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tv   Taini sledstviya-2  RUSSIA1  February 8, 2024 2:05am-3:50am MSK

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tremley was told that the interview was recorded during a face-to-face meeting. as the press secretary of the russian president explained, the head of state spoke with carlson because his position is strikingly different from the traditional anglo-saxon media. it is noteworthy that television channels and newspapers controlled by the white house have already attacked carlson, proclaiming him to the kremlin propagandists. some politicians even suggested that he should not be allowed back into the united states. the journalist may fall under eu sanctions. goes to the amur region preparations for the russian-chinese winter festival, it will be held on the ice of the amur river, athletes are training hard, the organizers are preparing the site for competitions, what surprises await the guests of the festival, alexey cherbakov found out. for the second year in a row, it is in february that the appearance of the amur river near blagoveshchensk changes, a huge area is cleared on the ice, and first of all, a hockey rink is installed on it. now the venue for the matches is already gaining friendship between the russian and chinese teams. first recognizable outline. how
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only specialists will complete the installation of the box and begin arranging the town, heating tents, stands, and lighting. amur and chinese hockey players will traditionally hold three meetings. first, children will take to the ice, then older guys will finish the tournament , veterans 40 plus. young athletes are now participating in the all-russian golden puck competition. the experienced temp team plays city championship matches, is involved in the night hockey league, and in january the ice squad went to a tournament in china and brought back silver medals from the competition. and this is already the blagoveshchensk race car racing competition, as they themselves admit, is part of the training before the international winter games; the pilots will have a busy program. in the jeep category , it is planned to compete with sixty russian and chinese cars, in addition, there will be races for trucks and all-wheel drive vehicles, and for the first time, demonstration drift competitions will be held. i wouldn’t say that we are worried, but we are preparing the car so that we wo n’t be ashamed to show it to our chinese friends. drifter, this is our first time participating in this kind of event. full program so far
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is kept secret, but some details are already known, including a car exhibition, souvenir shops, interactive areas, sled dog riding, and a snowball tournament. now everything is being done to ensure that the holiday becomes a bright event for every guest. alexey sherbakov, alexander raskazov, conduct the amur region. this is news, we are monitoring developments. the svu participants, who are currently undergoing rehabilitation , went on a trip to kamchatka. this opportunity was made possible thanks to volunteers peninsula and local travel companies. they organized holidays for combat veterans . maria losenko went on the excursion with them. a team of five loads up and sets out along the snowy path. participants of the route are combat veterans. actions, they are all currently
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undergoing rehabilitation. the fighters crossed a small forest on a snowmobile and then set off along a dry river. this opportunity arose thanks to the volunteers of the peninsula. first , the ministry of tourism approached a local travel company with such a proposal, and they in turn, they asked for support from the fatherland defenders foundation, and thanks to their joint efforts, this is the second time that the participants of the festival have enjoyed the views of kamchatka. the promotion is not a one-time event, that is, it is not planned at all. several, or even more, until there is snow cover that allows snowmobile excursions to be carried out, we will carry them out. after a short break, the main part of the route begins - avachensky pass. on a snowmobile, the team rises to a height of about 1200 m and ends up at the foot of the volcano, where a view opens onto a snow-white valley and breathing giant despite the winding route and sub-zero temperatures, fighters with a tempered character admit that the road was easy. in principle, we overcame
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the work very well, despite the fact that i now have a prosthesis, not much time has passed since the prosthetics, we drove very carefully, the pass between the karyaksky and ovachensky volcanoes is the most popular for visiting, polina acted with care protect this wild corner, many, having been here, at least once say, kamchatka is a place of power, connecting with nature, this is the power of a volcano. it inspires, gives energy, well, an indescribable feeling to visit such wonderful places, only in kamchatka, of course, such a trip gives inner faith and fortitude, here you forget about all the hardships, you are left alone with nature, just you and the majestic volcanoes. maria lysenko, valery shamarin, broadcaster kamchatka. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website vesti s.
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they are monitoring developments. come on, let's go court. more, more, more, excellent, good, so , morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, hello, we and... nastya, we thank everyone who turned on, we will try to interest, not disappoint, in general, to be on top. why do astronauts need sunglasses? it turns out that this thing is very useful in orbit, as space blogger konstantin borisov spoke about. of course, you won’t be able to bask in the rays of a star on the iss; this is how we
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sunbathe on the beach. but it’s easy to get a sunburn, just a few are enough. seconds, since the space station does not have the same protective layer as the earth. i have. a watch is in your hands, a lubinophore is applied to its hand, if you support such a watch with the sun, then the hands will then glow in the dark, to fully charge it on the ground it takes 10-20, maybe 30 seconds, but next to this window it is enough to support it in color just a couple of seconds, well, on earth, in russia there are more and more cases when wild animals are walking on the outskirts of populated areas, the fact that getting close to the forest brothers is dangerous is not obvious to everyone, how to reduce probability? sergei egorov will tell you about such meetings, and then we will discuss it with the guest. why are you offending the little one? healthy boar. residents of mytishchi near moscow are exclusively friendly with their forest brothers. and how could it be otherwise, if this year, in search of food, wild boars began to approach citizens at arm's length, although the initial joy
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of the petting zoo under the windows was short-lived. one time she came out to me like such a huge figure, you know, this is a figure. i got scared and ran away. later, in addition to the fear from unexpected encounters, everyday ones were added. inconvenience, first a flock. the khovanovs blocked the approach to the garbage cans, apparently mistaking them for feeding troughs, and then began to restore their order. they surround you like this, and people throw food, just throw bags and leave. but confiscation of purchases is far from the worst of the consequences of the forest’s rapprochement with civilization. in mordovia, having tasted the taste of road salt, wild boars, moose, and sometimes bison were encouraged to go out onto the roadway . the number of road accidents has increased in the region. to keep four-legged animals off the roads, the reserve's staff had to create separate chains of grease to lead them away. where animals can safely feed, this scheme began to operate after 3 years, they stopped going out on the roads , the number of accidents decreased, however, even such a successful experience can hardly be considered a panacea, because
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sometimes the release of animals to people requires a much more rapid response. in january, in the kurgan region, a wolf attacked residents of a resort village right in the village; four were bitten, one woman died. from here a huge wolf ran straight towards ambulance, and he was not afraid, experts are sure that the migration of predators in areas adjacent to the forest needs to be monitored separately, for this it will be necessary to at least partially restore the yager institute, which successfully coped with this task in the soviet years. in those areas where there have already been cases of wild animals entering populated areas, it is probably necessary to have specialists in the huntsman who will monitor this without developing such a service. such a system, we will be dealing with these ongoing, often leading to big troubles in contacts. among the measures that can be taken now is tightening control over the work of public utilities in areas bordering the forest. it is necessary to strengthen control over the entry
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of our food waste into the natural habitat of animals, which are marker points to which they constantly strive. control and supervisory authorities, primarily rosprirodnadzor. must eliminate unauthorized waste disposal sites, monitor, identify them and find the culprits. in addition, experts strongly recommend that citizens do not aggravate the problem themselves by feeding even the most harmless forest inhabitants. following the boars that are accustomed to the city food of kasulmi, soon those who usually hunt them may emerge from the thicket. well, there is something to discuss with the director of the seversov institute of ecology and evolution of the russian academy of sciences sergeevnaydenko. sergey valerievich , welcome.
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that is - if you have a lot of ungulates in the forest, uh, for example, a wolf has a chance that he will go out into the village, he becomes much lower, this is true, but it does not become zero, here someone... may still go out to drive away, drive away, but rather not attract, after all, a variety of animals come for different reasons, but for some reason a polar bear is in the north, he’s definitely going through the trash heaps, but i don’t know how to dispose of garbage there, i’ve been to the kuril islands, but it’s all far away, there’s no such technology there, you don’t even need recycling for that, for that take it away , put it not in the village, but take it out, yes, when the wolves come into the village, maybe try some techniques with carrying flags, there... well, in general, this has always been such a standard wolf hunt, when the territory is flagged and they try
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to drive the animal further inside this territory, it doesn’t run out as a rule, here are the flags, but how do you help animals in this situation? well , in animals you understand, this is evolutionary life, i mean, in evolution it’s how it worked out, the strongest survive, the most adapted survive, so they are looking for where to find something better,
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shooting the wolf, money is paid there, yes, but this is still so isolated in individual regions, and it should be so, it should not be everywhere everywhere, thank you, thank you about how to protect people from attacks by wild animals, we spoke with the director of the severtsev institute of ecological problems of evolution, russian academy science sergedenko , have a great day, thank you very much, good morning everyone, oleg, sklefosovsky, new episodes, today at 21:20, come on, all together, good show
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of unprecedented scale, there are 40 of you on stage, you can take the main prize by force, look all together, tomorrow at 21:30, every third person in our country would like to try themselves as self-employed, this is data from public opinion polls, your partner among. today, 9 million russians across the country are already developing their businesses. this is greatly facilitated by the national project “small and medium-sized enterprises”, within the framework of which self-employed people can receive a range of support measures at the “my business” centers, including educational and consulting services on starting their own business, financial planning, attracting investments and many others. you build when you make patterns, just millimeters by millimeters, each wallet
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is like a work of art, it is for the impeccable quality of products that people come to alexander pertsev, today a man can no longer imagine his life without working with leather, and only 5 years ago, a former employee postal service department and had no idea that an ordinary hobby could turn into a life’s work. i started to get very tired, at that time i had already been practicing my hobby at home for 3 years, sewing products leather. they were in demand. all products, be it a belt, a bag or a purse, are exclusively handmade with their own character. i noticed that there is a manual show here, i like that. the more buyers, the easier, because alexander chose self-employment as the optimal form of taxation. the simple principle of creating an account is convenient registration and payment of tax, plus a special form of taxation allows you to qualify for a reduced rate of contributions. the entrepreneurship support fund will always find the right words for my business. once upon a time the first consultation helped him make the right decision. that is, for 2 years in a row
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i have been receiving advertising support from them, that is, these are marketplaces. they are available to 7,000 thousand self-employed people in the region; today they have a number of opportunities to help them start successfully promoting their business. by the way, anyone can contact one of the consultation centers throughout the country. at the moment, there are more than 9 million self-employed citizens in the country; in my business centers throughout the country, they can free receive educational and consulting services on starting your own business, financial planning, and legal support. marketing support services for activities and business plans are available to the self-employed.
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they told us about all possible types of support and helped us draw up a business plan. now the girl creates unusual figures from paper to order and conducts three-dimensional modeling classes for children. i started making fish because i wanted to make my zodiac sign. it’s a special joy to see how flat paper you get three-dimensional figures and toys with which you can play and decorate your room. marina either develops the design of crafts through special programs, or buys ready-made ones now. dreams of being trained to create all 3d models on my own, i plan to also undergo training at the school of social entrepreneurship, now i am preparing documents to get on the register, then i will need to undergo training, also in the center of my business, school for social entrepreneurs, millions of our fellow citizens do not stop there either, because support allows you to turn any endeavor and hobby into your life’s work.
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nikita, you will marry me for 3000 , half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not a fictitious one, i fell in love with your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what did scarat do there, i agree, a million is not worth it , listen, antokh, you can’t do the same, listen, brother, live your life, don’t interfere with mine, let’s do it for now. are you twins or something, the little one fell in love, oh, granny, you can’t hide anything, daddy, you married your daughter a rich businessman, yes, but turned out to be the husband of a daring unemployed girl, he was filmed, congratulations, you are pregnant, without love, on
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friday on rtr. shlag is already 37 years old this year , but there are only a few of these long-lived on the air, i chose my job correctly, origina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor, this is a typewriter, it’s true, you are still typing for a full house, the sound is still there time for a general apartment, when everyone says that she ’s still at work at...
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on rtr razumovsky listen, anyuta, alive, who are you anyway, i’m your husband, we you were buried, come back, hello, why are you here, it’s simple there. she had to take a breath to bring herself back, she has amnesia, how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were with the driver, your car fell into the river. just don’t fall in love with your wife again , i only need you, i think someone set me up , right after the funeral you appear, what are you
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hinting at, unforgotten, you remembered something, sunday on rtr, there was no sadness, i bought grandma pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will set everyone up. this is an incredibly charming face to which you forgive everything. they are not bored at all. well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either. after all , each of them is a real star. trink-trink. the secret of dreams. how did you agree to this, at first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding
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program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr. enamored! a person thinks differently, it’s true, and he sees the world completely differently. this truism has been scientifically confirmed by australian research scientists. in romantic relationships, people notice only the good in their loved ones and do not pay any attention to the shortcomings. some even lose their minds from love. the development of american biologists will come to the rescue, of course, for medical reasons. for the first time, it was possible to print working brain cells on a 3d printer, so...
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the location of the date is very important, but it does not have to be something famous, because it is much more pleasant when everything around is just for the two of you. by the way, the most important advice, if you want to make an unforgettable impression, do not say that you are taking a girl on a date, let her think that she is going to an ordinary meeting or other important matters, then the emotions from such an unexpected romantic surprise will simply go off scale. here’s another interesting idea: you give your other half this win-win lottery, and let fate itself decide what exactly you should do on a romantic date, go to
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a japanese restaurant or a sports match, well, with the arrival of cold weather, this is especially relevant become home dates, this is of course for those couples who already live together and don’t mind moving the furniture a little. to free up space, well, your culinary skills will come in handy right away, the tastier the treat, the better, and when your counterpart finds out that everything was prepared with these very hands, he will generally go crazy. hello, darling, don’t come today, my soup didn’t work out, oh, or rather, i got sick. started,
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let's, let's smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don't forgive me, the main thing is to lead the morning, we let's talk about the main thing in russia and abroad, in karina ilyin's studio, hello, more than forty different benefits for almost 20 million people have been indexed since february 1, for example, maternity capital for...
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previously made decisions in the social sphere, this is an increase minimum wage by 18.5%. rur 19,242 the unified benefit for families with children and pregnant women, as well as the insurance pension for 31 million non-working pensioners, was increased by 7% from february 1 to 7.4 . well, the main topic of the meeting was the development of the transport industry in the first place aviation, as the president emphasized, russian aircraft must meet all requirements for
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quality, comfort, and also be. competitive, it is necessary to regularly update the domestic aircraft fleet and russia is capable of producing modern aircraft. the head of state also emphasized that it is important to prevent excessive increases in air ticket prices. russian long-range aviation aircraft made a scheduled flight over the neutral waters of the bering and chikot seas. this was reported to the ministry of defense. for about 9 hours two strategic aircraft were in the air missile carrier tu-95, they were accompanied by su-30. the defense department emphasized that they acted in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace. the west has become a direct accomplice in the crimes of the kiev regime, as stated in the statement of the federation council. the document was adopted at a plenary session and will soon be sent to parliaments around the world. senators called on washington and brussels to stop supplies of weapons, ammunition and military
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equipment to ukraine. sergey will tell you how scientific flights go komarov. we don’t just pour water, we do science and wash soil samples, because the ocean is a storehouse of unknown knowledge, and young scientists on board the floating university can touch it for the first time in the field . teachers say that the fire in the eyes is noticeable from the other side of the ship, and the motivation to find something interesting gives rise to opportunities for new discoveries. at first we were worried, 36 days at sea,
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without land, without communication, but... it turned out that this was not enough. a month on a research vessel is not only useful for science, but memorable for a lifetime. expedition members say they felt a spirit of camaraderie, innovation, and personal responsibility, taking many memories back to land. i found out that i have seasickness during very big, big waves, you go out on the deck with a cup of coffee, you look at it, and it’s unforgettable. at fefu now everyone has the opportunity to feel the spirit of research, thanks to the efforts of nadezhda atysheva, a participant in the previous expedition, the educational institution is open. exhibition dedicated to the floating university. the photographs depict the life and work of young scientists, not without unique exhibits. there is also such a wonderful exhibit as the megaeldia shell, which the girls from the benthos squad worshiped so that neptune would give them good samples. once you get to know the floating university better, you stop wondering why so many students want to become participants in the program. the number of places, however, is strictly regulated, so only about 25
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students will be able to go on a scientific trip across the pacific ocean. this is news, we are following the development events. in the khabarovsk territory, a chinese citizen who ended up in a homeless shelter is helped to return home by a man without... a passport and practically does not speak russian. 6 years ago i came to khabarovsk to work, but got into trouble. volunteers, the ministry of internal affairs and the consulate got involved in processing the documents. will the foreigner be able to return home? anna leonova found out. it’s only been a few days since he started smiling, comrade, they say the volunteers apparently have a presentiment that he will soon, finally, be home. i’m from the provinces, i really miss my family, i have a wife,
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two sons, a daughter, i want to go home. i haven’t seen them for many years , he doesn’t understand anything in russian except hello, journalist and sinologist daniil gorchakov volunteered to help with the translation , having heard his native speech, seventy-year-old dzin is happy like a child, a little over six years to... help, in his opinion i could see in my eyes that he really needed help, that he wanted to go home , we contacted our authority, found a translator, chinese volunteers got involved, plus this kind of work was already going on at the public level. with the assistance of the ministry of internal affairs
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social activists went to court for a very important procedure for dzindelun, to establish his identity with this paper, he is subject to deportation to his homeland. the chinese consulate promptly got involved in resolving the issue. now, after all the documents have been completed, this will be required. for a few days now you can think about buying tickets, most likely volunteers will have to purchase them, and comrade dzin is already in his suitcases, for a short but very productive russian-chinese friendship, he has learned new words well: thank you very much for home, now already home, relatives are waiting there, yes, the most important thing is that they love you there, yes, and we will help you, then you’ll see we’ll call each other, don’t worry, worry anna lyunova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. in the samara region, avtovaz designers presented ideas for modifying cars to suit the needs of people with disabilities. the demand for such models has increased; first of all, those
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who were seriously injured in battle want to buy a car. such developments have already been proposed in a report by viktor shepelev. precision robotic manipulators confident work of professionals. not only the most are produced on the assembly line of the voush automobile plant.
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manual control, a special manual control developed by avtovaz engineers , the chairman of the state duma committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs yaroslav nilov personally tested it, to switch again, we start the clutch here, we switched the second one , the clutch slowly survived, again we added gas, as they said , at the factory , the control at hand can be converted into any car produced by the enterprise, into a committee avtovaz will present its calculations of the possibilities at the state duma.
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on saturday at 21:00 anniversaries, i have a gift for you and more than one, regina dubovitskaya, girl, this is for you, you somewhere said such a phrase that the distiller and i had a full house at first sight, he and i are really almost 50 years will be, in these 50 years we have never had it then, we are durbans, and we have never , unfortunately, stepped over the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov... tomorrow at 15:00 in the nineties, the name of director valentin gnyaushev thundered throughout the country , however in at some point gnyaushev seemed to disappear, there were rumors that because of his unbearable character all his friends turned away from him, evgeniy quietly sings in his elite
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booth, who does he remember who wants to forget, who is called the white clown, my beloved girl, i’m sorry me, malakhov, you are cruel, the recluse valentin gnyaushev and the secrets of russian show business malakh. good morning everyone, here we are rocking, winter is invigorating us in the central european part of russia, we remember, today is february 8th, thursday, today is slava zavyalov, anastasia chernobrovina, glad to see you, a rare opportunity, winter does not give up, our athletes too, contrary to the decisions of western sports officials, despite the exclusion of russian figure skaters from participation in international tournaments. gold medals after the fact, victory in the team competition
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at the beijing olympics in the twenty-second was given to the americans, who took second place, the international skating union, after the disqualification of kamilla valieva for violating anti-doping rules, her points were reset to zero, we eventually became third in the team championship. the russian olympic committee is appealing the decision to redistribute the final places, our lawyers have already begun preparing the necessary documents for filing an appeal, while our skaters are not performing at the main competitions, technical... even according to the old rules , the european championship in kaunas was won by an italian pair with a result that was russian championship would have been only tenth. general director of the moscow figure skating federation, honored coach of russia, whose students won the olympics in sochi not on mozar today.
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the element has become smaller in programs, but for what? in order for the programs to turn back into those masterpieces, into that figure skating, oh and no one will forbid it, it’s just the one that everyone gets bored with and says, this is when we were performing, they always talked about organizing a race, yes, there is an arms race, but there is a race of elements, the program time was reduced, but in terms of elements there was no reduction, it didn’t happen, good, but shifted. great, when i commented on the
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european championships and the free program, my heart stopped because people were a little didn’t the last ones fall for it, why and plus give the opportunity to at least a little bit of character to develop the program, but now it’s impossible, you’re an accountant now, you stand, you count, we spin for 40 seconds, then we run for support, but what do you think, the federations , perhaps some will unite, i don’t know, korean, japanese, chinese, so that we can hold some of our own competitions, show the world that everything is done.
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earlier in the country in the world, we spoke with honored trainer of russia nina mozar. have a good day. i have a gift for you one. regina dubovitskaya. young woman. this is for you, you somewhere said such a phrase that our pig farm is sold out at first sight, we will really be with him for almost 50 years, in these 50 years we have never had then, we are friends, and we have never stepped over, to unfortunately, the fate of the man
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with boris korchevnikov tomorrow at 15:00 at the samovar, me and mine and 74 other samovars with us, that’s exactly it... a restorer from krasnoyarsk managed to collect a collection of soulful samograine relics, on the shelves of an amazing apartment museum, samovars lined up in a row, so sparkling polished sides, were collected not only throughout russia, but in turkey, in germany, in uzbekistan in other countries where without samovars and tea there is no tea, well , the gray cardinal, this hobby actually began with him, which became the work of life, this silver ball , you can’t repair it, throw it away , and not just your great-grandmother’s samovar within a year. demand for servicing of household appliances and other electronics has increased by more than 20%. like repair costs, but is contacting a service center always profitable - kristina sorokina found out. this is where i put the flash drive, sharply closed it, i had a huge crack all over the screen. the breakdown of the laptop for ala lundovskikh
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was akin to a disaster, because the girl needed this equipment for work, she edits videos and processes photos, she had to contact the service, replace the screen and keyboard, the results. i'm happy, it turned out not as expensive as expected. more than a year ago, this model cost 80,000 rubles. now the equipment has become very expensive, and it already costs more than 100,000, so, of course, it was much more profitable for me to repair it for 10,000, than buying a new one. recently , russians are increasingly holding the same opinion, but the point here is not the increasing incidence of equipment breakdowns, but the desire to save money; as a rule, calls to the service center lead to costs equal to 20-30% of the cost of the product, of course. the price depends on the service life of the device and the initial quality of the product and the frequency of its use. in the first place is the repair of smartphones and tablets. the average cost of repairs varies from 400 rubles to 25,000 rubles. also, service centers are often contacted for repair of printers and office equipment. the cost of work starts from 500 rubles. can reach
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20,000. in addition, they rent out laptops and computers. there the price ranges from 2.5 to 50,000 rubles. this scatter is explained primarily by the type of breakdown, which means that it will have to be done first. pays for diagnostics, diagnostics start from 300 rubles, and also depend on the type of equipment, complexity of the product and can reach up to 10,000. by the way, if the amount for repairing a gadget is large, it makes sense to ask for an official list of faults and the cost of spare parts, if such a document is provided refuse, it is better to contact another workshop. by the way, the amount is also important for deciding whether, in principle, it is profitable to repair the thing. for example, your fifty-inch tv has a faulty lcd panel, it needs to be replaced along with parts and the work of a technician. will cost you an average of 30,000 rubles. in stores, depending on the model, such a product costs about 30-40,000. in this case, the repair will not be cost-effective at all. the cost of the diagnosis itself may also be unprofitable. i was repairing a robot vacuum cleaner, about 12,000 were given for diagnostics, which will not be returned, so from my own experience i
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realized that buying a new one would be cheaper, we pay more for repairs. that’s when i broke my phone, went and bought a new one. by the way. even old devices with defects can be profitably exchanged for new ones. experts advise using trading programs. it works like this: you bring your gadget, and specialists check its condition. the better it is, the greater the discount on the purchase of a new device you will receive. if you're lucky, there's a discount will be up to 50% of the cost of the goods. yes, that’s where the most various and impossible gadgets are in abundance, so this is at the international exhibition at the russian forum, which has already been visited by over 6 million people. and there, in the on-site studio of our channel, a meeting took place with one of them.
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it is during such meetings that viewers can get to know their idol better and see what he is like in real life. did the artist joke a lot and tell stories from his life, what made his listeners delighted? i was flying after the evening performance at night, and i think so now i'm going to board the plane and fell asleep. and suddenly i heard through my sleep. ladies and gentlemen. changes will occur in the life of the hero maxim overin in the sklifosovsky series, what has kept the actor in the role of a doctor for 11 years and how
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medical scenes are filmed. operational footage is filmed within an hour, almost like a real operation , these are details, these are large, it’s still difficult there, let’s say, to make an operating field, blood, he is very alive, it seems to me, even when you look at him on the screen. sovsky, this great doctor and someone to me sent a photo of him, and i just grew this city, that’s it, i just see, i could
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play him now. maxim is confident of those artists who lead the viewer, finding in him a sincere listener and interlocutor. the conversation turned out to be meaningful and emotional, in short, exactly as the guests who came to the creative meeting wanted it to be. and then, butter differs from butter. why is khee better than creamy khee? from which it is prepared, and to whom it may be harmful, we will figure it out a little later, well, when we go to collect the inheritance, the premiere on rtr, me i’m sorry for your wife, what do you want from me now, i want you to operate on me, now, stop, i’m in karelli, help, slip... new episodes, today on rtr. in the nineties, the name of director
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valentin gnyushev thundered throughout the country. however, at some point gnyaushev seemed to disappear; there were rumors that because of his unbearable character, all his friends turned away from him. evgeny quietly sings in his elite booth. whom he remembers who he wants to forget is called the white clown. girl, my beloved, forgive me. palakhov, you are cruel. the recluse, valentin knyaushev and... the secrets of russian show business malakhov today for rtr alisa, with my character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult, well, i can handle it, my daughter, my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how did you all get me, and will you break something? what, i hate you, it’s clear , you stole my dad from me, it hit me in the face,
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what are you, dekarka, i’m also a person, dad, allaganova, no one but us will protect alice, vladislav the priznik, you will live with your mother, she alive, you abandoned me, i i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid gromov, don’t sue hotly, this is how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you, yana’s dad. who speaks a lot and loudly at work
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, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headaches , god forbid, now beep, if you win, then... imagine 10 years of loneliness at the top of the world, the caretaker of the abandoned scientific base spent so much time, the mountain laboratory pyramid is halfway to the top veresta, and this is perhaps the darkest.
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a former school teacher who has been looking after the pyramid for a decade has been helping climbers. conquering rests of even a small height with excess weight are problematic, and the advice of nutritionists is sometimes stupefying. this applies to the use of butter. ghee, for example, should i eat it or not? that is, it should not, or rather, boil, it should be drowned, that is , it should bubble slightly, but should not boil, then all the useful substances remain inside. dmitry gorokhov from perm is already familiar conjures over the stove, from this amount of the original product, that is, pure butter, you can prepare about eight half-liter jars of valuable khee butter, dmitry learned about it thanks to his passion for yoga ayurveda. there's pure fat here, but it's the kind of fat that gives you a ton of energy and you don't understand where it came from. it can be stored in the refrigerator, it can be stored in the freezer, it can be stored, uh, just
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kept on the table, that is, let’s say i have butter at home, which is standing, i just keep it like this. possibility to store oil room temperature, as well as a large amount of fat in the composition, determined the enormous popularity of khi in his native india and allowed it to spread throughout the world with the mark of zosh. however, today there are critics of the popular butter; they explain the secret of its preparation in the maximum evaporation of water from the butter, and much more evaporates with it. it turns out that all protein fractions are processed. strictly speaking, they are evaporated, that is , albumin, globulin, kozinin are evaporated, and well, actually lactose itself, like milk sugar, also evaporates, but saturated fatty acids remain, and due to concentration, they become even more than in regular butter, doctors warn that such butter contains more cholesterol, bad cholesterol, which, in fact, is deposited in blood vessels and causes the development of atherosclerotic disease, is contraindicated
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for people with cardiovascular... diseases, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, yes, with pancreatitis, with obesity, diabetes mellitus, there is more cholesterol in baked goods butter, these two products are higher in calories, but they still have an undeniable advantage: the absence of lactose and milk protein, which makes them an ideal product for allergy sufferers. i add banana because, firstly, it gives sweetness, it is also rich in vitamins and when combined with ghee, it gives a great taste, but... i had skin problems, and i can’t drink milk, and since butter contains milk, i switched to ghee, it turned out to be very tasty, nutritious, the main thing is to observe moderation, doctors recommend eating regular butter more often, about
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a teaspoon a day, sometimes it can actually be replaced with akili... melted butter, but at the same time slightly reduce the portion, then you will be able to maintain the balance of the benefits of taste. and then, to give a second chance, how and how will the probation system help the local steward of the distant ones upon their return, about this after the news? morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. the domestic aircraft fleet must be updated and there is every opportunity for this. vladimir putin at a meeting with government discussed industry issues. interview bypassing the west, american journalist tucker carlson spoke with the president in moscow. friendship matches are a big
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holiday; preparations for the russian-chinese match are underway in the prymurye region. they start broadcasting a new day on the russia channel, the main news in the studio karina ilyina, hello! russia is capable of producing modern aircraft; it is necessary to update the domestic aircraft fleet, and the aircraft must meet all requirements for quality, comfort and safety. vladimir putin made these statements at a meeting with the government. the main topic is the development of the transport industry, more specifically aviation.
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well, once again, russian aircraft must meet all the requirements for quality, comfort and safety of flights, be truly a global competitor to us in terms of their technical characteristics, and... the transfer to the airlines must take place within the agreed time frame without delays. let me emphasize once again that aviation needs these planes , our citizens need them, and the economy needs them. the head of state also especially emphasized that it is important not to allow excessive rise in prices for air tickets in russia, this issue should be a priority for both carriers and the ministry of transport. the topic of air transportation became the main one, but not the only one.
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tv channels, but on the internet. the owner of the social network x, formerly known as twitter, promised not to block the broadcast of carlson’s conversation with vladimir putin, which, by the way, lasted 2 hours. the kremlin reported that the interview was recorded during a personal meeting, as the press secretary of the russian president explained, the head of state spoke specifically with carlson due to the fact that his position is strikingly different from the traditional anglo-saxon media. it is noteworthy that tv channels and newspapers controlled by the white house have already pounced. on carlson, proclaiming him to the kremlin propagandists. some politicians even suggested that he should not be allowed back into the united states. the journalist may fall under eu sanctions.
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magate employees, led by rafael grossi, arrived in the zaporozhye region. they will replace their colleagues at nuclear power plants. rotation of international observers to the nuclear power plant is provided by the russian military. a ceasefire was declared along the delegation's route. sappers are crossing together. they checked the road and neutralized unexploded shells. after inspecting the station, grosi noted that there are enough wells at zaes to supply water to the cooling system. he positively assessed the joint efforts to ensure nuclear safety and security of the plant. nuclear power plant. and the powerful cyclone olga came to moscow. the capital is hit by a record amount of precipitation on the roads, snowdrifts, ice, traffic jams, on the highways massive road accidents in the moscow region. on the m4 don they collided. about 30 cars, one person died, three were injured, on the yaroslavskoye highway , due to snowfall , the drivers of 22 cars lost control, massive accidents in poor visibility conditions in the orenburg region.
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a garbage truck crashed into cars parked on the road. there are dozens of blocked roads in the region. cyclones bring not only heavy snowfalls to orenburg, but also sharp temperature fluctuations. however, abnormal cold weather will come to the northwestern regions, the volga region and central. part of russia. heavy snowfalls in the urals, chelyabinsk is buried in snowdrifts. three regional highways are closed. trucks are dug out by hand. doctors push ambulances in the courtyards. in the amur region , preparations are underway for the russian-chinese winter festival. it will pass on the ice of the amur river. athletes are training hard, the organizers are preparing the site for the competition. alexey cherbakov found out what surprises await the guests of the holiday. second year in a row. it is in february that the appearance of the amur near blagoveshchensk changes. the ice is being cleared a huge platform, first of all, on which a hockey rink is installed. now the venue for friendship matches between russian and chinese teams is already
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taking on its first recognizable shape. as soon as the specialists complete the installation of the box, they will begin arranging the town, heating tents, stands, and lighting. amur and chinese hockey players will traditionally hold three meetings. first, children will take part in the flight, then older children will complete the veterans 40+ tournament. young athletes are now participating in all-russian competitions golden puck. the experienced temp team plays matches of the city championship, is busy in the night hockey league, in january the ice squad went to a tournament in china and brought silver medals from the competition. and this is the blagoveshchensk competition of racing drivers, as they themselves admit, part of the training before the international winter games. the pilots will have a busy program. in the jeep category , a competition of sixty russian and chinese cars is planned. also, truck racing. and all-wheel drive vehicles, and for the first time there will be demonstrations drift competitions. i wouldn’t say that we are worried, but we are preparing the cars so that we wo n’t be ashamed to show them to our chinese friends. drifters, this is our first time participating in this kind of event. by the way, the organizers
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intend to seriously surprise the audience and guests of the festival. the full program is still kept secret, but some details are already known. this includes a car exhibition, souvenir shops, interactive areas, sled dog rides, and a snowball fight tournament. now everything is being done to ... the svu participants, who are currently undergoing rehabilitation, went on a trip to kamchatka; this opportunity arose thanks to the volunteers of the peninsula and local travel companies. they organized holidays for combat veterans. maria losenko went on the excursion with them. a team of five loads up and sets off along the snowy path. participants of the route are veterans. combat operations, all of them
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are now undergoing rehabilitation. the fighters crossed a small forest on a snowmobile and then set off along a dry river. such opportunity appeared thanks to the volunteers of the peninsula. first, the ministry of tourism made such a proposal to a local travel company, and they, in turn, asked for support from the fatherland defenders fund, and thanks to their joint efforts, this is the second time that the participants of the north military district are enjoying the views of kamchatka. the action is repeated, that is, it is planned at all. several, or even more, until, as long as there is snow cover, it allows snowmobile excursions to be carried out, we will carry them out. after a short break, the main part of the route begins - avachensky pass. on on a snowmobile, the team rises to a height of about 1,200 and ends up at the foot of the volcano, where a view opens onto a snow-white valley and a breathing giant. despite the winding route and sub-zero temperatures, fighters with a tempered character admit that the road was easy. in principle, we
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covered the route very well, despite the fact that i now have a prosthesis, not much time has passed since the prosthetics, we drove very carefully, the pass between the koryaksky and ovachensky volcanoes is the most popular for visiting, operating from polinas carefully protect this wild corner, many, having been here at least once, say: kamchatka is a place of power, united by nature, these are these forces... it inspires, gives energy, well, an indescribable feeling to visit such wonderful places, only in kamchatka, of course, such a journey bestows inner faith and fortitude; here you forget about all the hardships and are left alone with nature, just you and the majestic volcanoes. maria lysenko, valery shamarin, broadcaster kamchatka. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on website news are following the development
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of events, let's, let's smile, more, more, more, excellent, good, so, morning of russia, don't forgive me, most importantly, good morning everyone, vladislav zavyalov is with you, i am anastasia chernobrovina, if not we are guests from future, then the car that you will now see, accurately keeping order and catching criminals in saudi arabia, will now be on super-lectrocars. there are 800
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horsepower under the hood, and you can travel 800 km on a single charge, that’s not all, there’s a drone parked on the roof that can be controlled directly from the cabin, the new vehicle is now being tested under the hot sun of the desert. the main thing is that the crime rate decreases everywhere, in our country more than 100 thousand minors are under preventive registration, including for resisting the police, but what can they get away with? for disobedience to a representative of the authorities, alexander blinnikov understood this. in winter and summer, mark looks for difficult obstacles so that he can heroically overcome them. he is a parkour specialist, however, not everyone likes dizzying jumps. every now and then a passerby is threatened by the police, and once the threats ended in action. they started asking about checking documents, on the one hand they wanted to do the right thing, but on the other hand we didn’t want to get caught by the police, so we decided that... why
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not try to escape? it would seem that the conflict is over, the applicants are happy, because no one is jumping around the cities anymore, but instead of fun for the youth, it turned out to be a crime, because ignoring the demands of a policeman is an article. yes, this can be resolved as disobedience, because a representative of the authorities told you what is required of you, but you don’t do it, he represents the authorities, and accordingly, everything he says is mandatory for us in this situation, even refusing to show a passport to a policeman is no longer obedience is punished.
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something you want to run away from. experts believe that the time has come to work on a positive image of socially significant professions, so that every child understands how to act when meeting a person in uniform. it wouldn't be amiss so that those series where today the main share of the audience are teenagers and
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young people, so that there, including educational moments, are organically woven into the narrative. however, interaction with the police is a two-way street if citizens are obliged to do so. let's continue the conversation about more serious crimes. according to the prosecutor general's office, more than 60% of offenses are committed by those who have already served a sentence in prison at least once, most often this happens because former prisoners simply do not know how to live in freedom then they deliberately return to their familiar environment behind bars. correct the situation by...
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debugging this system, what's the point? i would like to say that the main thing is that a citizen, when he leaves a correctional institution, although the law will also apply to those who are already at large, but the main element of the transition is this, so a person must know what place of work he will go to, where he will live where he will be in demand,
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then he develops this individual program together with his employees, signs it and accordingly follows this program, there while still there, while still there, this is very important, so to speak, it all starts in 9, 6 months, based on the provisions of the program, just a small summary, the state is ready to help conscientious citizens, former convicts who want to adapt to life in volega.
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provide assistance, and you understand that the specifics of the work are completely different, we will have to deal not with supervision, we will have to find an approach, we need to work with executive authorities, regions, federal, in order to coordinate this work, and here it is very important that the constituent entities of the russian federation join the employment services, we have now, by the way, also issued a corresponding order, it’s a matter of time, yes, i think it’s a matter of time for the next 5 years. new technologies will be applied, so to speak, we will make sure that there is an appropriate register, so that in the employment service, in the criminal executive inspection,
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yes, she simply abandoned me, she left and left. all the winds are evil. premiere on saturday at 21:00. come on, all together, in unison, show on an unprecedented scale. we are standing opposite the second wall, looking at you, i want to become better. let's watch it all together. tomorrow at 21:30. seekers of new forms of life go deeper. navat is about to set sail from the shores of new zealand. wait a minute, one of the most mysterious depressions in the world's oceans, where few people have dived.
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biscuffs, underwater robots, and deep-sea cameras will be enhanced to dive to a depth of 5 km. expedition to the bounty aquarium, and this is to unknown corals, sponges, fish, mollusks, starfish and urchins, with them the research team hopes to return to earth, but the main goal is to do everything to preserve the diversity of marine fauna. oh, how interesting all this is, well, without robots today. as is known, including at the post office, the first warehouse in russia operates in st. petersburg, with its help you can receive or send a parcel, how convenient it is - andrey negru found out. come to the post office the same minute without any waiting to receive your parcel. recently, in this post office in st. petersburg, this is the only thing that has been happening: a machine is helping people here. the person needs to show the device the code that came on his phone. at the same moment, in the bowels of the warehouse, this hand comes to life, among 300 pallets it finds the one in which the desired shipment lies, the warehouse robot
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is based on a warehouse stacker robot, the stacker robot rides along the track rail, which is installed on the racks, and accordingly carries out the loading process unloading of shipments and placing it in the gateway. for now, the warehouse machine is operating in test mode only during post office opening hours. if the experiment is successful, the delivery window will be moved outside, so it will be possible to receive the parcel around the clock. v any day of the week, that's not all. we plan to expand the range of capabilities of this robot so that the process of not only receiving mail, but also delivering it. only while still at home , the person will need to pack and properly arrange the parcel themselves. by the way, the machine can already weigh it and accept payment, because it provides a service for storing online orders. the robot arrived stably. empty pallet for loading by the courier of the shipment, the courier can only
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place the shipment in the empty pallet press finish. at this moment, the client receives a notification that the parcel has been loaded into the warehouse and can be picked up. let's launch our system. now the robot receives a command that it must bring the rack, and this device can transport parcels to sorting rooms. and also work in the warehouses of online stores. using cameras, a laser rangefinder and special markers, he navigates in space, finds the desired rack, then moves it, for example, to the tables where order pickers collect orders. he forces the picker to stand in one place, instead he himself brings the rack to this point, and the picker spends, well, about 5-10 seconds on this order instead of 2 minutes. by the way, the robot’s wheels are designed in such a way that it does not need space to turn around. it can ride sideways, due to this, racks of goods can be placed more compactly and
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save space. and then there is no hijacking. how to protect your car from car thieves, for whom an alarm system is generally not a problem. we'll find out later. we have a mini-planetarium, friends, because we sing about the stars. leap year is scary for many people; it is a very important and good year. andrei malakhov's evening show on saturday on rtr, they said who? i asked him not to talk, the main thing is that he is healthy. let's look at the weekend, we will have twins, girls, what kind of girls, did you promise me that there will be a son? oh,
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when double happiness becomes a burden, i lost a child and don’t want to lose my wife yet, i ’ll pay any money. before it's too late, do a good deed, you have to share, but where is the second girl? i heard her screaming where is my child, and i still think, well how is it possible, there’s a boy in the bond, but a girl was born, what miracles, she’s completely different, her character doesn’t resemble either you or leroy, our son will be just like you, olga, he’s deceiving you, but don’t you think that i... it’s already too much, nothing can be too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr, and we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when , my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, alone
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the bullet is still in me, it’s, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then. here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she carries this cereal and says: baby, feed the dog, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys with us, i came across such people , they care, to support me with a word, hello, dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have gotten along, only ours can, honor and praise to you. what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, she definitely reads minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special ones, yes, who are you all looking at, well, those girls, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and you
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know who the killer is, just look without doing anything on your own. stand still, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, we look first in the app or on the website, we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when it’s serious you have to go, forewarned is forearmed, any means has a downside with the most necessary knowledge about health, dispel myths, help you...
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and be healthy, about the most important thing, about your complex body, take care of yourself monday through friday, on rtr: there was a piano in the bushes, it became in the clouds, an unusual concert in the pre-dawn hour, woke up many residents of munich, and such an alarm clock will go off in this and other parts of europe almost every morning. the finish of the music marathon is scheduled for this day.
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worries about his vehicle, leaving it on the street unattended. yes, almost everyone has an alarm system, but it will not be possible to strengthen the protection superfluous. theft is a car owner's worst nightmare, and the car does not have to be expensive. today, in the lists of the most stolen cars you can see models from the middle and even budget segments. let's figure out how to protect your iron horse. of course, every car leaves the showroom with an alarm installed by the dealer, but... most often, this is the simplest device of two or three of the most popular brands, which attackers can easily disable, so it is best to supplement the alarm with time-tested means. and from mechanical protection systems to basically, there are several options, these are locks for the gear selector, steering shaft lock, they can be
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pinless or pin and hood locks. yes, they can be broken, but you will have to tinker for a while. so hijackers will most likely prefer not to make a fuss or attract attention. one of the newfangled options of modern cars is auto start or keyless entry. yes, very convenient. but in fact, these systems greatly increase the vulnerability of the car. all criminals need to do is intercept the signal from your key and copy it to your dummy key relay. to protect yourself from this, you can purchase a shielding case for the key that jams the signal. the price is about 300 rubles. and if the key is simply stolen, electronics come to the rescue. there is currently a blockage. finally, this is a diagnostic connector for a microrelay, plus the installation of a bluetooth radio relay, which is also
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not so easy to get. the device comes with a special radio tag that you carry with you; it exchanges a signal with the transmitter in the car; you can start it without it. the motor won't work. an additional condition for starting the engine may be a special pin code that only you know. enter using the buttons on the steering wheel, but in any case, a good security system combines electronic and mechanical protection systems. they say that there is no 100% protection against theft, perhaps, but the main thing here is to make the attacker’s task as difficult as possible. if he realizes that the process is taking an unpredictably long time, he will most likely prefer to find an easier option. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, in the nineties for years, the name of director valentin gnyaushev thundered
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throughout the country, but at some point gnyaushev seemed to disappear, there were rumors that because of his unbearable character, all his friends turned away from him, evgeniy was quietly drinking himself to death in his elite booth, who he remembered whoever he wanted forget the one who is called the white clown, my beloved girl, forgive me, malakhov, you are cruel, reclusive valentin. and secrets of russian show business. malakhov, today at 16:30. this is the morning news, we will talk about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. more than forty different benefits for almost 20 million people have been indexed since february 1. for example.
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benefits for families with children and pregnant women, as well as an insurance pension for 31 million non-working pensioners, from february 1, more than 40 different payments for almost 20 million people were indexed by 7.4%, this is maternity capital for the first child, it has now become 63,000 rubles . for the second child 833. well, the main topic of the meeting is the development of the transport industry , primarily aviation, as the president emphasized, russian aircraft must meet all
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quality and comfort requirements, and also be globally competitive. it is necessary to regularly update the domestic aircraft fleet and russia is capable of producing modern aircraft. the head of state also emphasized that it is important to prevent excessive increases in air ticket prices. the verkhovna rada accepted it. and the subpoenas will be served not in person, but through an electronic account. dodgers will have their bank accounts and cards blocked; all real estate transactions and travel abroad will also be prohibited. the goal of the new bill is to recruit half a million people into the ssu. these are the numbers, ukrainian president zelensky announced when he announced the mobilization, referring to...
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sweden's decision to stop searching for those responsible for sabotage on the nord stream defies logic. moscow will monitor the progress of the investigation in germany and denmark. he stated this.
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russia has submitted a request to canada for the extradition of former ss man yaroslav gunko. he was applauded by canadian deputies and personally by the prime minister during zelensky’s visit. our ambassador oleg stepanov. he noted that otava promised to consider the possibility of issuing gunko in moscow. the scandal over inviting a former nazi to parliament still affects
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canadian domestic politics. the local opposition has called for trudeau to resign; the leader of the conservative party believes that the head of government who allowed such a failure is not able to lead the country. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website the news is following developments. in khabarovsk region, a chinese citizen who ended up in a homeless shelter is being helped to return home, a man without a passport and practically does not speak russian, 6 years ago he came to khabarovsk to work, but got into trouble, volunteers, the ministry of internal affairs and the consulate got involved in the paperwork. anna leonova found out whether the foreigner will be able to return home. it’s only been a few days since he started smiling, comrade, they say he feels that soon
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he will finally be home. i am from the province of dzelin. i miss my family very much. i have a wife, and two sons, a daughter, i want to go home, i haven't seen them for many years. in russian, except for hello, he doesn’t understand anything at all. journalist and sinologist daniil gorchakov volunteered to help with the translation. hearing his native speech, seventy-year-old dzin rejoices like a child. a little over 6 years ago i came to khabarovsk to work, worked on construction sites, then got sick, ended up in the hospital, my legs gave out, and from a medical facility i ended up in a homeless assistance center. complicity, its director ivan mankovsky sheltered a chinese friend and, of course, took up the task of fulfilling his dream, so they stayed with foreign citizenship here for the first time. our rule here is complicity in general, just a consonant word that we are like-minded in that a person is in a difficult life situation, and accordingly we must help him, i read in his eyes that he really needs help, that he wants to go home , we contacted our
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authority and found it.
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the operator does not go behind the body, he stands on the same platform on which the body stands and assembles the car, that is, here the ergonomics are improved accordingly; cars with manual controls were once produced in quite significant volumes, a wide range of disabled people could apply for them, but then the order for such rehabilitation means decreased. now state duma deputies are receiving many requests to expand the social program, including from soldiers of a special military operation who have been seriously wounded. such a program must
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be adopted, either at the level of a presidential decree or at the level of legislative changes, this must be done. therefore, this is another question, how ready is our auto industry, including costs, this there will be direct budget costs, that is, there must be budget transport. as they said at the factory , any car produced by the enterprise can be converted to manual control. avtovaz will present its calculations on the production capabilities and cost of such equipment to the state duma committee for the further development of the social program. victor shepeleev, alexey sergeev,
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lead samara and stolyati. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website this is to lead. we are monitoring developments. i was always with you. i’m honest, but you’ve been lying to me all my life, my mother died, she just abandoned me, she left me, she left, no matter what the winds do, premiere on saturday at 21:00, anniversary, i have a gift for you and more than one, regina dubovitskaya , girl, this is for you, you somewhere said such a phrase that our pig farm was sold out at first sight, we have really been with him for almost 50 years, in these 50 years we have never... we were called then and we have never have, unfortunately, stepped over the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, tomorrow in 15:00. in the nineties, the name of director valentin gnyushev thundered throughout the country.
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however, at some point gnyaushev seemed to disappear; there were rumors that because of his unbearable character, all his friends turned away from him. evgeny quietly sings in his elite booth. whom he remembers who he wants to forget is called the white clown. girl. i am beloved, forgive me, palakhov, you are cruel, the recluse valentin gneushev and the secrets of russian show business, malakhov, today at 16:30, good morning, hello, nastya and i thank everyone who turned on, we will try to interest you, not... disappoint, in general, to be on top. why do astronauts need sunglasses? it turns out that this thing is very useful in orbit, as space blogger konstantin borisov spoke about. of course, you won’t be able to bask in the rays of a star on the iss; this is how we
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sunbathe on the beach. but it’s easy to get a sunburn, just a few seconds are enough, since the space station does not have such a protective layer as the earth. it is exposed to direct sunlight. i have a watch in my hands, there is a lubinophore on its hand. such hours are sunshine, then the arrows will then glow in the dark ; to fully charge them on the ground, you need 10-20, maybe 30 seconds, but next to this window it’s enough to hold them in color for just a couple of seconds, well , on the ground here in russia, cases have become more frequent when wild animals roam the outskirts of populated areas; the fact that getting close to the forest brothers is dangerous is not obvious to everyone. sergei egorov will tell you how to reduce the likelihood of such meetings, and then we will discuss this with the guest. you offend a small, healthy boar, residents of mytishchi near moscow with their forest brothers exclusively natives, and how could it be otherwise, if this year, in search of food, emboldened wild boars began to approach citizens at arm's length, although the initial joy of the petting zoo under the windows was
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short-lived, once such a huge, you know, this figure , i got scared, ran away, later, in addition to the fright from an unexpected meeting, everyday inconveniences were added, first flocks of kavans blocked the approach to garbage cans, obviously mistaking them for feeding troughs, and then they completely began to restore their order, they surround you like that, and people throw food, simply throw packages and leave, but the confiscation of purchases is far from the worst of the consequences of the forest’s rapprochement with civilization. in mordovia, having tasted the taste of road salt, wild boars, moose, and sometimes wild carpenters were led out onto the roadway . the number of road accidents has increased in the region; in order to keep four-legged animals off the roads, the reserve’s staff had to create separate chains of grease that lead the animals into the depths of the forest. they put a lot a kilometer away from the roads. slontsov, where the animals are they can feed in peace, this scheme began to operate after 3 years, they stopped going out on the roads, the number of accidents decreased, however, even such a successful experience. can be considered a panacea, because sometimes the release of animals to
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people requires a much more rapid response. in january, in the kurgan region , a wolf attacked residents of a resort village right in the village. four were bitten, one woman died. she drove quickly, a huge wolf ran from here, straight towards the ambulance, and he was not afraid. experts are confident that the migration of predators in areas adjacent to the forest area needs to be monitored separately. to do this, it will be necessary to at least partially restore the jager institute, which successfully coped with this task. control over the entry
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of our food waste into the natural habitat of animals, which are such marker points that they constantly strive for. control and supervisory authorities (primarily rosprirodnadzor) must eliminate unauthorized waste disposal sites, monitor them, identify them and find the culprits. in addition, experts strongly they recommend that citizens not aggravate the problem themselves by feeding even the most harmless forest inhabitants. 30 trail behind the wild boars, accustomed to the city treat of roe deer. more often, those who usually hunt them can also come out. well, there is something to discuss with the director of the seversoy institute of ecology and evolution of the russian academy of sciences, sergei naidenko. sergey valerievich, we welcome you. it’s clear that it’s not because of a good life that wild animals come to people, they want to eat. how feasible is it possible to equip bait stations everywhere? no, it won’t work, it’s too expensive, too expensive an undertaking, very - well, there ’s one wild boar, he eats
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two kilograms of different feeds a day at the feeding site, and the main thing is that you understand, my deep conviction, these are still probabilistic processes, that is, if you have a lot of ungulates in the forest, conditionally the wolf has a chance that he will go out into the village, it becomes much lower, this is true, but it does not become zero, so someone can still go out and drive away , to drive away, but rather not... to attract, because all kinds of people are coming animals for various reasons, but for some reason there’s a polar bear in the north, he ’s definitely going through the garbage dumps, but i don’t know how to dispose of garbage there, i’ve been to the kuril islands, but it’s all far away, there’s no such technology there , for this you don’t even need recycling, for this take it away, put it away not in the village, but take it out, yes, when the wolves come into the village, maybe try some techniques with carrying flags, there the flags scare them away, well, in general this this is always the standard wolf hunt.
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yes. in general, with the jaegers, like we have now
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, they can monitor the situation. in principle, we generally have game managers, people who work in the forest, there are much fewer of them, they were somehow gradually reduced, reduced, yes, there are fewer of them, well, plus, we now have a lot of hunting grounds transferred to private, so to speak, ownership, some organize it perfectly, others simply use the territory. accordingly, nothing comes of it, but isn’t there a provision so that in a certain territory there must be there is a cloud, there is, but you understand, in order for everything to work, it needs to be controlled, and in my opinion they control it once every 2 years, maybe an inspection, not more often, well, again it should come to high-profile cases, in order to strengthen control again, explain to people there that high-profile cases attract attention, of course not, well, does the state have an interest or is this topic not discussed yet, no, this issue happens over and over again.
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as such, and there in general for everyone, there are programs in the regions, there, for example, for shooting a wolf, money is paid there, yes, but this is still so isolated in individual regions, and it should be so, it should not be everywhere everywhere, thank you, thank you about how to protect people from attacks by wild animals, we spoke with the director of the severtsev institute of ecological problems, evolution, russian academy. thank you very much, good morning everyone, we are going into quarantine, and there was a very contagious disease, i had contact, sklefosovsky, new episodes, today at 21:20, watch a special episode
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of the 60 minutes program today, all the latest news about situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss 60 minutes. today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. every third person in our country would like to try themselves as self-employed. this is data from public opinion polls. and your partner is among these people. today , 9 million russians across the country are already developing their businesses. this is greatly facilitated by the national project for small and medium-sized businesses, within the framework of which self-employed people can receive a range of support measures at the my business centers, including education. and consulting services on starting your own business.


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