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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  February 9, 2024 4:44am-5:01am MSK

4:44 am
of a person, establishing his identity , of course contact the law enforcement agencies, yes, so that they can help establish, only if the identity is established, it will be possible to bring any claims, and this is certainly wrong, the victim should not remain extremely busy searching for the culprit and then more sue, proving obvious things, the state duma agrees with this, the law in this part needs to be tightened up, if such situations occur, then the insurance company must compensate for the damage to those who did not suffer...
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to the victim, yes, that is, a person was driving calmly on his own along the road, got into an accident, he did not violate anything, so the insurance company should compensate him for this damage, then let the insurance company compensate for this, who was the direct culprit, the principle is continued by experts , should be like this, first of all, the repair of the car victim, and only then the insurance company and the culprit of the accident must sort things out among themselves, this is the only way to restore order in this area. meanwhile, the ministry of transport developed new. procedure for recording taxi accidents. according to the project, drivers will have to draw up a four-party agreement between the carrier, injured passengers, taxi aggregator and insurance company. the document, according to the authors, should simplify the receipt of insurance compensation for victims by merging four documents. yes, we will find out all the details from the head of the public system for ensuring safe road traffic, konstantin krokhmal, konstantin vitalievich, good morning, quadripartite acts are wonderful, as far as they are concerned. panaceas,
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how can all the interests of the four parties be respected, if simply a driver without an agreement with the aggregator, without osaga insurance, can simply leave the scene of an accident. well, it turns out that this law, and it is long overdue, it eliminates the legal conflict, when formally the aggregator or taxi operator, the taxi call service, did not bear any responsibility, in fact, it’s like...
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insurance coverage will be on 100% carried out in case of an accident, you will be protected, and formally, when you order and call the operator, he is responsible for the car that you were given, and the calls are recorded, it is clear that if the operator sent a car to your entrance and, god forbid, you got into an accident in it, it is not the driver who ran away, hid, abandoned the car, and so on, who is responsible, it is the one who sent you car, that's very good. and this is the most important question, that is , the injured are not separated here specifically, now this insurance coverage goes to all participants in the accident, and this is very correct, here they somehow added it up, but we still have one road user , and car sharing. and he is now in law
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in fact, it’s not spelled out in any way, it seems like they own the cars, they give them to people who actually share them, rent them, so what to do here, what i like most about this in the plot, by the way, this word was said, tighten up this law, wait , what is yes, what are nuances, what are some details, this is a key point, the same story, you can not have any relationship there, maybe, maybe. fake account, it could be anything, about karshenka, you said it correctly, correctly, what you need is this one here the law, this law, it needs to be replicated not only for taxis, for aggregators, but for car sharing, for electric scooters, when they rent out on an account, use it, if they get into an accident, now there is no coverage, the responsibility should be with the company that rents it out, and this is their main task to check that there are no leaks, absolutely, and if they did, as they say.
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i think that now the first step is precisely this bill, which will come into force in september this year, based on this, of course, it needs to be supplemented, i would not make this law for september, but pass it in the near future, because absolutely, because these trips will begin in the summer, the most traumatic time, thank you for how to simplify the procedure for compensation for damage after accidents with rental cars car, we spoke with the head of the public road safety system. a show of unprecedented scale, we’re all watching together, today at 21:30, i don’t think we’ve tried it yet, this is a new product that can become an alternative to regular freeze-dried
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pasta, it was developed at the kamchatka state technical university, as they say, just add water, boiling water, the noodles look like homemade taste. the original documents say for obtaining a patent, we are already waiting for the start of production, mentai noodles, there are no carbohydrates, but you have scored proteins, healthy fatty acids, omega-3, omega-6, and also collagen and selenium, guys, please get faith faster, about everything this can probably still be read on the label, i think, well, now in real literature, yegor sirov will introduce you to book new products, good morning, how convenient is a collection of essays? grandmother reads the first volume, grandfather reads the second, mom and dad took other books, and the children, the sixth, seventh and eighth, are comfortable, however, you will say, this does not happen, because books cannot be of interest to one author for such different people. age, and
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it could be, for example, alexey nikolaevich tolstoy, he also wrote some books, pinocchio or the golden key, a fairy tale, a fantasy novel, please, and elite... a historical novel by peter ii, for grandparents - an epic a saga of suffering, a unique writer, these books, they were wonderfully published. alexey nikolaevich tolstoy, collected works in ten volumes. this book has not been reissued since 1904. the author left in 1948, to... still thanks to him, now it has been republished in color, expanded, but the book, to say that it is magnificent, is to say nothing, grigory georgievsky, old moscow, shrines and monuments, this is a book of history , a travel book, look how
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it was published, what photographs there are, what kind of paper, it’s some kind of delight, indescribable, it’s a shame that he’s gone, i really want to hug this author. thank him very much, the book that once changed my day, it ruined all my plans, i opened it all, forgot what was happening on the earth around me. great book. once upon a time, when i was little, i had books with three-dimensional pictures. i still remember them, it was some kind of magic, completely unimaginable. and look. how pushkin’s tale about tsar saltan was published from afar, look, and from my side, i also see this picture, here’s the next thing, i’m sure that a child, having received such a book, will remember it for
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the rest of his life, and with this i say goodbye to you, all the best to you, read and be happy.
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there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, as soon as you get a pet, life will never... never be the same, it will put everyone in the mood, it’s an incredibly charming face that forgives everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either , because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, as you agreed to this, we first pushed in the red snake. colors, our hearts sank, you the most understanding program about animals, in
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a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, how the operation went, they lost a patient, polonsky’s mistake occurred, you understand how it looks from the country. how am i an accident , you want to say that i killed him, the premiere on rtr , the results of the analysis, i feel bad, so scared , he’s never had one before, i’m afraid of her, i don’t even know what to prepare for, i can’t breathe, you understand, i want to go home, i can’t, help! skleposovsky, new episodes, watch
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on monday on rtr. river otters are terrorizing singaporeans in the city.
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well, tonight on our channel there will be a real battle for votes, eight of the strongest teams, participants in a large-scale show, well, all together in chorus, they will begin competitions for reaching the finals and 5 million rubles. i know who will watch this show, they will be judged as always by superstars, hundreds and special guests. teams from moscow, st. petersburg, voronezh, novosibirsk and other cities played against each other. each team chose
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only one song to perform today to storm the musical hundred. someone relied on a soulful folk melody, someone the most cosmic hit of all time, i don’t believe it’s live, make you dance and get up. there are a hundred places at once, the task is not easy, not a single participant in the special season has yet succeeded, but everyone strives for this goal, the main thing is that your energy comes from within you, it lifts you up, it seems to me to give such drive, so that even if you folded, no one noticed it, he is counting on triumph in this issue and a choir of mothers from yekaterinburg, the collective did not come to the show in full force, but only those who were let go by family and work, according to the vocal soloists, the chances of winning... are greater than others, because singing mothers practice more often, every day, singing
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lullabies to our children , that is, we must be in time everywhere, that’s why we differ in this, let’s see if the experts and the star mother of many children will support the participants, tonight valeria will take a place next to the leader of the hundred sergei lazarev, my tenderness does not grow, on there is no seven winds. "i always say to all the contestants, i myself went through many competitions, yes, this is good, wonderful, testing some kind of professional capabilities, in the end, my nervous system, but if the artist has a life. there is this fire inside, if it exists, then even no failures in the competition will be able to stop it. the second competitive stage of the show, well , everyone will begin in chorus tonight, as always at 21:30 on our channel. and then, expensive pleasure. here you are, where you disappear in the evenings, turntables, samples, but at home
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the oven can’t handle it, well there electronics, and here the good old saw, i grew up on it, lena. science for the benefit of the country's national interests. the president instructed to prepare a draft decree on the scientific and technological strategy within a week. change of the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine zelensky replaced the corrupt general who caused the speech of artenovsk. an interview that managed to cause a stir even before.


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