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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  February 6, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna strovskaya, investigative committee. non-special givens. who do you look at all the time? well, that girl is worth making money. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who will be killed? yes. look, just no amateur performances. stay in place, don't move. for some reason i believe you. anna is a medium. let's look before everyone else. in the application or on the website. so, paris, amid a recession in the economy, is going to transfer the latest generation weapons to the kiev regime, said the newly crippled prime minister france, aka homosexual, if that matters, gabriel ottal. otal did not say what kind of weapons systems these would be. in parallel, berlin, and also in the background.
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nomic recession, unlike paris, to supply its long-range taurus to the ssu, while it is trying to refuse. at the same time, scholz constantly blames the other members of the european union that germany spends more on ukraine than everyone else. this year, germany will transfer too much $7 billion to ukraine, kansler said and emphasized that washington should also help. in these difficult days of our crisis time seems to be united together. russia has been waging a relentless war against ukraine for almost 2 years now, with no end in sight. the consequences of this war are felt everywhere. along with the united states, europe especially should support ukraine. i really hope that the united states and the american congress will soon make a decision on financial support for ukraine. i am very much in favor of both the us and europe. as well as other eu member states
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made a great contribution to support kiev. well , that is, it turns out that he is a rather naive guy, based on the fact that this movement is with two-way traffic. the road, that is , washington, if it ordered germany to give money to zelensky and germany gave it, then berlin can then advise washington on something. scholz comes out, advises a rather angry speech, this is not the first time he demands that it is not only berlin that sponsors ukraine. but maybe the americans will help , the americans don’t listen to scholz, i’m curious , please, well, yesterday, in 90 minutes, they seemed to be preparing a discussion on voting on wednesday, and the german leopards burned almost everything, but this is if you believe the western press, and abrams, the american appeared alone, but not on the battlefield, they were taken away somewhere nearby, again,
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according to war correspondents, they demonstrated and hid again in the hangar, well , it’s good that it’s moving, but the problem is that the bulk of the funding the main power in support is carried out precisely according to the united states at this stage and the internal political agenda, as it was supposed, in fact, breaks this this this support, why it’s very good, the main thing is that it was predicted, the main thing is that it could be traced, as it were, by the way, what is the peculiarity, as expected, accordingly, they had to coordinate their 60 senators in order for the bill to pass the upper house of parliament, by mid-day 24 senators were against it, and 21 of them were republicans, i remind you that mcconnell said that they will vote only if they take a majority of republicans, there are 49 republican senators in the senate, the majority is... five is
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25, that is, the problem there is already next, the problem there is that they are not gaining this majority, because more than 25 senators were already against it when they discussed on monday, that is, the problem is that there is already a substantive discussion about postponing the vote, because it will be swamped on wednesday with a high degree of probability, because at least three democratic senators have already spoken there, bernie sander is the same, so accordingly there will be even more of them, because opponents of tightening, as it were, are starting to flow there, that is in fact, they are starting to put pressure on both sides.
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he and trump are at the same time, and trump has already digested parliament, and it’s not time for johnson to show off either, the problem there lies in the peculiarities of the procedure, he can, contrary to this internal consideration, pull out a bill, this happened during the vote on the budget, but in this case he needs 2/3, that is, he needs the support of the democrats, who are already wavering there, also down in the chamber, because they are very unhappy with the tough options in the bill, they suggest, for example, dreamers, dreamers are, in short, children, these are children. children of migrants who are in the usa, who have been in limbo for a very long time, they calculate, their estimate is about 2 million people, in general, they are just there now, that is, they are there, but it’s like they don’t have citizenship, that’s it the basis, for example, was the program of obama and biden at one time, they believed that dreamers, that’s why they were called dreamers, dreamers, that is, they are the future,
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which kind of does all this, so they are from of his 15 million migrants by the end of biden’s term will cross the mexican-american border, also a fresh figure, sounds donald. he won this majority, he will hold on to this border, he will demand, as was said before ichr2, that is, very tough demand, it is simply forbidden to close complete borders, as a result , even the main ideologists
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of this process are beginning to fall off, that is, linsigram, who has always advocated for appropriate funding abroad, he said that i will not vote for this in the current format, i i remind you, that is, of all the basic republicans who are represented there, the main ones... don’t vote, well, that is , it won’t work until november, the probability of the scheme is that they will now withdraw it from wednesday, i think so, they will try to finalize it, but they won’t finalize it it will succeed, because this is already the maximum that the democrats have gone to, there the democrats are already against it, that is, any tightening of the bill will seem to be blocked, besides , the primary period is ending, in march trump will get his nomination, and after that it will be very difficult to move forward, plus to all there will be a discussion in march. and moreover , he is a candidate , she will now have no time for this at all, they will now impeach their famous minister of homeland security, so wednesday, why everyone was preparing for this, this is a window of opportunity, when it was possible naturally, here in this story to be written even before trump is declared the main one may finally be complicated by the situation
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when a court decision is made on thursday to accordingly keep trump on the ballot, if this decision is made, probably quite high, in this case , of course, as if everyone is waiting for south carolina. haley, accordingly, or accordingly super tuesday and haley, who seems to have dropped out of the race, that’s all, this situation seems to become more complicated, because trump has stated his position, what will happen next, most likely the lower house of parliament will try to push through the bill , which they have already prepared separately with israeli support, and the most interesting thing is that they are doing it very cunningly, because the democrats, the majority, some have to support this bill, what’s the point, they cut support for israel out of this entire package and take it through the lower house of parliament, they too will... what’s special is if they pass it and push it through the senate, and through they can get 60 votes in the senate, because 49 republicans will vote in favor , the only thing is that they will ultimately disconnect ukraine from the border in the same way as they will disconnect israel after wednesday,
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it will drag through in the same way, this is unlikely, from the word at all, if there had not been this entry into the border initially, what would happen if ukraine was now separated from the border, ukraine would pass on its own, without discussing the issue of the border, which was used as a. then the republicans say that you actually took, and accordingly did not pass , legislation on borders, but passed the whole package on top, on top of us, but no, it won’t pass, that is, they strictly tied it, it was mcconnoll’s big mistake, rigidly tie one to the other , as a result they are perceived equally, and israel is perceived as a separate component, it appeared relatively recently only in the fall, so from this point of view, it will be as follows, the most dangerous scenario is actually for biden, very dangerous, he doesn’t even understand in the end he will die, uh? no , well, this is very dangerous for everyone, no, well, good health to everyone, i’m just from a physiological point of view, of course, everyone has a brick, anything can happen, but every time this person appears in public lately he just sincerely become him
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it’s really physically bad, from an electoral point of view, as if later the democrats choose another candidate, as if without baggage, there’s still a deep question, what will be better, for example, so let it be. suits you, everyone has the right, well, this is also such baggage, it seems to be there, but he doesn’t remember exactly, the question is different, there is sociology, it shows the situation in the undecided states, it shows, accordingly. alignment, the problem is that his problem is precisely the middle east, everything else, that is, what is the problem will be, the most dangerous scenario that can happen is if he knows that his main problem is your neighbor, it doesn’t matter, he has specialists around him for this, not all of us are good people who surrounded by all the older people, it should be noted that the tamkon stood well as if it was there the third time, so it’s like you have a very age segment there, this, by the way , is typical for a number of countries, the problem is this: if the bill passes the lower floor of parliament, it will pass upper floor parliament, then biden will say that he will impose
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... premiere on rtr, colleagues, there is an explosion in the ministry of health
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, the victims are being taken to us, how do you feel where it explodes and run there, you’re just lucky, the boss is digging for you, by the way, oleg mikhailovich is suspended, please leave the department, new series, today on rtr. we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we’re serious, we need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside, with the most necessary knowledge we dispel health myths help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, every factor...
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nikita, will you marry me for 3000, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not effective, i fell in love with your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what kind of zamskarat you arranged, i agree, a million is not worth it, listen, antokh, it’s also impossible, listen, brother, live your life, don’t meddle in mine, ok bye. are you twins or something? like, fell in love
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you, oh, granny, but you can’t hide anything, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of a daring unemployed girl, he took him off, congratulations, you’re pregnant, without love, on friday on rtr. schlag is already 37 years old this year, but these are only a few of such long-lived broadcasters. i chose my job correctly. origina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor. it's a typewriter, right? are you still giving gifts to a full house? still in your apartment, when everyone says that she is still at work at work, this is not at all true, the most
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the most important thing in my life, for me, is my husband, my dad took me, put me on the train to travel in a dry one, yura was the front passenger of this train, i looked at him, and he fell for me, for some reason i saw him right away she said that this is what i need. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. i have alice with character. let me tell you, it will be difficult right away. well, i can handle it. nastasya samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable little beast, how you all got me, and you dispel something, take it easy, i hate you , it’s clear, you stole my dad, in my face it hit me, you're a dekarka, i'm also a person, dad, alla yuganova, no one but us
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will protect alice, vladislav reznik, you will live. your mother , she’s alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid gromov, and don’t sue, you ’re hot, this is how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you, i hate dad, but it will pass, it just takes time , in spite of all the winds, premiere on saturday on rtr, continued...
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statistics, how many 138 days are there on vacation, what chances does this person have for his efforts, working night and day, while another elections? olga, good afternoon, biden remains hopeful that he will be able to win; moreover, he views his re-election campaign more as a mission in the name of saving the democracy of the american people, but
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to be honest, so far the signs are really not in his direction. because in addition to the fact that 59% of americans actually recognized the decline in the cognitive abilities of their own president, he just recently remembered that he spoke with the dead french president, in addition, his constant misfires, slips of the tongue, stumbles, all this, of course, is not some kind of evidence in favor of the fact that americans should give their choice in favor of eighty-one-year-old biden, therefore...
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and publications, versions reported that tucker is here in moscow, wants to talk with putin, this is a problem, a traitor, a traitor, why, well, he came, well, even if he writes it down, well, even if he shows what the problem is, but in fact not a single mainstream us media expressed support for his colleague takir carlson, no one said that he was great, that are looking forward to hearing from him the results of his visit to russia, not an interview, with whomever they... were in any case, at best these are neutral headlines that he is supposedly in russia or he is in russia, but cnn, for example, they did not go to that extent at all, that they made a separate issue, telling how bad tucker is, and how his sympathies for russia are almost a state crime against the backdrop of how all
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the american media should go out of their way to support ukraine, and what to do in russia in general is now unclear. thank you very much, igor naimushin, own correspondent, ria novosti, in direct communication from the usa. ask! of course, we live in a kind of eschatological times, terrible, such, on the one hand, on the other hand , crazy, the trouble is that we even grow some kind of emotional defense from all this madness that is happening around.
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we will watch until the last moment how the american elites are trying to change someone within themselves, the best thing we can do, we most likely won’t know about it either, we are biden, how unfortunate it is for the democratic party now is to die before the elections, he will be solemnly buried, then they will say that he gave his life for democracy and ideals. we, we don’t want him , we’re building such a model, well, he, once again, he’s obviously more dead than alive, i’m not even physically, but he doesn’t want, he can’t
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, he’s not interested, he doesn’t like it, he wants to leave, but someone is leading this unfortunate man, i say, cruel treatment, this is how it happens with animals, cruel treatment of old people, this is what the president of the united states is, the trouble is that it is in the media and in technology. yes, it is becoming quite the norm, as if it is cruel treatment of a person and nominating her for eurovision in this sense, but knowing full well that no, no eurovision will be given to ukraine, because then eurovision will have to be held in kiev in an obvious way next year, but will this work out, and at the same time playing out this whole story with body positivity, photoshaming, all these stories and so on, solely for the purpose of making money in the moment, which for... by the way, could have been sent to other goals, you need to ask zelensky, he has no other goals now in the country, in general, but apart from all this, and again
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, some part of the people react to all this with those same eschatological expectations of the end of the world, when they begin to actively sell buy bunkers, as is now happening in germany, where they put up for sale for a million dollars a bunker with the possibility of sheltering from radioactive fallout, still manufactured by the gdr, as they say, well, that is, reliable. apparently, here we go we will watch this all carefully, but to be honest, regarding the prospects for the american elections, i don’t have any positive expectations, another question, another question again, is that we apparently won’t see the fall of the united states, we will then wait for the fall of ukraine, although we will try to help americans...
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on rtr, colleagues, there is an explosion in the ministry of health , the victims are being taken to us, how do you feel where everything is exploding and running there, lucky, it’s just me, the main one is digging for you, and you, by the way, oleg mikhailovich, are suspended, leave , please, department, new series, today on rtr. even you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just
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taste it, we will add kiwi and enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next honey in norinski, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, unique recipes . do you know why people count proteins as living carbohydrates in order to jump happily through life, an unusual answer, and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have good health, the food formula every saturday on rtr, they said who i asked not to say, the main thing is that he is healthy, we look at... we will have twin girls, what kind of girls, you promised me that there will be a son, oh, when double
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happiness is a burden. “i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife yet, i will pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed, i have to share, but where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i’m still thinking, well, how well, it’s a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles, she ’s completely different, her character doesn’t resemble either you or her faith, our son will be all like you, deceives, but don’t you think that this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig, once
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you get a pet and life will never be the same again, it will set everyone up , this is an incredibly charming face, to which you forgive everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how... you agreed to this, first they shoved in a red snake , our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in circle of friends, in a circle of friends, program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, razumovsky listens, eh? anyuta is alive, who is i anyway
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, i’m your husband, we buried you , i had to come back to die to get myself back from her , how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were a sweetener, your car fell into the river. just don’t fall in love with your wife again , i only need you, i think someone set me up , right after the funeral you appear, what are you hinting at, unforgotten, you remembered something, on sunday on rtr, so, to moscow
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is approaching. olga, for some reason the weather forecasters called the snowy cold atmospheric front that way. snowfall has already begun in the evening; about a quarter of the monthly norm of snow will fall in the capital. the snowdrifts will grow by 10 cm and for the first time reach a height of one and a half meters. atmospheric pressure will plummet to record lows, so pay attention. and for the first time, moscow is preparing to celebrate the chinese new year, which is coming. on saturday, february 10, feel the indescribable atmosphere of chuntse, that is , the spring festival, learn chinese, in the light you can see bright chinese lanterns, for example, in kamergersky lane, on tverskaya square, on new marbat; moscow has never been decorated like this before.
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on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing is for this hour. in two directions to improve our positions , all attacks at kreshcheevka were repulsed. kiev's losses per day amounted to more than 800 militants. news from the siberian federal district zone. the fizer company is secretly testing a secret vaccine on ukrainian children. the project was agreed upon with the zelensky regime. already 40
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children have died. attack on the palace of justice in istanbul, two terrorists tried to break through, the entire center was cut off. britain is alarmed by the condition of the king, charles ii has cancer, some are obliged. olga is approaching moscow, the snow cyclone is bringing a lot of precipitation, frosts and very low pressure. the russian armed forces have improved the situation along the front line in two directions at once in the special operation zone. the ministry of defense reports this. it’s about positions in the south of the dpr near urozhainy in the lpr in the yampolovka area. near donetsk, a unit of the southern group occupied more profitable positions lines, and also repelled seven attacks to the enemy in klescheevka, andreevka and kurdyumovka. the ukrainian armed forces
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lost 290 soldiers there: a tank, two infantry fighting vehicles and an m37 artillery system. the ukrainian armed forces tried to attack from our position on bradley, but were blown up by a mini. the crew abandoned the damaged one. the car was avoided in the kupinsky direction , the crews of self-propelled gaubstas hit the firing points of the enemy’s camouflaged infantry, there the su-34 fighter bomber destroyed the control post, the attacks were carried out with high-explosive bombs with a control module, with south-donetsk direction, report by our military correspondent eduard punigov. the vasilek automatic mortar fires a series of shots, and in a matter of seconds the crew reloads the weapon and opens fire again. the main advantage of the vaselka is, of course, that each cassette contains four projectiles that
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fly out at great speed in just 2 seconds; the crew works in short bursts , immediately after which they hide in the forest belt. these mortarmen of the vostok group are working on the line of combat contact in the ugledar area, they have just returned to the front lines are now passing. the commander of the gun came here from transbaikalia, in civilian life he graduated from a technical school as a locomotive engineer, but in the thirteenth year he decided to sign a contract and become a military man; in a special operation he was repeatedly injured from the first days. in the urals , i ran into an anti-tank mine, received three degrees of burns, three degrees of concussion, i still came back here, but i returned, because duty, the homeland is calling, these artillerymen also just returned from
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a combat mission, they are studying the possibilities of new shells, more powerful and long-range, the crew recently came under return fire, but none of the fighters were hurt, the ponama was working off a hailstorm, they began to take aim, fired three missiles initially at us. they were sort of far away and after these three shots they began to work directly on our dugouts. vostok group fighters undergo additional training at the training ground regularly during breaks between hostilities, the course lasts several days, after which the soldiers are sent back to the front line. edward punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the pharmaceutical giant fizer in ukraine is secretly testing vaccines on children, as the chicago chronicle writes, international.
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during the investigation, everything was attributed to improper conditions of transportation of the drug batch and we were ordered to continue testing, this violates all existing rules, the ministry of health had no objections, also because the project was agreed upon with president zelensky. more than 2,000 people remain without electricity in dagestan due to hurricane winds, emergency outages in astrakhan, de-energized houses in thirty settlements of the region, in yugra they noticed that the speed limit was limited in several. and near kaliningrad, on the kurzh spit of cubic meters, the storm partially washed away the beach. in sochi , passenger trains are being introduced into the schedule after the mudflow on the dogama sloo section. almost two days after the emergency
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, one path was cleared. 15 thousand of soil was removed from the site. snowfall continues in the mountainous areas of the resort. stavropol's utility workers are also struggling with the consequences of the elements at these moments. the city is buried in snow. on one passengers had to leave the streets. a bus that stalled in the snow, children were allowed to stay home today and not go to school, and moscow is still preparing for the snow test that is approaching the capital.
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was submitted to the courts of various instances in electronic form, but here, of course , questions arise related to the protection of this information , the protection of the legitimate rights and interests of citizens, how this work is developing today, indeed, last year such a number of various documents were submitted electronically, which you said, but besides this is why we now widely use multifunctional centers to consider cases,
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provide state and municipal services, according to the one-window principle; suffice it to say that 400,000 cases were considered in this mode per year. almost 200,000 representatives of our military families received help from activists of the united russia women's movement. participants in the all-russian unity forum spoke today about the achievements of this party project. this is exactly the moment when we need to
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stand shoulder to shoulder and be like never before united. today, another co-chairman of vladimir putin’s election headquarters, artyom zhogo, visited the rostov region. in taganrog , he met with volunteers who are now not only collecting help for our soldiers on the front line, but helping those who were forced to leave their homes due to the ukrainian situation. our society has united and different ages, this girl i met now is 11 years old , she is already a volunteer, she is already taking an active part in helping the civilian population, our guys who are at the front, and again to emphasize that all ages and all our citizens united for one thing: victory, victory, victory of our great russia. problems of higher education, increasing scholarships, human resources.
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considering that the number of detected defects in malinkovich and the organization is quite large, 14-15%, it is clear that for a thorough review, verification of signatures there was a process of active round-the-clock verification of signatures, and well, if malenkovich’s team, in general , was present for some time in this case, there was not a single person from nadezhdin’s team. well further in our issue: a terrorist
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attack on the palace of justice in istanbul, the extension of martial law in ukraine and news about the illness of the british king. we'll be back in a couple of minutes. i will continue, i will now intervene in everything myself, this is my method of work , the premiere on rtr, colleagues, there is an explosion in the ministry of health , the victims are being brought to us, how do you feel where things explode, and run there, i’m just lucky, i’m in charge for you is digging, and you, by the way, oleg mikhailovich, have been suspended , please leave alone, skleposovsky, new episodes, today on... rtr, there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. he will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly
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charming face to which you forgive everything. they are not bored at all. well, me later. i’m getting ready, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, you first shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, program , for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. nikita, you marry me for 300. half a million, a million. i want a family, but a real one, not an effective one.
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i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage. what did you arrange for the deputy skarat? i agree, a million doesn’t make a difference. listen, antokha, you can’t do the same, listen, brother, live your life, don’t interfere with mine, come on for now, are you twins or something, you fell in love, oh, granny, you can’t hide anything from you, daddy, you got married on the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but he turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, his filmed, congratulations, you're pregnant, love on friday on rtr, the vulgarity has already been on air for 37 years this year, but these are only a few of such long-lived people on the air. i chose my job correctly.
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origina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor. this is a typewriter. this is true? when everyone says that she is all at work at work, this is not entirely true, the most important thing in my life for me is my husband, my dad took me on a train to ride in a dry one, yura was the back of this train, i looked at him , and he fell for me, i found him out and... for some reason right away she said that this is what i need, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i was always honest with you, but you lied to me all my life, my mother died, but she just abandoned me, she left me, she left,
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in spite of all the winds , premieres on saturday on rtr. mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see. this is a special mobile unit that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely runs so that every resident can vote. how does it all work here? a just like in a normal area. show your passport. you receive a ballot, make a choice and vote. how will your ballot be saved? the boxes are sealed, and the ballots from them will be kept in bags until completion. voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station, we work in the interests of our
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country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air, every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. we're on the air, we're continuing the show. on the anniversary of the devastating earthquake turkey was shocked by a terrorist attack. the sounds of random shots today broke the silence outside the istanbul courthouse, and panic began outside inside the palace of justice. as it turns out later, there were two attackers and both were prohibited in the republic.
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russian infrastructure facilities, measures to protect the population are of particular importance, it is necessary to solve the following
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tasks: strengthen operational search work for the timely prevention of crimes of a terrorist nature, identifying persons prone to committing them. the verkhovna rada extended the martial law in ukraine for another 90 days until may 13. for zelensky, this means retaining power, the presidential elections, which were supposed to be held in the spring, will not take place, and ordinary ukrainians will face another increase in mobilization, this is how the distribution of summonses in ivano-frankivsk in western ukraine takes place, cars with kiev license plates are not touched, but others are stopped cars, while local drivers cannot hide in the capital itself, there are checkpoints on the avenues and streets, where traffic is slowed down, in odessa it’s still the same. buses are stopped and inspected, and minibus drivers now hire pensioners. due to a shortage of soldiers, the kiev regime is sending more and more women to the front.
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here is new footage, a female mortar crew of the ukrainian armed forces is preparing to fire on russian positions. rapper st alexander stepanov and guitarist of the group zveri germann osipov performed in front of the national guard in the special operation zone. the artists came with field concerts to the lpr. the meeting took place in a friendly atmosphere, the musicians and fighters talked, joked, performed rap pieces to the musical accompaniment of a balalaika guitar, the special forces thanked the artists for their support, so that he would win, so that he could return home and reign in peace. russia drew attention to the latest emotional attacks.
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technikov, as paris has now told the russian ambassador, french leaders cynically prefer to turn a blind eye to the fact that the weapons they supply are deliberately used by the kiev regime to kill civilians in russian cities; moreover, in paris they even tried to justify such atrocities, as they formulated it, the right to self-defense, essentially justifying acts of terrorism, we hope that what happened... will make the french public think even more about the justification of the counterproductive dangerous line of their own
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leadership regarding the conflict in ukraine. british. society is once again anxiously discussing the issue of succession to the throne, as local media suggest that prince william may take on some of the public responsibilities of his father, charles ii. the day before it became known that the current monarch diagnosed with cancer. charles has become the second member of the british royal family to have serious health problems. his wife, heir to the throne prince william kate middleton, has not appeared in public since christmas, it is known.
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on the spot , two of his deputies will perform the duties of the metropolitan. protests by european farmers have reached italy. hundreds of tractors decorated with national flags blocked traffic around bologna. farmers are seeking tax cuts. excise taxes on fuel, and also demands the abolition environmental restrictions. eu regulations have brought spanish farmers to the brink of ruin. in aragon, life has practically stopped, all roads are blocked by tractors. in the netherlands and belgium, farmers built barricades on main highways all night. the consequences of the blockade have already been felt by the residents of brussels on the shelves of food stores, even if
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not at all.
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the president keeps education issues under constant control, the number of federal programs and projects on the initiative of the president increases annually, major repairs schools, the construction of new schools, bonuses for class management, and what we have done at the regional level, at the local level, it is also correct to determine for ourselves the development
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of education according to... united russia has launched a program in the belgorod region for the comprehensive rehabilitation of children who have suffered from shelling, for this purpose vice speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova, specialists from the ministry of health and leading children's psychoneurologists arrived in the region. anna kuznetsova also visited , together with representatives of the we don’t abandon ourselves foundation, the hospital where they are being treated military personnel.
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alena ragozina. the russian company biocad is conducting clinical trials of a domestic drug for spinal muscular atrophy. sma is associated with mutations in genes. we are very much looking forward to a domestic version of a gene therapy drug for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy. also gene therapy drugs for the treatment of hemophilia. we are waiting for the domestic one. someone will consider it right to prevent the birth of children with such diseases.
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are developing. the goal of the conference is to find practical legal ways to apply advanced achievements of science. a revolutionary field of research is bioinformatics data analysis. today, millions of people around the world are sequenced as part of various projects. it is critical that we analyze data using appropriate controls. in the foreseeable future, this will be a single information system that will collect the entire array of this data. and of course, the key question here is not just how to assemble it, but how to ensure safety. this year marks the 60th anniversary of the declaration of helsinki certificate of ethical medical research. the origins of the postulate lie in the atrocities of nazi doctors during the second world war.
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it is especially important for russian scientific doctors to follow ethical and moral principles that are unchanged from the point of view of national, technological sovereignty. in addition to legislative acts, there are a lot of them, which regulate the behavior of the researcher, behavior. vital research, making it routine, safe and accessible to everyone. alena ragodina, maxim bragin, host. and in the evening watch the continuation legendary medical drama sklifosovsky.
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new challenges await the surgeon oleg bragin, the intense everyday life of doctors, an amazing turn in the fate of the heroes and a pleasant surprise. the pastukhov family, well known to viewers from previous seasons, returns to the department, but will their expectations coincide with the plans of the management? two new episodes immediately after the big news. all news can always be found on the media platform, look in the application or on the website. the news continues to monitor developments, so stay with us. the hungarian parliament was unable to consider sweden's application to join nato. vote.


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