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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  February 8, 2024 4:44am-5:01am MSK

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you can select employees so that they come, read, tell how they work, firstly, it will be interesting for children, probably children are interested in learning not only about responsibility for misconduct, but why the police check the documents of passers-by, what is law enforcement, taking into account the specifics of the younger generation, it is better to show them once: you have the right to remain silent, everything you say may be used against you in court, and so on, thanks to hollywood detectives, perhaps every second of... how to interact with the police, although overseas, for some reason our film industry does not provide such tips. in recent years , our screens have created an image of a policeman from whom we want to run away. experts believe that the time has come to work on a positive image of socially significant professions, so that every child understands how to act when meeting a person in uniform. it would not be amiss if those series where today the main share of the audience are teenagers and young people. so that there, in
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including educational moments that were organically woven into the narrative. however, interaction with the police is a two-way street. if citizens are obliged to comply with the demands of government officials, then they, in turn, must be polite and their demands are legitimate. let's continue the conversation, but about more serious crimes. according to the prosecutor general's office, more than 60% of offenses are committed by those who have already served a sentence in prison at least once. more often. happens because former prisoners simply don’t know how live in freedom, sometimes deliberately return to their familiar environment behind bars. they intend to correct the situation with the help of the probation institution. on january 1, a law came into force that introduces a set of measures for the social adaptation of convicts. the program was developed by the ministry of justice to combat recidivism, and we will discuss it with the deputy minister of justice of russia, vsevlad vukoloov. hello.
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such a story, i would say that this is the first time such an institution has been introduced in the russian federation, our task is to debug this system within 2 years, what is the essence, i would like to say that the main thing is that a citizen, when he leaves a correctional institution, although the law will also apply to those who are already at large, but the main element is this transition and therefore the person must know what place of work he will go to, where he will live, where he will be in demand as a family, how can he recover, establish social connections, how can he get medical care, how can he get documents, someone will want all the points, that is, employment, receiving medical services, documents, social services there psychological assistance, someone may have some... i would also like to note that
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there is still a principle of voluntariness, that is, if a person wishes, then he develops this individual program together with his employees, signs and accordingly follows this program, while still there, this is very important, so to speak, all this starts in 9, 6 months, based on the provisions of the program, just a small summary. the state is ready to help conscientious citizens, former prisoners, convicts who want to adapt to life in freedom, but there are those who cannot and do not want to do this, then what measures can the state take to eliminate the possibility of relapse, including help ? well, it still seems to me that voluntariness is an important thing, because now... the citizen’s desire is very important
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for him to still take advantage of this program, the penal inspection, now we are training specialists who will not engage in supervision, but will provide assistance, and you understand that this is the specifics of the work completely different, it must find an approach, we need to work with executive authorities, regions, federal, in order to coordinate this work, and here it is very important that the constituent entities of the russian federation, employment services get involved, we are now, by the way, the ministry of labor has already issued a corresponding order, it’s a matter of time well, yes, i think that it’s a matter of time, of course , new technologies will be applied, so to speak, we will make sure that there is an appropriate register, so that there in the employment service, in the criminal executive inspection, all participants can see what happens to a citizen, did he manage to find a job and how to achieve this, therefore. here new technologies will also be
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used, from my point of view this is very important. thank you, the deputy ministers of justice of russia spoke about what will change the institution of probation. have a nice day , thank you, i admire you, you are very smart, a hundred have chosen their favorites, there will be three finalists, tenderness, and to whom valeria will give her tenderness, come on, all together, in unison, a show of unprecedented scale, this is a hundred, this is 100 points, you know, tomorrow. at 21:30 on the channel russia. seekers of new forms of life go deeper. a pioneering expedition to the bounty trench is about to set sail from the shores of new zealand. and this is for a moment one of the most mysterious depressions in the world’s oceans, where few people have dived. botiscaps,
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underwater robots, and deep-sea cameras will be enhanced to dive to a depth of 5 km. unknown corals, sponges, fish, mollusks, starfish and urchins. with them, the research team hopes. return to land, but the main goal is to do everything to preserve the diversity of marine fauna. oh, how interesting all this is, but without there are no robots today, thank you, including at the post office, the first warehouse in russia is operating in st. petersburg, with its help you can accept or send a parcel. how convenient this is - andrei negru found out. come to the post office the same minute without any waiting to receive your parcel. recently, in this post office, what has been happening in st. petersburg. exactly like this: a machine helps people here; the person needs to present the device with the code that was sent to his phone. at the same moment, in the depths of the warehouse, this hand comes to life, among 300 pallets are found containing the desired shipment. the warehouse robot is based on a warehouse robot stacker; the robot stacker
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rides along a track rail, which is installed on the racks, and accordingly carries out the process of loading and unloading the shipment and placing it in the gateway. while the warehouse machine is operating in test mode only during post office opening hours, if the experiment is successful, the pick-up window will be moved outside, then it will be possible to receive a parcel around the clock on any day of the week, and that’s not all. we plan to expand the range of possibilities of this robot, so that the process of not only receiving the postal item takes place, but also its delivery. only at home a person will need to pack and edit it himself. by the way, the machine can now process the parcel, weigh it and accept payment, because the service for storing online orders is provided here, robotstar brought an empty pallet for the courier to load the item with, the courier can only
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place the item in the empty pallet and press finish. at this moment, the client receives a notification that the parcel loaded into storage bin. that it can be picked up, we launch our system, now the robot receives a command that it must bring the rack, and this device can transport parcels in sorting centers and also work in the warehouses of online stores. using laser rangefinder cameras and special markers, he navigates in space, finds the required rack, then moves it, for example, to the tables where order pickers collect orders. he forces the order picker to stand in one place, and instead brings him the rack himself to this point. and instead of 2 minutes, the order picker spends about 5-10 seconds on this order. by the way, the robot’s wheels are designed in such a way that it does not need space to turn, it can drive sideways, due to this, racks of goods can be placed more compactly and save space. and then, no hijacking. how to protect your car
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from car dealers, for whom alarms are generally not a problem. we'll find out later. razumovsky is listening, anyuta, alive, who are you anyway, i’m your husband, we buried you, come back, hello, you’re almost you, you had to die to bring him back myself.
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there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig , you just have to get a pet and... life will never be the same, it puts everyone in a good mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, after all, each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, as you agreed to it, at first they shoved it in red, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, in
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a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturday on rtr, i have always been i’m honest with you, but you’ve been lying to me all my life, my mother... yes, she just abandoned me, she left me and left. in spite of all the winds. premiere on saturday on rtr. in the nineties , the name of director valentin gnyushev thundered throughout the country. however, at some point gnyaushev seemed to disappear; there were rumors that because of his unbearable character , all his friends turned away from him. evgeniy quietly sings in his elitist booth, who the one who is called the white clown remembers who wants to forget.
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my beloved girl, forgive me, malakhov, you cruel, reclusive valentin gnyaushev and the secrets of russian show business. malakhov, today on rtr. there was paradise in the bushes, it became in the clouds, an unusual concert in the pre-dawn hour. woke up many residents of munich, and such an alarm clock will go off in this and other parts of europe almost every morning. the finish of the music marathon is scheduled for the summer solstice on june 20. swiss musician alain roche hangs behind the piano. this is how he imagines high art. well , a construction crane lifts it to a height of ten meters, however, the weather is not yet, to put it mildly. very suitable for playing music, the master's hands are constantly cold, the snow... adds extreme, god give him strength. and in the courtyards of russian high-rise buildings
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, other concerts have become commonplace. few car owners do not worry about their vehicles, leaving them on the street unattended. yes, almost everyone has an alarm system, but it wouldn’t hurt to strengthen the protection. theft is a car owner's worst nightmare, and the car does not have to be expensive. today, in the lists of the most stolen cars you can see models of medium and even budget ones. segment, how to protect your iron horse, let's figure it out, of course, every car leaves the showroom with an alarm installed by the dealer, but most often this is the simplest device of two or three of the most popular brands, which attackers can easily disable, so it is best to supplement the alarm with time-tested means, of the mechanical protection systems , several options mainly stand out: selector switch locks. so hijackers
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will most likely prefer not to make a fuss and not attract attention. one of the newfangled options of modern cars is auto start or keyless entry. yes, very convenient. but in fact, these systems greatly increase the vulnerability of the car. criminals only need to intercept. signal from your key and copy it to your dummy key repeater. to protect yourself from this, you can purchase a shielding case for the key that jams the signal. the price is about 300 rubles. and if the key is simply stolen, then electronics come to the rescue. at the moment there is a blocking of the horse, this microrelay diagnostic connector, plus installation. bluetooth radio relay, which is also
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not so easy to get. the device comes with a special radio tag that you carry with you; it exchanges a signal with the transmitter in the car; without it, you won’t be able to start the engine. an additional condition for starting the engine may be a special pin code, which only you know and enter using the buttons on the steering wheel. but in any case, a good security system combines electronic ones. mechanical protection systems are said to be 100% protected there is no protection from theft, perhaps, but the main thing here is to make the attacker’s task as difficult as possible if he understands that... the process is unpredictably drawn out, most likely he will prefer to find an easier option, then our smaller brothers, but i asked you not to feed wild animals like that , it ’s dangerous, they’ll get used to it, they’ll come, well, he ’s so cute, look, how, well, what
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a danger, like this, breathe, breathe, otherwise he’ll think you’re scared. yes, i’m already scared, what should i do? calm down, what to do with wild animals that are drawn to people? we we’ll find out from the expert very soon, but you go, go home, well done, go. the domestic aircraft fleet must be updated for this as well. there are all possibilities. vladimir putin discussed industry issues at a meeting with the government. interview bypassing the west, american journalist tucker harlson spoke with the president in moscow. friendship matches are a big holiday in the amur region. preparations are underway for the russian-chinese winter festival.


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