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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  February 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:41pm MSK

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one and a half, and 150 million chinese are 1.5 billion . it is correct that few understood eastern politics, no, few, few westerners understand eastern politics, so the interview has, i would say, such strategic importance, given the nature and current events in in the area of ​​a special military operation and the place of the ukrainian issue in modern world politics, this was a very important issue, the rest is like this...
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it can continue to fuss, everyone knows that it was blown up by the united states, the united states and wants everyone to know, only legally, no, legally, which court to take them to, that’s the point, that means we will find other methods, vadimir franich, well, in any case, this interview, it of course has become a cultural phenomenon, because i think now for a long time , at least for many russian citizens, carlson is associated with the american journalist in the first place.
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a striking phenomenon, an interview that took place, i think, even from this point of view in form, in presentation, in pr, as carlson’s team did, we still have to analyze this, but... if we still have a serious conversation, and not just a talk show , yes, as we know, i can’t help but mention one reservation, believe me, this is not a joke in this case, the president of russia, speaking about ukrainian nationalists, confused shushkevich with shukhevych, there , that means the question was mixed up, oh, i wanted to say about this, it didn’t resonate with me at all, at all, because he was talking about the ideologists and practice of ukrainian nationalism.
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when the situation changed, he betrayed everything and joyfully lived for many years later by telling the world public about how he destroyed the soviet union, the country that gave him everything, in fact, and shukhevych, the ideologist of ukrainian nationalism, devoted to his idea, who died for his idea, of course, an enemy, of course, a criminal, of course, a nazi, which one is worse, both are worse. but how carefully the president of russia spoke about those who are collapsing the soviet union, about the post-soviet generation, he did not blame anyone, he even sometimes says this form: why did they do this, but i don’t know why, of course he knows, but this careful attitude to history, it is very
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it’s important, and i would pay attention to the fact that he said, who the hell knows, so that you can’t erase words from a song, it’s fundamental. accused specifically in this case and look how he in the west is trying to overturn a number of positions here, as he spoke about ukraine, which was formed after the ninety-first year, in fact the message was this: if you respected our common history, what we call history eastern slavs, at least, if you built a normal policy with russia, with those russians who live on the territory of ukraine, if you did not touch the church, just built... a normal, modern country, yes , sovereign, and independent, as it happened, then there would be no problems, there is an example nearby, this is belarus, this is our country, our a country that is building such a policy together with russia, and by the way, our president
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, also perceives what is happening in ukraine as a civil war, absolutely from the first day, alexander grigorievich constantly emphasizes this, another important point about scholz, here.. i would understand that - vladimir vladimirovich scholz told all this, remember scholz’s statement, who said: “listen, putin believes that ukraine and belarus should not be independent countries at all.” scholz didn’t understand anything at all that putin was telling him, well, he’s generally stupid, he’s stupid, in fact, that is, as i understand it, the president of russia and the western leader tried several times during discussions to convey this idea, they don’t understand anything at all, they do not understand our civilizational community, our cultural community. that the basis is not just a threat to nato, an attempt through nato, through some western political structures, to pull us apart, to tear us apart, it simply hurts us. listen, i’m flying to moscow, from moscow i’m constantly on planes, on the way i come across ukrainian refugees who are still there with
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ukrainian passports, so i listen to their conversations, how they are scattered across different countries, people who are part of our culture, residents mariupol, someone lives there and is under our control.
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at home, there is actually already a campaign to ban the alternative for germany, we see what is happening to isolate orban, because to prevent it from appearing either in poland or in eastern europe. it’s absolutely impossible to exclude this now , it’s 1876, i don’t want to give a long lecture here,
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mount vidala, by the way, we have a minute, yes, on this topic, well, or half a minute , yes, but i won’t borrow 25 after all, so this is what happened, this happened more than once in american history, they were really frightened by the civil war, in the early seventies the united states faced the threat of a new civil war, there was a split with andrew johnson, they... by the way, when grant was inaugurated, they refused to even attend this inauguration together and quarreled like hell. grant, a former civil war hero, his entire administration was mired in corruption and what happened? in 1976 , a representative won the elections, and he won by votes; he should have won by electors. samuel tilden, the governor of new york , i think he was, yes, who, by the way, made a career out of being such an almost tram. in some ways he made a career out of defeating the corruption of the times of the grant and so on, but against
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he was walked by republican representative rutherford hayes, and what they did was bloomberg rather than trump, if possible, yes, if we take new york, if we take new york, but the point is that it was a democrat, for whom the south voted, but there was a very serious gap between the north and south, there really was a spread across the states, the hatred was colossal, reconstruction actually failed in the southern states, there was... a backlash, the ku klux klan, black codes, and so on and so forth. america was really facing the threat of civil war, it seemed like it would happen, there the slogan was almost like the trumpists, tilden or blood, they said, that is, either he is the president, or we start a war, and the elites agreed, literally, when the inauguration was supposed to take place, the so-called compromise of 1877 took place, the moderate republicans agreed with the moderates democrats, radicals removed, reconstruction. turned around, federal troops withdrew from the southern states, what happened was what the same gore viddal called the very bottom of american
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democracy. it is considered one of the dirtiest elections that has occurred. hayes promised that he would not run for a second term, made concessions to the democrats for many years in the southern states this segregation was formed, which only ended if it ended, well, at least it officially ended in the 60s of the 20th century. they agreed, they agreed in... the states, on the other hand, as we said here, and underestimate their elites, who are capable of compromising if the question is about their survival, just like the europeans, yes, stupid scholz, but behind them there are completely different people, one can talk about deep state, we can talk about...
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let’s not continue, how the operation went , we lost a patient, polonsky’s mistake occurred, you understand how it looks from the country, if it’s not an accident, you want to say that i killed him, premiere on rtr , test results, brigin, i feel bad, so scared, he’s never had one before, i’m afraid of her. i don’t even know what to prepare for, i
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can’t breathe, you know, i want to go home, but i can’t, help, skleposovsky, new episodes, we’ll watch it on monday on rtr, on the last northwest of russia. all around is a real treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula, sometimes called russian lapland. the nature on kola is surprisingly diverse, including taiga, mountain ranges, and tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola
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peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current; it does not freeze. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity is legendary hyperborea was located right here, on the kola peninsula. from the first note. beauty! they repeat with the first phrase, it’s better to have a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, you swim your braids finely, with the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, bells, or something, first grade and i are together, for everything, what we do, we also answer together, and in all this
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crap, i have your back, the brigade! russia, deputy head of the department i managed to communicate with two heroes of the russian guard in the bryansk region at once, colonel andrei frolenkov received a hero star, for the capture of the chernobyl nuclear power station, where preparations were underway for the production of a dirty bomb, and the commander
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of the twenty order of zhukov operational brigade of the russian guard, colonel sergei khairudinov, was introduced to the ranks twice, let's listen to their stories, after that we will return to the studio and continue. yesterday, during the introduction of aerial reconnaissance, an enemy dugout was discovered, with up to six people living there, which means that the distance from the border is 2.5 km from the place where the tasks were carried out, the distance is 3 km. 4 days ago, they destroyed the salt tower with their own communications in the village of kurkovich, there is information that they are preparing a sabotage attack, in addition to the dugout
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, a company stronghold was discovered, numbering up to thirty people, fortification equipment is being installed, positions are being equipped, during aerial reconnaissance - an observation post was discovered on a zava-type wing along the border enemy, three people were struck by an artillery strike , destroyed, during the check it turned out that these were military personnel of the special forces, the armed forces of ukraine, the weather allows us to work, in principle, wind and cloudiness, we can work on them, now everything is ready, let's go to work, that's right, we find... on the border of the bryansk region of the russian federation and the chernigov region of the state of ukraine. restless? it’s very worrying, especially since the means that they are here are also testing. there is information now that their western partners have supplied the latest
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electronic warfare equipment here for the purpose of testing them. here. also valid here. yes, well, that’s the usual tactic, how do they get there? well, they first of all look for windows, so they look for windows, wait for the weather, the extreme,
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let’s say the drgs, who , let’s say, were taken prisoner from the living, so they say that when they start working, they don’t warn their border guards, they don’t warn the terrorist defense there, that’s who they have on the border, let’s say, promptly it’s like there’s no longer a possibility. find where they will go, well , plus, accordingly, they have russian volunteer corps working here, let’s say, traitors, this is like a military initiation for them, after that they have the opportunity to put on a chevron there and, accordingly moving forward to the line of contact, that is, for them it’s like an entrance exam, let’s say, are they mostly coming in or also the special operations forces of ukraine, foreigners? foreigners come in, including the ssso , the armed forces of ukraine come in, rdk comes in, it’s just rdk they talk about it, well, let’s put it this way, they carry it out as
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an advertising campaign, they then talk about it all, post it everywhere, including videos, they write there themselves, but if the special forces come in, they don’t tell anyone about it, their main task, of course, is to cause confusion, let's say, here, because for many it is entering russian territory. federation of enemy groups, it is perceived as if we have i don’t know the border there , it’s as if it’s a purely political action, it’s a purely political advertising campaign, we all understand that they won’t do anything here, won’t achieve anything, how professionally how well prepared they are , you can’t underestimate the enemy and i can to say that their staff is prepared quite well; they are prepared and equipped with both weapons and technical equipment. they are quite ready with the means, let’s say, to carry out the tasks that are assigned to them, that is, now
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you are a smersh, that is, you are here every day in august forty-four, you can say so, i think, the locals help, the locals help, they help, well, starting there from the little things. if they suddenly saw strangers, they immediately report, they immediately report , that is, this system is established, established, that, say, drg, which was destroyed, it was destroyed precisely due to the fact that the local residents reported it, they have it there there was a skron who, well, with food that was stolen by wild animals and they just went to the store to buy groceries, so the woman saleswoman, she told the district police officer, i don’t know them, who are they? healthy guys, strong, that's the ukrainian dialect, she told the district police officer, the district police officer, accordingly, further down the line , well, that is, they didn't look like tourists, no
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, they didn't look like, but who is here now, engaged in tourism, now here, awarded, yes, awarded a medal for services to the fatherland, second class with balls and the order of courage, for which the man received...
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do you have this feeling like a hunter? yes, it arises when we work also when on the drg , especially one group, just here the drg, in the settlement where we would be working today a week ago, they were closed , we also moved into the house, and when we moved in, they were very, let’s say so, interestingly, they moved in between two houses where civilians live, that is, a... they can’t be reached, god forbid the flight, they won’t make it, the civilians will get hurt, so they had to work without a peep, take them off, work on this house,
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to be precise. wind, direction, respectively , coordinates, target, call sign, how far does it fly, according to the parameters of such characteristics, up to 30 km, 30 there, 30 back, respectively, that is, seriously, yes, well, how many birds have you already lost , not alone, powerfully, we have been trained, we treat it carefully, with care, our answer is a woman, well, you can do
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it that way. remains, but it flies faster and pulls more, yes, well, no, it pulls about the same, it flies higher, it flies higher, higher and , accordingly, its speed is higher, the speed is higher , i have improved the protection, that is, the boys are happy with it, yes, everyone who worked with the snow leopard is all happy with what happened today, since the day the group was deployed , they have recorded multiple appearances of an enemy group using unmanned... feeding devices and they recorded the calving, respectively, with the help of this gun, it’s called scorching, they were planted, it’s heavy, but it’s not light, why do you need a trigger - this is the inclusion of signal jamming, that is, it can not be processed gently, no, not a pistol theme, but an expensive thing, as if you should take it more carefully.
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i agree, what is your personal record, how long have you been - here we are only two now, it ’s like they drowned it out, the dj was advised, the light was displayed, well, you ’re not going anywhere after them, they are beyond zero, but beyond zero, that is, you can’t go there, well, yes, that is, it’s useless , they are trying to take them away, pull them out, that is , this is how the guys do it, change the frequencies, try to pull them out, by the way, tell the guys the extra n don’t walk, disperse, what’s that take a risk, our butivnik is located here in the distance in a settlement, here it is, here is the first object - this is this hangar with us, where equipment is constantly being caught, we even see fresh traces now here, we have a second dugout, here in this so to speak, in the spring area it is insignificant, it is adjacent to the houses, that is, it is convenient for their placement, they also have positions there,
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that is, it comes from there and from this populated area it is possible that they are located here, perhaps they have a place somewhere here tell stay where they are they come in, why did the homeland reward it, well, like on the yar of russia, on the hero of russia since what year, well, take the chernobyk power plant, that’s who took it, but we had it -
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right away on the first day it was necessary to take it, that is, sieges, assaults , there was no time, and when we jumped out, one assault group, by the way, zhenya led it, entered from the second gate, zhenya, yes, come here, here he is, he entered with the first assault group, through the so-called automobile checkpoint, and i’m in three cars, i went straight around to the main one entrance, where the reactor control room is.
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colonel of the russian army, you are surrounded by troops, there are no troops, there is nothing nearby at all, i suggest you surrender. in exchange for life, six machine gunners are lying , there in the horizontal bar there is such a pass to the power plant, two grenade launchers were standing on the shoulder, our common task is to prevent nuclear disasters, i propose to carry out their duties under the control of the russian military in their places without weapons, their commander comes out, also a colonel in ukrainian uniform, i say, you are ready to surrender your weapons, he nods, but these machine gunners were still lying in their positions. i turn on the radio station first, at first i don’t press the ptt button, the decision has been made to surrender, we are withdrawing the troops , leaving 100 people, that is , as many as there are
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, that’s how many, they’re lying further down, i look at one, a tear has flowed, they’re starting to get cold, i’m telling this battalion commander, but where we will hand over the weapons, it’s hanging there in the yard, well, 1,154 barrels turned out, they brought the weapons there before. the rifles were filled, because in the event of an alarm , only the battalion rose, and they should go there more additional forces were coming, we went there and there was also a special forces company with tanks , which retreated, but the special forces kind of retreated, but the national guard remained, they just outwitted them, it definitely gave us confidence, then we examined the territory there, found a union vector, yes, the newest laboratories, look at these same physicists of ours. this says production dirty bombai new barracks uh under security made bomb shelters warehouses uh everything is surrounded by barbed wire every door was there even in the laboratories like that you look in the movies, this doesn’t happen, every door had a cut in the eye and
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a fingerprint, there was an escape and how i entered against the crowbar, there was no reception, we train every day to enter such objects, my employee even told me today when we go on an assault, crawl across the security lines where we move and where? there is a sarcophagus, a reactor , there is a ladder, he walks, this one crawls next to me, this one says, on this ladder the bloodsucker killed me all the time, i don’t understand what he is talking about, and then it dawns on me, he yes, in stalker in the game, the americans, that is , they built something like this, yes, it’s clear, i served in kosovo, when in ninety-nine-2000, and their bases, how they build... it’s very similar to the nato model , so all the inscriptions are in english, yes, all the inscriptions dangzher are everywhere on danger containers, dangzher danger all the inscriptions are in english, poz me you have borus, where borus is from
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, this is the first mountain range that i conquered in pacasi, what is its height, 2300 , good health, peace, old, great! good afternoon, how much years old, well, in june he will be 66, legend, well, i don’t know , legend, no, it’s normal, why a major, well, in the soviet army a major, that is, just yes , i left, i came back to fight, they were like civilians for a long time, i don’t know , probably 30 years in civilian life, yes, and then, in civilian life, what did you do, work in the ministry of emergency situations, in the ministry of emergency situations, engineer of the ministry of emergency situations, in the far east, didn’t go far from explosive affairs? no, how would i, this is my profession, now we are sorting out tgeshki, that is, ammunition from grenade launchers, yeah, we’ve already got thermal bars, if in
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the thermal bar hits the room, then that’s all , here what they loaded with, well, it’s buckshot, just buckshot, a kilogram of buckshot, half a kilogram of plastic, well, that is, this is in terms of manpower, but this is purely manpower. well, admit it, war makes you young, that’s right , i work with young people, it makes you very young , i know from myself, i feel from myself how i entered the war, that’s why i went now, well, i’m an officer, children , grandchildren, well, i have seven grandchildren, two children, richer than me, i only have five so far, and my son is a border guard, so recently i was here on the border not far from us, so i met him, the captain, still young, well... yes, well, as if not, but with the general yourself, obey, look, the voltage has dropped,
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3.6, okay, you’ll make it , that is, you don’t feel pressure, yes, well, i’m walking sideways, no, it’s wind pressure, confrontation. came to visit, special preparation is needed , that is, a different logic, that is, how you set up the guys, i would not say that special preparation is needed, first of all, probably the most important thing is motivation, the desire to perform. the job that you interesting, carry
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out, complete assigned tasks, well, initiative is also needed in this regard, all the guys, all volunteers, everyone wants, how old are you, 42, it will be in the summer, maroon beret, yes, when i passed, at 39 i passed 3 years ago, well, this is seriously considered, that is, there are few people who can pass at that age. i would like to pass it, so as not to turn on the back one,
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i told everyone that i would pass it, that i would pass it, well, that’s how many 9 months i was preparing, i passed it, i was just passing the test, for myself i would either die or pass it, that’s how it was , very it was hard, i don’t know, the hardest thing was not to give up, that is, i didn’t go out on the march, there were 300, 400, 500 m about... and then it turned out that we were sitting at the command post, on the sides were our units, the command post was already became the front line, roughly speaking, everyone was already approaching the command post, and how the decision was made that we had to retreat, so i tell everyone, no one really believes there, so we held on, this is how it happened. that there are 10 people per kilometer, somehow i placed soldiers,
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they took the field road here, occupied it, the following there, well, it turned out there was an armored personnel carrier, an armored personnel carrier, there are 10 people, ptur, this is your road, another kilometer later, another field road, another 10 people, by that time i had about 150-130 people, i already had six dead and more than sixty rani man. they feasted, gave us time, the ministry of defense
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, they gave us time to dig trenches, they gave me time to dig trenches, the next day they went on the offensive, there was an armored group, first four, four tanks went, well, it turned out in the center of the ministry of defense, they dug in there, well done, the rest i took the flanks, i took myself, it turns out that the armored group went, it turns out that it went to the ensign from the right flank. i was older than the group, he says, i see 1.0 m ahead of me, four tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles, there are personnel there, yellow armbands, well, this identification, that’s it, i sent the reserve to him, he shot with an anti-tank gun, knocked out the equipment there, the reserve, who was moving forward, came across a bnp, it also immediately turned out that they were leaving in an armored personnel carrier, and here they were coming out of a turn. bmp pops up and turns around


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