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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 7, 2024 8:00pm-9:03pm MSK

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to state death, unfortunately, why did you climb with yours, unfortunately, what should we do now, sonya, sonya, sonya, sonya, please, sonya, young man, young man, she died, died.
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evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me. look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go come to me, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier , who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will you have left, they went against god, russia
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comes and the city lives, boris kovchevnikov's program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. razumovsky is listening, anyuta is alive. who are you anyway? i’m your husband, we buried you, come back, hello, why did you have to die to get yourself back, i remember, amesia, how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were a pimp, your car fell into the river, just don’t fall in love with your wife again, i only need you, i think someone set me up, right after.
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funeral you appear, what are you hinting at , unforgotten, you remembered something, sunday on rtr, thank you, oh, who gave you the blank, rooted for the wrong team, so that’s enough for me, i helped everyone, i’m home, bye , come on, that's it, i'm going home, come on, our help is no longer needed, we can go, you're with us, no, we're going home, guys, thank you very much, come on
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bye, sasha, well, oh, thank god, ilyushka, how , go home, i’ll be there soon too , i’ll try, that’s it, irina seevna, yes, something happened, no, mine were found, porlyushka, glory is rude, congratulations to you , thank you, irinasovna, please let me go home, but, of course, yes, of course. thank you, nikolaevich, i want to ask you, personally, yes, do you really want to return it? yes, i , yes, i, i really want to work, okay, i ran, yes, goodbye, goodbye, how are you, yes, it seems good, thank you, you called your mom, that’s the end, you promised, i’ll call you later, yeah. meet me
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igor, your neighbor, guys, let's count three, look here, one, two, three, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, normal, normal, normal. okay, everything is fine, it’s as if your head isn’t spinning, you’re breathing heavily, now, it’s him, what is it, who, what’s his fault for everything, what ’s to blame, it’s him, the bomb shouted, everyone ran into the same corridor, because of him people died , that you're lying, i'm not lying, quietly, quietly, spasms, come on, come on, quietly, so smart, good, thank you, oh, thank you for your work, colleague, sing, listen, i need your help, hello, i hospitalized a patient
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, i have a double-sided bridge against her, but you can , yes, okay, today, now, there will be a valush, please, sing, there is a nuance, this is the patient , we are all waiting for you down there, get out of here, that’s it, i i understand you, it’s tomorrow , okay, don’t accelerate, really, okay, that’s it, that’s it , now everything will be fine, quiet, that’s it, that’s it
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, it’s hard to breathe, come on, come on, breathe easier, well, more easier, right? great, he’s telling the truth, it’s me, shouted the bomb, tanechka, yes, inna igorevna hasn’t returned, inna, yes, that’s it we returned from the stadium, and she’s somewhere here to call you, this is not necessary, i’m just trying to clarify. okay, irinavna, yes igorevich , how are we doing, everything is fine, i’m waiting for the employees of the ministry of emergency situations, wonderful, we are the best, dr. bragin, dr. bragen is here, he helps us, but does not operate, we don’t need trouble, of course, work, we work, katyusha,
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we are worried, a little, put it aside, everything will be fine, we have wonderful doctors. i’m preparing a patient for surgery, you were just hospitalized yesterday, right? but the doctor said for an emergency, it was dr. bragen who said, yes, but who will operate? dr. bragen? there is a whole team there, bragin said that he would only observe, i realized that something was wrong, everything is fine, everything is fine with you and me, are we preparing for the operation, gennadi? let’s go and have some coffee, have a drink, it’s been a long day, i’ll enjoy it, now i’ll just remember the map, come on.
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tanya, you don’t know who it was, this is the first time i’ve seen it, i remember it. thank you, here is my son, as if nothing had happened, absolutely, as if nothing had happened, happily showing me the house that they want to buy at the expense of my apartment, where am i here, did you hear
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what i told you, of course, i was just thinking, about 10 minutes ago i saw a man in the reception area, i’m sure that i know him, i just don’t remember where, even some, well what, the man was standing, and what did he do, nothing, stood, stood, disappeared, but i was struck by polonsky’s reaction. he seems to be stupefied, yes it is possible, yes irina alekseevna, such a thing, a patient came to us with a self-referral, odintsova, she is undergoing emergency surgery, dr. bragen is just going to operate, where is dr. bragen now, in the office, with others doctors are discussing the operation plan, thank you very much. so
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my dear boy, just don’t disappear, mom, let’s go, please, everyone is tired already, come on, come on, good night, noka, bye, bye. kostya, wait, listen, i understand , now is not the time at all, i just don’t know what to do, help me, please, advise, what happened, yesterday yegor was arrested for three days, his father was found murdered, yegor is suspected of this , i don't know how to help him. in this case, he needs a lawyer, a good one, yes, he does, he doesn’t have a lawyer, well
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yes, i heard polonsky’s lawyer’s wife, well , she has connections, you can talk to her, tomorrow, thank you, but definitely tomorrow, yes, you yourself just don’t interfere and don’t get involved in this matter, i won’t, just definitely tomorrow with him talk, okay? hello, hello, hello, finally, hello, hello , don’t say, ugh, hello, damn it, crazy, i can’t help but wonder what we’re looking at, another masterpiece, i have no idea, where did my little ones go to sleep or something? i see he took his wife away, what do you mean he took him away, how he took the children, he said that will take her to her mother, to natalie onidovna , the children were happy, they haven’t seen their grandmother for a long time, i don’t understand now,
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a tumor with decay on the right and a suspicious node on the left, indications for removal of both mammary glands, the patient is aware, in the know, agrees to everything, i i think no one will mind if i attend the operation. what a bore you are, you don’t trust us , i don’t trust myself, if you want to be present, be present, i hope no one minds, yes, and just uh, don’t pick up a scalpel, oh, if only you ask, well, where are you , i'm serving patient, i’m waiting for an explanation, probably oleg mikhailovich from you, i forbade adentsov to be hospitalized, much less to operate, oleg, well, explain. irina alekseevna, the patient has negative dynamics, the tumor
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is growing, and i took myself for granted, i am absolutely not interested in what rights you took for yourself, we agreed on everything, you agreed with me, but not i with you, oh, just wait , the patient is already here, we are ready for the operation, i prohibit the operation, prepare for discharge, one more thing, oleg mikhailovich, i am unlike you.
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let me pass, oh, oh, get up, well, get up, get up, my, leave me alone, whatever. calmed down, that's it, forgive me, please , that's it, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, please , okay, that's it, well, i'm sorry, i don't even know what to say, that is, you wanted to drag us all into all this,
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drag us in, help to drag the person in, bragen , you went nuts, why didn’t you say that pavlova... forbade the operation, alina, stop it, stop it, petya, he wanted to help, he had his own logic, yes, he always has his own logic, yes it's just a setup they beat you up for such a face, you want to punch me in the face, now i really want to, come on, fuck you, just don’t count on me anymore. i remembered that it was here, i remembered who the guy from the waiting room was, this was the husband of that patient who was left disabled after polonsky’s mistake, well, remember, i told you about the unsuccessful operation where he set me up, yes, i remember, well, this is her husband, only many years later, why did he come, why,
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i have no idea, maybe you can at least apologize to us? "sorry, thank you, i'll go and tell the patient that she won't lean, i myself, that you attacked her, he wanted to help, petya , you’d better protect your own wife like that, make peace!” that is, there won’t be an operation? there will be, there will definitely be, literally tomorrow, unfortunately, we won’t be able to carry it out here, we were forbidden to do it, but tomorrow you will be transferred to the botkin hospital and he will operate there, but i will come
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and check everything, thank you, thank you a thousand times. and forgive us, please, good night, rest, let's go home, let's go. well, when we go for the inheritance ?tomorrow.i feel sorry for your wife. what do you want from me now? i want you to operate, now on me. stop. i'm in kareli. help! ukrainian media literally
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boast about murders and terrorist attacks organized by the sbu. and the chapter of this... i just want to understand, because they talk there all the time, especially the americans, about the brave ukrainian people, who are ready to fight to the last drop of blood, but arestovich already somehow doubts this, but how is it that we are fighting for freedom, so you are in america, why should you be confused, although no, they say, in europe recently
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they saw him, and he was choosing a phone number for himself, well, apparently he was driving back and forth, then he noticed that russia had an advantage. in all three factors , russia has an advantage in all three factors, now, and the west in all and we are lagging behind in all three factors, the economy, whatever else was named there, i started talking, i forgot, the first three factors, the economic situation, political, political abilities and that technical, technological progress, yes, technological progress, yes, the only place where they are limping is technological progress, but they are reducing nothing zonally, very quickly, intensively, that’s why, as it were, we said 100 times why sundzy, kolovzeyts, all the great theorists and practical warriors warned against long wars.
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stoevich, friend of vasily dmitrovich , vasilivich, some shitty friends you have, that is, sundza, clausewitz, some interesting emphasis was used by this young man, and
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aristovich, by the way, each of the three does not have a single proven won battle, well, this so the bastards, the suenians are generally more of a character mythical, i’m so internal, just right before the broadcast they sent a video that is now circulating everywhere, i... don’t want to show it about how our fighter was captured, he was being tortured and they called his wife and said that they had come urgently nude photos , otherwise we, well, then they cut off his fingers, in the end she refuses, they kill him and send his wife a photo of her murdered husband, all this is creating a mockery of the family, i don’t know if this is true or not, now is the time that.. .i did not have the opportunity to quickly check, but internally, i understand that this could well be, after everything that we have seen, what the ukrainian country,
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which seems to be westerners, warriors of light, is doing , you see, it has not been doing this since february 24 , 2022, it has been doing this since the time of the maidan, that’s why it’s pointless. convince the donetsk and lugansk people that well, you need to sit down at the negotiating table, you need to say with these people that people in kiev, in kharkov, in lvov will never understand , they will not understand that 8 years of suffering in donbass, for which spat, demands revenge, but we will never give up, but the people of donbass, they they know what ukrainian nazis did to women. with prisoners, this is all reminiscent of the situation of nazi germany, which only in 1946 suddenly realized all the horrors
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of the concentration camps, this is may 9, 1945, suddenly all the germans became anti-fascists, this is what the ukrainians are saying now, but for that they were severely punished at night, only when they give statistics about where someone died, it doesn’t even amount to one from lisichansk. that’s why we treat captivity differently, and the ukrainians hate their own people, so he showed how they dumped corpses, then in
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mass graves, with a bulldozer, then into wells , by the way, approaching the same severodonetsk, there is a gas station there, let’s talk to people, they will tell you, when our guys liberated, everything was in the bodies there.
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reshuffles are necessary in the cabinet of ministers, including replacing it with a technocratic government; i really hope that this will be accomplished through the formation of a government
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of national unity. and zelensky now, in these critical conditions, should invite the leaders of parliamentary factions in order to discuss decisive actions to strengthen the state's defense capabilities. and one more thing: start yourself, and stay away from the poor ones. well, it should be noted that one of the main proteges of yanukovych just... fell, just one of the founders of yanukovych’s party, one of the ministers, a man who loved yanukovych so much that he couldn’t walk to the toilet, his ass was so licked, poroshenko, what a sweet character, so when they are now looking for stavlenkov yanukovych, well , listen, what is there in the current government? someone who passed by, oh well, tell tales, at all weak funerals and
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days. the representative of the united states of america, who said, he says, you know, we say , we don’t know the details and we don’t know at all, we don’t have information about what was there in lesichansky, but we know for sure that russia is to blame, so we had to tell something further, it was necessary to give some more arguments, to explain something, yes, because every next representative of france, a representative of great britain, they continued the same organ grinder, they too they continued to talk about how russia is to blame for everything and there is no point
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in understanding anything at all. the french were interested in two supposedly humanitarian figures who were trying to launch drones and then they flew at them, and britain believes sincerely that ukraine is exactly the party that complies with international humanitarian law, i would like to find out from the british what part they prefer consider that ukraine respects humanitarian law when it hit hospitals or when it shot in belgorod, or when she threw mines or shells from drones at... until the moment when the representative of ukraine began to speak, the representative of ukraine absolutely in such a manner, you know, such a boor, a tram,
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in reality, it is needed for decision-making, it is necessary to convey the information, which, by the way, today i think is a significant day regarding the arrival of tucker. carlson, because, well, ukraine is hysterical today, ukraine is simply hysterical, well, they’ve already included, of course, the peacemaker is already on the website, they they saw it, they foresaw it, they turned it on in june , they said that tucker carlson, now i’m wondering if it was they themselves who pushed him to interview putin, they didn’t even say, he says everything, you’re a traitor, he says, well, that’s it, then he’s a traitor, then i can go and talk to anyone , maybe i’ll already inform him, he already said that this is not my level, but zelensky is in a difficult situation now, he is in a difficult situation, this is not his level, because well.. .after all, representatives of the republic, because tucker is popular, but zelensky is no longer, well, they in my opinion, we have never been on an equal footing, not even approximately, but of course, now , well, just in case , there are still representatives of the republican party present in kiev today, so i think that in
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this case, when ukraine was covered in hysteria with carlson , then it is unlikely that he will take any adequate steps, i don’t know where he is, he is ready to give an interview to tucker carlson, well, first of all, i don’t think he will ask him for it, although... a tough question was written by one person, which means that elon musk wrote, of course, difficult asking questions when your mouth is busy with what you are serving, that’s why - this is also a separate story, we can show it, i won’t read it, i just didn’t come up with something that elon musk is, it’s hard
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to take at one time, well, yes, well, it’s like that , well, like that, elon musk said so, and his mouth is busy not only with those who are involved in these matters, but also...
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as an independent journalist said, why does he do this, how does he he will do this, he will not be there to try to play along, he will ask questions and so on, well, we know russian president vladimir putin, who is also ready to speak openly on many issues without any cuts, this is very important, why because in america a different point of view will be heard in the world through america, at least, i think, we will hear three directions, this is global peace. what it is like, how it will develop, this is the second topic, the united
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states of america and russia, current relations, how to build the prospects for the relationship, well , of course, ukraine, the conflict in ukraine, finally hear why this conflict happened, finally hear , why were ignored and by whom, russia’s peace initiatives in minsk, in istanbul, who intervened and so on, i think that the americans themselves to a large extent. why did i think so, well, like a classic deputy, i think, wait, well, the representative
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for human rights, he laid out, so to speak, on nine pages that all this is unconstitutional, i read it, it ’s interesting, i wasn’t lazy, they sign everything, a violation constitutions are all over the place, you take it like this, they trample it, then the anti-corruption committee says: guys, yes, you can’t accept it, because there are only corruption schemes, you can write a statement against...
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a summons that they beat you up so much that he ’s lying in the hospital today and says, why is a man 55 years old, why did you beat me like that, a hard worker works, not having fingers as a driver, but they tell him: okay, you can turn the steering wheel, yes, then go to the front and so on, and today there was information that they got confused, and by chance in the odessa region, and beat up, brought romanian citizens to the military registration and enlistment office, you know , they say we are rooms, they show come on, off to the embassy now.
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more than a third have acquired cars, real estate, and so on, yes, officials are also acquiring and preparing to escape, today i read in an article by viktor medvedchuk, the leader of another ukraine, one interesting fact, he says zelensky is preparing, we know that, but why is it interesting? and what he says, there is concrete data that zelensky is in dubai on the island of jumeirah bay, i saw this island, there is luxury housing, i found an apartment 600 km away for 17 million, this is for that
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yacht, this is for the house for my parents , to the house, for so to speak, parents, wife and so on , that is, a person today with a salary of about a thousand dollars, without having the means to finance pensioners, says they will soon die, he acquires everything, then the question arises, why are ukrainians dying there?
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what is this historical territory? poland. so what's going on? look at the exercise map. germany enters nato exercise 100,000. poland, the baltic states, but scandinavia there is separate. further break in the territory there is no slovakia, czech republic and so on and romania. and this means one thing, they ready to enter ukraine. the training until may 31, they understand that something can happen. very much the point. simple, local authorities in the garden are already working there, they are ready to turn to the poles, save us, peacekeeping continent, they are coming in, nato troops are covering, and romania, what will they do, they have exactly the same scheme for bessarabia, russia will come to odessa region,
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prehistory is clear, but we are entering the historical land of bessarabia, this is all deceit, so you need to protect what belongs to you, life, and from this absolutely faceless room we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally
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a plant maniac , real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, alisa, with my character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult , well, i i can handle it, my daughter, my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya. i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how you all got me, and you break something , take it easy, i hate you, it’s clear, you stole my dad, you hit me in the face, are you a dekarka, i’m also a person, dad, allaganova, no one vladislav
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reznik will not protect alice except us, you will live with your mother, having lived, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid.
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to travel in a dry one, yura was the apex of this train, i looked at him, and he looked at me i fell in love, i saw him for some reason and immediately said that i needed one like that, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i have such a strange question for... and what is ukraine fighting for? well, has anyone in ukraine ever really asked themselves a question? what are ukraine’s goals in this war? they are trying to achieve values ​​the same as the common european ones, but are you talking about fagots? well, let
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's listen, here the all-ukrainian one is saying this, in russia the most popular lgbt narrative does not exist at all, gays and lesbians are not exists, however, it cannot be that they do not exist in russian society, but i don’t feel sorry for them, i don’t feel sorry for them at all, everyone gets what they deserve. recently, it’s right away, because you know that the residents of crimea, who hate ukrainians, well, i mean modern political ukrainians, residents of donbass, that
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is, to return to where, that is, they are not welcome there , they are hated there, we want to become part of nato for in order to what, well, what, to pay 2% of what is not there anyway, or to be able to go die for uncle ju, you you do it without anything. or not in nato , that is, this is what, what is real, what goals ukraine is pursuing, russia immediately set it clearly and clearly, like we recognize the dpr, lpr, fuck off, zelensky decided that it’s not enough, we also want to give you the kherson region and zaporozhye to the russians, so this is the point, that in ukraine they never talked about goals, they always talked about values, and this is the most important thing, what values, the ukrainians don’t have any, well, you showed one thing, well, what values, when , wait, what could there be valuables?
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for these values, let's talk honestly, that initially this is what came to donbass, to fight, kill, slaughter, rape, yes, these were openly notorious nazis, these are european values ​​from their point of view, how they won 100 years ago, this is the plague in italy, this so they come with these values, you mentioned these terrible tortures that are now being described there on the russian soldier’s network.
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the video, that means, was shown live, they shot, killed, well, torture was repeated, and that’s it, he came, he said, he never said anything, he went to the rear alone, broke into trenches, never took prisoners, i won’t give his last name, one very famous military-political figure of donbass, who fights brilliantly, his brother was killed, his head was cut off, they played football for her, they filmed it and sent it to him, what about me.
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cosmach of the ivanofrankivsk region in the hutsul region, the heart of the hutsul people, this is essentially the core of the uprising of alexa dovbush at one time, this is how they used to burn witches, this means new witches have appeared, gunners of military registration and enlistment offices or whatever they call territorial committees now, yes that's it they suspected that the woman with the children , and there were little children there, were sitting as a gunner, here are the military registration and enlistment offices... in order to mobilize their men from this village, they were ready to lynch, thank god that some man shouted, that was a mistake, this is
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a different car , they rushed at the one, what they did to them, no one knew. these nazi values ​​are all from there, but you see, when they suddenly came to take away their men in order to lay down their own lives for the sake of these values, yes, right here, you , like russia, have it in me, yes, that is no, no, no, don’t touch our men , let them be there, that means other muscovites are dying in the donbass, skits, we don’t need it, what are you talking about, we’re
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piedmont, so we’ll be piedmont here, yes, if something happens... let's go to the mountains and we will put pressure on these military commissars there, that is, we will defend ourselves, like lex dovbush, we are not there, that's all, this is where this very ukrainian patriotism ends, all these values, it turns out, come down to only one thing: here is my eporus, i i will fight for him, yes, and we will cut down the military commissars, like lexa dovbush cut all those there gentlemen and so on, when the time has come that something needs to be shared with someone, that’s all, that’s all of ukraine.
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it doesn’t matter, let him ask putin such a word butch, butch, constantly repeating, i think they will probably ask, well, i really want, in fact i really hope that they will ask, but we will see, yes, but you understand, they really in fact , there in the west in ukraine they think that we are here at all, they didn’t tell us anything about me having an italian on the air. dehumation of corpses, when it turned out that most of the corpses that were presented died as a result of artillery shelling, because there were these same darts
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that use a nominal element, what we said here in the studio was repeated by the leader of their opposition, remembering trudeau’s responsibility for calling this very nazi, i really hope that this will be the latter sounded like this from the lips of the leader of the canadian opposition, pierre poilvert. mr speaker, for months the prime minister has maintained that he had nothing to do with and was not aware of the invitation of a former nazi soldier to
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reception during the visit of the ukrainian president. now we know that he personally invited this person. remember european values, all kinds there, the state and so on, they tell us a lot, but if we look at the essence of what today, well, probably, the head of state determines the policy today, first of all, yes, the further, the more , i personally have the impression that ordinary ukrainians today are dying en masse for zelensky’s rating, precisely
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for zelensky’s rating, by the way, precisely with this... is connected today with the promised reboot of the government, this is connected with the conflict between the security forces, because well, they are not finalizing, and the government is not finalizing. the rating falls, instead of zaluzhny, he ensured victories there, yes , he ensured the victory of the counter-offensive, he begins to explain that human resources there have some limits, it is clear that here zaluzhny can pursue his interests there, we roughly understand who is behind him worth it, but the conflict, first of all today, i think, connected with this, that is, today ordinary ukrainians, who are also sitting in the trenches... dying, need to understand that there is nothing else but this one, losing ratings, and losing everything, killing them and ukraine, and nothing else for their this
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self-sacrifice is not worth it somewhere, while it seems that today more and more people in the world in europe and america understand exactly this, and from here, by the way, i think that games with the same mistake, but... if return to the interview with takir kalson and with the effect that we are seeing today in all over the world, not even from an interview yet, yes, yes, yes, even just from biting, yes , for a long time, but here we constantly talked about, it’s fair, karasyn returned after 50 years, yes, well, approximately, but the cartoon is 50 years old, yes, yes, and i also recorded it on the roof, we remembered that ukraine is an important political factor , an internal political factor in america, and today in the election campaign, obviously this is manifested, forgive me, i immediately remember
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the classic joke, remember when they say to leonidich, here is linidich, this is carlson, i see that carlson and engelson where, excuse me, this manifests itself in different ways, in particular, there seems to be a problem now with holding the congress. this is largely a show for the americans, for trumpists, in order to support his ratings, and why is this being done, if biden is associated with the loser zelensky, in whom everyone has already become disillusioned, then of course,
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trump today is taking such a step in side with associations with putin, with a successful, strong putin with a successful, strong russia, this, of course, adds to his rating, this there is a break in patterns somewhere. and this is extremely important, every extremely important step towards the further victory of a possible trump over biden in this regard, breaking the mold here , both trump and carlson and of course elon musk here have a very strong impact on the overall perception of russia and here, of course, tomorrow morning elon musk turns off staring ukraine is falling and they say, well, in general. the interests of trump and the interests of russia, they
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must not forget that of course trump, of course, do not coincide at all, because for some reason many people today are so directly they think that this is some kind of breakthrough. we know this, so to be honest , i would like to answer them, it just seems to me that now there are no naive people anymore, that is, everyone understands well that we are interested in trump coming to power, just as we are interested
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in biden’s dissatisfaction with this, we rightly arranges, relatively speaking, a civil fuss on the territory, not even a war, a fuss on the territory of america, so that they take care of their internal affairs, but if they survive the sixtieth elections, in principle, they will survive. live, we have no friends there the political elite, no one at all, that is , even theoretically there is no one who can come to power from the democrats, from the republicans, whom we could.


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