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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 7, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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which, of course, does not correspond even closely to reality, since all the signs of strategic defeat are precisely in the west. well, firstly, according to any idea of ​​​​what victory and defeat are, then russia won, repelling the hybrid battle while the west lost defeat, according to them there is a simple logic, yes, they proceeded from the fact that we we plan to capture kiev, we didn’t capture kiev, which means we lost, says sona.
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well, the first thing i want to notice is the beginning of internal destructive processes of social in these countries , the most vivid expression is texas, the events in texas and what happened around it, 25 states supported it and the fact that, in essence, texas won the battle with the federal government, forcing them to achieve an end to these actions on its terms, then this is, of course, the taste of victory, and this taste will work when...
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regular formations, well, the first thing i would like to note: the red sea: in the red sea they cannot do anything, in the red sea it has reached the point where the irregular formations applied anti-ship missiles of outdated types strike american destroyers. the data that was published is that the american destroyer repelled a four-missile salvo at a destroyer, an orliburk-class destroyer, with great difficulty. was shot down by the izhis complex. only
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three missiles, one missile managed to break through closer to the target, only one thing saved us: the vulcanfalans cannon is a weapon of the last line, there would have been five or six such missiles, and the destroyer would have already received one or two missiles on board, that is, this is a very serious thing , by the way, i can note for myself that here i am personally in my in the calculations and estimates, the potential of the american air defense system was assessed significantly higher, this point must be taken into account, i also want to take the second point into account.
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to regroup the forces, and now they will have to solve these problems, the reason is that they didn’t even pull out their own people, the reason is also very simple, because the conditions for conducting hostilities were assessed incorrectly, and in fact it came to the point that hamas and israeli soldiers fought in equal conditions, in dungeons, in close fire combat, and there they have hamas the advantage is definitely from the israeli soldiers, despite all their training and technical equipment, and finally, i want to note about... zaluzhny, you know, there is a lot of discussion about the fact that zaluzhny is a politician there, this is all correct, this has already been said , i will note only one important point, zaluzhny is certainly one of the most talented politicians of ukraine, or rather not military leaders of ukraine, probably the only talented politician of ukraine, probably, i would say in the world too, because in the conditions in which he found himself , to achieve at least those results, even if his conditions are difficult, yes, in those conditions, but what are his conditions?
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he was forced by politicians to attack like this, he didn’t want to attack like that, he wouldn’t have attacked if he didn’t want to, it was said that he was ordered to attack , which means he was ordered first , he rolled out his wishes and said 500 armored vehicles, i need this many tanks, i need this many guns, this many they gave him exactly the shells he asked for. but i ask , i explain again nothing, he put a hundred thousand of his people there, i explain again that this man, this man, this man in conditions when he did not have, generally speaking, even approximate, even local, air supremacy, and there was complete absolute dominance in russia,
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i can’t do anything else, so let me the same toad or viper , you just need to choose, so that’s what i’m talking about, this is the person who will be removed for him, he will be. “oh my god, the zaluzhnys don’t have air superiority, i wouldn’t have gone to war, i wouldn’t have carried out the order, i refused to carry out the most terrible criminal order, but i that’s what i’m saying, he’s an executioner, a scoundrel murderer, i don’t argue, but you can’t answer, deny, deny his intelligence, now i don’t understand what his intelligence is.
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has nothing to do with it, they will remove zaluzhny , just like criminal orders, you understand, but not zelensky, but someone else will carry it out from washington, what his last name will be, zaluzhny, luzhny, podluzhny, pereluzhny, budana, don’t give a damn, destroy to hell with everyone, why? because they want to destroy us, either they or we, but there is no third option, so you excuse me, he’s not worth it to us, the stupid commander will quickly ruin the ukrainian army , look, we already have the stupid president of ukraine still hasn’t
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ruined anything, he’s a clown, he played the piano with his dick, no matter what they did, no matter how much they laughed, that’s why, because that at the head of ukraine. in the twenty-second year we had some success there in the zaporozhye direction, in the kherson direction, and then in the twenty- third year it was not very good, but this does not mean that general zaluzhny led the troops poorly, general zaluzhny ukrainian militants
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they tell british journalists that they do not support zaluzhny’s resignation; it is to great britain that he allegedly already agreed to go as ambassador, while still the commander-in-chief of the wzo. this information... was voiced by people's deputy shevchenko from the volya party. shevchenko himself was in the past involved in ukrainian intelligence operations, and the head, gur budanov, is one of the main candidates for zaluzhny’s place. the financial times reports that the chaos in the ukrainian military command is seriously worrying washington and brussels. vladimir zelensky’s plans to update the country’s leadership, including replacing the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny makes kiev’s western partners nervous, two officials from the g7 countries and the ruler told the financial times. on which weapons are supplied to ukraine. according to one of them, fears are caused, among other things, by the popularity of zaluzhny among ordinary soldiers of the population as a whole. firing a commander in chief can cause a backlash when unity is critical. also in the west , they are worried about the possible appointment of
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kirill budanov as the head of the ukrainian intelligence service. he forces us “to be nervous,” said one of aimat’s interlocutors. the french publication luttam claims that zaluzhny’s resignation is being sought. the american military, they say, it was the general who made the mistakes that led to the current catastrophic situation in the ssu. the bank also wants to blame everything on the commander in chief. zelensky's adviser, the poor fellow, said that. kiev is right now conducting an audit of actions in the ssu for 2 years in order to identify all the mistakes of the command. the president's office is deliberately delaying zaluzhny's resignation, but do you know why? because they they want to fire him at a favorable informational moment; quit at a favorable informational moment, which? which? avdiivka? avdievka. god forbid, the encirclement of the armed forces will cause zaluchny’s resignation. they will show themselves to society.
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against the backdrop of heavy losses, the armed forces of ukraine began to transfer troops to the front line from units in the rear, writes the new york times. the publication characterizes the situation of ukrainian soldiers as extremely difficult. they no longer think about the offensive, they went on the defensive. this footage shows the consequences of an unsuccessful attempt by the dry land workers to go on the defensive in the rabotino area. action they tried to stretch bruno’s spiral, which would delay our infantry, but were covered in fire and remained lying among the barbed wire. and this is the kherson direction. the vabs continue to destroy the place that has become a mass grave .
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kiev’s western sponsors, instead of negotiations , are calling on zelensky to mobilize more soldiers due to the loss of fatigue in the troops. this was stated by bundesferen general christian freidin, who is in charge. mistakes you regret. constantly, i am still a person, our soldiers are people, we are all
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people, there may have been many mistakes. american republican congressmen consider the project prepared in the senate to be a mistake, combining the allocation of $60 billion to ukraine, assistance to israel and funding for strengthening america’s southern border. the document, they say, awaits only death as soon as it goes down to the ward.
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the british edition of the financial times decorated its article with this caricature. a satisfied putin, with a newspaper in his hands, rejoices at the news that because of trump, zelensky will not receive american money. dekhil reports that aid to ukraine has been jeopardized contradiction between parliamentarians and biden on the issue of strengthening the us border. the two parties cannot agree. liberals complain that proposed reforms are too harsh on migrants. conservatives say that the proposed measures , on the contrary, are too soft, while
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60% of americans are dissatisfied with biden’s work on the foreign policy front, nbc news reports. moreover, according to a rasmusson report poll, approximately the same number of us citizens consider their leader to be mentally retarded. it's a belief fox happily supports. news. there they are in full swing with a new pearl of an elderly giant who said that...
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i just approved the allocation of 3 billion dollars for the country's first high-speed railway, 3 billion dollars, thanks to it the road from here to las vegas, that is, from las vegas to los angeles will take 2 hours by train, instead of 4 hours by car. the $160 billion taxpayers saved thanks to the new health care system. i make no apologies. i'm not an apologist, roe v. wade takes away women's right to choose, pre-pandemic there were 750, 48, approximately 750 billionaires in the united states. immediately after my election, i went to a meeting, it is also called the g7, nato leaders gather there, it was in the south of england, and as soon as i sat there, i immediately said so.
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america is back. well, russian ash defenders turned to the ministry of defense, russia with a request to help save a pod of red list killer whales that were trapped in the ice on the coast of hakaido island, in northern japan . the mammals cannot free themselves on their own, and japan does not have the ability to quickly save them. personnel
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really creepy and i feel sorry for the killer whales, but russian rescuers can’t. provide assistance without tokyo's permission. a dozen and a half individuals are stuck in the drifting ice, including, look, cubs. they were most likely carried into the nemours strait by a current from russia. there was a similar story in 2005, when a group of killer whales got stuck in the ice in a roughly similar area. then most of the animals died. well, florida residents suffer from others. marine life, a mysterious noise has been disturbing coastal residents since 2021, absolutely exhausted americans have repeatedly complained to the police about insomnia, but the source has only now been discovered. it turns out that these were not russian submarines or even fighting dolphins, these are rare fish, american
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drummer fish, but sounds that drive you crazy. these are the sounds of love, fish are mating and produce a strong hum with periodic vibration, the vibration is similar to the bull turbines, fighter jet, mysterious night low sound in tampa is back. some suspect it's just a loud party. one of the scientists believing it could be the sound of fish mating in the bay, it caused such a stir among residents that they began to raise money
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to find out what it was. and the sound , they feel it, you feel it as a vibration , even through the pillow, and the problem is that no one understands where this sound comes from, it can be heard everywhere, we are not sure if it carries through the water, but it is very annoying, tampa police have still not been able to locate the source, us base mcdill confirms that no training is currently underway. starship yacht club also denies any involvement. so what is it, is it music playing in the distance or is it a party, construction work, aliens? and before you know it, the answer to this mystery is what reporters are reporting is most likely the culprit . mating season of large fish, this is what they sound like, and a huge number of individuals during this period can create a lot of noise,
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these large fish are busy with courtship mating, and sound plays a big role in this process. a fish called black drum can make sound with its sound muscles reaching 165 db underwater at low frequencies, loud enough to penetrate homes. the theory that the mysterious sound is made by black drum fish was expressed. dr. james lacascio. the vibration from the sound of mating travels across the land, he said, which may explain why homes more than a mile from the water can still hear it. to help tampa residents unravel their own history, he placed special acoustic recorders underwater. dr. locascio says they will probably keep recorder in the water until april, and after analysis they will finally be able to get an answer to what the mysterious low sound really means.
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in the pioneer camp we also sometimes discussed what the frogs were doing in the swamp when they croaked so loudly, there were different versions, from the most brutally erotic to the very romantic, but as i understand it, these are still not pioneers, but people who seem to have a profession , not of course, the real americans are sexually mature, who are worried about our submarines, which is true, yes, well, okay. this is it already, well i i have long been disappointed, of course, in the western press, although we must give them their due, a sense
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of humor, they still haven’t lost much, sometimes in relation to themselves, well, another thing is in relation to russia, they usually have such a black humor, but that’s what i i’ll also touch on, they haven’t lost anything in relation to themselves, on the one hand , it’s nice when they see all of biden’s shortcomings and... discuss them so boldly, even discuss them openly on their broadcasts, on the other hand, i can’t imagine a corporation thriving , where the leader is clearly not himself, every day everything more more, employees, gathering at their production meetings in smoking rooms , if they are still left somewhere and so on, they just... uh, they joke about this, well, let ’s say, that’s how it happened, we’ll live a little longer, and maybe even there let's leave him for four whole years, there is something abnormal
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, unhealthy in this, uh, although they say that humor sometimes saves, about more serious things i would like to say, there is good, there is bad, as always in life, in our politics , well, from the good, for example, not politics, but generally relating to our society, in particular, or first of all, tomorrow the spring semester begins in the country’s universities, it begins in winter, but it’s called spring, we all graduated from something here at some point, we know this, this is normal, on the one hand, on the other hand, from afar, vitalitovich, no, on the other hand, if you go over to my beloved ... sadly dying europe, here is the last message from there, uh, quotes from ursula fondern, which means that fish mating are
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our submarines, yes, yes, yes, here she is about the climate for the deterioration of which, uh, russia is to blame, i have such a specific one, partly a professional question.
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well, okay, for negative selection you also need to have some tests to understand that some positions are elective, if you are a fool, then the choice is not elective, she headed some ministry, defense, a serious woman gynecologist, well, then you still need to.
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the rest should actually talk about it themselves, no, it’s really interesting, because there is an algorithm, a mechanism, so they write in the european ones, there, as it should be, incomparable to the enemies of the united states of america, this should be a line to be present, formally or informally, well , someone is vitalch, well, this is the usual western narrative that the role of the individual in history is insignificant, but there is a supporter.
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also, choose the name of the ministry from which country we are installing, if we look at this situation from the other side, if there are fools at the head, and we cannot overcome fools, what would happen to us if our enemies were smart, what does this tell us, this i ’ll answer you briefly, some smart people in our country have long suggested, including on the airwaves of your most beloved, most revered
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nationwide oh. well, there are fools all around , and you haven’t been to europe for a long time, you, too, probably, like me , are forbidden to take you there , i was forbidden for a long time, but for some reason you are forbidden, i think it’s because these, as it’s called, the fund for fighting corruption, which our navalny navalny, yes, brought in, sent me a paper to them there, look at wikipedia, i am under sanctions of the european union, i understand
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that i congratulate you. everything that was sent to the sick person was accepted by the european union, it is necessary to clarify, suddenly, but right in wikipedia it is written according to representation, wikipedia source, hear , it’s not written there either, link don’t worship american sources, link to website link to eu website, i didn’t check, i didn’t check, but in this case believe that it’s true, we’ll check now, let’s say , you are taking me to the wrong place, i didn’t want to say about myself, but here, but there are bad ones. trends and as life always happens, in this case, the closer we get to the presidential elections, the greater the bandera underground and external to russia in the ssu or there in the sbu, this it doesn’t matter, they will try, and unfortunately , sometimes achieving success, to carry out various kinds of terrorist actions in our country,
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this requires... light years from ours, seemingly populated, well, what the hell were you kidding, someone seven light years away , light, light , well, they won’t reach it yet, even your transmission will be closed, we’ll get there , yes, uh, so, this is serious, this is serious,
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this, firstly, is the death of our people, secondly, the corresponding psychological effect, well, much, much more, in this case i’m talking about what many people are talking about they say: that our population is still waiting for some kind of tough, concrete, retaliatory blow, all the objections to the known, well, but we still have to do something like that, because the feeling of a certain impunity still remains, the last thing, what i want to say, also from the section, it’s hard to imagine that an american military transport plane was shot down from mexico by a russian missile, and silence, nothing, the americans don’t comment, they seem to have forgotten, they’ve passed, no sanctions, no security council, no
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punishment, nothing at all, yes, by the way, that too everyone is quoting, in my opinion, you also showed yourself, there is some american official, either from the state department, or from the white house press service, when asked what is russian... and the last thing i would like to note is that i i’m counting the european countries that claim that russia will deal with ukraine, or maybe it won’t deal with it, it will attack them, but when the baltic
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countries were there, it’s understandable, poland - that goes without saying , the scandinavian mass countries went, by the way, here are the submarines , there, too, the soviets, now russians, always interfere with them, but now it's england too.
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that's right - in a madhouse you need to be either crazier than everyone else, or the main psychiatrist. russia, in part, to the best of its ability, acts as such a main psychiatrist. true, not all the methods that exist in psychiatry are used, unfortunately, we are being liberal, we will return. “alice, i have a character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult, well, i can handle it, my daughter, my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya, i need
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an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how you all got me, and you break something, take it easy, i hate you, it’s clear, you stole my dad from me, it hit me in the face, are you a dekar”? also a man, dad, allaganova, no one but us will protect alice, vladislav reznik, you will live with your mother, she is alive , you abandoned me, i read. you are a traitor, leonid gromov, and don’t judge too harshly, this is how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you, i hate my dad, but it will pass, it just takes time, all winds will blow for evil , premiere on saturday on rtr. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned
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is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what pay attention to each risk factor, there should be its own pill, where to look for help, you only need five.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday. you know on he will find every cool fighter even cooler, you fell in love with them, who is dearer to you, your wife or your boys? that now they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going
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to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet to is still in to me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she brings this kurba, shelters, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand. olga and i decided that we needed to take the guys with us, i came across such people who care, to support them in word , hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, that you do it, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. in the problems of european farmers
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climate change and russia are to blame, the head of the european commission, ursula vonderijn, wrote about this on twitter. she believes that energy fertilizers are becoming more expensive due to our special operation in ukraine. and the head of the european council, charles michel, said that all european problems can only be solved by defeating putin. if ukraine stops receiving help from the west, then it will have to. i think we can all agree now that we need a european defense column that works closely with nato, that's will be important over the next few years, and we are already seeing the importance of this in the example of ukraine, it has opened our eyes, we now know that without operational security capabilities, our fate is in the hands of those who are always trying to undermine european values, in which... we so sacredly believe, we want peace, the easiest
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way to achieve this is to force putin to withdraw his troops from ukraine. i heard the statement here and was shocked. some say that lugansk is part of russian territory, this is shocking, because territorial integrity means that this is part of ukraine, and crimea is part of ukraine. i am stunned to hear statements from the far left that we must stop supplying weapons to ukraine. do you want ukrainians to defend themselves with water pistols or loud speeches? what fools, all this seems to be visible from a distance, and accordingly, what are you hinting at? i am hinting that if there were a war, respectively military actions between the usa and mexico, accordingly there would be no one asked questions about what was going wrong at the borders, there accordingly the question was raised as if about military actions directly, there are such suspicions, it is unlikely that mexico, it is known there
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, or the united states, they were going to the security council about this, there are such suspicions , the question is different, that is, shifting to our case, we must answer, shifting to our case. accordingly, it is necessary to at least preserve the economy in the long term, because in the long term how can you just they said that if the united states and mexico would not discuss anything there, they would conduct military operations , and shifting it to our case, we need to preserve the economy and not respond, we must, well, firstly, as if there was an opportunity to respond something like that the same type, for example, shooting down there, we don’t have the opportunity, but i remind you that they respectively fly from the same airfield, it’s one, well, two and then, but how do we explain this? it’s just that we can’t shoot it down, the problem is this: well, we can’t shoot it down, well, explain, since we started to say, the problem is that there are closed positions, they have hangars , so to speak, in short, we mean, well, that is, we shoot down a storm shadow, we cannot destroy the airfield of this starokonstantin, we hit, hit, hit, he there is, well, that’s for sure, but accordingly the problem is that we
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have nothing to hit so far, but there are a number of complex problems there, the longer the conflict drags on, the larger the pv system will be like this. the meaning is the following, is that no matter how long the conflict lasts, it leads to certain ideas and solutions to the characteristics of this conflict, and the longer it progresses, the more difficult it is, accordingly, how it would be resolved militarily in principle, the situational classic example of this is the colossal military advantage over yemin, naturally, even with the help of iran, which is secular helped, they even intercepted their deliveries, even the neighboring amand helped to some extent, the problem is that it’s kind of a question of dynamics, as for dynamics, then us
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... a good statement, but the question is this: just somehow asymmetrically respond, radically, act, escalate, this is the first story when , accordingly, a plane was shot down over russian territory, thank god, the first, on russian territory yes, but accordingly, attacks on the russian infrastructure have been going on for a long time, naturally including the territory, for example, associated with the leningrad region, which is not located near me at all. what do you want to prove to me?
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is that now a lot depends on this conflict, accordingly, in the long term, on what kind of attitude to all this will be, on what supplies will be there, on what weapons will be
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delivered there, on what kind of long-range weapons will be delivered there, this is what is happening now, this is the twenty -fourth year, this is how it happened, in the twenty-second it was different, now the situation is like this, it’s just interesting to calculate even by mileage, russia is a gigantic country, how many rap systems are needed in order to secure the entire territory of our border at least, because leningrad region. with dirt, so that they turn into scrap metal, so that those who supply them, say, diplomatically, at least, understand that they are wrong, that this is a game of two sides, okay, that’s all, that’s it we need measures, it is clear that we will keep the economy in check, these are parallel... no, tracks, as they say now, the economy, and military strikes, military in a military way now with military actions, which
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is happening now, the deterrent effect is not achieved, is not achieved, taking into account that italy, france , germany, great britain, the usa, all of japan are supplied, we don’t want to hit japan, great britain, france, but there is, for example, rzeszow or a little closer than rzeszow, if it’s along the border, well, so that we understand that so conditionally it’s impossible, look, if there’s an attack tomorrow, put more equipment there, now it’s a problem.
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point of view, it would be great to return to the twenty-second year, as it were, but i think that no one at all on either side wants to do this and no one understands this, understands that this is impossible, what needs to be done now,
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now everything comes down to the economic component, that is , first of all, accordingly, what are the possibilities in a war of attrition, the most important is exhaustion, that is, economic opportunities, in fact, they will depend on them , as for germany, the problem is the following, the problem is that the most important thing is that why such statements have been coming lately, on monday , accordingly, data came from
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look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, understand, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, your favorite songs are playing in our studio, let’s go, birthday, your favorite music never gets older. everything in life i have real songs, wonderful,
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replace me at work at danilov's, easy bro, anna, when i was little, i dreamed of meeting a prince, this is my fiancé, and this is my brother anton, now i just have to understand, with who did i
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sleep with and who did i marry? without love in friday on rtr, razumovsky.
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just don’t fall in love with your wife again , i only need you, i think someone set me up, right after the funeral, you appear, what are you hinting at, unforgotten, you remembered something, sunday on rtr, how many animals are there in your family is 16, why stop, i offered a goat first. goose, there were ducks, ducklings, turkeys , he’s not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, leva, well, i beg you, leva, well, be you a person, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, so, urgent
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news, scholz is known to be flying to america. biden will tell scholz at the meeting that he is personally determined to continue providing assistance to ukraine, regardless of the position of the american congress, kirby just said. evgeniy, member of the bundestag on direct line. so, scholz is at a meeting with biden, if biden recognizes him, if he doesn’t think that this is a retreat from bismerck, as happened today with macron and miteran. will germany pull one aid for ukraine if america is really trying jump off? actually, germany is no longer holding out, that is, we see protests from transport workers and farmers and so on, that is, scholz himself and even minister linner said that the german economy is in decline in the worst condition in recent years,
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that is, we are holding out we can’t afford this strap for ourselves, that’s why. in a hurry, an attempt is made to fly to america and beg for money there, although i doubt that it will be crowned with any success, well, what scholz, of course , will not ask about is who blew up the nord streams, because last time, when biden said that they were ready to blow up, scholt stood nearby and just smiled quietly, well, apparently this time the question will not be raised either, but what is the story with the fact that the investigation is being stopped, why is it that they found the culprits? yes, sweden said that on monday it said that it looks like it will be given this week, that is , a press message that the investigation will end, without any results, germany hopes to receive some data from swedish investigators regarding the investigation, but nevertheless, this is still the case in the german press
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first, the version is being exaggerated that there ... for for such a terrorist attack, there is a huge depth, current, and lack of coverage, that is, many factors indicate that only a small number of states with their high-tech states, and not these six of some ukrainians on a filmed yacht, that is , this is a completely ridiculous version that does not fit into any framework, thank you very much, in general, of course, it’s amazing how the german people are all. they tolerate it, the americans are already wiping their feet on it, now the swedes are wiping it, and the farmers rebelled, and went home separated. member of the bundestag, evgeniy schmidt , on direct line, berlin, please,
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well, uh, indeed, a very interesting conflict arises, that is, on the one hand they are striking at us, on the other hand, nato countries are hiding behind a neutral status, they say they are not participants in conflicts. but here i would like to emphasize an interesting point that has just been made. such information in telegram channels, moldova immediately denied this, that the airspace of moldova was requested by ukraine to use f-16 fighter jets for flights, and apparently, from romania, that is, this is the scheme that has always been talked about, that the f-16s will be based in romania and fly to ukraine, it seems to be being worked out. here i return you all to the hack convention of 907, on the status of neutral countries on land.
10:54 am
i can operate on you in our hospital, premiere on rtr, permission for emergency
10:55 am
surgery, i can’t give you permission, you are suspended, i hospitalized the patient, or you can decide to drag all the doctors into this story, what ’s happening in the department, i’m waiting for an explanation, yes it's just a setup. for such a face they beat you. sklifosovsky new series. today on rtr. please, introductions and roll call. possible without construction. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was cocky in a white tuxedo. and i begin.
10:56 am
kizikov on sunday on rtr, they said who? i asked him not to talk, the main thing is that he is healthy. let's see on the weekend. we're having twins, girls. what girls, you promised me that there would be a son. oh, when double happiness is a burden. but i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife again, i’ll pay whatever money, before it’s too late, do a good deed, you have to share, but where is the second girl? i heard her screaming, where is my child, and
10:57 am
i’m still thinking, well, how can it be, there’s a boy in the nose, but a girl was born, what miracles, she ’s completely different, her character doesn’t look like you or lera, but our son will be all about you, olga is deceiving you, and don’t you think that this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr and the line is already 37 years old this year, but these are only a few centenarians in broadcast, i chose my job correctly, regina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor, this is a typewriter, but it’s true, you still type for a full house.
10:58 am
the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, you look amazing. beware of elena, although she is your father's wife, she is your enemy. okay, let's start the game. you are nothing to me, i am not going to listen to you. her task is to destroy me, she hates me. it was you who persuaded him, looking for the motives of the perpetrators not here. if we find out that i am involved in this, i will kill him, everyone. tram out of spite, premieres on saturday on rtr.
10:59 am
the capital was covered by olga , as weather forecasters for some reason called the snowy, very cold atmospheric front. because of olga , pressure in moscow is dropping to a record low, snowdrifts will grow by 10 cm. and moscow is also preparing for the first time to celebrate the chinese new year, which will begin this saturday . on february 10, in the capital they say the atmosphere of chuntze, the spring festival, in the color of bright chinese lanterns, you can see kamergersky lane, berskaya square, arbat, beauty! 樂, 大好的消息,再給!
11:00 am
200 look, it was 60 minutes, total good bye, bye. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing for this hour: kiev, lvov, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, poltava. ukraine's military infrastructure has been dealt a powerful blow. the united states is an accomplice in the ukrainian attack on lysechansk and is responsible for the death of our il. russian post.


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