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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  February 11, 2024 8:00pm-9:59pm MSK

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quickly agreed to this. considering that this very collective west is becoming more and more unpredictable and that it really does not disdain absolutely anything. therefore, of course, there is a certain fear that even before the start of the interview there will be some kind of persecution of this poor carlson, they were present, but now, as far as i understand, he is not having it easy, but. on the other hand, he, being a fairly smart person, i think that he foresaw that there would be such an intensity of passions, well, in fairness it must be said that this interview also added to his considerable popularity, the german chancellor called the interview absurd, although the undermining of northern flows would be an economic disaster for his country. this confuses me, why didn't the germans say anything on this issue? this also surprises me, but today's german leadership is not guided by national interests.
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the americans are unlikely to refuse such a large order for their textile industry. one of the leaders arrived, so i met with him, we agreed on what we would do, how we would do it, specifically let's do this, this, this. one of us flew from moscow to washington, returned to paris, everything was forgotten, as if there were no agreements, so how to talk, about what? mr. takl, to your own detriment, you are doing this to your own detriment, about undermining. trust in the dollar
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, i think it’s complete nonsense, you know, from the point of view of the interests of the united states itself, someone understands this in the same united states that you are doing, sanctions on our ships, sanctions on aircraft, sanctions on everything , everywhere, and we have become the first economy of europe during this time, the tools that the united states uses do not work, but we must think about perhaps the most important words of this interview about the future of the russian and ukrainian peoples, anyway , relations between... peoples will be restored, it will take a lot of time, but it will be restored , a specific example, ukrainian soldiers are surrounded, our soldiers shout at them, there is no chance, surrender, suddenly from there they shout in russian, good russian , the russians do not surrender, everyone died, they still feel russian, in this sense, then, what is happening, this is to a certain extent some element of the civil war, everyone thinks in the west, they think that this is a military...
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the actions have forever pulled one part of the russian people away from the other, no, reunification will happen, why - the ukrainian authorities are tearing apart the russian orthodox church , because it unites not the territory, but the soul, and no one will be able to divide it. and how many such threads do russia and ukraine have in all spheres at all times? this week the russian academy of sciences celebrated an impressive anniversary. 300 years, if only the failure of russian scientists, and at all times, it is unknown how the history and fate of the russian state would have turned out , we should all clearly understand this, we must honestly say that at some time in society a common idea arose that... we
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and we don’t need sovereign science, why are they sitting there somewhere in laboratories, soldering something, twisting something, burning something, yes, that’s it, the world is open, you can get this and that, but the money needs to be spent on what - other goals, but if we want russia to be russia, to develop, to have future, stood firmly on its feet, of course, of course, we must support both fundamental science and applied research, and we will definitely do this. for scientific research for 3 years, a lot of money and in today's acute conditions the responsibility for the result is the highest, it increases significantly to be among the leaders, worry, but control yourself, i have no doubt, everything is fine , young scientists are behind the scenes, it’s good that the audience far.
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the presidential presentation of awards for scientific achievements is ahead, they whisper the texts of their speeches continue to worry. apparently, they find their loved ones with their eyes in the hall, support from them is very necessary, because even when everything is announced, it’s time, noticeably, their legs have literally become weak, academicians of the russian academy of sciences, participants in the ceremony of presenting state awards of the russian federation are invited to the stage. putin. putin immediately went to the podium, stepped away from it to shake everyone’s hand, and even in the midst of the ceremony, they, trying to do it unnoticed by others, repeated what they wanted to say, and this
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test was also passed with honor. applause from the main hall of the country to our entire team for their support in conducting scientific research. a question that would most likely have been answered differently before, and a young scientist would not want to go abroad, has fortunately not been offered to me yet, but i will never agree, significant convincing results, russian scientists are confident that it is possible to achieve them even under harsh sanctions, of course, of course, when politicians try to break russian ties with the western scientific world, people are clearly not of an academic mindset, who do not understand that it is impossible to create
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barrier... yes, you said that your, your daughter agrees to take mathematics when entering the law faculty, you still talk to her not as a junior partner, but as an equal partner, then we will discuss this issue again , very interesting, our
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dean of the faculty of arts, gergiev, i assure you, is an excellent mathematician, you know him well, he knows how to count, he knows how to analyze, make decisions. the queen of sciences, therefore, there is nowhere without mathematics, but we must make sure that it is loved and studied, but still correlated with the future profession. a task from putin that should not cause any discussion now.
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there is a great connection between the school, the university, the scientific center and the economy, we need to build this program, just do it, here’s maxim. what he said, he says, but how to get from school , somewhere they need to go, no way , who will pay, who will accompany the child back and forth, how to do it all, these are all practical things, in practice, when people collide, everything stands up, nothing moves, you brought sirius, like something an example was given here, yes, but it’s built there, sirius pays for travel, pays for accommodation, it’s worked out there, but it’s one center, and even now we are doing, trying to make many such centers on the side, the side is large and... on the sirius platform you can’t do everything, it’s necessary for the state to deal with this at the level of the ministry , departments, and regions, the regions definitely need to be involved, money needs to be allocated for this, you just need to create a program. on the same day, the president had an important conversation on the phone, with my friend, with our friend, i spoke with the chairman, relations between russia and china also became one of the topics of the most
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discussed interview in the world. pavel, what’s on the president’s schedule for the next week? there really are a lot of points in the chart. the presidential plan includes several regional trips for the week; in addition, putin will hold another meeting on the economic situation. despite the expectation of the enemy, nothing has collapsed for us, everything is working. new technologies are becoming more and more important for economic development every day. putin will participate in forum about future technologies. it is impossible to prevent the development of artificial intelligence. which means you need to lead. the president is also expected to meet with representatives of the judicial community. in this era of news , there are huge numbers coming in every minute. and if you want to watch and read not everything in a row, but an exclusive, then subscribe to telegram. the zarubin channel contains the most important and interesting things before the rest, well, in our next episode on
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the russia tv channel we will again show more than the rest. thank you, pavel, we are with you we say goodbye for the week, and we’ll meet the audience after a short break, i’m waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening. it’s not for nothing that the west was so afraid of an interview with putin with takir karls, because of course i’ll tell you, the contrast is striking, well, yes, for...
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the second one and my channel showed it, well, everything was natural, because the excitement, well, the excitement was colossal, so of course it had to be shown , they are fighting back very, very weakly, they were unable to develop a unified concept, they could have said that this never happened, but they began to blurt it out all the time, they are trying comment, which means you looked, it turns out you looked, so now you are not getting off with abstract phrases, but in essence. in fact, there is something to object to, boris johnson is wringing his hands, talking some kind of nonsense, what a horror, putin,
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him and the government, it was about you, a specific idiot, it was specifically about you , a mediocre poodle who broke a second mediocre poodle so that ukrainians died, it’s not true, like it’s not true, he said, he refers, raise them, here’s the orahs, this is not putin telling. you know i have an attitude towards everything that is happening, because we have been saying here for a long time, these are general words, but this is really a civil war, because this is a real civil war, so of course they are dying, of course they are enemies, but still my heart hurts, my heart hurts that such trouble has come to our house, that this happened, does not hurt our enemies.
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now the woman is putting it down, well, the west doesn’t care, the west is fighting with putin, it’s fighting with putin, biden
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tried to come out here right after vladimir vladimirovich’s interview and interrupt the visible information picture, it would be better if he this, well, it’s just, grandfather, well, well, why, well , you can’t humiliate yourself like that, well, you just can’t , he said, an important appeal to the nation, about what, about the fact that he remembers everything, but he really forgot that... remembers, well, just watch a fragment of this important address by biden to the nation, president biden, the special counsel stated in the report that one of the reasons why was not presented. president, none of you thought that i look what i've done since i became
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able to go through at least some of what i managed to go through, how it happened, i think i i just forgot what was happening. johns hopkins university professor, surgeon marty macari florida there jean pierre, i must now forget her name in order to fully comply with her attempt to bully biden. and several times this week , the president spoke in public appearances about holding conversations in 2021 with european leaders who were already dead. so can you give us an explanation why...
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he doesn't like it, he doesn't like it, i 've apologized to him many times, now i call him jojo, because the president calls him jojo, but also, sun sean hennety said jason chaffetz, when i was talking about matt getz, i mean it happens, it really happens, rickscott even confuses the medicaire money saving program with the cutback program . funding medicate, medicare, excuse me, so this happens, you know, it, it happens to all of us, it's common when you're in a meeting with the president, how often does he get names mixed up just like we saw this week, i didn't see him do that on the meetings at which i attended, well , to be honest, somehow the young lady, well, not at all at
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the box office, well, it’s just some kind of thing.
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people very cheerfully talk about this topic that the main thing for takir carlson is not to interview comrade sidinpin, because if the story about tavan begins 500 years ago, then the story will be a monster, although i am sure that, by the way, chairman xi has a brilliant command of issues of chinese history and is very convincing can explain to the americans why this avan should return to its native shores, of course this confidence, this calmness, depth mastery of the issue, and most importantly an absolutely verified position, that’s what amazed the americans so much, drove their political leadership so crazy, they have nothing to answer, well, there’s simply nothing, nato reacted to putin’s words that russia has no military interests in europe, reacted with further calls to weapons of statements about the possible date
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of the start of a big war, especially in the form of schizophrenia in germany, there to unlearn the requirement to strike at our ... territory in order to make it clear to the russians that it is supposedly our country that is bringing war to the world, judging by the paranoid reaction of the western elite, they are not ready not only to admit their mistakes , but also to simply listen to an alternative point of view, that’s what he said, and this, as i understand it, is a german with an unpronounceable surname, kiza vettor, i don’t know where this kitty is the wind is blowing in the wrong direction, the war must be postponed. to russia, russian military facilities and headquarters must be destroyed, we must do everything to enable ukraine to destroy not only oil refineries in russia.
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you will calm down, then you understand who you are you threaten, you pathetic brute, you, your grandmothers and children are guilty of the death of 27 million, do you even understand who we are fighting with in ukraine, for the guys at the front, we are fighting with the germans, you understand what this will lead to, you pathetic nazi bastard, so god forbid you experience the power of russian weapons, although on the other hand, you, like all of you... nazi scum, know one thing, that when you raise your hand up the mountain, a russian soldier will treat you
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the way russians always treat prisoners , will help, feed, but will never forgive, never, from ukraine, we will definitely come to an agreement with the people, sooner or later, it doesn’t matter. well, we’ll agree, that’s what you know, which may even sound strange in today’s situation, anyway, relations between and between peoples will be restored, it will take a lot of time, but it will be restored, i’ll give you some unusual examples, here on the battlefield there is a clash, a specific example . now just a second, a concrete example, ukrainian, ukrainian soldiers were surrounded, this is a concrete example from the life of military operations, our soldiers shout to them:
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there is no chance, give up, get out , you will be alive, give up, suddenly from there they shout in russian, good russian, the russians don’t give up, they all died, they... to everyone in russian, i feel, in this sense, what is happening is in a certain way degree , as if an element of civil war, everyone thinks that in the west they think that the fighting has forever pulled away one part of the russian people into another, no, reunification will happen, it won’t be done anywhere, why - the ukrainian authorities are pulling apart...
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yes , i don’t know how many years i need to study oratory, study the art of drama, writing , the art of, as it is now fashionable to say, storytelling, that is, building a story, in order to end such a programmatic historical interview like this, it ended in such a way that, for example, tigran and i, when we watched it in live, we both shed tears, he is a man, an adult already, nevertheless this one... they shouted, the russians are not giving up, how can you not shed a tear? i believe that vladimir vladimirovich no schools in arator
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i didn’t graduate from the art and arts of drama, but there are people who have this innate, of course, we will envy, comrade beri, this is simply amazingly amazing, for the first time in my memory, i think my memory is better than biden’s, but still the same cheats sometimes, it seems to me that for the first time he said that this is a civil war, this is also important. in souls more than if we really, conditionally fought with the poles, for example, yes, but not with the ukrainians, therefore, on the one
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hand... the process of reuniting souls into one soul of a single people will be difficult, on the other hand, this is also why this process is inevitable, i completely agree , it seems to me that no normal person can experience any discrepancies here with what vladimir vladimirovich said, just remember the examples of the chechen war, the first, the second, you could imagine imagine that the chechen people, with arms in hand, will defend the interests of russia, the russian world. now during the svo, this could have been imagined 20 years ago, no, absolutely impossible, and yet it is so now. about the interview itself, this interview is certainly historical, and it’s not me, not you, who are saying this, this is what people, americans, who are watching and reading this interview are saying in the comments. 180 million. this is only on musk’s former twitter, social network x, this is only there and only in english. it doesn't take into account how much
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to see.
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first year, even before the svo, after the start of the svo , he increased the pressure, he is such an assertive person , and, of course, i went to many offices, this is my favorite pastime, to go to the offices begging for something that, as it seems to us, very important and necessary for the country , the reactions were different, someone said, who is he , someone said that maybe it’s not necessary, so that it doesn’t work out, well, in the end, it turned out the way it turned out, it turned out amazingly, it seems to me, it’s a little offensive that if... it had been earlier, these battles for aid to ukraine would have been more difficult in congress, they would have been tougher, because after all, american congressmen, senators, really, they they think about their voters, and if the voters feel something like this, well, it’s quite difficult make a decision directly opposite to the will of the voters, and we can definitely say that a lot
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has changed in the minds of... american voters, with this interview, my favorite comment on this social network, now one of the most popular, is the following: it turns out that we are 2 year in raleigh about everything that is happening in ukraine, if you allow me, i just specially made a selection of the most popular comments, you can’t make this up on purpose, these are not bots writing, these are real americans under interviews, the most popular, that is, those who received the largest number of views, reposts, likes. he tore apart american society, it felt like i was playing chess with my father. putin has proven how smart he is, he has proven that he is smarter than any world leader right now. further. vladimir putin just spent 30 minutes talking about the last thousand years of russian and
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ukrainian history. we finance ukraine, we finance the whole continent, africa, we finance latin america, latin america, we provide homes for illegal immigrants, and for our we don’t do anything to our own people, but
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putin puts his people and his...nation first, yes, maybe he rules his country with something that is a little like a strong fist, but that’s normal, i would prefer a strong one fist than this one...
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a different leader, like this, it doesn’t surprise us that vladimir vladimirovich spends 25 minutes telling the thousand-year history of russia, ukraine, it doesn’t surprise us at all, he’s done it many times, but what’s wrong? well, naturally, this is our president, he must be smart, educated, we don’t support others, but we they told us for a long time that it was us, you know,
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where are we with our pig snout in their row, suddenly the whole world is slowly beginning to understand that this is not so, that we, just as we were, have remained a great reading nation, that how...
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oh, he probably learned this on purpose , studied it for a month for this interview, it doesn’t occur to me that this is just full of erudition, basic, yes, for such a person as putin, the leader of a country like ours, we can only rejoice and hope that that, as we see, even according to the northern military district, victory in there is no reason for the war now...
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but so it is, for them, for the sane part of their audience, it exists, it is also uneducated, there is no need to experience illusions, but it is sane, normal, for them, of course, the most important thing is what he said was that we are not going to attack
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any europe, that we have no interests either in latvia or in poland, that all this is nonsense, people there expected this from him, the sane part of this audience exhaled at these words, and then ... has already become even more sane and look at how the mainstream media is now, what they they do things to neutralize this effect, this is shepito's circus. it means that first the interview came out, deathly silence, half an hour, an hour , no one mentions, there is nothing, nothing came out anywhere, the world is not interested, although everyone is already watching, no, then, when they realized that it was simply impossible to ignore it, because already at that time there were tens of millions of views, in half an hour, in an hour, they somehow began to mention something somewhere, now they will do, do what, the express comes out today, how can you believe it, putin said that how only... he will defeat ukraine, he will cause a bloodbath in europe. there the word
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is used, yes, how to translate this, well, bloody massacre, yes. putin said the exact opposite, but no one cares, they are working like this now, they will try to cover up the traces of this interview for another month, of course they will not succeed. their audiences are not comparable to tucker's. america's largest news channel, fox news. their evening audience for the evening show is 1.5 million. 15 million. this one has 180 in just one social network. we don't take everything else. cnn, their evening show audience of half a million. but what can we talk about? cnn news in america has half a million viewers. returning to our stories, they said about the interview, it seems that everything, of course, shocked me this week with the appointment of syrsky, sorry, sorry, now.
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vladimir vladimirovich putin gave an interview and gave more than two hours of his time. and this, by the way, completely changes the whole picture of what modern journalism is. that is, it is not important where you work, but who you are. how interesting are you to the person who is going with you? talk. and how ready are you? tucker was ready. tucker, of course, also has his own agenda. and that's good too.
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it’s clear that he personally didn’t blow up the northern
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ones, just 100%, 300%, but we know the flows, he was busy that day, he has an alibi, a scalibi, but the cia doesn’t have an alibi, which made it so this week to get emotional too, the appointment of syrsky, or rather not the appointment of syrsky itself, i confess that i had not delved into the biography of syrsky before, our guys found it, journalists, i mean artie. acquaintances, family relatives, well, everything that turned out turned out to be, yes, that the elderly parents who are participating in the immortal regiment are very worthy people, very worthy people who are horrified that their son is now in command of the armed forces, this same son from vladimir, a russian who actually, he took an oath there, a pioneer’s oath, he also took, remember, in the face of his comrades, i solemnly swear that it ’s not clear in my head, on the other hand.
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needed vlasov, who was sent on a luxurious business trip, where he was the main military adviser to kaisha before the war, who came out during the kiev events already during... the patriot came out of encirclement , was treated kindly, thanks to this, he was also assigned to the defense of moscow, coped with it brilliantly, received the order of lenin, which means he was recognized as the best commander of the kiev division district, the editorial printed him with his portrait, the newspaper is true, this is a serious recognition of his services in
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the stalinist soviet union, wow, your portrait was choked by the newspaper, it is true, and what happened then, what happened, surprisingly, in this situation one thing is good, the road and the end of this road are always the same for them, at the end of this road there is only a hole, from which it is impossible to get out, to lie in which with a noose around your neck or with a bullet in your head, and this also awaits syrsky, because as our president rightly noted , it is impossible to defeat russia on the battlefield. advertising. i think that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions,
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because we have five of them, it's dangerous a fabulous animal, but when it comes to fleas, i have no competition. there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i meant, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking one small, just a hint in general, the most passionate team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, oops, and five on one, on saturdays on rtr, by -bye, quiet, in friday, today i had an accident, everything will be fine, everything will be as before, as before,
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it won’t be like before, i just have no one else, what happened, it’s spring for an operation, i need money , loading at night, i advise you to sleep. crossroads, this is a very dangerous job and in general, i ’m sorry, but this is not for women, crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, and why don’t you answer your husband, i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, for me, she’s ready to any turns, because the village knows that you don’t play with karbysh and checkerboard, which means you believe, and i believe. queen of the roads on friday on rtr. i ask you to sign one of the most important documents in your life. the mortgage agreement with the
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taraski family has been signed. please, a book of complaints. here you are. you will know how to use napkins later. report him, he’s not working , take him back, that’s why we fired him, because he didn’t work at all, and now get your books on anger management, the serenity of the bandbook, read, seers, the technique in which this is done is called realism, yes i he didn’t lead something at first, but he’s already real, maybe it’s will save.
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obviously, we are largely based on
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vladimir vladimirovich’s interview and everything that is happening. for the americans, of course, it was very painful when vladimirovich so calmly, calmly explained that you would all come to your senses, for example, what was said about use. the whole world in many ways and do you think the dollar will disappear as a reserve currency, how have sanctions changed the place of the dollar in the world? you know, this is the grossest, one of the grossest strategic mistakes of the political leadership of the united states states, using the dollar as an instrument of foreign policy struggle, the dollar. this is the basis of the power of the usa, i think everyone understands this very well, how many dollars can’t be printed, they
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fly all over the world, inflation in the usa is, well , minimal, what is it, in my opinion, 3%, about 3.4, or something , here, they are acceptable for the usa, absolutely, but they print them endlessly, of course. well, what does the debt say, 33 trillion, this is not a mission, nevertheless, this is the main weapon for maintaining the power of the united states in the world, as soon as the political leadership accepted the decision to use the dollar as a tool of political struggle, they struck a blow to this american power, i don’t want to use it. some non-literary expressions, but this is stupidity and a huge mistake , look what is happening in the world, even
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among the us allies , dollar reserves are decreasing now, everyone is looking at what is happening, they are starting to look for an opportunity to protect themselves, but if in relation to some us countries apply such restrictive measures as limitation of payments, competence in almost all matters, which he touched upon, but due to the fact that in fact his tone, his calmness and , most importantly, his targeting, that’s who
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it was addressed to, well, now there are different interpretations, but i would like to support the point of view that after all, he said, it’s understandable for the most part with the west, but in general with the world and with the elites , because even about dollars, this is not only for the ordinary american, it is primarily for those who hold these dollars in large quantities, we should not... that there are many funds and from them five are allocated, which manages assets, exceeding the combined gross domestic product of america, china and russia, these are funds that have enormous influence, they are the holders of the largest banking packages, the largest packages, the largest corporations included in the 500, that is, this is, in my opinion, this is the part which influences politics, including america, we have already touched upon. here is the topic of why such an insane person as biden continues to behave exactly like an insufficiently healthy person, he is still developing,
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america is moving, and processes are taking place, well because behind this there are still quite strong elites, including financial ones, but our president showed, including to them, that peace, the change of the world cannot be stopped, and he calmly explained it, including the speech the idea that... we will never leave china, this is also a very good and clear signal that let them hope for it, the tonality is connected with the fact that the elites should listen to the fact that maybe it is necessary to end this parade of psychosis or these psychopaths who are there many countries are ruled today, too probably such a good signal, at the same time , these elites themselves need to come to their senses regarding the change in the world, which cannot now be stopped, this change in the world in which , for example, such an organization as brix has already appeared, and you and i must understand that...
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states, we must with you to understand that it is precisely these, this organization that includes countries, and above all russia, which is able to offer the whole world a new look at the future, what we talked about here, a manifesto of the future, can only be written those people who realize not only the impossibility of returning to the previous system , to the model, but also demonstrate an understanding of the future world, which is based primarily on respect, the sovereignty of each state, and so on, these are all important promises that still require formulation, but namely we can formulate it through the mouth of our president, but if we go further, then i believe that the targeting was not only external, but internal, why is everyone waiting, so the president spoke, as if addressing the global elite there, but he did not address the russians , but how but he didn’t address, this is precisely what he addressed to all those, to ordinary citizens, and to those who are given power in the government today, first of all, and don’t listen, it seems to me that everyone should draw a conclusion
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regarding their competence to teach practically every god day to the russians. so no, but isn’t this an appeal, if we hear how the president is positioning russia, this means that we must correspond with our actions with our results of work, of this level, here we cannot help but return to what, unfortunately, is normal the process that the liberal agenda , it is still present among us, yes, it, of course, is already losing ground, it is clear that today is not, by the way, i think we need to publicly thank boris borisovich from the rostrum hopefully, but he has given up - to the electoral commission or where? a list, as i understand it, of unreliable people, agents of influence , enemies of the people, tsypso’s bookmarks , half-destroyed newborns, that is, he did a lot of work, identified them, collected all their personal data and gave them to the competent authorities for study, 18 of whom were dead at the time of leaving signatures , well it american style, yes, because we remember that what if a person died because of
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such a trifle, deprive him of the right to vote, as long as he is healthy. i didn’t waste time collecting , but simply took it out of the hiding place and of course, well , returning to the liberal agenda, unfortunately, it is still alive, so here i would like to focus the audience’s attention on these aspects, so let ’s look at the liberal agenda or or rather , elements of this liberal agenda in the financial bloc, that’s when we talk about brix, its future and present, that’s what today it is said, after all, we are presiding, in october we will have to show some result, while we are hearing... for example, the call of the financial bloc that the central bank and the financial bloc regarding the fact that we need to focus in the twenty-fourth year on that , in order to smoothly organize the entry of the central banks of the brix countries into the financial track, well, i tried to decipher this, but it’s difficult, but for me this is the next thing that we should probably just get to know each other there within ourselves, well, i can i’m exaggerating, but something like this, where is
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the program and even the results of this program regarding the creation of a single currency? if there is no single currency, let’s strengthen the ruble, because after all, the ruble, like another monetary unit, is, well, if there, if you don’t like marx’s capital, there are other sources and formulations and explanations of what money is, but let’s see, can russia today provide the security for the monetary unit that is required for it to appear as a non-world currency ? currency, at least the currency within the brix, what kind of security will suit you, i will be satisfied with the security not only of gold and foreign exchange, but also of course, god, we have enough raw materials and wealth. i would like to ask, do we have to explain or offer something to everyone else? this is a high discount rate, this is a fight against
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inflation, this is a compression of demand, well, that is, are we offering this or are we trying? on the contrary , to change, that is, there is a lot that is unclear, but in fact not only this, today again it sounds from various sources close to liberal politics, a view on the economy, that again the money supply that has grown in the country, precisely the accumulation there, citizens simply began to invest more in their accounts, and this growth is colossal over the year by 9 trillion rubles, again this is bad, that is, we say, well again it’s bad, you won’t please , but it’s impossible to understand, that is, they say, but this is about inflationary expectations of age again. well, listen, but it feels like you and i go shopping with this expectation, at least this is what this expectation looks like, and the point is that this is actually destructive, because again the influence of the west, including through the position of international financial institutions, that we should focus on those recipes that are provided for serving economic theory. no, maybe we’ll end this already, because well, well
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, this is wrong, this is not constructive, this destructive even for what the president is talking about, we must not only move, not only meet these tasks, solve internal problems, these own tasks, look, uh, the internal demand for which, which we are talking about here we say that it must be supported and developed. well, maybe we’ll somehow learn something, but we don’t want to learn from the chinese there, from our almost friends, so let’s go from the enemies, but not even the enemies, but give our own example, but we can’t repeat this as a carbon copy, look, it’s reaching the point of absurdity , after all , the liberal agenda is not only there regarding the financial bloc, but look at these calls. reduce agriculture, transfer agricultural production to large corporations, the westerners want, they want to replace meat production, yes, these crickets , cockroaches, whatever, but what does this mean, because farmers, that they have a lot of circuses and trucks,
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farmers who are on strike, they are on strike not only because there are no government subsidies there, high prices there for diesel, no , because it is already at the level of state policy, politics, that it is necessary to reduce traditional agriculture, and look at this green agenda in the energy sector, well, of course i am not against it there... following which he has been pursuing for some time, apparently, having spent money on people's efforts, and came to the conclusion that, well, yes, it doesn’t quite work, but maybe others should do it, maybe there’s no need to waste effort, much less publish something that is already clear, and i
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think that this is not a call there , again, well, let’s prick the financial bloc once again, no, we just want to receive, in response to this kind of statement, as our president made during an interview, an adequate attitude, including from the financial bloc without, maybe tucker carlson should be asked to talk to the central bank ? necessary, but some may not have been available for a long time it is necessary, look, it has now been published that through the mouth of the minister of sports, that we are going to pay a fee in the wada, but you know, i read this very commentary, which i
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liked, you know, a very tough commentary, what else should the west do against us, so that we stop paying him , well, it’s not, well, when i read it, but then we should at least explain the logic of this, if we want athletes competing under a neutral flag... in white t-shirts and panties there, i’m sorry, it’s unclear who they are defending, we took the necessary tests there, but well listen, this is in the end, this is generally a dispute, which also seems to me to be stopped like this, but i understand that for athletes this is a long one, this is probably even a separate subject of conversation, but i have my own position, i think that, well, if you is already a citizen of russia, well, well, you must comply with this , including by defending the interests of the country at international competitions, and if you are released outside the flag and anthem, but well, you already apologize to this country, well, you have little from...
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other international organizations, where a position influencing the economy is being formed russia, that is why we must firmly defend our own interests, because otherwise russia cannot achieve financial and economic sovereignty and implement everything that our president talks about, including in this interview, and there is a central bank in america, and we are there we have already raised this topic with you, i will raise it every time, there is no such thing, then why do we take american recipes, but continue them...
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i refuse my country, this is not about that at all, that is, the idea of ​​​​pérod coubertin was about something completely different, so modern the olympic movement has no right to lay claim to the symbolism of the five rings, to the entire humanistic agenda, so in my opinion brix needs to take this under its wing, and by the way, now the brix games will be held, which in theory should replace the absolutely rotten nazi olympic movement , “i am abandoning my
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country, but we must not forget not only about the athletes, the olympians, but also the paralympians, so brix also needs to be held and the paralympic games too, i just said yesterday, right in the same place where margarit simona, we met with the guys , one of them is a completely heroic guy, he has his own ideas, well done, and he says: you know, i have a big request, paralympic, yes, yes, don’t forget about the paralympians, because that this is very important, they deserve respect, they deserve to have games that will give children from all over the world the opportunity to perform together. karin georgievich, well, listen, there’s so much, this interview, of course, is the central event, it’s already been so well commented on that... there’s not much left to say
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to add, but i’ll try to say a few words in this sense, which means, firstly, this negative, this rejection in relation to carlson, in relation to this event in general, and these are really events, i agree with margot, this... this is the most outstanding event in world journalism, it ’s just in terms of audience coverage, nothing like this has ever happened, so this is a really huge event, but this is a denial, well, in general it is very simply explained, everyone knows that i am, of course, a soviet person , i love the soviet union, i can’t stand anti-sovietism, but...
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the authorities are always manipulated in one way or another, this is a common thing, but it happens when it takes on completely catastrophic proportions, when it is already unacceptable for the people, for the population, i must say, the late ussr , somewhere starting from the late sixties, seventies, of course, everyone was afraid and losing the information war, but the same thing is happening here, were they lying?
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now they are afraid of the truth, everything is very simple, it is so obvious that it is no longer possible to deny, i really liked this, here i came across that gutierrez didn’t watch the interview at all, as they reported, because he doesn’t watch the news at all, i think that’s what it is, no, no, he clarified, but reads medieval, medieval history, and this was exactly what he had. like irony, hinting at the fact that putin began to tell stories from ancient times, such irony, the irony is understandable, but one thing is unclear, how a person who does not read the news can head an organization. united nations, this is actually his main profession, like how it can be, how can it even occur to you to make this argument, well, tell me, i didn’t have time, i was sick, i don’t know, that’s not it, but no, well, how is it then why are you
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heading the united nations, go to the historical institute, where there in portugal, read these historical manuscripts there, an absolutely amazing statement, but that’s all. but in general, information has become a truly powerful weapon; in fact, this has never happened before; by the way, this interview is, to some extent, a turning point, because the interests of this scale are all over the world, so margot says 180, and then you
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say half a billion, even i say collect all the languages, all the resources, under a billion, but this is unthinkable, this has never been understood. that this is the result of this technical reorganization of the world today, but in principle it has become a truly powerful weapon, god grant that someday it will come to such a situation in the world that this weapon will remain the only one, maybe someday they will exchange interviews and how would they will decide that there is no need to lead to these , to another shooting, who knows, i don’t know, but in any case...
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it is perceived, i think, firstly, the western audience is american, it is not so simple, this is a reproach, there are different people , but i think that this interview was to a large extent addressed to ukraine, to a large extent it was addressed in ukraine, it seems to me that the president took this into account, because here is a historical excursion for ukraine - this is important, this is the generation there that generally does not know.
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works for sure, everything is closed, no, on ukraine, well, from which x, x, well, x works, well, so x works, that means ukrainians are watching all this too, its resources don’t work in russian, well, those ukrainians who speak english will watch it, well , first, the interview is in russian , this answer is enough, this is the first, second, i assure you that i am absolutely sure that they will immediately find an opportunity to translate it all, make translations there, it seems to me, it seems to me that the president had in view of the appeal to the ukrainian people, and this is very important, because in principle, such an opportunity it didn’t exist, so this excursion into history is very important, given that in fact , in 30 years, they simply erased all that
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history as we know it and interpret it, so it seems to me that this is a very important point, from the point of view , well, yes, that for... the russian audience, in general, in principle, we know all this, yes, we knew all this throughout and in fact, it is clear that here the president has repeatedly spoken about these topics in one way or another , and we discussed this here in all political programs, like propagandists and so on, etc., by the way, about the propagandist, propaganda is generally the promotion of ideas, strictly speaking, any journalist, any cultural figure who... the russian audience, of course,
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basically understood and knew all this , although there are some very important things here that margarita said there and which are definitely the first time publicly, it seems to me that for the first time the president said publicly that the americans were blown up by the north, there was no such statement, nowhere, as if around, as if hints .
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so that everything will end tomorrow, no, let’s not have any illusions, it’s impossible to imagine, and considering that you and i are marxists, we, we know that class interest, it is always higher, it is always higher, but here they have taken away from us it’s like from all the analyzes there is a class motive, but it must be left, we understand that the financial oligarchy, that’s who is fighting with us, and its interests and...
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in the person of carlson and, by the way, elon musk, i have a feeling that everything -
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some kind of new elite is maturing in the west, primarily in the united states, primarily in the united states, and this elite, it is already post -imperial, that is, they are, as it were, ready to admit that the united states is not the only global empire, they seem to already have these ideas... in the states, this inspires hope, and the fact that, which, by the way, the president also said, the united states is a complex country. there are different opinions, different groups, but there is a feeling that
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on the way, after all, that new young part of the american elite, which, in principle, already agrees that this, by the way, is not trump, this is not trump yet, because that trump himself in fact, at least he, it seems to me, is like this, this hammer that breaks the path for this part. they had to give comments jointly, although the fact of the visit itself is quite strange, as i
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understand it, in germany they watched the interview, and it caused a very different reaction, from very different political circles. yes, good evening, this is really so, well, you can say , they say that a person cannot overtake his shadow, it seems that germany, the shadow of germany has overtaken germany itself, and now germany is in such a situation the cloud of your past. yes, there are a variety of comments and all this is said in different ways, but strictly speaking, the conversation, if we talk about interviews, is not very serious. i was able to read in the german press, and what scholz said is, of course, well, in general, ridiculous, i don’t even know what to call scholz anymore and how to talk seriously about the chancellor, who didn’t even really understand what he what was said in this interview and did not take, did not take any action
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to comment on the most important points from this, well, i’m not even talking about minsk agreements, i... am not talking about how it all began, you know, it even seems to me that today it is not so important how scholz reacted to all this, but what is very important is to understand that germany, which i personally mean i always said, germany has been denazified, germany has gone through the process of denazification , probably this past will never happen, in germany it will never come, this shadow of the past hangs over germany so much today. tightly, it has already overtaken today's germany so much that it is very difficult to comment on germany and talk about germany without remembering the past, it is no coincidence that vladimir putin mentioned, he mentioned several names in his interview, but one thing i want to focus on is very important to understand for germany, eganbarr, is a politician of the social democratic party,
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the same party, which today put scholz in his seat. bar, unfortunately, died; he left the political arena a long time ago, but this is a man who many years ago, in the late sixties, in the sixty -ninth-70s, together with willie brant, he began his famous ostpolitik, the policy of rapprochement with the soviet union. there is such an interesting moment, i want to talk about it, it is very symbolic, in 1970. egan bar , which putin remembered, it was no coincidence that he remembered it, i am sure of this, now you will understand why i think so, egan bar lived in he came to moscow and lived in the ukraine hotel, now it is called differently, then it was called the ukraine hotel, and being in his room on the twenty-eighth floor, this is from his memories, he says: i’m looking at this great moscow, this beautiful city, and
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i am tormented by several thoughts, on the one hand i think that at one time count schulenburg, he... in view of the ambassador of nazi germany in 1941, seemed to be trying to stop something , he did not succeed, then there were some various other attempts to stop this movement to the east, this also did not work, but i have a complete feeling that we will probably succeed in something, and a few hours later he began negotiations with andrei goromyka, which lasted as much as 55 hours, at during these 55 hours it was... this policy was formulated and started, the eastern policy, which, well, in general, it was the policy of vilibrant, we remember vilibrant, this great chancellor of germany, who, by the way, was the first to kneel in warsaw ghetto, did a lot of very interesting things in general, that's when egan bahr started this policy, talking first with
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andrei gromyko, then with other soviet politicians, he spent a lot of time with... fallin, who was several times the ambassador of the federal republic of germany , they discussed issues of unification, this man, he, in principle, personified this policy of rapprochement, the impossibility of any kind of war, possible by the soviet union. that's why putin mentioned him. and you know, literally these same days , information suddenly comes out about oberst wilhelm berbock, grandfather.
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considered himself a jew, but nevertheless , at one time he went to serve in the wehrmacht, he really did, in 1944, in 1942 he went, in 1944 he
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was expelled from the wehrmacht, because this was his the jewish line did not allow him to be considered a real oriya, it tormented him all his life, and all his life he said that our guilt before russia, before the 27 million victims of the holocaust, it is incorrigible, and berbak knows nothing of this, she: says , i didn’t know anything about this, her dad, dad berbak , whom she knew very well, kept a family journal in which he recorded all his scandals with grandfather wilhelm, who lived for 97 long years and died only in 2016, with whom they talked in great detail about, that why he was a nazi, how he got there and so on and so on, berbach has one more point that i want to definitely draw your attention to, when her book came out, she spoke at one of the forums of the atlantic alliance, the atlantic council and speaking there, she said, it was just a question about poland, she stood on one of these
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bridges that connects poland and germany, she stands there and says these words of hers are, i ’m practically quoting, i never thought that we were standing on the shoulders fisher's dogs, she had referring to the former green party foreign secretary. yoshka fischer, who was , in general, a pacifist, was, and not only on the shoulders of yoshka fischer and his followers, but we stand on the shoulders of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who allowed us to create a united germany, that is, in one speech she mentions the green pacifists and his grandfather, who in 1945, on this very border of germany with poland, carried out his tasks as a wehrmacht warrior, this is madam. burdock, let me ask this question, i am legitimate in this to ask this question, so mrs. berbock , she is denazified, is that why
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she cried so much at the plenum of the bundestag dedicated to the memory of the victims of the holocaust, because she cried for her grandfather, whom she remembered, she knew that the bunte magazine would pull out these same documents in the next few days will present them to the public, and this allows me to ask the question, well, we’ve been taking a long time, here i am for a long time. in every grandfather, in grandmother, in those who are with them. i recently told just a few words more, you know, there is such a lady, strack zimmerman. in 1958 in
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sseldorf, in 1953, i repeat once again, a gauleiter conspiracy was uncovered there, six gauleiters, former gauleiters in nazi germany, including werner naummann, who was joseph goebbels' secretary of state. formed a group that was supposed to transform today's party of liberals, the party of the svdp, the fdp, as they say, in german, which was supposed to form such a nazi basis, such a new national socialist democracy and germany, and mrs. strack zimmermand, this is what i mean grandfathers, i don’t blame anyone for anything, i ask a question: she doesn’t have any information at all about who her grandparents were, let me ask... a question: mrs. fshtrak zimmerman, weren’t any of your relatives among those same people in düsseldorf, who in 1953 actually thought through and prepared this
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gauleiter conspiracy, i’m not saying that your relatives were there, but pull out your biography, maybe you also accidentally didn’t see something. in general, concluding, volodya, i want to say, you know, it doesn’t matter at all have you read and will scholze comment? the interview with carlson and putin, something completely different is important, it is important today to understand whether what we thought was already uprooted is not germinating, is it not germinating? but again, to such an extent that we already cease to understand and cease to distinguish, before us is a liberal, green politician, pacifist scholz, who with such curls in the year eighty-three next to egan bahr, about whom i spoke, there is a photograph, i can publish it, went to demonstrate against installation of pershings in germany, or was it all just a game, in fact oberst, wilhelm berbock are more important than everything else,
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thanks alexander. advertising, i want you to come back to figure out who you are with, zhenya, volodya, klefosovsky, new episodes, watch on monday on rtr. we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, we help you find out the truth, how to act, in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand.
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i like it, so do i. it’s a pity that i don’t have such a dad, who sent it, who is this woman, choose, either me or her, they are very easy to apply, they are much more difficult to heal. you all in life you heal other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart. heart wounds.
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thinkers, documentary premiere today on rtr. by the way, answering the questions of aleksandrovich soznovsky, before this question was asked, putin said that these are them, these are the nazis, after which trido had another hysteria and the phrases “we are here,” and answer like this and couldn't. this.
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we don’t have any friends there, but when he scares nato, it looks pretty funny, i went the same way with nato, i made them to pay, nato was on the verge of bankruptcy , until i came, i... said that everyone would pay, one of the presidents of a large country stood up and asked: sir, if we don’t pay, he will attack us. russia, will you protect us? i said: you didn’t pay, are you late in payment? he said: yes, let’s say this happens, no, i would not defend you, moreover, i would encourage them to do whatever
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they want, you must pay, them, this, as i understand it, us, evgeniy petrovich, that is , they scare everyone so much, they scare, they themselves are afraid, they, they, they scare, they lie, you know, i i want to start, this is what margarit... this phrase is that it is impossible to defeat russia on the battlefield. i won't, so to speak, i don't remember. the first time i said president, but it is a very well-known phrase, it has two parts. usually, they say that it is impossible to defeat russia on the battlefield, the second part is that a nuclear power cannot be defeated by definition. but the president did not say that second part, although i think everyone understood that it was implied, just like when he... says that if, uh, the united states intervenes, then it will lead, so to say, a global catastrophe, however , regarding nuclear weapons, he also said , of course, that, having mentioned tactical nuclear
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weapons, that this is the path to a global catastrophe, which i also spoke about more than once, my deep conviction that to control a nuclear conflict with the participation of russia and in the united states it is simply impossible. by definition , escalation is inevitable. now about whether it is possible to defeat russia or impossible without the use of nuclear weapons. you know, 10 years ago, i was, like many experts, by the way, convinced that the advantage of collective countries nato, with the participation of the united states , is so large above us that we of course. we cannot defeat them without nuclear weapons, well, if you start counting the number of aircraft, the number of warships, personnel, well, by all indicators, of course, if you take the total combat potential of the bloc, it surpasses us
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by multiples, now, you know, i think that we cannot be defeated using only conventional weapons... perhaps, well , firstly, we began to demonstrate our ability to fight and win not in ukraine, it started in syria when in 15, when in 2 years the leadership of the ministry of defense sent almost all combat aviation personnel through the syrian conflict, including strategic aviation, by the way, that is, our pilots gained combat experience. in ukraine, almost all types of armed forces, branches of the military received combat experience, everyone went through real combat conditions, and the combat conditions are tough, because well, this is a phrase: we are
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one people, we really don’t give up there, the russians, we are at war with the mirror, we are at war themselves with themselves, they are the same as us in terms of perseverance, in terms of perseverance, in terms of russians they don’t give up and so on, then... control points, all ministries, everything in general, how many missiles do you need, don’t worry, we’ll bomb everything, everything, everything, everything , we’ll still go wild, we’ll bomb everything with them, that ’s it, that’s it, but now the emphasis is on the fact that we urgently need to restart the military-industrial complex, we need to urgently,
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so to speak, restart the military industry, moreover, taking into account the fact that the americans have begun to hesitate, not that they began to hesitate, but problems with money, problems, so to speak, with ammunition, with equipment, stoltenberg declares that nato is ready to take on, so to speak, a coordinating role, what the americans did in romstein, move all this to brussels, so to speak, streamline it, is immediately stipulated , we will create a special structure, but this, this is a sacred thing, of course, to create another bureaucratic structure in nato, to put this type of department there , to put some pole or... latvian at the head for the next 10 years, they will be there for 10-15-20 years they don't say anything less they will lay down to supply ukraine or whatever will be left there with ammunition.
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there is no talk about the fact that we will concede something , these new four subjects, not to mention crimea, that all this, so to speak, the train has already left, everything has already happened, so to speak, and there will be no retreat, from my point of view point of view, this is very important, it is also very important that the president finally explained very clearly, by the way, he said that it was in that... draft agreement, which
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was practically finalized in istanbul, what denazification is, that is legislative prohibition on all organizations of the nazi , neo-nazi persuasion, now everything is clear , we used to hand over, but what is it, there will be someone to catch, now everything is clear, and what’s also interesting is that the president is not in his last speeches, interviews, everything time... mentioned that we were deceived, we were constantly deceived, moreover, in this interview he already said that it is not clear to me at all who makes decisions there in the united states, i personally witnessed, so to speak, several episodes about which , well, in particular popro episode, when in the seventh year at kennett bank port putin told bush that let's create a pro system together, this was said.
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officers 24x7 365 days a year, let
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your officer sit and look, so to speak, against whom can we use these anti-missiles? putin said, great, good, we are waiting for specific written proposals from you, well, i already had doubts then, but nevertheless, we waited a long time, we never got it, and then fairy tales began: yes, we are not against it, but the poles are against it . the czechs are against it, the poles agreed to the point that the presence russian officer at our facility in poland will cause such trauma to the polish population , will remind us of the times of the soviet occupation, well, that is, complete complete nonsense, nothing came of it, that is, they were deceived once again, once again, although bushura, such, despite for all his, so to speak, peasant nature. he - in general, putin
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, in any case, it seems to me, considered him a person who, so to speak, fulfills - his promises, in this case, no, well, bush, of course, was absolutely christian in nature, will graduate from the most privileged school for boys in boston, and then received an excellent legal education, but becoming the governor of texas, pretending to be local, but he had nothing of the devine nature, i’ll say. a very difficult person, well, serious , deep, able to pretend to be a simpleton , but at the same time never losing his touch , akenbank main, yes, it
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’s there, he kept everything under control and didn’t , but when on his behalf we had also there with one treaty on permanent armed forces in europe, when there they were stuck there with some provisions agreement, when he arrived for the last time bocherov stream to the president with rice began to discuss this agreement, you will say that you are not satisfied with it, and we just suspended our actions, putin says: george, well, just imagine, they tell you that you can't place your tanks in texas, you can only place them in maine. bush says what kind of savagery is this, and this was the american position. bush turns to raisa and says: “condi, is this true, or what? mr. president, this is
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there, these are the turks, that is, they got into trouble , that is, the american president is not always in control, even such a bush is in control of the situation, but in conclusion. "
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to be released from the airspace of moldova, then there can be no complaints here, i think that if they they will go, then it will be, so to speak, this is what the president said, that it will be, we have a completely legitimate right to strike at the bases of these aircraft, that is, at the airfields of romania, and accordingly, everything else will be as the president said .all this will lead to global catastrophe, why don’t i believe in the coincidence of the phrases addressed to the icon, yeah, but we were told, president bush will give an interview, yeah, come, we’re coming, the day before the interview we are called to the state debt and
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they talk to me at about six o’clock, well, just about 6 hours, the next day - i talk with bush , who had a certificate, so he knew everything about me, yeah, children, parents, besides what they talked to me about at the state reserve, he was just given a certificate in full, he had gifts are ready for my family members, there are all sorts of small ones with symbols, i then asked sergei birilev, who also interviewed me before, says: you know, seryozha said, at some point in time he just pissed me off, i didn’t expect it. that when we start saying before recording that he will say hello to my family members there, that he will know what their names are, so these are not ordinary people, no, well, every time they turn on the fool, it often turns on the fool, well, maybe, but that is, this is such an eternal game, it’s always an eternal game, unless
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the depist wants them not to do something we knew that this also happens, but in the sense that it is still such an american manner. how can we really translate the arrows like that, that is, they are a much more serious, more dangerous , deeper enemy, andrei, this was probably so at the time when the apparatus was still working, it worked for bush, no, well, for bush, of course, the device worked, it worked in this room in the state department with two exits without one window with a large table, they wound up a lot of people, but returning again to the interview that our president gave to tucker. i got the impression just the opposite, then, that it was given at the right time, we are now approaching the end of the second anniversary of the northern military district, it was necessary to explain, naturally, the tasks that the russian army is solving in ukraine, to explain what ukraine is, i think that it was
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precisely aimed at this specifically to the western audience, because it’s not very important for us to explain who rurik is there or to speak in... vladimir or there, i don’t know, khmelnitsky, but for the west it’s very important, by golly, because it’s spreading, and for a long time already several , here.
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this existed for 60 years , in any case, putin emphasized this very well, in my opinion, this was precisely the calculation for the western audience, in order to prove this western narrative associated with the fact that ukraine is the cradle of the russian civilization, almost completely leveled out. the problem is that this interview was given to a person who, well, in my opinion, tucker is the person who is leftovers.
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firstly, tucker carlson takes away every interview, as margarita correctly said simovna, an audience
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significantly larger than all those who yap at him taken together, secondly, tucker carlson, he is not an ordinary journalist, of course, he is from a very rich family, that is, his parents left him an inheritance of 190 million, then there is no need for him to worry, he went to fox news, got 25 million there, which is nothing for him, yeah. that is, he is not an oppositionist at all, they are friends with families, he has normal relations, that is, he is not like
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a guy came from the street, now i will start a revolution here, he is just flesh and blood american elites, well, i’m just an audience member on the street in the united states, i don’t believe for a long time that every politician there definitely has a certain amount of money behind them, because in politics, they simply have money behind them, that is, their money in american politics. well, this money that he has, for example , is not enough to elect a president, you have to know five times, this is no longer a fact, because in terms of personal wealth he definitely surpasses obama at the time... his nomination for office, then there is already now it weighs somewhere half a billion and there he plans that by the year thirtieth his personal fortune will be a billion, but as passive money with which you can collect everything you need to run for president, this is already more than enough, let me remind you that rospiro took third place in terms of according to forbs polls on his condition in 1992, but he did not come from the party, no, he came from himself, by the way,
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there was time. that there will be an unannounced address by biden to the people, to be honest, the thought flashed, here is the number 25, right in the brain, the twenty-fifth correction, well then biden and why get ready, i ’m crazy, i’m leaving now yes, he ’ll say something, but even if i think that even if he said it, he wouldn’t interrupt this interview, there’s only one a topic
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that could level this out from putin's interview is if he... a war, some kind of war against us or china, then most likely, whoever he could reprimand, most likely he would, well, for this it would be necessary to go to congress go, because war is declared there, you need to contact, well, everything else, but biden this made an attempt, and like the one who pushed him, his entourage is the white house apparatus, they even counted on the fact that if biden says something stupid, it’s all the same...
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by the way, the interview will now serve as another additional plus for trump. trump always said: “putin and shizenpin are smart and cunning leaders. these are big , strong leaders. and it’s better to be friends with them. if it’s always relative. i can come to an agreement with them. he can’t and no one else, by the way, can well, anyway, that's all trump
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time emphasizes. by the way, i imagine there really are two phones. various different factors, i think even what i said is a personal factor, because for every american journalist in the current situation, interviewing putin is to raise his prestige, so when tucker calson, that’s when he took this interview, he caused it’s just that he caused personal antipathy in so many people, well, they hated him anyway, but they didn’t care about him anyway, he was white, rich,
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married, and, moreover, he was in college there because of his love. or there with some other person and children, then there is, well, just how such a person can be loved by american journalism, well, well , a person who has expressed his opinion on the creation of gender-neutral toilets , of course in the united states now cannot enjoy authority, the interview itself has aroused very great interest in the world, but in particular the chinese, although them new.


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