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tv   Morozova  RUSSIA1  February 7, 2024 3:50am-4:44am MSK

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what's the matter? sklefosovsky, new episodes , today at 21:20, come on, all together, in chorus, a show of unprecedented scale, with such pure faces, smiles, so real, so beautiful, we watch it all together, on friday at 21:30, russian morning don't oversleep, that's the main thing. electric poles can be a lot prettier with a little brush, paint, and talent. a town in australia has become an open-air studio for artist david rowe. there are no art galleries in the locality and never have been, for local art the neighbors look at the resident with fertilizer. he even jokingly calls his city a branch of the louvre. by the way, the street museum is more than 20 years old and some of the picturesque pillars have already undergone restoration. i didn’t skimp on paint brushes.
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after all, tourists come to see the rare collection. well, our scientists have assembled a flax collection, the largest in the world. andrei negru will tell you why the scientific world is so interested in this culture. there are 200 types of flax, about that many on our planet, but people use only one, ordinary flax, and that’s what’s in this collection, 48 samples from all over the world, and the genes of these plants vary quite a lot, as a result, some representatives of the species are better suited for... oil treatment, others for fiber, and others accumulate more substances valuable for health, for example, lignans. this is such an antioxidant, it is effective for the prevention of various diseases, including cardiovascular and cancer. alen is the richest source of legnans. and next after it , in my opinion, comes sesame, where the content of legdans is already 100 times less. there may also be be a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids , like omega-3, which, by the way, are important not only as dietary supplements, they are responsible for ensuring that flax... paints dry quickly in
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the air, but if flax is grown for flour or edible oil, it is better that these there were fewer substances, because of them the oil goes rancid and is not stored, that is, they oxidize the fastest, and we are breeding together with the flax institute in order to develop a variety with a low omega-3 content. today , genes have been found here that are responsible for the fact that it is the plants that will accumulate and have learned to manage their work. this will allow you to quickly create varieties with what you need. properties, for these different areas of use, it is necessary that the variety has a given, but different set of characteristics, for example, for fiber, for fabric, it is important that the variety has long fiber. it must be said that today this crop is mainly grown in our country for the production of flaxseed oil; russia has been one of the three largest exporters of it for several years. growing crops for fiber revives more slowly, although many experts say that lyon could even replace cotton. authors. installation
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at one time received the title of laureate of the state prize for creating an apparatus for crushing kidney stones, it turned out that the technology is also suitable for converting flax into cotanin, a material similar to cotton wool, today yarn manufacturers are interested in it, now it is important that calnus follow their interest representatives of agriculture showed textile varieties. nikita, will you marry me for 300,000, half a million, a million, i want family, but a real one. effective, i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what kind of mascara did you arrange? i agree, a million is not worth it, listen, antokha, you can’t do the same, listen, brother, live your life and don’t meddle in mine, come on for now, are you twins or something, you fell in love, oh, granny, from you can’t hide anything, daddy, you married
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the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took it off, congratulations, you’re pregnant, without love, on friday on rtr, that’s if you come to my house, the first thing you will see is a door scratched by dogs, he could... become a zoologist or an athlete, we took the gto norm for 30 - 34 years old, we can do pull-ups as a taster, i always like to eat a lot or a lifeguard, but he is
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a doctor, which everyone needs, treatment should not be self-medication. we need to contact a specialist, dr. myasnikov, every saturday on rtr, they said who, i asked not to say, the main thing is that he is healthy, we look at the weekend, we will have twins, girls, what kind of girls, you promised me that there will be a son oh, when double happiness is in a burden, ah... i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife yet, i’ll pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed, i have to share, where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i i’m still thinking, well, how can it be that we’re born a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles, she
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’s completely different, her character doesn’t resemble either you or leroy, and our son will be just like you, olga is deceiving you, and you it doesn’t seem that this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr, russian drivers began drive more carefully, experts looked at the average size of car fines over the past year, the average bill was 653 rubles, which is almost... 40 rubles. less than in 2022. traditionally , drivers from moscow and st. petersburg pay the most. however, nizhny novgorod practically does not lag behind them, unexpectedly. and the most disciplined motorists live in tver, ulyanovsk and yekaterinburg. the most common fine, regardless of
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region, judging by the amount of speed limit violation. our auto expert ivan zinkevich fined tries not to get it, no matter what car he tests. pickup trucks do not appear in brand lines as often as we would like. chingan decided to correct the situation and brought hunter plus to russia. this is the largest car in the brand’s line, the length exceeds 5.3 m, the cabin is two-row, the dimensions of the cargo compartment are average by the standards of the segment - 160 cm in length and width, the height of the sides is exactly half a meter, the load capacity is about a ton, the test car is in a rich luxury package. its price is 3,480,000 rubles. competitors: great wol power king cong, dfm rich 6 and jack t8. the interior is nowhere near the modesty you expect to see in a pickup truck. here you have a two-tone eco-leather trim and a single screen for the multimedia system and
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instrument panel. the basic package already includes all-round cameras, two airbags, climate control and multimedia with six speakers. and a video recorder, the top version adds side airbags , electric drive and heated front seats, the back row is not cramped, but there is no enviable space to speak of, there are pickup trucks that are more hospitable, but the most important complaint is the lack of a diesel engine, the hunter is brought to us only with a gasoline turbo engine, not the most obvious solution for pickup trucks, the displacement is 2 liters , the output is 226 horsepower, so... thus we have the most powerful pickup in russia: eight-speed automatic transmission, this tandem is distinguished by well-coordinated operation, shifts quickly, also accelerates by the standards of pickups, of course, the maximum speed is 190 km/h. the driving sensations are not the same as we are used to in crossovers,
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you feel like you are driving a heavy frame car. it responds to the driver’s commands with a short pause, and there is more roll, unlike many other pickups, the rear axle is not with leaf springs, this minimizes the difference in ride smoothness between a loaded and empty vehicle, high ground clearance and all-wheel drive with downshifts allow move confidently off the asphalt, the main thing is not to forget about the long rear overhang at the bends of the terrain, it can easily catch on the ground. chingan hunter plus turned out to be a comfortable and passable vehicle, but still it can’t be repaired without a diesel engine, a pickup truck, you need to refuel diesel fuel. and then the medical history, wow, a whole box for me alone, you can look, of course, and it’s all about him, every
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virus, every vaccination is taken into account, why does he need this data? he doesn’t need it, but for medicine it’s invaluable information, a whole database about viruses. we will ask a specialist very soon how this data will help in the fight against new viruses. well, that’s it, i’ve read it and that’s enough. humanization of legislation on new the chairman of the supreme court told the president about the bills submitted to the state duma. shelling of the belgorod region, a ukrainian armed forces drone hit the city of bubkin, there is destruction. killer whales are sending pops to the russian authorities , activists asked for help to save the mammals in japan. the news will tell you about
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the main thing in the vera tarasova studio. hello. over the past 24 hours, russian troops repulsed seven enemy attacks in the donetsk direction and took up more advantageous positions there. this was reported to the ministry of defense in krasno-limansky and in the south donetsk directions the position along the front line was improved. in addition, almost two dozen attacks by ukrainian armed forces assault groups were repelled in several areas. there , the enemy lost more than 700 militants in one day. also a bradley tank. two infantry fighting vehicles and an m777 artillery system. the defense department added that russian air defenses shot down two khaimars missiles and 30 drones, and the crew of the su-34 fighter destroyed the nationalists’ control point in the kupinsky direction. two strategic missiles of the tu-160 carrier completed a planned flight over the neutral waters of the arctic ocean and the laptian sea. the ministry of defense reported this. the flight lasted more than 10 hours, as the long-range commander noted. the flight took place in strict accordance with international
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rules for the use of airspace . he added that long-range aviation pilots regularly fly over the neutral waters of the arctic, north atlantic, black and baltic seas and the pacific ocean. the supreme court, on behalf of the president, introduced a number of bills to the state duma aimed at humanizing legislation, about them the chairman of the court , vyacheslav lebe. said during a meeting with vladimir putin. the goal of one of these initiatives is to ban the detention of women who have committed minor crimes and have young children. in addition, judges propose to reduce the number of bankruptcy cases by simplifying the procedure. another topic of conversation was the transition of courts to more modern technologies. i know that electronic forms of work with citizens are also being developed last year.
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through this application, belgorod region in was once again attacked by
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ukraine, this time the ukrainian armed forces hit the city of gubkin with the help of an unmanned aerial vehicle, the device fell and exploded, there were no casualties, but several residential buildings were damaged. alexander korobov visited the site. the white snow on the property turned black from falling clods of earth and soot; a snowman standing by the road could not withstand the impact and fell apart in a powerful explosion. shook the outskirts of gubkin at about 4 in the morning, a loud bang, that’s it, the ground shook, the house shook, so my wife and i ran out and looked, there’s a crater half a meter deep, or something, so, well, everything around there was blown apart, in total, after the fall of the uav , eight households received various damages, none of the residents were hurt, now they are cleaning up the courtyards, collecting fragments of the drone’s contents from the gardens, the drone , fell on the side of the road, an explosive
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device detonated at the edge of the roadway, the destructive elements scattered in a circle, here, literally a few meters away, residential buildings begin, it’s good that the time was very early and there were no people or cars there was no damage on the street, basically all the damage was from the blast wave, it bent metal fences, tore off the covering from the roofs of houses, despite the large scattering of fragments, the windows were practically not damaged, but the builders will conduct a detailed inspection of everyone at...
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the destination information on the maritime website there is no cargo transportation. the fact of the attack on the ship of the british kingdom was confirmed by the country's navy. none of the crew members were injured. at the same time, the royal navy clarified that three ships were attacked. neither the name nor the type of the third vessel, yet unknown. meanwhile, the us secretary of state arrived from saudi arabia in egypt and held talks with president ossisi. the main goal of anthony blinken's next middle east tour is to discuss the terms of the deal with the release of hostages and the post-war. plan in the gas sector. more than 130 israelis remain captured by hamas. a pod of orcas found themselves in an icy trap off the coast of japan. videos of killer whales being squeezed and moving by ice were filmed by local residents. they crowd into a tiny area, sticking their snouts out of the water. the footage shows that among the individuals there are both adults and children, according to the japanese side, they do not have the necessary equipment to save the animals. the only
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way to cut a track in the ice is with an icebreaker. russian rescuers have this opportunity, but they don’t. to operate in japanese waters, activists sent an appeal to rosprirodnadzor and the russian ministry of foreign affairs to speed up the process of issuing permission from tokyo. this is a message, don't switch. the wind tunnel and other latest equipment were delivered to future aircraft manufacturers from komsomolsk to the sea. student constructor. a bureau based at a state university helps make the production of civil aircraft completely independent of imports. moreover, schoolchildren also undergo pre-university training in the laboratories. lyudmila smirnova, more details. the wing is placed in a wind tunnel. this laboratory now contains all the abcs of aircraft manufacturing. how the flow of incoming air affects the wing fuselage can be seen with the naked eye.
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we look at the distribution by points at which angles of attack the profile works at... the most effective. evgeniy is a sixth year student. in a month i will defend my diploma. this is the second year he has been combining study and work. at the production center, yakovlev helps build superjet passenger airliners. during this time, i managed to visit zhukovsky, where they tested the fuselage of an imported version of the aircraft. it seems to me that now is the ideal time for young people to realize themselves, to become good specialists, because the state really pays a lot of attention, that is, this corresponds.
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entirely russian short-haul airliners. the prototype aircraft is preparing for tests in the sky with imported engines. domestic pd-8 power plants successfully passed all tests at the central aerohydrodynamic institute named after professor zhukovsky. such cooperation means not only jointly created laboratories, but also a completely new space for students. they were entrusted with making the learning environment the way they see it. the planes that russia is proud of are also a reference point for schoolchildren who... undergo pre-university training in university laboratories; a team of engineers, who need young and daring minds more than ever, helps put aircraft imported from an independent country on the wing. lyudmila smirnova, alexander gorelov, lead khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, they follow the developments of events. let's start!
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so, let's, let's smile, morning of russia, don't forgive the main thing, good morning, hello, february 7, wednesday, today elena nikolaeva denis stoykov is with you this morning. well that's all we'll tell you, because in the morning we are not talkative, much like our next hero, the iron pharmacist. new robot, instantly and without error. dispenses pills, is silent, well, such a smart pharmacy of the 21st century appeared on the basis of one of the hospitals in moscow. the participation of people in the storage and selection of pharmaceutical products is kept to a minimum here.
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you just need to load the boxes onto a special conveyor. after this , the robot pharmacist does everything automatically, distributes drugs into cells, keeps strict records, checks expiration dates, collects and issues orders to hospitals. if the pilot project of a smart pharmacy proves its effectiveness, such robots. may appear in other medical institutions, but to talk, a couple of medicines differ from poison only by dosage. it turns out that uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drops can lead to cardiac dysfunction and even death . alena kashtanova figured it out. give me just one drop at a time. kiryusha obviously doesn’t like putting cold medicine into his nose. you have to do this too often, but colds udoshkalyat is a regular phenomenon. we are being treated together. vasoconstrictors, as the doctor prescribed us , two drops, three times a day, when we rinse our nose, it happens that we drop more. the mechanism
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of action of vasoconstrictors, or decongestants as they are also called, is simple, they stimulate alpha adrenergic receptors, which constrict blood vessels, swelling quickly subsides, breathing becomes easier, but over time, with long-term use, the drugs no longer have the desired effect, which is why getting used to them, according to doctors, the most common side effect and, by the way, not the only one, dina, for example, after taking these drops for a long time for... headaches, the girl has been suffering from chronic death for a year now, she decided to measure her blood pressure, i see that before the norm for me was always 110 over 55 , now the pressure has begun to jump in the direction of such an increase, another consequence of drops and addiction , a change in the functioning of blood vessels not only in the nose, but throughout the body, the heart suffers first, drops, they tend to accumulate in the body and act through the blood , accordingly, it affects all vessels , so this can lead to an increase in pressure, tachycardia appears, and if we take an even older age, then these may be arrhythmias, a fundamentally different group of drugs for death, drops of a spray containing steroids, but their effect is rather
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auxiliary , doctors explain. these drugs, the so-called internal hormones, which are administered as prescribed by a doctor, can reduce the inflammatory process in the nasal mucosa near the sinuses, but unfortunately they do not relieve swelling, so in medicine the attitude towards vasoconstrictor drops is ambiguous : on the one hand there are side effects, on the other they are seriously effective... there is simply no alternative, which is why their popularity is understandable: i think that out of the entire volume that we sell nasal products, they take up about 75-80%, unfortunately, when it comes with the initial, from the initial stage of respiratory diseases, we always recommend rinsing the nose, this is sea water, but it cannot cope with a more serious death, so the only way out is to clearly follow instructions, it states that they should not be taken for more than 5-7 days, in fact, this is exactly the period required to treat a common runny nose, experts emphasize. but if a runny nose does not go away for more than a week, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. hello. the examination is carried out
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using a special nasal speculum, which is a metal funnel. the doctor sees the condition of the surface of the mucous membrane and can identify foci of inflammation, identify the cause of the runny nose, and only then prescribe treatment. if it includes vasoconstrictors, then doctors advise choosing sprays rather than drops. it has been proven that this form will help avoid overdose. as a result of side effects, self-medication can be much more dangerous in the long term. the world health organization warns of another impending danger; the mysterious disease x has become one of the most discussed topics at the beginning of this year. humanity is constantly faced with new variants of viruses. the most dangerous ones appear approximately every 100 years. spaniard, smallpox, cholera, bird flu, covid-19. and one of the most effective.
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andrey, good morning, hello, well, some strange virus x has appeared, but this is probably not the last, let’s say, epidemic, perhaps some new ones will appear in the future, this means we need to create the maximum number of new vaccines quickly, there is a possibility doing this, of course, yes, but not quite for the first part. so virus x is not just one virus, it’s a conventional name for some potential, sorry, gray disease, some kind of threat, which may appear from nature, that is, it must be said that there are a lot of different viruses, they mainly live in so-called natural reservoirs, these can be different animals, bats, rats, there is always a risk that some - one of these - one of these viruses can infect a person, and the worst thing will happen if this virus is transmitted to the next person from a person. based on ebola,
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but tell us how it works, because everyone was scared then, oh my god, we will be based on ebola, do something, but here we took adenoviral vectors as a basis, well, that is, there are usually adenoviruses, they can cause common colds, but there are modified versions of them that are safe for humans, where they have one specific gene removed from their genome , which makes it so that this virus cannot multiply in humans, they additionally added a protein that... belongs to the coronavirus, and that is, it turns out that an adenovirus appears in the human body, which itself does not multiply, but the virus - encodes the coronavirus protein , which is produced inside the human body, our immune system recognizes this protein and is ready to respond to it, that is, we need some kind of familiar conductor, familiar to our body, into which something new can be inserted, which will be introduced as under an umbrella, definitely familiar to ours.
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body, well, some kind of delivery vector , that’s what they call it, do our scientists and the state need to ensure that all this material in the form of vectors, as you say, and delivery people, is conserved in order to be ready, that when we understand what to insert there, quickly inserted and distributed , no, well, the vectors already exist, if they exist, then there is no point in reproducing them, the only problem is that we ourselves can have yourself antibodies to this. vector , which is a delivery method, let’s say, and let’s say a person has recovered from an adenovirus, well, just one that causes common colds, then the vaccine may not work very well in this person, but for such situations it would be good to have a kit different platforms, that is, different viruses, that is, there are modenoviruses, there are a lot of different types of them, and actually, well, actually , satellite vaccination, they use two different viruses, this greatly increases
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the likelihood that a particular person does not. antibodies to at least one of them, that is , it doesn’t all look like some kind of jar with bubbles, there is simply a formula according to which everything is very quickly assembled from ingredients, there is a collection of viruses, in fact they are stored in the refrigerator at a negative temperature, in such case how much is it it may take time, if suddenly this happens, the platform of the same satellite will be suitable, purely technically, create a new vector itself from for a new pathogen, well, this will probably take about weeks, but to check, prove that it works well. this is still probably a month, months , thank you very much, about vaccination about the prospects, we talked with the head of the laboratory of computational methods in biomedicine, moscow institute of physics and technology andrey devyatkin, all the best to you, thank you very much, bomb, let's run, everyone, our kostya with mine grandson at this match, sklefosovsky, new episodes, today at 21:20, come on, all together, a show
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of unprecedented scale, there are 40 of you on stage, you can take the main prize by force, watch it all together, on friday at 21:30, morning russia and excuse me, the main thing is that highways and city streets in russia are becoming smart thanks to our project: safe, high-quality roads, intelligent transport systems can improve traffic safety, the quality of passenger transportation and, in general , change people’s lives for the better. svetlana imanova, a dispatcher with experience in the regional management of passenger transportation, has been working for more than 10 years. until recently , i had to work mainly with my voice and hands. even the situation on bus routes could only be found out by telephone. now we see movement more clearly, it turns out that we can react to any
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violations faster. you can create a scheme so that it covers a larger number of stops, that is, correspondingly more passengers. truly operational management of public transport has become possible with implementation of an intelligent system. tyumen region is among the leaders in organizing a smart road network. in real time , vehicles are displayed as they move; you can control not only the execution of the traffic pattern and route, but also quality and safety. you can manage it. on the side where more vehicles appear, the system calculates this and adds more time to the green phase so that cars leave the village reliably and at the same time do not interfere with movement along the main highway. smart systems they make life easier for both motorists and
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road workers themselves, and they help. this machine is equipped with a camera and an information processing unit. artificial intelligence recognizes an unreadable sign, erased markings, a hole or debris on the road, and the system generates an application to the contractor. eliminating the deficiency. we are currently actively engaged in recognizing road debris, this will allow us to control road cleaning in a timely manner. everything must happen on its own, that is, neural networks must eliminate the human factor. last year, thanks to the national project safe, high-quality roads, intelligent transport systems were actively developing in 57 urban agglomerations of 51 regions of russia. including in seven regions , such systems began to be implemented for the first time: the average speed of traffic, the number of vehicles, the detector calculates automatically and can predict the situation 15 minutes in advance. hundreds of flow detectors, dozens of automatic weather stations,
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information from them is processed by computers of the krasnoyarsk situation center. the smart road knows about the occurrence of congestion, fog or that an ambulance is approaching , you need to let it pass. road surface condition sensor. records the condition of the road surface; if the parameters change critically, so to speak, ice, then we inform drivers using a variable information display. passengers of public transport also receive operational information about what time they should wait at the stop for their bus or tram when it arrives at the desired point; in the future, smart roads will be connected with systems unmanned vehicles, for its safe movement it is critical that the robot knows everything about the situation on the road. beyond the passion for figure skating, what tests the heroes of the film let 3 will have to go through and what will turn out to be more important than the medal, in a few minutes we know
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, i think that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, this is all here, to play or not... to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, right here i have questions about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just take a look, let's go, it must be edible, i meant, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one. a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not available, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, five-on-one
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on saturdays on rtr, razumovsky listens,
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work. origina dubovitskaya and her empire are residents on the air, i chose mine correctly humor, it's a typewriter, it's true, you still are. this sound is still present in everything at work at work, it’s not at all like that, in your apartment, when everyone says that she is the most important thing in my life for me, this is my husband, my dad took me, put me on the train to go in the dry compartment of this train was yura, i looked at him, and he fell for me, for some reason i saw him right away... i said that this is what i needed, the fate
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of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, igloo instead of an ordinary chinese house, in hunan province , there were such snowdrifts inside one of the premises that it was time to sculpt snowmen out of them, after 7 hours of cleaning the owners were not able to fully cope... wow, they even raked snow out of washing machines, in general, nothing foreshadowed such a disaster, just the owners they forgot to close the window at night and went to sleep on another floor, and in the morning winter suddenly came to the house. there is snow in their house, and there is ice in our cinemas; exactly a week is left before the release of the long-awaited sequel to the romantic drama. this time the whirlwind of feelings will not swirl only the hero alexander petrov, but also him as an adult. daughter, and maria aronova will always help you stage this dance of life correctly.
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february 14, see you yourself. my dad and i went here as children, we also lay like that, silent, he and my mom came here too. everything in life is cyclical, the heroes are once again convinced of this, now in trilogies and ice. once a rebel himself, hockey player gorin is now the father of an adult daughter, and her rebellion, her desire to be the best on the ice and love whoever she wants is not to his liking. this story reminds me too much him his own life. this is still the same, let's say , good old sasha golin, but he grows up during the film, which i think is very interesting to watch. but still, in order to return the two main actors to the third part , folk love and spectacular jumps alone are not enough, while the character of alexander petrov, in front of the audience, will struggle with the fear of losing his daughter, the stern coach shatalin, played by maria aronova, will finally allow you to look not only at himself into the house, but into the soul of his heroine and understand what storms raging under the thickness. it seems to me that there are
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new manifestations of this iron young lady, there is a new quality of her, there is a revaluation of values, and there is a different relationship between shatalina and gorin. ice-three is still a bright musical movie in which everyone acts, dances and sings, and only the most complex stunts are performed professionally. that is why let 3 is released on
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february 14, the day when you especially want to confess your love to those closest to you, and the best gift would be a movie ticket. and tonight is the best gift for tv viewers. eleventh season of the medical drama sklefosovsky. the premiere of the new series will be on the russia channel at 21:20. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. this is the news, we will tell you about the main thing in ver tarasov’s studio. hello. kiev is targeting civilian targets amid a lack of success on the battlefield. this was stated by secretary of the council for russia nikolai patrushe in kurgan, where he held a meeting on national security issues in the ural federal district. according to him, the main method of work ukrainian militants carry out terrorist attacks on russian territory. patrushev emphasized that it is now necessary to strengthen protection.
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voting in early presidential elections will begin in azerbaijan today. for the first time in 30 years, it is taking place in karabakh, where 26 polling stations have been opened. the reasons for holding them were previously announced by the current president of the republic, ilham aliyev. he explained that a new beginning had begun for the country. the era after sovereignty and territorial integrity were restored. during the elections, according to the local cycle is monitored by over 90 thousand local observers and about 800 international ones. they predict high turnout. total. presidential candidates from both democratic -republican parties are fighting for electoral votes ; caucuses will be held in the same state tomorrow; this is a different form of voting,
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when electors at a specific time, in a specific place openly express their political preferences, but the meaning is the same : casting votes is a question: who will reach the top post remains open on the eve of the main contender for the presidency republicans were deprived of immunity in the case of election interference in 2020, but the leader from the democratic camp is losing popularity, and his statements raise questions. the day before, joe biden spoke about a meeting with francois miteran, despite the fact that the former french president died in his 90s sixth year. russia is responsible for climate change. for the problems that have arisen among european farmers, this opinion was expressed by the head of the european commission ursula vonderlein, allegedly precisely because of moscow’s actions in the old world now such unpleasant phenomena as inflation, rising costs of energy and fertilizers arose. at the same time, the head of the european commission forgot to mention the harmful impact of anti-russian sanctions on
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the state of affairs in the european economy. among other things, vonderleen acknowledged that the proposal to regulate pesticides requires improvement and announced its withdrawal. spain, bulgaria, england and other countries. the first flight after the pandemic took place from blagoveshchensk to thailand. before this, amur residents could only fly from khabarovsk. despite the price of tour packages has increased by almost a third; all tickets were purchased within the first hours as soon as they appeared. to get to khabarovsk, the nearest city in the far east, from where, after the lifting of coronavirus restrictions, flights to thailand were operated, and now flights to pataya are again organized from
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blagoveshchensk. everything was very spontaneous, as soon as the departure from blagoveshchensk was opened, we immediately took tickets, about 200 for two, but it was not possible to fly at the marked hour for technical reasons, although the tourists even managed to take their seats on the airline. the carrier sent another plane to blagoveshchensk. according to azur air, passengers were allocated a hotel while waiting. the last time a direct flight connected blagoveshchensk thailand was 4 years ago, then strict coronavirus restrictions came, so amur residents again have the opportunity to be at the south china sea in less than 10 hours. according to passengers, tickets have risen in price by 30%, however, as... agents say, all tickets were purchased within the first hours after they appeared at the box office; there are almost 250 seats on the charter boeing. the carrier announced a flight program that lasts until almost the end of april; it consists of fourteen flights, five flights in february, five flights in march, four flights in april, so far this is what has been announced. the sale of tours from blagoveshchensk to pataya opened in
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mid-january, prices started from 70,000 rubles per person. with thai charters, there are now two international air routes from the amur capital: regularly operated. flights to uzbekistan, regional authorities are negotiating to expand the list of foreign destinations, including harbin and vietnam. maria gumlevaya, leonid kasavan, conduct the amur region. don't switch. in the village of seryshevo, amur region , construction of an overpass on the trans-siberian railway has started. specialists have already drilled one of the forty wells for the foundation and are now constructing access roads. installs piles. the bridge will be based on four reinforced concrete supports. the length of the overpass will be 3 km. at the same time, construction of a bridge in novobureysk is underway. and there are plans for three more similar ones in the next few years. project. since the beginning of the year, the city of the kuchaev-donetsk people's republic has had a new regional leader. now
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the republic of yakutia will be involved in the restoration of the city. prior to this , work in dokuchaevsky was assigned to the vladimir region. but before finally transferring the city into other hands. over the course of a year and a half, the vladimir region carried out construction, repair and restoration work at 79 sites in dakuchaevsk. one example of completed projects is school number four. after a direct hit, two were completely destroyed class, but without this the school is 72 years old. the building did not undergo a major renovation until the bosses took over it. the vladimir region presented us with such surprises. first the dining room, then the first floor, the second floor, the third, and then, when all the classrooms were done, we were, of course, delighted. work carried out to restore the premises in which it was located. can safely be called indicative, in a short time the residents of vladimir managed to transform an empty building, the dokuchaevsky branch of the multifunctional
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center is now called one of the best in republic, in less than six months, builders from the vladimir region managed to transform an almost emergency room into a cozy and comfortable one for both visitors and staff. on average , up to 150 people contact the mfc per day. the vladimir governor says: we tried and worked as if for ourselves. our contractors have done a large number. work and houses were restored, and the school was repaired, and the roads were being put in order, but the mfc, perhaps, perhaps, was one of the most difficult objects, because the condition of the premises was very difficult, in general, during the period of patronage over dakuchaevsk , the vladimir region allocated 1 billion 300 million rubles for restoration and provision of necessary equipment and equipment. everything that needed to be done in the first place, water, heat, and... so we tried to do this in the first place, now it is clear that it is already possible to begin some promising work. there are even more impressive changes ahead, but they will be dealt with by
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another region-chief. now the republic of sakha has taken on the responsibility for restoration; 65 facilities have already been announced that will be rebuilt in current year. vera yatskova, victor voloshin, vesti donetsk, dakuchaevsk. library staff from the lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions came to novosibirs for training. they have to go through it in a week. hall design, modern technologies, methods of working with readers, everything is interesting, novosibirs hosts librarians from new territories of russia as part of an experience exchange project supported by the cultural initiatives foundation. for a week, guests will study, design a space, promote themselves on social networks, and open model libraries. the current ones will be shown to the trainees in the moshkovsky district, and they will be offered them in bertsk.
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the experience will be especially useful for melitopol residents, where they plan to open a model library next year, while in the meantime they are sorting out the replenishment of the fund of 14,000 books, classics in russian and children's literature are popular. we also have, as they say, a rising tide. now very popular modern russian writers, we now have russian classics, we also recently received books from the russian large state library, new the territories will be added to the general system , they will be taught how to work with existing projects , they will help create electronic catalogs, new libraries are already being opened there and the old one is being repaired, but this is not all the difficulties of the guests, of course we have a shortage of specialists, but we really need libraries, well, too.. we try to attract people who come to work with us, we persuade them, or they even
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ask themselves to study, to go to study, we help with this. gradually, the mentors are confident that everything will fall back on track, but for now the cooperation will continue remotely. in parallel with our training, we also have meetings for readers, this is when readers of new territories of the russian federation meet with our siberian authors, well , for now this is only online, but nevertheless , we have already held two meetings. and a return visit, after all, the exchange of experience should be bilateral, there is also something to learn from colleagues. olga bad, denis evstegneev, lead novosibirsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, we are monitoring developments, do not switch. well what, let's go? high bar. wow, pro, high aim. i want to defeat you breeding.
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good morning, hello, wednesday morning is already outside the window on february 7th on the calendar, on the tv elena nikolaeva and denis stoykov, well, outside the window there is still a picturesque winter this year, but we are not going to it, here it happens that a picture comes to us, yes, a walking painting, the master is gaining popularity on social networks. body art from tyumen. yulia tereletskaya, the girl surprises her many subscribers by painting her face, neck and décolleté.
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her hair is decorated with fancy props. painstaking work, special face painting, each such canvas takes about 2 hours to be applied to the body in the same way as ordinary paint with a brush, the artist draws ideas for her images from myths, the result is original, sometimes, really creepy, even defiant, oh yes, beautiful, in any case, now about what banks are doing by imposing additional insurance when issuing mortgage loans, such policies are very expensive, you just have to wait... the payments on them are extremely it’s difficult why insurance in the banking sector in our country has essentially turned into an illusion, andrei shevtsov looked into it. with debts and no hope for a quick resolution of the situation. a difficult period in the life of yana gubina from yekaterinburg began 6 years ago; she urgently needed money. i needed money for my mother’s treatment. i took out a loan for 1,300. the bank issued the loan with one condition:
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to insure life and health, as well as the risk of job loss. insurance cost 200,000. that is, almost 20% of the cost of the entire loan. yadna was sure it was a lot of money, but it was calmer. therefore, when problems with work began, i was not worried, but the insurance company said they would not pay anything. due to the loss of my job, and i declared this risk, i could not provide documents on final liquidation, because bankruptcy is still underway. and it can last for years. the insurance contract was drawn up in such a way that it was almost impossible to achieve payment; the wording was vague. but in a high-profile case in moscow, there are victims. still managed to get payments from the insurance company, however, to do this, we had to hire a whole team of lawyers. a year and a half ago, the girl took out a mortgage, a few months later she died tragically, the debt was 4.5 million rubles. the bank pinned the blame on the parents, and the insurance company immediately withdrew, citing the fact that traces of alcohol were found in the victim’s blood. from a legal point of view, we analyzed this situation and saw that
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there was no cause-and-effect relationship between the circumstance of intoxication and the occurrence of the insured event. we managed to convince. experts, credit insurance today is it’s more a well-structured scheme for making money than an honest product; no one guarantees payments to you; they are looking for grounds for refusal, unfortunately, even for an obvious insured event, for example, where a person becomes disabled.


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