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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  February 8, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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the white house attended several fundraising events in new york on wednesday. according to poole's report, biden told those present about his participation in the first g7 summit as president. at the second and third events, baydon spoke about kohl's expected presence at the 2021 uk meeting, despite his death in 2017. biden said: “i went to a meeting of the g7 with the participation of seven heads of european states, sat down and said: “america is back.” and the president of france looked at me and asked: for how long? then helmut kohl'. from germany looked at me and said: what would you say, mr. president, if tomorrow morning you read the london times newspaper that thousands of people broke into parliament, broke down the doors of the house of commons, killed two people, trying to stop the election of the prime minister. the german chancellor at the time was actually angela merkel; kohl died in 2017 and has not been chancellor since 1998 . right now i have already flown to washington. german chancellor scholz is on his way.
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so he comes into biden's office, and biden says to him: “oh, kohl, you again.” at the same time, video footage was published. biden is trying to talk about hamas. we must destroy the terrorist group. the terrorist group needs to be destroyed, but i forgot the name of the group , i remembered several times with whom exactly he is waging a war right now, allocating money for it, but so...
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i don't want to, well maybe choose my words, there's some movement , there's been a response from the uh, the there's been a response from the opposition, but um, yes, i'm sorry, from hamas, very, man. let's dmitry gaviovich, you call the position of hamas the position in israel - this is a very serious statement, i assume that a number of points, frankly speaking, happened yesterday, well, last night in the evening, as if a procedural vote took place, as expected, accordingly it did not passed , what’s special is that more democrats voted against than republicans for, that is , three plus voted for, but four voted against, that is, roughly speaking, even... if
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the voting had been like that, it would have happened with there is a high probability of 51% 51 votes would not have been there, that is, the problem is the following, the problem is that on this issue it is 49 to 50, well, it is considered that the same thing, suppose the cinema is considered independent, but the essence this doesn’t change much, as far as i understand, this was already a procedural vote, yes, that is, 60 votes are needed, not a majority, even if this were not the case, they would not have flubbed, that is, they would not have delayed the voting.
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with the story associated with financing, then the main lever is unfastened, that is, in as a result, the republicans are left without a border, with external funding that you send, and the republicans are against both, the problem here is not only that they are against, as it were, respectively. that is, the americans need a border, but they unfastened it, why then are the republicans, no one will actually vote for this, because even now the conference is where it all began, on tuesday there was a meeting, they sat down, accordingly, had lunch, they there is such a scheme called conference, what is a conference , all the republicans gather, they sort of decide to vote together, but they still have party discipline that is actually quite strict, well, in the senate, in extreme cases, they try to put everything together, and there the majority is for with the exception of three people , give or take, they said that they were against it, yeah. and what mccon did, he changed his shoes, he said at this event that before october, this is most likely unlikely, that's what he said, that is, the problem is this, the problem is that trump has already he has, as it were, increased his apparatus weight so much that he is beginning to influence the senate and congress, he said
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such a position, they do not want to speak out against him, because as a result they will be subject to obstruction, after the vote has taken place, that trump said? trump said that the main negotiator for this process is from the republicans, has weak prospects in... the electoral field, and he will now start hammering on his sponsors, they will not give him money, he realized this and changed his shoes, well, relatively speaking, you know 60 billion remains on the sidelines, chancellor scholz is flying, most likely the issue that will be discussed there is a question of financing in general, because we all understand perfectly well that next year with a 20 billion gap, it will be extremely difficult to find funds of such volumes it’s difficult, the second one is to explain in parallel the 20 billion gap in the budget of germany, that is, germany. it’s difficult to give more money to zelensky, i remind you that initially it was supposed to be eight, they had to give seven, because there the problem with the billion, as it were, that is, there is a gap next year, as if a problem arises, as i understand it, they are trying to agree on the natural introduction of adg from this entire wonderful process, this is
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the first, second, respectively, the general position, because there will be then the advisors vote on the overall strategy for the second quarter, as we all do with a high degree of probability. the first thing trump said he would do, besides what he would do in 24 hours, he promised trade wars accordingly, as if restrictions on export operations accordingly, in fact, if you look
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at it like this, that is, in reality, this is what all the experts are now discussing, what will happen if trump comes, and what will happen if he comes with the senate, he will come with the senate, and what will happen if they retain the majority in the lower house, if it is triple, it will be...
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thursday, i remind you, we announced it all, announced it, today he will make a decision whether he will be on the ballot or not , in fact , here's the second one today there will be a caucus in colorado, which trump will most likely win and receive all the electors accordingly, in parallel , the problem is that biden expected to stabilize the situation in the middle east by this time, somewhere in march
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, this has not yet worked out, we all know , that hamas rolled out a counter-proposal, which is unacceptable, hoping to stabilize the situation, but forgot where, well, in general, well, it’s kind of like that. all age groups, i would like to point out, but in many places too, but the request is the following: in fact, but they are aged, but still hold on, but this one has started to drip, it’s wonderful. moscow longevity, in short, the point is this: if it’s a good program, i don’t argue that you’re making fun of it, i think that just like this is a very important segment in general, i’m developing the number of pensioners attached, a good labor force, so, by the way, to a country that has problems with employment, or rather , overemployment, as it were, the question is that these two factors are connected by the strengthening of trump, the migration component against the backdrop of the middle eastern factor, which , accordingly, is the most important price raiser, on the one hand , our energy carrier is 79. the price of energy, as if it is growing back, on the other hand, a correspondingly important fact for the electorate, voters, especially
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biden, as if young voters of all, this is the very fact, you can imagine, the basic voting is going on, the left is breaking away from the democrats, who is warren, who is sanders, respectively, they are the icons of this leftist movement, they are strictly speaking provided the electoral component, these are their grids under them, which are located to provide the bulk of the voters with a means of youth voting, which actually came and pulled biden out, as it were, during the last election campaign, and now it is under very serious conditions. i suggested an aggravation during ramadan, so the problem is this: biden wants to do this in march, in order
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to thus minimize the risks that will be in the second quarter, which will be associated with rising prices energy carrier, if possible, show these footage, no one here was talking about ramadan yet to come, but the palestinians attacked the house of comrade blinkin, it was in washington that they doused him with blood, well, artificial. nevertheless, they shouted to him: “shame, shame.” this is about stabilizing the situation in the middle east. no stabilization. we'll be back in a minute. well, when are we going to collect our inheritance? premiere on rtr. i'm sorry about your wife. what do you want from me now? i want you to operate, now on me. stop. i'm in karil, help!
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skliposovsky, new episodes, today on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to your house himself, we are starting, he will always help, we will. a doctor you can trust 100%. and
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you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. it is for you. well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday. poles, it's been a while since we've seen each other. holders. you know, but for every cool fighter, he’ll find an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good for you, your wife or your boys? don't ask stupid questions now. he still loves them. you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of our time,
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beauty, rapping, the whole crew, we only watch on the platform, we have a mini-planetarium, friends, because we sing... andrei malakhov’s evening show on saturday at rtr alisa, i have a character, i’ll tell you right away it will be difficult, i can handle it my daughter, my beloved
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beauty nastasia samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, like you always do? i can't forgive you, i hate dad, but it will pass, it just takes time, against all winds, premiere on saturday on rtr, russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different,
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but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. we are transported to berlin, germany, journalist gregor spetsson is in direct contact. today the two-day visit of german chancellor scholz to the united states of america officially begins, a meeting with... including before the trip, scholz said that if there will be no american money, then germany will not be able to handle one, in this regard, what is berlin’s plan, it is obvious that it will be he who will handle it, well, in the sense of chancellor berlin , taxpayers, good afternoon, olga, good afternoon studio, actually the mission of chancellor
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schulz , it’s simple, it’s to convince biden to put pressure on germany ’s nato partners so that they... finally take on increased commitments to help ukraine, because currently assistance, for example to france, is measured at one-eighth of that assistance that germany has already provided , as for other countries, their assistance can generally be characterized as microscopic at best, therefore , really, so much money has already been spent by germany, germany in its current state, a state of recession, economic decline and the budget deficit, she is not able to bear such expenses, so scholz, in principle. quite rightly appealed to biden to use all his authority to put pressure on nato allies. and i can’t help but ask you a question, it is clear that none of us, thank god, specializes, but the first electronic brothel opened in berlin, there are prostitutes, robots, what kind of trend is this, they say there is a frantic demand, german
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newspapers write how to treat this, in general, in our opinion , sounds like a madhouse. olga, i can only answer briefly, the german land is rich in perverts, because indeed my expertise lies outside the scope of prostitution, but you see, the services of prostitutes in germany are usually used either by representatives of lower social classes or visitors, so normal germans, in general, are barred from entering these establishments, but for perverts of all kinds, well, why not, if they can satisfy their fantasies accordingly without resorting to violence. regarding real life love, well why not, everyone has the right to go their own way. thank you very much, grigor spitan, in direct connection with farmed germany, it’s impossible to be an advanced country in the economic sense, so we took a perverted path, but it’s really the first in the world, nowhere in in one state on this planet, except
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germany, there are such robotic brothels, well, my congratulations. but i want to tell you this, if he were a strong leader, he would first fire the zaluzhny, and then resolve all other issues, the fact of the matter is that he demonstrates weakness, his weakness, when he advises..
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.vote in parliament in the first reading of this bill, and what do we see? we see that zelensky does not have a majority in parliament; only 178 deputies of zelensky’s faction voted for this law. we see that with all my attitude towards poroshenko and tymoshenko, you know my attitude towards them, but i must admit, they turned out to be consistent on this issue, and they did not give a single vote for this law, neither the eu nor the batkivshchyna. but it wasn’t that i was surprised, i was just once again convinced of what kind of scum we generally have to deal with, when the faction, which is called the platform
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for life and peace, votes and supports the president’s decision, i just want to ask them to their face, for whose life, what kind of world are you voting for, who is left there, and there’s all the action there this gang of opzzh, which positioned itself as fighters for peace and so on, which...
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those people whom we have known for a long time understand who they are and how they acted, and so on. now about their desire to integrate into this system of power. you know, i once again went to the millionaire ukrainian telegram channel, where they posted this vote, but i think, let me see what people write about this, people for whom they want to become one of their own, but these nationalists, there people living there in western ukraine, everyone... regardless of region, all without exception, 99.9% of people, i just can’t call it live, as they
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say, but believe me, it’s cooler than what elon musk said. we'll be back in a minute. to spend weeks without the noise of dust, put it on shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, sunday. on rtr razumovsky is listening to the living anyuta, who is he anyway, i’m your husband, we buried you, come back, hello, why is this with you. did you have to die to get yourself back? how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were with the driver, your car
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fell into the river. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up , i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams. how did you
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agree to this, at first they pushed in a red snake , sergeychki missed ours, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, nikita, you marry me for 300 thousand, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not an effective one, i fell in love with your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her hand in marriage, what kind of mess did you make, i agree, a million is not worth it, listen , antokh, you can’t do the same, listen brother, live your life, don’t meddle in mine, let’s do it for now, are you twins or something? something like
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that, the baby fell in love, oh, granny, you can’t hide anything from you, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, his i took it off, congratulations, you're pregnant, without love, on friday on rtr, what's your bank's plan? and my buddies will take the cash for lenin today even without me, but what time? so that i, lyokha the wolf , tell her that at 18:30 he will inject her, but never, you can change your passport, the children ruined it for me, everything is fine, then just tell me about your children, i’m saying, the children ruined everything for me , dear mothers, whose child smells like deor, if it’s from the new collection, then it’s mine, let’s run,
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well, weather forecasters confirmed that cyclone olga, which covered our capitals with snow, has left central russia and thank god, in the westernmost region of russia, the kaliningrad region, after storms, after blizzards, after frosts, spring has come in the city of solnechny +2 in the birdsong parks, almost 3 weeks ahead of schedule, wild snowdrops have bloomed.
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watch the news, bye, thanks, friends. on the russia channel, evgeniy rashkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing for this minute. the hymers installation was covered in the kherson region, a su-25 fighter was shot down in the dpr and there were new attacks on ukrainian military targets in odessa. situation in ukraine in the middle east
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and not only vladimir putin spoke with sidzenpin. the world in anticipation of an interview with russian president tucker carlson is fueled by the interests of the threat, which. pours into the address of an american journalist from washington. the investigative committee has identified the organizers of the ukrainian attack on a bakery in lisichansk, where 28 people were killed. there will be four candidates on the ballot for the presidential election. the cec announced the result of the signature verification. in murmansk and vladimir, schoolchildren were allowed not to go to school. frost is just approaching moscow to one of the resorts. an avalanche occurred in sochi. russian fighters shot down a ukrainian
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su-25 in an air battle over the village of novotroitskaya in the dpr. this was reported to the ministry of defense. at night , a series of explosions occurred in odessa, odessa and nikolaev regions. eyewitnesses report massive hits of geraniums on industrial facilities. in the north-west military district zone, kostroma paratroopers destroyed two sections of ukrainian infantry to the north-west of artyomovsk in the donetsk direction, units of the southern group occupied more advantageous positions. the enemy lost a tank and up to 310 soldiers there. in the same direction, a warehouse of heavy drones in new york was hit, this is the former village of novgorodskoye, it is still under the control of kiev. a video of the enemy's tenth separate mountain assault brigade falling into a field ammunition depot, and here the artillerymen are stopping another attempt by the ukrainian landing force to land on the left bank of the dnieper. in the same area
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, an american missile system, hymers, was destroyed in a counter-battery fight. in orenburg today they said goodbye to the crew of the il-76 plane shot down by ukrainian militants. near 2.0 people, family, friends. colleagues and city residents came to the funeral ceremony, people carried flowers in an endless stream. the terrorist attack occurred on january 24 over the belgorod region. the military transport plane was transporting ukrainian prisoners for exchange; the plane was hit by an american patriot anti-aircraft missile system. despite the fact that in kiev they knew very well about the transport of prisoners. our heroic pilots fought to the last, taking the crippled car away from residential buildings, and they succeeded. military posthumously. awarded with orders of courage, awards handed over today to their relatives. a substantive exchange of views on the situation in ukraine, the middle east and the asia-pacific region took place today between the leaders of russia and china. as
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the kremlin press service reported, during a telephone conversation, vladimir putin and sizen pin summed up the results of strategic interaction between our countries over the last period. good neighborly ties are now in turmoil. at a high level, and trade turnover, by the way, a year ahead of schedule, reached a record high of almost $228 billion. chapters the states confirmed their readiness to increase coordination at various platforms, in particular at the un, brix and sco, and also expressed interest in cooperation in all areas, including energy, finance, transport, industry , agriculture, humanitarian and sports exchanges. well, besides, during the conversation the president. warmly congratulated the president of the people's republic of china and the friendly chinese people on the upcoming spring festival. today, vladimir putin spoke on the phone with ilham aliyev. the leaders confirmed mutual interest in the further development
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of russian-azerbaijani partnership and alliance. in addition, putin warmly congratulated his colleague on his convincing victory in the early elections and wished him new success in his work at a high government post. according to the latest data in the elections in azerbaijan, which, by the way, were held for the first time on the territory of nagorno-karabakh, the current leader received more than 92% of the votes. congratulations on aliyev's address are now coming from many countries, including china, turkey, hungary, as well as from colleagues in the cis, where elections called competitive and alternative. observers did not record any violations that seemed capable of influencing the result. scientific. the sphere is of key importance for achieving our national goals, improving the quality of life of russians and the self-sufficiency of the country , vladimir putin just spoke about this at a meeting of the council for science and education, the head of state is conducting it via video conference, one of the topics
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was the updated version of the strategy for scientific and technical development, which in its significance is equal to strategy national security. development must be closely related to key challenges in the economy, social sphere, and security aimed at achieving our sovereignty. in the broadest sense of the word, state, value, industrial, certainly technological, in key areas that are most important for the development of the country, to improve the quality of life of citizens, we need to provide ourselves with our own technologies, key components, materials , means of production, organize the production of all line of necessary products, and where we have or may have... unique competencies, we need to set the task
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of taking leading positions in global markets. the day of russian science is dedicated to the founding of wounds, created together with st. petersburg state university by decree of peter the great exactly 300 years ago. in different cities today scientists are awarded and the latest discoveries are celebrated. on its anniversary, the academy of sciences looks very young and ambitious, even in the current conditions, and is actively developing between.
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people's lives. 5 billion rubles we will direct it to improve the situation in the housing and communal services sector, including supplying citizens with water and heat, and we will finance agricultural producers in these republics and regions in order to increase the production of milk, potatoes and vegetables. and carry out agrotechnical work to obtain good grain harvests. now there is a short pause, after which we will return to the air and continue. well, when are we going to collect our inheritance? premiere
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on rtr. i'm sorry about your wife. what do you want from me now? i want you to operated, now on me. stop. i'm in karili. help! skliposovsky. new episodes. today. how many secrets have been told, i am a man
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, a hunter of women, i like to attack , dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov on sunday on rtr. did they say who? i asked him not to talk, the main thing is that he is healthy. let's look at weekend. we're having twins, girls, which girls should i? that there will be a son, oh, when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife yet, i’ll pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed , you have to share, and where is the second girl, i
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heard her screaming, where is my child, and i’m still thinking, well, how can it be that we’re born a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles, she’s completely different. character is not like either you or leroy, our son will be just like you, olga, he’s deceiving you, but you don’t think so, that this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr, it’s whitening.
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i’ll say right away it will be difficult, well, i can handle it, my daughter is my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how you all got me, and you break something easier, i hate you, it’s clear, you stole my dad, she hit me in the face, are you a dekarka, i’m a human too, dad, allah of the south. no one but us will protect alice. vladislav reznik. you will live with your mother. she is alive. my father refused me, i i read the statement. you are a traitor. leonid gromov. so don't sue hotly. how can i continue to live? i can't forgive you. i hate dad. but it will pass. it just takes time.
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all the winds are evil. premiere on saturday on rtr. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. we're on the air , we're continuing the show. frosts, classes in schools in the murmansk region are canceled for the second day in a row. to stay home recommended to students in vladimir, but due to heavy snowfall. a severe snowstorm is raging in the urals, with traffic jams
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due to the fact that even traffic lights are being swept away. hello, road workers, where is our traffic light? today did not lead to a compromise and was blocked in the us senate. the initiative to allocate almost $120 billion failed to gain enough votes. even several democrats opposed it, but republicans initially demanded that the migration issue not be combined with assistance to other states. now
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biden's party members are writing a new version of the law. and against this background, on both sides of the atlantic they are talking about an impending shortage of ammunition in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. olaf scholz complained about the dwindling help from the west and, under the pretext of the russian threat, called for an extension of sponsorship; the search for weapons for the zelensky regime will begin on february 14, when on the eve of the meeting of the heads of the nato defense ministry in brussels , the next meeting of the ramstein contact group under the leadership of the united states will take place. the european union, meanwhile, began to prepare for a likely victory in the presidential elections in usa donald trump. high-ranking european officials told bloomberg that in brussels they are now thinking about how to respond to new trade wars with the states, which, as the eu is sure, trump will definitely unleash for... europeans trump has already returned, america has abandoned ukraine, he is writing politics. and this, according to the publication, is the darkest scenario for
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germany; it may find itself in the role of the main defender of the kiev regime, which the germans did not want to allow, preferring the modest role of washington’s faithful companion. the investigative committee of russia has established who shelled lesichansk; those responsible for the death of 28 civilians will be charged. according to. the investigation behind the attack is the third division of the 107th rocket brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. the head of the department, alexander bastrykin, was informed about this at an operational meeting in lugansk. there was also talk about the participation of mercenaries in hostilities. currently , 600 foreigners from 46 countries are involved in criminal cases. alexander bastrykin instructed to create an archive of kievsky’s crimes mode. we still need to slowly create archival material.
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all meetings and checks were held in an open form, and candidates were warned in advance how to avoid serious violations, for example, collecting personal data and signatures is prohibited by members of election commissions, for this they face administrative liability and... dismissal from the commission, we set a very strict this issue and warned all candidates to check again before bringing signatures to the central election commission, if among the collectors those who do not have the right by law to collect them, because we pass them through the government system, this is instantly revealed, but unfortunately, one candidate...
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the enemy will inflict fire damage, will try to disrupt the elections by one means or another and provocations in a political format and indeed in a military format, despite such dangers, our youth is active, ready to take part, ready to organize these elections, take part in these elections. nikolay continues his election trip to the krasnoyarsk territory kharitonov, today a presidential candidate from the communist party of the russian federation. visited the village of salgon. almost 70 years ago, the soviet authorities founded a state farm in these parts. and to this day, as kharitonov noted,
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this farm remains one of the exemplary farms not only in the region, but in the country. there is always a record harvest of organic meat produced here. our trip, we drove more than 300 km from krasnoyarsk, but in fact, here it is, the spiritual and moral core, here it is in the village, this suggests that this is an attractive place for... life, work, here we are we walk, we look, everyone came to work , they know what to do, what will happen today, what will happen tomorrow, the assortment and prices of products in stores today were checked by leonid slutsky , a candidate from the ldpr, came to barnaul, where he met with local residents, inspected shopping centers and enterprises of the food industry, often on products, on dairy products in particular, on cereals and so on, we see. 930 grams, while the buyer, especially not a
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young person, is used to what he takes. that he takes a kilogram, we need to return everything to normal and do not deceive our consumers. hermann grev celebrates his anniversary today; the head of sberbank turns 60. the largest bank in the country and throughout eastern europe. grev, having come from the government, took charge in 2007. and during this time he turned it into a huge powerful financial conglomerate. despite the fact that sber has been under sanctions for almost 2 years. usa, eu, uk, and was even disconnected from the swift system. the company is developing, acquiring many useful services from delivery services and marketplaces, pharmacies and online cinemas. total sber is more than sixty different companies, and its clients are over 100 million people. he just came at the right time, with the right intentions, and accomplished
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an absolute metamorphosis of the bank, the bank before him. the bank under him is two completely different banks, this is his undoubted merit, when he leaves and so on and so forth, it will be much more difficult for the next chairman, because i can’t imagine what the next trick should be so that it can be said that sberbank has committed the next qualitative breakthrough, so there is no doubt we have to, this era can be called in the banking world the era named after him, herman is a smart person.
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the speaker of the federation council checked today how the work of the recently opened largest medical center in russia, beloostrov, is organized. valentina metvienko inspected the key departments of the clinic, radiology, emergency care, the operating unit and the oncology center. all of them are equipped with the most modern equipment, including domestically produced ones. you can get help at the clinic , including under the compulsory medical insurance policy. the appearance of such
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medical centers of the world. level, this , in my opinion, is such convincing confirmation that despite any sanctions, russia does not stop its development, and we are absolutely convinced that all these goals and tasks set by the president of the russian federation, i will repeat once again, despite covid, no matter the sanctions, they will definitely be implemented. we have already signed an agreement according to which the residents of the leningrad region, leningraders. and little leningraders, children, adults, and the elderly, will be able to receive here modern high-tech medical care, and not only planned medical care, but, very importantly, emergency medical care, in magas, united russia today opened a section of the struggle for the party project for sambo at the ingush state university. the new gym is equipped with everything necessary for
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conducting not only training, but also competitions of different levels. in total , there are now more than a thousand such sections across the country, where over 100 thousand people study. the next batch of equipment was sent today from the kostroma region to the special operation zone. pickups, atvs, trailers and other equipment was supplied to the 331st guards parachute regiment kostroma. the cargo was collected with the support of the fund . we are proud of you. the most important thing is helping the front, that's all. the balls are made as one to bring our common victory closer. a low bow to our comrades in arms, comrades who gave their lives defending the independence of our large, common homeland. military personnel who were seriously injured in the special operation zone will be provided with the most modern prosthetics. the
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fatherland defenders foundation began cooperation with the group mitis company, russian leader. own design bureau , patented developments, production entirely russian, localization 90%. this is what the knee module looks like, this one, for example, is used in a bionic prosthesis, quite heavy, but considers... made of carbon fiber, the most modern model is the latest development. the state fund defenders of the fatherland, created on the initiative
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of the president in april last year, begins interaction with the largest russian manufacturer of components for prosthetics, mitis group of companies. the foundation provides comprehensive support measures to svo soldiers, including medical and social psychological rehabilitation, and legal assistance. to everyone who contacted. we are ready to collect the necessary documents, apply for payment benefits, submit an application for sanatorium treatment and, of course, provide technical means of rehabilitation. the head of the fund, anna tseveleva, and company representatives are discussing prospects for cooperation right in the production workshop. for the defenders of the fatherland foundation, it is very important now to understand the register of themselves manufacturers, domestic manufacturers of prosthetics, because guys come for whom it is very important to receive prosthetics on time. we have a huge reserve, huge potential so that in the near future, in the coming years, our manufacturers will truly
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be able to completely replace foreign manufacturers and provide our children with high-tech, functional prosthetics. prostheses from the simplest cosmetic ones to technically complex, bionic ones, taking into account individual parameters, are directly in production and are trained. how to use it, and they advise you even at the postoperative stage and before the first fitting of the prosthesis. bionic is a new modern generation of prostheses, which, as they say, are of high functionality, they provide a high level of comfort and mobility to patients, that is, it’s actually like a leg or a hand, well, it’s very close, yes. the goal of cooperation is to provide for all those injured during hostilities in the zone.
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we look at the form in the application or on the website, but continue to follow the development events, stay with us. sweden has stopped investigating sabotage on the nord streams, this was officially confirmed by the local prosecutor's office. the case was closed without finding the culprits. the swedish side stated that it transferred all materials to germany. about why european.


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