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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 6, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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doesn’t know if ukraine will be able to return crimea , which means it’s not ukraine that has already succeeded, ukraine has already returned crimea, returned crimea to russia, where it should be, he finally understands, yes, we hear, he’s right, she says, yes , indeed, based on the results of the russian-turkish wars, it was written into the peace agreement that crimea would be either russian or turkish, there is no word ukraine there, ukraine never shed blood for crimea, because at that time there was no ukraine, there were no ukrainians but maybe he'll remember also, that at the end of the 14th century, as a result of the russian-polish war... the russian kingdom bought kiev from poland for 14,000 silver, also forever and ever, or let me return the money, yes , if they don’t already, they don’t respect the memory of their ancestors, it was their polish ancestors who signed this agreement with the russians and sold kiev, they really sold it, let him remember what kiev was like at that time, that is, it was devastation, even sophia of kiev was wooden, one castle was already caught up, which was there remained in kiev, but kiev became what it is today city, exclusively with...
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there in germany, in france, what will happen there, because i saw it on the maidan in kiev, that is, it will be just the anniversary, they won’t celebrate it in february, so they can already build pig pens there , there you can plant lapuhs, cucumbers there, everything else, that is, by the summer it will be beautiful, the rows will bloom, there will be a beautiful garden , everything else will bloom, so tucker came to moscow and many people think yes, yes, he will take it an interview with the president or something else, but listen, maybe he really came to russia to take a break from these western... values, to walk along the streets of a clean, well-groomed city without these, like in the usa, these mountains of garbage, homeless people and drug addicts, maybe he just came to have a holiday for himself, and at the same time if he gets an interview take the president, because if he interviews putin, i’m sure it will be, well , probably the most watched in the world, here’s the interview from 1924, and of course, rightly so, yes, zelensky, this epic, yes, here we are discussed at the beginning that of course it would be more profitable to wait for avdiivka when they hand over...
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makes it change, not change , in fact, yes, indeed in the constitution of ukraine there is a distribution, there is a head there, the verkhovna rada, the president , the powers are outlined, but this is not the powers of the president, not zelensky in the sense, not the powers of deputies, these are the powers of the americans, yes, which they exercise through their tame zelensky or deputies, of course he can build himself up as president, but everyone understands perfectly well that this is real external control, and in reality little depends on zelensky, so... yes, as
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it was correctly said there, they, so we listened in one report, that if, well, that is, ukraine, it lives in hopes only, yes, for us help, but it seems to me that this is a stupid hope, if you are counting on us help, they have been counting and counting since 1914, yes, in 1414, i remember, they promised a trillion investments on the maidan, they have already forgotten everything, they are already there zelensky's advisor ustenko says that from russia we will be a trillion, how do the bandars know such figures, well, they don’t even know how many zeros are in a trillion, yes, that is, right now...
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110, why pay pensions? well, really, it all depends on whether the bill will be adopted, which seems to have been written in the senate, congress does not want to consider it, and johnson called it worse than the previous one, so this whole mess with
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money will continue, but it seems to me that the lost one will not he is resigning for now because he wants to be the head, when the first abrams is shot down, he will be there
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after almost 2 years of war, the ukrainian armed forces showed their first american abrams tank. washington handed over 31 tanks last fall, but did not allow them to use the abrams. knowing the tactical and technical characteristics of russian helicopters and the capabilities of western bvo missiles, it was clear that they would strike from much greater distances than our missiles could cover, this was understandable, but the authorities were silent about this;
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at one time, a powerful pool of miracle weapons was repeatedly formed , which will directly solve all issues of the war. on these shots of the column. russian tanks under the cover of artillery and goes across the field to storm the ukrainian armed forces stronghold. and this is the work of our infantry in the donetsk direction. fighters from pyatnashka effectively occupy enemy trenches and capture four ukrainian militants. the graduates complain in the french newspaper lifigaro about huge losses, the lack of new recruits and the low quality of supplied western equipment. in one of the aid shipments, all 20 tanks found themselves in...
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a situation with commander-in-chief zaluzhny. your post , citing your sources, reports. zelensky has already notified the white house of plans to fire the general. washington allegedly does not plan to interfere in kiev’s personnel policy. the ukrainian government has informed the white house of president vladimir zelensky's decision to fire its commander-in-chief, general valeriy zaluzhny. this will be the most significant personnel change of the entire war, two people familiar with the discussions said. white house officials offered no support. personnel decisions regarding the armed forces of ukraine are a matter for the ukrainian government; this is not an issue in which the us government should interfere in one way or another, so that we are left in the country from these personnel decisions, this is the sovereign right of ukraine and the right of the president of ukraine to make personnel
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decisions. we have made it clear that we are simply not going to get involved in this particular decision. we directly pointed this out to the ukrainians. zelensky himself. supposedly visited the front line, in the footage, dressed in a ze helmet, first shaking in the troop compartment of an armored vehicle, then communicating with bandera in some catacombs, at the bank they claim that it was filmed... video at the very front line front in the zaporozhye region. zelensky chaired the headquarters meeting. the disgraced zaluzhny is not visible in the footage from the meeting, but the decision to fire him has not been officially made. the war in ukraine has changed, so zelensky must reinvent himself, writes the british the times. that is, they say directly: the ukrainian president has already outlived his usefulness. samze announces changes in his circle , hinting that... this question concerns the people
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who should lead ukraine, of course, a reboot and a new beginning is necessary when we are talking about this, i mean the change of a number of government leaders, and not just in one sector such as the army. i am thinking about this replacement, but it cannot be said that we would replace only one person. this is an issue that affects the entire management team. in the same interview , zelensky almost for the first time admits the stalemate in the war, but blames the west and the lack of ammunition for everything. bandera members themselves continue to be taught to fight. strange footage published from london. a ukrainian armed forces soldier instructs how to correctly perform terrifying dances of the mauri indians. the militants make faces, show their tongues and stomp on...
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ukraine continues to prepare terrorist attacks on russian territory, the georgian special services managed to foil another sabotage, they detained a cargo of z4 explosives that was coming from odessa. an explosive substance of 14 kg was hidden in batteries from electric vehicles, which were transported in an ordinary minivan. the car left ukraine, proceeded through romania, bulgaria, turkey, and on january 19
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crossed the border of georgia. the final destination according to the georgian security service , voronezh was supposed to be. the transportation was carried out by an international criminal group, led by a citizen of ukraine, andrei sharashidze. officially, kiev does not comment on the information, but it is already clear that the bandera regime is unable to drag bilisi into a conflict with russia. in estonia, on the contrary, they are willing to help the armed forces of ukraine; tallinn transferred another batch of military aid worth 80 million euros to the front. the estonian ministry of defense reported that ukrainian militants received dzhevelin anti-tank missiles, machine guns, ammunition for small arms, diving equipment and various equipment. however, the balts themselves do not believe that all this will bring ukrainian victory closer. writes that the vulnerabilities of western. gps systems in front of the russian rep, they say the russians can disable
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satellite systems in the baltic region, preparing for a conflict with nato. this conclusion was made due to radio interference in the eastern and southeastern parts of the newly formed member of the alliance finland; the so -called baltic jammer was allegedly working in kaliningrad. irregularities at work are associated with it gps, which were recorded in northern poland, southern sweden. in the seventh year, germany intends to permanently station 500 soldiers near
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the lithuanian-russian border. berlin's motto is defense of deterrence. yes, in his last interview , nato secretary general stoltenberg assured that the alliance is quite well armed, given the threat from russia. according to him, in recent years the western military bloc has strengthened significantly. in addition, germany promised to bring nato to full combat readiness next year an entire division of 15.00 soldiers. between. popular experts, however, still warn that russia is very quickly building up its military potential, so the likelihood of a russian invasion of one of the nato countries has certainly not become less. the most desirable tactical goal of the russian federation on the territory of europe, since control of this area will allow for land communication with the enclave of russia, the kaliningrad region in lithuania, through which some goods from kaliningrad are still delivered in transit, this is understood like nowhere else. we also learn
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the centimeter every day, what russia is doing there. and in poland, in lithuania.
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will intensify, which scholz especially does not agree with, and noticeable are these new movements, new projects, the project of creating an army of the european union without the united states, as a reflection of all these things, well, conversations, not conversations, but real ones, by the way, the steps to create a program for updating the european military-industrial complex, a special fund for the development of the military-industrial complex has been created, on february 25, by the way, it will make a presentation for 15 years somewhere. about 100 billion euros, 152 small large projects, modernization of old ones, creation of new ones, this is all a reaction to a new reality, a reflection of ukrainian failures and changes in america, the second track is well, which continues, this is, of course, farming , and economically, now not only germany and france, but five european countries in general are revolting, that is, including italy,
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belgium and even greece, but the point is not even that a specific german or french farmer is revolting, the point is that these protests are certainly not political, clearly, this is not an overthrow of the system, but they clearly reflect the problematic nature, the imperfection of this agrarian strategy of the european union in the field, especially the lack of control over dumping agricultural imports and a number of others, that is, in fact, these tractors of european farmers, they are, so to speak, like step by step they would roll the once flourishing economy of the european union into the asphalt, and most of all, in these conditions...
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it means the interests and, so to speak, votes of potential voters, trump is five points ahead of biden, which is actually not it’s surprising, but the growth rate itself , of course, terrifies biden and i would say, well, this leads to a strange, rather not strange, generally natural, but very problematic statement by the washington administration that there are about 15 million in my opinion, or... there are already more than 17 million illegal migrants, they will all be legalized in order to get votes, second, but this is profanity, swearing at trump, that is, this all shows that he is nervous , he... and he is losing, so to speak, some kind of ground, he begins to take such steps completely, as if absolutely, well, not for a politician of this level, and naturally, for
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washington, for trump, for the democrats, it is needed today in order to save, if not save, then at least level out the current american situation, history, a big success story , the success story did not work out on the ukrainian track, moreover, i think zaluzhny’s resignation shows insufficient control by washington and some kind of nonsense... biden’s shortcomings, but this is their kitchen, a success story on the middle east track in general, if a war with iran turns from a proxy into a real one, it will be a disaster. in the russian direction , there is especially no success story, and not only we, but the official bodies of the imf, the european press, and the american press are already officially declaring that russia not only survived, it adapted, fully adapted to these twelve sanctions packages. for gdp growth, fifth place in terms of gdp by purchasing power variety, and so on, that is, russia has created a mobilization forced economy, there is import substitution, in fact, the military-industrial complex
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is a trigger for the development of the entire economy, that is, in fact, this is no longer a success story for the united states , on the contrary, a story of defeat, what remains, here is the most important question, in fact, in these conditions, as if there is such uncertainty about the symmetry of internal external american action, a very serious problem arises? that is , biden and his team, well, they want to get some kind of hollywood plot in quotation marks, that is, against the backdrop of this demonization of russians, russia, which is attacking something scary, valuable, american or european, the whole world seems to be responding with a liberating, just war in quotes against russia, this is a hollywood plot, but the worst thing is that there is a very small distance between this clip and reality. the usa, nato, in the conditions of this
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, so to speak, intensification of this instability. yes, but what is happening now in the united states is obviously not in favor of joseph biden and his administration, although in principle, if you look at the stock markets, they are growing a little, therefore, actually, the economy is somewhere there. temporarily at least on biden’s side, although yes, yes, trump found an answer to this very quickly, he says: well, what do you want? the markets are already expecting me to come, so uh, no, uh, the mood is bad on wall street right now. as for zelensky, obviously they have to acknowledge reality. and, of course, it’s quite humiliating what ’s happening for him, for any politician, like... yes, you ’re complaining about your subordinate, using the western media, that is, you you can’t tell him anything directly,
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in order to convey your position, you have to turn to western propaganda, which will explain your position to your subordinate, well, nonsense, but this is the world he now lives in, let’s listen to zelensky about... stagnation in front, as he says , regarding the situation on the ground, there is stagnation, because there were delays in the supply of weapons, and this leads to mistakes, we are fighting terrorists who have one of the largest armies in the world, there is not enough ammunition, but we need modern technical facilities. mr. president, if you went back, what would you do differently, are there any mistakes that you regret?
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what we are seeing now, to some extent, very often the western press uses this term, is an economic miracle, and the main thing is that we continue to increase the production sector at the same pace, and get machines from somewhere that we are still we buy abroad, and we started producing them ourselves, but nevertheless, what the west is experiencing now, it’s called nothing else, like humiliation. because they believed that they could do anything, they could do anything with any country, in reality it turned out that they could not...
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nothing, let it continue like this, we will return, whoever renounces the past cancels the future, we do not give our memory and do not give up our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. nikita, will you marry me for 300,000, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not a fake one, i love your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hands, that i’ll arrange a scarata for the deputy, i agree, a million is not worth it, listen, antokh,
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it’s also impossible, listen, brother, live. don’t interfere with my life, come on for now, are you twins or something, i loved you, oh, granny, you can’t hide anything from you, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of an unemployed girl from dersovo, found out, congratulations, you are pregnant, without love, on friday at rta. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will set everyone up. this an incredibly charming face that forgives everything. they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either.
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after all, each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams , how did you agree to this, we first shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me to...
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soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you , what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, she definitely reads minds or not, premiere, anna ostrovsky investigative committee, he has special gifts, who you look at all the time, well, the girl is standing scratched,
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maybe... this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and do you know who the killer is? yes, look only without doing anything on your own, judge on the spot, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look before everyone else, in application or on the website, the prime minister of canada again spoke out in defense of lgbt people, he criticized the new rules for the treatment of transgender youth, which are being introduced by the authorities of the province of alberta, according to which the participation of transgender athletes in women's sports will be significantly limited. in addition, a ban on gender reassignment surgeries for persons 17 years of age and younger is being introduced. hormone therapy will only be available to teenagers over the age of 15. alberta premier daniel smith says such restrictions are necessary to
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to young people. did not make life-changing medical decisions that they will regret. trudeau called these initiatives the most egregious violation of lgbt rights of any province in the country. once again confirmed that african perverts are more important to him than ordinary citizens and this, as it turned out, is possibly hereditary, his father pierre trudeau, who is also called the father of modern canada, personally defended former nazi collaborators from the ss galicia division who arrived in canada from great britain after the second world war, so commemoration in in the canadian parliament of the nazi gunko in september last year - this is... a family tradition. annette holds her late mother's luggage tag, which
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she received while traveling aboard the uss st. louis, a ship full of jewish refugees who fled germany in 1939 after being turned away by other countries, including canada. for her, the contrast between canada's treatment of jews. before and during world war ii and the new information about our country's embrace of the nazis after is particularly harsh. these people destroyed my entire family, i have no cousins. we are now in a position where we have to learn from history. the scandal surrounding a former nazi ss member who received a standing ovation in the house of commons last fall has intensified pressure from jewish groups. people stand up and give a standing ovation to the veterans of world war ii, he fought against the russians for
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the independence of ukraine and continues to support the troops to this day, even at the age of 98. make the records public. now, a fuller version of the radal report details justice minister per trudeau's view of the canadian of latvian origin, known as subject f, convicted in absentia by the soviet union as the captain of a firing squad who
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killed 5,128 jews. in 1967, trudeau opposed stripping a subject of f's citizenship, writing: "the onus is on the applicant to satisfy the court that he is a good character." this is an important piece of historical data, but it also has implications for privacy and community cohesion. we cannot learn from the mistakes of the past until we see the records of the past, so we fight not only for past, but for the present. in general, it’s an incredible story: he killed 500 jews and is a good character, this is according to mr. trido’s father, please, as far as i remember, we
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have had conservatives in alberta for quite a long time, by the way, the last elections were in 2023, that’s why accordingly, canada has some peculiarities, they have very serious provincial autonomy, it should be noted, linguistic even to some extent, and accordingly, well, this is completely, as it were... repeats the situation in the usa, in principle plus or minus, there is also the position of the canadian state of texas, say florida, if we are to be closer, so accordingly, the legislation there seems to have already been approved, as if it is being implemented accordingly by the same landing force, in fact, on which he rode as if i were to go to the election campaign, i would not have gotten there along the way. so, first on thursday, i remind you, accordingly trump and the supreme court will make a decision on whether he can be on the ballot, cannot be on the ballot, accordingly this it will be thursday, tentatively, as we said before. for a formal reason , it will most likely remain, but this will be the main news, accordingly, on friday morning in the russian federation, well, in europe, in the eastern hemisphere, and there, accordingly , it will be like the topic of the day on thursday, and accordingly, the second , shultz arrives
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the next day on friday, and he stays there for several days, the main part of the issues concerns negotiations, primarily on the conflict, so how would this issue be resolved there, before that it will be on wednesday voting on a new law. project, and also for a week there will be an attempt, accordingly, to dismiss the minister of internal security, so loosely translated, well, in principle, verbatim, so to speak, to be precise, that’s accordingly the republicans. and most likely they can get a majority there, that is, in fact , how to initiate this process, although such a conditional impeachment, but they can do it, why is this important, because most likely now there will be a struggle between two bills, now we are that's all we’ll see, most likely tuesday-thursday, in fact, wednesday will be decisive from this point of view, because on wednesday they will collect procedural voting, if they fail to gather at least half of the republicans, now the fight for them is going on quite intensely , most likely this will cost mcconnell’s possible chairmanship even in the future, because people are now beginning to oppose him .
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which mercedes, in which tucker carlson is supposedly located, is stated to be supposedly the old square, and here is the building old square yes yes, accordingly, it is very clear which circuit was doing what, but accordingly, it’s like a story why did he go there in the first place , why did he fly here through istanbul, it’s worth noting that the decision has been made, as if the question of what format will be in the sense of why foreigners fly to we have different foreigners in moscow, and accordingly , they come there alone on trains to the dprk, also just like that, and then , accordingly, everything is amicable. as if they were saying what was happening there, people don’t believe it, so far
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basically, the diameters do not coincide, in short, the meaning is the following, as if accordingly, how would this be an information output, the question is how it will actually affect, because it will be after the fact that now the whole matter will be sorted out approximately, how as if in advance, as if by all appearances , there seems to be a guideline somewhere for the second half of february, so from this point of view , it’s kind of an interesting moment, actually , how this whole thing will progress, because it’s like this is the first serious exit , i i remind you that our last exit was in the twenty-first year with tnbc. if i'm not mistaken, nbc, if i'm not mistaken , that's accordingly, from the foreign segment, as it were, american-european-oriented, let's formulate the american, let's just say american even more simply, because nbc, as if in africa nbc, that's why from this point of view, this is of course a very interesting point, so - as for the general situation, in the near future we will accordingly have visits from the uk directly to the countries of central asia on the substantive component, these will first of all be visits... to kazakhstan, in which
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the cabinet of ministers has changed, i remind you that a new head will soon be appointed, why is this happening, accordingly, the question is that the economy is still -it still rules, it would be nice to dive a little into it as a foreign policy, i remind you that there is quite high inflation, now the country is very dependent on energy resources, today the judge showed his data on vp, how we won, accordingly, the negative growth , so-called, is 0.9, so it’s clear why the country seems to be drowning in prices, because their prices directly depend on them, and that it should have been larger, in fact , much larger. that’s why, as if, accordingly, as if you look at the budget , look at what prices there are, accordingly it’s set up, it’s not that difficult, as if the budget there is in different languages, everything has been translated for a long time, so, as if this is a very important direction, as if to narrow it down , besides, accordingly, we have oil for 5 dollars moved out as predicted, in principle , this moved the ruble, the ruble, accordingly, as if today they were repulsed, apparently, as if by using foreign exchange earnings, so from this point of view, it’s like the situation plus or minus is clear what will happen in the near future and apparently, as if the rate we have already agreed on how all this will be implemented in principle according to the vaz scenario, as it was supposed
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, within 10-7 days, so to speak, and what kind of resignation of zaluzhny, yes of course, explain well, it’s like people are watching the program, in my opinion, there is someone else here, the government is pouring in , a certain yulia loputina wrote a letter of resignation, it turns out that she is also the minister of affairs in ukraine, so exactly, well, as i understand it, there now the staff of personov will be quite serious, but the question is, well, there will be but... it’s just that it’s obvious that all this is kind of towards spring, this is all history, as if from this this movement will seem to be actively taking place, as for the general component, then apparently, the target will be made as if on a blow to the infrastructure, with a high probability from this point of view, as i said, accordingly, the oil infrastructure is itself vulnerable from this point of view, respectively, this is an oil refinery, respectively, their rate on our infrastructure, attacks on the kirmanchuv ppps will also occur, respectively, with varying degrees of success, which is why , from this point of view, as if before the spring, as i understand it, there is an attempt to correspondingly weaken the potential in one case.
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but most likely it’s just that ramadan for us starts in march, ends in april, most likely they are trying to take a break for ramadan accordingly, because otherwise there will be very serious radicalization, for example, in the usa there is already... 60% the population is against it, as if to one degree or another, well, to that extent, so from this point of view, now they will try to take a break, then most likely there will be an aggravation in april, respectively, approximately in the second half, so the situation is approximately plus... blinken flew, by the way, and is trying to push through the deal that was prepared by egypt and qatar itself. and putin just spoke with the leader of the uae. well, we should actually note the issue of savings, which rules everyone, as usual. last year, 12 billion, respectively, in military
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contracts. well, in general, military contracts have grown very seriously in the world, as if rosodorona is involved in exports. components, as if not from domestic supplies , there are 53 billion, which turns out to be total and, accordingly, pool of contracts, who are they born with money there, the middle east, africa , get acquainted, that is, the problem is the following, firstly, accordingly, this contributed to the weakening of the ruble, and on the other hand, accordingly, the middle east policy, there are a lot of contracts went there, so from this point of view, in the future, the struggle for these markets will be fundamental, because the saudis still have quite a lot of money, the arab menorats, qatar are major players, respectively the largest army in region, respectively... and combat-ready, this is turkey for us, they now have municipal elections in march, respectively, saudi arabia, well, israel, naturally, so from this point of view, it’s like a very big market, in the long term, like no matter how scary it sounds, here’s a plus to everything , of course, this whole thing is still happening against the backdrop of the situation in southeast asia, as if a statement that china
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is continuing the process of stimulation, as it were, will now begin chinese new year, that's where it's happening very active consumption, it will be necessary to look at what is happening with consumption there, in fact, that’s because... with a high degree of probability, the main part of the measures will begin to take effect around april or may, apparently, what they have just announced, so the general principle is that the situation is like this, accordingly, based on this, it is necessary to plan the timings a little, february will become a rather difficult month in terms of energy prices, but at the same time grain, cocoa will grow and accordingly - cocoa coffee, okay, well, the grain is important for us, because this is one of their second cocoa coffees for... it’s also very important, i’ll explain, cocoa is important for a number of countries, for example , coffee will lead to chocolate will become more expensive for us, and all chocolate products are very serious, by the way, we also drink coffee, so we don’t need it to become more expensive, well, it’s already getting more expensive, coffee, coffee has become more expensive than anything else after we tried this wonderful drink
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chinese, that’s when the price went up, no, because their harvest is not going well there, a terrorist attack against one of the leaders of crimea was prevented in crimea, it was prepared by the sbu, they reported... the fsb of russia detained a group of three russians who were preparing to blow up a car in simphepol on instructions from ukrainian special services, a radio-controlled homemade suspect was seized an explosive device made from a modified anti-tank mine made in germany with a charge based on hexogen, as well as an ied with a foreign-made explosive based on hexogen c4 weighing 3 kg. still very much of course important news that the georgian special services. prevented the supply of c4 for terrorist attacks, what else was this cargo intended for russia? it was imported to voronezh through three countries. let's get a look. the
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georgian state security service reported that it had seized several explosive devices and a large quantity of explosives intended for transportation. russia, according to the state security service, two car batteries were used as containers for transporting explosives. the cargo was delivered to georgia from odessa via romania, bulgaria and turkey. the state security service established that seven georgian citizens, three ukrainians and two armenian citizens were involved in the importation of explosive devices into georgia, their transportation within the country, the transfer of one container to the russian federation and the installation of another container in the country's capital. the device contains a plastic explosive ts4 for military use, which can be activated using an electric detonator and a special timer, the department noted. the total weight of the detained shipment is about 14 kg. the timers were pre-programmed to activation, the state security service of georgia added. as a result of operational investigative
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actions, it was established that the transportation was organized by ukrainian citizen andrei shirashidze, a native of the city of batumi. difficult time in general and of course. thank you very much to the georgian special services for your vigilance , let's go back, i will now intervene in everything myself, this is my method of work, the premiere on rtr, colleagues, there is an explosion in the ministry of health, the victims are being brought to us, how do you feel where something explodes, run there, you're just lucky, the main one is digging under you, by the way, oleg mikhailovich, please leave the department. new episodes, today on rtr. we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when
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we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before, what to pay attention to? on friday on rtr, razumovsky is listening,
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hello, anyuta, alive, who are you anyway, me your husband, we buried you, come back, hello, why did you have to die in order to return? yourself , and she has amnesia, how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were the cooler, your car fell into the river, just don’t fall in love with your wife again, i only need you, i think someone set me up, right away after the funeral you appear, what are you hinting at , unforgotten, you remembered something, sunday on rtr, russia - traditional, modern,
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technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all russia is before your eyes, come. to the international exhibition forum russia, you look amazing, beware of elena , although she is your father’s wife, she is your enemy, that’s it, let’s start with blood, you are nothing to me, i am you... what am i going to do, her task is to destroy me, she hates me, it was you who persuaded him, looking for the motives of the perpetrators is not here, we find out that you
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are involved, i will kill him, against all winds, the premiere on saturday on rtr, donald trump said that only a fool or a radical left democrat would vote for a monstrous document, that’s what donald called the bill senate on assistance to ukraine for border protection. according to the document, they want to allocate over 60 billion dollars to kiev, and 20 billion will be spent on protecting their own southern borders. speaker of the house of representatives johnson promised that the lower house would not approve the initiative. at the same time, in an interview with the italian television channel rai, zelensky said that he hopes that american support for ukraine will continue regardless of the results of the us elections. god.
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where you are, the same applies to europe: war can come to you because we are dealing with putin, when the war starts, no one will be ready, the european
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armies are not ready for this, it will be a shock. chaos will come, tens of thousands of people will try to leave, i can already imagine a tag battalion in sicily, according to zelensky, he predicts this, and the italian reporter. well, let's move to the united states, to the state that has again become the main one, after more than a century, again texas, dmitry melnikov, chief of our washington bureau on direct communication, dmitry, hello! of course, the passions in texas continue, we together with ukraine, they are not interested in whether some kind of compromise option is possible on the capitalist hill, when both zelensky and the residents of texas and other republican states who advocate stopping the flow of migrants will be satisfied. well, in fact, the connection between money for ukraine and texas
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is much greater than one can imagine, here we are now... a few kilometers from the mexican us border, this is the border town of eaglepas, in fact, what is happening here is the answer to the question why mike johnson and his fellow republicans congress, they are going to bury the very advertised, promoted , recently bill on additional funding, the city itself is practically in a state of siege, and the state of texas has been living in invasion mode for several weeks now, the national guard, of course , controls part of the border, but there are still migrants... continue to penetrate, then it’s really enough just to look at the figures that are proposed to be allocated under this law, where 20 billion are supposed to be allocated for border protection, three times more for assistance to ukraine, 60 billion, this is in texas, and it is simply impossible to explain to other republican states why washington has such priorities for funding under the security law, but not this year,
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only in december, excuse me, the number of illegal migrants will be exceeded. people, thus, those 4 months of bargaining, agreement and negotiations that went on in congress ultimately ended in nothing, although the authors call this compromise bill an incredible breakthrough, but most of all it reminds us of the protracted groundhog day and going in circles, because indeed in washington, well, probably everyone understands that 99% of the time, even after passing a vote in the senate, the bill will be blocked by the lower house of congress, while... funding for israel, it should be noted, the republicans are still ready to consider separately, but as for ukraine, money for ukraine is only in exchange for the complete closure of borders, well, accordingly, 99% of the white house will not agree to this, that is, we can assume that the authors’ plan is to pass a law, throw it like an explosive package into the lower the house continue to point the finger that you see, we did everything possible, and you are
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led by trump, because naturally he is. of the main ideologists of such an irreconcilable attitude towards the adoption of this bill on the capitalist hill, that is, to transfer all responsibility for the failure to accept and not allocate money to ukraine, respectively, for the failure to close the borders to the republicans. actually, as we know, 25 states are also against this distribution of us security; yesterday, for example, 14 governors came here to texas to to support greg abbott, they gave a press conference right at the border, this one.
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in the same italy, germany or russia, there is nothing to share with each other, those scoundrels and scum who, you know, as they say, there is hunger in the world not because the poor have nothing to eat, first of all because the rich cannot get drunk maybe, and it’s precisely because of them that these problems seem to exist, it ’s interesting, by the way, the situation in texas, in america, in principle, there are four states, through which texas is running, just one of them,
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that they are fleeing capitalist mexico to capitalist mexico. watering with shit , planting, fertilizing this european garden, but this is not really about, well, farmer, dear farmer, you know where you spend most of the money you earn, ask every farmer, let me show you your magazine
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expenses, where rent payments go, but they don’t own the land, they have leased land, which belongs precisely to this aristocracy, the old european aristocracy, where in fact the very feudalism that has, as it were, overcome capitalism, in fact, federalism remains, there is another story that all these farmers. exist for state subsidies, that is, they exist under socialism, in fact , they want to preserve it, but capitalism is imposed on them, if we transfer the situation with farmers to your clearing, let’s go back, i will now interfere in everything myself, this is my method of work, premiere on rtr, colleagues, the victims are being taken to us, how do you feel where something is exploding, running there? you're just lucky, the boss is digging for you. and you, by the way, oleg mikhailovich, have been suspended, please leave the department,
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sklepozovsky, new episodes, today on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was daring in the white man , here mark anatolyevich zakharov goes into heaps, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, how a man is a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined imagine that i will have a completely different husband, and how many more? ahead, i foresaw my fate , now everything is just coming true, i give up everything, with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday
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on rtr, they said who, i asked not to say, the main thing is that he is healthy , we're looking at the weekend, we're having twins. girls, what girls, you promised me that there would be a son, oh, when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and don’t want to lose my wife yet, i’ll pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed, i have to share, but where’s the other one? girl, i heard how she screamed, where is my child, and i still think, well, how can it be that there is a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles? “she’s completely different, her character doesn’t resemble either you or leroy, our son will be all like you, olga is deceiving you, but don’t you think that
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this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope in saturday on rtr , with trump, he was not president then, there is a photograph, he was a co-founder of the miss universe competition, which was held in moscow, and i hosted it all, he laughed so much, well, in the final he said, i’m taking a picture with this clown , he took a picture with me, he became the president, can you imagine, borya, how he’s looking for me now, life and fate, tomorrow.
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look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, sign at the same time on 1 2 3, subscribe, look, look, maybe we can go to my place and just watch a movie. nikita, will you marry me for 300,000, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not a fictitious one, i fell in love with your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what a zamskarat you have arranged, i agree, a million is out of the question, listen, antokh, it’s also not possible.
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hey brother, live your life, don’t interfere with mine, come on for now, are you twins or something, i fell in love with you, oh, granny, you can’t hide anything from you, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, eh turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took him off, congratulations, you are pregnant, without love, on friday... narterk got it, you will meet the morning with urbich and there are no problems for anything, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just taste it, we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets. in search of healthy
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products and unique recipes. do you know why people consider proteins to be living carbohydrates in order to have fun jumping through life. unusual answer. i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health. food formula every saturday on rtr. the fsb prevented a terrorist attack by the sbu against one of the leaders of crimea. three suspects who were preparing to carry out an explosion in simfiro were detained.
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all the details are in the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye. on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, this is what we will tell you about. how does aviation hit ukrainian military locations? footage of the enemy bradley explosion and eduard punigov’s report from the donetsk direction. each cassette contains four projectiles that are fired at great speed in just 2 seconds.


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