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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  February 6, 2024 4:44am-5:00am MSK

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he can turn it on at this time, yes, he can even hum a song, yes, but at the same time he is having this microsleep, at this time he will not be able to react to a sudden change in the traffic situation, yet the person falling asleep can be recognized by characteristic signs: a person’s face stops expressing emotions, the eyelids stick together, and the head falls off the shoulders, it remains to find someone who will wake up the driver at this moment, each driver has his own way of dealing with fatigue, one chews nuts, the second opens the window, the third drinks soda. but in the 21st century, perhaps the most effective way is not to fall asleep - trust special sensors. the alarm clock may be intrusive, but it is effective. drivers of the capital's public transport are monitored by a special camera. it records any deviations from the normal operating state , gives an audible signal, analyzes his behavioral reactions on his face, and at multiple points, more than sixty points, respectively, as soon as the driver becomes ill, and the system, of course. the market
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mainly actively uses gadgets that prevent you from falling asleep while driving, there is a choice, there are headphones, various bracelets, rings and even hats. these devices are cargo carriers, for them any accident is a loss. it would probably be right to legally install such systems on buses in order to protect the lives of passengers, who are much more expensive than any of the most valuable cargo. at the same time, it is safe according to the requirements.
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perhaps, well, we also need to consider where and what kind of road is being built, because of course, if we are talking about the presence of fences, as a rule, the road needs to be made wider, somewhere from the point of view of just the relief or geographical features, it’s not that it’s impossible, it can, as it were, from a cost point of view, simply be prohibitively expensive in comparison with the fact that the question here is not only about fences, in fact, you need to look in general at the quality of the road and the issue of banal illumination of automobile roads, we have quite a large number of highways, well, first of all , country roads, of course, they are simply not lit, often the driver is at fault for breaking the rules, yes, but we we can’t, we’re talking from the point of view of the state and we can’t rely on the fact that all our motorists will a priori be careful, follow all the rules, no one...
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will try to overtake there, i don’t know, in a closed corner or on an ascent hill, well , this can happen, and in order to minimize this, the state should somehow invest there, i don’t know, if not a fence, then at least there - there was a maximum overtaking lane on all roads or something else, maybe some kind of state regulation then it should appear in the end, there are certain standards, of course, we have a classification of roads, we have recommendations that, in principle , of course there should be fences everywhere, but unfortunately, within the framework of the state they are prescribed exactly as a recommendation. yeah, maybe we should still oblige everyone involved in road safety, construction, and so on, to comply with the state standards without fail. it’s clear that if we ’re talking about installing the same road barriers there, probably in most cases they will actually help reduce the potential consequences, but again we we are faced with the question of the possibility of certain or other , even simply, highways that already exist, if we now lead to the fact that it is necessary to install everywhere, maybe... with a very serious
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reconstruction, simply a huge number of roads that are now already put into operation in principle, perhaps even they do not have high validity, they simply will no longer meet the standards, well, at least for new roads they must be built, then we need to look at and discuss this really according to the final requirements - including what kind of fences are actually more necessary where what conditions are not suitable, because now, in fact , there are also some recommendations, but they are of such an abstract nature that you need to conduct separate studies, really look at where, where what could be more useful, yeah, i ’m wondering if you keep in touch with the traffic police, because they most likely have all the statistics, yes, but you can start from it, understand what roads, well, they just require special attention, naturally, they are one of the coordinating control bodies, they have the right to prescribe any instructions in case of non-compliance, are their complaints about the quality of work performed on the new road advisory in nature or? and how
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long will it take to fix them? i understand that this is generally an expensive pleasure. well, of course, again there are many roads, many regions, they all have their own characteristics, and the number of specialists for the regions can simply be not enough, not in the sense that current specialists cannot cope, but rather in the fact that more people are needed who could qualitatively assess what is happening and analyze each individual road, each individual, including problem areas. are many of these specialists graduating now, are they going to work in their specialty or? this is also a problem, even for moscow, to be honest, there is periodically a shortage of personnel, the need for personnel is constantly growing, and for the regions this, well, in general, is really the problem that they always say quite actively, on the contrary, on sweets, new universities or some faculties should appear, increase and increase the number of graduates, expand
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this particular professional area of ​​activity, thank you, we talked about safe roads with a senior lecturer at the department of traffic safety organization, intellectual transport system. madi maxim gavrilyuk, have a nice day, well, it won’t always be like this, but it’s not for life, and you, dad, how old were you when you were with your mom we met, we need another, what other, soon, come on, all together, in chorus, a show of unprecedented scale, we are standing opposite the second wall, looking at you, i want to become better, we are all watching. together on friday at 21:30. russia morning. don't forgive the main thing. we wanted the best, but it turned out, well, well, how it turned out. in egypt , they left no stone unturned on the project. if not millennia, then
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centuries for sure. reconstruction of the pyramid of menkaure. this is the smallest building in the giza area. it is 10 times smaller than the famous pyramid of chiops. ancient inhabitants of the nile valley once they called her the most beautiful. it was lined with red granite and white limestone and remained that way for almost 4 millennia, but the desert and robbers took their toll. tourists and scientists like the pyramid even this way, but the new cladding, the first stones that have already been placed, were not to their liking at all. and we will talk about a less monumental structure, a greenhouse that a family from my native udmurd built in their village house. but what a greenhouse, this is our kitchen, from the kitchen we go into the hallway, here we already have our little home greenhouse, now the baby plants of hope are under supervision 24x7, will go to the large room, feed them at the same time, put food on the table
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, get ready, drop by to take cuttings, now i have taken up petunia, this cutting has already grown, it needs to be transplanted into a larger tau, well, half a liter, 0 .8 l, and i cut these cuttings that are already large for rooting. so, each stem, there are tens of thousands of them in the home greenhouse, a resident of the village of pirogovo. 3 months ago they were a dream, now nadezhda danilova grows flowers in winter. the scheme is simple: she loves plants, and her husband loves her alexander, therefore, decided to do something nice, installed communications, made shelves, installed light bulbs, and the greenhouse is ready. the temperature is regulated by the gas supply to the boiler; if it is needed warmer, more gas is supplied, no, less, plus they also go along the circuit. taps for supplying water, if it’s hot, we turn it down a little, the moisture is not felt, but they live their own lives, today the danilovs have five greenhouses, they are all heated, but this is not enough for the kids, for cuttings, for seedlings it’s cool there, so we sow vegetables here too or i sow, then as they grow, in february
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we will begin to heat two greenhouses, this is a maternity hospital for small seedlings for our cuttings, the only disadvantage of a home greenhouse is the cat asya, the results of her tricks at every step. he takes cups from us, carries them to the kitchen, can scatter them, in general, he always helps us as much as he can, he really likes to eat cloves, and here we hope to dry the plants for tea, the main thing is to ventilate them periodically, it’s still humid in the greenhouse, we collect in july , in august there is grass, our door is open, the main thing is it’s a cool place, we won’t get any sun there, but it’s already a dry place, the danilovs recently signed a social contract, they will increase production, then a test tube puppy, what do dogs need? and surrogate motherhood, we’ll find out a little later, you look amazing, watch out for elena, although she is your father’s wife, she is your enemy.
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well, that’s it, let’s begin, you’re no one to me, i’m not going to listen to you, her task is to destroy me, she hates me, you told him to, looking for the motives of the perpetrators is not here, we’ll find out that i’m involved in this. despite all the winds, premiere on saturday on rtr, what’s your gang’s plan, and my buddies are on line today without me. they’ll take it, but how many of you are there? so that i, lyokha volk , tell her that at 18:30 they will inject her, but never, you can change your passport, the children ruined it for me, so, everything is fine, then there is only the average about your children, i say, children to me everything has been ruined, dear mothers, whose child smells like deor, if it’s from the new collection, then it’s mine, come on, run when... you give me twenty, okay, take it, good day, you were fired in the morning, i have to
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work for another week, work honestly , you need a bag, yes, you need one t-shirt, no , don’t take the t-shirts, they will break, thank you very much, well, they don’t always break, oh, they tear, they tear, stories of a big country on friday, on rtr, now i will interfere in everything myself , this is my method of work, premiere on rtr, colleagues, there is an explosion in the ministry of health, the victims are being taken to us, how do you feel where something explodes and run there, you’re just lucky, the boss is digging for you, but by the way, oleg mikhailovich, you have been suspended, please leave department, new series, today on rtr. please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you
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came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white suit, i’m starting, the choice is leaving markolievich zakharov, and that was for me , probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets are told, how a man is a hunter of women. i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is there to come? i foresaw my fate, now that's all fulfilled, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. a pet of the 21st century does not bark, does not bite
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, and does not want to go for walks, a dream. a new robotic dog has been announced in china, which is distinguished by intelligence and intelligence. a popular chatbot with artificial intelligence is integrated into luun's electronic head. the dog can communicate with its owner, reading his emotions, carry out all kinds of commands and give useful tips based on information. on surprisingly, the cost of this and the pet turned out to be quite moderate, 33,000 rubles. many smartphones are much more expensive. it looks like a new version of tamagotchi in our time . and yet, a robot, not a dog, its instincts are not the same, our scientists are thinking about how to preserve the quality of service dogs. as a result, a puppy was born in russia for the first time, carried by a surrogate mother. andrey alekseenko will talk about what prospects such an experiment promises for science. here she is, aki, 10, half. kilogram at 4 months, a puppy carried by a surrogate mother, no different from an ordinary dog.
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in this case, the labrador breed, its choice is not accidental, the fact is that these dogs are used as guide dogs, so it is very important that the next generations retain all the qualities of service dogs. more than 40% of the dogs that we have in our working population are culled, all of our working dogs that demonstrate the necessary qualities of a guide dog, they... when transferred to blind people, they are sterilized, as a result, breeders lose the gene pool of dogs, increasing the breeding stock is not a solution, it is very expensive, but surrogacy, scientists say, should solve the problem. in this laboratory, for the first time in russia, they were able to transplant an embryo from a service labrador to a carrier dog. we took out a cup with our living embryos from the incubator; we will evaluate their viability using a stereoscopic microscope. the good, viable ones go to work, moreover. a dog of any breed is suitable as a surrogate mother, the main thing is that its size matches the breed of the puppy being carried. in
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in this case, they didn’t split hairs and chose lila, who didn’t qualify for the role of labador’s guide dog. for now, the main task is to develop the technology; first of all , research will be carried out with service dogs, not only guide dogs, but search dogs. the maximum task generally sounds global. now we have worked on the dogs. in the future, we will use felines on other species of animals, and our ultimate goal is to preserve endangered species and collect embryos, which means that the research of our scientists will not be limited to working with domestic animals, creating a database of embryos. all rare species will help preserve the biodiversity of our country, then work in the fresh air, a smart guy , take after your father, when you managed to get a child a job, you got a job yourself, at his age he’ll learn how to earn pocket money, and at the same time master a profession , you’re a good, good idea,
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well, wait, he just turned 14, it’s not too early, as long as he doesn’t run around idle, and there’s no such thing as a superfluous profession, i also agree. you know, when mine grow up, i'll probably i’ll also send them to work, i worked at 15, about work opportunities for teenagers, we’ll talk to an expert very soon, well , he still needs to be more careful, who’s there, it’s a peddler, sir, i’m with you, income from the energy sector has not suffered without supplies to the west , the results of the work of the interrau company for the twenty- third year. stopped in time in georgia , detained a cargo of explosives from ukraine for committing terrorist attacks on russian territory and revived from chaos in shibeki in the belgorod region, builders brought back to life more than 400 objects.


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