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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 7, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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200 look, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, bye. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing by this time is kiev, lvov, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, poltava. ukraine's military infrastructure has been dealt a powerful blow. the united states is an accomplice in the ukrainian attack on lesechansk and is responsible for the death of our il. the russian permanent representative spoke at the security council meeting.
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this morning a new powerful blow was dealt to the military infrastructure of ukraine. military and industrial facilities in kiev, lvov, kharkov, nikolaev, as well as in poltava, dnepropetrovsk, ivanofrankivsk and kirovograd regions. many explosions occurred in the khmelnitsky region. in nikolaev , eyewitnesses report that
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trans-baikal paratroopers disrupted the rotation of the armed forces of ukraine in the artemovsk direction. the crew of the carnet missile system covered a group of infantry, their coordinates were transmitted by reconnaissance. the crews of t-80 tanks destroyed the fortifications of ukrainian militants in the kupinsky direction. the enemy retreated with losses. these images show a powerful airstrike with guided high-explosive bombs on hangars.
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here, new additions arrive daily - those who have recently signed a contract and are undergoing training, here they communicate and learn from experience... passers-by on the streets are outraged that people in uniform are trying to pick up people from the street, and this is a video from the volyn region, there the police joined in the forcible detention of the conscript. and on the air of the ukrainian telethon they are agitating for mobilization using the example of a hundred years ago. according to
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historians, it was precisely because of draft dodgers and deserters that the petliurists lost more. most americans don't have the slightest representation. the economic order that emerged after the second world war, the system that guaranteed the prosperity of the west for 80 years, is very quickly falling apart, along with it, the dominance of the us dollar, these are not just minor
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changes, these are events that change history, they will determine life our grandchildren, most of the world understands this perfectly well, ask anyone in asia or the middle east what kind of person you are...
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there are only seven candidates, including the current head of state ilham aliyev. voting is taking place in karabakh for the first time. report by our correspondent andrey grigoriev. president ilham aliyev voted at a polling station in khankendi, as the capital of nagorno-karabakh stepanoker is now called. and there are elections there for the first time in the history of azerbaijan. aliyev lets the women go ahead, his wife mehriban, she, by the way, is the vice-president of the country, and the daughter of leyla, the chief. editor of the baku magazine, then makes his choice himself. he is here with his whole family, although the foreign press, for example, attend the presidential vote, banned. the region is still quite dangerous, although peaceful life is gradually returning to nagorno-karabakh. so far, the population
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has not yet returned; in general, the process of settlement by refugees is underway, the entire territory is almost completely destroyed. with the exception of some settlements, the biggest problem continues to be mines; yesterday another person was blown up on me and was seriously wounded. early presidential elections started today in azerbaijan from 80 am to 7 pm, all polling stations are open, there are more than 6,000 of them in the country, people are so there are so many of them that they are let inside in small groups. there is a line lined up to receive ballots, here is brief information about the candidates, including an image. it is strictly forbidden to show today, here is the most interesting procedure, quite exotic for our elections, here they check the documents with special paint, and show how this is done - a mark on the hand, which is visible in ultraviolet radiation, so that the voter cannot
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vote twice. about 900 observers came to the country, almost a third of them from the osce, delegations from the sco, shanghai cooperation organization, and the cis, including a fairly significant russian one. which promises to impartially evaluate the voting process, i am convinced that the strongest will win, i have no doubt, but the most important thing is that those voting today are full of hope. that azerbaijan will become a very dynamic, modern power, a kind of center of political and economic activity of the entire region. webcams are installed at every sixth site and anyone can connect to them. we have applied new systems images in the work of web cameras, this led to the fact that the image was twice as clear, seven candidates were participating. including the current president ilham aliyev, he is preferred by all sociological
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surveys. azerbaijani laws allow 10 days for counting votes, but preliminary results will most likely become known by tomorrow morning. andrey grigoriev, yaroslav borisov, ivan usanov. news: baku. russia is one of the main participants in the international energy forum, which opened in the indian state of goa. moscow is not only the main supplier of oil to this country, but also generally reoriented. their exports to the east about what russian manufacturers presented. evgeny davydov. recognizable ornaments of the poleg miniature. it is impossible to pass by this without stopping. a variety of colors and the finest rendering of details. here it is not so much about russian art, but about business. dozens of russian enterprises are presenting their products next to the stands of leading energy companies in india. here is such a platform in the style of russian folk arts and crafts. of course. attracts attention, energy week in indian goa is a negotiation on future biofuel cooperation. here is
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a delegation from the pern region. led by the governor, it flew to india with new ideas. india is a major trading partner for the pernovsky region; it ranks fourth to fifth in terms of trade turnover for 9 months of last year; compared to the previous period, we increased trade relations by 3 seconds. a big niche for us is mechanical engineering products. and with this, in fact, that’s all we came with. concerns more efficient extraction or processing of hydrocarbons, everything related to scientific developments is presented today on the stage of the perm territory. trade turnover between moscow and newdeli continues to grow, doubling over the past year. russia is one of the most important suppliers of goods to india and the first in oil supplies to the country. and in general, such a turn to south asia provides many opportunities for indian and russian businesses. we have one technology that is no longer available in the world. a special device with which you can look into the pipe under pressure, without disconnecting consumers
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, that is, this system allows you to carry out visual control, also clean up welds and then install equipment without any problems, and such developments are of course in demand here, opening the energy week, the prime minister of india narendramode speaks about the stake in the development of the economy of his country for energy. india has announced the deployment of 10 million rooftop solar panels. homes, this will make 10 million families self-sufficient in terms of energy consumption, the additional electricity generated in their homes will be transmitted to the network, one can imagine the effect this system will bring. ministers of energy and heads of large energy companies from dozens of countries have arrived in gua, russian-indian meetings are also planned, among the topics are the supply of russian oil, and there are also questions about payments and discounts. this increased attention to russian supplies is due to what is important for india.
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therefore, this hospital is very important for us, people are waiting for it, it is a priority, there will be an opportunity
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to receive medical care, because the existing hospitals are both morally and physically outdated, but here everything will be in accordance with the standards, including equipment and rooms for two people. well, further in the program, what vasily nebenzya said to the security council, what kind of essayists are they. will be extradited from canada where a snow cyclone is approaching, we’ll be back in a couple of minutes and we’ll tell you everything. watch a special episode of program 60 today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss 60 minutes today on rtr, in the extreme north-west of russia beyond the arctic circle
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there is a real treasury of nature, the kola peninsula. sometimes called russian lapland, the nature of the kola region is surprisingly diverse, including taiga and tundra mountain ranges, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea. warmed by the warm atlantic current, it does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by an ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity, the legendary hyperborea, was located right here on
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the kola peninsula. from the first note, beauty, repen, from the first phrase, better, a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, finely floating braid, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something, from first class together, we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap. i'm covering for you, team, brake out of the car, run, the whole team, just on the platform, look, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig,
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once you get a pet, life will never be the same again will be the same, will set everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face, which you forgive everything, they are not bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, at first we shoved in a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr.
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nikita, will you marry me for 300,000, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not a fake one, i wholeheartedly i fell in love with your daughter and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, that you have arranged a zamskarat, i agree , a million is not worth it, listen, antokh, it’s also impossible, listen, brother, live your life, don’t meddle in mine, let’s do it for now.
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you will meet the morning with urbich and problems for nothing, to get to know the country, how beautiful it is, just taste it, we will add kiwi, enthusiasm, it’s just madness of taste, what’s next, honey in norinsk, tireless gourmets in search of healthy products, etc. .. unique recipes, and you know why people count proteins fatty carbohydrates in order to merrily jump through life, an unusual answer, and i make a wish that all our tv viewers have strong health.
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from the responsibility of the united states for the death of the il-76 aircraft, which was shot down by the american patriot air defense system. moscow is ready to provide the results of the investigation to any international organizations. immediately stop the supply of weapons, ammunition and military equipment to kiev, a statement on the direct responsibility of the west for the situation in ukraine, just at the plenary meeting adopted by the federation council. the document calls on the united states and europe to stop pumping up the kiev regime with weapons. it is very important that citizens of germany and france, great britain, and the united states and the czech republic. heard this information that with their money, with the money of taxpayers, deadly weapons are purchased, they are supplied to ukraine, with their
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tacit consent - these weapons are used exclusively against civilians, civilian infrastructure, hospitals, schools, buses. at the russian exhibition, navat
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consequences of the rampant elements. traffic police inspectors help drivers get out of the snow captivity. snow continues to fall in the mountains of sochi, avalanche danger remains there, and a blizzard raged in orenburg. on city and regional roads, snowdrifts. all available equipment was involved in the cleaning, which is more than a thousand vehicles. heavy snow caps on the roofs of houses, the day before an avalanche with the roof of a high-rise building almost crushed a baby stroller at the entrance. at the entrance, proposals regarding the modernization of the housing and communal services sector are being prepared by a presidential candidate from new people, vladislav davankov. he himself spoke about this
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today at a meeting with voters in khabarovsk. davankov visited one of the dilapidated houses and promised to help its residents with relocation or obtaining compensation. the issue of emergency housing is raised at almost every meeting. problems need to be solved systematically. the far east in general.
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bashkiria today celebrates the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of the first head of the region, murtaza rakhimov. in memory of the politician, a monument and two memorial plaques were unveiled today in ufa. rakhimov led the republic for. 20 years, including the difficult nineties. a strong leader and business executive, he managed to restore all industrial production in bashkiria in a short time. murtaza rakhimov died last year. today is winter sports day in russia. it appeared in the calendar in honor of the olympics in sochi. vladimir putin congratulated the russians on the tenth anniversary of the olympic games in this city. the president noted that competitions
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of this kind. were a dream for the citizens of the country and became a holiday of sports, friendship, celebration, fortitude, character and will, everything that built for the olympics continues to operate today, and sochi is now not only a resort, but also the sports capital of the country. report by pavel melnik. on this flight between snow-capped peaks it is so easy to forget about everything, but the coach will quickly bring you back to earth. where the records of the winter olympics were forged. the largest facility of the 2014 winter games, the olympic speed skating oval, today it is the sirius arena, a training base for more than a thousand young and active people. igor shevilev chooses badminton. i always like active sports cool rackets, shuttlecocks and competitions to go, where thousands of journalists
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reported. sochi olympics in the media center, today the technologies of the future, one of our areas is working on obtaining new medicines. the pearl of the olympic coast is the futuristic fisht stadium. over the years, it added new stands and boxes in size - this is almost plus 8 thousand spectator seats and its own unique operating technology in the hot subtropics. the home stadium of the sochi football club has become home to fencing sections, and for breaking, which is so popular among young people. the flat, smooth, high-speed highway a-149 immediately reduced the travel time from adler to the sochi mountain cluster, despite the fact that most of the route runs directly through the rock mass. immediately 14 tunnels for the route combined with railway lines, instead of the previously only very dangerous mountain serpentine. the result will still be very significant both for the residents of the city and for
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the whole country in general. bearing in mind the development of infrastructure in general, which will remain decade. the calculation turned out to be prophetic; more than 6 million tourists use this infrastructure annually. it became very beautiful, green, new buildings, a feeling of pride that we were able to organize such a large-scale event. the 10th anniversary of the olympics , for sochi, is a truly unifying date, taking up the champion's pace in 2014, today the city is not going to stop... there will be more tourist areas, and the social infrastructure will become more comfortable. pavel milnik, nikita kalchenko, anastasia zorina and olga alenkina. news. new release our program is dedicated to the cossack heroes who fearlessly carry out combat missions at the front from the first days of the special operation, about how they are fighting today at 15:00. well, in the evening, watch the new episodes of the premiere eleventh season of the
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sklifosovsky medical saga about complex, dramatic ones. and we will find out immediately after the big news that the heroic everyday doctors of the main emergency medicine institute will be able to help a patient who did not have enough quota, who suffered in an emergency at the stadium. vesti monitors developments in russia abroad, so that be with us. a criminal case has been opened in moscow against the director and employees of a law firm who are accused of fraud. they promised to win the lawsuit or increase social benefits. they took impressive amounts of money from clients for services, but in reality the pseudo-lawyers did not even think about solving problems. can the victims now.


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