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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 8, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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“i have always been honest with you, but you lied to me all my life, my mother died, but she simply abandoned me, she abandoned me and left, against all winds, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose you are of your homeland, a soldier, whom you serve, a former friend , tear away everything that was ours, together,
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what is left for you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression they make, and russia comes and the city lives , boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, they said who, i asked not to say. the main thing is that he is healthy, we look at the weekend, we will have twins, girls, what girls, you promised me that there will be a son, oh, when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and i don’t want to lose my wife again, i will pay any money, before it’s too late , do a good deed, you have to share, and where is the second girl, i heard her... where
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is my child, and i’m still thinking, well, how can it be, there’s a boy, but a girl was born, what miracles what, she’s completely different, she doesn’t have a character looks like neither you nor lera, our son will be all like you, olga, he’s deceiving you, but don’t you think that this is somehow too much, nothing, too much can happen, two shores of hope, on saturday on rtr. and good day, hello, we are ready for the operation , and i am ready, there is no need to worry, the operation is not very complicated, who told you that i am worried, on the contrary, maybe it will be...
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one of the best days of my life, but patients usually don’t say that, i’m an unusual patient, i can finally read my famous dossier, and what new will you learn there, error on my wife's operations, negligence, bribes, but now i'm in your hands, you can even stab me during the operation, i don't intend to listen to this nonsense, yes, i was joking, you...
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i don't want to take part in this operation, let's talk , hello, there’s no need to refuse him, just ask for everything, but i don’t want to, quietly, i’m afraid, after all, i
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really don’t like it, there’s no need to spoil relations with him, no need, that is, you want me to commit to this adventure , just because you don’t want to spoil your relationship with him? i just want you to do your job and you aren’t you afraid that he’s dragging me into some kind of story again, this fedoseev has been pursuing him for more than 20 years, it’s better to be a witness than not know anything, a witness, what a witness, this is resection of the sigmoid, you’ve done this operation a thousand times, go and get ready. as you order, let's go , nin, hello, accept, petrova kira petrovna, 29 years old, fell with a short-term
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loss of consciousness, breathing is difficult, when you fell, what did you hit, chest, head, bath, headache, yeah, breathing is difficult, on palpation clear rib fracture it’s not detectable, but why is she so hot, do you know the temperature? oh, maybe there should be an infection , but there is no evidence of an infection, doctor, i can’t breathe , help, anti-shock quickly, look who is free, come to me, okay, there is, oh, great, konstantin germenovich, anti-shock, come down . colleagues, we are ready, the patient is sleeping, very well, colleagues, we are going according to plan, we are starting, sorry, i can’t be at this operation,
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something happened, maybe he is not feeling well, he probably isn’t feeling well, we still can’t do without a third surgeon , please,
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the temperature has risen for a long time, yesterday i returned from vacation and the temperature rose, where we went, to africa, to nigeria, i honored my whole life, sit down, mask for the day, she is 39, she has pulmonary edema, they brought her with pneumothorix, give me oxygen , doctor, i feel bad.
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need to be done, no, i don’t see any indications, multiple large diverticula, in fact, it’s better to expand the volume, i’ll decide for myself , then i don’t understand why we’re here, no need to argue, please, now there’s no need, like you, we're fine, work here you see, under the seal, there is a perforation of the diverticulum , i see, the situation is more complicated than i expected, can you... we will close the unloading stoma in a couple of months, repeat the operation , repeat, no, now we will finish everything, no stoma, bleeding, the vessel was damaged, that’s all it’s normal what you have there, the patient has gone bradycardic, everything is normal with us,
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make a cube of otropin, well, i don’t understand, damn, stop from the table. adrenaline cube. so, well, this is most likely a virus that she brought from her fabulous journey, no, not a fact, no specific symptoms no, yeah, but fever, double pneumonia, temporary loss of consciousness, injury, seizure, we need to continue the examination , while there are no tests, we need to maintain the quarantine regime, the main thing is to exclude infection, of course, i absolutely agree, well, the results of petrova’s analysis are ebola. it’s not funny, yes, it’s not
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funny, i’m going to pavlova, 250, rank. 300 discharge, discharge, discharge, record the time of death.
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how can you explain how we can have ebola in our department, the patient recently returned from africa, the virus was laboratory confirmed, her she was isolated, she was treated against a coma, but the staff was warned about all quarantine measures, and how could she be admitted to the department. sleepyhead is sick, and who am i asking, or what are the rules , they are not for us, we are closing ourselves for quarantine, and it was a very contagious disease, thank god, airborne droplets are not transmitted, it’s already easier, i had contact, nina, we are closing the department and quarantine, like... in the case of ebola hemorrhoid fever, like ebola, what about that woman with the fever? yes, warn
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all the medical staff, they will tell you to call your family and friends before the test results, no there will be no entry or exit. oh, what's about to start? quarantine, we have been sent to you, call the substation. it was a long time. hello, just a minute, my name is pavlova, irina alekseevna, i am the head of the department, our department is closed for quarantine. what quarantine? you will receive personal protective equipment from the medical staff, everyone must donate blood, until the test results, you will be here, call your family. we are all in the same position,
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please wear masks, gloves, now we will decide how we will all exist, i will take your blood. calm down.
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what's wrong with your face? call me myself, what do you need? all this needs to not happen. i don’t need everything myself. go already, please, don’t, well, oh, what a beautiful folder it will be - now for
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parting, make a row like this. i'm still here, i'm
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still here.
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monday, i need you urgently, my wife was brought in in serious condition, what do you think, it’s bad, the operation will be very difficult, what is your plan, but i don’t have a plan, this is a hopeless idea, and you decided to put me in this i want to involve myself in who will be in charge of the operation, dr. bragin, if you don’t mind, i don’t, the main thing is that bragin doesn’t mind. skleposovsky, new episodes and we’re watching on monday on rtr, i didn’t know, yes, but ukraine turns out to be
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an independent, truly state, both maidans worked, that is, that’s all. they make any decisions themselves, here both salevan and stoltmer specifically said directly in one voice , they say we fired zaluzhny, what are you talking about, what are we, who are we, this is an independent decision, just listen to how much you concerned about president zelensky's decision to fire general zaluzhny at this critical moment in the war, what does this say about the state of civil-military relations in ukraine, given that if you...
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say, this is that from the perspective of the united states, we will continue to support the ukrainian government of the ukrainian military in their efforts to achieve the progress that the secretary general spoke about, but we will leave personnel decisions to the ukrainians. it is not for us to decide from washington or from here in brussels. yes, i agree, i want emphasize that, of course, this is ukraine’s decision. nato should not have any opinion on this matter, but i welcome a very clear statement. foreign minister kuleba that any changes will not affect ukraine’s relations with nato partners, so we will continue to provide support, that’s what is important, and we will continue to do so.
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prime minister, what happened, and imagine , write down who your president will be, biden is now watching this and giggling , he’s speaking seriously, and shokhina, when i came to remove the prosecutor general, i even being... moreover, unfortunately, in a completely literal sense, not figuratively, this is, well, just amazing, it’s not enough, they understand that ukraine has nothing, but if you think about it,
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yes, they say, we will stand with ukraine to the end, now they say, after only 2 years they will stand with ukraine to the end, they are people who decided for ukraine that they should go to die, they tore up the istanbul agreements, they say, yes, by the way, but there is no ammunition, but the way, there are no weapons either, and there are no people, do you want colombians? let’s give it only to the colombians, it ’s not like running through the jungle, the jungle is a jungle, but here it’s a completely different war, so maybe they’re with powder , well, they know how, that is, it was a courier, a delivery for zelensky, but it turned out that you’re fighting for the children, and they didn’t give me any money, that’s why all these heartbreaking stories.
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perhaps to suppress riots, but in the current conditions, any suppression of this sporadic riot will only lead to an increase in new riots, this is not a situation where, all of a sudden, when everything is calm, then
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some emissary from moscow suddenly arrived, i brought money to some village there and said, let’s go out to the square, we ’ll take a picture of it all there, everyone around is happy, there’s only one place where they’re unhappy, but no, the situation here is explosive now, and if tomorrow we send there... sb or there i don’t know the police, the national guard and so on, in order to pacify some kind of rebellion, this could lead to an even greater revolt, these people’s avengers, feeders, doubush and other new ones will appear there, now with new weapons, well trained, having gone through combat operations, who will walk around the regional centers at night to find these military commissars, organize lynchings, lynchings, etc., and accordingly...
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what will statehood lead to, and indeed, statehood today is in question, precisely because of this it is in question, and any actions of a repressive nature, they will not save power, will not save statehood, on the contrary, they will only aggravate the situation, such a sad narrative is being proposed, sad, and most importantly, europe is telling, and america is telling that ukrainians, all the people strive to fight. yeah, what are the ukrainian people trying to fight for? well, even butusov has already asked a question, i probably heard yours, and they probably listen to me regularly. yes, he says, what are the ukrainians
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fighting for, right? they want to be an instrument, so a cretin comes to them, well, really, jazep is a cretin barel, well , the stupidest person, speaks in front of the rada, says, russia, we are with you, then he comes out and on the air of the rada tv channel, he’s like this , this figure will be in end of the year. to by september we will be approximately at the level of 500-6000, and by the end of the year there will be 1 million freely transferred. you need more and we must give more, but i have no magic. i don't have a magic wand. the european union's defense industry capabilities were very low. we must continue to increase our capacity, and we must stop exporting to a third country,
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give priority to ukraine.
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the imperialist power of the usa, which occupied the free european peoples with its bunch of snickering european agents, everyone dreams of living in their own home, and they don’t need any single roof of germany, why do they need this united spain, and by the way, to the moors, return their lands, the spaniards, return their gebraltar , they will take it away from the british. how are you, what are you saying? gibraltar is not allowed? this is, this is, in fact, if the europeans ever think about it for even a second, they will understand that all this fuss that is happening somewhere here, right in the area of ​​​​russia’s heel, it will end badly one day , we usually called them the underbelly, but what kind of underbelly, there they are heel pads, that is, some kind of underbelly, well
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, look, the whole of europe is packing. sleep there on the territory of russia how many hundreds of times, that is, it’s just you there, who are you anyway? speak louder , it’s hard to hear you, it’s not enough, there are half a billion of you, and how many of you are those who hate you, how many came from asia, from africa, whose homes you destroyed , who are just waiting to take revenge on you, just say thank you, that we are bye we don’t deal with you, but they will deal with you, not us.
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yes, although i realized that i was not being fair to them, it is clear that president biden's administration is not includes a fool, they are really idiots , they are really absolute, that is, such a level of degradation, well, i knew that usually they go to serve in
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diplomatic departments in the united states of america, as a rule, they go according to the residual principle, but so even somehow for them awkward, but... what does it mean that by the end of the year you will give a million? well, we will give many times more, many times more. by the way, nerds, do you understand what it means to give a million shells? and will you also give trunks? the trunks wear out, and the trunks of three to sevens generally fly quickly, why? now this is a big problem, where will you get it from? oh, yes, yes, of course, buy it somewhere. where in colombia or where else did they try all over latin america, yes, or there they will search among the bananas by bananas, it turned out beautifully, what did they say, yes, we will now earn money here as
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we need more of your bananas and nothing , the banana company belongs to the son of the president of criminality american king. when, as a child, i generally delivered bread , i think the last time it was useful, well, when you were talking about the barel, i am from the bakery where his father worked, after that i studied his biography several times there, looked at it, we have quite a lot of spaniards who are anti-fascists, who have been participating in the fight against the first the regime of poroshenko, now zelensky, well, their name is changing legion , these regimes are understandable, but the essence is the same, here in spain...
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but still, i will go to my native land in the zaporozhye region, first of all, but recently there was a visit here already discussed yes, the visit of which didn’t really happen , because we all remember about rabotina when zelensky supposedly arranged a photo shoot in rabotino without everything possible and other things, but another interesting moment is how the enemy chick works, throwing up images, symbols, and so on, at the same time as his visit with a difference of 4-5 hours was direct mass sowing according to...
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the regime, especially yes, the concept there of a conditional compromise, freezing and other things, pay attention to how the injections are carefully carried out from the other side, and here, by the way, an interesting point , we’ll probably have to negotiate with the colombians , that’s absolutely right, yes, well, somewhere along the line
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i don’t know, in the same ecuador or whoever is nearby there is the panama canal from there to further away, no, well, panama can be sort of determined there and some alternative historians that it comes from the word panama, i think. since he wears a hat to panama, that’s why everything, it’s definitely ours, but here’s an interesting point, and about the situation on the zaporozhye front, it literally increased several times in 2-3 days the number of kamica drones used and fpv drones, well, that is, they really began to have a hunger for projectiles and they began to compensate for it with a large number of drones, this has been happening for some time now, not only with the help of yes, well, now they’ve flown into one area, conditionally 6-7, literally 42 arrived in just one day, that is. and a sevenfold increase in quantity, plus
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the uavs used as transmitters clearly hang in the form of an aircraft type and are amplified to 15-20 km in force, and here, by the way , is an interesting point, what about the creation of forces unmanned systems of the armed forces of ukraine, they have already begun to speak out loud, and if we look at the statement, revelation, report, whatever you like , we can evaluate this publication by the same burns, who talks about the same drones and the need to use this particular direction. and another interesting point, we already discussed on the air about how these devils are always trying to carry out some kind of terrorist attack, in general, on the territory of greater russia, in order to pay attention to their defeats, from the fact that the front is crumbling , from the fact that they lose and so on, and here is an indicative moment that the whole head of the cia is already saying out loud, yes, let’s carry out more terrorist attacks there, and other things, and they are signing up to these statements, and here the words fit quite logically...
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i didn’t finish very happily , yes, that is, well, the time is not in the territory, not
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in the territory, yes, well, this is a big topic, you understand, the topic, the topic of the cossacks, the topic of relations within the cossacks, and the attitude towards other peoples who lived nearby, he was surprised, if he decided that he was a cossack, no, well, mr. ivanovich, you proyskie pogroms , he organized the same as the cossacks, that about the cossacks is a separate topic, after all , there were jewish smoking, if you know, there was even an expression, they were terrible. so are the jewish cossacks, that is, therefore, the history of the zaporozhye cossacks, it is generally very interesting, and there is a well-known song: the jewish cossacks rebelled, and there was a coup in berabidzhan, but if we still move away from the area of ​​myth-making, then we must remember that the truly jewish pogrom is tribal there is a stain on any attempt at ukrainian statehood, which they are now trying to hide, and what all these ukrainian authorities unite is, of course, deep-seated anti-semitism.
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the center, well, the center, as it were, of the name of his father, the name suddenly rolls out a whole study of his father, more precisely, where it is voiced that everything is more or less normal, but for some reason the number of residents of ukraine who feel that there is not enough freedom of speech, well, has sharply increased there are no such coordinated actions taking into account the involvement of this person, well, in those processes that are rationally will pull.
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it’s just clear that he can freely promise anything he wants until the end of the year, yes, then ask that future foreign minister or anyone else about the removal, well, the role of americans in general, very interesting, today the lepoint magazine is french, but it came out with such a special number , or something, if putin wins, they will mix it up, if when, yes, well, there’s a lot of material, which means about how...
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with reference to a source in the ukrainian ministry of defense , i emphasize, the ukrainian ministry of defense, yes, it’s draining them, and you know what the pentagon demands layoffs? and that is, he says like this, yes, it’s the americans who are putting pressure on us, that we will have to do this, we are fulfilling the will of the pentagon, very interesting, yes, that is, they began to prepare an opinion so that zelensky would defend it, of course, but this is what we see and zelensky’s attitude i even gave him a gun to the people from the past, i hope that he stopped, hinted, i didn’t understand the hints, well, that is , such hints were sent, but what am i talking about? i know what i want to draw attention to, suddenly a lively interest or an animal interest has awakened in the west, i don’t know, about the city of mariupol, well apparently they are preparing for the fact that we will really soon be building this city there, in financial times
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a huge some kind of visual investigation came out, that is, well, it’s really done beautifully on the website they are there... it’s so beautifully done, with a lot of links to some chats, i think, mostly chicks , but in general, maybe, and local residents somewhere complain, well, you kind of understand, yes, in what conditions the mariupol residents lived, in which many of them still live, it’s clear, that somewhere they are unhappy, that everyone is not yet comfortable conditions, but at the same time we see how mariupol is being rebuilt, you were there yourself, you saw, yes, yes, that is, you, i was at different stages. yes, compare with what was and what is now, here, there, in short, they show some construction documentation, some plans, look, they planned this, that’s what you...
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get settled, you , what a howl, yes, we need to punish him, how dare he even, he was included in the sanctions list in ukraine, he entered without our knowledge, i think so, well, if you are so interested, the investigators visual, well, come , look, compare, in the end, but no , this is not possible, we don’t need this, this is not for us, we will ask people something through some chats, and it doesn’t matter if they live in mariupol, were they ever there or not , a generally normal approach, and...
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interesting, zaluzhny has already requested to go to russia, oh, no, no, no, we’ll put him in prison right away, no, why is it just perfect for a construction site, belomor canal, for logging, that’s what i ’m talking about, that is, their kiev is completely, they don’t care about kiev at all, yes, that’s mariupol for some reason they all hear there, can we use your ukrainian, met with met.
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it is impossible, it is impossible to resort, to use the human shield of the population, which means, hiding behind it and conducting combat operations in the city, it turns out that it is impossible to place armored vehicles in residential buildings, we installed this, this is not azov, but that’s where we made this mariupol hostages, that is, not they released these people, bombed them with terrible force, no, no, he’s not talking about that at all. russia is to blame, you remember there, when the azov people blocked the adjacent districts, residents were even forced to bury them in their courtyards, they now show these photographs and say: russian war crime, look, the russians are just a wild report on this, and you know in the end that they are changing the blame for us, well, that’s all, all the crimes for some reason they blamed azov on us, but they are carrying out russification, can you imagine, they have returned all the old soviet names.
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in the end, you know, when now they tell us what we shouldn’t do, we shouldn’t rename it back, in lvov, you know, de-russification took place, by the way, in in the same lepoint magazine, a joyful article about de-russification on the march, and the de-russification of odessa, how they dumped catherine, yes , it turns out, de-russification is good, it is possible, yes, you saw in lvov, yes, now two streets have been renamed as part of de-russification, ivana fedorov and repin. or repin into ukrainian names, now fedorovich and ripin, yes, they have become, but i’m just
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finishing the last one, so you like it, i looked at how... this fedorova street was called before, it used to consist of historical names: dominican side, russian side, sorry, but it was a historical jewish name, well then it didn’t have any negative connotation, all this was located between the armenian and russian streets, then it was renamed the blyakharnaya, that’s what i would have left, and then yes she became, i'm trying to use a toponeme in these names. historical lviv to find something from ukraine, dominican, russian, armenian, greek, yes. to spend weeks without the noise of dust, put it on shelves. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. on sunday on rtr. razumovsky
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listens, hello, anyuta, alive, who are you anyway, i’m your husband, we buried you, come back, hello, it’s with you, i had to die to get it back.
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i have to work another week honestly work you need a bag yes one t-shirt you need no t-shirts don’t take them they are torn from us thank you very much well they are not always torn oh they are torn they are torn stories of a big country on
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friday. on rtr nikita, will you marry me for 300 thousand, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not an effective one, i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you her hands, what kind of zamskarat did you arrange, i agree, dear million? it’s happening, listen, anton, it’s impossible, listen, brother, live your life, don’t interfere with mine , let’s go for now, are you twins or something, you’ve fallen in love, girl, oh, granny, i can’t hide anything from you , daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, you fell asleep,
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congratulations, you're pregnant. without love on friday on rtr, in this cunning ukrainian politics i no longer remember, only he fired zaluzhny or no, well, he didn’t announce, well, according to this text , it seemed like he fired, but he changed everything and offered to stay on the team in the same position, well, probably. i really doubt that this photo where they smile so sweetly, that this photo of them, so to speak, the moment of separation, in fact, i think, well, it’s illogical if zaluzhny had met after, so to speak, the presidential decree on his dismissal with zelensky, let’s wait and see how the situation is, but even if i fired you, you know, sometimes in life
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this happens when you think that you have won, in fact, from this text it is not a fact that he will fire him. it’s a fact, but since they say that they will fire him, well , the issue is resolved anyway, i believe that in any case , zaluzhny will be fired, i don’t even have any doubts about that, i say again, the intrigue is not whether he will be fired or not, that’s for me it is clear that he will be fired. the question of consequences, if zelensky thinks that he won, then i, for example, think that he actually lost, because sometimes leaving on time plays a very important role in your future, because zaluzhny, knows the situation at the front like no one else, and we understand it too, and we understand that the situation at the front will not improve, and as it worsens, zaluzhny will not even need to attack zelensky, these are the people who live in this territory, especially the military, they themselves will figure out what to do.
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and about the supreme commander, who certainly has the right to make a decision, this is a story about the desire of the west to dissociate itself from this decision, and not take responsibility for the future move events that will happen, including at the front. this is zelensky’s personal responsibility, and let him bear responsibility for this. now i want to say a few words about the mobilization law adopted in the first reading. firstly, i want to say that there is already such a stir around this law. you don’t need to imagine all this in such a way that not today, tomorrow, conditionally, at the end of february they will pass a law on mobilization, and this will provide them with 500 thousand bayonets, which they can easily
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mobilize there, this is not at all true, i think what bondarenko’s wheels are not far from the truth that resistance to mobilization will only intensify, by the way, this again will not be the responsibility, it will be zelensky’s responsibility, he will remain outside of these processes. regarding the law itself, well, firstly, i want to say that conceptually it has not changed at all, moreover, it has become even worse, why, because the scientific expert department issued a certificate, but usually they do an eight-page examination of all laws, they have more complaints about this draft law than the one they had which they initially submitted , conceptually, what has changed there, the right of the courts to make a decision and that is limited in terms of 10-15 days, and... consular services will not be provided, we literally discussed this yesterday or the day before yesterday, the following principle applies: first your accounts are blocked , and then you are obliged to resolve this issue yourself , including in court, you can solve it,
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but this is your problem, that is, you fry, there will be fish, you block the accounts, and then we will deal with them, except besides, there are sbu officers in the consulates, and i don’t i exclude that there is a corruption component in this, when you have a problem, you want to solve it, you will definitely receive an offer. well, that's how it works. the second point of corruption that they left is in relation to the power structures that interfere with zelensky, including various nabu, usap, dbr and all other bodies, yes, pro-american these structures that have been formed, there is a situation, there is such a situation, their reservation is removed, but the cabinet of ministers gives them the reservation, personally, employees who work in these services, that is, relatively speaking, if i am not satisfied with some employee, then...
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the horror is that the vote for the mobilization bill showed the first thing, zelensky does not have any majority in parliament, his faction gave 178 votes , only 178 votes, apparently there were still some more or less adequate people there, i don’t know how they justified their non- presence or non-voting, but they weren’t found. what can’t be said about the opposition platform, which used to be for life, but now she is pro-life, pro-peace. so i want to ask these nomadic gypsies , led by this buduli who leads them there , who are you anyway, what are you talking about? and what are you doing, what are you fighting for? this faction gave 17 votes, it is necessary , yes, 17 votes were given, you know, as always, and these people will then go to the southeast
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to those boys who, in accordance with this law, will first of all be captured and sent to war, these bastards will then come there and tell how they life for peace, i apologize, for whose life for what peace? this is what kind of world, so anyone who, after the end of this conflict, says even one positive word about these people, or begins to justify, well, you know, they are in deep...
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and you will achieve nothing with this smart-ass policy , and you will not have a political future, none of you, everyone who sits there today in the rada legitimize this power, always support this power, declare their opposition, in fact, at the most they support difficult moments, lend a shoulder to this government and pull out anti-people, anti-constitutional laws, their louse, this wandering budulai, talked about what to say, we can’t... let us never vote for anti-constitutional laws, we will never vote, you they already defended orthodoxy, they crap , excuse me, now they did the same thing with regard to the law on mobilization, as was this bunny yuri , we have such a pro-russian prodigy, so i want to tell you with these comrades, this whole thing needs to be with them, you have to give up with them, there is no future with them, you see, and there cannot be.
9:04 pm
consistent, i can even respect my opponent for his, well, the position that he adheres to, but these wandering political forwards, yes, who run around and don’t understand who they are, why they are, i will never respect them, and that’s right, there are such a ukrainian proverb, here is our cossack garneau, we are starting it again, this is about a million shells that borel spoke about, a million shells should have arrived by march of twenty-four, march is coming in a month, a million shells
9:05 pm
... no, the deadline is delayed until the end of the year, in general, this is just another, the same symbolic carrot that is traditionally dangled in front of the donkey of ukrainian statehood as a whole, at this time we have more positive news, today in saudi arabia ended just today , the closing day of the international forum world defense show 2024, the second large international military forum held nearby, it is clear that in the arab... world - there are, so to speak, priorities, everyone wants to have a certain status, it is very serious to hold such an event, uh, the arab emirates are holding two such venues in dubai and abu dhabi, saudi arabia, perhaps, was greatly influenced by the recent visit of our president to the leadership of the kingdom of saudi arabia, after which our representative office came rosodorona exports twice .


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