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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 5, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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using artificial intelligence can make people's lives much easier. so a gas station torn to shreds. i would like to recommend that the arab sheikhs hurry up with the acquisition of a berluzhskone fork, otherwise some ukrainian military commissar with a wife weighing half a centnerat.
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this is a question of the power of their political interests, both one and the other, because in fact there are no contradictions between these two - political figures, although we have already seen what kind of politician zelensky is, what kind of politician is wrong, we have nothing yet we know, by the way, just as we didn’t know what kind of politician zelensky would be, you remember his election campaign, he gave only one interview during the entire election campaign.
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anyone will win the election against him , it doesn’t have to be a loser, anyone who gets into the second round automatically wins the election, this is ukraine, protest voting has always worked there, and today ukraine is not ready to vote for something , and not against something, but i have no doubt that people will vote against zelensky, nulan came to ukraine, why did she come, this, this... i’m sure that this is everything that khyurzh voiced regarding peace negotiations and so on, and the visit was connected with the desire to reformat the ukrainian government in such a way that it was generally possible , well, let’s just say, under certain circumstances, to enter into some kind of negotiation process, because no one will negotiate with this government, lavrov said unequivocally, dismantling this regime, that’s it, no one will talk to him, that this means, this means: what
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it will be necessary to reformat this power , for this, by the way, it is not necessary to hold elections, when nulan meets under the guise of social activists, for example, with such a figure as razumkov, what does this tell us, that there may be a soft coup scenario, it will consist is that at some point the americans will remember that wait, wait, so ukraine, this is a parliamentary-presidential republic, and what is he running here, this president, who is he anyway, and through implementation.. . these deputies were bent over, and there is a reason for it, yes, and if a soft scenario is implemented , please, he will resist, there will be a hard scenario, but zelensky has no chance of being re-elected a second time, i am 1.00% convinced of this, he does not, and of course, there are also big discussions in kiev right now on regarding the freezing of the conflict is happening, that is, hirsch does not say what mr. zaluzhny is negotiating with mr. biden, but is conducting... negotiations, as is clear,
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about ending the war, about freezing the conflict, about another way out, here they are for themselves at this stage they don’t see, they understand, they need strength save up, think about something, what to do with us next, because... nothing is working out, but this radical part, to whose influence zelensky succumbed, is, of course, categorically against it, because it understands that it will be destroyed, in in the event of any cooling of the conflict, all this ultra-radical riffraff will be swept away. let's listen to one of the brightest representatives of this nazi family. i think the russians need a pause. let's simulate a pause; they are negotiating, for example, with washington. and here we have an internal carnage, because what we see is that we failed with democracy. we now understand that, on the one hand , it is good that there is political criticism, and there are the same gunpowders who poison the authorities
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and somewhere make them move. on the other hand, this criticism has acquired such forms that sometimes it coincides completely with russian subversive activities here inside ukraine. we will soon have a truce here. now there is a truce, our funds will be cut off and so on, weapons will also be used less, freezing the conflict is much more important for them beneficial, because then they will immediately work on war footing, and no one will tell them anything. very strange guys, but nevertheless they want to continue to ruin their people and civilians. the french also admitted that our plane was attacked by petriot. a french military official said the country's military had concluded that ukrainian forces were using a battery of class missiles. ground into the air petrio to shoot down il 76, shooting from a distance of about 50 km, about 30 miles. the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to protect privacy intelligence data, said the ukrainian battery apparently managed to remain
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undetected as it approached the target, then turned on its radar just enough to shoot down the plane. abc is broadcasting this news right now. but we are following the investigation of our investigative committee and trust our investigators. let's see what stage the investigation is at now. the ssu literally sat in the bushes, setting up a missile ambush on the russian l-76. the tas agency , citing law enforcement agencies, reports that the patriot air defense system was secretly transferred to the village of liptsy kharkov region. where the combat crews were in autonomous mode, the launchers were camouflaged, the radars were turned off, the communications equipment worked only for reception and were waiting for the command to kill. the ukrainian armed forces prepared an attack on
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the il-76 with ukrainian prisoners in advance. the patriot anti-aircraft missile system operated from an ambush. the air defense missile system was moved to the position area in advance and was in passive mode. commands to open fire. air defense has the concept of an ambush. the installation was moved to the position area in advance. the air defense system stood with the radar is turned off, without revealing itself in any way. they knew the data on board's echelon, because this was agreed upon with ukraine. then the crew was given the command to destroy it, they attacked it. the complex itself consists of a fire control center equipped on the base of a truck, as well as launchers and a radar station. they were delivered to the kharkov region using tractors. each launcher is assigned a specific area of ​​the sky. patriot can work in conjunction with early warning aircraft. in this case, the radar can up to the last moment to be in radio silence mode, receiving information about the target directly from avax. to demonstrate
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at least some success to the western curator, the zelensky regime carries out terrorist acts against the russians. citizens, while the kiev authorities do not hesitate to destroy their own citizens, so last week a russian transport plane carrying ukrainian military personnel subject to exchange was attacked from ukrainian territory. the russian ministry of defense stated that the plane was transporting ukrainians prisoners of war who were transported for exchange, there is still no confirmation of this information. the representative of the main intelligence directorate of ukraine, yusov, stated that. kiev officially turned to russia with a request to transfer the bodies, that is, after a week and a half , ukraine for the first time indirectly admits that there were indeed ukrainian prisoners on board, although the russian investigator published the burned passports and military ids of the soldiers in the ssu. yusov
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explained in ukraine the status of these sixty- five soldiers whom the russians declared dead, has not changed, they are still considered prisoners of war for information. information about the death, yes, ukraine has made requests and continues to do so regarding the transfer, so far the russian side is not agreeing to this, but at a cost, yes. presidential press secretary peskov stated in response that... the presidential administration did not receive any appeals from kiev. now this issue is entirely in the hands of the investigative authorities , and during the investigation, naturally, all modes are determined only by the investigative authority. all 116 wrecks. anti-aircraft missiles from the spot the wreck was taken away. the wreck of the aircraft was delivered to the training ground of the ministry of defense on a bright orange shell with a serial number. marking mim 104a on a burnt fragment. means that the armed forces had at their disposal the very first modification that the pentagon adopted for
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service 42 years ago. the first model patriot was designed exclusively to destroy aircraft and was not able to withstand a missile attack. flight speed - 1200 m/s. the maximum target detection range is 170 km. the armed forces of ukraine deployed their complex in the village of liptsy, kharkov region. yablonovo, where the plane was shot down 97 km. a french military official told the associated press that his country's military had concluded that ukrainian forces used an earth-air-patriot battery to shoot down an il-76 from a distance of about 50 km. the official, speaking on condition of anonymity to protect intelligence data, said the ukrainian battery apparently managed to remain undetected as it approached the target and then turned on its radar just enough to shoot them down. today is eighty one anniversary of the defeat of the nazis at stalingrad , putin called with applause to remember
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one of the most legendary victories of the russian people. the president, speaking to employees of the military-industrial complex, recalled how soviet workers heroically defended their homeland from hitler’s hordes. is it possible to defeat such people? never, said the president. putin said that today's gunsmiths are worthy of their heroic predecessors. they did not let their soldiers down. who are now fighting on the front lines. it is the employees of the military-industrial complex, the team scientific and production association splav. putin today presented russia's first order for valiant labor. this award was established by presidential decree only yesterday. the production of personal armor protection in the country has increased 10 times, automotive equipment by seven times, tanks by five times, and pmp by 3 and a half times. in the military capital of russia, the president spoke with military officers, volunteers and doctors of the popular front. the head of state emphasized that social rights and benefits should be identical for all fighters
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special operations and noted the amazing unity of our entire huge country. russian citizens collected 11 billion rubles. to help our military who are fighting on the front line. putin said the general concern for the country's future is amazing. this is what guarantees russia's victory. you did not let down your comrades in arms, those who are now fighting on the front line, protecting the borders and skies of russia, keeping watch in the world’s oceans, ensuring the inviolability of the strategic, strategic nuclear missile potential. i would like to note that since the beginning of special operations there has been a significant increase in supplies of various types of drones and artillery ammunition to troops. the increase was continued through individual armor protection. 10 times for automobiles is seven times, for tanks it is five times, for tanks it is five
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times, this is a decent figure, for infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers it is more than 3 and a half times, everything is several times higher, the fulfillment of the state defense order is now almost 100%. i am confident that we will reliably maintain this bar in the future. moreover, the state defense order for 2024 has again significantly increased. what would you like separately? emphasize: today we have almost completely updated our strategic nuclear forces by 95%, their naval component is almost 100%. this is a good reliable rear for our strategic security, a literally figurative rear. we will strive to achieve the same results in equipping the army and navy with the entire line of conventional weapons, including
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promising models of the new generation, and we will definitely implement these plans together, together with you. i thank all our like-minded people, workers, and volunteers for their support. we are one united people, we we believe in ourselves, we believe in our strengths, we believe in our strengths, this is the key. our successes, our victory, and biden once again distinguished himself, the political technologies of the president of the united states, they decided at least. somehow save his ratings, show that old joe cares about the americans. he called a family who had lost their daughter in a drone attack on a us military base in jordan. to the crying parents, the deceased serviceman, an inadequate grandfather, told a delusional story about his son boo, who allegedly died in iraq. in fact, biden's son died completely not in the middle east while on
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military duty in the united states, in the hospital for cancer. in general, or dementia is the president. is he progressing or is he deliberately lying to his grief-stricken family? there probably won’t be an apology from biden for yet another lie, but pentagon chief wasti asked joo himself for forgiveness. the day before, he held his first briefing after the scandalous hospitalization. the visibly limping us secretary of defense apologized for trying to hide prostate cancer surgery from the white house and said it was already under way. on the mend, but for the olympics. are going to start another war. austin , one with prostate cancer and the other with dementia, said the united states is not considering withdrawing its troops from syria in light of what is happening in the middle east. he threatened
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that washington would have the opportunity, if necessary, to respond several times. the pentagon is planning to launch strikes on iranian targets in iraq this weekend and , citing american officials, writes that syria is responding to the shelling of its base in jordan, where three us soldiers were killed. the supreme leader of iran, alii khaminii, said that iran itself is not going to start a war, but is ready to give a decisive response to any offender.
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austin was diagnosed with prostate cancer. one in six black men suffer from this condition. it was a blow below the belt and my first desire was to keep it a secret. that's what he did, he kept it a secret even after he was in intensive care, after he began to have extremely unusual complications from surgery . i felt severe pain in legs, pain in the abdominal cavity and hip. i also had fever and superficial chills.
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three american soldiers and 47 were wounded. most of the wounded are members of the national guard. the deadly attack is one of 170 iranian-backed militant attacks on the united states. in the red sea, the united states is conducting self-defense strikes against houthi drone control centers in yemen. a few hours ago, ismenes karni shot down
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an anti-ship missile fired by militants, as well as three iranian drones. all this in less than an hour. the us also... struck a houthi surface-to-air missile launch site that officials say posed an immediate threat to us aircraft operating in the area. this comes after the uss graley intercepted a missile that was heading towards it . after the defeat, the missile fell into the sea, just one and a half kilometers from the ship. the most dangerous such incident to date. president biden called naida on the phone and sean sanders, whose 24'. i know there is nothing i can say or do that will ease your pain, i know first hand how you feel, my son spent a year in iraq, that is how i lost him.
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iran laughs, they know what they're doing, and we just stand in front of the camera and say, we're not going to put up with any of this, but we put up with it, we accept it, if we were aggressive from the start, these three soldiers would...
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including through the prism of a purely human personal impression of what is happening on contrast, like theirs and ours? here, against the backdrop of us president joe biden, who behaves absolutely inappropriately, gets confused, falls into insanity, cannot even adequately express words, condolences to the fallen american soldiers, to the families of the fallen american soldiers, this is chaos. in the usa, and here? well , look, today there is an absolutely clear, clear, understandable and with enormous military-political
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meaning speech, for example, by russian president vladimir putin, numbers are given, they are certainly encouraging, especially since from the mouth the head of state hears verified, verified, truthful information against this background. growth of indicators of the enterprise of the military-industrial complex, we all understand perfectly well, this is a contribution to our common victory, or let's see, lloyd austin came out after his misadventures, illnesses, operations, again some absolutely ridiculous situation in the pentagon, he is asked some questions, reporters mock him, on the other hand, in contrast, today's selector...
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we hear estimates, again verified, that in january alone the number of those killed the enemy military personnel amounted to over 2,300 people, a huge loss to the enemy in, respectively...
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on the other hand, how clear everything is with us, and this is good, because for those who carry out their tasks during both a special military operation and in the rear, and with conscientious work strengthens the defense, the power of the russian state, these are very important indicators, like theirs and ours, and of course, the words of president putin that we have significantly strengthened the potential of our strategic nuclear forces are especially important in against the backdrop... of large-scale events taking place, colossal in their tasks, scale, means attracted to the forces, the exercises of the north atlantic alliance, rehearsing for a real war with russia, while there is also a nuclear component, here are the announced launches that will be carried out by a british strategic nuclear submarine, well , british nuclear forces, the main type of weapon is the american... naval
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ballistic missiles triden 2, so they announced that they would practice the launch, in fact, as i understand it, we are talking about the launch to the maximum range, these are tests of combat command and control systems, decision-making, but in the context of the ongoing exercises, we understand who is designated as the real target of this launch, the russian federation, therefore strengthening our defense potential, of course, solving the problems of a special military operation, simply guaranteeing free , independent, sovereign development of russia for at least the next 50 to 70 years. at the same time, other processes are taking place in the world, we must also closely monitor them, in this, well, in the coming months, there are very important dates, firstly, in february, the 45th anniversary of the victory of the islamic revolution in iran. i think we should also celebrate this date with dignity
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. president vučić, the active work of all components of the russian state machine is extremely necessary, because now is the key moment in the formation of the new serbian government, there is information that ambassadors are very active in belgrade today, primarily in the united states of america, germany, great britain, whose goal is push their, let's be blunt, agents of influence into the new
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serbian government with the idea that... having formed this government, serbia would withdraw from the regime of allied obligations with the russian federation, introduce anti-russian sanctions and agree to the final separation of kosovo from serbia, therefore , working in all areas of our diplomacy, intelligence, military, is the protection of our national interests in absolutely all frontiers and areas of activity. well, in conclusion i would like to note very the effective work of the main military-political directorate of the ministry of defense of the russian federation, because today our soldiers in the northern military district zone, our commanders need, among other things , geopolitical and domestic defense of our homeland, so this invisible, but important work is also a contribution into our future unconditional victory. we'll be back. i
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don’t deny myself anything, i wanted the premiere, did i get it? sklefosovsky, new series, today on rtr, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs, he could be. to become a zoologist or an athlete, we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, in pull-ups we can be a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a lifeguard. but he is a doctor
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that everyone needs; treatment should not be self-medication. you need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, dashing people.
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the whole team, we just look at the platform, we always do everything together, we support. each other, we believe in the best, we care and give warmth, and we overcome difficulties
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, together, together, we are strong, we vote for russia, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me , another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry, but she’s carrying this kurba shelters, the child says, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i accepted the decision that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people, who care, to support me in word, hello, dear
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soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do, it's just amazing. from monday to thursday on rtr, replace me at work with danilov, easy bro, anna , when i was little, i dreamed of meeting a prince, this is my fiancé, and this is my brother anton, now i have to understand who i slept with, and for whom i married, without love, on friday... the mobilization of half a million people in ukraine will cost 700 billion hryvnia, that is, more than 18.5 billion dollars, said the head of the budget
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committee of the rada raksalana pidlasa, almost a quarter of the country’s entire state budget and 41% of all defense spending , ukrainians must pay for their sending to slaughter independently, the pidlas believes. she proposed doubling the military tax from one and a half percent to 3% for those who earn more than 20 thousand hryvnia, approximately 50 thousand rubles. but the ukrainian military commissars are not coping with the capture of recruits. kyiv the regime began sending tv presenters to the front lines. propagandist arrest drimalovsky said live on the telethon that this was his last broadcast.
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accordingly, the decline in energy prices
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immediately hit the ruble, so on thursday, friday, only efforts, apparently, to stabilize the exchange rate, and the more stable the situation in the middle east, the lower this premium, for example, 5 dollars is plus or minus, respectively, the smaller the income component, the greater the pressure that kind of thing, taking into account the fact that, apparently, there will be a long period of exhaustion, so the economy accordingly becomes extreme. every sixth company in germany, france
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they influenced more than, for example, individual crises, the houthis, in slippers, yes, in slippers with a drone, so the question is that they, their gdp is six times less than the russian military budget, gdp , gdp, the entire gdp, than the military budget, well, even six-something, here, well, they’re having fun as best they can, so that’s what they announced, they’re going to. doing now a slightly different component, they promise that if there are attacks on yemen, and they were, by the way, on the respective capitals, and they, they will interrupt the cable, it would seem that what kind of cables are these, in the world under water is located somewhere- then the 50 largest cables , of which, accordingly, three are basic , these are the main points, now i will explain why, how this all together threatens everyone, as it were, and then we’ll see how, who influences what next, and accordingly, there are 16 cables running there and next to them in a bunch straight past
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yemena, this is due to the fact that there are peculiarities , as it were, of a geographical component, in short , they pass under water, the red sea is not the deepest in the world, so in principle there is access to them, for this there seems to be a whole range of options, so here’s to besides , at least one cable has access to the territory of yemen, and they will try to interrupt it, as it were, this already happened last year in egypt, this led to the fact that a number of countries simply moved away from the internet, for example, ethiopia ... the cables belong to different territorial components, but the most important
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thing, accordingly, is that the main initiator of laying these cables is simply the one that they are going to interrupt, is china, the largest chinese telecom operator, state -owned, by the way, which actually arranged, from above egypt receives the main traffic, because next to in egypt they come to the surface, as a matter of fact, as if an accident had happened there at one time, that’s why everyone buries them under water, because firstly it’s cheaper, secondly it’s international water, thirdly, it seems more difficult to interrupt. this is about the question that , accordingly, this volume is very large, i
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’m not even talking about the fact that how traffic will be transferred, even if there are channels, that’s why from this point of view, the risks are quite high, as it were, by the way, it’s not so easy to defend from the point of view of the naval component, the latest story even shows a bitconnector , of course this one, and the wire that was a gas pipeline is not a cable, they have 100 incidents a year there by chance, damage like this is only to a gas pipeline, which is considered to be more protected, as if an anchor was passed along it lightly, but can you imagine what could happen to a wire, to a cable, that’s what it’s all about, that’s what it’s all about, that, as it were, in this world it is so extremely fragile, let’s formulate this way based on a number of ...
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moves of republicans, at least to the senate, therefore, from this point of view, the situation in the second half of the year is considered as extremely difficult, maybe , well, from the point of view international , as for the near future, the next month, february, will be quite difficult from the point of view of energy resources, so if someone there, apparently, is going to wait it out, then it will be necessary, first of all, to ensure who is going to wait it out, well with taking into account the fact that this time of major military operations is not predicted, plus or minus, major ones, so from this point of view, we know february... before the elections, plus a short month , i remind you, this is also important from the point of view of production, respectively, and energy there would be something to expect, yes, that is, if there was some confidence that the political situation would change and this would make us feel better, it would increase our production potential, it would breathe new life into our
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economy, but there is no such thing, there if something will change in these europe or in the united states, it was a big deal for us. they are all our enemies, there are no friendly political forces there that will meet us halfway with which we can work there in the future, not now, look, we are well understood by the united states, this is not a sandbox, there are no friends here who have sworn little fingers, here there are partners who have economic interests, i’ll explain now, of course, and several people who proceed from their own economic interests, here in this europe, respectively, in these usa there are players , who are accordingly interested economically only thanks to.
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they hit him on the cheeks, well, what is it, that is , they are still taking advantage of their dominant position, although, of course, there is trump’s rhetoric, we still like it, but she was nice to us even in 1916, and then vvelon came. sanctions, you know , he’s exactly the same, listen to him, if you believe him, he’s absolutely wonderful, but we don’t believe him and will never believe him, let’s listen, you know, ukraine is an interesting case, and people always want to know my opinion on this matter: firstly, we have invested more than 200 billion, and the european countries have invested 20 billion, and for them this
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is more important, and don’t you think that we should equalize, no one asks them, it’s like i did with nato, i said that we we spend...
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twin girls, what girls, you promised me that there would be a son, oh, when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and don’t want to lose another, i’ll pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed, i have to share, but where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i still think, well, how can it be that a boy is born, but a girl was born, what miracles. “she ’s completely different, her character doesn’t resemble either you or lera, our son will be just like you, olga is deceiving you, but don’t you think that this is somehow too much, nothing can be too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr,
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you must meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing in order to get to know the country, what a beauty! just taste it. and there we will add kiwi and enthusiasm. it's just crazy taste. what's next? honey in norinsky? tireless gourmets in search of healthy products and unique recipes. do you know why people consider proteins fatty carbohydrates? to have fun jumping through life. unusual answer. and i make a wish that everyone ours.
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how you all got me, and you spread something, lighten up, i hate you , it’s clear, you stole my dad, you hit me in the face, what are you, dekarka, i’m also a person, dad, allaganova, no one but us is alice will protect, vladislav reznik, you will live with your mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid gromov, well, don’t sue hotly, here... live, i can’t forgive you, i’m dad i hate it, but it will pass, it just takes time, all winds will blow, the premiere is on saturday
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on rtr, what is your gang’s plan, and mine buddy, even without me today they will take the cash against lenin, and how many of you are there so that i, lyokha the wolf, will tell. that at 18:30 they will inject it and never, you can change your passport, the kids ruined it for me, so everything is fine, then there are only averages about your children, i’m saying, the children ruined everything for me, dear mothers, whose child smells like deor, if it’s from the new collection, then it’s mine, go ahead, run when you give me twenty, okay, take it, you were fired in the morning, i have to work for another week, honestly, you need a bag, yes,
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you only need one t-shirt, no, don’t take t-shirts, they are torn, thank you very much, well , they don’t always tear, oh they are torn, they are torn, stories of a big country on friday on rtr, putin said that there is a plus in the russian economy today, but y. .. the western minus and emphasized that we have proven to everyone that russia is a self-sufficient country, but to those who were waiting for the collapse of the russian economy, putin would like to show, as he put it, a well-known gesture. russia's gdp growth over the past year ranged from 3.5 to 4%, exceeding the world average. the us economy grew by 2.4%. growth in the eurozone was less than a percent. the german economy contracted by 3%. and he is to blame for this.
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more. every evening all these people bring their problems with them to the shelter. moreover , at 6 am, everyone without exception must leave this shelter. and none of these people know where to go at such an early time, when it is -8° outside. no, well, of course, since soviet times we have become accustomed to pictures of homeless people in america, there really are a lot of them there, beggars, but in france there are also a lot, but so that people sleep in boxes. in germany it is already something new, this is truly highly developed, a great industrial, technological power was in the past and remains, what is happening, let's ask the german political scientist gregor spitzen, he is in direct contact with us, gregor, hello , the pictures we are receiving now are , of course, they are impressive, that
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is, at least this hasn’t happened for a long time, at least, and at the same time... germany is allocating billions to ukraine, while germany is celebrating its authorities, another aid package calculated for years at 50 billion. how this all correlates with interests of the germans? good evening, evgeniy, you are really right, this absolutely in no way correlates with the interests of the bulk of the german population, ordinary workers, ordinary employees, who really cannot make ends meet and who look at... the initiatives of the traffic light coalition, when, for example , in hamburg 500,000 euros are spent on the construction of crossings for toads, 2 million euros are allocated, for example, bicycle paths in peru, 7 billion are allocated for ukraine, some children, for hungry children in bangladesh, that’s all, anything, just not for the germans, you know, there is a feeling that the sogornoye coalition simply often lacks self-preservation, because if everything goes on in
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the same spirit, as, for example, today, when the government left... in 8 months, in these elections , the alternative for germany party has every chance of getting at least 33%, despite the fact that the scholz party and the green party and the free democrats party, that is, all three colors of the traffic light, they risk not getting into the saxony at all regional parliament, this will be just a deafening blow, the most delicious blow to this entire government, to all its initiatives, which simply
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have nothing to do with the fundamental interests of the german nation, well, of course , it’s a straw. is laying down, they are trying to ban an alternative for germany, at least the german press writes about this, whether he will go for it or not is a big, big question, but nevertheless, sarovakht is trying to occupy the niche of an alternative for germany, in in general, scholz sees that he is wrong, thank you very much, gregor spitzen is with us in direct communication from germany, please, well, i’m on all these things.
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an organized wave began, one by one the ministers of defense began to announce: get ready to fight with russia, then through the mainstream media they slipped in sociology that the europeans are not ready to fight, immediately kuleba prepared an answer for them, and if you are not ready to fight, we are ready to provide you our services, give us money, they have already absolutely openly and zelensky and kuleba said, we are ready to howl, that is, in essence, the europeans have been offered the following, if you are doomed to fight, pmc ukraine, only here is an important point with such a specific terrorist bias. today this whole story is zaluzhny, zelensky, this program article by zaluzhny, he clearly writes there: we need to understand that russia has mobilization capabilities, technical military-industrial complex, above we need to look for new formats for conducting combat operations, what formats for conducting combat operations are absolutely obvious , exclusively terrorist, and moreover, among the british, the americans have enormous experience in using terrorist structures for
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their own purposes, it is easier to manage and cheaper to finance, in fact ideal. i believe that he is so brave that he independently decides to send him into retirement, which means someone is the press, they created and supported this madman, drugs and so on, but i was not provoked, the conflict was supported by the western, which means for some reason - then, moreover, he was advised by some british there , well, i can’t, i understand that zelensky is there they whispered in my ear, but try it, it means this is being done for some reason, in this whole story it seems absolutely obvious to me that... one of them must remain, one must take full responsibility for that series of unpopular decisions that ukraine now faces is total mobilization, because pmcs need
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to be filled with cannon fodder, in fact, and this is the obligation of this government, in fact, this is the extradition of people from europe, refugees, and they will do this, they find a norm, come up with some legislative acts will still do this, this is a doomed story, and those ukrainians who are in europe must understand this, that they will be extradited to ukrainians. victory over russia on the battlefield. this doctrine changed ideologically, including with the design of the ukrainian project. they have now voiced: do not let russia win. and any possible negotiation process can only begin if this is the only option to prevent russia from winning. but today, given what they approved. 50 billion including the fact that they find some opportunities and still supply the weapons that are needed for terrorist activities, in this format the negotiation process is considered as the latest, because all the information about the negotiation
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process, if you pay attention, this is the source citing a source, there was not a single official confirmation, not a single official invitation to negotiations, why was there an official one, ermax said that they were ready to consider the option of russia’s participation. in peace formula negotiations and so on, this was just last week, but the fact itself, here you need to understand that this is considered as an alternative in case the terrorist project does not produce results, then yes, we will try to involve in the negotiation process, in this parts, when you compared the sixteenth , seventeenth year, the arrival of trump, if you remember, when trump came, he began to run and talk about the lack of alternatives to the minsk agreements, it is necessary to implement and so on, and... the dancing at this time was very systematic, very systematically prepared ukraine for an attack on donbass, and they talked about peace negotiations. this time it will be about the same. i am more, that is why now
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there are all these personnel changes, that is why now nuland is coming and, as i understand it, they are agreeing on budanov’s resignation, in fact, zaluzhny, precisely because the americans want to move away from the ukrainian project, to disown it, it already smells bad , it's complicated. but most importantly , they succeeded, they were able to overload the burden of responsibility, strictly speaking, on europeans, everything in this part is wonderful, the project, in fact , they are performing absolutely according to plan, because these articles really appear, nuland arrives, here my fellow cnn correspondent fred pleitgen takes an unexpected interview with budanov, such a detailed one, she meets with budanova, zaluzhny as a general cannot be a politician, and zaluzhny as a retired general, a scorched general who will start telling the truth, he is an amazing oppositionist,
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by march a stunning alternative zelensky, ideally, let’s go back, it seems like grown-up matters. i still dream about gifts, new series, what could be nicer? sklefosofsky, new episodes, today on rtr, you are watching 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then there is a catch, what is the name?
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every saturday and sunday on rtr. nikita, will you marry me for 300. half a million, a million? i want a family, but a real one, not an effective one. i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage. what kind of masquerade have you staged? i agree, million the roads are not cooked. listen. it’s impossible
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, listen, brother, live your life and don’t meddle in mine, come on for now, are you twins or something, you fell in love, oh, grandma, you can’t hide anything from you, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but he turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took him off, congratulations, you are pregnant, without love. on friday on rtr, russia is not going to attack any nato country, but if they play too hard and encroach on the integrity of russia, they will instantly receive an adequate response, medvedev said and said, shouldn't we show the russian yuzhu fat? transgender european ass, in
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general, such expressions were used by the deputy chairman of the security council. this year there will be early spring. this forecast was made by marmot meteorologist sergei from the tula zoo. it is believed that if a rodent comes out cheerfully to have breakfast, winter will soon end. for 5 years, sergei has never made a mistake. let's see.
11:00 am
our marmot meteorologist sergei, and he basically agreed with our sergei, now look at the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you, goodbye. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, that's what we'll tell you about. an accurate hit straight into the tank's hatch, a powerful blow with antsepeks, more than 700 militants destroyed. the latest special operation news. kiev admitted that the attack on the bakery in lesichansk was carried out by ukrainian troops, what are they trying to justify? fire the poor man and more?


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