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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 6, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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all the details are in the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye. on the russia channel, in the studio, evgeniy roshkov, hello, this is what we will talk about: how aviation hits ukrainian military locations, footage of an enemy bradley being blown up, and eduardav’s report from the donetsk direction. each cassette contains four projectiles that fly out at great speed in just 2 seconds and travel to kiev.
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a european diplomat tried to convince a nato state to give all its weapons to ukraine. biden pretends to fight illegal immigrants. we need help. why isn't congress helping me? congressmen are bringing it to light. this bill is dead, we in the house of representatives are not going to pass it. which one will we take in the end? this is how we drove into the snow, friends. what caused the emergency situation? a superjet in saransk, the airliner rolled off the runway and got stuck in the snow. in ukraine this night there were explosions in the kharkov region. the missiles attacked military targets in the village of zolochev. in the kupinsky direction, crews of self-propelled msta s howitzers hit military equipment.
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camouflaged infantry of the ukrainian armed forces, and a su-34 fighter bomber destroyed the control post there. the strikes were carried out with high-explosive aircraft carrier bombs with a control module. and this is footage from the donetsk direction. the ukrainian armed forces tried to attack our positions on bradley, but were blown up by a mine. the crew abandoned the damaged car and fled. near artyomovsky, a detachment of tula paratroopers destroyed a group of enemies in a strong point in the vesyoloye area. evidence of the problems of the kiev regime with mobilization due to the lack of soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine more and more women are being sent to the front. a report from our military correspondent eduard punigov from the southern donetsk direction. the vasilek automatic mortar fires a series of shots. the crew reloads the gun in a matter of seconds and opens fire again. the main advantage of vasilko is, of course, what each cassette contains. four projectiles that
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fly out at great speed in just 2 seconds, the crew works in short bursts, and immediately after that hides in the forest belt. these mortarmen, vostok groups, are working on the line of contact in the area carbon they have just returned to the front line and are now undergoing retraining at a training site in the donetsk people 's republic. their task is to practice gun aiming skills in difficult weather conditions, which change here daily. thousands are displayed, that is, a ruble, a kopeck, you put these numbers on...
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next door, a combat crew of a rapier anti-tank gun is working. this weapon is called a barrel artillery sniper rifle. rapier or mt-12 - a development dating back to the soviet era, but still responsible all modern requirements. its main advantage is its high rate of fire up to 14 rounds per minute, unpretentiousness and accuracy of hitting the target. these artillery units have also just returned from a combat mission and are studying the capabilities of new shells, more. they began
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to take aim, fired three missiles, initially at us, they were, well, far away and after these three shots they began to work directly on our dugouts, well, we took cover, put on armor and sat and waited. additional training at the training ground for fighters vostok groups take place regularly in between hostilities, the course lasts several days, after which the soldiers are sent back to the front line. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in kyiv.
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washington, convinced of its impunity, continues to sow destruction and chaos in the middle east. with almost no pauses, the united states is trying to deliberately drag them into a region-wide conflict in its recent attacks on targets allegedly by pro-iranian groups in iraq and syria. largest countries in the middle east. the united states is not, and
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has never really been, looking for solutions to problems in the region. the logic of their actions must be sought solely in the desire to maintain their dominant position in the world at any cost. and today we’re talking about that. that due to the fault of the united states, the situation in the middle east could get out of control, beijing warned. the chinese foreign ministry spokesman stressed that all parties must adhere to the un security council resolution and exercise restraint. republicans today called the senate will reject the project, which allocates three times less funds for the protection of the borders of the united states than for assistance to kiev and tel aviv. the joint statement said that the consideration of the document is empty.
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the suv that rushes through mexican soil is a shuttle for illegal immigrants, it brings them in batches to the hole on the border with america. everything is in front of the border guard, you’re welcome, he doesn’t say anything, but it doesn’t stop you from entering the country illegally. malwa about biden's hospitality spread far beyond america, illegal immigrants from afghanistan, india and especially many from china. tiktok has entire instructions in chinese. how to easily enter the usa. did you come alone or with your family and friends? no, just me. this is california, where democrats are in power, like in the white house. from the south of the country, illegal immigrants will disperse to other states, rushing to where the leadership is more liberal, for example, to
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new york. new york plans to give migrant families $53 million in bank cards to pay for hotel accommodations.
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it should be passed as expected by the senate. the bill, in fact, only stimulates illegal migration and does not solve any of the problems; it does more harm than good. last year alone, the open door policy attracted more than 2.5 million illegal immigrants to the united states. the new arrivals sealed the future for the ruling party. democrats expect the visitors to support them in the elections as a token of gratitude. biden, of course, does not talk about this out loud, in words, he is fighting migration. we don't have enough people on the border, we need help. why doesn't congress help me?
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this time? the situation is out of control, and this bill gives me control while meeting the needs of people who can legally come to the united states. biden says he needs congressional support to be able to secure the border, but the fact is that the us president already has those powers. by law, he is required to resist illegal entry.
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we feel everywhere. rescuers are now actively training in the mountains of north ossetia. in anticipation of the peak of the season, the readiness is maximum, to allow tourists out of snow captivity, dogs will also help. report by alexander kundukhov. emergency shutdown of the cable car. tourists in armchairs in a hopeless situation. rescuers respond instantly. it is necessary to quickly get to the victim, put on the system and carefully lower it to solid ground.
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the beeper, which is in search mode, begins to determine, here it shows, if visible, the distance to the person who was caught in the avalanche, and how many people with beepers are under the avalanche, rescue dogs, indispensable assistants in finding people under the snow, thanks to constant training, labradors are excellent at navigating any landscape and find a person in a matter of minutes, even at great depths. at home,
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the dog does not understand that he is looking for the victim, for him it is just a game, for this he needs a treat and other rewards. animals begin to be trained from the first months of life; in order to participate in real rescue operations, they must annually confirm their qualifications. to work on avalanche, dogs with special qualities are selected. firstly, in order not to freeze, there must be a thick undercoat. secondly, a loud voice to call rescuers, and most importantly, the most friendly attitude towards people. perhaps the most typical situation is when skiers cannot go down the slope on their own, due to injury or simply feeling unwell, then the victim is evacuated in a special vehicle. over the past year, the twenty-fourth, six people have already been evacuated from the ski slope, although we are only in the midst of winter. tsey resort with a unique. nature and atmosphere and here every year tourists come from many regions of russia, everything is very beautiful
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, the nature is beautiful, the people are wonderful, well, i don’t know, i ’m happy, it’s very beautiful here, very unusual people, unusual customs, and i brought here my daughter with three children, my son with children , we really like it, now the ski season is just gaining momentum, the peak will be at the end of february, so lifeguards are on duty here all the time. returns to london, despite a quarrel with his father, the king is seriously ill, the roads in italy are at a standstill and tractor drivers are on strike there, after a couple of we’ll come back in a minute and tell you all the details, now i’ll intervene in everything myself, this is my method of work, the premiere on rtr, colleagues,
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there’s an explosion at the ministry of health, the victims are being brought to us, how do you feel where things are exploding?
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i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what did the zamskata arrange? i agree, it’s not worth it, listen , antokha, you can’t do the same, brother, live your life, don’t interfere with mine, come on for now, you ’re twins or something, you’ve fallen in love, oh,
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grandma, you can’t hide anything from you. "butterfly, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but it turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took it off, congratulations, you are pregnant, without love, on friday, nart provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda, why not reef, eua eua, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our
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podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the smot media platform. substation, first the podcasts we watch, we always do everything together, support each other, believe in the best. we care and give warmth and overcome difficulties, together we communicate strength, vote for russia, alisa, i have
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character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult, but i can handle it. i can’t forgive you, i hate dad, but it will pass, it just takes time, all winds will blow, the premiere is on saturday on rtr,
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it’s on air, we continue to release urgent messages at these minutes are coming from donetsk, ukrainian militants have dropped ammunition from drone on shuttle bus, transfer operational. dpr services, information about the victims is currently being clarified. in dagestan, due to strong winds and heavy rain, 30 settlements are now without electricity. the el brus resort is closed due to a severe snowstorm, and 1,500 passengers are awaiting departure at sochi airport. there is almost hurricane-force wind in krasnodar, and a storm warning is in effect in the city. the picture is the same in crimea; the work of maritime passenger transport has been suspended in sevastopol. that's how we drove into the snow, friends. the investigative committee began an investigation into fact of an emergency with a superjet in saransk. during landing in difficult weather conditions, the airliner
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slid off the runway and got stuck in the snow. there were 87 passengers on board, including the honored figure skating coach of the ussr, tatyana tarasova and her colleagues alexey tikhonov and svetlana sokolovskaya. luckily, no one was hurt. and stavropol is coming to its senses today. lightest snowfall. report by bulat shakiev. strong squally wind gusting up to 32 m/s. he felled several trees at once in stavropol. one of them fell on komsomolskaya street, right on the pedestrian area. it's a real miracle that no one was hurt. the incident occurred during rush hour. another miracle was captured by an outdoor surveillance camera. the woman was a few steps away from death. last night about the residents of stavr. 18 reports of fallen trees were received, but even branches are dangerous, it fell right on a parked car, the driver is clearly confused, however, the elements took most
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motorists by surprise, few people use studded tires here, go to bed right before the post somewhere on pirozhkovaya, here there is a specific traffic jam, heavy snowfall has hampered all traffic, ten-point traffic jams begin at the very entrance to stavropol, but the most difficult thing is... schools and kindergartens, perhaps on their own, they will not be counted as absenteeism, from traveling, especially intercity, without extreme
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need, it is also better refrain, especially for drivers of heavy trucks in the alexandrovsky district due to the abundance of snow and wind, traffic police officers introduced a restriction on the movement of trucks, and the ministry of emergency situations issued a warning that snowfall will continue today, strong winds will blow until tomorrow. according to the forecast of the russian hydromidcenter, today.
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ruin of spanish farmers. in aragon, life has practically stopped, all roads are blocked by tractors. in the netherlands and belgium , farmers built barricades on main highways all night. the consequences of the blockade have already been felt by the residents of brussels. in grocery stores, shelves are emptying before our eyes. british society is once again anxiously discussing the issue of the throne-inheritance; as local media suggest, prince william may take on some of his public responsibilities his father, charles ii. the day before it became known that the current monarch was diagnosed with cancer. charles has become the second member of the british royal family to have serious health problems. wife of the heir to the throne, prince wilim, kate middleton. has not appeared in public since christmas; it is only known that the duchess underwent a complex operation and is unlikely to begin performing public duties until
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easter. a children's bone marrow transplant center has been opened in krasnoyarsk, the first beyond the urals, where young patients will be treated from all over siberia and the far east. report by alexander usatenko. stored in liquid nitrogen at -196°. these biological freezers contain stem cells. the blood preservation and preparation laboratory is one of the key ones in the new bone marrow transplantation department. our department is just that. is responsible for the first stage - this is the restoration of the patient’s hematopoiesis, and after this, after the restoration of hematopoiesis, the patient can already be released from the box, he can be discharged either to a day hospital or already in another department for follow-up treatment. any virus is dangerous for a weakened child’s body, so the rooms here are sterile boxes. each is equipped with an air purification system, a button to call medical staff, and a contactless window for dispensing medications. monitoring
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the patient's condition. also remote to minimize contact with the child, the nurse’s station is equipped with a monitoring system and video surveillance, this allows real-time monitoring of the patient’s health and how he is in the ward. this the department became the first beyond the urals. thanks to federal and regional funds, as well as the help of charitable foundations, it was possible to create this modern transplant center. such a center will significantly bring closer the provision of truly high...
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experienced colleagues from the blakhin national medical research center for oncology are helping to work with the first patients. the level of the center is quite high, there are proper transport boxes, all sterility regimes are observed, the staff was fully trained at the base federal centers of russia, which indicates a fairly high level of development of understanding of their business. previously , only 10-12 krasnoyarsk patients received assistance under quotas. per year, thanks to the new department, the number of bone marrow transplantation operations will increase to 40. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva. news: krasnoyarsk region. problems of higher education, increasing scholarships and human resources potential of the primorsky territory. all these issues are the focus of the presidential candidate from parties new people. today vladislav davankov works in vladivostok. one of the main
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points of the program is the opening of the election campaign. headquarters and a public admission candidate, it is important for us that - every day a person can address his problem, and there are many problems, not only in the far east, throughout russia, these are housing and communal services issues, environmental issues, issues, well, there are a variety of related issues there with mortgages, with loans, and therefore it is always important to be in touch, and we try to make sure that every person can get at least an answer to your question, and preferably also a solution. anastasia kirillova, the widow of a soldier who died heroically in the northern military district zone, will come to the nasha program studio today, she helps solve the problems of military families who are now fighting at the front, watch at 15:00. well , in the evening, the continuation of the legendary medical drama with klifosovsky surgeon oleg bragin again faces trials, the intense everyday life of doctors, amazing turns in the fate of the heroes and a pleasant surprise,
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a family of shepherds returns to the department.


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