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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  February 8, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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you should not change commanders during a battle. the ukrainian army is exhausted by two years of war, but even on the issue of mobilization zelensky zaluzhny cannot come to an unambiguous decision. in addition, behind the scenes, the ukrainian president accuses his head of the armed forces of meddling in politics and not engaging in strategic planning. according to ukrainian media, zaluzhny is supported by 92% of the population, while zelensky is supported by only 77%. on the one hand, it is clear to everyone that the offensive has stalled, and we are dealing with tough positional war of destruction. if he removes the loser, he will have to look for a successor, who also needs a successor, and so on. if he removes the entire top leadership, then confusion will begin in the troops, and not only among the military, but among the population. civilians will say that they no longer trust the military or that they don't know how to fight, so all else being equal here... there is no good
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solution. how concerned are you about president zelensky's decision to fire general zaluzhny at this critical moment in the war? and what does this say about the state of the relationship between military and civil society in ukraine. i will leave this for comment to the ukrainian side. the question of the future of any of the personnel in the armed forces of ukraine is a sovereign decision made by a sovereign country. and obviously, the elected leader must accept it himself.
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formation, that is, ukrainians are already taken for complete cretins. their message is the following: there is no violent mobilization, this is all russian propaganda, all this, by the way , for budget money. for example, look, a crowd of ukrainians beat a woman and a child because they were told that the woman and children direct military commissars to their men. they tore out her hair, this hair, she showed the photo to the policeman, the child was hit in the face, because they are agents of the kremlin, very convenient, the woman naturally has no relation to the kremlin, she walked past
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, she had not heard about the military commissars. the topic of wild mobilization, the main one for psychics in ukraine, who have become more popular and political scientists and experts, who guessed the forecast, who can’t help but console. popular among ukrainian politicians, for example, guuleiter of the zaporozhye region, ivan fedorov, as it turned out, constantly turns to the witch for advice , asks her about their future, asks her to perform black magic rituals to achieve their goals, asks
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tarot cards for advice on political issues, that is, what happens, together with the clowns from the ninety-fifth quarter of ukraine ruled by witch sorcerers, poor ukrainian people. black magic has already reached ukrainian officials; instead of deputies , the state is increasingly ruled by witches. on january 23 , the government agreed on the appointment of the head.
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where in politics, when are elections, like with zelensky? laurent asks to ask more precise questions and to be as frank as possible with her. there is even a screenshot where laran sets the conditions so that he does not turn to god, she will do everything he needs. but he slips into guessing and flirting with mr. fedorov, complaining that he writes to her only when he needs something, and not when he just misses her.
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the rada adopted the controversial draft law on mobilization in the first reading. i want to see how this could end for... the bully card, the bully card, card of unrest, card of provocations, then card of grief, card of seal , card of mourning, card of arrogance, one negative, one solid negative, this will not end well, here we look, thief,
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thief card, thief card, misfortune card, last card, who who would have thought, the card of death, in short, i don’t expect anything good in the future, i think there will be a very strong life. chi can 24 can martial law be lifted in ukraine in 24? first card, turn over the cups. the first card is the ace of cups, reversed. another card, second card - the ten balls are inverted, the third card is the knight of balls, this is an attack card , the fourth card is an inverted deuce, the fourth card is the inverted two of pentacles, the fifth card is the lasso of death, while there is a threat - for now there is a threat of death, the lasso of death appears while there is a threat attacks, active hostilities, the united kingdom continues to set social anti-records, look. this is the queue to make an appointment with a free dentist. the office was opened by the national
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health service and they immediately began to besiege crowds of sufferers who cannot afford paid healthcare have to wait for 5-6 hours, and they don’t let anyone in without a queue, neither pensioners, nor pregnant women, nor children. and this is the situation in healthcare everywhere. according to the financial times, there is a waiting list to get on the free one. appointments with a therapist have doubled from 150 to 300 people, it is impossible to get through to a specialist in london, but conservatives in the uk parliament have found a creative approach, trying to win the love of voters with other alternative methods, a little less than a year before the elections, the tories are already starting to prepare, the key to success, as the publication found out: this is not free medicine, this is the lack of facial hair, not
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a joke, deputies began to shave their beards en masse, get rid of sideburns, mustaches, it turns out that the party, the newspaper writes , there was a rumor that a beard has a negative impact on your image and scares voters away from you, one of the first to shave, look, the chairman of the select committee on home affairs, tim... lawton, the second to shave was home secretary chris phil. premier sunok seems to have no mustache anyway, but that doesn’t help him. sunak's ratings have hit a new low. at the same time, rizh continues to surprise his fellow citizens with his manic desires to preserve youth and health, as the sunday times writes. head of government known for his intense cycling workouts. it turns out that he never drinks anything stronger than coca-cola.
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moreover, friends of the prime minister said that he has been practicing fasting for many years. the scheme is as follows: sunk stops eating at 5:00 p.m. sunday and fasts until 5:00 a.m. tuesday, meaning he doesn't eat for 36 hours each week. this supposedly demonstrates how disciplined and committed he is to his hindu religion. although, perhaps there is also some hidden motive here, since quick information about fasting has appeared right now. the hungry prime minister shows low-income residents of foggy albion that they can easily go without food in order to save on heating or hot water. and this joke is only part of the joke. below the official poverty line in the uk, this is the official
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statistics, 14 million people live, 6 million are on the verge of poverty, the majority are single parents who cannot find full-time work, but are forced to finance ukraine. i don't go out because i don't have the means to do this, you know, i sit and figure out what i can do without to survive? no heating, no...
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okay, great, thank you very much and we 'll talk soon, take care, bye bye. mela , a single mother who works part- time, has always had a hard time making ends meet, but it has never been this hard. like now. even before covid i was on a very tight budget, but now things are really getting tighter and tighter, so over time it's become a bit of a cost of living crisis, or as i call it, the cost...
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it's £294 a week, for the childless £174, 14 million people are in this category and more than 6 million of them are in very deep poverty, meaning they have less than 40% of the median income, so
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for a single parent with two young children it's less than 196 pounds sterling to week. the rate of deep poverty in the uk is rising, meaning more and more people are falling further and further below the poverty line. we found that on average about 6 million people would have to double their income just to reach the poverty line, which is shocking. what we also see is that over the last 20 years, with successive governments and six different prime ministers, we have not seen a sustained decline in levels. uk poverty. the government says that between 2022 and 2025, it will spend 104 billion pounds on measures to reduce the cost of living and adds that it makes it easier to get a job, but with many already employed and struggling to make ends meet, it turns out that there are more serious problems in their daily lives.
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well, german justice turned out to be the most humane and inclusive in the world. the nuremberg news building tells a completely crazy story: fifty-two-year-old jurgin camerer was brought to court for protecting child pornography. on his computer there was 70 files were discovered that showed almost naked or, according to the official wording, partially naked children and teenagers in clearly sexualized poses. the police, at the same time, argued that this was explicit child pornography, naked children's genitals and sexual acts were visible, for example, an underage girl during oral sex, but the judge gave the pervert only 14 months of probation,
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all because jurgen was correct. jurgen is a transgender named biyata, all these photos, how they managed to prove him lawyer, he used it not for sexual gratification, but to seek understanding of his own identity. allegedly, burger dreamed of becoming a woman since childhood, after his trans transition, he collected photographs to make up for everything lost, but... that is, they actually decriminalized child pornography, germany is ahead of its time in terms of developing the sex industry , the world's first cyber shop opened in berlin, where clients can spend the night with one or even several sex robots at once; these are
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life-size machine dolls that equipped, as stated, with everything everything is not... for physical contact, to create artificial intelligence. special software, as they again claim, is based on a complete sense of reality, 3d glasses help and the establishment is in incredible demand, libertines with experience come here for new impressions, and newcomers, of course, are attracted by modern technology. master of a digital brothel. says that this kind of sex is the future, and soon everyone on the planet will do this. statistics is his opinion confirms. registered number. sex workers in germany have decreased by 30%. in 10-15 years, they say traditional prostitutes will simply disappear and everyone will switch to
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robots. you're lonely. what do you crave, desire? how to take a fantasy and turn it into reality? imagine the endless possibilities, i can give you a rendezvous that you have never had before, you can choose everything according to your desires and passions, i am the world's first interactive sex doll that you can visit virtually a world where you can touch me, taste me, feel my
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touch, you are ready for an adventure, put on your virtual reality glasses, come closer and plunge into the world of sensual pleasure, located on the border of different dimensions. sex workers now have to compete with artificial intelligence as the world's first artificially intelligent brothel. visitors relax in the company of life-size sex dolls rather than human sex workers. bimbo like cassie and company can't move or speak, but clients interact with them in a virtual world, wearing virtual reality headsets to watch immersive porn in four dimensions featuring their favorite sexbot. cybrothel is the first in the world to populate its brothel with immersive artificial intelligence, co-owner mathias smetan. said that his business is aimed at developing the next generation of robotic dolls that will respond to touch and maintain dialogue in real time. traditional
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customers will disappear in the next 10-15 years, says smetana. so i think now the sex industry will move more towards virtual reality, everyone will have sex in the digital and physical world at the same time. thank you, it’s nice to feel loved. is there anything else i can help you with? do you mind if i touch your face and hug you a little? sure, come on, what would you like to try today? obviously, the next step will be sex robots, i think these are all tools that can improve sex life, special relationships and all that. people who come here know that they are not perverts, they are normal guys, take a trip to berlin and have sex with a doll here, hey! well, it’s like going to madame tusaud’s museum, it’s the same thing, only here you can have sex. we had an overnight session here, the client stayed all night, he
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ordered two dolls and i think they had a good time, i really don't know which doll is now contaminated and which is not. do you think we can rinse ourselves a little? well, of course, it sounds nice, we can start with a kiss. if you want to try it yourself, come to the kebordelle in berlin, where i will be installed for everyone to see. join us as we change reality and create the future of sex. go into the room, take the glasses, and then you just need to take the necessary position. basically, you can start your own business, next, and this is also a pretty cool feature, you can just go around the other side and do it here, it's
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incredible, isn't it, want to check it out, oh yeah, ask me if i agree, you know, i think that in this way we can change the world a little, be polite and ask permission , and don’t just stick your dick in from the doorway, now about... the weather, to try to move on after this in a human way , as you know, olga burst into moscow, that’s what they call north atlantic cyclone, due to a snowstorm that covered the capital region , one and a half meter snowdrifts formed in the city, visibility on the roads was 500 m, traffic jams in the capital reached nine points, in the moscow region there were two accidents involving dozens of cars, right now the capital. how ros-cosmos reported that the cyclone formed in greenland, entered russia through the baltic sea, swept over st. petersburg, moscow, and...
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now the central regions are covered with snow clouds. this is how they look, olga, from the orbit of our planet. the satellite image taken by the meteor m apparatus shows the peak of a snow-white ridge that has already enveloped the western part of our country, smoothly advancing towards the volga region. then, frosty olga will go further to the east to the siberian federal district and altai territory. deal with bad weather. had to literally everyone, people pushed their cars out of the snowdrifts, truck drivers helped passengers of cars with provisions, heating, little ones, look at these shots, brave men picked up shovels with their own hands, also cleared snow on playgrounds. moscow is coming to its senses, right now, central russia is threatened by an arctic invasion, at night in the capital. it gets colder to -24 and
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this frost will spread further throughout russia. well, aunt olya came to us. aunt olya. unfriendly.
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there are 30-40 cars here and the truck, look, has collapsed. lol, in 8 hours we had 10 cm of precipitation, this is not quite usual, that year the highest snow depth was 70 cm, now it is already
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60. the property itself is just at its peak. well, right now the breaking news is coming, this is really important, first there was a leak from the very event where biden was raising money. to his company in the state of new york , the leak said that while talking about his past, he now also remembered helmut kohl, many laughed about the fact that kohl was buried, died, long before biden allegedly spoke with him, but this turned out to be not the main news from this event, the key thing is that biden was behind closed doors, but journalists were present, that is,
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information. as if publicly, this is not even a secret or some kind of leak, and so biden said that ukraine is at a critical point in the war, while the united states is retreating back, bloomberg quotes biden. during a fundraiser in new york, the us president said that putin is stepping on our heels. what are we doing? we are retreating back. america weak, america surrendered to putin. bai said. he stated that stocks of ammunition and weapons in ukraine are being reduced, military operations are expected to intensify this coming spring, well, that is, on the one hand, the rhetoric is understandable, and we are largely accustomed to this rhetoric, we guess that this is only an attempt achieve the allocation of funds, but before russia was intimidated, russia continues to be intimidated now, but this is almost
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the first time for biden. knew that america was retreating before russia, in general, we need to press on, we are moving to the front, andrey is in direct communication kazakov correspondent of riya novosti. andrey, hello. there are a lot of sad articles in the western press, again i will say, they are all of a funeral nature, but only visually they look like the funeral of ukraine, it is clear that they should become a motivation for europeans, but the europeans seem to have squeezed everything out of themselves, that is, they should become a motivation for republicans, who again blocked the package of funds, what is really at the front, is it really, as... the new york times reports for one ukrainian shell, the russians are firing 10. well, arithmetic, if not so, as the western press says, at least a close, truly shell-based famine
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is becoming a sad reality for the kiev regime, and just a month ago, here in the kherson region on the left bank, about a hundred flew in per day. shells from the ukrainian side, now it’s 30-40 per day, no more, respectively, during artillery duels, well , the same situation: for five or six of our salvos there are one or two apus, to conduct them on parity terms, kiev already has the capabilities in general no, there are no shells from the west gives, but at the same time demands results, that is, the continuation of the war, and in order to fulfill this, zelensky continues to throw in meat assaults and suicides.
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he deserts because the americans don’t give money, the ukrainians don’t believe in the americans, it looks funny, of course, but the key thing for us, he’s deserting, and what difference does it make about the reasons, let them figure it out for themselves, about the kupinsky direction, please tell us again- there is still pressure, is this pressure in search of money, or are we really doing something there... let’s prepare, there are already numbers for tanks, figures for infantry fighting vehicles, infantry , but there are not enough satellite images to somehow confirm all this, well, even if we
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are preparing something somewhere, then i am sure our general staff knows about it, it is unlikely that they will share this information. in the kupinsky direction, the enemy recently lost almost three companies of personnel, that’s about 300 people, and... several guns, among which, by the way, was the american m777, 155mm, the enemy was defeated at novoselovsky, at kislovka, at berestovoy, well in fact, all attempts were repelled to attack the enemy in the area of ​​senkovka station, and also appealing to the americans, more precisely to the americans, to salevan, they say that the russians will go on the offensive in the spring. that it will be easier in the spring, here we return to our traditional conversation: now mulyaka, then it means dirt, now the earth has risen, now it has not risen, we somehow have not recorded the fact that it has risen, is frozen, and they say that everything is
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already melts it will be easier for us to go, is that what is on earth now? well, really, here in the kherson region it’s +7 now, yesterday it was about +13. and at the same time, it undermines many roads , i think this is very bad for nato wheeled vehicles, but the armed forces of ukraine have quite a lot of them, while the sky is clear and there is no wind, this is already very good for drones, they are now very widely used here, in in principle, it must be said that along the front, well , almost along the entire length, there is such a thing ... positional confrontation, artillery duels in our favor, confrontation of copters in the sky is becoming, in fact, especially relevant, in the kherson direction the situation is stable, so calm, and
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positional confrontation, as i already said, drones are used very widely, the density and frequency of their use is growing literally every day. these are drop copters and kamikaze fpv drones. our electronic warfare specialists resist all this very competently. naturally, russian calculations are also involved in this. when they meet each other they fight in the sky. thank you very much andrey kazakov, ria news correspondent on the direct line of the kherson region front line. 7 + 13 is generally incredible, of course, especially after the footage from
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russian capital, where we have snow here and olga is raging -14 right now, they say it will be 30 on the weekend, please, there is a lot of news, i understand everything, the situation is not easy, somewhat turbulent, but let’s start, well, of course i would like to discuss robotics news from germany, but... we will still talk today, probably, about more serious topics, so i would like to say about trump, because a certain trend has emerged, has emerged once again, by the way, why are american and european comrades reacting so harshly for an upcoming interview, and carlson with our president, they understand that there will obviously be a trump theme there in one form or another, they obviously understand that it will be rather complimentary for trump. many people are now saying what trump is doing. before the elections , it would seem that there is still almost six months or more left, but
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in november they have elections, here there is such pressure from the republicans and trump, in fact, everything is a little more complicated, firstly, almost a month is left until super tuesday, when electors will be elected , so trump has precisely the task of raising himself as much as possible in the media field, then there will be a republican party convention in july, and between these... events there will be several trials that continue to be pinned on trump, and there he will have rather negative stories that will have to be worked out, so now trump is trying pump up the information agenda with some kind of positive and semantic content, including by actively playing out both the chinese direction and the russian direction, telling once again confirming that they are ready to negotiate with us, trump in general, even before the inauguration, i am ready to reach an agreement in some formats. this, by the way, apparently still influences the thinking of comrades in
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the states in europe, the europeans have already begun to quite obviously panic, but when duda begins to say that yes, yes, yes, trump is, in principle, a normal guy, quite, he is to me everything that he promised, he fulfilled everything, i think that he will also fulfill this, said comrade duda in an amazing way, and the press writes that european, european politicians, european diplomats are seriously thinking about how they will live under trump.
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we went through with donald , we don’t believe in trump anymore, but stormy daniels doesn’t remember exactly, trump either raped her, or tried, or kissed her, or offered a kiss, or in a store, or took her into the locker room, either in ninety-six, or in ninety-five , or in the fall, that is, or in the spring, well, that is, as if the accusation is pouring in, and this will be the third time in the sense that earlier... trump was able to prove that he
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didn’t try to rape any stormy. as for the interview, this is really a ready-made training manual. trump is interfering with putin in the elections. putin is on the side of donald trump (republicans) and the interview is an attempt to suppress the democrats. look. putin is building bridges with the subversive pro-trump movement of republican party magicians and appears to reflect the kremlin's hope that donald trump will return to the presidency and that republicans will continue to block american military aid to ukraine. cutting off aid from the united states, ukraine's biggest western supporter, could pave the way for russia to win the war.
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almost two years of war. ukraine faces a critical shortage of soldiers, ammunition and weapons as it faces off against much larger and better-equipped russian forces. putin portrays himself as a guardian of traditional conservative values, demonstrating a common position with conservatives from the maga movement, who oppose gender-neutral toilets. putin has repeatedly spoken derisively about western support for transgender rights. republicans who support trump are a natural ally of putin on lgbtq plus and other issues, and because the kremlin has long sought to exploit divisions in american society to interfere in us politics. the theme is lgbt clus indeed. philosopher
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igor shefarevich, he had many of his own, as we had such an interesting mathematician, and they say, incorrect, perhaps, excesses. but he said an interesting thought: what if the left-totalitarian project is revived in the west itself, only in a different form, by the way, very reminiscent of experiments, we simply forgot the sexual ones of our left social revolutionaries in the era right after the civil war, then they were covered up. so, what kind of project is this? after all, how many people in the soviet union laughed at the new left, some new left, the frankfurt school. marcusi with his genders, sartre’s bet on sexual minorities , bet on racial minorities and so on, but they openly talked about it, that the proletariat is not revolutionary, we must rely on youth, sexual minorities,
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racial groups, everyone who is against the traditional states, we laughed at them in the soviet union, oh, some bearded men with guitars who say something about sex, what are they counting on, it turns out they are counting on it, they are actually in power, and they are turning america into a left-liberal totalitarian state, evidence, here is evidence, the first evidence, yes, you can’t come out to criticize lgbt people, but why isn’t it actually possible, really, where is the freedom of speech, the legitimate question is, why not? treat them critically, but because you can’t, and why can’t you be critical of racial minorities, but you can’t, that is, you already have there is no right to freedom of speech. next, look at what hillary clinton says, a useful idiot, yes, that is, if a person has a different opinion, he is already a useful idiot, and
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by and large an enemy. by the way, i’ll remember again, their favorite novel by george. new state, so this is a totalitarian state right in front of us, and why, in fact, everyone should love lgbt people, they should, this is already some kind of left-liberal ideology that arose in the late fifties, now it’s in power, now it’s building this is its own neo-totalitarian
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state, and moreover, this ideology is ready to crush even its own republican party, if...
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from germany it also brought him, when the pedophile was forgiven, because he is a transgender pedophile, is in search of his own identity, one can imagine this, it is impossible, but with them is already happening, well, about oruval and the famous novel, well, it would seem, i took an interview, the interview was not even published, i have already subjected it. repressions, moreover, he stated that putin’s position was not represented, there was a howl of offended people from washington, but we also wanted
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to do an interview, but we were simply not invited , and if you also wanted, then why are there sanctions against carlsen, what is he to blame for, if you, too, would like to be in his place to talk to putin, well, there are no these questions, but newsweek. reports that sanctions are being discussed, real sanctions for the interview are being discussed, the interview did not come out, but even if when it comes out, this is the right of a journalist to take an interview, no, tucker is deprived of this right, we see, because of tucker carlson’s interview with russian president vladimir putin , a conservative commentator could find himself in the crosshairs of european union lawmakers, it has been reported. and former members of the european parliament, carlson's work in russia could put the former fox news host in conflict with the eu, guy verkhovstat,
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a former belgian prime minister and current member of the european parliament and a lawmaker who has called on the eu to explore a travel ban, told newsweek. to carlson described carlson as a mouthpiece for former president donald trump and putin, adding because with putin being a war criminal and the eu imposing sanctions on anyone who helps him in this, it seems logical for... the external affairs service to look into his case as well. luis garicano, a former member of the european parliament, told newsweek that he agreed with verkhovstat's position. he is no longer a reporter, but a propagandist for the most disgusting regime on european soil, the one that poses the greatest threat to our peace and security,” garicana said of carlolson. the eu external action service is a diplomatic branch bloc responsible for foreign policy. in order for a person to be included on the eu sanctions list, evidence must be provided . service for verification, if they are considered sufficiently convincing, this service can then present the case to the european council, which makes
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the final decision on whether to impose sanctions. well , this is based on the principle of scouts and spies, we have scouts, you have spies, our strikes are democratic bombings, yours , of course, are aggressive, we, of course, are journalists, but who is tucker? tucker is a propagandist. we'll be back in a minute. well, when are we going to collect our inheritance? premiere on rtr. i'm sorry about your wife. what do you want from me now? i want you to operate, now on me. stop. i'm in karelia. help! skliposovsky. new episodes, today on rtr. i
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thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think. there’s no need to think about it here, that’s all here. to play or not to play? yes, yes, that's it. there cannot be two opinions, because we have five of them. this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal. but when it comes to... fleas, i'm out competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see , let’s go, it must be edible, i meant, of course, a bear when i said such a stinking one small, a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 1000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game,
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razumovsky listens. and anyuta, alive, who is this anyway, i’m your husband, we buried you, come back, hello, why are you here, i had to die in order to bring myself back, i remember, amesia, how i died, that is, how i disappeared? you were with the driver , your car fell into the river, just don’t fall in love with your wife again, i only need you, i think someone set me up, right after the funeral you appear, and what are you hinting at, unforgotten, you are something i remembered sunday on rtr,
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mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see, this is a special mobile point that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely goes, so that every resident could vote. how does it all work here? and the same as on a regular site? until the end of voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station. nikita, you will marry me
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for 3000, half a million, a million. a family, but a real one, not a fictitious one, i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what did you arrange for the deputy? i agree, a million is not worth it, listen, antokh , you can’t do the same, listen, brother, live your life, don’t meddle in mine, come on for now, are you twins or something, you’ve fallen in love, oh, grandma, you’re nothing hide it, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but turned out to be the husband of a daring unemployed girl, he was taken off, congratulations, you are pregnant, without love, on friday on rtr, in orenburg today
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they say goodbye to
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prisoners, nevertheless, the blow struck, the examination of the investigative committee established, that the plane was shot down by an m-1m 104 missile from the american patriot complex, wants to say that... we lost one of the most highly trained crew, the crew , knowing the potential possibility of enemy influence, nevertheless did not show any element some kind of weakness, then it was carried out in accordance with the instructions, in accordance with the task, that is, perhaps as heroic,
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correct and to the maximum. “ at this moment, kiev’s use of the american patriot missile was commented on only by the press secretary of the state department, patel. he advised seeking clarification from the ukrainian authorities, but also the investigative information. russia, which contains both the missile number and the missile brand, manufacturer’s instructions corporation retion rospropaganda. in kiev itself kuleba today,
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feeling his own, apparently, impunity, he again turned for new ammunition, there were few weapons, according to kuleb, the situation at the front. can be described as a shell famine, the new york times reports that ukrainian soldiers are allegedly beginning to desert, solely due to uncertainty about future supplies of western weapons, a so-so argument. without american help, kiev is able to hold out for some time this year, but then it will begin to lose this war. european countries do not have stockpiles of weapons and ammunition american level are unlikely to be able to fill this gap, the military says. not since the first chaotic months of the invasion has ukraine faced such a dangerous moment in the war. ukraine could effectively hold out for part of this year, but as time goes on, with no prospect of rebuilding the army, they will
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slowly begin to lose, michael kofman, a russia expert at the carnegie endowment, said in an interview. at the moment, russia's superiority in firepower and manpower puts ukraine at a disadvantage in most of the front line. and the soldiers began to feel uncertain about future supplies of ammunition. is not. who recently came to kiev, brought an incomprehensible spell of a miracle weapon, to which the ukrainian cargo cult could not assign a name, in order to call her stepsons there and daughters with new names, this is a complex combination
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of letters, it’s even difficult for her to pronounce it, it would be a name like hymers there or patriot there or else, they would call it, lsdb, yes, yes, db, here it is db, it’s with our minister of foreign affairs. well-known abbreviation, we know that this is it, here, but let’s say, against this background, against this background it’s funny, against this background, it means that in ukraine this wave of sorcerers and all sorts of fortunetellers is growing, well, how can a holy place never be empty, if the wizards from the west are over, then there will be, as they say , local, but neither one nor the other can solve the main problem associated with resources, not only with shells, not only with military equipment,
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ukrainian generals, but at the same time in england they still believe that ukraine can, only it is necessary to create an expeditionary force, but for now they are all they are talking, we are demonstrating what we can do, that is, we are not dealing with some
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fairy-tale characters, we are fighting in reality, in reality we are finding the very missile launchers that shelled belgorod, we are destroying their place, as they say, where they are hiding, flying in still geranium. calibers, nullifies the help that is still left, that’s when they say that ukrainians are fleeing the front because there are not enough weapons, in fact they are fleeing the front because they want to live. but it’s impossible to talk about this, because ukraine pledged to supply manpower, they adopted this law on mobilization, it has a very interesting provision that you can opt out of mobilization if your income exceeds 35.00 hryvnia per month, that is, you will be sacrificing money there; you will not be taken to the front, but the average wage statistics, well, the average temperature in a hospital in ukraine is 18.00 hryvnia, it’s clear that the majority...
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the population does not fall into the category of those who have succumbed or sacrificed, well, that is , it’s an existential war, but it still it is possible to pay off, it is possible, that is, those in power pay off, their children live there in these hogwarts and from there the legalization of corruption may be correct, they understand that if not legalized, then what suits the military commissars, but this is a real disgrace, to put it we are delicate, well, chaos.
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panties, they are paying with their own lives from the very beginning, it was clear that without visas, this is the payment for this without visas for these they will pay with this, but there are still some believers that everything will be different, not it will be different, so military strength ends, military assistance ends , victory will be ours, because god is with us, it is impossible not to agree, god forbid that we are not us, that our guys at the front are making efforts, giving everything they can give , including their lives, the americans are letting the ukrainians down, this was not the first attempt, the second, but the third will be officially announced, when they made efforts to vote, but they were just a little short and 61 billion, again remains in america, let’s see . in
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in this vote, 49 senators voted in favor, 50 against. 3/5 of the duly elected and sworn-in senators did not vote affirmatively, the bill was rejected. the bill on ukraine's joint financing of the mexican border with israel was predictably rejected; if the document had been supported by 60 out of 100 senators, the law would have been allowed to go to the decisive vote, but only votes were given in favor. 49 senators, democratic majority leader chuck schumer immediately came up with a new configuration, he untethered ukraine from the mexican border and proposed a new version of the document: ukraine, israel, taiwan. that is, they are trying to smuggle in help for zelensky, even if it’s a carcass or a stuffed animal. can you assess how things are going in the ukrainian army right now with ammunition and equipment? but i will certainly be careful with my words.


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