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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 7, 2024 9:05pm-9:20pm MSK

9:05 pm
and that's exactly it. and here is the last moment. and all this, when this system that we are talking about collapses, american support, of course, collapses instantly and european support, which is nothing except after, when the americans disappear, they seem to be unable to do anything. and here comes the absolute collapse of the ukrainian political system. and on this basis, something else may be born, something that today we still do not fully understand. well, i hope nothing happens.
9:06 pm
it seems like germany is back in the thirties years in relation to jews and gypsies , the balts are happy with this, and civilized europe does not see this, this is pure genocide of the russian population, even the americans were forced to raise an eyebrow and say, what are you doing , you generally erect monuments to the executioners of the jewish people, no matter what they then fought with the soviets. well, you are not
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doing this here yet, while the subjectivity of the balts, strictly speaking, and it is generally debatable as such, that is, they can only chop as long as their owners allow them to do so for hatred is indisputable, but hatred is undeniable, in this regard, when we talk about europe, well, probably the european bureaucracy in the form in which it exists will obviously disappear, because as long as it keeps it all in the interests of the americans, here is national europe, it can react differently. here we need to look, if we had academic institutions in our country that would study these issues in depth and principle, then we could rely on their research, but since they have been doing something completely different all these years, therefore there are no opinions on which it could be i would like to rely on, but i hope that someday there will be truly academic studies of these most important issues, you know, vladimirovich, you showed the plot of petro poroshenko’s speaker, i know what i was thinking, you remembered your youth, no, not your youth.
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9:09 pm
so i’m talking about this incident with lynching , you know, on the one hand, well, of course, it ’s a terrible picture, but i think, remember and think, but there was a period of covid, remember, when a bus with people was thrown with stones, and this is vasily dech , vasily demirovich, what values ​​are we talking about, can these people in general, in principle, talk about some kind of values, well, here i am, for example, i can say 100%, it is necessary...
9:10 pm
he will never give in his life, what he will do now, i think there will be sanctions against tucker kalson and he will just - he will simply be prohibited from entering the territory of ukraine in order to generally protect him, i think the europeans are already threatening, the europeans are possible, but there will be no access, because, firstly, he is not capable of such, well, we understand yes tucker kalsan's interview style, i think, in 2 hours of interview, roughly speaking, there is putin there, he will have a place for...
9:11 pm
this interview can play, well, in my opinion, it can produce the effect of a bomb exploding, it seems to me, let's see, we'll live, we'll see, we'll listen, we'll see, now about this mr. aristovich , i don’t know about you, but to be honest, it’s so unpleasant for me to listen to him now, even much more unpleasant than during the period when he said some nasty things, well then, he was more natural then, you know, why am i talking about this because we... we remember the people there, yes, the most terrible people who were nearby, walking around here somewhere, we somehow communicated with them there, well, they seemed like normal people, then in such a situation, bam that’s it, the person in it dies, some animal wakes up , you think, lord, how were we even
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close to these people, we lived with them all there in ukraine, well, well, well, at that moment i was even scared i couldn’t imagine it in my sleep, even my self-perverted fantasy couldn’t give, well, at least... to whatever for an adequate person to imagine that in general this could happen in ukraine, this is possible, it is all happening before our eyes, this country has changed in 10 years beyond recognition, beyond recognition, regarding the last one and the intrigue around zaluzhny, it has not yet been removed , but the intrigue , you know, the intrigue is not whether zelensky will remove zaluzhny or not, i’m sure he will, the intrigue is if the fool removes him, if not... he doesn’t have any good solutions here, and the fact that he will have a loss of rating - this everything is clear, the intrigue is what the further course of events will be, in this regard, i would like, in place of that government, to pay attention to one small detail, in general, of course, you can praise the americans, that the americans are not russians, they
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do not interfere in the personnel policy of ukraine, they also said that it is the sovereign right of the president to make a decision, well , it’s just that a person may not... act very sophisticatedly, and i think that all of this will actually have the most serious political consequences, on this the story won't end. regarding values , when there was the maidan, 13-14, i often went to the maidan itself, and
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spoke with the same people from the ivanofrantkivsk region, from the ternopil region, in simple language, when i asked, it doesn’t matter if maria is there, i say maria, but do you understand what this is? and if it touches you or your relative , it touches you, you will not go to court, you will not give a bribe to free him, of course i will, i say, so how do you want the rule of law on the one hand, on the other to bribe judges, but this is wrong , i say conditionally, and further, therefore, volodya,
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of course i understood that those people who were on the maidan and the slogans that hung on the maidan are two parallel ones that do not intersect in the ukraine that was , but i wanted that in ukraine... that the main narrative that now exists in the west is the unmotivated and
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unprovoked aggression of russia, the brutal aggression of russia, but this, this narrative, it has been in effect for more than 2 years, it more specific ones are strung together narratives, to stand with ukraine to the end, then ukrainian narratives, to go to the cordon of the ninety-first year, all these and then they are repeated like mantras, really subscribers, really hundreds of millions of viewers who watch it all over the world, mainly in the english-speaking world , and he interviews the leader of the russian federation, that is, the person who leads the country as an aggressor, well...
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but he says, well, look, houses are burning in kiev, and you want to interview that person, from whose houses these are burn, in general it’s better for this person. the day or anniversary of the creation of the european union, how else can we officially celebrate if not by imposing sanctions, of course, yes, so
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what do i mean, that there is a top, so you say europe, europe is now so systematically not like the european union, the top of the european union is so systemically and seriously hates the russian federation as a state, hates it, simply and is ready separately, separately, they say, they say directly, even if there is trump, we don’t care. but we will help russia, listen, macron he says, ukraine, macron says, i’ll come to ukraine, soon, i’ll give all the weapons, we have so much money, i look at him, i think, wait, wait, wait, before they reach it, i ’m just sharing these things here , america is america, and europe is europe, so mr. carson is a great guy, a professional, he promotes the whole thing, takes this interview, the interview will come out, this means that you can interview vladimir.
9:19 pm
they say whether to give money to ukraine or not, i felt it, i walked around for so long, but in the end, in the end, wait, wait, so if you give money to ukraine, then if you don’t give money to ukraine, ukraine is going to give it back, now there’s advertising, we won’t continue after that, well, when will we go for the inheritance? premiere on rtr, i’m sorry for your wife, what do you want from me now? i
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want you to operate, now no, stop, i’m in karil, help, sleposovsky, new episodes, tomorrow on rtr. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face that forgives everything, they they’re not bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star,


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