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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  February 7, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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we'll find out right after the big news. vesti is monitoring developments in russia abroad, so stay with us. in moscow, a criminal case has been opened against the director and employees of a law firm who are accused of fraud, they promised to win the trial or increase social benefits, they took impressive amounts of money from clients for services, however...
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they owed me a large enough amount to return money, turned to a law firm for help, they charged 100.00 rubles for services. people who deal with my in fact, they begin to disappear. the lawyer’s set of documents was sent to the court, but that was all over; the same office asked vladimir khanutin for 130,000, but after paying the bill they lost interest in the case. for some time i tried to negotiate with them, i came, called, then they stopped responding, and then disappeared from here. and of course it didn’t
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lead to anything, how much did they promise to increase? that i will receive 24, not 13, but 24, all clients were invited here to the building on vchenikovskaya embankment to draw up contracts, here it was in this premises that the very firm that provided legal services was located, as the victims say, they went up to the second floor and went to one of the offices, when there were a lot of dissatisfied clients... oyuk alliance’s leg simply moved out. the victims tried to find her representatives. they have writs of execution in their hands. in a civil case, everyone who paid for non-existent services was ordered by the court to return the money. 133.600 rub. they should have returned this to you. 102,000 and material damage. these are like this sorry, the federal bailiff service sent me where it was written all the banks that they went through, and that no, they have no money. the deceived clients wrote a collective letter to the police. now it's within the limits. in a criminal case
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, the general director was detained and placed in a pre-trial detention center, and his subordinates are also involved in the case. the department of internal affairs in the central administrative district of moscow received a number of complaints from citizens regarding fraudulent actions by employees of one of the capital’s companies. currently at the time, a criminal case was initiated under article of fraud. the employees of the office clearly did not expect that the case would go to court; this story has two endings: either the representatives of yuk alliances will have to go to peace and return the money to the victims in the hope of a suspended sentence, or. be held accountable by law; pseudo-lawyers can face up to 2 years in prison for deception. artem kuznetsov, egor vorobyov, artemy antonov and ilona agasieva. news. the capital's police have eliminated the distribution channel for counterfeit black caviar. according to investigators, in one of the villages in the city domodedovo district, a criminal was packing a wild-caught delicacy right in his own home. he sold caviar, as well as frozen fish, in the capital's markets. the operatives are under...
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a written agreement not to leave. in komsomolsk-on- amur they are preparing for serial production of imported superjet-100 airliners. over forty foreign systems and components were replaced in the aircraft. at the same time, the region is massively training personnel that will be useful for a sharp increase in production. about the work of the student design bureau, lyudmila smirnov. the wing is placed in a wind tunnel. this laboratory now has all the abcs of aviation. evgeniy is a sixth-year student,
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defending his diploma in a month; for the second year now he has been combining study and work at the yakovlev production center, helping to build superjet passenger airliners. during this time, i managed to visit zhukovsky, where they tested the fuselage of an imported version of the aircraft. it seems to me that now is the ideal time for young people to realize themselves, to become good specialists, because there is really a lot of government attention is given, that is, these are the corresponding grants for... the development of scientific activities of students. for several years now , the student design bureau has been helping to design equipment for production lines, and so that future specialists can get started at the university, training is based on technologies and complexes that are implemented in production. the most important thing is that students, already learning during their studies, become
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employees of the enterprise and already feel like full-fledged employees. and there is a lot of work to be done. at the yakovlev production center serial production is now being fully established. russian short-haul airliners, an experimental aircraft is preparing for tests in the sky with import-substituted engines, domestic pd-8 power plants have successfully passed all tests at the central aerohydrodynamic institute named after professor zhukovsky. such cooperation means not only jointly created laboratories, but also completely new spaces for students. they were entrusted with making the learning environment the way they see it. airplanes to be proud of russia is also a reference point for schoolchildren who advance to university. training in university laboratories, a team of engineers who need young and daring minds more than ever helps to put planes imported from an independent country on the wing. lyudmila smirnova, alexander gorelov, lead khabarovsk. the capital has completed the modernization of one of the key
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transport hubs of the belarusian railway station. the final point was the opening of the modern vestibule, which united the first and fourth central diameters. now for mcd passengers. in general, it looks laconic, everything is clear , there are a lot of signs, however, behind the beauty of the architectural forms lies functionality, it was at this point that the paths of two central diameters, the railway and lobnya odintsova, converged. until recently, transferring from one to another caused a lot of trouble for passengers.
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the transport hub at the belarusian station has actually turned the fourth and first central diameters into one single track. now you can transfer from platform to platform. free, without additional validation, which is what they say here these posters: the zamoskvaretskaya ring metro line is integrated into the general scheme. if we come from the railway station and go to the metro, then we simply have a free transfer. the belarusian station has the most intense railway traffic, trains arrive here every 2.5 minutes. this is the very center of the city and you need to move all the time, if you move in different directions, then of course. work to rethink the entire logistics of the station began with the reconstruction of tverskaya zastava square several years ago completed the construction of an interchange hub connecting mcd-1 and 4. today it is done according to the standards of moscow city stations , a comfortable environment, bestibilis, underground
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passages, so i hope that passengers who arrive here, tens and tens of thousands of them, will be more comfortable transferring to ... other trains on the metro, taking into account the fact that in the future the mcd will become the basis for the central transport hub, they will be extended to the nearest large cities of the european part of russia, the standards of the moscow comfortable environment it is already planned to develop in the regions. the next task, which we are discussing now, is, of course, to bring this level of comfort to the regions in order to build new large transport hubs there too, and the updated city station itself was built from the perspective. for the future, it is capable of accommodating many more passengers than are used today. sergey samokha, anton dubnov, georgy mayorov, vesti. books in virtual reality glasses, in order to attract readers, today's librarians have to come up with a lot of new things:
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electronic book catalogs, photos and even video support. all this is already being actively used in novosibirsk, where people from all over the country are now going to learn from experience. report by olga durnykh. the design of the hall, modern technologies, methods of working with the reader, everything is interesting. novosibirs hosts librarians from new territories of russia as part of an experience exchange project supported by the cultural foundation. for a week, guests will study, design a space, promote themselves on social networks, and open model libraries. acting intern will be shown in the moshkovsky district, in bertsk they will offer to participate in the development of a new one together with readers. we will put them in various groups, they will try to work with us together with the people, then, i think, this is probably also a skill, this form of work, they will take it to themselves. the experience will be especially useful for residents of melitopol, where they plan to open a model library.
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meetings for readers are when readers of new territories of the russian federation meet our siberian authors, well
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, for now it’s only online, but nevertheless two we have already had meetings. the sibiryaks also plan a return visit; after all, the exchange of experience should be bilateral; there is also something to learn from colleagues. olga durnykh, denis evstegneev, host novosibirs. a dog that disappeared a year and a half ago was found in the moscow region. volunteers were even looking for the maltese dog; at this time, as it turned out, a representative of the refined breed named sugar was going through a survival school in the wild forest. aenur valiakhmetov's incredible rescue story. you need to eat a little bit. yes, yes, my dear. he became so thin that it’s hard not only to eat, but even to stand, every meal is now taken by hand like this. it turns out that every 4 hours we give him a little. obviously he was limited in movement, there were absolutely no muscles at all. now he’s walking, lifting his hind legs a little , they fall over, an extremely emaciated
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little lapdog, while he doesn’t let people get close, he only recognizes the volunteer yulia, to whose shelter they brought the abandoned dog, to be honest, and they saw the nails, look what they’re like, in this condition the dog was found near a forest planting, here are the first shots from the shelter, with wool the whole body is very overgrown, the claws are dug into the pad on the paw, the lapdog... could barely walk in this dog, the defenders recognized the missing maltese named sugar, if it was him, then the dog disappeared in the forest a year and a half ago, an exhausted sick dog all this while he was probably wandering in one of the forests near moscow, a large team of volunteers and animal rights activists were looking for sugar, but the dog got out on his own 3 km from the place of his disappearance, a small trembling lump under the fence was discovered by natalya tishchenko while walking with her pet. this lump here, he began to snap, i saw his teeth, saw these black eyes, beads, i realized that this was a dog
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that needed help, sugar had a hard life at all, the owner didn’t keep track of him, on the very first day the dog ran away from her, they were looking for the maltese for a long time, the process was led by igor aeropetyan, now there is an announcement on every post, he was the first to arrive as soon as he found out that the dog was found, i immediately understood that it was sugar, because it looks very similar, how did sugar survive there? i honestly have no idea, besides the fact that the dog lost weight, in some places the color changed, but experts say that this happens, white fur, it absorbs different colors quite quickly, it is quite possible that in general it simply changed with age, both in color and in the composition of the coat. the fur served as a kind of shell for the sugar, perhaps thanks to this the dog did not freeze in the forest, it took almost 2 hours to get rid of the layers of dirty cover in the shelter, it’s all hanging down, look at it from the eyes. it’s everywhere, it’s like ears, it’s not paws, there
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was so much fur on it, can you imagine? of course, he will have to undergo rehabilitation , most likely it will be a water track, maybe a swimming pool, but that is still ahead, after all the necessary procedures, the maltese is released into the common enclosure, now he is trying to find a common language with other representatives of the shelter, though for now not always successful, the new owner of the sugar... will be looked for only after it has fully recovered, the shelter does not give an exact time frame, the main thing is that the dog is safe now. ainur valakhmetov, nikita shchuchkin, irina konigovskaya, lika dzhevyshvili, news! she definitely reads minds or not , the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special powers, who are you all looking at, well, that girl, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you know who the killer is , yes, just look without doing anything on your own, stand still, don’t
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move, here i am for some reason. ann medium, watch it first in the app or on the website. the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, from this room, absolutely without faces, we make three different functional areas. ideas are overflowing. we want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be plenty of surprises. there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look,
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let them into your home, new changes every sunday on rtr. i can operate on you in our hospital. premiere on rtr. i can’t give you permission for an emergency operation, suspended. i hospitalized the patient, can you? i decided to drag all the doctors into this story. what's going on in the department? i'm waiting for an explanation. yes, this is a setup, simple. people beat you for such a face. new episodes today on rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group , there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me
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down, lay down on me on top, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say, my trophy. we had a famine then, here comes the grandmother, herself hungry, but she carries this kurba everywhere, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people, they care, support with a word, hello, dear soldier , and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can. honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, i was always honest with you, but you lied to me all my life, my mother died, but she
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just abandoned me, she left, she left, against all winds. premiere on saturday on rtr. the first direct flight from blagoveshchensk to thailand took place in 4 years. a popular holiday destination was closed due to the pandemic, about how much the road now costs and the long-awaited vacation at sea, maria gumlevaya. half a day by train or an hour and a half by plane, that’s exactly how much it took for amur residents to get to khabarovsk, the nearest city in the far east, from where , after the coronavirus restrictions were lifted, flights to... and now flights to pataya are again organized from blagoveshchensk. everything was very spontaneous, as soon as they opened the exit from blagoveshchensk we immediately took tickets, about 200 for two, i like the climate, in principle thailand is suitable for everyone, that is, you can find a holiday there for any budget. the last time a direct flight connected blagoveshchensk thailand was 4 years ago, then strict coronavirus restrictions came,
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so amur residents again have the opportunity to be at the south china sea in less than 10 hours. according to passengers, tickets have risen in price by 30%, however, as travel agents say, all tickets were purchased in the first hours after they appeared at the box office, the charter boeing has almost 250 seats. the carrier announced a flight program that lasts until almost the end of april, it consists of 14 flights, five flights in february, five flights in march, four flights in april, so far it has been announced exactly like that, let's see what happens next, perhaps this program will be continued, let's see how popular this flight turns out to be among selling passengers. tours from blagoveshchensk to pataya were opened in mid- january, prices started from 70,000 rubles for person. there is still demand, but not so active, everyone understood that we will fly, we will be happy, finally. from blagoveshchensk, at the moment prices start somewhere from 83,000 per person. with thai charters , there are now two international air routes from the amur capital:
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flights to uzbekistan are regularly operated. regional authorities are negotiating the expansion of peppermint overseas destinations, including harbin and vietnam. maria gumlevaya, leonid kasavan, conduct the amur region. about 100 rare paintings will be presented by the omsk vrubel museum for its centenary. the exhibition will open at the end of the year, well, now restorers are restoring ancient paintings, many of which have never been exhibited before. tatyana surovaya went to observe. our varnish decomposes over time. croquelure, which can no longer be eliminated. the restorer has a difficult path ahead; the painting, which has lain in storage for almost 100 years, should at least be clearly visible. you need to understand whether it is worth removing the top layer of varnish, which is partial. reveals the image, the main one now is an ultraviolet diagnostic device, infrared rays allow you to pass through the top layer and reveal the author’s drawing. in omsk we have
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an x-ray machine, but the fact is that, so to speak, it was purchased recently, so the recording has not yet been established, and i am still collaborating with the forensic laboratory . carrying the cross is a work from the first collections of the twenties, work. before the revolution, it was part of the collection of princes obolensky; during the entire period of operation of the museum, it was not was never shown to the audience, which was largely due to the unsatisfactory preservation of the canvas. here you will have to apply numerous restoration primers in places of loss, supplement it, work with varnish, because the varnish is non-uniform, uneven, and then tinting so that it takes on an expeditionary look, this picture has been... for almost 100 years a dark horse, one of the first arrivals, it was not even in the catalogs, the reason: they knew nothing about it, the author was not known at the time creation, the signature was difficult to read,
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it took almost 100 years to shed light on the mysterious canvas. in 23, the omsk museum opened the exhibition “conservative rebels” from the collection of the state hermitage, dedicated to french art of the 19th century. the foundation's curator, elena reuta, saw clear similarities with the work of felix zim. the signature is immediately readable, the comparison and as soon as you kind of recognize this name, then the works of henri duvier with our work, in general, left us with no doubt that this is before us exactly... the work of this french painter, the late 19th, early 20th centuries, the exhibition that awaits swords in december promises to surprise and even shock works that have never been exhibited,
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all 12 funds will share their treasures, so this is a busy time for restorers, we need the colors of the past to return to the anniversary. tatiana surovaya, gennady krivich, vesti omsk. all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website, and here. that's it by this time, see you soon, replace me at danilov's work, easy bro, anna, when i was little, i dreamed of meeting a prince, this is my wife. this is my brother anton, all that remains now is to understand who i slept with and who i married, without love, on friday
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on rtr, rtr planet, more than just television, it’s a piece of russia on every screen of the planet, politi! the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you’re having a corporate party, or what? who are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder using cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, dog, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform the seventh. pony those who don’t take risks will have no luck with shestakovich, we will succeed, i will operate, i’m scared, as if i’m not me,
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unfortunately, it’s not visible. murders are not a connection between murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, let's agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on my feet or on my head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, hope, my earthly homebass, the songs of russia hold on, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, i poured a bowl of hot water over myself, i told my wife, i’m leaving, i looked around, she had already packed my things, ku, meeting the stars, what is more difficult, becoming a good person or staying? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different, you are the most
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understanding program about animals, among friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, live broadcast of the story of a mysterious disappearance, the entire studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and the bad luck have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentaries, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. ours brought liberation to the peoples of europe. soviet people, current news, political investigations and impartial analytics, live program 60 minutes, news is broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when all the world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin sits in this chair , he, as you and i remember, enters the hall through these doors, everything without which
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russia cannot be imagined. only on the rtr planet channel. in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, the frequency is in some hertz, the silence does not even breathe. we leave defectors, surprised by love. hello, this is our program. cossacks, fearless warriors who have always defended the borders of the russian state. desperately brave, strong-willed, principled and invincible heroes. today our program is about them. the title of hero
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of the russian federation was awarded to oleg valerievich likontsev. oleg lekontsev, call sign kan. the first cossack volunteer to be awarded the title hero of russia. he received the award from the hands of president vladimir putin. our ancestors bequeathed to us to love russia, and we sacredly observe this covenant. cossacks, as in former times, cannot be buried in the villages, knowing that their homeland is in danger. he comes from the krasnoyarsk territory; before the start of the northern military district , he headed a military-patriotic club in kansk and prepared teenagers for service. on this i came to war when nine sons, of them, came to the city of kansk, my hometown.
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the spring fell to the ground, the striking elements , they went from bottom to top, but the drop was serious, the position was 800 m , four people remained to hold, we held these positions for seven days, the enemy did not know about our location, did not know how many of us , because they were constantly moving, moving, working from different points, all heroes, all real, oleg
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likontsov returned to duty after a month and a half... stood on his lines, without retreating even step, the enemy opposed us in the amount of 1,500 people, the number in the battalion was 142 people, we defeated them and took their positions, i’m wearing a hero’s star, but i would never have received it in my life if those real friends hadn’t been with me who were with me, i was lucky, in our studio we have the hero of russia oleg likonsov, hello oleg, good afternoon, hello oleg. did you come to us straight from the front line? well, yes, a little, all my life i used to like working with kids, but how did you work with kids, what were military pathetic clubs, sections, well, just at 11 days
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, nine sons came to the chancel, five of them were my children, who studied with me, i went to figure it out myself, you just said the children five zinc coffins returned, the age of your... children what are they in my clubs there are about 560 children in common in my clubs from and to and from and to the youngest was and andrei kireev came to the sections for 6 years, he is now the best player in russia, he has been winning this title for about 3 years already, wow, and the seniors, the oldest , well, it’s clear, before the army everyone comes, and after the army they come, it’s already becoming my instructors. again in the sections , how did you receive the award for what? reward - this was near bakhmut with the guys, we had a difficult line, we didn’t know where there would be a breakthrough in the ssu, a tank one, but we had 142, there were
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1500 of them, we survived the battle, defeated them, well, took their positions. the main tactic was not to fully show our strength, that the enemy did not fully know how many of us were in this area, well, they made little tricks, laid minefields, a barrage, well, plus experience already played a role, that’s where the plot was it is said that you are the first cossack who received the hero of russia, yes this is true, well, i think a little. otherwise, all the cossacks who are there, and in general everyone who ended up there, are already heroes, but according to the award, yes, it turned out that i was the first cossack who received the title of hero of russia, a volunteer cossack. what does this award mean to you? well, first of all, i
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don’t consider it personally mine, i consider it personally all the guys who were there with me, this is each of them, and any of them will say that you bring it, i’ll give it to you without any problems bring. this is not important, they were with me, they trusted me, and i trust them , this is the main thing, but what did you say to vladimir vladimovich, i saw there when he was rewarding you, something you said in his ear, he me asked about one phrase, what can i say , how long have i been a member of the cossacks, i answered him, since childhood and i will continue to be one, and what is the cossacks, tell us about it, who the cossacks are, who the cossacks are, probably, well, how can it be. .. i think rightly or wrongly, firstly, this is history, our religion, god, the sticks are ours , the cossacks are going in a circle, the circle is the most important thing, that is, there is nothing higher than the circle, if the circle decided to do this, then so,
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the circle is meeting because, let’s say, there is an event or a war or something else ahead, the circle has gathered , we have decided, here are our actions, here is this plan, everything, from one circle to another circle is led by the ataman. well , it’s clear, we listen to the old people, the elders, hence, probably, the correctness of this is that the merging of the youth, those who fulfill their task, and the old people, that’s it all together, this is probably our most correct russian stimulus for life, when everything is together in one fist, because together we are strong, individually we are shit, what qualities should a cossack, a true cossack, have, not by blood, by spirit. probably, in the oath itself , this is all distorted: i serve the fatherland, the cossacks are orthodox. you call your students children, and you have children yourself, tell us about your family?
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well, thank god, i have a family, i have children, now i’m waiting for my daughter, my wife accidentally came to see me in the hospital is brainy, excuse me, what kind of child will you have? third father of many children, well, my wife accidentally came to see me in the hospital, i was in the hospital, she was a doctor, i approached the doctor like this... so my wife came, and i was lying in the hospital, it’s like this, where did you come from, i’m with krasnoyarsk region, he’s like, well, the krasnodar region is not far, i’m like, no, a little further away, krasnoyarsk region, i’m like, she came from there, he, okay, let’s say, well, he gave the go-ahead, we’re a little bit stay, they're expecting a girl, she's now in her seventh month, thank you god, we have a video surprise for you from your wife, let's look at the screen.
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every morning she prays for her husband, every day she waits for him at home. anastasia likontsova, the real wife of a cossack. darling, we are waiting for you very much at home. i promise, when you arrive, i will prepare you a very tasty , your favorite chifan salad. they got married 2 years ago. almost immediately anastasia accompanied her husband to the front. during this time i saw him for a total of three months. in general, a cossack woman must be a strong woman, because she has to face many things, and not only with separation, with a loved one, but with everyday life, which was left on her, alone, that is, she had to decide everything herself, she is a very strong woman, she knows how to wait and believe, she became a reliable support for her husband, so now anastasia - the wife of the hero of russia , i am very proud of my husband, i say that he was not afraid of anything, he took this step,
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he took it consciously, he knew what could happen, because at that moment he was not only thinking about himself, and he was thinking about his own people, he bore a colossal responsibility, and i am proud of him that such a person is next to me, that he can take any situation into his own hands, she believes that her husband will return with victory and has prepared for him... the most long-awaited gift, i dream that my husband will return, hug me, our daughter, and never leave us again when you are on the front line, do you communicate with your spouse? i’m not on the front line, but when i’m always in the green zone, what are you talking about, everything is fine, i’m not, i ’m not in the red zone, everything is fine, everything is fine, i’m sitting here writing, you’re the one who calms her down, and i’m sitting. i’m writing this, what does it mean, well, i’m a kambarik now,
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i’m sitting at the headquarters, at the headquarters, she believes you, the papers are signed, what do you think, you hope, you communicate with oleg’s parents, yes, of course, parents are sacred to me, i think in general anyone who respects himself, who loves his history of the fatherland, should love his parent, this is simply up to heaven.
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this is a long time ago, he finished the tenth grade, and you know, there are very good words here, persistent, purposeful, independent, reviews, strives to overcome difficulties on his own, treats assignments conscientiously. oleg was always there where help is needed, so his parents made his decision to volunteer for the front when they realized that this was an absolutely informed decision, otherwise he would not do it. i just said: “okay, i will accept your, your choice.”
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tatiana and valery dream of seeing the victory fireworks, and they also thank life for every moment spent with their son. there is a moment and everything can be decided, there is a moment, there is another time, and we are different. and that’s why everything is expensive, everything is significant. strange, naked, god, how grateful i am to you for everything, what beautiful people, god bless them, your mother said, that... in the year they said that you would be a hero, do you remember that? no, somehow it was the same thing, apparently you choked on milk when you decided to become a hero? yes, to be honest, i didn’t even think of being one, it’s just, but you felt some special power in yourself that could make
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the world a better place, i do what i have to do, and what will happen will happen, yeah, this is the most correct thing, probably , what can we do, let's watch another video. heroes, we cossacks serve the orthodox faith, our fatherland, and we cannot deviate from the oath we have given not only to our cossack brothers, but also to the lord god, if we took up arms, and we should have had them since childhood, then until the end of our days we only move forward. vladimir gavrilenko, callsign chip. last april, he and his fighters recaptured ukrainian positions around. village of velikaya kamyshevakha, six of them held the defense for a day, the enemy was hundreds of times more numerous, in fact, as it turned out later, there were more than 2,500, to be honest , we came in, we didn’t think, we had a goal to complete the task for the don detachment, well six under fire from snipers and others
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ukrainian bobezhka came to kamyshevakha, we took up and held positions until the arrival of our main... forces, which arrived at 6:00 in the morning, it was hell. on april 27, the cossacks occupied the second part of kamushevakhia under the command of chip, his friend mikhail myshkin with the call sign bear walked shoulder to shoulder with him. this is my dad, the storm killed everyone. the bear was next to the commander when he was wounded, a 120 mine landed, and chip received a concussion. we wanted to send him to the raisins, but he says, while my kajaks are here.
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with the call sign chip, hello, hello, vladimir, we know that you received the hero star, no, you haven’t received it yet , you were awarded the star, well, that is, you were awarded this title, but you decided not to take the star itself yet, why why, when i was given the command, the board for nomination was presented to moscow to receive a hero star. to be honest, at that time we were planning a breakthrough by the enemy, i always tell my fighters, my first priority in life is the life of my guys, the second, second priority is the completion of my task, because there will be no first priority, the second will not be fulfilled,
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in the foreground there is always the toughness of the fighters, the leadership accepted this position, you explained it, well, well , i explained to them the reason for my... the distance, when at the beginning we came under massive shelling, bombing, our entire equipment, we dismounted and took refuge in the sherensky forest, the bombing continued, we were separated from the main group by seven people, but
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we had a task, we went to fulfill it, we got there... one of our comrades was three hundredth, we got there with six people, the distance was less than one and a half kilometers we walked from 10 am to 6 pm open area, under the bombardment of shells, mines, and stzo, everything was there, there was hell, really hell, i honestly don’t even know how we got through, i believe that god loves me too, because when... in an open area, a cluster shell explodes above you, there was a moment when i rolled away, and such a good shrapnel flew into my place. you said, three hundred one was with you, you carried him with you, yes we, we didn’t send him back to the rear, to mtlb,
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called a car, she came up, while also capturing the spotter’s tongue ukrainian, who was adjusting the fire on us, and this wounded soldier of ours, he was also escorted under the gun to the rear to be handed over to command, but you give, and we went to... further reaching kamyshevakha, i have left for the store, of all seven rounds of ammunition , there we first occupied a hangar, there was a warehouse, ukrainian ammunition, provisions, water and other bonding, we fought for the kits and then the warehouses to the first street were about 250 m of open area, we also advanced. entrenched on the first street in line from the canal, such a deep outlet
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quite overgrown with trees already with bushes, so we cleared it out all night, we kept it in this canal, we defended ourselves, we held our positions until the main forces arrived, how many were against you at the moment when we entered, we didn’t even think, after i found out that there were different ones.. ... and not only that, they recaptured one street , the next, liberated the street next to us , and at 36 in the morning the main forces arrived, i saw from... my cossack, a bear, he is a chutaman, i have my cossack comrade in arms, here then, for the first time in my
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life, joy came over me when i saw that he was alive, we didn’t know their fate, we were here, but they stayed behind under the bombing, he talked about your wounds, there was a shell shock, yes, yes, a moderate shell shock, they tried to send me away many times. to the hospital, well, i considered it my duty to stay with my own guys, the cossacks , not gomanu abandons his cossacks in any situation, and so i am a taman of my cossacks , they didn’t abandon me, being awarded they didn’t abandon me, i was still there for more than a month, and while i was in command the order did not send the medical unit to the hospital. did not leave the position, but how do you assess the participation in the zone of yours, namely the cossacks, this is the difference from other
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branches of the military, you understand, the cossacks are the warriors of christ, who are always for a just cause , of their own free will, at the call of their hearts, volunteers, that’s right, and you are a hereditary cossack, yes, on my father’s side, i am a don cossack. elena gavrilenko, like a real cossack woman and
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the wife of a cossack, greets guests with a loaf of bread. dear guests, help yourself to the bread on the table, please, whatever is on the table. traditionally, friends and family gather around the same table. the hostess treats them with her signature dishes, borscht, pies, and, of course, dumplings with potatoes. cossack women always sculpt them themselves. let's. let's put it down and find out who we have here, who is lucky with this penny, whoever gets a dumpling with money will be happy. elena gavrilenko found her feminine happiness 29 years ago, then she became vladimir’s wife, and together with her husband she passed all the tests. i really admire my husband, i’m proud, he is always ready to help people, always go to the rescue, he’s proud, he really misses... the hero of russia,
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his brother, of course, my brother will come with victory, i am sure of this, all this neo-nazi creature will be defeated, we will win anyway, all the inhabitants of the village are waiting and loving their ataman, vladimirevich, our beloved atomists, we are waiting for you, we will set such a table for you, everything will be fine, like in kuban us, further in the program than the cossack volunteer vasily. grichishkin surprised the doctors: they connected equipment to me, but i had neither pressure nor heartbeat, he said: why are you alive, i say, i have no idea, i probably really want to live, and what should a cossack’s wife be like if she says , you go, i'm with i’ll divorce you, wow, it’s lunch time, i say, dear, time allows, yes, the office is still open, i can operate on you in our
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hospital. premiere on rtr, permission for an emergency operation, i can’t give you strange, i hospitalized a patient, help, i decided to involve all the doctors, what ’s happening in the department, i’m waiting for an explanation , but this is a setup, they’re just beating you for such a face, sklifosovsky, new episodes today on rtr. i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here
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, how everything is running, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just have a look , let’s go, it must be edible, i had in mind , of course, the bear when i said it, such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own, then what will they use many, the strongest love for the game is a five-on-one program, and i, oops, five for one on saturdays, on rtr, this is for you , well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day for us, a big holiday, nah, we haven’t seen you for a long time,
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great, white, well, you know, on every cool fighter. will find it even cooler , you fell in love with them, but who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin , the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform.
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dear mothers, whose child smells like dior, if it’s from the new collection, then it’s mine, go ahead, run , and when you give me the twenty, okay, take it, good day, you were fired in the morning , i have to work another week, honestly , you need a bag, but you need one t-shirt, no, don’t take t-shirts, they are torn from us, thank you very much, well, they don’t always tear, well, they are torn, they are torn stories of a big country on friday on rtr, razumovsky is listening , anyuta is alive, and who is he anyway, i’m your husband,
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we are you buried, come back, hello. why did you have to die to get yourself back, i remember nazia, like me died, that is, how i disappeared, you were the sweetener, your husband. fell into the river , just don’t fall in love with your wife again , i only need you, i think someone set me up, then right after the funeral you appear, what are you hinting at, unforgotten, you remembered something, sunday on rtr. earlier in the program, the heroes of russia, cossack volunteers oleg lekontsov and vladimir gavrilenko told for what feats they received such high awards, we had 142, there were 1500 of them, we
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stood the battle, defeated them, well, took their positions, in all kamyshevakhs at that moment there were more than 2,500 people, six of you, six of us. and you have completed your task, well it turns out like this. and why the cossacks are always first and always win. cossacks are the warriors of christ, who are always for a just cause of their own free will, i will call the heart. in our studio we have the wife of the russian hero vladimir, elena gavrilenko. hello, elena. standing hero. when he made the decision to be there, how did you feel about it? well, at first, of course, well, of course she was against it, an ultimatum was even given. if he says, you go
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to so, i will divorce you. and i was at work it was time, lunch time, i say, dear, time allows, the station is still open, oh-oh-oh, i came home from work, she, well, accordingly. you misunderstood, everything is fine, no one is divorcing you, a real cossack’s wife, when did you find out about your husband’s award? well, to be honest, i was waiting for this, anyway, he’s true , he’s worthy, who told you about this, volodya himself told me, i learned from him, you also raise your children in the cossack traditions, we have a son, the youngest son. studied in the cadet corps of the city of novorossiysk, i graduated from it, well, not with honors , let’s say, but mostly with straight a’s, our daughter also attended sunday school,
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went, that is, she was involved in everything related to the cossacks, she even did flanking, there is a video surprise for you from your children. my father always said, study with an a, like i did, i studied, he says , don’t get any b’s, just study with an a, but i looked into his diploma once, there were only c’s, so maybe, you know , uh, wanted to grow up in a way that he lacked in childhood, and he probably wanted to give it to us so that we would not need - what he needed at one time, dad. thank you very much for raising us as we are, thank you for raising us, i am very grateful to you, we are waiting for you, we appreciate you , we love you, your wife is waiting for you, your children are waiting for you, your granddaughter is waiting
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for you, come back soon, we are proud of you , we believe in you, hello, popol, because this is how i start every message i send to you, yuli and i miss you very much and are waiting for your... return home, i want to thank you very much for your upbringing, you taught me how to make independent decisions in any environment, thanks to you i understand life, people, their actions better, because all this helps me to follow my path more productively, thank you for remaining a real man for all of us , a real father, an otoman commander, you are a real hero, come home soon, we all love you very much. real cossacks, cossacks, these words are worth a lot, vladimir, in one of the stories we saw you with your colleague, oh whom you are already mikhail, give, we
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invited him to our studio, mikhail, please come in, hello! in our studio , mikhail myshkin, cossack, member of the northern military district, hello, hello, hello, hello, mikhail, hello, is it true that you went to the front with your otaman? yes really, why? because in my family all are cossacks, both great-grandfather and grandfather , i myself am a pedigree yaik cossack, on my father ’s side, on my mother’s kuban side, in cossack traditions it is established that where otaman is, there are his children, because otaman is primarily for my cossacks, this is my father, i could not do otherwise. because if otaman is
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on the front line, all the cossacks should immediately be next to their own. mikhail, i can roughly imagine what kind of commander in the armed forces of the russian federation is and what kind of onoman, are there any differences, what kind of ataman should be? there are about 250 people in the battalion now, they have a call sign chip. the few who call him, everyone calls him batya, and not every commander will be called batya, but dad is a tough commander, the kind an ataman should be, but what kind of ataman should be, fair, like a real father, yes, like a real father, he treats all soldiers exactly like a father, in our battalion everything happens exactly according to cossack traditions. what do you know about this
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feat of vashon, did you participate in it or not, but in the vakirovsky forest we directly came under mortar fire, under mortar fire six people were cut off from us, they moved forward, we remained in the shervod forest in the forest directly with our commander when we met in the morning, on the 26th in the morning met under... may, under the leadership of the ataman, they covered a wandering belgian mine, for which they also presented the entire group directly to the order of courage.
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welded, well cut, tightly sewn, was beaten by shrapnel, still returned to duty, he is a likonian, he is a hero, lyuba, lyuba, lyuba, yes, a wonderful element, oleg, but you also write poetry, yes, yes, what kind what, in general, i started writing poems after that battle, some kind of moronic fragment flew into my head and just sits there, well, one of the poems is like this: there was, hello, dear, here again
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they’re shooting, but i don’t say it out loud, brother three hundredth is dying here, i’ll calmly put a bean on him, i’ll send a photo with a smile, rarely, against the backdrop of the velvet steppes, i’ll say i love him very deeply, and it’s true, believe me, yesterday i dragged two hundredth into a belly split i arrived on my own, but the domain thought, dear, dear, dear, believe me, i’m sitting shell-shocked with a shrapnel, i’m shouting to all my relatives alive, hello dear, everything is fine, i ’ll come home as always, hello to my family, acquaintances, home, i love you very much , lyuba, lyuba, good, good poetry, why say it? unnecessary on the phone, let your relatives think that everything is fine, no matter how scary it is. it so
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happened historically that the cossacks were always distinguished by their exploits and courage. let's look at stories about another cossack. vasily grechishkin, call sign aryan, was awarded the order of courage and nominated for the title of hero of russia. born in the orenburg region, in a family of hereditary cossacks, as a volunteer. went to the front, took part in the battles near kharkov and izyum. in these shots, fighters are on the way to velikaya kamyshevakha, the combat mission is to enter, clear, and gain a foothold. you will have it today shooting, troitsky acts , there were fierce battles for the populated area, our fighters managed to knock out the ukrainian nazis, according to tradition, vasily plants the russian flag in the tallest building, a flag hangs
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, in the evening we move out, a new battle immediately moves forward, they hammered us there for 9 hours, everything worked there , there was no respite at all. that is , they apparently overestimated their strength a little, they didn’t expect that there was still a small cossack detachment there at the very peak, they didn’t get further, oops, oh, here it is, oh, by, this video was shot by vasily for 40 seconds before a mine fell at his feet, i got a fragment the size of two phalanges of my thumb, pierced the ribs on the right side of the liver, pierced me almost right through, broke the ribs on the left. and i demolished some kind of barn with a blast wave, that is, i had two broken vertebrae and six damaged ones, so the guys pushed me upstairs, he said, let’s go to the cemetery, what a cemetery, are you sure i’m still alive, let’s go, he says, there are even holes there will not be visible, the resident could not be evacuated for more than a day,
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when they finally took him to the hospital, doctors we were shocked, they connected the equipment to me, but i had no pressure or heartbeat, he said, why are you stomach?
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i dozed off something that can raise the morale of the soldiers , the cossacks don’t expect to see anyone in the studio, they haven’t seen anyone for a long time, well, surprise, you want to see, about two months, surprise, the schlag is already 37 years old this year, but these are only a few of such centenarians in air, i chose my job correctly, regina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor, this is a typewriter, it’s true, you are still printing scripts for a full house the sound still stands at all. apartment , when everyone says that she is all at work at work, this is not entirely true, the most important thing in my life for me is my husband, my dad took me and put me on the train to go in a dry one, yura was the apex of this train, i looked on
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him, and he fell for me, but for some reason i saw him and immediately said that this is what i need. century with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. did they say who? i asked him not to talk, the main thing is that he is healthy. let's see on the weekend. we're having twins girls. what girls, you promised me that there would be a son. oh, when double happiness is a burden. “i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife yet, i will pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed, i have to share, but where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i’m still thinking, well, how well, it’s a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles, she
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’s completely different, her character doesn’t resemble either you or lera, our son will be just like you, but don’t you think that this is somehow too much , nothing happens too much, two shores hopes, on saturday at rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, you can build without it, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea have you drunk, how many stories? probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people , how many secrets have been told, i am like
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a man who is a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i give up everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. rtr. hello! stressed out, i drank everything that
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was in the house, including kerosene and toilet duck. this wine was also made by my great-great-great, australopithecus, no, armenopithecus. who do i live with, huh? earlier in the program in the studio were heroes of russia, cossack volunteers, whose exploits the whole country is proud of. when i was given the command, a board was presented for advancement to moscow to receive a hero star. to be honest, at that time we were planning a breakthrough by the enemy, i always tell my fighters,
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the first priority in life is my life guys, the cossacks are not just warriors, they are people with big hearts and enormous talents, hello dear, they are shooting here again, but i don’t talk about it out loud, my brother is dying here, i ’ll calmly put a bean on you. good poems, vasily, hello, hello, well, you are a real cossack, is it true that you wrote something alive on your forehead, yes, this is a real photograph, this is a doctor, they really connected it, i leaked quite seriously, the equipment, wait, the doctor says, that means there is no pulse , there is no pressure, but what did you feel at that moment, i came with my legs angry as a dog, angry as a dog, hungry with my legs , no, i’m hungry, you somehow understand that... it’s not the situation i wanted some sweet water, and so they lie down, i didn’t know that my back was injured, i
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say, why are you putting me to bed, mending me, i went back if you don’t treat me, and then the shelling started, everyone was running somewhere, no one was paying enough attention, well , they brought a wounded man there, they brought him in, he’s sitting, chatting, i say, that’s it, stitch me up, i’m out of here, he says who he’s stitching up, look at yourself, well, at that moment i’m all... on 46 kg more, that is, in principle, when you passed out, or you didn’t turn off, i didn’t pass out, the liver was already punctured, well, yes, the spine, i didn’t know two, i already found out about this at vishnevsky, when, perhaps, complained that his back hurt, and then they realized that two vertebrae were crushed, how did you get this wound, well, this, in my opinion, was on may 4, 2022. we were returning, that is, well, from a combat mission, let’s say, we mined the landing, worked on
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the observation post, we discovered, well , actually, having already returned, there was already shelling was when we were returning back, we were already returning under fire, in fact , because of this, the perimeter was disrupted, it was necessary to re-set the trip wires, re-raise the defenses, let's go get ready, that's exactly the video where i'm sitting there side by side to continue walking. well, from mine, as they say, you can’t hear it , you can hear it, but the most i managed to do
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was turn around and cover my face so that it wouldn’t somehow get into my eyes. how much medical care did you actually receive? somewhere at 5:00 pm i snatched it, the next day at night it was already dark, they brought me to voluyki, already they evacuated me by helicopter, the guys then at least remember, they were yelling something, i said, well , ah-ah-ah, it probably hurts, and i was yelling, i had just washed, when luckily that day mosquitoes came out in a wild herd, yes, that is, everything is the same, we tried it first in a uaz. push me in, the 82nd arrived , punctured the wheels, we are already sitting in this uaz, there are guys running around changing this wheel, like a standard artillery fork, when the mine is closer, the mine flies further, i say, damn it, the third one is in us, i drive it kick this door in uaz, i throw out the pallas's cat, i jump on top of him, she fell right in front of us, well , the soft earth saved me, it went deep,
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exploded, while, while we were rushing around, well, that's it, all of this is under fire, all of this... here he rises me he bandages the mino , bang, brk, it’s all gone, that’s it, well , it’s already starting to get dark, he says: let ’s drag him upstairs, they’re pushing me, i say, where are you taking me, he says, to the cemetery, cemetery, i’m still stomach, let's go, don't talk, they've thrown it into a hole somewhere, they've already injected it with honeydew, i dozed off for something, malul pushes me, a huge copter flies towards us, so they have already thrown everything away, they are walking around, he says, what to do? i say, yes, i turned back to sleep, but what should i do? we are no longer holding a weapon in our hand, we are already lying there with this pistol, what should we do, nothing, sleep, this morning, they didn’t find you? no, it flew past, quite far away, in principle, well, maybe it would have been light, but it would be useless to shoot at the lights, and you are generally afraid of anything in life, of course, like any person,
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ordinary, somewhere there is pain, somewhere there is disappointment, if you mean that you are afraid. since death , but i think everyone is afraid, probably most of all you are afraid of losing your own, yes, your own, family, loved ones, with whom you are together, you are not afraid of anything else, vasily, but what is this reward for you, this is a high reward, i don’t know , it’s difficult to say right away that of course we are all men, everything ends at some point in childhood for men somewhere around 70, yes, so yes, not everyone has this, yes, awards are, well, this is still something pride. some kind of recognition, i don’t know, it’s difficult to explain. vladimir, let's look at the story about another fighter from your brigade. when a message arrived from the ataman of our district that cossack volunteers were moving out to defend crimea in the morning. without hesitation, i left
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with them and my family supported me. the most important thing for me. this is the cross of the donbass volunteer, this is the main thing for me, because it was difficult, volunteer detachments, here they are, as a rule, cossacks, cossacks are warriors in their spirit. a volunteer is a person who does not go for the sake of money, goes for the idea, the volunteer goes there for victory. our bars-11 has begun. preparation for a special operation since october 1, i served in the reconnaissance unit, thanks to good equipment, good body armor, and good training, i stayed alive, having received 11 trips, thanks to the helmet, my
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head remained intact. no, he is my matchmaker, he is my godfather, godfather, godfather, matchmaker, maestro, maestro, he came to me with humanitarian aid, he went to the front lines, this concert that was shown, he gave to my soldiers, where is he now, he was in novorossiysk, we were, uh, called here on a combat mission, that’s it,
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the last time we saw him was a long time ago, we haven’t seen him for a long time, well, surprise, do you want to see him? again a surprise, where is he, what a surprise, but call him, call him, matchmaker, christ is risen, brother, truly resurrect him. glad to see, beautiful, glad to see, great, you live, and where is your accordion, from the age of 11 i picked it up, and one can say that throughout my life it accompanied me. i am a cossack by birth and in spirit, and the cossacks have many wonderful proverbs, sayings on this topic, and how, for example, such that for a cossack with
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a good song the path is shorter and life is sweeter, death is more fun, and of course, when the time came to go and take part in a special operation, of course, i took the accordion with itself, hormone. the battalions are raised to attack, and in many cases in a heavy battle, when it drags on , when enough time has passed, and it is clear that it is difficult for the guys, then you start singing a cossack song, the guys pick up, with the song things go much faster and much better, therefore, the call sign of the master in... and, of course , having been wounded, at that time i thought that , well, now after being seriously wounded i would not be able to carry out combat missions, but i would be able to carry
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cartridges, i took up humanitarian aid, and of course, i didn’t come there only with material gifts, but with a song, and as you saw, it really inspires and raises the morale of the unit. and it unites us even more and brings our victory closer, but tell me, did you really have one side? yes, there were difficult battles, under the ill-fated marinka, finally, today the marinka has already been taken, but there are still a lot of territories around this marinka, which are fortified quite seriously, in one of the heavy battles, which lasted several. days i received shrapnel bullet wounds, then they were surprised when they said that a shell did not hit one crater, i was in the place
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where the field through wound hit, a shrapnel also hit there a little later, so the wound was quite severe, i lost a lot of blood, but again next to me again those guys turned out to be reliable - loyal cossacks who, without hesitation, rushed under cross machine gun fire, and carried me out to a safer place, well, this is a safe place in the red zone, this is a crater from that shell, provided first aid, found the only surviving tree there , which there were two branches still sticking out on it, they put me under this tree, gave me painkillers, and i watched... how it continued and how the copter threw vogue grenades at me, they hit these two only branches and exploded at the top
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and for me it was like that when there were fireworks, when a comrade in arms told me what to do, watch and be glad that he was alive, let us now watch the story about oleg, about your fighters, dear vladimir vladimirovich, we express to you deep gratitude from the siberia brigade for putting forward your candidacy for the main role in our country of the president of the russian federation. a strong president means a strong russia, and you are a strong president whom we respect. vladimir, what is the strength of the cossack? a cossack without faith is not a cossack, only faith gives the cossack strength, led, faith in god,
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faith in victory, faith in his comrades, brothers, faith in the family, faith in the rear, it’s all one thing, faith, what gives strength to the cossack, vasily, but for you, no, well, there’s nothing more to add to faith, that’s for sure. to fight you need courage, you don’t just need to be equipped with weapons, you are equipped with information, you go, fear will not allow you to do this, if there is no faith, fear will break you.
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real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you, hello, dear friends, in airing your favorite program for 60 minutes
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, the hero of russia will be on tour, all of us , including me, will go to the end, what an image of victory it is for you to destroy the gang in your head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, the main thing at this hour: kiev, lvov, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, poltava, a powerful blow has been dealt to the military infrastructure of ukraine. the united states is an accomplice in the ukrainian attack on lisichansk and is bearing responsibility for the death of our il.
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russian permanent representative to the un. spoke at a meeting of the security council. tucker carlson's video from moscow, where he announced his desire to interview vladimir putin, has already received tens of millions of views around the world and has greatly alarmed washington. the extraordinary presidential elections have started in azerbaijan, the current head of state is also participating, and karabakh is voting for the first time. this is not olga yet, she is only approaching, they promise new snowfalls. moscow has already bombarded orenburg, stavropol and the volga region. according to military ukraine's infrastructure suffered a new powerful blow this morning. military and industrial facilities were damaged in kiev, lvov, kharkov, nikolaev, as well as in poltava , dnepropetrovsk, ivano-frankivsk and kirovograd regions. many explosions
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occurred in... kiev was partially de-energized after hitting an industrial zone on the left bank of the dnieper. footage of the consequences of the work of ukrainian air defenses also appeared online. it can be seen that the installations are located right in the middle of residential buildings, and fragments of anti-missile missiles are falling into houses. russian aviation-artillery in the zone special operation. their coordinates were transmitted by intelligence. the crews of t-80 tanks destroyed the fortifications of ukrainian militants in the kupinsky direction. the enemy retreated with losses. these shots show a powerful airstrike being controlled.
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k-52 attack helicopters worked on strong points in the lugansk direction, the situation on this section of the front was reported to our military commander mikhail andronik. volleys of heavy guns shake the forests in the krasnoliman direction of a self-propelled howitzer. buried in the ground and camouflaged, this is necessary for continuous work from one place. full ammunition self-propelled geocinth has 30 shells, but when firing from a closed position they are not inside, so that in case. there was no detonation of shrapnel hits, now the artillery of the center group of troops is destroying the enemy’s fortifications , where our assault groups will soon advance, sometimes one shot is enough, sometimes 10, not enough, sometimes we shoot 40 at a time, yeah, but it’s there
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very large stronghold, and from this dugout the orlan unmanned aerial vehicle is controlled, the image from which is transmitted to the command post, where they adjust the fire of the guns , the operators control the plane in manual mode of the satellite system , but they are always in a bustle in the kitchen, in addition to feeding the personnel of the recovery area, the cooks provide three hot meals a day to those who are on missions, on the line of combat contact, all camouflaged with a mass of winter
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version, here we have already prepared the cars, loaded water, loaded canned meat, and, accordingly , products that do not require cooking, and here daily replenishment arrives for those who are completely recently signed a contract and is undergoing training, here they communicate and learn from military personnel who have already been in battle. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, lead the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. in ukraine, new cases of forced mobilization, come out, i say , come out, shut your mouth and sit in odessa, a minibus passenger was indignant at the actions of the military registration and enlistment office employees, and received obscene insults in response. who are you, please tell me who you are, you don’t even have anything at all, you have passers-by on the streets are outraged that people in uniform are trying to take people from the street, and this is a video from the volyn region, where the police joined the forceful detention of a conscript, on the air
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of a ukrainian telethon they are agitating for mobilization using the example of a hundred years ago, according to historians, precisely because of draft dodgers and deserters, the petliurists lost to the bolsheviks, the majority. americans have no idea what is happening in ukraine, and how much they are paying for global changes throughout the world. former fox news host stacker spoke about this carlson, who confirmed that he came to moscow for an interview with vladimir putin. the journalist noted that since the beginning of the conflict , washington has done everything to prevent the west from learning the point of view of the russian president and from understanding russia’s position, while with zelensky they were constantly providing so-called support.
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current head of state ilham aliyev. there are only seven candidates, including voting is taking place for the first time in karabakh. report by our correspondent andrey grigoriev. president ilham aliyev voted at a polling station in khankende, as the capital of nagorno-karabakh stepanokert is now called, and elections there for the first time in the history of azerbaijan. aliyev lets the women go ahead, mehriban’s wife by the way.
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yesterday another person was blown up in a menich and was seriously wounded. early presidential elections started today in azerbaijan, all polling stations are open from 80 am to 7 pm, there are more than 6,000 of them in the country, there are so many people that they are allowed inside in small groups. there was a line to receive a ballot there. here's a short information about the candidates, and showing their images today is strictly prohibited, here is the most interesting procedure, quite exotic for our elections. here the documents are checked and special paint is applied. and show how this is done, a mark on the hand that is visible in
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ultraviolet radiation, so that the voter cannot vote twice. about 900 observers came to the country, almost a third of them from the osce, delegations from the sco, the shanghai cooperation organization and the cis, including a fairly significant russian one, which promises to impartially assess the voting process. i am convinced that the strongest will win, i have no doubt, but the most important thing is the voter.
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hauler of oil to this country, but also generally reoriented its exports to the east, as presented by russian producers, evgenia davydov. the recognizable ornaments of polekhsk are miniature, it is impossible to pass by without stopping, a variety of colors and the finest rendering of details. here it is not so much about russian art, but about business. dozens of russian enterprises present their products, next to the stands of leading energy companies in india. this is such a platform, in style. russian folk art crafts, this, of course, attracts attention.
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energy week in indian goa is a negotiation on the future of biofuel cooperation. here is a delegation from the perm region, led by the governor, flying to india with new ideas. india is a major trading partner for the perm region; it ranks fourth to fifth in terms of trade turnover for 9 months of last year; we increased it by 3 times compared to the previous period. trade relations. a big niche for us is machine products. in fact, this is what we came with, everything related to more efficient production or processing of hydrocarbons, everything related to scientific developments, and today the stage of the perm territory is presented. trade turnover between moscow and newdeli continues to grow, doubling over the past year. russia is one of the most important suppliers of goods to india and the first in oil supplies to the country. and in general, such a turn to south asia provides many opportunities for both indian and russian business. we have.
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o the introduction of solar panels on the roofs of 10 million houses, this will make 10 million families self-sufficient in terms of energy consumption, the additional electricity generated in their homes will be transferred to the grid, you can imagine the effect this system will bring. ministers of energy and heads of large energy companies from dozens of countries have arrived in gua, russian-indian meetings are also planned, among the topics are the supply of russian oil, and there are also questions about payments and discounts. such an elevated attention to russian supplies is associated with an important event for india - the upcoming
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parliamentary elections; it is important for the country to maintain its position in the global oil market and russia plays a vital role here.
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russia demands to be extradited from canada and where a snow cyclone is approaching, we will all be back in a couple of minutes. i can appeal to you. in our hospital, the premiere on rtr, permission for an emergency operation, i can’t give you a discharge, i hospitalized the patient, but can you decide to drag all the doctors into this story, what’s happening in department, i’m waiting for an explanation, but this is a setup , they just beat you up for such a face, sklifosovsky,
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new series, today on rtr. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet , life will never be the same again, it puts everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either. after all, each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to this, we first pushed in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, in
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circle of friends, among friends, program for the whole family, saturdays on rtr. razumovsky is listening. anyuta, alive. who is he anyway? i'm your husband. we buried you. hello. why is this for you? i should have died. to get herself back, and she has amnesia, how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were the cooler, your car fell into the river, just don’t fall in love with your wife again, i only need you, i think someone set me up , immediately after the funeral you appear, what are you hinting at,
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unforgotten, you remembered something, on sunday on rtri. and we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth . how to proceed? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. from start it takes two decades for the disease to manifest itself
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, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. forget about yours. from monday to friday on rtr. will you replace me at work with danilov, easy bro, anna, when i was little and dreamed of meeting a prince, this is my fiancé, this is my brother anton, now all i have to do is understand who i slept with and who i married, without love? on friday on rtr, voting at home, oh, i don’t have much time, i
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’m sick, i’ll have to miss the elections, why do you vote at home, and what if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home, for this you need to submit an application to the precinct commission, in writing or orally, or in person. is it possible through friends or relatives by phone, on the public services portal, when should i submit my application? march 7 until 14:00 march 17, on the public services portal from march 5 to 11, everything will be like at a polling station, yes, members of the election commission and observers will come, hand out a ballot, and will they also bring a ballot box? well, of course, for home voting they use sealed portable ones boxes. that's good, and i'll vote. on
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the air, we continue: the united states acted as an accomplice in the attack by ukrainian militants on lysichansk on february 3. this was stated by russia's ambassador to the un, vasily nebendya, during a meeting of the security council, which was convened on the initiative of our country. according to the diplomat, kiev nationalists are coordinating.
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the czech republic heard this information that with their money, with taxpayers’ money,
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deadly weapons are purchased, they are supplied to ukraine, with their tacit consent, these weapons are used exclusively against civilians, civilian infrastructure, hospitals, schools, buses. at the russian exhibition , navodh is currently discussing the effectiveness of measures to support families with children. today there is a thematic day of social policy in the interests of childhood. in godya, special attention is paid to traditional values. you are all witnesses to how basic traditional values ​​are being violated in the world. but our citizens in the overwhelming majority, and i would even say, at the genetic level, are faithful to traditional family values ​​based on love, mutual understanding and unity, this
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is actually the strength of russia. in three regions of the volga region, traffic on sections of the m5 federal highway is limited due to bad weather. the trans-caucasus railway is closed to all types of transport. a storm warning has been in effect for stavropoli for the second day. services are struggling with the consequences of the rampant disaster. traffic police inspectors help drivers get out of snow captivity. it continues to snow in the mountains of sochi. there is still an avalanche danger there. a snowstorm raged in orenburg, on there were snowdrifts on city and regional roads, cleaning involved all available equipment, and this is more than a thousand cars, heavy snow caps on the roofs of houses, the day before an avalanche from the roof of a high-rise building almost crushed a baby stroller at the entrance to the entrance. proposals regarding the modernization of the housing and communal services sector are being prepared
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by the presidential candidate from the new people, vladislav davankov, he... spoke about this today at a meeting with voters in khabarovsk. davankov visited one of the dilapidated houses and promised to help its residents with relocation or obtaining compensation. the issue of emergency housing is raised at almost every meeting. problems need to be solved systematically. the far east is generally a special territory, and we have already been working here for four days. but the questions are very different. industrial development is now the focus of the presidential candidate's attention.
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a strong leader and business executive, he managed to restore all industrial production in bashkiria in a short time. murtaza rakhimov died last year. today is winter sports day in russia. it appeared in the calendar in honor of the olympics in sochi. with
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vladimir putin congratulated the russians on the tenth anniversary of the olympic games being held in this city. the president noted that competitions of this kind were a dream for the citizens of the country and became a holiday of sports, friendship, celebration, fortitude, character and will; everything that was built for the olympics continues to work today, and sochi is now not only a resort, but a sports capital countries. report by pavel melnik. on this flight between snow-capped peaks it is so easy to forget about everything, but the coach will quickly bring you back to earth. staging hands, where records were forged. of the 2014 winter olympics, new champions are now growing, quite a decent rugged terrain, along which the tracks are being rolled for us, in general, now, this is very good. the largest facility of the 2014 winter games, the olympic speed skating oval, is today the sirius arena, a training base for more than a thousand young and active people. igor shevilev chooses badminton. i always like active sports, cool rackets,
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shuttlecocks, and going to competitions. where thousands of journalists come from. talked about records sochi olympics in the media center, today the technologies of the future. one of our areas is working on obtaining new medicines. the pearl of the olympic coast is the futuristic fisht stadium. over the years, it added new stands and boxes in size - this is almost plus 8,000 spectator seats and its own unique operating technology in the hot subtropics. the home stadium of the sochi football club has become home to fencing sections and is so popular among young people. the flat, smooth, high-speed highway a-149 immediately shortened travel time for the atadler to the sochi mountain cluster, despite the fact that most of the route runs directly through the rock mass. immediately 14 tunnels for the route combined with railway lines, instead of the previously only very dangerous mountain serpentine. the result
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will still be very significant for the residents of the city and... in general for the whole country, bearing in mind the development of infrastructure as a whole, which will remain for a decade, the calculation turned out to be prophetic, more than 6 million tourists use this infrastructure annually, it became very beautiful, green, new buildings, a feeling of pride that we were able to organize such a large-scale event. the 10th anniversary of the olympics for sochi is a truly unifying date, picking up the championship pace in 2014. in the evening , watch the new episodes of the premiere eleventh season of the sklifosovsky medical saga about the complex, dramatic, and hourly heroic everyday life of doctors at the main emergency medicine institute.
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we’ll find out right away whether erebragin will be able to help a patient who didn’t have enough quota and who was injured in an emergency at the stadium. after the big news. vesti is following developments in russia and abroad, so stay with us. good afternoon everyone, it’s hard to believe, but today is february 7, which marks exactly 10 years since the opening of the legendary twenty-second winter olympic games in sochi. the olympic flame is burning and what will happen next? and this fiery vortex, a fiery whirlwind, reaches the very top. in 2014
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, the opening ceremony of the winter olympic games in sochi caused a huge resonance in the world. the international olympic committee recognized it one of the best in its history. 3 billion people watched the live broadcast. and the show itself won an amy award for best lighting design. 137.1 km/h, finish, golden finish alexandra zubkova, two-time olympic champion, well done, well done, today in our special holiday issue we remember the brightest moments of the twenty-second winter olympic games, and how life turned out for the participants in the opening ceremony. and today in our studio there are sports legends, friends, i am glad to welcome irina konstantinovna rodnina, three-time olympic champion who
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lit the olympic flame. vyacheslav aleksanovich fetisov, our hockey player, two-time olympic champion. and lidia pavlovna skoblikova, thanks to whom the olympic flame arrived in russia. rehearsal, the only thing they told us was that when you put the torch on, you need to quickly , within a day, it arrived and at night we had to take two steps back, because there would be such a flow of gas, but when vladik and
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i ran, you know, we felt quite a bit, i think there 150 meters, this is what was coming from the stands, the general state of mood. and so he and i understood perfectly well that we could not make a mistake, because the lighting of the olympic flame is a special symbol and special magic, probably, of the olympic games, well, let’s remember how it was 10 years ago on this day, the olympic flame carries maria sharapova, olympic silver medalist in tennis. masha sharapova passes the olympic flame to estofa to another great athlete of our time, elena issinbayeva. two-time olympic champion in pole vault.
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the great alexander karelin takes the baton. hero of russia, a unique example of the greco-roman style. and one more passing of the baton, the sacred symbol of the olympic movement in the hands of alina kabaeva. marvelous.
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rodnina is a tretyak, and we are now seeing the final meters of this amazing, this fiery relay that will be remembered by the whole world. together, the olympic flame is burning and what will happen next? and here is this fiery whirlwind, a fiery whirlwind. gets to the very top, to the very top of this feast of the firebird, and we see the olympic flame of sochi burning and visible to the whole world, this is amazing, friends, this is a grandiose ceremony, it seems to me that this is comparable only to your emotions during the olympics, 1980, when...
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the ussr anthem sounds, tears appear in your eyes, it seems to me that these are also historical images, you can compare? no, you can, of course, no , it’s impossible to compare, these are your personal competitions, which you have been working towards for many years, and here i was probably just more like a representative of the country, the right to light a fire on...
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because the day before in 1979 you you miss competitions but you were born child, that’s why a year later you...
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and i also want to show footage from 2013, greece, athens, when the olympic flame begins its journey to our country, that’s how it was, attention, the high priestess lights the fire, attention, yes, there is, there are, dear viewers, there are dear friends. the holy
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olympic flame is lit. and the six-time olympic champion is there. our legend ledia palovna skoblikova, who is on the plane, we will now also see these shots. transports the fire to moscow, and see what happens next. attention. a number of cases of turbulence were taken care of on board the olympic flame, so that the lamps would not shake; special fastenings were made. together with the deputy chairman of the government, the cossack takes out the fire, the ural lightning , the only one in the world, six-time olympic champion in speed skating, lidiya skoblikova , yesterday, today, it really feels so sublime that the heart will jump out isoblikova opens the window all the way to red square carrying one of the lamps on...
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you know, this is a generally unusual feeling, never in my life have i experienced anything like this , did i think that one day i would come to greece for the olympic flame, how this fire was guarded by the people who were supposed to do it, they didn’t even let us in, in my opinion, to it when we flew to moscow, you know, you remember, here was gagarin’s arrival, when he was... met, leninsky prospekt was packed with people, and they were carrying this fire, they saw it, even there you can see me driving and holding it on my hand, and not god willing, this fire will be extinguished, and we took him to red square, already in sochi, together with vyacheslav
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aleksandrovich fetisov, you carry the olympic flag during the opening ceremony, let's also watch this moment today. the olympic flag is carried by eight very different, but absolutely amazing, strong, talented, extraordinary people, these are our contemporaries and our compatriots. i just want to say, i remember the olympics of the sixties of the last century, then there were six olympic gold medals. lidi palny skoblikova, champion in speed skating, she is the legendary ural lightning bolt.
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you are in tailored white coats, i understand , after all, you knew in advance that you would carry the flag, yes, i knew, i had insight since 2005 and they believed, in fact, the project was unrealistic, which was supported by the president of our country, i am the president gave instructions, no matter what, to get on the list.
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we had no chance of getting this application , so he managed to charm all these electors that do you remember when... after the president i spoke, addressed the members of the moka, i said: friends, we will hold the best olympic games in history, and i i think that not only we - it ’s regarded as an event, it’s part of our culture, the new russia, if this happens, then for me it will be the third olympic gold medal, so i’m like irina konstantinovna, three times, but that’s what we see, this is probably an unforgettable sight for any athlete, i am honored that the legendary sports commentator dmitry guberniev is in touch with us from tyumen. dima, we reviewed the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony here. at the closing ceremony you no longer had a voice at all.
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hello, dear friends, we generally have a very easy job, when people talk, commentators, especially, here we are on the air, working, it’s all nonsense, pure blah blah, we have the easiest job. we just talk and practically do nothing , it’s a little more difficult at the olympic games, when you really don’t sleep for several days before the opening ceremonies, and nastya chernobrovina and i are in such an absolutely non-stop mode, together with the brilliant editor-in-chief of the russia tv channel grigory shestakov constantly prescribed something, we were preparing, so all the maximum information that we certainly received was reduced to a minimum, because you know, this is a childish feeling of olympic surprises, and i, too, at the last moment... found out about the six who would carry the flag. dima, i want to show you footage from ten years ago, when you went on air after the opening ceremony in this studio with boris korchevnikov, in case you forgot how it was. attention. the man who hosted the
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opening ceremony yesterday is already in direct contact with us from sochi. dmitry, can you hear us? you are now preparing to comment on these competitions. can you hear us, dmitry? yes, dmitry, so far we only see, but do not hear, but even without sound, even without sound, everything. the emotion of olympism reaches our studio, we hope that very soon we will establish contact, let me tell you that we have restored contact with dmitry guberniev. dmitry, can you hear us? yes, i can hear, of course, hello, dear friends, i still really hope that there will be sound now, because we still can’t hear. dmitry is here, i hope you can hear me now, yes, hurray, this is
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applause for you, in general, we realized that you can comment on anything, even without sound, you know, my voice, i completely lost it, here you see, you still spend the night before the closing ceremony, trying to somehow restore your vocal apparatus , but you know, friends, the commentary race... is a lawn, so you really can’t choke us with this song, you can’t kill us. malakha, in a bet with the commentator that you are silent, we did a great job, russia, let us now make a short advertisement, immediately after it: the chief director of the opening ceremony of the olympic games, andrei boltenko, for the first time about why one of the rings did not open, this became a meme 10 years ago, as well as the standard bearer at the opening ceremony alexander zubkov and
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irina shayk. after the commercial, stay tuned. i have alice with character. i’ll tell you right away, it will be difficult. well, i can handle it. my beloved beauty daughter. nastasya samburskaya. i need a completely uncontrollable little animal. how did you all get me? break something, take it easy! i hate you, it’s clear, i have you dad was kidnapped, i was hit in the face, are you a dekar? i am also a person, dad, alla yuganova , no one but us will protect alisa, vladislav reznik, you will live with your mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid gromov, and don’t sue hotly. this is how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you, i hate dad, but
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it will pass, it just takes time, against all winds, premiere on saturday on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats just for you, on horde, on the horde, through the rains they keep fair flowers,
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they still live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, is this for you? that you got enough sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, cocky, beat, well, you know, but for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, we fell in love with them, yes who is more dear to you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i always i answer for my words, a hero of my time,
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beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform, let’s see what your gang’s plan is, and my buddies, even without me, will i take the box office for lenin today? so that i, lyokha volk, would tell her that at 18:30 they will inject her, but never, you can change your passport, the kids ruined it for me, but everything is fine. then all the days here are only about your children, i’m saying , the children ruined everything for me, dear mothers, whose child smells of devor, if it’s from the new collection, then it’s mine, come on, run, when you give me twenty, okay, take it, good day
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, you were fired this morning, i have to work another week, honestly , you need a bag, yes, you need one t-shirt, don’t take it, they are torn, thank you very much, but they don’t always tear, well, they tear, they tear, history of a big country, on friday on rtr, good afternoon everyone, a special holiday episode is on the air, today is exactly 10 years since the opening of the twenty-second winter olympic games in sochi, and we remember the opening ceremony. when one of the olympic rings did not open during the ceremony, let's remember this moment, attention, well, now we see five little miniatures appearing in the stadium,
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look carefully. snowflakes slowly, spectacularly transform into olympic rings. oh, look, one ring didn’t open, but it opened there. the five rings symbolize the five parts of the world; their interlocking signifies the strong union of europe, asia, america, africa and australia. and now the connection is coming out with us. director of the opening ceremony of the 2014 winter olympics in sochi, andrey boltenko, andrey, hello, glad to see you, you do you remember how much emotional strength it took you to make this world-class show, how many years did you prepare it?
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well, we cooked until 2 years, of course, it was the most stress-filled period of my life. and once a year we, the people who did it, congratulate each other on what happened. you can remember this moment when the ring did not open, but then you successfully inserted footage of a brilliant rehearsal, yes, when it revealed what was happening in the control room, what happened at that moment, well, the point is that we, of course, were close to a simultaneous, so to speak, process of loss of consciousness. because, of course, it was scary, but only the interest in the future forced us to keep ourselves conscious. to be honest, in fact, we have significant rehearsal capabilities, due to all sorts of technological factors, they have greatly decreased, so strictly speaking, everything could
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have ended even worse, so what happened with the ring - it seems to me, although unpleasant, annoying thing, but nevertheless, not so fatal. i was told what it is some irish workers who were just making decorations, they dropped this ring , didn’t tell anyone, then it didn’t open, but i remember that the next morning everyone came out in t-shirts, with the ring not opening, it became such an international cool meme, that at the closing ceremony everything was in order with a sense of humor, they played with this ring, let's remind you how it was, too, attention. these are these concentric circles, so, so, so, so, which, apparently, turn into, here on the right, well, that’s what kore was talking about griev, dear friends, a hint of how it was at the opening ceremony, it was wonderful, the self-deprecation of the scriptwriters, beauty, bravo,
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bravo, yes, there are five of them, after all, there are five of them. now i want to ask dmitry dima, what did you feel at that second with the unopened ring? we were sitting in the stadium then, of course, a commentator who sees the entire spectrum of this huge picture, but we still must focus on television monitors, because we always need to tell the tv viewer what people see, and we must work in unison, when nastya and i was sitting in front of the eq'. gasped a little from the side and began to point at the ring, which does not open, but i understand that everything is fine with the picture, and we just start looking at each other and you know, in the literal sense, just... shutting each other’s mouths, because in fact , everything is fine in the picture, everything is great, but it is clear that tv viewers all over the world saw in the moment that everything is fine, these are such
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television tricks of the 20th century, it is clear that , naturally, you can’t make a fuss, but about this small, but so great, i would say our mistake was recognized by the whole world literally in a matter of seconds, and here, you know, here you need to how, if you got a lemon, make lemonade, turn this disadvantage into an advantage, let's... so much referred to the 80 olympics to the olympic bear, that it seemed that the figures were alive, let's see, here they are, now entering the stadium, will greet all the spectators, well, look how amazing, and three giant electronic dolls are made on the basis of the latest computer technology, this our brothers in mind. look how he flirts with the audience, but now at
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the stadium, perhaps, the main olympic stars are dancing, judging by what we see, amazingly, absolutely alive, of course, blowing a kiss like that, like that, a deep bow, yes to everyone. .. there is no one inside, you know, there seems to be a person there, but the matter could not have happened without a person, but at the same time this is really an outstanding technological structure, at the bottom of which there is a car, a driver sits there who controls the movement of the doll and at the same time her facial expressions... and gestures at these games we gathered a team of the best professionals from all over the world, some of them actually made these dolls.
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and of course, the appearance of our team, which also cannot be forgotten, how it was received at the stadium and the russia sign was carried by model irina shayk, then she was not yet married to bradley cooper, today she is the main world star, who decided that... already realizing then that she had such potential that she would become the main model of the world in 2024. there was a choice of several people, and as i understand it, the team led by konstam decided that it was irina. well, let's see how our team performed? attention! russian federation bornaya russia and our standard-bearer, a phenomenal person,
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winner of two olympics, world champion in babsey, mega-pilot alexander zubkov, representing the irkutsk region, representing mordovia, the whole hall stood up, big team, big country, guys, good luck to you, parade of athletes, of course , there are officials, doctors, and massage therapists here, but in any case, of course, we wish you good luck, what a powerful energy there is now in this stadium, the whole country is now standing and applauding our athletes, we will always be proud of these athletes, dima, regardless of the number of medals. well, 10 years later andrei alexander zubkov , the standard bearer in our studio today, let ’s invite him, good evening, how do you
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remember the events of ten years ago, the most important thing is that it’s unexpected, yes, i’ll be honest, it’s a choice, that i had to carry the banner of your country at the home olympics, of course, this is very expensive and not for everyone. a change has long been possible, there were points are controversial, whether to carry or not to carry the banner, because i, as a team player, i had to first of all consult with the guys, of course the guys said that we are not against it, this superstition does not apply to us, as they say, we are ready to fight to win, after that i gave my consent, but now , looking at these frames, do you feel some kind of excitement or do you think it’s me, how did this happen to me? when you watch these shots, it’s still very exciting when you entered the stadium, carried the banner, the idles of fans, spectators who...


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