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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  February 5, 2024 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK

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the united states is certainly a very large interesting event, maybe michelle obama and an interesting event, i didn’t think about transgender people, so maybe, maybe this is the next one, now there will be a transgender versus a reptilian.
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he said that the united states is transferring responsibility to europe, they are transferring responsibility, they are, by and large, that the europeans are now launching a program that the americans needed, well , in fact, it is clear, yes , that their strength will consist of quite possibly, these are ground forces, naval forces, without it’s clear that there wasn’t and isn’t any space group in europe, well, the french had everything, but there was nothing, they had to create galileo, where is galileo? no, well, they have something flying there, they are just a few, but galileo , europe has not created an early weapons system, there are no missile launches, there is no transport aircraft, i can list a lot more things that are not there, that is, the united states completely maintain control, here are the ground forces, they can really recruit, they can expand them, and what is already exists, what the biden administration has achieved, by the way, it has achieved.
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listen, how many unemployed will there be, now if their economy is collapsing , they will all go to work, they already have a lot of unemployed, they will go to serve, they will not go, they will provide, they will provide, no, but those who are from the war or...
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biden wanted to do this, biden demanded it openly, remember, he threw candy and so on, but biden succeeded, and biden succeeded, by and large, now the europeans will spend on their own armed forces, into national armed forces, naturally the question arises about the creation of national forces, i have the european union, the precedent was the western european union, which...
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was created in 2010 and dissolved, in fact, the american military-industrial complex will last for decades provided, will be provided, because they will develop according to nato standards, nato standards are american standards. now we see that not a single european power can practically replace the americans, i mean sad story, with an aircraft carrier, it is going on, no, a hot, tough, big, hot conflict. well, frenchman, well, that’s good, there will be a large european army, where will it go? i’m not sure that they will be able to create it, no, well, well, well, they will, they will fill the soldiers with everything else, it will go where, it will come to us, if if, if it’s funny to create it, it will come to us, well, firstly, we have land borders, and secondly, they understand perfectly well, they remember the stories, no, that’s not the point, now you can do whatever you want, that’s obvious immediately, that is.
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it’s impossible to transport them covertly, all this is no longer there, no, of course not, of course, but we will receive them on the march, well, on the march we will receive them, but the march is what we have now, we have a border with finland, that’s it. .. with whom the border is, we see in depth, we have an overwhelming advantage in strategic ones today, that is, if we don’t play tricks, then everything will end very quickly, this is only a question of nuclear weapons, of course, and nothing else use, but what i'm talking about is that a threat will arise, that she is a threat, most likely, well , hypothetically, you can develop several scenarios of a military conflict, in my opinion, the closest is the one that arises within 30-40 minutes.
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strategic object, in theory , this concept is that the americans will participate, but they cannot participate, because they now have no advantage in time, this is their main tragedy, otherwise they would have started to hit everything a long time ago, so they are just now can't afford it, so you understand, just a second, i 'll try to explain why i'm talking about scenario, they know how to wait, they will wait for the time when, well, any state has its ups and downs, yes definitely. they will always wait for a change in course , some kind of change in leadership, why do they write so much about when putin will leave, putin will leave hypothetically in 1936, which means that a conflict will begin in russia then, then we must be ready, so how many centuries did they wait and when did they succeed? every time they were drawn in
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, they entered russia when there were problems, right, and it ended with the fact that they had problems, something they had with the account problems now will be worse for someone for them. well, there is always a calculation here, and it’s simple in that for the united states the main thing is that bismar said about the calculations, look, i’m now talking about the fact that the british elizabeth is queen elizabeth, but the aircraft carrier didn’t go, but i have something here there is such a slight feeling that the aircraft carrier was supposed to go on shift from enhau to the red sea.
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premiere on rtr. colleagues, there is an explosion at the ministry of health, the victims are being brought to us. how do you feel where does something explode and run there? just be lucky. the main one is digging under you.
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please leave the department. tomorrow. on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call , it is possible without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories are told, i was impudent in a white suit, then markolievich zakharov leaves, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told as a man. i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur
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kizikov, on sunday on rtr, they said who, i asked not to say, the main thing is that he... is healthy, let's see this weekend, we will have twins, girls, what girls, you promised me that there will be a son, oh, ah... when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and i don’t want to lose another shmoo, i ’ll pay any money until late, do a good deed, we have to share, where is the second girl, me i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i’m still thinking, well, how can it be, there’s a boy in the bond, but a girl was born, what miracles, she ’s completely different, her character doesn’t look like either you or leroy, our son will be all... olga is deceiving you, but don’t you think that
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this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope on saturday on rtr, and hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air for 60 minutes, the hero of russia will be in kind, we are all with you, including me, to the end, what an image of victory he is
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for you, to destroy the gang, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later, razumovsky. anyuta is alive, who are you anyway? i am your husband, we buried you, should we come back? hello, why did you have to die in order to get yourself back? how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were the cooler, your car fell into the river. just don’t fall in love with your wife again, i
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only need you, i think someone set me up, right after the funeral you appear, what are you you hint, unforgotten, you remembered something, sunday on rtr. when the german statesman said that he was planning a ten-year conflict with russia, in my opinion, he slightly overestimated the strength of his side, usually russia dealt with germany in a shorter time, and although the russians, of course, harness slowly, they still drive quickly, in my opinion, germany should be remembered, and the story with germany is very interesting, but in my estimation, germany has never been in such a weak economic, political, social position.
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scholz turned out to be and, who is now trying to somehow maintain germany’s leadership in europe, the other day he is going to the united states, we can guess why he will go there, to ask for money for defense, to help ukraine, for arms supplies, but very interesting, recently in stoltenberg was in washington, he went on about the same mission, he also asked for money, for him...
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we definitely won’t let them in, yes, next on their agenda is china itself, oh, simpler, well, southeast asia around china , and nato has already established formal relations with south korea, with japan, and nato is going to, through the ocusus and other alliances, significantly increase its infrastructure in this region,
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so when this summit convenes in april 24, i think that by that time, everything had dissolved, everything had gone into such interstate relations in within the framework of the european union, no single center has arisen there, but even if hypothetically this center arises, it will be based on an attempt to make a copy of nato, which in general is already clear that it will not work out very well, that is, there should be the economic and technological engine
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of germany, as we found out, germany is in a weak state, france, well, of course , i should personify... very different people, today we heard trump, and stoltenberg, and the leader of eastern europe, the baltic, the baltic, there the polish , they talk about the third world war, this is precisely an attempt to replace real actions or real plans, with escalation, an attempt, so to speak, to transfer reality into
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the virtual world, in this sense , this rhetoric should probably be treated. the text says that we must all rule the world together and not lose our health. two more topics are, of course, the middle east and china. this is the topic that interests experts in washington today; in general, one should not underestimate the depth of their expertise; of course, many of them have been bought; not all of them; then even the degree of their purchase still depends
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on their qualifications and therefore more and more often in their texts and speeches. the word diplomacy sounds, diplomacy is what should, what will probably be proposed not only to scholz and , well, stoltenberg, perhaps, maybe even zelensky, diplomacy instead, or whoever will be instead of zelensky, definitely, mikhailanovich, i wanted to show you an interesting, short video where the americans talk about what is happening now the fundamental problem is their economy and debt, right? is the size of the government debt a threat to our economy? over the long term, the us is on an unsustainable fiscal path. the federal government in the us is on an unsustainable fiscal path. it means, that our debt is growing faster. our economy, i think this worries you greatly, in the long term, of course, yes, in fact we are borrowing from future generations. this is jerem paul, the head, i apologize
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, there was such an interesting moment in my life about a year and a half ago , the lexus labans called me, who said that they would communicate here. pavelov asked me to write a list of questions, i wrote them a list. questions, and then they, accordingly, made a program, it was about a year ago, i think, it was on the internet easy enough to find, i came there , naturally, it wasn’t very funny, and they talked with pavel on behalf of zelensky, so the laughter consists of this: pavel is not a fool at all, although he kept silent here, he said from what point the growth rate much debt?
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doesn’t hire or anything else, he increases the workload on his employees, if the duration of the work week falls, it means there is no economic
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growth in either eye, or there is economic growth in sectors where there are no workers, that is, we are talking about that through an increase budget deficit they increase capitalization. since may, deindustrialization , i draw your attention, this is with low inflation and a growing budget deficit, that is, in fact
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, this is such a wonderful way to solve family problems, you need to go to a microcredit organization, take out a loan, when you need to repay the loan, you need to go to another microcredit organization take out a loan again to pay off this one, and so on, this is what pavel told us, he said, in strategic terms, this is the wrong path, but they can no longer refuse, because they have entered a situation where they date everything through the budget, all other mechanisms have already lost their effectiveness, i will remind you who last played such a game, it was the team.
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then the us industry was 70%, and today it is less than twenty, but then the dollar was not a reserve currency in the american economy , the report from the reserve currency will only get worse if inflation starts and dollars start flowing from all over the place, well, where will they flow, while there there are troops, no one will flow anywhere, this is precisely the main economic factor stabilizing the us economy, formally, that is, if janette yelin really goes at the end of february. to china, then most likely, but it was announced there that they would settle financial issues and so on, but most likely she will go to negotiate so that china does not sell the american debt so quickly, and china cannot do anything, it has the american dollar in the domestic economy is not involved, but what elin is ready to give for this, i don’t know, this is the peculiarity of the americans, they are asking
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not... there will definitely not be money for them in any way, but why do you need money in 2 years, when there will be a big world war, i’m not sure that you can start a war without money, but i can’t draw it, you can draw a lot of gold reserves, you can draw it, but you can’t get rid of it, you want to hire blacks as these same fighters, they need to be paid money, they won’t fight without money, so they will be zasantiki.
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the economy is zero, not even the states are on everyone’s ears, i’m not sure that they have a zero economy, and that there will be no certainty, exactly zero, maybe not even yes, there may not even be a doubt.
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prices reached thousands of euros per megawatt-hour, in russia it was 25-26 euros, that’s what happened, by the way, this is still happening, in finland a few weeks ago the price again reached 900 euros per megawatt-hour, in russia
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25, deceitful, bad people, but for us these are colossal advantages for our industry, well, yes, well, yes, but how will they be at such prices, excuse me...
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only the washington regional committee is governed, there are two, competition between two regional committees, the washington and moscow, look, we didn’t have time yesterday, well, in moscow the central committee, after all, we didn’t have time yesterday, they say, tucker carlson was spotted somewhere in the area of ​​the old square, but before we had time to criticize orban yesterday, he spoke, well done, today, look, everything was laid out for him yesterday here in the program, so today he disrupted the vote, so, beautiful,
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beautiful, so... the ancestors took budapest, the soldiers refused to shoot at it, because the building was so beautiful, the ambassadors of nato countries came there, the american ambassador came, they were waiting for triumph, but only 51 deputies of the hungarian parliament came, but 148 did not come , this is the ruling the party, their partners from the christian democratic party said, well, we’re somewhere until spring, spring says let’s wait, we can still wait, we don’t need sweden here so quickly, that is, orban. promoted this situation, but in fact this is a reflection in general of what is happening in european politics, although of course there is a lot there, so we constantly show them reservations, i have a feeling that the script for today’s
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european american politics was written by the zucker abraham group zucker, they made comedies like mel brooks, there hot heads, a naked gun and so on, i even realized who can play both trump and biden at the same time, this is...
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to the latvian armed forces, and there are so many cases that he is a lieutenant general? but with them, yes, he has three stars, they have the nato system there, it’s just a shoulder strap for him, enough for a general, but with them it would be according to positions , where did he study? he studied at the vilnius school of air defense radio electronics, by the way, he is not a young guy, in my opinion, he was born in fifty-seven, or something, if my memory serves me correctly, he graduated from vilnius, by the way, he was born in siberia, his father was repressed, that is, he has such a hereditary... in my opinion , his dad was a physics teacher,
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there is a hereditary dislike for russia, and there are a lot of such tendencies, but the common thing is still, what we see , despite all these statements, is ukraine, it’s not in vain that the press wrote, it’s leaking, i’ve been thinking for a long time what it’s connected with, it’s terrible, it’s just impossible to read, look at the article in the guardian about political prisoners, political prisoners, well, 8-100 they took at least what the sbu handed over to them, and because look. they were given the opportunity to film it, they, i think, well, if anyone doesn’t know, let me remind you, this is a publication in garden about people arrested, captured for collaborating with russia, who are simply subjected to wild humiliation, bullying in ukrainian dungeons, it is described in detail there , i thought, why, well, intimidate, well, well, i think the residents of donbass don’t need to be told who they are on the other side, they are demonizing zelensky, this is a shock for western public opinion. once again this knight of freedom does this,
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there absolutely, this photograph, it should be the photograph of the year, a man covering his face with his hands, who has an org tattooed on his forehead. just compare the photographs that were already available, perhaps this photograph, with this photograph, you just compare, here is the guardian, one of the key publications shows the face of the kiev regime, for which we must die, pay money, here...
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in other words, europe is hesitating, they
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are the people who fight, no matter what their politicians say, no matter how much money they give, they are not ready for decades of confrontation, but their the americans are forcing them, yes , they will carry out their will like puppets, but in principle their society is not ready, but the question of what they are ready for is their problem, the question is for us how to behave in this situation, there is only one answer, to show will and determination, yesterday there was a hint in the news that... there could be a strike for the il-76, maybe on zheshev, this caused a real panic, that if russia decides to do this... and i’m not at all sure that they will apply the fifth article, especially in this situation and this year, when the elections in usa, there is real panic, why don’t they believe and don’t even consider in their scenarios the possibility of inflicting a nuclear strike on russia, and there were strikes in response even to decision-making centers in ukraine in response to their
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terrorist actions, that’s the reason, you ’re not that you didn’t take the last step, you didn’t take the penultimate step, but how...
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neg hesitant, that’s all, see you tomorrow.
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kolobkov, nikolai vasilyevich, so, well, i ask you, i, an expert psychologist, have been assigned
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a psychiatric examination with my participation, do not mind if we talk, but why? i’m... not crazy, well, let’s find out your character traits, well, let’s see who you worked before your arrest, i’m a supervisor, someone’s supervisor, this is, well, this commercial director, what did he do? this is commerce. it's clear. please continue the alphabet. k, l, m, n, c, t. no, p, r, s. i do not remember. fine.
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tell me, have you ever crossed the road at a red light? no. do you always tell the truth? but what about? have you had any memory lapses? yes, as soon as i knock it out, i don’t remember anything in the morning. ok, tell me, who do you love most in the world? money? i asked who?
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and this is dad, no, well, when to go to work , i don’t know, well, it’s time, well, what kind of work with two children is a consequence as a result of neither children, nor a consequence, give me a liver, but you know, here it will be for you, you will have children , there will be a consequence, in what sense, and what? if in the sense of a judicial investigation, but supporting
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state prosecutions sounds like a lovable activity , but a prosecutor in court, i don’t know, but that a state prosecutor is a speaker, well , why not, it’s fantastically interesting, i ’ll tell you, soon they will introduce jury trials, i ’ll think about whether i should go to the criminal trial supervision of what and normal working hours? courts don’t sit at night, so what about your investigative experience, your abilities, listen, what kind of miracles are happening there, what’s happening in the courtroom, yes, what kind of passions are there, some kind of lightning, what psychology, what , what passions, what dramas, i have one thing to do, by the way, there are interesting businessmen, let’s go, zoya, here you go, yes, maybe you’ll give me the child, well, here you go, here are my cookies, everything is so quiet , the frost killed a woman, sit down, serge, young,
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a beautiful woman, it turns out she’s pregnant, she didn’t even have time to tell her husband about it, it’s a nightmare, but what a motive, hooliganism, robbery, sexual, who the hell knows, no, of course, we could dig into it. this frost, this kolobokov, unique , he even has a stake on his head, he says, a sudden flash of rage, she’s dressed up, and i want a drink, that’s it, well, where is the psychology here, imagine, her husband carried her in his arms, he really wanted child, she was treated for a long time, finally the long-awaited happiness, just at this some bastard moment. kills her just like a bestial, a lashing of his hatred , as if this bastard had killed her, as if when
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he was detained, he showed the place where he buried him, dragged her to the basement, covered everything with sand, without him the body would not have been found, and criminal knowledge, even before the discovery of the corpse, he said that he had strangled the victim, and they dug up a definite case of asphyxia. uh, yeah, so what can i do? can you imagine what kind of speech you could make in a reception: the audience would cry, the villain would be punished, justly, isn’t that wonderful, as far as i know, my eloquence would not influence the court's decision , but to prove the research, right there all the trump cards are in your hands, you are a witness of souls that you will take everything out, well, i mean... in the sense that you will present everything to the court in full view, with your experience, i mean, so what i
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want to say is, report, report, write, from what date, so today, it can’t be, dima, control yourself, i understand it’s hard for you now, but you have friends , we will help you, you understand, they don’t care at all, they will give him 15 years, and in 10 years this creature will be released, and there will never be an inna again, you understand, i understand everything, but everything will end soon, rather, i’m ready to strangle him with my own hands, do you understand what you ’re saying? hi, hi, hi, well, tell him to control himself, look, he’s shaking all over, i’m calm, i’m absolutely calm, everything’s fine with me. how are you? it's okay,
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i haven't earned it yet. well, what are they doing there? i'm coping. if you need anything, get back to me. what, if anything, you didn’t give me money? no. 5000 bucks what can be decided in an hour. everyone involved in the kolobkov case, please come through. that's it, let's go. i will intervene myself, this is my method of work. premiere on rtr. colleagues, there is an explosion at the ministry of health, the victims are being brought to us. how do you feel where something explodes and run there? lucky, simply. the boss is digging for you. and you, by the way, oleg mikhailovich, have been suspended, please leave the department. sklifosovsky, new episodes, tomorrow on rtr.
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there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will set everyone up. this is an incredibly charming face that forgives everything. they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i'm not bored either. after all, each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, we first shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for
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the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, alisa , with my character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult, well, i can handle it, my daughter, my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how you all got me, and you break something, take it easy, i hate you, it’s clear, i have you dad was kidnapped, the police took me away.
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oh, here comes fate. fun hour, premiere. on saturday on rtr. razumovsky is listening. oh, anyuta, alive. who is he anyway? i'm your
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husband. we buried you. return? hello, why did you have to die in order to get yourself back to grief, amnesia, how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were a sweetener, your car fell into the river, just don’t fall in love with your wife again, i only need you , i think someone set me up, right after the funeral you appear, what are you hinting at, unforgotten. did you remember something? sunday on rtr. now, if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is the door scratched by dogs. he
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could become a jackass. or athletes. we took the gto standards for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups. a taster, i always like to eat a lot, or a rescuer, but he is a doctor that everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication, you need to contact a specialist. doctor misnyakov every saturday on rtr.
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i ask everyone to stand up, the trial is underway.
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does the prosecutor have any questions? eat. tell me why did you kill? luganskaya, i told you, i saw a woman, got angry at her , killed her, why did they get angry, and this, and this is a causeless
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outburst, the woman is dressed up, she smells of perfume, and i have nothing to drink, i go, she stands, smokes, looks at me, like i’m not a person at all , well, i’m the devil... thank you for what you did there, as far as i can see from the materials of the case, you don’t live there, and you don’t have friends there, and i refuse to answer the prosecutor’s questions, according to article 51 of the constitution, you have the right take advantage of the constitution. he said, your honor, it's clear to everyone that this bastard killed my wife,
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that you are asking unnecessary questions, that you are pulling the cat by the tail, i protest, your honor, the victim, i ask you to behave correctly, remember that you are in court and do not make offensive statements, yes , you think i have no right, i i should call him on you, maybe i should even bow to him. maybe i should even bow to you? i repeat once again, there are certain rules of conduct in court, asking the same questions, how he strangled her, how he buried her, well, it’s obvious , well, it’s unbearable to listen to, i understand you, but there is a certain order of conducting the process, you understand me, then to hell with this order, to hell with this order, listen, victim, if you continue to behave this way, i will win.
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don’t pay attention, calm down, i understand your feelings, but i ask you to control yourself .
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and don’t say anything unnecessary, i understand, the break is over, come on in, that’s all for today, gentlemen, in what sense, we have problems with the convoy, we are now only working on business for half a day.
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for now, everything is fine, guys, everything is fine, kolyan, hold on, we are here, come on, yes, everything will be.
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“great, golovbo, how is it, nothing, holding on, oops, you’re just in time, what’s normal?” "guys, volodya , what are you doing here? hello, masha, good to see you. hello. congratulations on going to work. thank you. and yet, what are you doing here? yes, well, i’m meeting you. really? really, only the truth, nothing but the truth. how do you feel? i don’t know yet, the fact that kolobkov killed lugansk doesn’t bother me. but if a subject , during a sudden outbreak, kills someone,
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he doesn’t drag his hands into the basement, he killed and left. do you have any candidates for the role of customer? not yet, but my experience suggests it.


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