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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 11, 2024 5:00pm-5:51pm MSK

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with the zelensky rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by facts, watch twice a day, see you. putin's historical interview is like an injection into the brain of the american elite, an informational injection, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselyov, good evening, look now, for some reason everyone has the illusion that russia can be defeated on the battlefield, out of arrogance, out of pure.
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zelensky extends martial law and replaces zaluzhny with syrsky, known as general 200. i believe everything, i believe in you, god willing good health to you all. what will they do to raise morale? it was necessary to create a background from scratch in order to train our own scientific personnel. 300 years of our academy of sciences, how we almost lost it in the nineties and... that today we are competitive in the most complex high-tech fields, and what yesterday seemed impossible to solve, it is being solved here, our time has come. vladimir putin broke a rather long pause in the genre of a personal interview. of course, he widely
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expressed his position when communicating with journalists at annual press conferences straight lines, in press approaches, on current events, in television addresses and deep newspaper articles, downright historical research, in discussions at international forums, on different platforms, but so that, as they say, in one piece, personally, more than 2 hours until the topic is completely exhausted for a global audience.
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the conversation in the kremlin lasted 2 hours and 7 minutes , and in my opinion it was american-centric in the sense that it was aimed primarily at an american audience. this was important because it is america that rules all these hostile actions against russia, which we have observed since the times of the ussr, after the ussr, right up to the present day. america is sharpening the nato bloc against us and has put together one. a coalition of more than fifty states with the goal of inflicting a strategic defeat on russia specifically in america, leading politicians and leading media deliberately distort the essence of what is happening to the point of simplification, they are bad, we are good. this happens every day on american television talk shows, hence putin's reference to this genre. tucker carlson, having accepted putin's challenge,
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clearly received more than he expected, and even, as we say, with a hike. the historical certificate from the head of the russian state was like ligbes for the americans. of course, for the russians there clearly could not be anything new in it, but what we heard, all this as if with american ears, and saw how detailed, precise, and with conviction putin was explaining all this to an overseas guest, sounded freshly inspiring to us . tucker carlson listened with a concentrated face, and even with some apprehension, obviously understanding that...
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putin obviously understood that his whole story perhaps too complicated for the american circus, therefore, outlining the story dotted line, i prepared an intellectual gift for tucker carlson, a classic archival cardboard folder with cotton strings with homework, they say , let’s figure it out by turning to the primary sources, and indeed tucker carlson received a bachelor’s degree in history in conservative trinity college,
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connecticut, is the oldest educational institution by american standards. well, that’s great, although this probably hasn’t happened there. here letters to bogdan.
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they also took part of the territories from romania from hungary; these territories became part of soviet ukraine and are still there. therefore, we have every reason to say that in this sense, of course, ukraine is, in a certain sense, an artificial state created by the will of stalin. it is clear that khrushchev made his contribution to the territorial expansion of ukraine by illegally taking crimea from russia, and then the largest one. the geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century is an important emphasis for understanding, again, for american viewers. 1991 - collapse of the soviet union. and everything that ukraine received as a gift from russia from the barsky shoulder, it took with it. this
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collapse of the soviet union was essentially initiated by the russian leadership. i don’t know what motivated the russian leadership then, but i suspect that there were several. there were reasons to think that everything would be fine, in fact a common language, 90% of them spoke russian, a common history, finally, a common religion, a common presence within a single state for centuries... all this underlies the inevitability of our good relations, first, second, very important, the former russian leadership proceeded from the fact that the soviet union ceased to exist, no more dividing lines of an ideological nature exist, russia voluntarily, voluntarily and proactively even went to the collapse of the soviet union, and proceeds from the fact that this will be understood. this is
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what russia expected from both the united states and the so-called collective west as a whole. in response, we received only the treachery of a predator, although sober voices in the west still sounded. including in germany.
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i personally spoke about this, i can repeat, at a meeting here in the kremlin with
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the beaten clinton, who is leaving power, here, hardly in the next room, i told him, asked a question: listen, bill, what do you think if russia raised the question of joining nato, do you think this is possible? suddenly he said: “you know, this is interesting, i think so, and in the evening, when we met with him, already for dinner, he said: “you know, i...” was talking with his people, with his team, no, no, this, this now, this impossible, you can ask him, but i think our interview will be heard and confirmed, tucker carlson behaved extremely professionally in the interview, because it is important not to show oneself, but to reveal the interlocutor as much as possible, ideally gently turn him inside out, make him absolutely understandable to the audience, just like reception, he even invited putin to experience some...
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for putin, us relations do not end with some bitterness, and this is not a question of emotion at all, we are talking about specific consistent actions over decades, i i have repeatedly raised the question of not supporting separatism.
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there was no answer, i say to the directors of the fsb, well, write to the cir, as a result of some kind of conversation with the president, i wrote once, twice, then we received an answer, it ’s with us. the answer is in the archive, the answer came from the cia: we worked with the opposition in russia, we believe that this is correct, and we will continue to work with the opposition, it’s funny, oh well, we realized that there will be no conversation, due to the treacherous expansion of nato and subversive activities let's go on our territory
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further, to missile defense, we must explain, this happened in 2007. the third point, very important, very important, is the moment of creating a system about the usa, the beginning. and we tried to persuade him not to do it for a long time. i proposed that the united states, russia and europe jointly create a security system, which, as we believe, created unilaterally, threatens our security. despite... what was officially said with the united states that it was being created against missile threats from iran, this was the same justification for the creation, i suggested to them three of us to work, russia, usa, europe, very interesting, they asked me, are you serious , i say, absolutely, after that in america they began to scratch their turnips, in the end they brought
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one to moscow, yes, which in essence turned out to be no, well, how are they... .. he can do this, putin remembers everything in detail , and what was clearly surprising, for kaltsin he doesn’t confuse anything, at his home, because the presidential style is now completely different, however, let’s return to putin’s proposal to create a joint us and european missile defense system. then i came here, to this office where we are talking with you. secretary of defense gates, former cia director, and guest. secretary rice, here, here at this table, opposite, here you see this table, they sat on this side, me and the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of defense of russia on the other side, they told me, yes, we thought, and we do you agree, i say, thank god, excellent, but with some exceptions, that is, you
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twice described how american presidents made some decisions, and then their teams rejected these decisions? that's right, then, that's when i said listen, well, then we will be forced to engage in retaliatory measures, we will create such strike systems that will certainly overcome the pro system. the answer was this: we are not doing it against you, but you are doing what you want, i say, okay , let’s go, and we have created hypersonic systems, with intercontinental range, we continue to develop them, we are now ahead in the creation of hypersonic strike systems , we...
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at the 2008 summit in bucharest, they announced that the doors to ukraine and georgia were then open in nato, germany and france seemed to be against, just like some other european countries, but then, as it turned out later, president bush, he is such a strong guy, a strong politician, that’s what i was told, then he put pressure on us, and we were forced to agree, it’s funny how kindergarten.
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okay, we agree, let's do this. yanukovych did not use, as the americans asked us, not the armed forces, not the police, but the armed opposition in kiev. carried out a coup d'etat, how do we understand this, who are you anyway? i wanted to ask the then leadership of the united states? supported by
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whom? with the support of the cia, of course , that is, the american logic is this: they open the doors to nato for ukraine, the ukrainian government is not quite ready, then the coup d'etat, the beginning of the war with the dissenters, was created by...
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the opposition, despite this, the opposition carried out a coup d'etat, all these countries pretended that they didn’t remember anything about the fact that they were the guarantors of peaceful regulation, they immediately threw this one into the oven, no one remembers, they supported the coup d’etat, although there would have been no point in it, no, believe me, because president yanukovych is completely agreed, was ready for early elections, in which he had no chance of convincing or saying, honestly, there was no chance, everyone knew this, why a coup, why sacrifices, why? it had to be done, everything could have been done, in fact the same thing, only in a legal way, without any casualties, without the start of military operations, without the loss of crimea, and we would
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not have lifted a finger if there had not been these bloody events on the maidan didn’t come to gulubonko, followed by another example of outright deception in the name of american interests, i think carlson left with a swollen head, but to do it with a trigger? in recent events, well, firstly, the current leadership of ukraine has stated that it will not implement the minsk agreements, which were signed, as you know, after the events of 2014, where a plan for a peaceful settlement in donbass was outlined, and the former leaders of germany and france directly they said that they signed it, already in our days there a year and a half ago, they directly said, honestly to the whole world, that yes, they signed this minsk agreement.
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prohibition of all neo-nazi movements, from ukraine moved to the fears of the west according to about a possible russian invasion. the topic was passed quickly, with a full stop. this is absolutely impossible, you just don’t need to be any kind of analyst, it’s contrary to common sense to get drawn into some kind of global war, and put a global war on the brink. the destruction of all humanity, this is obvious. and then putin himself returned to ukraine as a kind of summary especially for america with good advice. does the united
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states need this? for what? 1.0 km from national territory? don't have anything to do? you there are a lot of problems at the border, problems with migration, problems with external and public debt. more than 33 trillion dollars, there is nothing to do, we need to fight in ukraine, but wouldn’t it be better to come to an agreement with russia, understanding that russia will fight for its interests to the end, start respecting our country , looking for some solutions to its interests. it seems to me that this is much smarter and more rational. we have provided only excerpts from this. long detailed conversation between the russian president and an american journalist, of course, touched on the topic of how the us is watering its dollar, trying to turn it
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into a weapon, affecting china. on putin’s part , they very deeply and benevolently and inevitably returned again to relations with the united states, and there is nothing personal here for putin. maybe the current american administration, as you say, as you believe , is against you, but maybe the next administration in the united states, the government after joe biden, will want to establish ties with you, and you will want to establish ties with them, or it won't plays a role?
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despite all the sanctions and restrictions, the tools that the united states uses do not work, but we need to think about what to do, but if this realization comes to the ruling elites, then yes, then the first person of the state will act in anticipation of what both voters and people expect from him
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who make decisions at various... levels, then something may change. tucker kalson would not be an american journalist if he had not put in a good word about his fellow countryman and colleague, evan gershkovich, who is now imprisoned in russia for espionage. of course, the us denies such an accusation, but putin once again professionally explained the term to tucker. if a person receives secret information, he does it in secret.
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we have made so many goodwill gestures that it seems to me that we have exhausted all limits, no one has ever responded to our goodwill gestures with similar gestures, but we are, in principle , ready to say that we do not exclude, we do not exclude the possibility that we we can do this with counter movement from our our partners, when i say partners, i mean first of all representatives of special services, they are in contact with each other, i do not discuss this topic. it is clear that putin spoke about the exchange, we are interested in vadim krasikov, who in 2019 killed the terrorist and bandit
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zelimkhan, who was hiding there, in berlin. khangashvili during the events in the caucasus, you know what he did, i don’t want to say, but nevertheless i will say, he laid out our captured soldiers on - on the road, and then drove a car over their heads, what kind of person is this and is he a person? this? well, a patriot was found who eliminated him in one of the european capitals.
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control of what was ukrainian territory 2 years ago, let them think about how to do it with dignity, there are options, but if there is a desire. until now they have been making noise, shouting , it is necessary to achieve a strategic defeat of russia, defeat on the battlefield, well, now , apparently, the consciousness is dawning that this is not easy to do, if at all possible, in my opinion, this is not possible by definition, this will never happen , it seems to me that now the awareness of this has come to those who control power in the west, but if this is so, if this consciousness has come, well, think now. what to do next? well, at the very end about the fact that this is our internal matter, and we ourselves will come to heal the split as a result of what is essentially a civil war. sooner
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or later we will come to an agreement, which may even sound strange in today’s situation. anyway, relations between peoples will be restored, it will take a lot of time, but it will be restored, i’ll give you some unusual examples, here in the wild there is a clash, ukrainian soldiers were surrounded, this is a concrete example from the life of military operations, our soldiers they shout to them: there is no chance, give up, you will come out alive, give up.
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that’s all for me then, thank you very much, mr. president, and a short afterword, speaking with tucker karlzen, putin addressed the
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american elites, the intellectuals who still remained there. for current political figures in the united states, this level of conversation is simply not appropriate. the european elites will also benefit. this was, it seems, putin’s ultimate task; tucker carlson needed to hear all this, he had a dual motive: on one hand on the other hand, professional journalistic interest, on the other hand, in a conversation with the president of russia, he appeared as a real american patriot who understands that the uncontrolled escalation between our countries, which is happening literally before our eyes, threatens the state with total destruction. it’s not russia that worries him in this case, he didn’t come to moscow because he’s worried about the fate of russia, he’s actually worried about america and rightly so, a healthy feeling, tucker carlson must be understood,
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he’s a very, very influential journalist here v country, he doesn’t work for anyone, not for trump, much less for biden, he doesn’t work for any individuals or structures at all. having been expelled from fox news, he remained on his own, with on his side, again, influential sympathizers of such caliber as, for example, elon musk, but also many tens of millions of viewers who trust him. the influence of the stacker has even become an object of jokes. bill, a popular satirist and television commentator in the united states, back in march of twenty- two, immediately after the start of the north american military district in his the show did it this way. listen, they conducted a survey and it turned out, well, from what happened there in ukraine, a survey in america: if russia invades america, how many americans will fight? 55%. it’s scary, only 40% of democrats will fight,
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the remaining 60 will fight, well, via zoom. so, look, 40% of democrats and a whopping 69% of republican supporters said they would fight, but most of them watch tucker carlson, so... and benevolently, tucker made a very definite conclusion. by the way, putin only briefly mentioned crimea in her interview twice, but everything became clear to cartsen. this is the home of the russian navy, there is a russian population there. they had a referendum, they chose russia, and this is part of russia. you may like it or not, but putin will start a nuclear war if it comes to crimea. so if you're real.
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russia is not an expansionist power, sorry, you shouldn't say that, because all the tory newlands, all the liar ideologues who run the state department, want to make him, you know, hitler, imperial japan, but the truth is that it's just a lie, it's simple.
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the counters of views of his usa began to spin at a speed when they began to understand with the frantic first video from moscow. with a view of the kremlin, the former fox news host left the channel due to scandal. circle of the past presidential elections in the united states, but received in return great popularity, greater freedom, carlson said that he organized the trip himself and for his own, but the support of elon musk, who provided carlson with a platform and promised not to cut anything, made tucker’s plan even less vulnerable to deepstate. there was clearly no plan b in the white house, because there wasn’t even a plan a. i don’t think the americans will be convinced by one. the only interview, i think anyone who watches this interview, again,
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i haven't seen what it says, should be convinced of this. remember, you are listening to vladimir putin, and you should not take everything he says at face value. anti-advertising from john kirby and liberal propagandists worked in the opposite direction; if they ask you not to watch, then everyone will naturally watch it. to 6:00 pm, all those who fought on air against tucker for two days were in a state of transition between denial and... acceptance, while it was decided not to notice putin’s interview. the us department of justice has just released a special counsel's report on joe biden's handling of classified documents. on cnn, whose total audience in primetime the interview covered by more than 10 times in 2 hours, they continued to drone on about the new report of special prosecutor hur about how wrong the us president was in keeping secret documents in my garage. it seemed like everything was still under control. on your feet.
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i'm an old man, and i know what the hell i'm doing, i was the president, i put this country in charge. thus, a disastrous contrast for biden with putin arose, which they clearly wanted to avoid, which, of course, drew the attention of everyone who watched the interview with tucker with one eye , and others with these backstage scenes from the white house. putin's appearance underscored his tactical confidence at the very time when his opponents are experiencing a dangerous moment, the new york times wrote discreetly the next morning from users on social networks there is no mercy. putin just gave a lecture on hundreds of years of history. europe for more than 28 minutes without a single cheat sheet. biden has no idea what
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he had for lunch. from the first day of work, german chancellor olaf scholz has been clearly moving in whose direction, hesitating exclusively with the general line of washington, where he arrived. about an hour was allocated for communication with biden, that is, half of the time that scholz apparently spent the day before watching putin’s interview. when we saw this funny interview that... left add about the evil empire, the head of the good empire, who was sluggishly nodding his head on the other side of the fireplace, would definitely have supported. kissinger was right when he said: since napoleon, europe has not looked over his shoulder or worried about russia until now. biden got it all wrong here.
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kissinger, in his book world order, just wrote that the people of russia surpassed napoleon's army and after the victory, russia - quote, found itself in a possible position. apply his famous shuttle diplomacy, like boris johnson did, only not a peaceful shuttle, but an underwater drone, sneaked up unnoticed and blew up the istanbul agreements.
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trudeau, who brought former ss man yaroslav gunko into parliament last fall. in an interview with carloson, putin cited as an example that shameful incident, what is it like to realize that a nazi was invited? putin, of course, uses any propaganda available to him, but the canadians cannot be fooled; canada supports ukraine. unfortunately, we see how far russian propaganda is willing to go to influence public opinion, to try to distort the situation.
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the elderly nazi gunko was a living gift for zelensky’s arrival in canada. carlson, by the way, had already caught him in a trap by offering to record an interview with him.
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what will happen to carlson in america, this question is not asked on cnn, despite the fact that some are almost calling for lynching, former congressman kiesinger on his page launched a poll on whether tucker should be considered a traitor, elon musk has already joined the discussion. arrest those who call for carlson's arrest. carlson's name, meanwhile. contributed to the extremist ukrainian website peacemaker, those in kiev often have on their tongues what is on the minds of those in washington. nearly 3 years ago, the biden administration illegally monitored our text messages and then leaked their contents to its media servants. they did this to prevent an interview with putin
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that we were planning. we're pretty sure they did the same thing again last month , but this time we still came to moscow.
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we've been told we'll just have to deal with it the fact that billions of dollars are going abroad, but in reality you do not have access to truthful information. candace owens is
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tucker carlson in a skirt, a conservative publicist extremely popular with black audiences, like carlson, at first she was for the democrats, but now actively supports trump, with whom she, tucker, and millions of their listeners associate the possibility of change. there is an opinion that trump has plans for carlson, almost... wants to take him as vice president, your father is serious about tucker carlson, these rumors are real, this would undoubtedly be in the order of things, you know, they are very friendly and agree with each other on almost all issues, such as, for example, finally ending all these endless wars, so i would like to see how this happens, he undoubtedly one of the contenders , for some these words will give hope, for others they will turn out to be a preparation for a new conspiracy theory, others are already hinting with all their might that tucker is none other than... exclusively for the viewing
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audience, professional liars in washington like him called them, started a risky game, trying to pull off in russia what they did in afghanistan and libya. what tucker didn't realize was that all these russia specialists had already taken on his own country. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and... usa, this is the news of the week, further in the program. the american president is increasingly losing himself, progressive dementia, trouble. how the academy of sciences celebrates its anniversary and what about the proposal to take a mathematics exam at the conservatory. zelensky is shaking up the army leadership.


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