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tv   Kogda vse doma s Timurom Kizyakovim  RUSSIA1  February 11, 2024 8:35am-9:25am MSK

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many drivers choose to wait out the traffic jam, but the wait can still last, in their own words, for several days. murat zaripov, ekaterina bakhtova, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, news, bashkiria. excavators and bulldozers clearing rivers and coastal areas are preparing for spring and summer floods. specialized equipment is sent to areas most prone to floods. it is necessary to deepen the bottom, remove debris and build new dams. report by andrey kolesnikov. blow by blow, the hydraulic hammer crushes the frozen soil, and the bucket removes the excavators weighty comas from the river bed. the conditions on this shift are difficult. workers go to the sites early in the morning, when the air temperature drops to -30. it’s more fun with a hydraulic hammer, but before this it was kind of a little more complicated , it’s very difficult, yes, slippery, you have to lay out the platforms for yourself from the beginning, well, it’s labor-intensive work, it takes a lot of time. these are the banks of strugovka, the winding, overgrown riverbed is cleared of dirt drifts, bushes, trees and debris. all this
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held back the flow of the river for a long time, due to garbage, during floods, the plow overflows its banks and floods everything hundreds of kilometers around. the river is frozen, but if there are floods, then the river floods right up to the village of pokrovka, winter roads, flooding at this, at this place we are standing, there is about one and a half meters of water here. the work is progressing, but it’s still difficult; in a month, the builders covered one and a half kilometers, in total there are more than nine kilometers to be cleared. excavated soil. work is already underway, literally a few tens of meters from the reservoir, experts are creating embankments like this: if the river comes out of banks, they will be able to hold back the flow of water. in usuriysk, in order to deepen the channel at the base of the checherinsky bridge, it was necessary to first build a dirt road directly along the river. this is the only way that excavators, bulldozers and other equipment will be able to reach the sediment at the bottom and free up space around the bridge supports. even this preparatory work is an extremely difficult and risky process. we don't see the terrain under the ice.
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they are already creating strongholds with special equipment to quickly respond to natural challenges. andrey kolesnikov, denis yunak, vadim telegin, head of the far eastern bureau. kitten named umka. in sochim , a leopard cub, abandoned by its mother, is growing up, the little predator was transferred to artificial feeding, and employees of the center for restoring the population of rare cats in the caucasus came out. olga shtopol's report on how the spotted teenager is feeling now. and... here it is, what the game is doing.
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almost all of russia was worried about the little umku. residents of different regions were waiting for news from the leopard restoration center in the caucasus. this the video then spread throughout the country. the baby was born in july last year, literally a month later, his mother abandoned him, and then people took over the responsibilities of the predator’s parents. and the krasunka will remain like this in a year, and in two, and in 10 years, each spot in its place, of a certain size, right? yes, definitely. at 6 months old, umka is still a teenager, who, while playing, is practicing the first techniques of hunting, no, no, no, it is forbidden for a leopard to communicate with people, but only those who are not smart, he will remain living in the center and will continue to participate in an experiment to restore the population of these predators in the caucasus, with its help they hope to get new generations of leopards. phil, phil, come here, by the way, this leopard also never lived in the wild, he moved to the resort from the swedish zoo for 4 years. he
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will not be released into the wild; he is simply with us for breeding. the offspring, chilmas and ochipse, were released into the wild last year. another pair of leopards is preparing for independent life. their first exam will be in a few months. their contact with people is kept to a minimum. you can only watch through video cameras.
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we are trying to get offspring from him this year. the sochi center has an important task - to make sure that leopards live in the south of the country again, as hundreds of years ago, they were ordinary forest inhabitants. today we are talking about the most sublime art, body painting. hello, mikhail zhebrak is still with you. peter i proclaimed: “everyone is dancing.” at the assemblies , only the infirm and elderly were exempt from dancing, and the nobles began to hire
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foreign dance teachers. well, professional ballet education appeared in moscow exactly 250 years ago. whatever our choreographic school was called, the theater classes. just as often , the choreographic school changed addresses, well, ballet is an ephemeral, mobile creature, today i want to remember the history of the moscow choreographic school. on foot, the first dances were dances of husbands to
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the tune of their wives; an old book on the history of ballet began with this maxim. at first they were cult, then they became urban entertainment and theatrical art. in moscow, the first dance classes opened in the moscow orphanage in 1773. not all the buildings of this gigantic educational institution were finished; italian teachers were already dancing with the children. 4 hours, four times a week. the pupils were also taught music and singing, and the russian taught them drama. in 1780, the best students - seven dancers and 10 male dancers - entered the professional stage, precisely from the dance classes of the moscow the educational home maintains its biography at the moscow academy of choreography.
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the history of moscow can be calculated by fires. in 1780, the theater on znamenka, built on petrovka, burned down. it burned down in 1805, then this outbuilding, the former arena of the poshkov estate, was converted for performances. now here. the university church, they played here until a large theater was built on the theater square. once alexander i didn’t like the performance, he said that the artists had gone bad, it couldn’t be - the director of the imperial theaters replied theaters, because they play on ice, this is
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an outbuilding of a residential building, there were kitchens and glaciers below. when the guns speak, the muses silently evacuate. in 1812, before the french took the city, the choreographic school left moscow in its entirety. a month later we reached plyos. there the young director, twenty-year-old dancer glushkovsky, rented four houses and continued classes and rehearsals with the students. when the choreographic school returned to moscow, she worked in opraksin’s house at the end of the sign, on the corner of orbatskaya square. basics
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the building of the opraksin estate was rebuilt, enlarged, and a colonnade was added, but the outbuilding where dance classes took place was preserved. one foot touching the floor. the other slowly circles, suddenly jumps, suddenly flies, flies like feathers from the lips of an iol, the ballet school was constantly flitting from 1818 to 1823 , the choreographic school occupied this yellow house of esipov on volkhonka, for the family it was probably normal, but for the ballet school it turned out to be catastrophically too small, there was no proper dance hall here, and ballets require...
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despite the fact that didelot staged the ballet prisoner of the caucasus, based on the work of pushkin, the poet could not resist performing the ballets through the mouth of anegin. i endured it, but i was tired of the shit. charles didelot, we know. according to pushkin’s short remark, it is worth telling about him in more detail.
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didelot, a brilliant dancer, a strong teacher and an excellent director, he brought russian ballet to the stage of world art. dedlo was fired after a quarrel with the director of the imperial theaters. therefore, at the farewell benefit performance , the artists were forbidden to go on stage. bows with bulletmester. but with the first applause, the soloists and... the first female director, the frenchwoman gülensor, worked in moscow. she staged
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the best european ballets here; before that, moscow mainly staged st. petersburg productions. as a prima ballerina, gülensor opened this theater in 1825. well , you know that the big one was on fire, so we already have the interiors of 1856. well, as a teacher, gulensor taught in choreography. london to watch the magnificent tagliori, when in the thirty-seventh year taglioni made her debut in petersburg, on the same day, also in the role of a selphid, senkovskaya appeared in moscow. during senkovskaya's first benefit performance, moscow students presented her with a golden wreath. in history , moscow students gave golden wreaths only to machalov and eermolova. not an act of a selfie, senkovskaya danced in a wreath, and addressed her first bow not to the imperial or
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director’s box, but to the high top. the first russian woman director was olga nikolaeva, when the shah of persia saw the stage, he said that he was in heaven, in front of him were the most beautiful sculptures and gave the carpet to olga, which he brought as a gift to the empress, i think the shah was shocked by the beauty of the bolshoi theater, only 10 years old. she fell down on the stage, she fell into giselle with the scenery, broke her leg,
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she could no longer dance at the same level, but until the end of her days she taught at a choreographic school and choreographed at a large one. oh, dear kingdom, balleto, the old man in ato loved you, with greetings from the ghostly summer, you captivate us like no one else. the moscow ballet was considered freer. more democratic than in the capital, and moscow balletomanes are more relaxed. tal-oni's rival, ballerina elsler, on at the end of her career she toured in moscow. during esmeralda's farewell performance, 300 bouquets were thrown on the stage. in the second act, they were used to make a bed for esmeralda. for the role , the actress had to put together the name fep from letters,
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she put together the word moscow. and at the farewell dinner. announced that in memory of such a reception she promised never to appear on stage again, with the exception of one performance: in her native vienna. bag, the most famous choreographer of the second half of the 19th century, marius pitipa created a clear ballet form, no matter how much later experiments, offshoots, but the petipa pattern is still used, first
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the cardaballet appears, then the carifées and soloists dance, then prima comes out, the ballerina dances alone with her partner. this is followed by a bravura dance ending, a repetition of all exits and a freeze frame. the corpse freezes around the ballerina and her partner in beautiful ballet poses. in the big one, petipa staged his most famous ballet, don quixote. vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother
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showed up, something is wrong with her, you can harass her through your channels on saturday. woke up in ambulance, i say, where is my daughter, where have you gone, daughter, and it’s like i have a black hole in my memory, wait, where did it come from, you will never be left alone again, everything will be fine with us, you me i called it self-belief, whoever wants to believe too much will be deceived even by his heart, you haven’t played too far, maybe you should? i had to act theatrically, but quietly, i would say, ver, i just want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own someone else’s daughter, premiere on saturday at rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, they have arrived.
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big changes, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are from this room, absolutely without a face, making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans for eyes turn into projects, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room... of our heroes, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let big changes into your home, today on rtr. so, did you get enough sleep?
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gentlemen, pay attention a moment. today is a big day, a big holiday. it's been a while since we 've been out together. daring. you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good to you, your wife or your boys? don't ask stupid questions. they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beautiful. riping, the whole brigade, only on the platform, look, in 1877
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in the same year, tchaikovsky's first ballet, swan lake, was staged at the bolshoi theater, and the ballet held up. sold out almost immediately. this was the first clavier by a russian composer to see the light of day. before and lasted 23 performances. the clavier from afar and cheikovsky had a special ballet music subordinated to dancing. after tchaikovsky, music ceased to be an accompaniment, but became the most important part of the choreographic action. a symphonic ballet appeared. for 100 years from 1865 to 1967, the choreographic
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school trained in this building, on neglinnaya street, now here is the shchepkin theater school. at this time, in the seventies of the 19th century, choreographic education in moscow passed entirely to the russians. as a teacher, sergei sokolov was considered the best partner of the moscow troupe; he taught here in high school and gave lessons to big artists. sokolov believed that in order to master the art of support, one must practice women's dance. he himself performed all the dancers’ movements, up to the fingers, and stood on pointe shoes.
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the moscow ballet is rich in what it is poor moscow dramatic troupe with artists bon mot of the writer aksakov. there were several famous dancers who successfully performed in dramatic performances of the small theater. they performed, although not the main one, but a significant one. and there was not a single artist of the small theater who could dance, but at least in the card de ballet. we went into the courtyard of the theater school to approach the monument to the legendary artist, the work of the sculptor tarasenko. shchepkin studied with bolshoi theater dancers and acting skills.
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the differences between cities are serious. before the beginning in the 20th century, there was no single methodology for teaching ballet. the first system was created by vaganova. she combined virtuoso italian technique with sharp steps, with the french school giving soft grace. moscow specialists added our moscow tradition to the vagan scandinavian developments. still, st. petersburg, it’s a little constrained, imperial, cold, and moscow dance.
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a person who dances the minuet well, does everything well and can take on anything, french proverb: in 1967, this was built for the moscow choreography school a spacious building, built according to the design of the director sofia golovkina, no, the building was drawn by architects lebedev and larin, they received a state prize for this project, but golovkina came up with all the filling, she studied in moscow, then danced for 15 years in a large leading role from the sixties to for the ninety-first year she headed the moscow choreographic school, and here she planned a swimming pool. swimming is very useful for those involved in dancing, but unfortunately, in the sixty-seventh year of baswein it was too much. they say that golovkina
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she swore with furtseva three times, put her party card on the table and left the office in tears. minister of culture furtseva proposed to build this luxurious building of a choriographic school, somewhere on the outskirts, to allocate a large plot, and the director explained that it should be built near the center and next to a direct metro line, just like now. a willing number, because in the evenings students go to big theaters to take part in adult performances. sofya golovkina treated this building and her students like a mother. every day she went to the common dining room, where she he had his own place, and ate cauldron food with everyone else.
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on the ground floor there is a dining room, a gym, administrative offices and a medical center. they work here. therapist, traumatologist, massage therapists. on the second there are 20 rehearsal rooms, with a floor slope of 3°, like in a large theater. well, on the third there is a boarding school for 300 people, auditoriums. there is also a good library, 50,000 volumes, and its own theater. we are with you in foya. the moscow academy of choreography is not just a wonderful ballet school, but also magnificent architecture.
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in the image of the moscow choreography school, training centers were built in italy, france, the usa, because...
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in ballet, people appear ideal, however, we erect monuments to statesmen, military men, writers, and excellent ballet dancers very rarely. on bolshaya dmitrovka there is a monument to maya plesetskaya, the work of the sculptor mitroshin. plesetskaya graduated from the moscow choreography school during the war, and along with the whole country she survived the evacuation, the death of friends at the front, and repressions
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against relatives. she created her own sharp, graphic, tragic style. lesetskaya said that one cannot conquer the world with technique alone; now, and after 200 years, dance must touch the soul and bring tears. the people who...
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50 performances per season, and in the winter of 1918-1919 she gave 69 performances, the audience sat in fur coats, the lights were on low, but they danced. each reign can be identified by the dances that were in fashion, a chinese aphorism. after the revolution, social motives began to be introduced into performances. toska has turned into a russian commune, dmitrieva, fighting on parisian barricades. in swan lake, the fairy korobos is overthrown by rebel peasants. well,
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ballets feature a lot of folk dances, although the public has always loved folk dances. this is how nikrasov wrote. the pantomime scene is big, we are tired. african waltz also came out a little sluggish, but he showed up in a peasant's shirt and stopped the theater. in general, we are inclined towards art, we encourage it, but where there is food for the people's feeling, our triumph is real.
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it is believed that it was grigorovich who combined the soviet drama ballet with a symphonic beginning, two spartacus choreographed in the big one before grigorovich were pantomimic, and grigorovich decided that... all the roles were dance roles; his graduates of the moscow choreographic school , vasiliev and liepa, shone. spartacus was staged by the greatest blaitmeisters, jacobson and moiseev, but it was grigorovich’s spartacus that has not left the stage for 50 years. dance, darlings, play, playful one! and a cheerful dream, do not lower the curtain until the lamp goes out. ballet has always been loved. empress elizabeth preferred ballet to all genres. paul i himself danced
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stage. in soviet times, ballet became the hallmark of the state, along with space sports, well, now there is a competition for the choreography academy, 30 people per place. ballet combines. passionate classicism, it preserves traditions and is open to new things, ballet is understandable to everyone, see you in a week, on foot, on foot. today there are big changes in the program, if you are tired of your kitchen, take a rest, and in the meantime we will redo it, guys, this is the know-how , both the kitchen and the living room, the sofa folds out,
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yes, the sofa folds out in the bedroom, zhen, linoleum on self-tapping screws , you can decorate the interior in a very unusual design way, for example, using chinese cabbage, now we shake out this garbage, so... after all, we know how to remove garbage from here using a vacuum cleaner, all this and much more in today's episode, olga, okay, hello, we've been waiting for you, olga, may i? today there are big changes in the bragin family, very cheerful and sincere people with open hearts, they love each other very much and constantly make fun of each other. some times they will choose better
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kiss, all, and quickly, i love you too. andrey is the driver, victoria is the speech therapist. i am 35 years old, i come from the krasnodar territory, a village. she is positive, humorous, all the time she is somewhere somewhere, somewhere she is in a hurry, in a hurry, doing something, that is, he is like me, like a fas. i don’t know my emotions for everything behind everything in all
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my 40 years, roughly speaking, because such a kind of happiness, one can only dream about it, and one could also dream about such a loving mother-in-law, i just saw it in a dream, this is such a thoroughbred water guy, they have kids like that too they turned out beautiful, i treat my mother-in-law well, because well, i haven’t seen a better person at all, that is, just like that, any problems in life and i took it from her, so that bad things don’t happen, she always says, that’s it it will be good, i’ll think about it tomorrow, that’s it, she’s always smiling, victoria’s mother lives in the house next door, she comes often, helps with the children with housework, cooks very tasty, in general cooking is a family hobby, victoria and andrey also love to cook and compete who is better, i am better i cook, firstly, i’m a woman, i should a priori cook better, and secondly, i love to cook, i love to cook borscht, i love... to sing with cabbage, i love dumplings, who
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cooks cutlets better, and cutlets husband , yes, it goes straight to minced meat, we have a meat grinder, it’s right there, they love to cook, they don’t know how to place everything in the kitchen conveniently and correctly, it’s impossible for us to install a large, good kitchen, of course we would like a corner kitchen, let’s say yes, so that well, it was full-fledged, so that we had all the household appliances in apartment, that is, well, i mean in the kitchen and refrigerators, well, everything is there, because... we have to drag the refrigerator out into the hallway, well, this is how everything turns out topsy-turvy , that is, well, it’s ugly, in general, having been stuck for more than one month , but having never found a place for a refrigerator and not understanding how to make the kitchen comfortable, the guys almost despaired, and victoria decided to write to the program that she often watches, to our program, but her relatives laughed at her, miracles do not happen, they were mistaken. a miracle has already happened, it turns out that you are already with us
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visiting, exactly, i just realized it, that a miracle has already happened, why did you call us, we really want to show you our kitchen, it’s very small, we feel uncomfortable, there’s not enough space in it, it seems we want, so that you can help us, so that you can tell us how we can arrange it correctly, maybe furniture, because it seems like there is a kitchen and there is a place, well, it’s inconvenient, so show me, now let’s go. what do you want, we really want to increase the space here, we really want that when a large family gathers, there will be a large table, well, now you’re like, well, there’s a hundred and you pull it over every time, we take it out of the room, it’s very inconvenient to eat, because there are already a lot of children, i understand, but it’s being prepared for you , look how it is, please, my husband promised on march 8 already twice... to give as a gift, she won’t buy it, she ’s already older than my mother, almost, mom, i’m sorry, and
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you know, i have a big fear, she’s gas, i’m very afraid of gas, my husband is time, he and i are always from -we fight over this, he forces me to turn it on myself, but i’m afraid, i beg him, i’m very afraid, it’s very inconvenient, i’m afraid, here i am already asking you to turn it on, let’s call mom for help, but mom is not afraid, yes , mom is afraid, but she does it, good, grandmothers, they are so afraid, but they do it, let’s dream about what kind of kitchen you would like, well, it was very comfortable, beautiful, and my dream, i really want dim light, so that in the evening, you know, you turn off the dim light somewhere, but it’s a tv somewhere in the corner, it’s so quiet, i want rain outside the window, my dream, lenochka , look, here in the kitchen of the brianskys, the guys fell in love with us almost at first sight, cheerful, chic, simple, open, well , do you think this kitchen reflects their
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sparkling character? you know, i think it’s not very good, it’s kind of gray , maybe there’s a little bit of screenshot here, but it’s not very visible, it’s such a clean screenshot, which is probably even here, we need to somehow put everything together here to show them real character, what are the sore spots here, you know, the most important sore spot is that the kitchen seems big, in principle it’s really not small, but... there are 10 km here, but at the same time the main walls on which i would like to arrange storage with literally different openings, here there are two windows, two. and an even bigger pain is the gas, which forces us to plan the kitchen specifically from it, well, that is, we will not move the stove to another place under any circumstances, so well, i also see a hood that is overgrown with a little moss and it seems to me that it’s not very good
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it works well, you know, yes, most likely it may not work very well, but we will still need a hood near the stove , we will definitely have to come up with something. we even with a large area this room is clamped in the grip of the functional filling of this space, i remembered that you made a kitchen for a family of mosquitoes, for our program, remember, it was a colorful kitchen for four young ladies, how many squares were there? only 6 m, that’s it, we did it, you did it, everything was absolutely perfect, you know, considering that the space there was much simpler, it was much easier to fill it than here. well, yes, all these partitions were missing, well, yes, windows and openings, they asked to put them here a sofa, so that it turns out not just a kitchen , but a whole multifunctional space, both a kitchen and a living room, a sofa that folds out, yes, a sofa for a living room, yes, to put my mother here, who sometimes comes to spend the night with her,
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well, in general, yes, the task improvement of this kitchen, we are faced with, oh, what a difficult task, but we continue to believe that we can handle it, we can handle it, of course we can handle it , after our therapy this kitchen will be unrecognizable, a fresh wind of change will burst into this room very soon, so let’s give he has a place to roam, and this means away with everything old, especially since the furniture here did not at all meet its main tasks, to make the lives of our heroes. all the objects in the interior could not find their place; they were placed so chaotically that they definitely did not correspond to ergonomics, and this is important when you spend half of your day in this room, so we are clearing everything down to the bare walls and will thoroughly work on this kitchen, believe me, very soon you won’t want
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to leave here, the main thing is that all the transformations don’t reduced our hero’s motivation to go to work in general. yeah, that's what they meant. well, ivanovich, then tell me what you have already told me. our heroes bought an apartment with this design, that is, it was done before them, and it’s not entirely clear what the previous owners did. either they wanted to zone the space and built an arch, or they wanted to expand the kitchen and connect it with another room. in any case, a request for a kitchen-living room. our heroes still have zhen, well, it looks like, firstly, the wall is quite thin, this is the first point, the second point, judging by the type of material, this is a gypsum wall, that is , it cannot be load-bearing, in principle, uh, i don’t see any problems in demolishing it and combining the spaces, if there are no problems with the wall, then we will they were found,
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the heating joint pipes turned out to be half -walled up in a layer of plaster, zhen, i think that after all, the pipes were open and... when they were leveling the walls, they were leveling them rather poorly, on their own, most likely, by simply laying down the plaster joints - simply half the pipe is already somewhere i just went into the plaster to get to the truth, let’s put a hammer drill in, the thickness of the old plaster leaves us, well , together with the new one, we look at about 5 cm, that is, we demolish all this, and we do it all over again, the floor too, by the way. .. a lot of surprises, under the old laminate there was, no, not the old parquet, but another laminate, guys, this is know-how, can you imagine how crooked the floor was here, that you had to put the laminate under the laminate, the surprises didn’t end there, next there was linoleum screwed with screws to the hardboard, linoleum
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samorzah, have you seen something like this, they screwed it on... in the kitchen, there’s this kind of draft, it won’t help, so that there are no unpleasant odors here, maybe we should put some kind of hood with a filter here, and we’ll use this hood we don’t close it, because we have gas equipment here, naturally there must be ventilation. work for us, i pass on the information received to our designer and come back to you with a design project, let's go, okay, this is just not the same, yes
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, this is just london, and here it's so sixties , oh, well, zhenya, i hope you already we planned out a new, comfortable kitchen without the old walls that were there during the previous renovation, well, for us. the kitchen goes in the letter l , turns towards the window, the sofa stands along the wall with the entrance door and parallel to the sofa there is a fairly large dining table, which can also be expanded, and its essence is that the room combines the function of a kitchen, and the function of a living room, and the function bedrooms, so, how many people can fit at this table 4 5 6, something like that, and maybe more, if you make room, the only thing we have it turns out there is a battery here , yeah, yeah, then we will have to cut off the battery in order to do all this, yes, we need
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to remove the radiator here, but since we have two windows, we can accordingly put a full-fledged large radiator here, which will replace us two small ones, and no one will get hurt, we want to connect the tabletop and window sill into one level, but we ’ll see if we can do this due to the laminated chipboard materials, or if we still have to. bathe artificial stone, well, we ’ll see about it during the renovation, and the audience in general they will see that we succeeded only at the end of the program, when we show the finished result, and not before, but i want to know right now, right now, what color the kitchen facades will be, because there are a lot of them, they determine the mood , well , basically they are, our priority is this warm caramel shade for the facade of the walls, but so far, since it has not been confirmed, we really cannot choose to coordinate all the other materials. because if there is one, then warm oak will suit it a shade for the countertop and for the apron, and
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some apricot shades on the wall or on the radiator, terracotta on the sofa, in general , we cannot choose anything until we have confirmed the presence of this color for the facade in the kitchen, because it is the facades that are the starting point of choice all other materials. please tell us about the rest of the materials, the floor, walls, ceiling, what we have, where are the tiles, where is the wallpaper, is there something moving around somewhere? we are planning to tile the floor, maybe something like this, for example, its size will not be very large, 20x20, but it seems to me that this is what i want it’s a little retro, yes, it’s so sixties, seventies, well, yes, the whole interior can be in the style of the sixties, because our houses are also from the sixties, so i see the inscription wallpaper, yes, this is the kind of wallpaper for the kitchen, but not the most practical solution, well, this friseline wallpaper plus everything, they won’t be in the wet area, in the sofa area and... well, everything is interesting, everything is great, which means we are going to make our big
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changes in a healthy and interesting way, go ahead, we decided to replace the old windows, their location turned out to be quite uneven, we wanted to restore the correct geometry of the kitchen. for the future cozy interior, we chose models laminated on the inside, chose a warm shade of natural oak for them, and had two chambers installed in the profiles. double-glazed windows with a high level of thermal insulation, making it comfortable to be in the kitchen at any time of the year. the sashes in each window open inwards. they also provide a convenient micro-ventilation function. let's continue. we have already poured screed and sanded concrete to prepare the floor. for future finishing coating. a little later i covered it with mats under the tiles for insulation. we finish leveling the walls with plaster and lay it in a proven way along the beacons. let's look up. we mounted a durable metal frame on the ceiling, and now we are attaching plaster sheets to it.


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