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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  February 9, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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"science for the benefit of the national interests of the country, the president ordered the preparation of a draft decree of a scientific and technological strategy within a week. change of leadership of the armed forces of ukraine zelensky replaced the corrupt general who carried out the offensive in artenovsk. an interview that managed to cause a stir even before its
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appearance, a few hours before publication of a conversation between vladimir putin and an american journalist. they start broadcasting a new day on the russia channel, the main news in the studio karina elina. hello. russian science must rely on all its rich experience and not catch up with foreign technologies, but act proactively. vladimir putin announced this at the state kremlin palace. there, the president took part in a gala event dedicated to the tercentenary of the russian academy of sciences. in his congratulatory speech, the head of state drew attention to the situation in which the country finds itself and noted that responsibility for the results obtained by scientists in the current conditions increases many times, including because scientific research allows us to solve problems in all areas, from safety to ecology, at a new level. i would like to congratulate all citizens of our country, and of course, academicians, members, and correspondents on the anniversary of their wounds.
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employees of the academy, all scientists of the country, and i will add our foreign colleagues, who , despite all the restrictions, prohibitions and barriers that are introduced by people who are clearly not of an academic mindset, who do not understand that it is impossible to create absolutely ironclad barriers, as was once the case , fruitful scientific research continues cooperation between our and your colleagues, contact with russians...
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said that the scientific sphere is of key importance for achieving our national goals, improving the quality of life of russians and the self-sufficiency of the country. one of the topics was the updated version of the strategy for scientific and technological development, which in its significance is equal to the national security strategy, taking into account new challenges, to identify pressing issues in the field of fundamental research and applied development for the years ahead. vladimir putin instructed to prepare a draft decree within a week, which will be approved.
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criticized zelensky for unrealistic demands, wrote essays on this topic in western media. in addition, it has been repeatedly assumed that valery zaluzhny is capable of providing political competition to the current ukrainian authorities. in the artyomovsk direction , russian troops are occupying new and more advantageous positions in the area of ​​​​the bogdanovka settlement of the lugansk people's republic, our artillerymen of the vostok unit are firing at the enemy around the clock. how are the russian military working? i saw artyom yundus, shot! howitzer shells are brought in one by one. our artillerymen hit the enemy with high-explosive fragmentation. the enemy responds: the positions of the vostokv unit are periodically under fire from cluster munitions. the one who is more accurate wins.
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the personnel were destroyed, but there were many wounded; this could be seen from the negotiations. and then they continued to work on the fortifications. the enemy's chances of salvation are decreasing. first, the artillery crushes the fortification trenches, then the assault groups go to cleanup. under constant fire and fire , the militants of the kiev regime prefer to flee the battlefield. the situation in our area remains difficult, tense, but controllable. while the soldiers are waiting for the delivery of new ammunition, there is time to rest , sweet tea helps to warm up, the toys made by children, which the military wear on bulletproof vests, lift the spirits, the children from the kindergarten make all sorts of different toys like this. and sends it to us for support. the crew fires at reconnaissance coordinates. there are duty targets where the enemy constantly delivers personal composition and ammunition, but priority is given to the newly identified enemy positions. stormtroopers request support. experienced fighters say that night of bad weather is a great
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time to attack. now the d-20 howitzer is camouflaged, even though in 5 or 10 minutes a command may come to open fire on the ukrainian armed forces again, it needs to be camouflaged. this is news, we are monitoring developments. in sevastopol, on behalf of the president, a cultural cluster is being built. monolithic work is already being completed finishing of the premises begins. on the territory of the future. the complex, with an area of ​​more than 130,000 km , will house an opera and ballet theater, an academy, a choreography and an art gallery. anna kirshenya appreciated the scale of the large cultural construction project. two auditoriums with 1,300 seats, a seventeen-story high stage
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hold, concert halls, and a picturesque observation deck. a unique architectural project was created specifically for sevastopol. for example, not a single detail of the metal structures is repeated here. material used domestic, everything necessary has already been delivered to the construction site. the peculiarity of the cluster is not only in architecture, but in construction technologies. for example, the theater building is served by eight tower and crawler cranes, two of which have an increased lifting capacity of up to 750 tons. they were used for the construction of the vostochny cosmodrome , a large industrial facility in chelyabinsk, and are now used to install trusses. builders are installing the ceiling of the theater's main auditorium. and the balata install these iron beams on they will support the roof of the entire building, this is already the fifth truss out of eight, they are fastened together with reinforcing metal connections so that the structure is reliable. ahead of the specialists is the stage of installing the roof; it will rest on the lower structure at thirty-six points, 30
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of them are ball bearings that were designed specifically for this object and manufactured at russian enterprises; at the same time, they are working on the future museum... complex, the builders still have to fill it with concrete 6.m, and then will begin installation of the facade. in the highest degree of readiness assignment from the choreography academy. in the near future , this building will be put into operation, and we will be able to accommodate 250 children who will study choreography. in addition to the main facilities, residential buildings for employees, as well as industrial and storage facilities, are being built on the territory of the complex. the construction of the cluster is carried out around the clock, a total of 2 people are working here - these are specialists from different regions of russia, as well as from foreign countries, the plan is to fulfill the president’s instructions to complete everything on time work until the end of 2024. anna kirshcheniya, eduard novozhilov, inna lesenets, lead sevastopol. all news is always available on
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the media platform. we look in the app or on the website the news is following developments . let's start. come on, let's smile, morning! strongly, don’t forgive the main thing, good morning, yo nikolaev zavyalov, with you today, today we dressed in contrasting clothes so that it can be immediately seen that we are not like that today, we ’re not like that, here’s an unfamiliar state that is taking on epidemic proportions, emotional burnout. according to management
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it is possible and necessary, and the most popular type of therapy , which is used in every second case, is the emergency sending of a depressed employee on vacation for another day, how interesting, here you are depressed, here we are, the main stress factors at work, these are of course impossible tasks, both in volume and in time, conflicts. behavior, bosses and chaotic planning. this applies most of all to service sector workers, sales managers and anyone who counts other people's money; we are not like that. yes, therefore, to fully relaxing at home should be a calm environment, but this is not always the case, drinking establishments on the first floors of residential buildings, which are often open 24/7 , are a hindrance, but until now this was legally possible, but now the state duma has adopted a law on liqueurs, however.. it’s not a fact that they will remain a thing of the past, that’s why ilya davidov found out, we heat everything up, everything,
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please, you can stop it right here and have a drink and a snack. the barmaid is so kind, as if they were always inspectors in front of her. we arrived based on a complaint, grocery store first floor turns into a tavern at night, but if it is a buffet, then there should be a toilet. that is, people come behind the counter and pass by the products, right? no, here, in saratov, a drinking establishment operates side by side with a children's library, next door. door, those who have studied life not from books come here, but the owners, it seems, have not read the law. a standard set of violations, sanitation, lack of documents for products, fire safety violations, violation of labor laws. the operation of the eatery can be suspended and the owner can be fined, but 200,000 the amount for a business is ridiculous, but the residents are not laughing. this is a courtyard in the very center of moscow, there are several zero-gauges in it at once, one, two, three, according to local residents in the evenings.
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yes, a distance of 100 m from schools is maintained, and the fact that the bacchanalia is right under the windows is not important to the current law. when we are talking about commercial real estate that is located inside a house, this rule does not apply, even if this house is located closer than, say, 100 m from a school. the law should eliminate such loopholes; according to surveys, 80% of citizens demand prohibit the sale of alcohol in residential buildings. firstly, this is... young people, they are getting involved , the availability, i think, of not the best
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alcohol that is there, this is also not at all good, what is happening with these establishments, moving them to places more distant from residential buildings, but for now the residents not a priority , the deputies had to take into account the interests of business too, as a result, the law does not prohibit nalivayka, but only gives the regions the right to regulate their work, regional authorities, among other things , have the right to determine the place where these restrictions will apply, and it was logical would be allowed to encourage such activities in these very centers, which are as far away from residential areas as possible, if this stops some of those who like to party at night, the courtyards will become calmer and cleaner, but we’ll find out what will happen in reality after the first of april, when the law comes into force strength. well, for now, let’s discuss the details, our guest is a member of the state duma committee on security and anti -corruption sultan khamzaev, sultan sultanovte, and good morning, people don’t like drunk people. companies under the windows, they have the right to rest in their own apartments, the new law does not
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leave a loophole for drinking establishments, changing the sign to a restaurant, for example, a budget one, to continue their activities, and local authorities will approve this permission. in fact, in legal language this is called a deliberately fraudulent scheme, and here it was important that the regions, as the main regulator in place, because society is indignant at this neighborhood, we see this. and here it is important that the regions have the opportunity, including public catering facilities, to coordinate time, which means regulating sales restrictions by time, it is clear that it is from the second. april will not restore order. there is such a thing called law enforcement practice. we will wait, well, a month or two for individual entrepreneurs to align their work with the current legislation, and then, as part of public control, we will urge them to comply with this law. and now we are telling the local authorities: you decide to close them, how to limit them, on what basis they will
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decide. based on the laws that they will adopt, based on federal legislation. they said, pour, if this is a violation of the law , call the police, demand from the police , firstly, if in your yard, that how do you comply with the current legislation, if these are, respectively, establishments that have some kind of supposedly paperwork, this is a requirement from local parliaments after the adoption of this bill at the regional level. the question then is that the law talks about time limits for the sale of alcohol in public catering places, when this bill was still being discussed, many conscientious businessmen who have bars, restaurants, so they were somewhat tense, but what will happen to them, what are public catering places? well, i think that they have tensed up and it’s good, there is nothing wrong with this , they will approach the law more carefully,
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study and respect those people who live in these houses, i am my principled position, residents of apartments.
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residential buildings, spoke with a member of the state duma committee on security and countermeasures corruption by sultan khamzaev, all the best to you, thank you, i need you urgently, my wife was brought in in serious condition, the premiere on the russia channel, what do you think, it’s bad, the operation
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is going to be very difficult, what is your plan, but i don’t have a plan, it’s hopeless idea, we watch new episodes on monday at 21:20 on the russia channel. vinyl is coming back, and demand for record players has increased in russia. interest in such music systems has doubled in our country compared to last year. lovers of beauty are the most active buyers. but how much it costs high-quality equipment , what characteristics to choose it from, darya tiuunova found out, music lover collector alexander buyan bought this japanese vinyl player back in 2000. the rare turntables are more than 60 years old, but the sound is like the engine of an expensive ferrari, the quality is amazing, but
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the price is appropriate. when i bought it, they cost about 1.0 dollars, that is, 300. more and more russian citizens are seeking high-quality analogue music; the demand for trendy music in russia has again become fashionable; listening to musical equipment in our country is growing with every year, this year was no exception. in terms of sales in the twenty-third year, we see that the number of purchases of penyl players has increased. year by 6%, but if compared with the twentieth year, then the increase is 2, 2.2 times, if we talk about the records themselves, then there is an increase compared to the twentieth year... and at about 4-4 s the growth is most powerful online, and here the number of purchases has increased year on year by 60-70%, and compared to the twentieth
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year by 7-8 times. the price of such musical equipment can vary from 15,000 per the simplest option, which is suitable for beginners up to 50-70 for good equipment for music lovers and from 100,000 rubles for true connoisseurs of analog sound and collectors. so, the most budget -friendly version of an all-in-one music system: the players in the form of suitcases are equipped with everything necessary to listen to music, that is , you don’t have to buy additional phono stages, amplifiers and speakers, the disadvantages are that the sound quality is weak, the equipment itself will not last long, in addition it can also scratch the record over time. next option of optimal price/quality ratios for semi-professional players. if we move to the next range, then this is definitely a separate player, a separate amplifier and separate speakers; this is the most correct approach to enjoying music. because it will sound like you never imagined, and you will hear all your old albums again. and finally, the most expensive players are professional, provide cleaner, more detailed sound, and some
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can even play better than a live performer, they will last for decades, but they do not include almost any additional equipment; they will have to be purchased in addition to a phono stage, an amplifier, speakers, and even a cartridge holder for the needle. the whole system will cost half a million, and of course, any player will definitely need records, the price of soviet ones is up to 1.00 rubles. for three. calendar, but not according to the weather, but this weather could have been milder; we’ll find out very soon whether we should hope for warmth. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer! explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s
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favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, this world is worth in order for him to... snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india; they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, this is for you. well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t
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seen you for a long time, cheap, vila, you know, but for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys , don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you... are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform we see what plan your gang has , and my buddies will take lenin’s cash today even without me. va how much for me, lyokha volk, to tell me that at 18:30 they will inject her, but never , you can change your passport, the children
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ruined it for me, so, everything is fine, then all the days there are only about your children, that’s what i’m talking about , children ruined everything for me, dear mothers, whose child smells like dior, if it’s from the new collection, then it’s mine, come on, run, when will you give me the twenty? okay, take it, good day, you were fired this morning, i have to work another week honestly, do you need a bag, yes, you need one t-shirt, no, don’t take the t-shirts, they are torn, thank you big, but they are not always torn, oh, torn, torn, stories of a big country, today on rtr. you look amazing.
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beware of elena. she may be your father's wife, but she is your enemy. okay, let's start with the blood. you are nobody to me, i am not going to listen to you, her task is to destroy me. she hates me. it was you who talked him into it. looking for the motives of the perpetrators is not here. we will find out that you are involved in this. all the winds are evil. premiere on saturday on rtr. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine from. in the world don't miss it 60 minutes today on rtr, a barbecue with your own hands, braziers made by a master from irkutsk can become the attraction of any summer cottage, exact copies of motorcycles, steam locomotives with a blowing chimney, airplanes that are about to take off, do not stand idle, because in every
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model. you can look at a real car or an old car; its name is old, ivan zenkevich will tell you in translation. sometimes it seems that there are more and more car brands, and to some extent this is true, but there are also those that are fading into history. and today i will introduce you with one of the oldest brands, which can no longer be found in car dealerships. this is oldsmobil and its midsize. katlas sierra sedan. the company was founded in 1897 and quickly became the largest american automaker. we are testing a front-wheel drive four-door katlas sierra, which entered the production line in 1982. the hood is inclined, the bumpers are energy-absorbing. the rear bumper looks like a bench, it's so wide. gasoline engine, six-cylinder, displacement 2.8 liters, power 120 horsepower, such
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units were popularly called million-dollar units, because with timely maintenance, 1 million kilometers is not the limit for it. the interior has a pleasant, respectable atmosphere, and this despite the fact that the model was inexpensive. there is a sofa in front, you can raise the armrest to seat a third passenger, there is air conditioning, the speedometer shows the speed in miles and kilometers so that no one gets confused. oldsmobile from english translates as: an old car, in fact, the brand is named after the founder rance olds, well, what can you do, the surname is like that, and in order to avoid strange associations, they came up with the slogan: a car for those who are young at heart, and it worked, oldsсmobil starts slowly, accelerates to hundreds in more than 12 seconds, but this is not a sports car, the three-speed automatic transmission works clearly , shifts in a timely manner, maximum
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speed is 180 km/h, clearance 145 mm , so you can safely drive onto the dirt road. the engineers were faced with the task of creating an inexpensive and economical family sedan for every day, and they coped with it perfectly. cutlass sierra has repeatedly become the best-selling car of its class and remained on the assembly line until 1996 . in 2004, the history of the brand itself ended. general motors liquidated the brand. many americans did not support this decision, because for them he was a symbol of family trips , a reliable friend who would never let you down on long journeys. let's start,
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let's go, let's go! more, more, more, excellent , good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep , the main thing is to lead the morning, we will talk about...
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not to redistribute it, to look for new sources, the head of state spoke about this at a meeting of the council on science and education, total government spending on research and development. for civil purposes in the next 3 years will exceed 1.5 trillion rubles. in the budget for the current year, we , of course, also added funds for the development of science, but those involved in financing and science understand that in real terms, spending on science is still decreasing a little, decreased a little, i mean an adjustment, a necessary adjustment for inflation as a percentage of gdp, so i ask the government to work on the issue of expansion.
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an interesting post appeared, supposedly i met with commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine to thank for the joint work and discuss the new composition of the leadership of the armed forces. then the minister of defense, independent umerov, also spoke about the need to update the command, and only later did the news come that the ukrainian army was now led by general syrsky, the same one who failed the defense of artyomovsk. but he has repeatedly received praise from washington and brussels, but it is not yet clear whether the conflict between the top of the kiev regime and zaluzhny has been resolved. let me remind you, he criticized zelensky for unrealistic demands, sse wrote on this topic in western media. in addition, it has been repeatedly assumed that valery zaluzhin, zaluzhny, is capable of providing political competition to the current ukrainian authorities.
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blackmail didn't work. the senate rejected bills of military support for ukraine amounting to $60 billion, the adoption of which the american president so insisted. earlier , biden set a condition that he would sign a decree on strengthening border security. the us supreme court has begun hearings on whether donald trump will be able to participate in presidential election in colorado. the forty -fifth, possibly future, forty-seventh president of the united states is protesting the decision of the colorado judges, who struck him off the ballot of the internal party vote,
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which determined a single candidate from the republican party. today the arguments of the parties will be heard; colorado judges considered his alleged involvement in the assault to be the basis for his removal from participation in the state elections.
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we are monitoring developments. in the immediate future , equipment malfunctions are now detected with using a smartphone. specialized agricultural machinery repair enterprises actively use modern digital technologies. this helps to identify faster and more accurately. tents, carry out diagnostics and, as a result , begin repairs faster. diana polonets saw how the application works. engineer roman manakov begins diagnosing the combine using a laptop. it is recognized that this process saves effort and simplifies the work. at this
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time, his colleagues are studying equipment parts that may be faulty. we check the battery with a load fork, we photograph the readings and send them to the defect report. in such a statement , the program itself will indicate... systematization allows technicians to make fewer mistakes, service employees have been working in digital mode for the first year, but they have already managed to appreciate the advantage, this program is very important. that time is shortened in troubleshooting in ours and provides information about the entire machine to the client himself. farmers cannot always repair their vehicles themselves, so they deliver combines, tractors, balers and other equipment to specialized workshops. there are about ten such centers in the amur region. on average, a complete inspection of a unit using new technologies takes about 5 days. specialists work with domestic and foreign technology, although the share of the latter is regional. exceeds 15%. experts say that
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there are no problems with spare parts, but sometimes logistics fail. despite this, work is going according to plan. the masters promise that they will have time to prepare all the equipment for the sowing season. well- prepared equipment is the key to successful field work, accurate diagnostics and repairs have become even more accessible. diana polonets, alexander vasiliev, conduct the amur region. scientists from the protected amur region have begun. to study the amur tiger population using high technology. a quadcopter has been put into service, which monitors the inhabitants of the forest without interfering or disturbing taiga life at all. anna leonova, about the first flight of the electronic bird. i flew for a sensation. the electronic bird immediately tries to fit into the taiga flavor and takes the trail. a smooth path falls into the lens. this the elk was exploring the territory; the owner of the hooves was not yet visible. quadcopter flight range. 15 km is a good distance for the far eastern taiga, so
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such a video camera will definitely catch tigers and ungulates, and such a zoom will also allow you to clearly see the traces of the inhabitants of the far eastern forest. such a picture of the specialists of the protected amur region takes excitement, despite -36, today in anyunsky national park, the drone can withstand such cold and humidity and carefully collects the soil for further thoughts by scientists, in the lens again contains traces of more... there will be many more similar shots.
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the quadcopter is a gift from a charitable foundation that will allow research of animal populations in protected areas of the region at any time of the year and in any weather. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. and in transbaikalia they are preparing to celebrate the new year according to the lunar calendar. sagalgan. buddhists will meet him this night, but for now they are carrying out the necessary rituals. the white moon holiday has its own unique traditions. the day before, buddhists spend. special rite cleansing margarita guroeva. read more. prayer services dedicated to the onset of the white month holiday, sagalgan, began in chetinsky datsan. in addition to cleansing the soul with prayers, believers perform the goro ritual, walk around the territory of datsan clockwise, and spin prayer wheels along the way. the culmination of the khural is the lighting of a fire. the day before, people wipe themselves with a piece of dough, passing on all their illnesses and troubles to it. and then the flour ball goes into the fire. afterwards , you need to get away from the fire as soon as possible,
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the main thing is not to turn around. it is believed that in this way we leave everything negative behind. everyone gathered in a large circle to say goodbye to everything bad that happened over the past year, everyone reads special prayers and mantras, asking for the protection of all those present and praying, then peace of mind comes to everyone. when you leave here and feel, you know, how easy it is, how light your soul is, you come. with some kind of burden you walk around like this in a circle, and then you come out, you just feel like a completely different person, from 22:00 in the evening until the morning of the lama in the datsans will begin to read the long baldenhamo khural, then at the onset of the new year the deity will go around the entire globe and bestow her blessing on those who meet her at that moment. margarita guroeva, georgy novozhilov, read. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website this is the news, we are following the development of events,
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning, hello, your hosts!
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worked hard for glory, well, just so that to inflate 38,000 balloons alone, by the way, it only takes a whole week, for his efforts the punk received the coveted award, for which everything was actually started, he was awarded the diploma of world champion in ball knitting, we have such records, winter sets, then snow , then frosty, the chief specialist of the phobos weather center, vadim zavodchenkov, will tell you what else we can expect in the near future. or maybe it will happen again, this winter is really in first place in the ranking, and this weekend is absolutely amazing, arctic cold and subtropical spring is coming, let me
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go tell you, very warm air masses from the mediterranean will arrive in southern russia. in crimea in the kuban, for example, significant precipitation is unlikely; in the daytime the thermometer will rise to +13-18°. in the lower reaches of the volga and don there will be rain, sometimes turning into snow , so it will be noticeably cooler, for example, on the lower danu it will not be higher than +8.13, but the average in the volga will be in the area of ​​​​a frosty anticyclone, here there is mostly no precipitation, very cold, during the day - 10-15, and the hearth high pressure will also capture the north-west of russia, significant precipitation here is also unlikely, daytime temperatures in the north and east are -10-15 ° only in the south-west, thanks to the proximity to the baltic sea, frosts will be weaker, -5-10 during the day. in
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central russia on friday saturday the background atmospheric pressure is high, so there are few clouds, significant precipitation is unlikely, no higher during the day... but on sunday, under the influence of the approaching western cyclone , snow clouds will appear and it will immediately become 5-6° warmer, but for the residents of the urals, on the contrary arctic awaits invasion, here there is mostly no precipitation on the weekend, the daytime temperature is only -11-16, in southern siberia on friday it is stormy, windy, precipitation and... from warm to +3°, but from saturday very cold air masses will begin to make their way into the region, in as a result, by sunday throughout the entire territory it was only -10-15°. the southern part of the far east will be in the grip of a powerful asian anticyclone, under
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its influence there will be very few clouds over the region, precipitation is unlikely, daytime temperatures on the banks of the amur will be -7-12°. he told us everything about the weather , thank you, see you, winter is the best pair for the herbal collection, from azerchay, hibiscus, chamomile, rosehip, cinnamon, the richness of taste and the benefits of vitamins in the morning, time to brew azerchay, i
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know everything, don’t tell you, that he didn’t tell me, ice three. soon. it's good to wander through the jungle with caramel protection. in the company of his beloved dogs, this driver from thailand showed how you can enjoy a dusty bump on the road, a well-worn pickup truck, in complete harmony with yourself and the world around you. just the perfect company for such trips, these are cute labradors. the picturesque landscape outside the window changes, the dogs even listen to the soundtracks on the receiver on their own. traveling not with a dog, with a bride, then this will already be wedding tourism, if in russia previously newlyweds were mainly attracted to ceremonies
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abroad, now their native lands are in the top. oksana serova will tell you how and where to arrange a celebration that will be remembered for a lifetime. the photographer certainly didn’t let us down, we look at it every evening. and really, how to resist, because the pictures and videos are the main event in the life of alexey and anastasia ’s wedding, they are beautiful, like the heroes of a hollywood film, but not on... it so happened that in moscow, in st. petersburg, in the nearest million-plus cities, it was very cold, it was already october, the end of october, and we decided to celebrate this in the very warm region of our country - this is sochi, it seemed to us that it would be very cool, it really was cool, a beautiful, warm summer wedding in october pleased not only the newlyweds, but also the guests, that for the sake of this event they traveled 1500 km region and no one regretted sochi; it turns out that more and more russians are now choosing a similar way to make their holiday memorable. the more sophisticated wedding clients are,
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the more they have already attended friends’ weddings, the more they want to surprise not only with show programs, but also with another location, so now they are changing geography and leaving, so to speak , from moscow, for example, well, where is the couple lives, this is a great help in the piggy bank, an amazing wedding, unique, memorable. moreover, if earlier, experts say, couples are more likely to wanted to hold a wedding ceremony abroad, russian regions have recently been gaining popularity; they now offer a wide range of locations and programs. if earlier this was trivial , for example, only on the seashore, now the destinations of wedding tourism are the most diverse, from kaliningrad to vladivostok you can organize a site, it could be a view of a volcano, it could be a view of a lake, it could be a trip in a hot air balloon or a walk in wedding dresses around... dubai, the deepest the lake is also one of the most romantic places. brides and grooms from all over the country come here to say yes to each other. videographer
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ekaterina has been filming weddings for 8 years and knows where the newlyweds will especially like it. it’s better to go to alkhon, in winter there is beautiful, clean ice, very beautiful ice cliffs, caves, and there are a lot of interesting places there to hold an outdoor ceremony and just shoot a beautiful video. you can officially register a marriage at the local clerk, yes, now there are no restrictions. unrelated with registration or residence in another place , no. marriage registration throughout the country is possible anywhere, regardless of place of residence or place of registration, place of registration. newlyweds can apply online without coming to the wedding palace. so it’s not surprising that wedding tourism in russia is gaining momentum. today wedding agencies and travel companies offer their services for holding ceremonies in other regions. experts advise contacting them or starting to organize events yourself, at least for several months to... attached to the belt, controlled by the abdominal muscles,
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the experiment participants trained literally without sparing their stomachs, found the necessary muscles that are responsible for this or that movement of the virtual hand, began to use it, while the movements are simple, well, something take it, move it where it’s useful, for whomever , use your own imagination. the fats have already taken their seats and are watching through the windows as the car sprays anti-icing liquid on the wing. this is a complex two-step process. in the world, including
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russia uses two types of liquids: the first type and the fourth. the first one washes the surface of the aircraft from snow deposits and dirt, after which, uh, the second stage begins. during it, about 300 liters of liquid will cover the fuselage in just a few minutes , the composition was developed in russia, it does not contain alcohol, instead of it various components: water, anti-corrosion additives and the liquid is applied to the aircraft using a special machine, this liquid is applied only on a special aircraft plane on a special surface. it's about mechanization of the wing empennage. the mixture is selected so as to retain its properties even at thirty-degree frosts. the main task of the composition is to form a protective film on the treated surface of the aircraft. it is this that will prevent precipitation from accumulating until takeoff. these fluids only work until the aircraft takes off, that is, they leave the wing. before putting the liquid into
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operation, check it many times. we load the liquid into a centrifuge, at high speeds, the centrifuge expels air bubbles from them, which will not interfere with distortion measurements. the measurement process of the refractive index is taking place, the measurement is ready to show, it complies with the regulatory documentation. moreover, russian requirements are stricter than european ones. our compounds are able to work even in the coldest regions of the planet. this means that flight safety is the most important goal of civil aviation. will only grow, we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary health knowledge, dispel
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myths, help you find out the truth, how to act? to land well, you need to warm up beforehand. what should you pay attention to? there should be a pill for each risk factor. where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. nikita, will you marry me for 300,000 , half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, but an ineffective one, i fell in love with your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you for her
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hand in marriage, what has the deputy arranged? i agree. he doesn’t mind the road, listen, antokha , you can’t do the same, listen, brother, live your life, don’t meddle in mine, come on for now, are you twins or something, you fell in love, oh, granny, you can’t hide anything from you , daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but he turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took him off, congratulations, you are pregnant. without love, today on rtr, please , acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white
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tuxedo, i’m starting, zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i’m like a male hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how many more ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov. on sunday on rtr. the alpine titanic will be raised from the bottom of lake bodon. this is the name given to the pleasure boat sentis. it was sunk in switzerland 90 years ago because it had
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expired. and this is in a country where the environment is sustainable. yourself a century later is a priority. and as you can see from these video frames, the ship was surprisingly well preserved at a depth of 210 m, where the destructive effect of oxygen rays from the sun is minimal. they decided to raise the ship using special air bags and restore it. the alpine titanic promises to become a new swiss attraction. tourists will appreciate it, you know what else there is to see in switzerland. of course, residents of russian cities will appreciate the improved quality of life. and this is one of the key goals of the national project housing and urban environment; to achieve it , a federal project for the formation of a comfortable urban environment was launched 5 years ago. during this time thousands of public and courtyard spaces have been landscaped, new points of access and places for sports recreation have been created. the soviet past
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of the city of yalka came up with the idea for such umbrellas, because it is a symbol of the soviet. sea, air and flora, the renewed central square of yalta, composed of symbols of crimea. the architects discussed the project with the residents, defended it, made changes, and both were satisfied with the result. here. children like it, you can’t keep up with them, and in the summer, when there is a fountain, it’s a delight for adults and children, but even in winter the area is full children, swings, an amphitheater, even the dry bowl of the fountain provides an excellent space for games, rostov resident anna khmilevskaya was brought here by her daughter dasha, there is incredible beauty, incredible cleanliness, for the first time in this square we certainly appreciated the fountain, my daughter was here in the summer and it plays. she’s having a blast, she’s cool, it’s great! the reconstruction was carried out with the support of the national project housing and urban environment, among other 360 other public spaces in crimea. we continue landscaping, this year we will have
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about 50 public spaces implemented throughout the republic of crimea, in particular we cover almost all resort towns. during the implementation of the federal project to create a comfortable urban environment, almost 28 thousand public spaces and more than 37 were landscaped
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. we have shown that really good locations can be attractive to the city, increase the flow of tourists for tourists and, accordingly, improve the quality of the urban environment. the full scale of the transformation will be assessed in the spring. cathedral square will thaw from the snow and the laid out granite slabs outline the contours of blagoveshchensky and bagoevlensky that stood here. that's all for today, if you have an early
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rise planned for tomorrow, keep in mind, we will be here, we will repeat this good duet of ours today, only in different outfits, approximately, see you tomorrow. hello, oksana kuvaeva is on the air in the studio, the main thing for this hour. returned home, russia and ukraine carried out an exchange of prisoners according to the formula. 100 to 100 released military personnel arrived in moscow tonight. russian pilots liquidated the best pilot of the ukrainian armed forces. and a massive hit by girani on industrial facilities in ukraine.
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to dismiss zaluzhny from the post of commander-in-chief , zelensky appointed a native of russia to the post of new commander-in-chief of the obsu. a unique operation in yekaterinburg. doctors grew a vein in a patient's leg to save his arm. major fire in moscow. 100 russian military personnel returned from ukrainian captivity in the territories controlled by the kiev regime, they were in mortal danger, all freed soldiers will...
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at night, a series of explosions occurred in odessa, odessa, nikolaev regions. eyewitnesses report a massive hit of geranium on industrial facilities. in nikolaev, the target was a reinforced concrete plant. in the village, where, according to local residents, military trucks regularly arrived, mercenaries were housed in the dormitory. in the donetsk direction, the enemy lost up to 310 troops per day. in new york, in the former village of novgorodskaya, a warehouse of heavy drones was hit, and in a small village , a house was literally blown up, which the ssu used as a shelter. hit him aviation high-precision missile. the defense ministry also publishes a video of a field ammunition depot being hit. the work of
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artillery crews and tank crews in the zone, reports by stanislav nazarov and artyom yundos. loaded, gun, ears , shot, howitzer shells are brought in one by one, our artillery hits the enemy with high-explosive fragmentation, the enemy responds: periodically the positions of the vostok unit. in shelling with cluster munitions , the one who is more accurate wins. personnel, but there were many wounded, this can be negotiated it was noticed, and then they continued to work on fortification, that they ran away from there and that’s it, they practically left the landing without their troops, so that they could calmly enter there, the enemy’s chances of salvation are less and less, at the beginning the artillery grinds up the fortification trenches, then the assault groups go to clearing, under constant fire onslaught, militants of the kiev regime...
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the mood is lifted by toys made by children, which the military wear on bulletproof vests, children from kindergarten - they make all kinds of toys like this and send them to support us, to help us, that’s when the gifts arrived from them, i saw it, liked it, immediately put it on, loaded, ready, gun, shot, crew firing at reconnaissance coordinates. there are duty targets where the enemy
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constantly delivers personnel and ammunition, but newly identified enemy positions are a priority, attack aircraft request support, experienced fighters say that nighttime bad weather is a great time for an offensive. loaded, gun, shot! now the d-20 howitzer is camouflaged, even though in 5 or 10 minutes a command may be issued to reopen fire on the forces of the ukrainian armed forces. you need to camouflage your gun, our artillery fires at the enemy literally 24 hours a day. the cartridges from the charges of previous shots are still smoking, the guns quickly remove their disguise and prepare for new shooting. operational information has been received, the given goals need to be worked out. artyom yuundas, ekaterina tehmanovich, vesti lugansk, artyomovsk. the crews of the tanks of the 150th division are sent out on an urgent combat mission. drone operators unload en route to the firing area positions. to quickly begin aerial reconnaissance and
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provide accurate coordinates. an american m37 howitzer comes into view of our drone operators. the footage shows how the artillery crew of ukrainian militants moves in their position, preparing the gun for firing. i arrived, set up, the gunner is aiming, sir, and i’m already turning the machine so that he stands up clearly. well, that's it, we worked on further. well, the main thing is to leave there already. this t-72 b3m tank operates on the principle of an artillery gun to a target of about 5 km. well 15 seconds, that is, i fired, the gun is being reloaded. everything is charged, i’ll check the coordinates and we’ll work there too. tank strike groups work under the cover of our artillery. the enemy manifests itself in different ways; they mostly throw reserves into battle; they are not trained. well
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, this is what happens in a random manner, they rotate, mainly those who are more powerful, stronger, they retreat to more fortified, protected points of defense, and the young ones are left in front, the young ones are left for slaughter, while the tankers from the 150th division of the southern troop groups are preparing to strike an american installation, enemy infantry, they are destroying the fire of our self-propelled artillery installations; artillery is not working throughout the southern donetsk direction. with batteries, well-camouflaged guns, dispersed along the entire line of combat contact. a tank commander with the call sign terminator has been in the army for 8 years, he has been fighting since the beginning of the northern military district, quite recently. returned to duty, after a tank explosion he received a concussion, a compression fracture of the spine, shrapnel and bullet wounds. the most important the main goal, the infantry is pushing, we first level it so that they can’t , our infantry is trying to advance, that’s just how we work together. after the second strike on the positions of ukrainian militants, the american
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m37 installation was destroyed. the crew is informed of new coordinates, and the tanks, under the cover of electronic warfare systems, move to other firing positions. vladimir zelensky officially announced the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, the reason for the complete failure of the summer ukrainian counter-offensive and catastrophic losses in front. alexander syrsky, who previously held the position of commander of the ground forces, was appointed to the vacant position. a native of russia, he comes from the vladimir region, for the unsuccessful bloody attack in the ukrainian army he was nicknamed general 200. the bakmut butcher, he is considered guilty of the heavy defeat of the ukrainian armed forces near artyomovsk. in orenburg, the crew of the l-76 plane shot down by ukrainian militants said goodbye. the terrorist attack occurred on january 24 in the belgorod region. the military transport board was transporting ukrainian prisoners for exchange. the plane was hit from
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petriot anti-aircraft missile system. our pilots fought to the last, moving the flaming car away from residential buildings. and they succeeded. the posthumous crew was awarded. about what oksana boricheva is like. it’s difficult for everyone to contain their emotions on this day when heroes in their small homeland will be remembered, reporting. at the funeral ceremony , hundreds of townspeople and the grief of the pilots' families are accepted by everyone who comes as their own. our orenburg crew flew with such a peaceful mission, in which the officers and warrant officers are all the same, these are real fighters. orenburg sees off on the last flight your heroic. the crew brings flowers to the portraits of the pilots, whose feat will forever remain in memory. relatives, friends and colleagues came to honor the memory of the heroes today. the last journey is being seen off by six pilots who died as a result of a terrorist attack by the kiev regime. their last flight was interrupted in the sky over the belgorod region. the il-76 crew
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was on a humanitarian flight, transporting 65 captured military personnel of the ukrainian armed forces. an exchange was supposed to take place on the border with ukraine, but the militants of the kiev regime. the plane was shot down by two american patriot missiles. beats were applied from the settlement of liptsy, kharkov region. at the last moment, the pilots managed to move the plane engulfed in flames away from populated areas. the situation when there is an exchange of prisoners is not the result of one day’s work. that side, if you can call them people, did not know that they were taking their own military personnel for exchange, well, that ’s wrong to say, these are vile actions, vile actions, all six pilots served in the military transport regiment of orenburg, this crew was considered one one of the most experienced, commander thirty-six year old stanislav bezubkin, has tens of thousands of flight hours behind him, including in syria, africa, turkey, assistant commander vladislav chmerev, a fourth generation pilot, originally from
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the saratov region, he always supported me, could always defend himself, i am very proud of my brother , he will forever remain in our hearts. the heroic crew also included a navigator. we expect this. this team was entrusted with the most important tasks of the country's ministry of defense. minutes of silence were observed in memory of the crew. the pilots will be buried on their small homeland. the bodies will be sent to
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soractage today in the tambov, saratov, irkutsk regions, as well as in kazakhstan and belarus. they are real, for their decency thousands will be fulfilled. the team was posthumously awarded the order of courage. oksana boricheva, irina podasenova, ainur vali akhmetov, vesti orenburg. good neighborly ties between russia and china are at a high level; interaction between the two countries is an important stabilizing factor in world affairs. this was discussed in a detailed telephone conversation that vladimir putin had with the chairman of the people's republic of china sidinpin. leaders. expressed interest in developing cooperation in energy, finance, industry, agriculture and the humanitarian sphere. the conversation touched on the situation in ukraine and the middle east. in addition, vladimir putin and sidin pinst. declared their rejection of washington's course based on pressure and interference in the internal affairs of other
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countries. a powerful volcanic eruption began in iceland, a crack opened north of the city of grendavik, from which hot rock is rapidly pouring out, the length of the fault at least 3 km. fire fountains shoot up to a height of 80 m. the main lava flows move west towards the power plant protected by special barriers and the famous blue lagu resort. closed several months ago due to seismic activity, this is the third volcanic eruption in iceland this winter. eight people, including two children, were injured in a fire in the perm village of kuida. the flames from the burning gas pipeline spread to several residential buildings. the multi-kilometer fiery torch was visible several kilometers away. involved in the extinguishing fire train. investigators and criminologists are working at the scene, they are establishing the circumstances of the emergency. in moscow. chernyakhovsky are extinguishing the roof of a six-story residential building, the flames covered 400 km, the roof
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completely collapsed, rescuers evacuated about 400 residents, the fire was assigned an increased level of complexity, and no casualties were reported, k-32 helicopters from the ministry of emergency situations were involved in extinguishing the fire. traffic was blocked on the street closest to the scene of the emergency; evacuated residents were placed on buses in a nearby shopping center. in the mormon region , classes in schools near novosibirsk were canceled due to frost, traffic on federal highways was limited, and there is an avalanche danger in the mountains of kabordino-balkaria. in chelyabinsk, after a heavy snowfall, residents have to drive their own cars. ambulances stuck in courtyards are pushed by passers-by. it’s hard not only for drivers, but also for pedestrians who have difficulty crossing the snowdrifts. there are hundreds of cars on the ufa-chelyabinsk federal highway.
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carbon filters stop trapped oil products; there are 35 such stations in moscow, they work around the clock, the machines continue to remove snow from roads, courtyards, roofs everywhere, and this can be said to be a transfer point where they bring snow from the center of moscow and load such a huge mountain high into a four-story building, all this was done in order to maximize... they we came to the aid of moscow communal workers, cleared
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the sidewalk, and now we are loading everything into a dump truck with the help of a tractor ; in the museum of military equipment on poklonnaya hill , they put the shovels aside, they blew the snow off the armor and carefully cleaned it off so as not to damage the paint, these are museum exhibits, on the capital's roads today you could find equipment of absolutely different calibers, for example, golden pens, as they were popularly called, 1400. friday night is expected to be -18-20°. by the weekend it will get even colder, next week the temperature swings again, but already... the patient
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has the missing section of the vein and thus regained the mobility of the arm, details of the advanced technology in the report by irina truskova. well, now i can only squeeze my hand this much. well, this is already great progress. just a month ago, ivan vakhrushev was not at all felt my hand. and all because of an accident. in the garden plot , a young man stumbled and fell on broken glass. as a result , the artery and nerves were completely crossed. in his native home , the guy was given help, but only functions. the limbs never recovered. after the operation, for a few more months, so to speak, my arm basically didn’t work. and he underwent an examination, that is, no matter how the nerves did not respond, so to speak, there was no squeezing reflex, and also the sensitivity of the hand itself. ivan for help arrived in the ural capital. here, doctors from the fortieth clinical hospital discovered
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a twenty-centimeter occlusion of the brachial artery. because of it, blood did not flow into the forearm and hand. there was a search for what to make a new vessel from, that is, the whole difficulty was that the person did not have a vein of sufficient diameter to use it to restore blood flow. doctors had to come up with a new method, which had not yet been used in traumatology, so it turned out to expand the diameter of the vein inside the patient’s body, we sewed superficial vein with artery, destroying the valves, after two or three. of course, there are small changes, but they fit within the framework of the postoperative
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period, but the hand has come to life, yes, as the patient himself observes. in order to fully restore the function of his arm, rehabilitation will be required, and ivan already imagines that when he arrives home, he will be able to hold his son in his arms again . meanwhile, the doctors decided to adopt a new method , because it can help other people with similar injuries. irina truskova, denis urasbakhtin, vesti ural. we are reporting, following developments, stay with us on the russia channel. shlag is already 37 years old this year, but these are only a few of such long-lived people on the air, i chose my job correctly, karegin dubovitskaya and her empire of humor, this is a typewriter, it’s true, you are still printing for a full house, this
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sound is still standing in your apartment, when everyone says that she is all at work at work, this is not... quite true, the most important thing in my life for me is my husband, my dad took me, put me on a train to go in a dry, the coupe of this train was yura, i looked at him, and he fell for me, but for some reason i saw him and immediately said that this is what i needed, the fate of the man with boris korchevnikov on rtr today. alisa has a lot of character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult, well , i can handle it, my daughter, my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how you all got me, and you break something, take it easy, i hate you , it’s clear, you
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stole my dad, it hit me in the face, you’re a dekar, i’m a human too, dad! alla yuganova, no one but us will protect alice. vladislav reznik, you will live with your mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement, you are a traitor, leonid gromov, well, don’t sue, it’s hot, this is how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you, i hate my dad , but it will pass, it just takes time, all winds will blow, premiere on saturday on rtr. the russian academy of sciences has created a need for scientists. since the anniversary of the russian academy of sciences, as you can see, you have to do your own thing, and life becomes interesting, science becomes in demand, in the west scientific
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workers, they turned into conley workers, and scientists - who really served science, remained in science, a special attitude is needed, a special way of thinking, so that you can live in this, russian science, as it was, is one of the most powerful in the world, thinkers, the premiere of the documentary on sunday on rtr, how did the operation go, did you lose a patient? polonsky made a mistake, you understand how it looks from the country, how there is no accident, you want to say that i killed him, premiere on rtr, results
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analysis, brigin, i feel bad, so scared, he ’s never had one before, i’m afraid of her, i don’t even know why i should cook, i can’t breathe, you know, i’m on... oh, what can’t i do, help! sklefosovsky, new episodes, watch on monday on rtr. watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. do not miss. 60 minutes. today on rtr. scientists in the far east began to study the life of the inhabitants of taga using a silent
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quadcopter, it does not cause concern animals, which is very important for research: the drone is capable of operating in the harshest conditions, about the first flight of the new drone, report by anna lenova. flew for sensations. the electronic bird immediately tries to fit into the taiga flavor and takes the trail. the path falls into the lens, it is an elk exploring the territory, the owner of the hooves is not yet visible. the flight range of a quadcopter is 15 km - this is a good distance for the far eastern taiga, so the sight of such a video camera will definitely catch ungulate tigers, and such zoom will also allow you to clearly see the traces of the inhabitants of the far eastern forest. such a picture gives the specialists of the protected area excitement, despite -36, today in the anyui national park, the drone is still holding up. and such cold humidity carefully collects the soil for further reflection by scientists, traces of smaller ungulates again fall into the lens, which means the numbers are slowly restored,
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a wild boar is recorded, and of course, an amur tiger has been spotted, judging by the track, most likely a male, because the track still big such, taking into account the fact that it is still covered, well , large at the heel, somewhere around six centimeters. the drone is still flying in test mode, the inspectors are taming the air assistant, testing its limitless capabilities and here they are, the first shots that immediately appear...
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at irina muravyova’s on the premiere’s birthday, and even on the stage of a large theater. 30 years ago someone asked me: listen, where do you work now? i say: now i work in small things, but... my goal is big, i joked. the joke was a huge success, and i i've been periodically joking about this topic for 30 years. and so the circle is closed. 30 years ago, when muravyova moved from the mossovet to the small one, the country had long been ruined into the most charming and attractive. i am very charming and attractive. men really like me, and they're not just crazy about me. she, especially for the same.
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she goes crazy from her eyes, her wife comes up and how jealous she is right away, this is like this, these are small details, the country is tense with paper, she can play anything, even a noblewoman. and derevenskaya, and you have a free evening, please, i need this i really need it, yes, free, i just have a free evening today, when lioznova met muravyova on the set of the film, we signed up below, and someone like that, what is your last name, i realized that i had found the very heroine that i had been waiting for 12 years, the script of the carnival lay so long, if i no longer mean anything in my destiny, this song.
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everyone sang when minshov came to muravyova, tried to persuade raisa zakharovna to play, but refused. as far as i understand in life, men prefer women of intelligent professions. i was surprised when ursulyak invited to the odessa steamship for a role of three replicas. when we met, she saw, i hope she saw how i sincerely love her, she agreed. how much is the seed? 20 kopecks my short collaboration with irina vadimovna brought me great human, creative, masculine and whatever happiness you want, i see you are a noble dog, you can be trusted, oh yes, the queen is in trouble, thousands of dead cats, she has captivated audiences since childhood and this is real greatness talent, to be equally convincing both in voicing the monkey bombin and in playing the role shalamov's mother in lenin's will. a muscovite who has become the best provincial actress, she is a theater actress, but the most
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quoted in cinema, she does not tolerate publicity. this concludes our issue, oksana kuvaeva was with you, all news is always available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website see you.
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razumovsky is listening. oh, anyuta , you’re alive, who are you anyway, i’m your husband, we buried you, come back, hello, why are you here, you had to die to get yourself back, but she has anemia, just like i died, i mean, how did i disappear? you were a sweetener , your car fell into the river , just don’t fall in love with your wife again, i only need you, i think someone set me up, right after the funeral you appear, what are you hinting at, unforgotten, you remembered something , sunday on rtr, incredibly, seventy-six years old...
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substation, the first podcasts we watch, they said who? i asked him not to talk, the main thing is that he is healthy. we look at the weekend, we will have twins, girls, what girls, you promised me that there will be a son, oh, when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and don’t want to. i still have to lose my wife, i ’ll pay any money before it’s too late , do a good deed, you have to share, where is the second girl, i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i’m still thinking, what’s it like there? there's a boy in the bond, but a girl was born, what miracles, she 's completely different, her character doesn't look like you or leroy, our son will be just like you, olga is deceiving you, but don't you think that this is
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already somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope on saturday on rtr, and we... where to look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important
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information from the most competent sources: take care of your body comprehensively, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important things from monday to friday on rtr. one day i decided to kill my rival, took a souvenir japanese knife, put on a wig and went, the famous poet larisa rubalskaya once admitted that, according to her, she had then there is real confusion from jealousy. larisa rubalskaya has been catastrophically unlucky with men for a long time, but each of her poems is a small story. love, and the biggest, main love in her life was the person with whom she agreed to try her luck out of hopelessness, light in your window, beam in a dream,
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how i love you, this year marks 40 years of larisa rubalskaya’s creative activity, based on her poems it says more than 500 pennies. good morning, dear larisa, hello, hello, i'm with a gift, what is this, what is this, that's what, at home open it, this is a salad of green tomatoes, what a poet might come with, god, be careful, who,
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be careful, don’t get wet, of course, what a beauty, my production, you made it, yes, it’s delicious, oh, never before has life and fate been released was so short, thank you. big, i say goodbye to you, i’m leaving quickly , it’s there, because it’s impossible to hold back, really, really, thank you for this treat, i understand that this is a small answer to me, to how i treated you when we celebrated here , your anniversary, like yesterday it was, but i then i promised you something, please put on a fragment of that episode and how we treated you then.
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moreover, larisa alekseevna, look what else i have, is it really orange juice, orange juice, grief, i’m going to cry now, i can’t, maybe i should take it home, dry it and admire it, eat it, i’ll give you a whole sturgeon later , where? as our people say, they wait 3 years for what they promised, they promised, 3 years have passed, here it is, look, it’s for me
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, it’s for me, it’s for me, of course, goodbye, thank you for such a gift, borya, i’ll tell you whatever you want that you haven’t told anyone , i’ll tell you, then i don’t even ask, i just listen, tell me, larisa alekseevna, that you haven’t told anyone yet, but i’m very... it’s become difficult to remember lately, it’s easier for me not to remember than remember , that’s why i like to talk about today and a little about the future, i haven’t told anyone about the future yet, but today we still remember a little, especially since the very first song that your song that i recognized the whole country performed by valentina tolkunova, that’s what it was called memory, and it happened, well, listen, in the year eighty-four. 40 years ago, you understand what date we have with you
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this year, 40 years of your amazing creative life, remember how this memory was born, yes you know, battle, i worked as a translator of the japanese language, i learned, i had a job serious, interesting, i didn’t think about any pop music, or any songs, but i got married quite late, and my husband, a dentist, is a very capable, talented person. and then one day the composer vladimir migulya came to see him. my the husband decided to immediately make it public that his wife could write so well. he came home and said: i have a composer in my chair, sit down, write a song, i’ll show him. i say, i don’t know how they are written, he said this: you don’t know, if you find out, you won’t write, i’ll tear my head off, but i’m a translator and i work with the japanese , we come to sochi with the japanese. well, i completed the program, translated everything that was needed, and they left to rest. and i’m walking along the beach and i’m thinking,
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i can’t take my head off, and there’s some little blue ticket lying around that i picked it up, i still don’t know how my fate is, i looked here is this blue piece of paper, it says cinema, show, row, place, i looked at last year’s show time for last year’s movie, something in my head triggered some kind of impulse, i began to think, it’s out of season in early march, i'll come to the forgotten beach. i’ll look for last year’s signs by the sea , last year’s dates, last year’s hopes , last year’s sorrows , i remember and feel sad, then, i remember and feel sad, then what i am grateful to heaven for, two more verses, tick-tick-tick in my head, please, song , and i come home, my head is in place, singing, he shows flashes, and volodya read it, says, yes, she will drive a white mercedes, from this day to the mercedes, exactly 40 years have passed, play this song, how these
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lines sounded in every house of the country performed by valentina tolkunova, play it, snow the spring darkened, the sun touched the snow, everything seemed to be in pain, but the pain returned, returned, you and i are no longer everything, no, there are no meetings and no forgiveness. a memory will fly to a small town by the sea, it’s march out of season, i’ll come to the forgotten beach, last year's greetings, i'll look for mine from the past. rendezvous, last year’s hopes,
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last year’s sadness, i remember and feel sad, and this, i’m right, this is your first big record, it’s the only one, because after that other completely different media began, the group nona.
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this serious, respectable man met, and somehow, day after day, we never parted with each other, in fact , after that they began to say that you have another talent, not only discovered by david rosenblatt, but what are you have now shown talent, someone i touch like that well with all
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my heart, is getting married, i know that you could teach entire courses on the discipline of how to get married. after thirty, but how to get married after 40 no, this is not for you? fight, a simple way, like me, tell everyone, i’m sorry, but you don’t have a good girl, an acquaintance, unmarried, cute, that’s it, well, it’s not serious somehow, a person wants to arrange his own destiny, what’s wrong, let’s rehearse, with me let me address our viewers, our guests, yes, dears, do you know a girl? pretty, as you said, nezamon? but not necessarily, it seems to me that it goes without saying, not married, well, because the wife is not married , well, of course, this is also necessary; the girls are also ready, for example, looking at you, if i were a married thirty-year-old, i would i would still like to get to know you better, well, let’s cross it all out, young , attractive, smart, insert, smart, well,
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by the way, it’s amazing, in my opinion, you fell into all these categories noted. with david, yes, yes, yes, at what point did you realize what it was, it is he? oh, after living for many years, i realized that it was him, at first i just, thank god , got married, and then more and more, i understood this, and what, we lived for 33 years, and the longer we lived, the more it was me i understood more, by the way, i believe in this scheme, much more than in history at first sight and ah-ah-ah, away it goes, it rushes right away to where it’s not needed, that’s when it’s like yours, when over the years love grows, through trials and through everything, but even at these thirty you didn’t come to this meeting of yours some green girl, there
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were already a lot of wounds, injuries and tragedies, you will later talk about this in your song natasha, why? no, i don’t have autobiographical songs, they’re not all about me. natasha, well, at that time i had already started working with viktor chaika, and we were friends with the artists who sang our songs, and one day tanya ovseenko invited us, and her husband volodya duboviskay said: well , write her a song, i say what, well, don’t tear your shirt on your chest, but with the shirt that i’m used to, natasha, the song came out instantly, put it, the path leading to you is overgrown, isn’t trouble crushing under your feet, even if there was only a little happiness with you, but separation is also not a problem, but separation is also not a problem, don’t tear your shirt on your chest,
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don’t bend your soul, go away and love your shit, i’ll manage as... among today’s young performers there are those for whom you would like to write, i like, yes, i really like stas piekha, i really like alexey vorobyov, i would like to write for them, but in basically i just want to write, and then... whoever gets it, then good, i’m now i started doing something slightly different, borya , i’ll tell you, laura quint and i wrote two serious works, two musicals, one day, one a children’s fairy tale based on the fairy tales of the grim brothers, the second work was a vaudeville, i remember the period when david passed away, there was a period when you
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didn’t write, you couldn’t, no, this is actually a very interesting phenomenon, i’m years old, here are 5 years of his paralysis and another 5 years. after what was gone, but it was as if i didn’t have these years of life, i don’t remember them, 10 years, i don’t remember, i remember my youth, my youth, then already approximately... the current state, and i try not to remember, and i have learned not to remember, there is a feeling that you are writing, now check on it that it seems as if he will hear, i would really like this, and in general, here i am i’ll say this, i have now, well, everything is still growing , despite the fact that so many years have passed, i’m very sorry that i can’t show him what i’ve now written, all the books that i've recently discovered that he doesn't see... concerts where people gather full halls, i had one concert, once, a full hall of 6,500 people, now
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on march 17 there will be a concert again, such a report on my life, my friends are artists, my friends are composers, and i’ll even change clothes twice in the new dress, i really like it’s a pity that he won’t be among those who will applaud and sing along, i’ll also have a good event, can i tell you one wonderful... woman marina stanislavskaya, she decided , together with director marina chaplina , to come up with a performance based on my stories, very interesting idea, it's called adult woman, and there will be a ballet , a clown show, and a fashion show, i am the main character and four heroines who will play four of my ages, these are my plans, how happy you are, it’s true, with such projects you are celebrating forty years of your creative activity, but happiness must be helped, and i try to do this. “whether i want it or not, and if there is some kind of request for me , some kind of order, through force, through the fact that i’m
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not in the mood, i will definitely do it, it seems to me, if i turn away from heaven, heaven they will turn away from me, but i don’t want that, there is an order, larisa alekseevna, please release your song for us, with pleasure, you have no reason to be sad.” don’t look at the zokola so often , the trace of you fades, men, if if you don’t believe me, look around, and you’re dying again , there’s sadness in your eyes, how funny you are, my daughter, as if you know something that i don’t know, what a...
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watch today at 2:55 p.m. in the program the fate of a person. regina dubovitskaya, love at first sight. i looked at him, and for some reason he fell for me. sold out at first sight. indeed, there were many artists who were in love, i know how people dried up and dried up. and that was all. what do the stars of the popular program still regret? in these 50 years we have never, never, managed without half a problem,
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somehow it happened with all the sympathy, look today immediately after the release of the day's news. there are places that... fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you are already understood what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes wide open, how... delicious, as my mother says, it's mind-blowing, this world is worth seeing,
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charmer dare - this is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, alisa, i have a character, i get along with... it will be difficult right away, well, i can handle it, hello, my daughter, my beloved beauty, nastasya samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable one. little animal, how you all got me, and you break something , take it easy, i hate you, it’s clear, you stole my dad, you hit me in the face, are you a dekar, i’m also a person, dad, allaganova, no one but us, vladislav reznik will not protect alice, you will live with your mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read
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the statement, you are a traitor, leonid gromov, and you do not judge. what are you saying, this is how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you, i’m dad i hate it, well, it will pass, it just takes time, in spite of all the winds, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, the broadcast is already 37 years old this year, but these are only a few of such long-lived people on the air, i chose correctly.
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this train had yura, i looked at him, and he fell for me, but for some reason i saw him and immediately said that i needed someone like that, the fate of the man with boris korchevnikov on rtr today. nikita, will you marry me for 3000, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not a fictitious one. i loved your daughter with all my heart and i want to ask you and her hand in marriage, what did you arrange the nutmegs? i agree, he doesn’t care, listen, antokha, you can’t do the same, little brother, live your life, don’t meddle in mine, come on for now, are you twins or something, you’ve fallen in love, oh, granny, there’s nothing from you
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you'll hide it. you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but you turned out to be the husband of a daring, unemployed girl, he took him off, congratulations, you are pregnant, without love, today is nart. posters on the culture tv channel: theatre, music, fine arts on february 9. the third multimedia festival biomechanics ends in the rachmaninov hall conservatory program for percussion performed by soloists of the center for electroacoustic music. as part of the festival, ensembles performed such as the moscow ensemble of contemporary music, the vocal ensemble enkej, tsam artist, at
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the closing we will hear a new unique project created specifically for this festival, this is the ceam percussion project, where various types of drum interaction will be presented as part of the concert tools, objects, specially generated composed structures with media with video with light, as part of this concert, which will take place in the rachmaninsky hall of the moscow conservatory, a number of premieres, including world premieres, will be presented. the premiere performances of the parody show continue on the stage of the mask theater. mama mima or the musical gone wrong, based on the world's greatest hits of the eighties, nineties and two thousand. the premiere performance of judas , staged by yuri grymov, is performed at the modern theater, with lev smirnov playing the title role. the historical museum continues an exhibition under the sign of the zodiac, the theme of which is interpretation of the transformation of ancient symbolic images in world culture. among the exhibits are an ancient book of hours, a chinese staff, antique
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vases, sculptures and many other items. image of the zodiac signs. the exhibition jean-jacques de boisio, a genius of contrast is open until february 11 at the voronezh art museum named after kromsky. the exhibition includes landscapes, portraits, genre compositions, a total of 44 afforts created by the french master over almost half a century of creative activity from 1758 to 1805. the pianissima festival continues in a solo concert by obisal gergiev in the nizhegorovsky pogghouses. the music of bach, gaidan, mendelssohn and rachmanin will be performed. the russian drama theater of bashkiria is showing igor selin's production of alexander sergeevich griboyedov's comedy woe from wit. on the day of the 150th anniversary of the birth of vsevalad mierhold alexandrinsky. the theater presents the premiere of valeria fokin's play alien theater based on the transcript of the general meeting of the meirhold state theater, held in 1937, in the role of vsevalad emilevich, vladimir kosheva. in
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day of memory of sergei slanimsky, the st. petersburg philharmonic will present the world premiere of the composer’s symphony number 26 performed by the philharmonic academic symphony orchestra conducted by andrei anikhanov. the 5 evenings festival named after alexander volodin continues. moscow independent theater project a-39 for the play july rain by murat abulkatinov based on the film script by anatoly grebnev and marlen khutsiev. the ballet sleeping beauty to the music of pyotr ilyevich tchaikovsky is performed at the drelden semper oper. directed by marcel gomez based on choreography by marius pitepa. and the leipzig ballet presents the premiere of the ballet pyotr ilyevich cheikovsky by the spanish choreographer cajetan sota, where fragments of the composer’s biography are reflected in the music created by tchaikovsky for ballet performances. the metropolitan museum of art is hosting an exhibition that for the first time demonstrates the mutual influence of the art of north african states with byzantine culture from the 4th to the 15th centuries. the exhibition includes sculpture, ceramics, fragments of frescoes,
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manuscripts, luxury items, icons, textiles and other works created by masters egypt, ethiopia, nubia and other areas, influenced by byzantine art. good morning, says dr. vyasnyakov, we are starting the program. about our health, that is, about the most important thing for us , we are starting, it will be informative, it will be interesting, today the program is about the
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most important thing, cytokinegenetic therapy against stomach cancer, how effective it is in combination with chemotherapy and whether it can completely destroy the tumor, in 3 -he died for 4 days, of course it was very hard for me to bear. this is a real miracle for me. how effective are antidepressants against headaches and in what cases should boys be vaccinated against the human papillomavirus? questions from the doctor. alexander myasnikov asks, you answer. you don’t know for sure, you’re also thinking logically. also logical. gluten, lactose and gmo free. why do manufacturers write such inscriptions on product packaging? how dangerous are these substances and who should buy such products and who should not? my wife said gluten-free, that means gluten-free, almost all of our potatoes
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gmos, apples, and so on and so on. in these photographs, sixty-five-year-old vladimir botanov from the village of tatakhon, irkutsk region. vladimir's main wealth is his family, his wife, four children. six grandchildren, all his life he worked as a mathematics teacher in a rural school, upon retirement he became a real farmer, he had 25 cows on his farm, a seemingly happy life, a loving family, but his health failed. january 2023 vladimir begins to be bothered by abdominal pain, well , i think it’s probably an ulcer, but he’ll wait outside it’s cold, then i’ll go get checked at the district generation.
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i had cancer of the lymph nodes, my brother died of bone cancer, the tumor in the stomach was removed, so to get rid of the metastasis he prescribed chemotherapy, but the man tolerated it with difficulty, after the first chemotherapy it was very difficult for me, i had no strength, constant weakness, he slept constantly, did not complain never, because he saw that it was hard for us too, that we were going through, maybe i wanted to cry, was it hard? of course, when there is a loved one, after the first course of chemotherapy, vladimir is given to treatment with cytokinogenetic therapy. there are two goals: the first is to reduce the side effects from chemistry, and the second.
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i liked it, he learned from the program , he came, and since you are here and since he is here, i can say that he probably came to you for a reason, absolutely right, it has been proven that the effectiveness of chemotherapy increases against the background of setakinogenetic therapy by about 40% , also, the toxicity of chemical drugs is reduced against the background of cytokinogenic therapy for some specific types of oncology, this works for all types.
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weakness, weight loss, there was constant expectoration, the assessment of the quality of life on the kornovsky scale was 80 points, the tnf level was very low, below one, and there was also a metastasis in the right lobe of the liver, after three courses of treatment cytakin-genetic therapy of tumor necrosis factor timazin alfa1 with interferon gamma , quality of life 100 points, the tnf level rose to 48 pictograms per mil and also
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the focus in the liver was no longer determined by the cat, we have pictures of the cat, we see here in the seventh segment of the liver a lesion 22x17 mm in diameter, by the way, the metastasis was confirmed, the biopsy was taken after three courses of cytokine-genetic therapy in combination with chemotherapy in june, but the focus was no longer determined, we see here... which is clear, and also in november the focus was not determined either, cytokinogenetic therapy was not only reduced the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs, but we also see the result of the synergism of cytokinogenetic therapy with chemotherapy, the focus in the liver in the seventh segment was no longer determined on the cat, and where is he the patient, hello, hello, don’t blow how
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now you feel fine, now you’re fine, as you can see, well, your weight is 74 kg, where are you from? i’m from the irkutsk region, what are you doing? i personally am involved in farming, retired , yeah, a former school director, by the way, a former teacher, a school director, a mathematics teacher, and that mathematician took up farming, well , he retired, we need to give young teachers a month, the farm is large, the farm, oh, almost 100 eyes are looking at me hungry, so 100 eyes divided by two 25, no, 50, 50, 50, or maybe they are wearing glasses, that teacher mathematicians are next to us, yes, my wife is also the same age as me, we studied together at school, the two of you have been like this all your lives, lives have passed, the fact that i got sick, of course, it was very difficult.
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endure, it also happened with me, it happened at the same time, my classmate also got sick, we were together in the irkutsk oncology clinic, after 3-4 days he died, well, of course, it was very difficult for me to bear, but then my children, family, my children they support me, they said, let’s do some more chemistry, let’s find something some method of treatment, here they are... the son looked, watched your program, and the main one called. so, let us recall how the cytokinogenetic therapy method works. our body produces tumor necrosis factor or tnf. these are special proteins that fight cancer cells. but in some people, tnf is not produced enough or its effectiveness is reduced. during cytokinogenetic therapy , tumor necrosis factor is added to the human body from the outside. this helps activate
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antitumor immunity and fight against cancer cells begin to grow more actively. they tell me your daughter is here, where is your daughter? here is my daughter, also a doctor. doctor, hello , i’m a pharmacist, and my son is also a pharmacist, what do you say, he called me, we constantly call each other every day, my stomach hurts, well, in february we came with my family to our parents, at that time we noticed, that he had lost a lot of weight, we had a panic at that moment, because after all, a sharp weight loss already indicates that it is not good. so the doctors came out and watched the program, but still the whole thing, to go to moscow to decide, no, the treatment took place remotely, and remotely, yes remotely, this is the first time in 65 years in moscow, the first time in moscow, the first time i came to moscow, i had happiness, so misfortune helped, yes, cgt
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helped a lot, he feels very well, there are practically no complaints, he eats well, he gained, yes, he gained, no weakness, no malaise, don’t bother him. this is all against the background of cytokinogenetic therapy; now we are in the process of maintaining a course of cytokinogenetic therapy for the necrozoopol factor thymosin alpha1 and interferon gamma once every six months, a maintenance course is now prescribed to prevent relapse of the disease, listen, but we already had a patient with stomach cancer, so he has metastases, and the patient botyrshin with stomach cancer, with metastases not in the liver, in lungs, after a c, then let’s remind him, well, so that... he will be given a grade in 2022. the man underwent six courses of chemotherapy, but it did not help. the tumor
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continued to grow, metastases appeared in the lungs, surgery is contraindicated. at that moment, almost everyone gave up, but albert didn’t i gave up and started treatment with the help of qita. quinogenetic therapy, after four courses the metastases in the lungs disappeared, but the tumor in the stomach then remained in place, well, by the way, i remember, yes, he was refused surgery, he was not treated for stomach cancer, and after cytokinegenetic therapy he was taken for surgery, no , they didn’t, no, not because they didn’t operate there, they did it before the examinations during fibrogastroscopy, they didn’t find a tumor in the stomach, it was a complete rezor. complete regression, this is against the background of cytokine-genetic therapy, in mono mode, and now he just under observation, so stop, you want to say that everything went away completely, completely, completely, they wanted to operate on him, they didn’t find a lesion, this is a real miracle for me, this is not a miracle, well, for you
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it’s not a miracle, not a miracle, we believe in effectiveness, we really helped not just one person, but many, so i know, i ’m sure, i saw the results, irkutsk, thank you, of course, the department of abdominal surgery and chemotherapy, mikhail andreevich golodnikov, a wonderful person, surgeon, and yakolchuk , yuri denisovich,
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wonderful people work there, doctors, nurses, in general it’s wonderful, how nice it is, they work here in moscow. alex zavenovich, i literally spoke with him on a video call with the village, he asked me how i was doing after taking medications and so on. thank you to all the doctors , thank you all because they are very good, they do good things for us and for people. thank you, yes, good luck, thank you, thank you, for saving lives, for caring, it’s always extremely pleasant to hear when. a person understands to whom he owes his life, well then, accordingly, to us life is easier, remember, miracles, of course, they happen, but when miracles are supported by the right treatment, this is probably very good, everything will be fine, then,
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how effective are antidepressants against headaches and in what cases should boys be vaccinated against the papilloma virus person? questions from the doctor. alexander mestnikov asks, you answer. you probably don't know. also thinks logically, also logically, i need you urgently, my wife was brought in in serious condition, the premiere on rtr, stable, bad, the operation is very difficult complicated, but what is your plan, and i don’t have a plan, this is a hopeless idea, and you decided to drag me into this scheme of yours, who will be in charge of the operation, dr. bragin, if you don’t mind, i don’t, the main thing is that bragin doesn’t mind , sklefosovsky, we watch the new series on...
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr. from the first note, beauty, repeats, with the first phrase , a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, bone, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, belov, or something, we together since first grade, for everything, what are we doing, we answer... together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the brigade,
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slow down in the car, i’m running, the whole brigade, we’re just looking at the platform, razumovsky is listening, huh? anyuta, she’s alive, who are you anyway? i’m your husband, we buried you, come back, hello, why did you have to die to get yourself back, she has amnesia, how did i die, that is, how did i disappear? was with the driver, your car fell into the river, just don’t fall in love with your wife again,
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don’t just need you, i think someone set me up, you show up right after the funeral you, what are you hinting at, unforgotten, you remembered something, sunday on rtr, time for the section questions from the doctor, we ask you questions based on previous programs, well, then, how will it turn out with you, either you get a prize, or are you exercising, well, in general, whoever is ready to go out on such conditions, raise your hands, come on, hello, hello, what is your name, my name is olesya, olesya, what does olesya do, and i am a model and... an english teacher, and what do you like more, teaching english or
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being a model? well actually both i like it equally, i can’t single out just one thing, okay, play it, have you watched at least one show? of course, that of course, of course, we looked, okay, then tell me, do boys need to be vaccinated against the virus? human papilloma for both girls and boys, did you just come up with that, or do you really know, well... i thought logically, of course , no, well, that’s right, the human papilloma virus, it accordingly does not discriminate between genders, causes cervical cancer in women, but in men too , there are places where cancer can, so to speak, grow up and be provoked by the human papilloma virus, and therefore today we say that we vaccinate not only girls, but also boys there at the age of 9-13 years old
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in order to protect against oncology, also urogenital oncology, because there is no risk, and so to speak, to cover up it’s necessary, well, girls just have to, well, then a simple question, white rice is healthier than brown, well, yes, don’t eat anything white, white rice is threshed rice without the husk, and the calorie content is the same, both in white rice and in brown, but so to speak, the big one is cut, white, no, but does your head hurt? now or in general, well, it happens , well, just a question here, antidepressants can be effective against headaches, no, they take the upper hand, but like that, you probably don’t know, you also think logically, also logically,
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why? well, antidepressants, in fact, they remove all pain, including mental pain. then non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will no longer help, antidepressants help, and the headache is often when we start taking medications, well, just painkillers, it’s already medicinal headache, and this is already considered a neurological headache, and here the antidepressants are in just the right dose so that they do not affect consciousness, but their
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energetic properties appear, listen, olesya, well, you’re just great, go, thank you very much. so, well then, why, we have all three keys, all yours, come on, you know, sometimes he writes to me: doctor, why do models answer your questions, they don’t know anything, well, first of all, an english teacher knows the language, it turns out everything, even without thinking, it’s not enough moreover, she even opened it the first time. what, well done, open, choose, the biggest , right, here the right instinct worked for her, you should always take more, thank you, oles, who do you want, grandmother, great-grandmother, mother, grandmother, call grandmother, valya, grandmothers,
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thank you very much, if you want to review us, this is a platform, look at the application, website, and we move on , we have already done something similar to this section, but you know, it’s always good to talk about nutrition, someone will talk, someone will listen, i i can not. weak man, i ’ll go back there, the situation is that the food industry is really ruining us , no, not in russia, in the world in the world, and indeed, when at some stage about 40 years
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ago a wild increase in obesity and diabetes began, they looked there, we eat what the food industry offers us, it cannot make such healthy, good food, but it is expensive, then you will never buy it, if everything is done well, this dumpling will cost at a price, i don’t know, well, expensive , so all technologies are aimed at making it bigger, tastier, and cheaper, well, this logical, otherwise nothing will work , it tastes better - it’s very simple, trans fats, salt, sugar, everything, tasty, cheaper, also understandable, no one will bother with any...
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now if they write gluten-free, i’ll buy it with with great pleasure, i will still buy, without flavor enhancers, boiled sausage and so on, that is, we have these statements from manufacturers, or these are sellers, after all, sellers, not manufacturers, which someone is falling for, someone no, well, actually, what we have here is, we asked people, they answered, let's show you, pasta, bread, flour, on the packaging of these products there is often a gluten-free inscription, they cost a little more, but despite this they buy them, but
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is it worth overpaying? we came to one of the moscow stores to ask customers why they are afraid of gluten and buy products without it. i read that gluten causes allergies, so i buy gluten-free products. gluten is contraindicated for me. i have whole ones, because i look at the transmission, with a very large intake of gluten it will develop diabetes, my wife told me that gluten can cause schizophrenia, we are afraid it causes leaky gut syndrome, so the reasoning is clear, but who really needs to eat gluten-free foods, and for whom is it safe? doctor, tell me, i really liked it... the men there, my wife said gluten-free, that means gluten-free, that’s what leaky
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gut syndrome is, i don’t know, no, that’s how i imagine leaky gut, but somehow maybe, maybe , this is irritable bowel syndrome, also diarrhea, and so on, m s gluten, by the way, i advise you that you don’t... worry about gluten, i wanted to say, nutritionists say, but today nutritionists, excuse me, are like uncut dogs, they say a lot of different things, let’s say, serious medical journals , dedicated to dietetics, say that yes, gluten should be limited to people, it should not be given to people of salaaki, naturally, this is an intolerance to this protein contained in cereals with an allergy. and also with a number of diseases, such as inflammatory bowel diseases, but a healthy person, healthy, without
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everyone’s allergies, this is what i listed there, celiacs and so on and so forth, don’t bother, eat this gluten, it’s a protein, it won’t do anything bad to you, look at me, here’s gluten. next, products with gmos, why you shouldn’t be afraid of them, how healthy is cholesterol-free vegetable oil, we have potatoes, almost all gmos, apples, and so on and so forth, without cholesterol we will all die, shlag is already 37 this year years, but these are only a few of such long-lived people on the air, i chose correctly her work, regina dubovitskaya and her empire of humor. it's a typewriter, it's true, you 're still printing scripts for a full house, the sound is still in your apartment, when
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everyone says that she's still at work at work, that's not entirely true, the most important thing in my life, for me, this is my husband, my dad took me and followed me on a train to travel in a dry one, yura was the apex of this train, i looked at him and... he fell for me, i saw him for some reason and immediately said that i wanted this and needed. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov today on rtr. alisa is my character, i’ll say right away, it will be difficult, but i can handle it, my daughter, my beloved. nastasya samburskaya, i need an absolutely uncontrollable little animal, how you all got me, and you break something easier, i
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hate you, it’s clear, i have you. dad was stolen, i was hit in the face, what are you, dekarka, i am also a person, dad, alla yuganova, no one but us will protect alisa, vladislav reznik, you will live with your mother, she is alive, you abandoned me, i read the statement , you are a traitor, leonid gromov, don’t sue hotly, this is how i should continue to live, i can’t forgive you, i hate dad, but it will pass, it just takes time. in spite of all the winds. premiere on saturday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room. ideas are overflowing. we
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want to turn the radiator into an art object. there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i i love plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr. nikita, will you marry me for 3000, half a million, a million, i want a family, but a real one, not an effective one. i
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loved your daughter with all my heart and want to. after all, you have her hands, what did the deputy skarat do? i agree, a million is not worth it, listen, antokh, the same can’t be done, listen, brother, live your life and share mine , come on for now, are you twins or something, i fell in love with you, oh, granny, you can’t hide anything from you, daddy, you married the daughter of a rich businessman, yes, but turned out to be the husband of a daring woman , unemployed. he took it off, congratulations, you are pregnant, without love, today is nerter, the program about the most important thing continues, we are talking about food, marketing tricks, now we will talk to people who choose non-gmo products, what are they afraid of, did you watch the program? those
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that said that uh genetically modified foods contribute to the development of cancer cells in our body. you know, i heard somewhere that gmo foods cause autism in humans, disrupting their psyche. i only needed corn, so i didn’t pay attention to whether there are gmos there or not, because of them there can be an allergy, they spray chemicals and all this goes into our body and weakens the immune system. i read that gmo foods upset the balance of the intestinal microflora, so i try to buy non- gmo ones. i'm just looking, there are gmos in dumplings or not? i'll tell you a terrible secret: we all take kmo products, everyone.
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what is written there without gmos, you know, on the fence there is also a lot of things written, if there is something there somewhere, then gmos, if you look, then well , sausage, for example, or all the products that are made by consuming soy , soy is everywhere in any cutlets, in any sausages, there is a little bit of filler, we have no soy, not gmo, soy is all gmo, we have potatoes. almost all gmos, apples, and so on and so forth. i'll tell you more, without gmos the planet would be die out of hunger. now we are in favorable conditions and fighting obesity. in fact, billions of people are dying from hunger, i saw this personally with my own eyes , today we have, in my opinion, 12 people die from hunger per minute, if i remember the data, a minute has passed 12 people from
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hunger... gmo allows you to fight against parents, make varieties resistant to parents, with greater preservation, and so on and so forth, and this is a fact, you will not get away from it, is there a cure for gmos? we don't know, that's it there is no such harm, as they say , no, there is no gmo, that means, in our lifetime there is no harm, it has absolutely never shown itself to be harmful, what will happen in 50 years, when we have already grown up more than one generation who grew up on gmos , which i say again, we all accept gmos, whatever you want, that’s what you want, you accept gmos, no matter what... you buy, what will happen in a few generations, we don’t know, most likely nothing, most likely in total, huge institutions are working on this all over the world, and it is developing, today it saves the planet from hunger, today what goes into food, almost
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many components, is only gmo, i think it ’s written here, but on soda, maybe there are no gmo soda, so let’s move on. we go to the vegetable oil aisle, looking for people who buy oil labeled cholesterol-free, because cholesterol can cause plaques to form on the walls of blood vessels, which can cause a heart attack. the doctor told me that cholesterol causes fat to accumulate in the liver, and this is very harmful. cholesterol is bad for your health, including excess weight. and you can gain weight, which is undesirable at my age. i know that there is no cholesterol in vegetable oil, but i ’m just used to buying this brand, you know, i read that with excess cholesterol , diabetes can occur, vegetable
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oil without cholesterol, but it’s like a wedding night without a bride, yes, that’s definitely how it is maybe there 's cholesterol in this bottle of water... no, it can't help but be there, but of course, vegetable oil is incredibly high in calories, much more caloric than butter, if there's 100 grams of butter in there in my opinion, 600 calories, then here 1.0 in 100 grams, and what is this in 100 grams, i made a salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic, green onions, red onions, stirred it all, salted it, squeezed a lemon, what do you take, take oil , especially fragrant, sunflower, well, poured it, what is 50 g, 50 g? nothing , it's runny, you get a low-calorie healthy salad, you added 500 calories to it , it's just, well, it's healthy, it contains good cholesterol, vegetable oils increase good cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol, so
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don't bother, here's to all the people who they are afraid of cholesterol, there is only one woman with excess cholesterol, without cholesterol we will all die in the world, not even in terrible convulsions, it’s just like that, all hormones are made from cholesterol, cholesterol is produced by our liver , how my stomach often hurts when i i take dairy products because lactose causes acne and allergies, so i always take lactose-free, i have lactose intolerance, so i take lactose-free milk, i thought that lactose
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could actually cause cancer, so i don’t i buy products with lactose, i noticed that regular milk from dairy products gives me a headache, makes me feel nauseous, i actually heard that sometimes blood pressure increases from... so i try to take lactose-free products, well, in fact , about every tenth person actually has one or another degree of intolerance to lactulose, milk sugar, sugars, we don’t know all of this, often irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies and so on, it’s just disguised, but milk without... uh lactose, like don’t believe it, it’s still a sunflower mass of beresterol, if you have problems with lactose, then dairy products are simply not for you, but you can’t be half-pregnant, well, and these people buy
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decaffeinated coffee, why? i prefer decaffeinated coffee because i have hypertension and caffeine increases my blood pressure. increases heart rate, lately i’ve just begun to have trouble sleeping, i heard that caffeine actually provokes insomnia, so now i choose decaffeinated coffee, caffeine increases it. cholesterol plaques form in the body , and this is harmful for me, i went to the doctor, the doctor advised me to exclude coffee from my diet, and since i love coffee very much, i have to drink decaffeinated coffee, i know that if you drink regular coffee, you always develop an addiction to it, so i try to alternate between drinking regular decaf coffee, but it's up to you what is a safe dose of caffeine. about 400 mg per day, that’s three dashes five cups of coffee,
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by the way, tea is the same, green tea has more caffeine than coffee, if for some reason you can’t tolerate caffeine, here’s a young one the person there has insomnia and so on, well , buy a pre-caffeine product, it ’s up to you, i don’t know, well, you don’t like the feeling of cheerfulness after coffee, so to speak, well, for the sake of it, it’s a matter of taste, there is non-alcoholic beer, decaffeinated coffee. well, yes, but this is some kind of surrogate , yes, well, if you want coffee, drink a little, if you don’t want it, don’t drink it, you’re afraid, but don’t trust this, something, this is starting to make you feel like you’re living, just live, then everything will be fine with us, time for the section questions from the doctor, we ask you questions, you answer, well, if you watched our programs before, you answer, if you don’t answer, then go exercise, whoever is ready, raise your hands,
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come here, good morning, good morning, your name is alina, and your profession is a manicurist, it’s clear, well, twist, injections sgioluno, do injections with hyaluronic acid help restore joints? just think, think, think , it helps restore the joint, think, i already said, you have to think, well, i tried, well done, because restore, i believe that it will not restore, for some time, perhaps, it will be straightened out like a wrinkle , i'm nothing i can’t add, yes, yes, if kidney stones are found, they must be removed. well, probably so, yes, because perhaps
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they are small, they are not needed, perhaps they will go away on their own, well, in fact, they can simply lie in the kidney for a very long time and will never appear, the answer is correct, fatty foods are the main reason for the increase cholesterol level, i won’t even say anything, it’s just so interesting, think about it. well , fatty foods are fatty, so fatty, fatty, it will be bad, the question is, the main reason for the increase in the level, that is, this is from here it is clear that there are several reasons, but there is one main one, the other is not the main one, but i will answer this way, it will just be beautiful when there are three, because i don’t know, to be honest, the answer to this question, abram, why did you circumcise yourself? well, firstly, it’s beautiful, but
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in this case it’s also correct, fatty foods, yes, of course, but 80% of our cholesterol is synthesized in the liver, because cholesterol is a vital product, it is part of cell membranes, many other structures, the most the main thing is that all hormones are made from it, including sex hormones, it is the precursor of all hormones, without it a person. died at that very second, so cholesterol is produced by our liver , well, plus we add this 20% of food, so heredity, heredity again, well done, let's go choose, so, well, we have all three keys, we have today, you see, yes ? the first time, and i’ll take the doctor since it’s morning
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, well done, i’ve been waiting, at least someone will take a mug, a mug, let ’s sign for it, there’ll be a mug, and here you go, cheers, thank you, i wish everyone else good health, further in the program, healthy joints, how to restore knee mobility? simple movements from dr. bubnovsky. how did the operation go? lost a patient? polonsky's mistake occurred. you understand how it looks from the outside, like... an accident, you want to say that i killed him, the premiere on rtr, the results of the analysis, brigin, i feel bad, so scared, he’s never had one before, i’m afraid for her , i don’t even know what to prepare for, i
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can’t breathe, you know, i want to go home, i can’t, help, we’ll watch new episodes on monday on rtr. incredible seventy-six-year-old producer bari alabassov secretly married his nurse, who is 30 years younger than him. but how did it happen that the former nurse bari alebasova became his seventh legal wife? aren't you afraid that i married you and will take everything from you? live broadcast today on rtr. sasha, turn on the morning playlist. i turn on the music. sasha, how should i dress today? dress warmly and take a crop. sasha, what time is my
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meeting? at 15:00. sasha, where should we go for breakfast? i found three establishments nearby, but vote first. sasha, how are you? better i've built a route, turn left , you've arrived, sashenka , who should i vote for, and you have to decide for yourself, together we are strong, we're voting for russia, they said who, i asked not to say, the main thing is that he's healthy, we're looking at weekend. we will have twin girls, what kind of girls , you promised me that there will be a son, oh, when double happiness is a burden, i lost a child and don’t want to hurt my wife yet, i’ll pay any money before it’s too late, do a good deed,
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i have to share , where is the second girl, me i heard her screaming, where is my child, and i still think, how can it be that there is a boy, but a girl was born? what miracles, she ’s completely different, her character doesn’t resemble either you or lera, our son will be all like you, olga is deceiving you, and don’t you think that this is somehow too much, nothing is too much, two shores of hope, saturday on rtr. does your back, neck, joints hurt? sergey mikhailovich bubnovsky, professor, doctor of medical sciences, author of the method of modern kinesitherapy. with its help, thousands of patients lead a healthy and fulfilling life without joint pain. good morning, it’s winter outside,
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the weather is cold and many people have joint pain these days. the joints especially hurt not just in cold weather, but when it changes, warm, cold, warm, cold, i know from myself, pain in the knees, very unpleasant, it’s hard to walk up the stairs, it’s hard to get out of bed, my patient today, svetlana, is already in despair for pain in the knees, i’ll now try to figure it out, find out its history, compresses, ointments, painkillers and so on for everyone evening, svetlana dreams of finding a remedy that... will help cure her sore knees, this is mainly felt acutely with the onset of cold weather, it is, of course, impossible to live fully with such pain, i stand on my feet very often, especially in the kitchen near the stove, i have family, two sons and a husband, and after this
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they feel very bad, and i have tried everything, but all this takes away the pain for a while, just a little... and physical activity, that’s all, that night you can if you don't sleep, it's impossible to live fully. doctor, please tell me how to properly treat my knees, is it possible to forget about this problem forever. svetlana, good morning, well , from your still cheerful appearance, i don’t see something scary, they took off something else, right? yes, ointments, gels, folk remedies, what folk remedies? well, blue clay, yes, burdock, yes, in the summer, it helps a lot when you’re at the dacha, that is , your knees hurt all year round, these days. but when the weather changes and when the cold gets stronger, this story started a long time ago for me, then i kind of forgot about it, and then it
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i reminded myself again, and you’re taking some painkillers, but they don’t help anymore, but as i understand it, how does pain in the knee end when it starts, an endoprosthesis, you’ve heard this, an implant, the joint is changed to an implant and the person is left with all your life with an implant, you want takushi, no, okay, come on, you came to me today, i’ll try to figure it out with you, show our tv viewers what you can do when your knee hurts, when it’s difficult for you to take a step, but in order to understand everything after all do, i have to give you a myopathic diagnosis, a diagnosis of your muscles, ligaments, joints, tendons, come here, so, lie on your stomach, here with your head, the knee joint is affected, the first is the ankle joint. it should spin, if it doesn’t spin, this is already one of the causes of pain and the left joint is spinning, then if the knee joint, we
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are now looking at the right one, does not bend or hurts, this is already arthrosis, the joint must be replaced in the future, if the joint bends and hurts , svetlana, so you know, take a breath, when i bend, exhale relaxes the muscles, if i bend, but it hurts, the joint is still... this art3 joint can be saved if i exhale, it bends and does not hurt, the joint is normal and it hurts due to the influence of the weather, the change of weather, the second joint, exhale ha, so, that means, from behind, i determined that the joints are still intact, there is no need to replace them with endoprostheses, but why does the joint hurt, svetlana, us? put your back on, the most curious thing is that when the muscles are weak, the joint seems to create a state of compression and bone
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rubs against bone and interferes with working, and i need to see how long svetlana ’s leg muscles are, take her left leg with her left hand , straighten her leg, exhale such sick people, i call them grasshoppers, their legs are long and their muscles are short, that is, she does not live in her size. but i notice that her leg does not straighten, so the legs, the muscles are dry, the muscles are hard, weak, they squeeze the knees, when there is bad weather, a change in weather, they become inflamed, it hurts to walk, the task is to restore blood flow, the other leg, the right one, take foot, hand, hand to foot, exhale, that is, i was convinced that myofascial syndrome, this is when our svetlana has legs , she has muscles, but she’s... not her size, she’s a little bigger, what does she think, roughly speaking, she ’s a cello, she thinks she’s a violin, well
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, the last test, on the exhale sit down, with straight legs, hands and toes, come on , it’s hard, where it hurts, here, in the legs, under the ruts, you see, i pulled it a little , that is, she can’t reach it, hello, old lady, yes, it’s too early , uh-huh, what to do, you know, no, now svetlana and i, firstly, will deal with the muscles, because you know why in winter do your feet hurt from the cold? the fact is that legs and arms are heat exchangers, when a person is cold, all the blood collects in the center of the body, warming our internal organs with blood, therefore, in order for the legs to stop freezing and the knees to hurt, it is necessary to pump blood through them, the blood is in the vessels, the vessels is in the muscles, in addition, of course, you need to eat well, vitamin d, in addition, there is calcium too.
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we live well, we got vitamin d, now let’s go to exercise, she’s already full, the hunger has passed, let’s start working, exercise is very simple, very effective, so look after them carefully, there are such pads to which all these rubber spandars are attached, we fasten them down, so wide that they don’t pinch the veins, yeah, i have rubber spandars, silicone ones, which in general have good elasticity. i grab it by one leg, lift your leg, so i pulled the rubber, lower the leg, it’s heavy, i
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loosened it a little... a little, don’t be too hard, in this case decompression occurs, come on, come on, come on, count 20 times, 20 do it once exercise, while the knee is stretched, the back line of the thigh, which is not elastic enough for her, on exhalation, so that there is no increase in intra-abdominal, intraspinal pressure, she does the exercise, on exhalation , exhale, ha, no fu, but ha, so she did this exercise , you would lift it up and... now look, bend your leg at the knees, once twice, i took my leg like this, that’s good, try to touch the buttock with your heel, as you exhale, otherwise it will hurt, also, the girl is now running lying down, that is, she does those exercises for the knee that replace running, but there is no compression of the axial load, and
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the muscles work, pumping blood , we will do the same with the other leg, you can attach at home such a rubber expander, which are sold in sports stores, it is inexpensive and quite understandable, on exhalation and very simply, you can fasten the other end to the top of the door, maybe someone has a wall bars, a wall bars or some other fixed support that allows you to fix one point, i'm now... wall bars, you know, yes, okay, good girl, as you exhale and let's bend your leg, there you go if during exercises, according to this plan, you experience pain in the joint, it doesn’t even help, in this case you can apply a cold compress, but you also need an assistant, let’s apply it on your legs like this, it works, exhales, in this case it’s cold
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relieves swelling, that is, pain, inflammation. well done, let's get up, so there are a dozen more exercises specifically for the knee joint, but i want to show the first effect, you all saw that svetlana could not straighten her leg, i said that she is not a violin, she is a violin, here you go now i’ve done an exercise to unlock her muscles that don’t flex, exhale, here you go, you see, i’m seeing light for the first time, as you exhale, sit down. i took a finger, you see how you feel, great, well, walk a little, your legs didn’t get any easier, any lighter, feeling that your legs were bouncing, yes, oh, you see, thank you, i’m very grateful to dr. bubnovsky that i came here to you today , thank you, thank you very much, but today i noticed that
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dr. bubnovsky was with you. and program about most importantly, see you next week on the russia tv channel, all the best, hello, live news, studio! the main thing by this time. russia and ukraine exchanged prisoners using the 100/100 formula. we are coming home. hurray, hurray, hurray. today a vks plane delivered our guys to moscow. general 200 and the bakhmud butcher. the armed forces of ukraine have a new commander in chief. and russia has new victories. let's fly. the planset
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was destroyed by two enemy howitzers. handsome men. atul paratroopers stormed the militants' stronghold. an elderly man with poor memory. it even mentions that i'm not i remember when my son died. they decided not to charge biden in the case of secret documents, a shocking excerpt from the special counsel's report. about 400 people were evacuated from a burning high-rise building in moscow. the roof collapsed. they fall straight down. and a violent volcanic eruption.
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in the territories controlled by the kiev regime, they faced mortal danger. the released fighters were transported to moscow by military transport aircraft to receive the necessary medical care and undergo rehabilitation, as specified, mediation the united arab emirates took part in the exchange, but in return the ukrainian country also received 100 prisoners of war of the ukrainian armed forces. two camouflaged guns of the militants, including the american gaube seven, were immediately destroyed by the drone operators of the southern military group, having received the target coordinates from aerial reconnaissance. the fighters disabled enemy equipment with a direct hit. in the donetsk direction, the crew of the t-90 breakthrough tanks, using the terrain, secretly advanced to the battle line, destroyed the fortifications of the ukrainian formations, and also
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suppressed firing points, allowing our assault troops to penetrate deep into the enemy’s defenses. these images show the capture of a ukrainian armed forces stronghold near the village of vesyoloye in the dpr by tula paratroopers. the deep berets spent several weeks practicing elements of the upcoming operation at the training ground. studied the terrain and clearly knew the enemy’s routes of movement. this made it possible to quickly occupy a strong point without losses and clear it of enemy infantry. and near donetsk, the crews of k-52 helicopters destroyed the control center and armored vehicles apu. the pilots received their coordinates from the aircraft gunner. about the work of artillery crews of drone operators in the zone, reports by artyom yundes and eduard punikov. drones play a key role on the battle line. touches, they are used not only for aerial reconnaissance, they themselves can make drops on individual enemy targets, and right now the crew is preparing the drone for the next flight. the border of the donetsk people's republic and zaporozhye,
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about 2 km from the line of combat contact, a crew is sitting in ambush uav operators of the vostok group. they attach a so-called wok to the drone, a fragmentation grenade launcher. a drone with a deadly cargo takes off into the sky and a hunt begins near enemy positions. as soon as the target is detected, the device hovers above it in the air and throws it into the fire, it is extremely difficult to escape from it, the fragments fly several meters away. enemy dugouts, infantry, equipment, well, wherever we see, that’s where we work. there is no need for supernatural skills, here in most cases it’s luck, weather conditions, but that’s not how you learn to fly hard. on the enemy side, such birds also understand. are flying in, a real hunt has been declared for our crews, because they cause serious damage, and it is not easy to detect them. we take with us portable kits, boxes or an anti-drone gun, immediately turn it on,
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it loses contact, the operator freezes and we open fire on it. this is the so -called fp drone that was shot down by my unit. a fighter with the call sign of a long captured drone is planning to be disassembled for spare parts, he has equipped a real field service center, here... an engineer reflashes restores any drones that other soldiers bring him, the military even jokingly nicknamed him kulibin, since school he has been repairing phones, all kinds of equipment in principle, so it so happened that i really love the army, everything connected with it, so off i go to the army, i signed a contract there, so when we went here, the commander knew about my skills, so he said: who, if not you? the local lefty actually came here from primorye, he was on a special operation from the first days and has never regretted it your choice. he works in the workshop around the clock, almost seven days a week, because he understands perfectly well that
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a lot depends on his skills. drones help our infantry storm strongholds and provide valuable information to artillery. his workshop even has a whole set of 3d printers that allow you to quickly produce the necessary parts. 3d printers that print with plastic, on which... we make a device for charging magazines for ok, boasters for dumping weapons, ampules, well, convenient specifically for tactical use, here are the systems reset on quadcopters, the workshop is located next to the front line, its location, of course , is strictly classified, proximity to the front allows you to quickly fix any malfunctions of drones and quickly return them... repairing one device usually takes no more than 4 hours. eduard poniagov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. charged! guns! ears! shot! howitzer shells are brought in one
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by one, our artillerymen hit the enemy with high-explosive fragmentation shells. the enemy responds: periodically the positions of the vostok b unit shelling with cluster munitions. the one who is more accurate wins. landing without your troops, so that you can calmly go there , the enemy has less and less chances of salvation, first the artillery grinds up the fortification trenches, then the assault groups go to clear out, under the constant flare onslaught, the militants of the kiev regime prefer to flee from the battlefield, the situation in our sector remains difficult, tense, well, we were able to take it under control today. while the soldiers are waiting for the delivery of new
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ammunition, today they have already managed to shoot 60 shells, there is time to rest, sweet tea helps to warm up, toys made by children that the military wear on body armor lift the spirits, children in kindergarten make all kinds of toys like this and send them to us in support. to help, that's when the gifts from them arrived, i saw it, liked it, immediately put it on myself , loaded, ready, gun, shot, the crew is firing at reconnaissance coordinates, there are duty targets where the enemy constantly delivers personnel and ammunition, but only in priority that identified enemy positions, support attack aircraft are requesting, experienced fighters say that but... the weather, a great time
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to attack, loaded, gun, shot, now the d-20 howitzer is camouflaged, even though in 5 or 10 minutes a command may come to open fire again according to the forces of the armed forces of ukraine, you need to camouflage your gun, our artillery fires at the enemy literally 24 hours a day, cartridges from the charges of previous shots are still smoking, the guns are quickly removing their camouflage and... preparing for new shooting, operational information has arrived, you need to fulfill the given goals. artyom yuundas, ekaterina tehmanovich, conduct lugansk, artyomovsk. vladimir zelensky officially announced the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, the reason for the complete failure of the summer ukrainian counteroffensive and catastrophic losses at the front. alexander syrsky, who previously held the position of commander of the ground forces, was appointed to the vacant position. a native of russia, he comes from the vladimir region for unsuccessful bloody attacks. the ukrainian army
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was nicknamed general 200 and the bakmud butcher, this he is considered guilty of a heavy defeat in the ukrainian armed forces near artyomovsk. the us president was saved from criminal prosecution by the forgetfulness of special prosecutor robert hur, who investigated the case of improper storage of secret papers by joe biden, published a report in which it was noted that the owner of the white house had memory problems, for example, the president could not remember when he was vice president . in conclusion, it is said that forgetfulness about documents.
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made another mistake by calling the president of egypt , but almost immediately after that he made abdel fattah ass sisi, president of mexico. mass protests by public transport workers will continue in paris today. the day before, hundreds of people stormed the main office of their company, employers demanding improved working conditions and higher wages. they were waiting for the brownies. waved union flags, transport workers announced a seven-month strike, which will also cover the period of the summer olympic and paralympic games in the french capital, if the authorities do not meet the protesters halfway. a powerful volcano eruption began in iceland, a crack has opened north of the city of grindavik, from which hot rock is rapidly pouring out. the length of the fault is at least 3 km. fire fountains shoot up to a height of 80 m. main streams. you're heading west
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towards the barrier-protected power station and the famous blue lagoon resort, closed months ago due to seismic activity, iceland's third volcanic eruption this winter. news, follow developments, stay with us on the russia channel. hello, dear friends. yours on the air favorite program 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. post. nuclear weapons, i already demanded, return the nuclear weapons to me, like at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, guys take action. confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably , there are eight vehicles, and we have one wheel there, the second tank flew off in vkropsky, the hero of russia will be in kind, you and i, including me, will go to
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the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in his head with zelensky, yana is a rag, there in the west... big dreamers, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later, razumovsky is listening, and anyuta is alive, who are you anyway? i’m your husband, we buried you, come back , hello, why did you have to die to get yourself back, then hers, how i died, that is, how i disappeared, you were a pimp, your car fell into the river , just
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don’t fall in love with your wife again, i only need you, i think someone set me up, you show up right after the funeral. hey, what are you hinting at? unforgotten. did you remember something? on sunday on rtr. there was no sadness, baba bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. will set everyone up. this is an incredibly charming face , to which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well , then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams
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, how did you agree to this, first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat , you are the most understanding program. name of animals, among friends, among friends, program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, like an operation passed, they lost a patient, polonsky made a mistake, do you understand how it looks from the country, if not an accident, do you want to say that i killed him? era on rtr. analysis results. enemies make me feel bad. so scary. he's never had one before. i'm afraid of her too. i don’t even know what to prepare for. i
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can't breathe, you know? i'm going home, i want to, i can't. help! skleposovsky. new episodes. let's see. on monday on rtr.
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there are sciences left, a special attitude is needed, a special way of thinking, so that you can
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live in this, russian science, it’s like was, so is, one of the most powerful thinkers in the world, the documentary premiered on sunday on rtr. in moscow, on chernyakovsky street near the airport metro station , a fire was put out on the roof of a six-story residential building last night. the flame covered 4.00 m2. the roof collapsed completely. rescuers evacuated about 400 residents, but there were no injuries. the fire was assigned an increased level of complexity and helicopters from the ministry of emergency situations were brought in to extinguish it. they dropped more than 50 tons of water. traffic was blocked in nearby places. evacuated residents placed on buses in a shopping center next door. they called it a fire. the largest pre-investigation check in a residential building in moscow in recent history is being carried out based on
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information that the cause of the fire could have been a short circuit; the fire has now been completely extinguished. in the urman region , classes in schools were canceled due to morozov, traffic on federal highways was restricted near novosibirsk, and there is an avalanche danger in the kabardi mountains in balkaria. in chelyabinsk , after a heavy snowfall, residents have to drive their own cars. stuck in yards ambulances are jostled by passers-by, making it difficult not only for drivers, but also for pedestrians who have difficulty negotiating the snowdrifts. on the ufa-chelyabinsk federal highway, hundreds of cars are stuck in a deadlock, congestion on the roads of orenburg, due to a skid mark in a blocked section of the m5 highway. in yekaterinburg , a third-grader fell through the fragile ice; a man nearby helped the child get out. another avalanche occurred on one of the cross-country ski slopes in sochi, but there were no casualties. and in moscow , olga is eliminating the consequences of the cyclone. put things in order 14 thousand snow removal vehicles left the city,
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report by alexey kareev. the line of loaded dump trucks to the capital's snow rafting points did not end all day. olga left us with quite a legacy. with a slight movement of my hand, i did everything right. the body is empty of snow, how much is there in the body right now? well, almost 16 cubic meters. and now at the... stage the snow is unloaded, and then look at the separator crushers, 1-2 minutes will pass, this snow will become water. the snow mass in huge reservoirs melts from warm water, then it is cleared of debris. special sand traps catch the fine fraction; in addition, carbon filters stop the trapped oil products. there are 35 such stations in moscow, they operate around the clock, and cars continue to clear snow from the roads. into the roofs from everywhere. and this can be said to be a transshipment point where snow is brought from the center of moscow,
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such a huge mountain the height of a four-story building is unloaded. all this was done in order to clean moscow streets as quickly as possible. snowdrifts increased by 15 last night cm. they were not so high even on february 8, 1999, the previous maximum. motorists also felt the depth of the snowdrifts. they got stuck and skidded. neighbors came to the rescue. back let's warm back the residents come to the rescue and work as a janitor, that's how we work together, a shovel is man's best friend, that's how you can see, the water utility crew is working, they came to the aid of moscow utility workers, they cleaned up the sidewalk, now we're unloading it with the help of a tractor everything in a dump truck, here in the museum of military equipment on the shovels were put aside for the worship mountain, the snow was blown off the armor and carefully cleaned off so as not to damage it. paint, these are museum exhibits, on the capital's roads today one could find equipment of absolutely different
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calibers, for example, golden pens, as they were popularly called, 1,400 units of special equipment went out for a big cleaning, pets , without waiting for the yards to be cleared, dive into snow, sunny and frosty weather ahead, and the cyclone has gone to the east, we have been getting better for half a year, but in the rear of this cyclone there was an influx of cold... the night of friday is expected to be -18-20°, by the weekend it will get even colder, next week the temperature will swing again, but without snowfall. alexey karev, alexander chukanov, alexey podstrelnov, lead. for the first time in the history of russian traumatology, doctors from yekaterinburg performed a unique surgical operation; they grew the missing section of a vein in the patient’s body and thus restored the mobility of the arm. details of advanced technology. report by irina turskova, well, now i can only squeeze my hand this much, well, this is already great progress,
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just a month ago, ivan vakhrushev could not feel his hand at all, all because of an accident . in the garden plot, a young man stumbled and fell on broken glass. as a result , the artery and nerves were completely crossed. in his native hospital, the guy was given help, but the functions of the limb were never restored. after the operation, let’s say for a few more months, my arm basically didn’t work. and he underwent an examination, that is, as if the nerves were not responding, so to speak. ivan came to the ural capital for help. here are the doctors of the forties clinical hospital discovered a twenty-centimeter occlusion. for blockage of the brachial artery, because of which blood did not flow into the forearm and hand. at first there was a search for what to make a new vessel from. that is , the whole difficulty was that the person did not have a sufficient diameter of the vein to use it to restore blood flow. doctors had to come up with a new method, which had not yet
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been used in traumatology. this is how it turned out to expand the diameter of the vein inside the patient’s body. we thought of the superficial vein. with an artery, destroying valves, after 2-3 weeks we achieved that the diameter of the vein increased by 2 and a half times. the operation went without complications, and ivan almost immediately felt that his hand was warmer. in addition, sensitivity in the palm and three fingers returned. to restore the function of his arm completely, rehabilitation will be required, and ivan already imagines that when he arrives home, he will again be able to hold his son in his arms. meanwhile, the doctors decided to adopt a new method . after all, he is able to help other people with similar injuries. irina truskova, denis urasbakhtin, vesti ural. scientists in the far east began to study the lives of the inhabitants of taga using a silent quadcopter. it does not cause disturbance to animals, which is very important for research. the drone is capable of operating in the harshest conditions. about the first flight of the new drone, report by anna leonova. the drone's position
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is set. flew after a sensation, the electronic bird immediately tries to fit into the taiga flavor and takes the trail, a smooth path falls into the lens, it was an elk exploring the territory, the owner of the hooves has not yet it is seen. the flight range of the quadcopter is 15 km, this is a good distance for the far eastern taiga, so the sight of such a video camera will definitely catch ungulate tigers, and such a zoom will also allow you to clearly see the traces of the inhabitants of the far eastern forest. from such... and such cold, humidity and carefully collects the soil for further thoughts by scientists, traces of smaller ungulates again fall into the lens, which means the numbers are slowly recovering, wild boar are also recorded, and of course, the amur tiger was noted, it turns out,
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made a mark, it looks like he moved on, judging by the track, most likely a male, maybe the track is still large, given the fact that it is still covered. well, it’s big, the heel is about six centimeters. the drone is still flying in test mode, the inspectors are taming the air assistant, testing its limitless capabilities, here they are, the first shots that immediately become history. poshloga, alberta, what is there? kizubr, male , yes, but i see his horns, he’s feeding, it’s very cold , he doesn’t hear us at all, doesn’t see us, doesn’t even react, well, we’re something far away, i see, there at a distance of about 500 m to it, and our height is 120 m. with the help of a thermal imager, of course, we quite effectively determine the presence of the animal, where it stands, batteries with an increased capacity of 45 minutes can stay in the air, this is the first thing, it has a zoom, the zoom increases the magnification by almost 60 times, that is, let’s say, when we film an animal, we don’t even fly up to it, so scientists expect that the inhabitants of the taiga will accept the electronic bird into their circle, there will be much more similar shots, how can you not make friends, he very cordial, friendly, at such
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a height no one will hear him, no one will smell him, the quadcopter is a gift from a charitable foundation that will allow research of the animal population in the protected areas of the region at any time of the year and in any weather. is it your dream to see a tiger? well, of course, it would certainly be interesting to see a tiger, but i think it’s just a matter of time, just a matter of time. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. tractor in a smartphone. an engineer from the amur region finds a faulty agricultural machine with the help of mobile phones and laptops. modern digital technologies reduce the likelihood of diagnostic errors and speed up the repair of specialized equipment. diana polanets visited the workshop. engineer roman monakov begins diagnosing the combine using a laptop. it is recognized that this process saves effort and simplifies the work. at this time , his colleagues are studying equipment parts that may be faulty. we check the battery with a load fork, photograph the readings and send them to the defect sheet. in such a statement
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the program itself will indicate problems. systematization allows craftsmen to make fewer digital errors. mode , service employees have been working for the first year, but have already managed to appreciate the advantage. this program is very important because it shortens the time - in troubleshooting. in ours and provides information about the entire machine to the client himself. farmers cannot always repair their vehicles themselves, so they deliver combines, tractors, balers and other equipment to specialized workshops. there are about ten such centers in the amur region. average full inspecting the unit using new technologies takes about 5 days. specialists work with domestic and foreign technology, although the share of the latter in the region does not exceed 15%. experts say that with spare parts. no, but sometimes logistics fail, despite this, the work is going according to plan, the craftsmen promise that they will have time to prepare all the equipment for the sowing season. highly prepared
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equipment is the key to successful work in the field; accurate diagnostics and repairs have become even more accessible. diana polonits, alexander vasiliev, news amur region. we receive a new report from our correspondents; they will tell about the most important news in the country and the world .
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i thought that here, more seriously , you sit and think, there’s no thinking here, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them. this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check,
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seriously, this is flirting, obviously, only let's go have a look , it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear , when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own, which is what many people use, strong love for the game, this is a five -on-one program, i'm oops, five-on-one, on saturdays on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, it's been a long time since we haven't seen you, sassy, ​​white, well, you're you know, for every cool fighter
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he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, hero from yours. time beauty, rapping, the whole crew, just looking at the platform. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things.
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the russian aerospace forces bombed targets in new york, and we are talking about a former village novgorod, which the ukrainians for some reason renamed new york. a warehouse of heavy uavs was destroyed, but it sounds, you will agree, that worthy russia hit military facilities in new york, and together with biden. bloomberg writes that during a fundraiser in real new york, joe biden freaked out again. next is direct speech. ukraine is at a critical point in the war. the us is retreating, and putin is nipping at its heels. in general, panic. the cheerful rhetoric, and right before the departure, washington was also picked up by german chancellor scholz. now it's also straight quote. make no mistake, a russian victory in ukraine would not only mark the end of ukraine as an independent state, it would radically change the face of europe. this will deal a serious blow to the liberal world order. it was with these words that scholz wrote an article for
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wall street. dorno: not himself, of course, the help of the anglo-saxon americans is felt. gerolaf argues that western countries must do everything possible to ensure that it is not russia that wins. however, nato will not directly intervene in the conflict, so excuse me, comrades, ukrainians, please die yourself, and we will give you euros from the budget. well, this is the problem with the annoying request of the ukrainians to increase the supply of weapons, uncle.
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industrial facility. fighting continues in the zaporozhye direction, west of rabotin, north of novoprokopovka, and also west of verbovoy. in the southern donetsk direction, russian troops went on the offensive in the eastern part of novomikhailovka. our fighters managed to enter the settlement and gain a foothold on the eastern edge of mira street. however, so far the situation for avsu is novomikhailovka is not critical. supplying a group of ukrainian militants through. konstantinovka has not been cut, but work is underway. on the same section of the front , fierce fighting continues in nikolsky, where there are also successes. this means that an assault on the coal deposit may soon begin. the armed forces of ukraine continue to read that the russian army will deliver the main blow in the kharkov direction. the head of the press service of the operational-strategic group of the armed forces of ukraine khortitsa, ilya yevlash confirmed today that.
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russia has focused on the kupinsky direction 40,000 military, the goal is to capture kupinsk and the left bank of the askol river, so they say.
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it so happened, i’m leaking very much, i want to say goodbye to my mother, brother, my beloved girlfriend, to say that i love everyone. in this state, live the way you want, for your brother, think with your head, who supported me, here she is, thank you, you are good people, each in your own way, for the children, for your children, i loved you, i love. be smart, eat something new, i’m dying a little bit, i’m numb, it’s hard, the sounds of explosions are heard too close in the background the ninety-seventh brigade collects its bird, attaches bombs to it and heads
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into battle. typically, drones and related technologies are associated with young people, but one of the local operators is over 50 years old, in one way or another, but must serve. that's it, if you don't want to fight, then what kind of citizen are you? ukraine is severely short of weapons compared to russia, but in reality they are short of soldiers, but on the front line, like in this artillery unit, soldiers say they need more recruits to give a break to those who fight almost non-stop. the commander of this unit is 59 years old, in ukraine the conscription applies to people under 60 years old, all ukraine is fighting. and every man living in ukraine must go through this, nothing can be done about it, people here are tired. there should be no illusions, including among the soldiers to whom politicians promised demobilization, it simply will not happen. i think
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training ukrainians is important, this effort, which is led by the british army with foreign support partners deserve praise. as for the future of this conflict, i believe that firstly, we will support them for a long time. the war in ukraine may take longer than expected. this is a complex conflict, and it won’t be won through just one thing. this will not be just one weapon, it will not be just one military operation. we must admit this, admit that we are
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at war with ukraine for a long time, and we must be ready to help them and support them. do you think this will take years? i definitely i think that we must be prepared for the fact that this conflict will take a significant amount of time. the population of ukraine is no longer self-confident, and i am convinced of this time after time when i communicate with ukrainian men here, they do not want to go to the front, but here, not only in the dnepropetrovsk region, where we are, but in other regions, everyone understands perfectly well that the ukrainian armed forces urgently need new soldiers to hold the front line, the situation at the moment is such that it is no longer the ukrainians who are attacking, it is the russians, the ukrainians would like to hold their positions, fierce battles are now taking place on several.
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forbade americans from watching an interview with the president of russia, saying that everything putin says is fake, the truth is spoken only by kirby himself, the black lisbian karine jeanpierre and the presenter...
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conservative american journalist tucker carlson was in moscow to interview russian president vladimir putin, and he has already done it, the journalist’s car, loaded with photographic equipment, is traveling to the presidential palace in the kremlin, later carlson leaves kremlin for several hours to record an interview, this is more than enough, but an international expert.
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breaking news from brian krasenstein, one of the most popular accounts on social media, he said that the european union is seeking travel ban sanctions against tucker carlsen for interviewing putin. they want to prevent him from traveling around the eu countries. well, to be honest, this sounds a lot like what the european union usually does. time. it's shocking how easily he comes to moscow and presents himself to the kremlin on a silver platter with a blue platter, doing the kremlin's job of disinformation among the american population. since the beginning of the war, putin has been trying to create a bridge to the american right and conservatives. like tucker carlson, declaring that he is fighting gender neutral
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toilets and gender roles for homosexuals in ukraine, letting them know that they have an ideological affinity, thereby showing that i am just like you, in fact, if you remember, not long ago before putin invaded ukraine in february 2022, tucker spoke on his show on fox news and said why we are uniting with ukraine, putin is our friend, we have the same ideas as him and he should be our friend. who is winning this propaganda war now, given that american aid for ukraine is currently on hold due to republican opposition in washington. right now putin is winning mainly because people in the west are tired of war and the republicans are doing trump's bidding. because the former president doesn’t like ukraine, he likes vladimir putin and he ordered. to the republicans, so that they suspend funding for ukraine, he
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wants no more money to be allocated to ukraine. so, all this disinformation, all this support for the american right, as well as donald trump and his supporters, is really very pleasing to vladimir putin, because thanks to them, right now the ukrainian troops, as we have already stated, have run out of ammunition, they are fleeing, people are running out in the middle of a terrible deadly winter. what kind of interview, will we have an interview? claims that the american people , the rest of the west, do not know putin, do not know information about the russian military , military operations, war, invasion, well, in the usa and around the world, also in the un, everyone understood that this was an illegal invasion of a democratic and a sovereign state, polls help to understand that it is people, not journalists, who advocate for the protection of ukraine and the values ​​it stands for for all of us. tucker, as you know, has been for...
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a leader and a dictator, he calls him the most in the last words, but his judgment does not stand up to criticism, he did this interview solely for his own benefit. regarding tucker carlson's interview with vladimir putin, do you have any thoughts about that interview, is there any concern within the administration about any disinformation that might arise as a result of that? i won’t get ahead of myself about the interview, which has not yet taken place, i think it’s pretty obvious, it should be completely obvious to everyone that mr. putin has done effective things in ukraine, the completely bogus and ridiculous reasons he tried to justify it with, i don't think we need another interview with vladimir putin to understand his
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cruelty. tucker carlson is in moscow right now, interviewing vladimir putin. more precisely, i would not be surprised if he comes out with some kind of contract with the russian media, because he is a useful idiot, he says things that are not at all true, he repeats the words of vladimir putin, he has a pack of lies about ukraine, why are some republicans they put their fate on the line for this, why do some americans mostly believe putin,
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why does trump believe putin more than our eleven intelligence agencies, and where else? intelligence agencies, in general the united states has 17 of them, maybe they are on our side? well, biden again communicates with the dead, a new interlocutor, the feeble-minded grandfather, was german chancellor helmut kohl, who died in the seventeenth year, but biden resurrected kohl, said that he communicated with the former chancellor of germany 3 years ago, in the twenty-first year, he says, i remember now, walking with kolya in during the summit of the so-called g7 in britain, at the meeting of g7 leaders, biden really... was walking, but as you can see in the photo, he was walking there with another chancellor, angela merkel. let me remind you that earlier this week biden confused current french president macron with his predecessor francois miterand, who died in 1996. before this, joe said that he talked with the leader of china, densi auping,
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who died in ninety-seven. the main question now is who's next? lincoln, napoleon, otophon, bismarck or? for example, guy julius caesar. during his speech in las vegas, biden said that in 2021 he had a conversation with former french president francois miteran. but there is one problem: miteran died in 1996. everyone says that... that he means macron and simply mixed up the names, this can happen to anyone, you know how it happens, you go on a date with someone you haven’t known for long, you go to visit him, everything starts to develop rapidly, in moment of passion you shout out the name of the long deceased, former president of france francois mitarana, but i think that was not a slip of the tongue, i think that this is proof
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that biden can talk to dead world leaders, he is so old that he already exists in two worlds, in this one with...
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and piercing the lid is comical big tube. joe biden also forgot the name of the terrorist organization hamas. there is some movement, and i don't want it. i want to choose the right words. there is one movement that arose in response to from opposition in response to isopposition. hamas, i'm sorry. in
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biden's defense, i want to say that the press lately he’s been asking him very difficult questions, like, what’s your name, what do you do for a living? he thinks he can manifest for another 4 years. rest assured, biden told everyone he will defeat president reagan, he is ready. this is very sad to watch, and then he will again meet with his friend miteran and tell him about it. joe biden is like the itunes user agreement, they ask him to just scroll to the bottom, press a button, i agree, no need to read it, they'll just get rid of the border wall, and the old man will just scroll to the end, without reading it, he will sign it.
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joe biden told an anecdote at two fundraisers wednesday about how he allegedly spoke with helmut kohl four years after the former german chancellor's death. the white house chief attended several fundraising events in new york on wednesday. according to poole's report, biden told those present about his participation in the first g7 summit as president. at the second and third events. spoke about kohl's expected presence at the meeting in the uk in 2021, despite the fact that he died in 2017. biden said: i went to a meeting of the g7 with the participation of seven heads of european states, sat down and said: “america is back.” and the president of france looked at me and asked: for how long? and then helmut kohl from germany looked at me and said: “what would you say, mr. president, if tomorrow morning you read the london times newspaper that thousands of people broke into parliament, broke down the doors of the house of commons, killed two people trying to stop it.” elections of the prime minister. chancellor of germany at that time time, there really was angela merkel. kohl died in 2017 and has not been chancellor since 1998
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. while biden is communicating with the past, the epic with zaluzhny’s resignation continues in ukraine; fuel was added to the fire by the fact that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine did not appear in the verkhovna rada, where he was supposed to become the main speaker on the law on mobilization. the ex-president of ukraine , now people's deputy poroshenko, stood up in the conflict between zelensky and zaluzhny. on the side of the general, called on bankova to detach herself from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, and speaking from the rostrum of the verkhovna rada, endured a theatrical pause, poroshenko knows how and after the prefix from as if he wanted to use an expletive synonym, in the end he said unhook, but if zelensky’s team so wants to reboot the government, then let them start with themselves, said war criminal petro poroshenko. before such harsh criticism, zze was the ex-president of ukraine. he didn’t allow himself, apparently he felt that the presidency was shaking under his opponent and went on the attack. ukrainian
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general krivonos criticized zelensky. according to him, the military will be unhappy with zaluzhny’s resignation. if zelensky dreamed that the armed forces of ukraine would quickly liberate crimea, then for zelensky to drink coffee there on the yalta embankment, these are his personal problems. the ukrainian writes that it is precisely because of zaluzhny’s popularity that his resignation has not yet taken place. according to the publication, the sbu was afraid of possible unrest in kiev and a revolt of soldiers, so the resignation had to be postponed, even ukrainian pravda reports that we agreed to withdraw on january 31. commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine with us deputy secretary of state nulo. biden national security advisor in this regard, sulivan said that the resignation would not affect us relations with kiev. washington will continue to support ukraine. that is, salevan, in fact, confirmed this resignation. at the same time , the senate predictably failed the vote on 60 billion for ukraine. democratic leader chuck schumer immediately came up with another
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scheme and put a new project to the vote: ukraine, israel, taiwan. separately from the southern border, that is, biden is not giving up yet, he wants to drag zelensky through as a stuffed frog. schumer said this is the moment of truth for everyone decent republicans, they should support ukraine, in the main expert publication of washington foreign affairs, in parallel, an article was published with a sad headline for kiev: russia’s adaptive advantage, it openly admits the fact that moscow has built a better structure. valery zaluzhny is ready to drink from the planting of the head.


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