so, well, there’s
10:01 pm
an introduction.


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