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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  February 7, 2024 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK

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yes, yes, therefore - in this situation we are left with, tomorrow, if i’m not mistaken, this interview should come out, i will watch it with great interest, because i understand that now there is actually such an information vacuum in the west, very many of my colleagues from italy , from many european countries say, we are really looking forward to this, because now there are simply no theses, there is not even any discussion, someone is turning the same barrel organ in the old fashioned way, which is necessary. more weapons, more support for ukraine, no way out of the situation shows, i'm sure that this video that will come out, it will be one of the most, tucker carson will definitely have the most popular video of his career, i have no doubt about it, on the internet, this will probably be one of the most popular videos on the topic of politics, qualitatively, will be inferior, maybe, it cannot be, it will definitely be inferior only to the president’s film from my favorite journalist, there are more and more no other options, thank you.
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tanya, olga, yes, why not call it, for example, henry, cyclone henry, we still have meteorologists have the right orientation, so they bring elements of their personal lives.
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into working relationships, this probably also has a big, big philosophical meaning, that women are so unpredictable, yes, and interesting, if we talk about the cyclone, in fact, this cyclone once again proved that russia is a harsh snowy country, it is in this country that the winter olympic games should be held, 10 years ago in sochi it was not at all in a winter region.
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well, when are we going to collect our inheritance? premiere on rtr. i'm sorry about your wife. what are you doing now? do you want from me? i want you to operate, now on me. stop. i'm in karili. help! sklefosovsky. new episodes.
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tomorrow on rtr, we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge, health, dispelling myths we help you find out the truth, how to act? in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? each risk factor must have its own tablet. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body. about the most important things from monday to
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friday on rtr. razumovsky is listening. anyuta, she’s alive, who the hell is she, i’m your husband, we buried you, come back, hello, but why you, she had to die already to get herself back, she has annesia, how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were the owner of your car. fell into the river, just don’t fall in love with your wife again, i only need you, i think someone set me up, right after the funeral you appear, what are you hinting at, unforgotten, you remembered something, sunday
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on rtr, po regarding the brutal attack that all western media are carrying out on tucker carsen, we can say the following: they call him not a journalist and a propagandist, because in their sense he really is not a journalist, he does not just tell facts, but he analyzes and reflects on what is happening, he is a high-level analyst and publicist. class , which can express its point of view, modern western journalists who attack him, they can only work via teletext, they are only the wheels and cogs of the general bourgeois cause, well, it ’s true, he is a perfect machine, this
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does not mean that he is not preparing for his broadcasts, that’s right, he naturally also uses modern technologies, but he is in a completely free form on the air.
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all the worst things in american history. white, conservative, and with the correct sexual orientation of a man , he’s not even transgender, he’s not homosexual, he’s not a member of minorities, i can tell you now, he’s still handsome, and he’s not a liberal, that is, well, well, well, it’s impossible, he’s even before he has a pleasant appearance, well, of course, this is when they just now issued an amazing paper from elon musk, which supposedly contains instructions on who to hire.
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let's say inside, for example, the russian federation or inside america, this is really true in this the whole world is already involved in the situation. and it is very important that this is happening, that this action is being initiated by the americans. after all, we also have soloviev, another journalistic tritor, platform that is well known to viewers of our channel. last week i gave him an interview, by the way, you can watch the full version on my telegram channel, because she then left. from exile, so what do americans care about? he asked me a very interesting question of such a high strategic level, he said that russia in the modern situation is that if
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she wants, now she is in such a situation that if she wants, she can humiliate the west, she can humiliate the west, and you can get. as a result of the splits that the united states and the european union and the allies of the united states are experiencing, they are all in a divided field. you have been humiliated, the west says in the nineties, and now you can take revenge, humiliate us, the west, and then he asks the question: well, you, as the global hegemon there, maybe you will give us a chance , after all, maybe you won’t humiliate us yes, this is such a question, here he is a really good guy, but he doesn’t catch up, yes, further, and maybe he just really doesn’t catch up, maybe you will save us from ignorance, further? but you understand, it’s a good idea to send them our entire public academy of sciences, but oh,
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we’ll save ourselves, at least from them for now, that is, why i remembered this, because this is the salvation to give, we still have chubais freed himself, but salvation from ignorance, in fact , itaker carson is engaged in salvation from ignorance, because that he is trying to save the western world from the ignorance into which they have plunged, that is what is important, and this conversation is with ours. we must understand this clearly, but the west is afraid, there is such a wonderful writer,
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vitaly volkov, he has a novel kabul-caucasus, where there is such a metaphor, i ’m finishing now, red square can bulge with a bicep somewhere in a very inconvenient place for the west place, in a place inconvenient for the west, so they are afraid that red square could really turn into such a very powerful force, they are trying to do this so to speak, to dissuade in various ways, including banning carlson. interview, by the way, i would not underestimate the meanness of the west and the tendency to censor, i think that they will definitely try to come up with something to minimize the audience, of course, of course, they will definitely try to do something, these are the kind of people but we have a recording, but that’s not the point , we have a recording, but it’s important for the west to see, here, i think, they can teach something, they still have a few, in the night , or rather, yes, it turns out, on the eighth at 2:00 am moscow time will be
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posted, that is, today, night, please, yes, i will join a small one of mine, literally briefly on tucker carlson, on the other hand , i’ll look a little at this problem, we’re discussing the personality of tucker carson, very important , is undoubtedly a famous and talented person with a great future, but i think i won’t be lying if i say that... it doesn’t matter who interviews, it matters who interviews, well, imagine tucker carson there interviewing ours, i don't want to to override the dignity of the leaders of kimchin , for example, i don’t know, lula de silva, excellent leaders, erdogan, modi, are the leaders of very large countries with giant economies serious, he removed orban by the way, well, some yes, and here the interview is taking place, the entire information space is exploding usa, well, we probably need to talk about this. say out loud that - he is interviewing a historical figure of global scale,
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who has been in power for a quarter of a century and has changed the course of history on planet earth, which is why this interview is previewed has already collected 50 million views and will collect half a billion views, i have already given the task to my team to see what the reaction will be in china, i am sure they will translate it immediately, they will read it and we will add views there to these twitters. in china, in india and so on , all this will be directly billions of views, they absolutely correctly said that it will influence the us presidential elections, but not to say interference, there is forgery, but just in a word, yes, and just the appearance itself, this one a shift in the united states, this is something they can’t bear, let alone there takiroson is going somewhere and so on, he really is an influential person of the twenty-first century and he gives an interview and he changes the agenda, this is a very important story, well, for me as a sinologist it is important... that in 2 days the chinese new year, i’ll come by to my clearing , all our viewers who have relations with china, the chinese
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who monitor all the broadcasts, consider it the most important political program that shapes the agenda in our country, i also want to congratulate them, everyone who deals with the chinese on friday night, saturday will be celebrated , then rest for two weeks, so blue, standard congratulations, happy new year to everyone and so on, well, i’ll immediately bridge the gap that some things have begun to seethe in moscow, that sergei...
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speeches greeting the chinese, they’re almost in chinese , and we have some kind of fight against some kind of imaginary danger, and so on, of course, we need the winter season now, the minister of defense of china, comrade, comrade dongdyun, who studied at the general staff academy, if you believe, we have no reason to believe , sergei kozhegetovich shoigo, that is there are more and more of our people. everywhere in china and so on, please come, especially during the winter season, neither the hotel is busy nor anything, moscow is just filled with snow, half of china lives, they see snow once every 100 years, it’s great for them to come and see, this is for them olga, this is an impression of a lifetime, believe me, for many olga is an impression of a lifetime, yes, well,
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excuse the ambiguity, but things may turn out differently there. exactly so, that means, well, that is, this is the story, well , i can’t help but pay attention to again, this is not tosyan was there, well , yes, yes, yes, yes, well, it doesn’t matter, in general, this is not the point, but i can’t say a few words about stopping the operations of banks, certain of just one bank, which means from the fourteenth for years they have been observing hysteria in the media , primarily the ukrainian one, which means that there again , it means that you are such a friend, china has abandoned us all, and the usa is picking it up, the whole western media is there, i have one... question, if since then they close accounts all the time, they don’t let us work, like we’re up to 200 billion dollars in the second round, it’s like we’re carrying these in bags or something this money or what? that is, every time this question arises for me, yes, of course , it’s american, i don’t want to devalue the american treasury, which means the ministry of finance, the treasury, they work, they have powerful intelligence, they scan, monitor and so on, they put sticks in there
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wheels, but in fact, some little things, some little things can mean slowing down history, but to its credit some...
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well, regarding the teachings there, china, iran, that means russia is in the persian gulf, but we are with the houthis the situation has now arisen, and we we have been conducting the exercise for 5 years, that is, already in my, in my memory, this is just an annual event, we are ready for this, we are ready to protect our traffic and so on , there is no new situation for us, we are absolutely ready for this, and since vika nulan was also discussed, i’ll bet my 5 kopecks that there’s no need to devalue her, she’s a very experienced person, she’s not only 3 months old, but you all know that she spent 3 months, that means in russian... studying the russian language on board, yes, but she studied in guanjo even before that, that is, any american official, he sees in our connection, which means russia and china, some kind of existential threat, well, nothing, so to speak, we are also working in our own direction and strengthening our connections, great, that is, yakushi is a connection, a connection, yes, well, it happened , there were other hurricanes, please, i’ll expand
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on my colleague’s idea, really, probably, the essence of the question is not that... an american came to russia from america on an american plane, who will interview the president of russia in american language and show him in america americans. the essence of the question is different: whether someone likes it or not, but the reality is that more than 60% of information materials on the planet are published in english, a grandiose global vaccination with the cheese of truth is expected, that’s why all this... which president putin is able to tell the planet , we know them very well, being in our six percent russian-language information space, but many people really don’t know them, including
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american society, so the prospects for joseph biden, whom they again wanted this, let’s say, man is obviously suffering, has certain health problems, and with his worldview, they wanted to put him in the presidential chair again, this may not work, he will only have a ukrainian badge, so we know, yes, i just won’t develop this idea further, we know the end of our saying about the badge, that’s why the main character here is putin, then, probably, only history will show how this interview was worked out, tucker carlson, of course an extraordinary personality, the most popular english-language journalist on the planet
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, of the most complex, most complex era, when we are at war with absolute satanism, from such an absolute lodge, and the divide is not based on nationality, but in relation to this world order, in which such pseudo values ​​dominate degenerative attitude, here we have allies in the states, in china, in brazil, in any country in the world, in this regard, relations with belarus are very interesting, because we had very difficult relations with belarus. well really very difficult, but they became absolutely clear, just like that they went into the direction they should have, when it wasn’t about how much energy resources cost,
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whether there is everything in milk, what’s wrong with potatoes, what’s going on when it’s not about this is what we were talking about when we started talking in general about things that are fundamentally important, namely about the value series and... it will, indeed, i am sure, also come from the position of understanding the value series, because tucker is, of course, a person who adheres to traditional
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values , traditional, of course. and this it’s absolutely obvious, but as for belarus, i’ll remind you that president lukashenko always said that when we find ourselves in a situation of choice, we will stand shoulder to shoulder, back to back and we will be together, in principle, the course of history has only confirmed this, all those , let’s say, the specialists who tried to calculate our relationship with the calculator, well, many of them are already far beyond the borders of the union state. reset, yes, they even say they changed their name, yes, they even say they changed their name, but they need citizenship like this and it was there from the beginning, that’s it that's it, see you tomorrow.
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here's the hair, uh-huh, uh-huh, hold it, and these are the nails, you can't mix them up, look, don't lose them, hurt them, that's all, there's nothing else for us, well, i don't remember, we'll have to look.
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dear heart, look, in my opinion, in their area there are autopsy reports, not criminal, there is an autopsy report on a man from parady, cranial brain, there are, but no, we already have the most killings, a fall from the height of our own height, but glory god, yeah, you'll take it, let's, yeah.
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sign and go. from the height of my own height, uh-huh, why are my trousers pulled down, lord, masha, well, what's the difference, well, the man wanted to pee on the front door, so he was actually coming out of the house, well, you never know, zoey, you're here, i just brought from the morgue an act of concealing a fall from a height of my own height, the boss said swiss, please, i have there is already one drop for the collection, or what? so, interesting, this guy’s pants are also unbuttoned, so what, maybe he wanted to urinate in... the front door, he couldn’t stand it until he got home, he lives in this front door, mash, just don’t say that this is a maniac who takes off everyone’s pants , it's a coincidence, everyone hi, zhenya, i’m looking for you, we have another corpse in the front door, the cranial-cerebral one, but now i’ll leave the evidence, let’s go, let’s go, volodya, what are the circumstances, but it’s hard to say
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when, when he was taken to the hospital, he came to himself , but he doesn’t remember anything, amnesia, who is karastelev, viktor gennadievich, the turner, by the way, was without documents, okay, his wife went to the store and saw him. curiously , i went there, and there my husband was lying with a broken head. volodya, am i ready? let's go. check there about the trousers. yes. come on, they’re a bummer, don’t talk about it i want to. agree. what are you pulling, will you knock? you can't hear it louder. you need to knock louder. open up, police. who's yelling here? police, come on in, we ’re keeping drunks away, but what kind of cardiology are you? well, go to your cardiology department, we close you off from drunks, otherwise he’s a hooligan, and you have nothing to smoke at all,
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why can’t you smoke, or what? it’s impossible , i’m tired of everything, i haven’t seen it, well, that’s it, shut up, shut up , to vita korostelev, and with the cranial brain, his wife sits there, such a wonderful girl, doesn’t leave his side. is caring for her, and is already her doctor kicks her out, to rest , but she doesn’t care, she’s sitting there, lucky guy, come here guys , thank you, yeah, thank you very much, quiet down, please, quiet down, i’m an investigator from the prosecutor’s office, i know, i know, i know, i know, they’ve already come the police have already arrived, the case of the attack on your husband will be in the prosecutor's office, i have to interrogate him. why, why are you torturing him, i beg you, don’t, please, don’t torture him, i beg you, please, okay, okay, i’ll go talk to the doctor, if he allows it, i’ll bother him, don’t, i’m asking you don't need it, i'm begging you, okay, volodya, but
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what kind of black eyes does he have under his eyes , did he also get hit in the face, have you never seen, no, this is a traumatic brain injury due to a contusion of the brain... the brain has such bruises around the eyes, yeah, they’re called glasses, oh well, wake up, i'll be right back, okay, in the nineties the name of director valentin gnyushev thundered throughout the country, but at some point gnyushev seemed to disappear, there were rumors that because of his unbearable character, all his friends turned away from him, egeniy was quietly drinking himself to death in his elite booth, whom he remembers and...
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i'm in karil, help! slefosovsky, new episodes, tomorrow on rtr, favorite songs are heard in our studio, let's go, birthday.
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i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what kind of masquerade did you arrange? i agree, a million is not worth it, listen, antokh, you can’t do the same,
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listen, brother, live your life, don’t meddle in mine, come on for now, are you twins or something, you should fall in love, oh, granny, from you can't hide anything. butterfly, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took him off, congratulations, you're pregnant. without love on friday on rtr, the show is already 37 years old this year, but these are only a few of such long-lived people on the air, i chose my job correctly, regina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor, this is a printing press. it's true, you
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're still printing scripts for a full house, the sound is still in your apartment, when everyone says that she's still at work at work, that's not entirely true, the most important thing in my life for me is my husband, my dad took me and put me on the train to travel in a dry one, yura was the apex of this train, i looked at him and he fell for me, i... i already saw him for some reason and immediately said that this is what i need, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, please, thank you, klava, hello! uh-huh, i'm an investigator from the prosecutor's office, mm
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, about karasnelev, yes, you can interrogate him, yes please, just useless, amnesia, doesn't remember anything , do you want some soup, thank you, no, in vain, freebie, that he doesn't remember anything at all, at all, you know, this happens with a head injury, but the brains, in short, in the future, in perspective? in the future, a coffin , at best, the house of chronicles, head, head, it’s a delicate matter, he won’t recover, how can i know that, although we had a patient, half of his skull was blown off, a sailor, a riverman, was standing on the deck at that time the borzha sailed under the bridge, and so they brought him, first him, then half of his head, like that. and that, well, nothing
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, he was discharged a month later, lived for 9 years, died, yes, he died here, i made a cover for him, instead of brains he already had only water, lord, but how did he live, without brains - that’s better, life is easier, really, klav, of course, eat , yes, thank you, no, lava cooks very well, but you don’t remember what condition his clothes were in, the riverman’s, karastelev’s, clean, intact, unstained with blood, yeah, his trousers were buttoned or unbuttoned , well, how do i know that, i examined him soon, they could have been unbuttoned, well, yes, what is it, sexual violence, no, no, okay, let's go, only you
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know if you still want to interrogate him , yeah, i advise you not to leave without a protocol, tomorrow may be too late, we got married six months ago. just kids we didn’t have one, we live well, last year victor quit his job , the plant shut down, victor was doing some slacking, i don’t know, they were washing cars, doing repairs, and i’m a nurse, a masseuse, they paid well, we had money. didn't victor drink? no, what?
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where did you live? we rent an apartment here, around the corner. what? what, doctor? just a second, just a second. listen, maybe you don’t need all this trouble, huh? please, let's leave him out of this, it won't get any better. please let. write there, he fell himself, probably hit himself. and you don't do you want us to find those who attacked him? yes, i want to, but you will find no one. why do you think so? i think. how's it going, baby? everything is the same, mom, here’s an investigator from the prosecutor’s office, hello, oh, what a disaster , something, something, there are too many of you, gentlemen, come on, quickly into the corridor, i want to stay here, i have the right to stay with my husband,
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i have the right to be with my husband, don’t touch me, let’s shake it, let’s go, swallow, let’s go, let’s talk in the corridor. calm down, calm down, everything will be fine, who is this, this is your wife, viktor gennadievich, do you remember, how did you end up in that front door, which front door, where you were injured, now you are in the hospital, i understand why you call me like victor, because your name is... victor gennadievich korostylev, no, that’s not my name, but as? i don't remember, but not victor.
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do you remember where you live? no, well, do you remember anything? i remember that i remember that i have never been married, your juice, hello, hello, please,
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“you’re right, i don’t want to read like that, these are hopeless capercaillie, it’s better if they refuse, anyway, we’ve already given these poor fellows we can’t help you in any way, my son went to school , he’s studying mathematics, and so he told me this rule: through one point on a plane you can draw as many straight lines as you like, but through two, especially three, only one,
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you hint, i say directly, that means three capercaillie, what should we do?" "well, we need to inspect the front doors, completely cover the walls, look for traces, maybe there are the same prints there. evgenia, where are you going? masha, you have the right to inspect the front doors. and what about lunch, will they bring you something hot now? no time, we already have a lot of time lost. i imitate you. was i really the same? we might think you're different now. damn, where's your phone?
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you run faster, yes
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, you called the patrol officers, yes, yes, i went to the department, everyone was safe, everything is fine, over there, are you? you are the hero of the day today, well done, thank you, where is the client? yes, here , well, this is a difficult fruit , we haven’t tried to talk yet, but i’m afraid that he won’t agree to talk, so we need to get him right away , we need to get him on the record, marya sergeevna, please interrogate him, i’m a witness, but we have plenty of witnesses , bartender, police officers, evgeniya anatolyevna sent the corpse to be examined, well , we need to work with this delicately, very much you. please, viktor ivanovich , you haven’t forgotten that i have two pending cases, it will probably turn out to be a murder, mash, you were given these cranial-brain injuries, you’d better do it, the movie asks, evna, murder in the presence
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of witnesses is already luck, but the witnesses are professionals, so you can only dream about it, okay, i’ll try, but i don’t have the forms, here they are, mash, just take care of yourself, i ask, okay, what about other investigators besides the woman? no, talk to the woman i won’t, talk to me, she’s afraid of me, she’s about to shit my pants, take off the handcuffs, are you sure, yeah, if anything happens, we’re here in the corridor, nothing will happen to me, hello, surname shvetsova. name is marya sergeevna. the duty lawyer will come now. why a lawyer? i don't need a lawyer. are you
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going to testify without a lawyer? marya sergeevna, what are the indications? would you like us to talk together? fine. what is your name? petrov. igor yurievich. where? you live, i’m not local, i came from another city, i wanted to rent a house, i didn’t have time, but where are your things, in luggage storage, at the station , there are documents, but the documents were stolen on the train, but what about the things at which station, maybe we’ll go and pick them up, i forgot the locker, and why would they screw you over like that, you would also forget everything, don’t you remember? no, oh well, things are acquired, but where did you come from?
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i said, i lost everything from fear, i don’t remember anything except the name, and even that was unclear, you know, citizen investigator, i was walking along. i didn’t touch anyone, suddenly i heard they were shooting, so i ran, and some big guy was behind me, so i thought that these were the ones shoots, they want to remove the witness, and you know why they took swabs from your palms, they rubbed something with gauze, and on this gauze they will find tiny particles, powder soot, and maybe even microscopic shavings from the cartridge case. all this will indicate that you recently shot, there are probably also your prints on the pistol, and that it is stupid
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to deny the obvious, on the contrary, it is stupid to admit, but can i go to the toilet? guys, take him to the toilet, come on, get up, hands, marya sergeevna, don’t bother me. igor, the name is not his own, i’ll go
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i’ll read the protocol, of course. you unbutton my pants, listen, that’s what i’m saying! hello, tell me , please excuse me, viktor ivanovich, what’s wrong with shvetsova, we can’t find a place for ourselves, what happened there, keeler tried to escape, she wanted to detain him, and what did he do to her, she hit herself,
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hit her head. hit her, i sent her home, but everything is fine, it’s better to ask what she did to him, she broke a man’s legs, he will remain disabled, how, well, how , he was about to jump out of the window, she grabbed him, he lost his balance and hit the asphalt, that marya sergeevna, well, the doctors examined her, thank god, there are no concussions, i took her home, tomorrow she will be in service, this killer, well, the doctors say, her heels are crushed, she needs a post in the hospital, well, of course, they installed the patches, skate , viktor ivanovich, when you didn’t have time to do this?
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such a thing to you, what, what to you , yes, i have confiscated the wills during the investigation, tell me, and shveytsova is marya sergeevna, here he is, so what, well, it’s just thanks to her that i was acquitted, and what happened to her, yes you you heard they hit her head, uh, thanks, huh things.
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who is marya sergievna, it’s me, well... lugansky, dmitry sergeevich, yes, why did you come, and i, well, ah, i came to apologize to you, for what? how for what? for what i did, remember then, the day before, i broke into your house, in general these... marya sergegievna, that means i behaved like a complete idiot, you know, this is for you, please, please, thank you, here , well, actually, well, in general, everything is clear , well, yes, we are also to blame for you, no, no, no, what are you, no, no, no, no, no, well that someone may be to blame, but it’s not you, not you, on the contrary, i’m very grateful to you, so to speak, because if it weren’t for you, well, i’m
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all for... flower, thank you, that’s it no, no, please take it, i don’t need it, but where did it go, you see, here, marya sergeevna, i was at your prosecutor’s office, and they told me that this accident happened to you, you i need a doctor, yes , i’m ready, well, not in the wrong sense, in the sense that i’m ready... to bring him, you just, well, you know, no need, no need, so, goodbye, goodbye, yeah, and here i am, yeah, yeah... marya sergeevna, you
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can think whatever you want about me, but i think about you all the time. masha, why did you come, they told you to lie down, i’m a walking patient, what are you doing, it hurts, boss. yes, he has zhenya and the police, oh, masha, they say you threw the detainee out the window, now i’ll throw you out too,
11:18 pm
okay, hello, marya sergeevna, you look great, how are you feeling, thank you , fine, well, yes, really , everyone is good, we’re sitting here summing up the results. who is guilty? no one guilty, but who knew that he didn’t say , i don’t agree with you, if the prisoner, as expected, had been placed in a temporary detention center and interrogated there, the escape would not have happened, or, well, then, what? if they had taken his fingerprints first, then now we would have his data, yes, well, yes, this killer’s hands are all broken and bandaged, there’s no way to get rid of him yet , it matters if he’s convicted, and if not, if they could prove it, yes? listen, let's take a seat, let's constructively what we have: attempted escape, getting the detainee suffered serious injuries,
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injuries, came unstuck, the detective and the employee , prosecutorial reports, explanations at all levels, internal checks, investigation of everything, and this is not the main thing, but now on the merits. the identity of the detainee has not been established, nor has the identity of the killed. evgenia anatolyevna, report to us the results of the examination of the corpse. well, why are you sitting? documents in the name of belotsirkovsky were found in the car. so. the documents are fake, the photo has been pasted over. belotsirkovsky is not listed according to the address bureau. car. the car is stolen. 3 months, the registration number was replaced, but the engine number remained the same, they identified it by it, sit down, and on the corpse there are zonov’s tattoos, well, thank god , well
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, at least i understood something, at least don’t forget to fingerprint it, something else, still in the wallet payphone card, check all his calls using it, maybe we can somehow establish connections, the request was sent, the answer will be in 2 days, it’s expensive to listen to, after all. detained, we need to interrogate him, contact the hospital, maybe he has already come to his senses, they promised to call us as soon as possible interrogate, okay, well, after all , we discussed it, that’s it, everyone is free, do you want drying? while you're here, i wanted to discuss two more traumatic brain injuries with you. what other cranial brain ones? viktor ivanovich , viktor ivanovich, well, what other cranial-cerebral injuries, since as far as i remember,
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there was a fall from the height of one’s own height, yes, but why would two young men fall in their front door, both sober, but that’s nothing yet doesn’t speak, both have their trousers unbuttoned, despite the fact that one left the house and the other was walking home, and what else is there, and what else did you look at the autopsy reports? both have traces of metallization in their wounds, well , let’s get excited, well, wait a minute, just think, metallization, so what, the front steps are made of stone, but what do you want to do? you need to inspect the front doors, treat the walls on your finger , well, no one needs this at all, it’s just work for the basket, you never know whose fingerprints could be in the front doors, i looked at the protocols, and so the corpses lie there in such a way that the traces of the attacker could be... ..
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yesterday i was getting ready, but because of this murder i didn’t have time, well, let’s do the last thing you did a second inspection of the front doors, no, i ’ll ask shveytsova to deal with the attack in the front doors. yeah, tolya, yes , we’ll have to hire a criminologist, listen, well, this is a utopia, the walls there are covered, i don’t know what, well, let’s try, the weather has been good lately, but maybe there are traces left there, and the last victim, this... korestelev with a traumatic brain injury, but they didn’t try violence, so this already means a series, right? what does it look like? shveytsova, shveytsova will deal with this matter in complex. and i, and you, will throw all your strength at the killer. i hope at least he doesn’t run away from your hospital. viktor ivanovich, the rvd officer on duty just told me that they have some kind of emergency service there, yours?
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so, hello, i need a burial permit. my husband died in the hospital, viktor gennadievich korostalev, died? it is you? well, yes, i am. i need to get a burial permit. yes, sure. where will you be buried? i’ll take you home in the ivanovo region. it’s strange, i was so worried in the hospital, i didn’t even leave my bed, here in more than one eye. business woman. is that how you de-scoped? no, why, his wife
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confirmed it, his identity has been established, well, well, we’ll find prints in the entrance, we ’ll have to limit his traces, yes, oh well, i ’m going to the morgue anyway, so i’ll do a doctelloscope, and what’s he in the hospital where our killer lay, well, yes, this is the krostylev case, yeah, masha, in general, yesterday someone acquitted in your case came...
11:26 pm
yeah, well, what are we looking for, masha, there was a corpse lying here, yeah, trousers.


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