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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 8, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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the united states will continue to support the government and military of ukraine against the backdrop of zaluzhny’s impending resignation. olga, maybe i will say something new, but don’t believe everything that americans say publicly, especially politicians. i will continue, i will continue the topic concerning, concerning graph 103. we don't trust the americans, but once again, this really matters. it’s not zelensky who makes the decision, this whole mess that’s been unfolding for the last 2 weeks, salevant came out and said, resignation is being prepared, we support the government, the military, it’s okay, but they go beyond the meadow, the americans say, if you want to know what the americans are doing and who they really support, look at who they throw mud at, who the soros are clinging to in ukraine, this is the best marker, look what thomas is doing.
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it is he who turns to zelensky , it is he who turns to zelensky, facing the entrance to the camera, to the body that is recording, and zelensky is conveyed this, and the deputies talk about it, and i talk to him about it, now, now the point of view in ukraine, there are only two points of view, yes, those that are bright, zelensky’s team, which is now in the minority, by the way, she speaks, she will say that the president will...
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lead the country until the next president is chosen, this is international practice, the practice of succession of power, it will be so, it always is, but at the same time, the lightest version for zelensky is that the constitution clearly states that the security forces are appointed by the president, and after president zelensky’s five-year term expires, he is acting... duties, at least, acting cannot there are a lot of things he can’t do to appoint a prosecutor general, security officials, he doesn’t have such powers under the constitution, so he’s in a hurry now, he will be in a hurry to carry out all the rotations that exist within this period , so that later, well, at that moment , when he is at least semi-legitimate, he must have his own power vertical so that he can tighten the dictatorship even more.
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dialogue, interviews, will be watched by hundreds, hundreds of hundreds of millions, first of all, well, like people of the anglo-saxon world, we are used to it to vladimir vladimirovich’s speech, we seem to understand the logic, there are no questions here and it’s as if there is no revelation for us, but in 2 years the western world, under the conditions of this total
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information blockade, has, to put it mildly, lost the habit, that is, in fact, this is an interview, this will be well, how columbus actually discovered america in information terms, and i would make three preliminary remarks: first: well, we don’t naturally know the structure of the questions in the conversation, we’ll find out on friday, well , it’s quite obvious that in the conditions of this two-year total american picture of the world, which the 24x7 american whole system imposes and propagates on the whole world, well, as if with american ukrainian paint, it is natural that the geopolitical picture of the world as presented by vladimiravich will be a clear, understandable list:
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he is a monster among the anglo-saxon people in general, well not among everyone, but most of them are given 24 hours, and naturally the person who judges with a stacker, agrees with some things, disagrees with some things, naturally, seems to think soberly, reasoning absolutely logically, naturally, this is also, in general, a nail in the information, total western propaganda, and the third narrative is, so to speak, legal, well, it is absolutely clear that tucker’s team... prepared carefully for this visit, from the point of view of american laws, legal system, especially the financial one, there are laws there, you can’t say so, everything is thought out, everything is calculated one iota, it’s not by chance that he said that he paid for this trip himself, it’s not by chance , it’s just if something had been different, it was
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a violation, but the main question arises, will violate the testing of the american administration, biden's leadership of the constitution's first amendment to the right to freedom and the press. for now this is an emotional accusation against tucker, like assessments, yes , yes, passions, all these hysterics, but as soon as he arrives, and if there are some legal steps, not emotional, but legal, it will be a violation of the constitution, here we are and let's see, i have a feeling that they will, well, this is kind of my subjective feeling for now, summing up these preliminary considerations, of course two american problems arise, one the fundamental global one is the further transformation of the american elites. this global russophobic majority in america, i won’t, it doesn’t matter whether they are republicans or democrats, they are all smeared with the same anti-russian world, an expert analytical group, what happened to it, i knew many of them personally, i’m reading now, listening, my hair is standing up like smoke what they write and say is a separate topic, but the latest
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report from the atlantic council, these are five scenarios for russia, it’s simply amazing, there ’s simply no time for more details, but well, there are individual, as if point-like, not frozen people, there are few of them, but they exist. immunity, such a term is legal immunity, now it means subject to jurisdiction, second,
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biden’s formal victory in the democratic primaries, in the southern kingdom it does not give anything, but it may have added sparkle in the grandfather’s eyes, if he has one, and the third is, of course, this these two hung bills, the small one in congress is large, summing up the two conclusions, the first conclusion is , of course, the fuse that stretches to the powder keg called america, supports ukraine, we must maintain this course. madness, white house, comments,
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not yet aired interview. at the same time , the united states believes that there is no alternative to the military aid allocated by washington to kiev, although the day before they were unable to vote and push through 61 billion . look, the watch is talking, quietly. the clock is ticking, every week, every month that passes without new aid for ukraine means fewer artillery shells, fewer air defense systems, fewer tools for ukraine to defend itself against russian attack. this is exactly what putin wants. to address the formal dining room of the white house, biden specifically wears a tie in the ukrainian style, with tarpaulin stripes. adjacent to the icon are the flags of ukraine and the usa. joe says it's a symbol of support, an attempt
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to draw attention to the desperate situation of the war. biden scolds donald trump and even quotes the headline of the democratic pocket newspaper the new york times reports that trump comes first, putin second , america comes third. allegedly, this principle is used by those who do not want to spend american money. to ukraine. history is watching, i urge congress to pass the bill and put it on my desk immediately. despite the rhetoric, biden himself admits that the bill, which combines border protection between israel and ukraine, is unlikely to reach the senate. 19 republican senators have publicly stated that they will not support the document, which means it will fail the first time. house of representatives. in the end, the united states did not even support a compromise bill on aid to israel, which did not include funds for ukraine -
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your post reports. voted against democrats who want to get money for kyiv. however, even if the document passed congress, biden promised to veto it. the white house has already stated that if congress does not pass a law on additional spending, washington will not be able to provide military assistance to kiev. all responsibility will fall on the european union. aware of these problems, scholz flies to washington, and charles michel from brussels tried to shame american lawmakers and scold eurosceptics who want to stop fighting. i heard the statement and was shocked. some they say that lugansk is part of russian territory, this is shocking, because territorial integrity means that it is part of ukraine, and crimea is part of ukraine. i am stunned to hear statements from the far left that we... must stop supplying weapons to ukraine, do you want ukrainians to defend themselves with water pistols or with loud
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speeches? european gardener barylko spends time in ukraine, he took two suitcases from the train, either he came for a long time, or he brought something. the head of european diplomacy witnessed attacks on military infrastructure in the ukrainian capital, hid in a bunker, which he immediately wrote about on social networks and visited the verkhovna rada. to those who say what is needed.
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small drones per day as part of the drone army program. ukraine has the potential to become a technological state. what they lack most is ammunition. the gun standing directly behind me can fire up to 200 rounds on the day of the most intense fighting, but on average it fires 20-100 rounds. come on, leave. in footage from the donetsk direction, russian troops finishing off bradley's american bmw. the armored vehicle hit a mine and was abandoned by the crew. new york times staff correspondent julian barnes also sees the future of ukraine in an extremely gloomy light. he writes that kiev will not return crimea and donbass. the country has terrible problems with demographics, the ukrainian armed forces have no weapons, no motivation,
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so zelensky urgently needs to make peace by ceding territory to moscow.
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and announced real persecution. cnn's front page reports that tucker is in moscow, on putin's orders, carrying out the orders of the russian president. why should i feel guilty, like i'm betraying my country? not at all, i love america, but i’m in a beautiful city and i don’t care, because it’s true. thank you. tucker carlson claims in his preview video that the biden administration opposed and even tried to interfere with his attempt to interview putin. wait, repeat the last part. he says the biden administration tried to prevent him from interviewing vladimir putin. do you have a comment about the interview or this statement? absolutely not. do not comment at all or you deny that it happened. i have absolutely nothing to say, period. the last western
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journalist who communicated with the president of russia was.
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the long-term consequences of this war are even wider; this war completely changed global military and trade relations. the system that was formed after world war ii and guaranteed the west economic prosperity for more than 80 years is rapidly collapsing along with the american
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dollar, these are not small changes, they change the course of history, changes that will determine how our great-grandchildren will live. in in canada, the nazi scandal sparked again; the head of the country's opposition conservative party called on justin trudeau to resign. it became known that the prime minister personally. invited the ninety-eight-year-old executioner yaroslav gunko, who fought for hitler, to speak in parliament, as reported by the national post , conservative leader pierre poalvivère called trudol a bastard because after the scandal, he said he did not know, he says that the old man gunko was an ss veteran, although in the invitation sent by the protocol service, it is written in black and white that trudeau himself will be there.
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already 54% of the country’s citizens are in favor of stopping funding for kiev, every third believes that kiev should negotiate a peace agreement with moscow, even... at the cost of territorial concessions. the prime minister says he had nothing to do with inviting a former nazi soldier during the ukrainian president's visit. now we learn that he personally invited this very man, but nevertheless he claims the opposite. he also stated that the former speaker had to resign due to the same the very reason. will he apply exactly the same standards to himself and will he admit that he is not suitable for...
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minister, for months he said that he was only invited by the speaker, but it turned out that this was not true. the head of his party in this house said that this invitation contributed to the dismissal of the speaker
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and that the speaker resigned because of him. everyone has seen it, but will the prime minister adhere to the same rules he applies to everyone else? alexey valeevich, well, i’ll probably start over with interview with the sensational karls, an unexpected topic. and the unexpected, the unexpected , is different in it, if you look at the turns. i think this interview shows what profound changes have occurred in the structure of the american state. please note, the first point, no one, not a single major american politician, said that this is actually his private business, he interviews with whomever he wants, wherever he wants, he goes there. freedom of speech, this is an interview with the leader of the country with whom we have not severed diplomatic relations. with whom we have no closure border regime, no one even raised the question, that is, the majority of american public opinion, the large political
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establishment, have already agreed to renounce freedom of speech, from the basic american, as they said, always value. the second point , it’s not just, as we say, some returns to the cold war years, i would say, probably a return to... earlier times, this is a return to some times of the twenties, the times of the comintern, an atmosphere of great fear in the united states states, when even a conversation with the reds was considered almost crossing the line for america, such hatred, which is already inflated in american society, it will certainly have to have some kind of outlet, that is, we see that this hatred is already becoming almost irreversible
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... posed the question, in fact, why tucker carlson does not have the right to work on major us television channels, to have the right to his point of view, which means that the right to his point of view no longer exists in this society, there is no longer such a thing as having the right to your point of view, and the fourth point, the main argument is very interesting, it supports putin, that is, for any american citizen. i no longer have the right to support putin, and i don’t even have a neutral attitude. let me remind you that never during the cold war did the americans pose the question like that, they never said: we have bad relations with you because you have brezhnev, we have bad relations with you because you have andropov, this is not the case never happened, that is, this is a denial of the legitimacy of our political system, in in general, we are not so far away from breaking diplomatic relations, but... where
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to go next with such intensity of hatred, well , here i simply cannot help but pay attention to the point where a new intensity of hatred is being formed. poland. look, the other day there was very interesting information about the introduction of a special flight regime, almost wartime , on the eastern border. today there were again statements from retired polish military men about the possibility of a conflict with russia. it’s unlikely, of course, that they are going to go to war against russia; rather, maybe something in... russia try to do it in the west in the grodno -brest region, but to keep us in suspense, to divert our military group to kaliningrad and belarus, this is their task. an attack on brest , according to our doctrine, will be tantamount to an attack on any russian city, depending on what kind of attack it is, they recognize their other president of belarus, form some kind of insurgent detachment near popua new guinea, naur, or someone else. and may
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try to organize an invasion, will we consider this an attack, or will the belarusians to repel, well, like around the time fidel castro repelled an american landing, not by the united states, yes, but by an emigrant, cuban emigrants from florida, something like that, maybe they will try and plan to do it there. something else is more interesting here, that is, they no longer simply exclude the possibility of a military conflict in eastern europe, they are trying to substitute...
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elon musk supported tucker carlos and said that the interview itself is an important event for humanity. tucker said that he would interview zelensky, it would not be complementary, a discussion broke out in on twitter, the former current x. musk was asked a question, and zelensky was asked by at least someone, once normal and adequate questions, elon answered. look.
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to be honest, it’s difficult for them to talk and at the same time give a blowjob, hard, let’s come back, those who want to stay in the know, watch the week’s program, a program for advanced people, the week’s show with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr.
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i have a strong character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult, but i can handle it, my daughter, my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya, i absolutely need her. to an uncontrollable little animal, how you all got at me, and you break something, take it easy, i hate you , it’s clear, you stole my dad, you hit me in the face, are you a dekarka, i’m also a person, dad, allaganova, no one but us, alisa
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will protect, vladislav reznik, you will live with your mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid gromov. don’t sue hotly, that’s how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you, i hate my dad, but it will pass, it just takes time, all the winds are out of spite, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, all the best the important things in life are in our hands, to fulfill a childhood dream, to gain. new knowledge , feel inspired, build a career , realize your plans, start a family , give life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of
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the past and conquer new heights, it is in our hands to choose our future and the future of everything. sides, together, we are strong, we vote for russia , they said who i asked not to say, the main thing is that he is healthy, we look at the weekend, we will have twins, girls, what girls, you promised me that there will be a son, oh, when double happiness becomes a burden, i lost a child and don’t want to lose another. i ’ll pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed, you have to share, where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i’m still thinking, well, how can it be that a boy is born, but a girl was born, what miracles, she’s completely different, her character doesn’t
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resemble either you or lera, our son will be all like you, olga is deceiving you, and... don’t you think that this is somehow too much, nothing too much does not happen, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr, itakvik reports that the european union is proposing to impose sanctions on tucker carlosan to block his entry into the district garden, for what it is not clear, for not even being released yet. the headline on cnn's main website says tucker is in moscow
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on assignment. tucker is lying while standing on the street in russia, no less. none of the western ones.
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instead, he indulges in exaggerated expressions of points of view that should not be taken literally. 2 years after the start of a world-changing war, most americans remain. this is barely restrained on cnn, please, dmitry
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govievich, these journalists, and not spy journalists, yes, that is, they were caught in russia not because they carried out journalistic activities, but because they conducted surveillance in russia, but in this regard they sit, in fact, a rather serious statement in the era of new media, that a journalist is only a person who works in the media, no, well, i remind you that a significant part of our content is generated by the block, well, sort of ordinary. citizens, for example, accordingly, bloggers' target audience is many times larger than the corresponding target audience, for example, the same channels in the usa, respectively, there are 380, 360, the target audience of cnn is smaller than everyone who has looked at tucker's site now, and they are several times smaller , that’s why from this point of view, of course, the original statement is cool; there are statistics on trust in the american media, i really like to quote it, the most popular channel that americans really trust, that is...
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in that now the source of information can be anyone, in principle, starting , as it were, from data, as if from satellites, ending with anything, the question is interpretation, and not, as it were, accordingly, who is interviewing, in fact, so the question is , that the world has changed a lot, but by the way, all the same presenters have the same chic social networks, they invest quite a lot of money in them, they have, accordingly, very... large tops, as
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if they don’t have their own accounts seem to be a problem on social networks the problem is that they are not presenting him with social networks, no they are, but it should be noted that in fact, if we take the situation with other directions , that is, other countries , including interviews there, in fact, during visits to everything else, there were accordingly outputs in the articles everything else regarding what is really relevant and what is not relevant at the moment... well , of course, now the middle east is a main topic, right now, specifically this week, the tension is happening with voting on the border, and i kind of correspond with this interview, what were the exits at first from the special operation not in russia, i remind you that we actually had china, india, respectively, at the time the countries had the united arab emirates, everything was here, the problem is the following , the problem is, i’m not talking about belarus at all, the problem is the following, that in this case there is a surge in the border with everything. voting, what does
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schumer want to do, he now wants to separate ukraine, israel and taiwan to try push through this bill now , until skyles returns, when they don’t get 216 in the lower house, they won’t push through their story about separate funding for israel, until the interview comes out, until i return it, it’s just that they really don’t have enough people. they are now trying to wait until he returns next week, they are trying to push through the impeachment of myerks again and then push through this funding of israel next week, most likely they are trying to do it again. it's another matter israel is actually unlikely to be there, to be honest, why? because they chose a strange system, because their rights are being interfered with, they want 2/3 of the entire congress to vote, the lower house, and the democrats most likely will not vote, but they will get impeachment against the corresponding minister, most likely next next week, what all this means is that there is an active game going on now, around this component, around financing, serious indexing is associated with this, and if we
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take the situation as a whole, it’s like an average medians, even let’s say for february, then of course the middle east is much more important, there you say timing is always important, what timing, how long should they allocate this money, or will it be too late? the problem is this: in general , it is believed that when the border coincides with funding, there is no way to get away from it, even if they now separate the bill, the republicans will not vote against it. because they have already been shown the carrot, lead, i will conduct agreements along the border accordingly, if you cut out the border from there, then, out of principle, none of you will vote for this, because as if you were removing the most important instrument of pressure, that is , if you remove this story, vote, most likely it is also not
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according to most likely a separate bill, it will be procedurally long vote, then it will start on march 1.8, he will be given 60 billion. no, i say that before the first march 8th, that is, the further to the first march 8th, the less likely it will be, he will not give it. the second point is that the background still imposes amplification on all this trump. what is it? well, firstly, if he starts to take away all his other players, then secondly, how is he already showing how he influences the congress, now the most important story has happened,
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accordingly, we have now held caucuses, these are unique caucuses , we don’t say anything about them, but it’s clear why we don’t say it, they held two caucuses in one state, it seems to have passed. one is correspondingly permitted, which will be on thursday, and the other is correspondingly unresolved, which happened on tuesday, and so on tuesday caucus, that is, yesterday only haley participated in it, and there were some republics, respectively, and so there she took second place, trump was not there, who took first place, and the first place was taken by a list for someone else, that is they took someone other than their own at the caucuses, in which trump does not participate, and forced their base, the group, to vote for the third candidate, that is, for the candidate who is called. it’s also literally they entered such a position there without a name , including protest voting, so it’s just to show trump with this someone else, this despite the fact that he is not participating there, but he will come on thursday and there will be a high probability of winning and will receive everyone - accordingly, the delegates, that is, all the electors. the problem is this: even in a state in which trump is not present on the ballot, he has
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the opportunity to put so much pressure on his base that he can cut out other candidates or, in extreme cases, leave them second place, despite all this, this is still caucuses, that is, these are people. says a written statement on the website that they will achieve the allocation of money for ukraine, and there is no alternative to passing this document, well, i remind you now of the punchball, that is, this is, as it were, accordingly , well, one might say, accordingly, this is the position that will appear in the near future, and schmidt is the head of the majority in the upper
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house, they will try to allocate their transportation funding, this is like a basic expert position on this component, by the way, this vote may cost maconol’s position, a majority of more than 60%.
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well, i remind you that it’s not official now funds are not allocated in the right order, in a literal sense , by the way, that is, the problem is this, the problem is that those volumes, this is the largest volume, is the mainline aid, that is, which needs to be secured, here it is now , as it were, it doesn’t stand out at these stages yet, we need to take a break, and as for the interviews, president putin did not give interviews to any indians or suudis during the special operation , the only time was with the chinese before his visit to china, well, they weren’t talking about the special operation, the speech was about relations between... moscow and beijing, but there were no indians there, let's go back, we're waiting for an interview, i'm talking about this, we'll leave it aside. ours, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov,
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today on rtr. well, when are we going to collect our inheritance? premiere on rtr. i'm sorry about your wife. what do you want from me now? i want you to operate, now on me. stop. i'm in karili, help! skliposovsky, new series, today on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, the big ones have come change. to the new season. with the new renovation , with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones out of this room, absolutely without a face, the ideas are overflowing, we
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want to turn the radiator into an art object , there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i'm generally a plant maniac , real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after... dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, razumovsky, listening, hello. anyuta, alive, who are you anyway , i’m your husband, we buried you, come back
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, hello, you’re almost as good as you, you had to die to get yourself back, she has an anemia, how did i die, that is, how did i disappear, you were a sweetener, your car fell into the river, just don't fall in love. for my wife, i only need you, i think someone set me up, right after the funeral you appear, and what are you hinting at, unforgotten, you remembered something, on sunday on rtr, in the nineties, name directed by valentin gneushev thundered throughout the country. however, at some point, gnyaushev seemed to disappear, there were rumors that because of his unbearable character , all his friends turned away from him, evgeniy quietly sang in his
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elite booth, who the one who is called the white clown remembers who wants to forget. my beloved girl, forgive me, malakhov, you are cruel, the recluse valentin gnyaushev and the secrets of russian show business malakhov today on rtr, will you replace me at danilov’s work? easy bro? anna, when i was little, i dreamed meet the prince, this is my fiancé, and this is my brother anton, now i just need to understand who i slept with and who i married, without love, on friday on rtr, every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went. her house , sat down on the floor of a passer-by and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there,
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danetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together, ours , ours don’t abandon our own, from monday to thursday on rtr. biden advisor issues of national security, salevan flies to brussels to discuss with stoltenberg and nato allies further support for ukraine, zelensky may also be there , presumably to receive the last instructions before his speech in munich at the annual security conference. i ’ll just remind you that last time, after zelensky’s pearl about nuclear weapons for ukraine, russia was forced to launch a special military operation. and in anticipation of this event, they held among the germans. poll, which world leader do the germans know by sight? it turned out that the most famous politician among
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the germans is putin. ich kenne ich nicht, das sieht arabisch aus, vielleicht saudi arabienmäßig, belarus, ich kenne nicht, aber ich kann es nicht sagen, wer das ist, argentinien, frankreich, das sind deutsche aus, kenn ich auch nicht, israel, gaddafi, denn dander, taliban, haben die welche, vladimir putin, aber interessant, putin. putin putin, ja putin, der präsident von russland, wie heißt er, vladimir putin, das ist vladimir putin, putin, präsident von russland, putin, russland, putin von russland, putin is known and loved, according to
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the german spiegel. published statistics: 40% of germans are waiting for a war with putin, but here they seem to be standing and not waiting, they just know about putin. they smile. we are transferred to berlin via direct communication from bundestag member evgeniy schmidt. evgeniy, hello. in germany , they also put up for sale a bunker to survive a nuclear war, a bunker from the ddr era. in this regard, of course, the question is, what are you more afraid of? that a war will start with russia or that the americans really haven’t found the money, and now you and the germans will contain ukraine? indeed, a couple of days ago there was a message that in the gdr, in the lands of the gdr, a plot was put up, quite large, 35. m2, with a bunker, that is, yes, a bunker designed to contain the radioactive consequences of an attack,
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details. no, but it is presented as supposedly some kind of area for free time, of course, against the backdrop of the latest statements by politicians, both pistorius and other politicians noted, and the chancellor that what is happening, that we need to prepare for further confrontation, as with the russian federation, moreover, direct confrontation , this kind of real estate, it is becoming relevant, i will not be surprised that soon there will be a buyer, although the price is 1 million, but nevertheless, of course, all this, all this, you can, you can smile, laugh over this story, but nevertheless the situation cannot but cause concern, that is, everything is escalating in all media, that is , there is no trace of détente, and those political forces that are in favor of a diplomatic resolution of the crisis, for constructive dialogue, v
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in particular, the alternative for germany party , it is here in every possible way... is subjected to all sorts of attacks, that is, it is announced that any, any opinion that is different from the state, any attempt to establish a constructive dialogue or de-escalate the situation, this is all, acts in the interests of russia in the interests of putin , that is , all these people, all political forces are declared kremlin spies. and yet, eugene, what will be germany’s strategy if the united states, everything is heading towards this.
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here in this fuss around the discharge americans finance, of course, if the americans don’t allocate it, then germany will have to, well, i don’t know, scholz has already voiced the last, the last option, this is to get into debt, in fact, declare an emergency situation in the country, collect new debts and distribute to ukraine, that is to such a turn , he, of course, would not want to use this method, because already now... his parties and the party of the ruling coalition are breaking records in public opinion polls, but it is possible that such a turn of events will still happen, it’s crazy, thank you big, evgeniy schmit, member of the bundestag , please, we have seen how the germans love putin, whether they love conversation or are afraid, well , of course they love it, tucker carlson said that he interviewed putin not because he loves putin, but because he loves the usa, but i remember those times there about five years ago,
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when i flew to ukraine from your program, and also... said that i was doing this not because i love russia, but because i love ukraine, well, those were the times like that, that’s what carlson says, it will pass, you never know, in the united states will, yes, perhaps will live in russia with russian citizenship, if it changes, in general everything is heading that way. well, just look at his announcement in less than a day , just with a hint of putin’s interview, 80 million views, and how many hundreds of millions will watch putin’s interview, that’s because they’re not afraid, well, the interview has already been a success, we don’t know its content yet, but it already succeeded, absolutely right, maybe in a year or two musk will say that he bought twitter only so that hundreds of millions of people would watch putin’s interview, maybe it may be so, we don’t know, and people are really waiting, because they know very well that putin is a man with a sharp mind, a man who, well, he... can speak, yes, that is , really, if he said, that this is without editing, without glue, not a complementary interview, then putin is capable of this, that is , this is not the first time he gives such interviews, biden, for example, well, i’m not at all sure that biden is there without a seliprompter and i, well, without editing, without
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gluing is able to say something, he can talk about how he taught napoleon there to attack russia, zelensky is exactly the same , matsk has already said that zelensky, well, is not capable, that is, he plays, he is an actor, he plays the role of the president, he is capable when there is a teleprompter in front of him, or a complementary interview, there he can.
10:54 am
schlag is already 37 years old this year, but there are only a few people working at work, such long-lived people on the air. i chose my job correctly. koregina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor. this is a typewriter. it
10:55 am
's true, you are still printing gifts for a full house, the sound is still in your apartment when everyone says that it's all over this is not true at all. the most important thing in my life. look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look
10:56 am
, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time times23, sign up, look, see, maybe we can go to my place? we’ll just watch a movie, you don’t need to make an appointment with him , it’s a joke, he’ll come to the house himself, we’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always give advice, how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, a bowl of macaroons will always help. this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard. knitting needles, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can
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trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. you look amazing. beware of elena. she may be your father's wife, but she is your enemy. all, let's start the game, you're nobody to me, i'm not going to listen to you, her task is to destroy me, she hates me, you're the one who talked him into it, looking for the motives of the culprits is not here, we'll find out that you 're involved in this, i'll kill you, against all winds, premiere, on saturday on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think, here... that’s all,
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to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because that we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must have been edible, i meant, of course, a bear, when...
10:59 am
moscow stood up again in nine-point traffic jams due to a cyclone with an absolutely wonderful name olga. the snowfall brought a record level of precipitation and hit the capital with all its might, paralyzing almost all traffic, including on federal highways. on the eighty-sixth kilometer of the m4 don highway , three dozen cars collided, snowdrifts they will grow another 10 cm, they say their height may break the record of twenty. nine years ago, visibility on the roads is no more than 500 m, that is, it is not visible at all.
11:00 am
be careful, watch the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye, bye. on the russia channel, the host is evgeniy rashkov in the studio, hello, this is what we will talk about: explosions in odessa and nikolaev affected military production, a warehouse of heavy drones in new york, which is in ukraine, was destroyed. in orenburg they say goodbye to the crew of the il-76, shot down by ukrainian troops in the skies of the nation.
11:01 am


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