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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  February 12, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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during a phone call and several meetings, president biden told president putin that russia would make a mistake by attacking ukraine. when was the last time you spoke to joe biden? well , i don’t remember when i talked to him, i don’t remember, maybe i should know what he’s talking about? or , what should i beg about, are you going to supply such and such weapons in ukraine, oh-oh-oh, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, i’m afraid, please don’t supply, what can i talk about? after watching this ridiculous interview that putin did here recently gave, you can understand that he always lies a lot about the reasons for this war, because it is very easy to understand why he does this, he wants to get part of the territory of his neighbors, this is ordinary imperialism, and i think we need to do everything possible to support ukrainians so that they can protect themselves, so i am very glad that europe has finally made the final decision to provide the necessary financial assistance.
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germany has also been able to increase military support, and i hope that congress will follow you and also provide necessary support, because without the support of the united states and european countries, ukraine will have no chance to defend itself. why don’t you get out and say, listen, guys, we ’re giving you money and weapons, open the valve, please let gas flow from russia for us, no, they don’t do this, why, ask them, there, then, you know, people.
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yes , vladimir putin decided to invade a sovereign neighboring state, thereby violating the law and territorial integrity of ukraine, violating the rules-based world order, which underpins the security of all of us, people living in democracies around the world. naturally he will use any form of propaganda, but i can tell you that canadians will not be fooled. unfortunately, we see how far russian propaganda is ready to go in an attempt to influence public opinion and distort the facts.
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usa reported that austin, this time , had bladder problems due to these problems. he was rushed by security to walter reed national military medical center. austin right now he is in intensive care and undergoing intensive therapy, as they write on the website.
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the pentagon and report that he arrived at the hospital with the capabilities to maintain secret and non-secret communication lines necessary for his work. earlier , it was solemnly announced that it was osten who would personally lead ramstein 19 on february 14, that is, the day after tomorrow, and after ramstein, remaining in brussels for another day, personally. will take part in the meeting of nato defense ministers on february 15, but apparently was not accepted; austin will also talk to the new commander-in-chief syrsky i didn’t have time, i ended up in the hospital, in general, hegemon is definitely not in shape. according to a new poll, 86% of american citizens believe that biden is too old for another presidential term, which is the white house for eighty-one-year-old joe. it’s time to exchange for
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a nursing home biden’s chances of becoming the democratic party candidate in the american presidential election are no longer one hundred percent for the first time. right now they make up everything. 60%, the main competitors of the self-propelled grandfather, name the former first lady, michelle obama, vice president kamela harris and california governor geven newsam. biden himself is unlikely to be able to defeat donald trump. the probability of his success in the battle for the oval office has dropped from 43% to 27. the united states essentially recognizes the president.
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joe and biden are both unconscious, both want to become president of the united states, there are only doctors and nurses around.
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calls are growing louder for the president of the united states to resign. this is not the first time this has happened. many americans are expressing concern about joe biden's mental health. by according to the latest abc news polls , 86% of americans believe that joe biden is too old to remain in office for another term. biden's memory was severely impaired when he was questioned. biden did not remember what year his term began.
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information to be lost or compromised by america's adversaries. we also took into account that at trial, biden would likely present himself to the jury as a sympathetic, well-intentioned, elderly man with a poor memory. based on our direct communication with him and observations of him, he is a person in about which many jurors will want to establish reasonable doubt. the special prosecutor stated in his report that one of the reasons charges were not filed against you was because he believed you were an elderly person. his memory is fine, but he called the president of egypt the president of mexico. as you know, initially mexican president sisi did not want to open the doors to his country to
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allow humanitarian aid to pass through, but i talked to him, i convinced him to open doors. the president last night bristled at the fact that many americans are concerned about him. to your question, just give me a little time and i will answer: he is exactly the president who understands how the american people feel, well, how does this relate to his age, how does this relate to what was written in the report, we do not we believe this is a president who lives in reality, i have known this president since 2009, only last week during
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a public speech biden confused the leader of france and germany by calling egypt mexico, given the findings of this and a number of other things, he will announce that he is going to step down from his role and will not actively participate in subsequent elections. growing concerns about biden's age have loomed over his campaign, but a new wall street journal article argues that age is not the only issue, but rather simply a factor in his failure to become president. according to the quote, biden's mistakes could potentially shape opinions about him. at 81, biden is the oldest. the current president of the country, but what is more important is that he did not create the image of a strong leader, and also he did not create an emotional connection with voters. what do you think about
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the next factor in the poll after the polls we see that everyone is concerned about biden's age. in your opinion, what should he do? on the one hand, this somehow emphasizes his boundless energy, and he must accept his age. also 80 years on earth, and he carries great wisdom that he acquired during this time. i think all of the above is all you have said. this is also a real problem for trump, who is only 3 years younger than biden. if biden is not prosecuted, that's their decision, but then i can't be blamed either. otherwise it is selective persecution of a political opponent, that is, me. i don't know
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if biden is involved because i don't think he realizes he's alive. speaking to supporters in south carolina, trump not only mocked his rival with dementia, he may not even realize that he is alive and is the president of america, but he also scared the hell out of the europeans. donal stated that he was not going to protect them from the russians for free. moreover, having returned to the white house, donald intends to encourage aggressive countries such as ours, of course, to do whatever they want by those nato countries that do not contribute the required amounts to the overall budget of the alliance. the white house called the words of the former us president terrible and insane, secretary general nato stoltenberg said. any suggestion that the allies will not protect each other undermines both the security of the alliance and the whole
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point of the alliance. head of the european council michel said trump's statement only serves putin's interests. your post writes that european politicians are seized by real panic, and quotes the words of europe’s first openly gay president, latvian renkiewicz. demands that europe increase defense spending regardless of the outcome of the us elections. outraged by trump's words, warsaw , the polish foreign ministry said that donald had crossed those borders. i said everyone will pay, they said, but if we don’t pay, you will still protect us. i said absolutely not. they are not could believe my answer. after that , more money poured in than anyone had ever seen.
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criticized by both his supporters and opponents. the white house called his statement a dangerous statement by an unbalanced
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person, here is the statement of his only competitor for the us presidential candidate from the republican party. trump made an extremely irresponsible statement: we should not give them the right to attack our friends. during his speech, trump recalled the history of his presidency. he says he had a conversation with one of the world leaders about whether the united states will defend ally ponato from russian aggression. i said, if you haven't paid, it means you haven't fulfilled your obligations. here trump mischaracterizes how nato works, but he goes on to say that a nato member is only worth defending when it... spends what it should on defense. no, i won't protect you, i'll tell them to do whatever the hell they want with you, you have to pay. trump has never liked nato, and his statement contradicts the alliance's principle that an attack on one is an attack on all. if you follow his logic, then canada does not fit the criteria of an ally that needs
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to be protected, since it belongs to the 2/3 of nato countries that spend less than 2% of their gdp on the contrary. the russian invasion of ukraine showed the world what the kremlin is capable of. there were fears that trump’s words would give putin a free hand. putting aside the fact that this is part of trump's performance, it is another reminder that if he becomes president again, he will do without the difficult and dangerous situation in europe is even worse. if russia decides to take any action against a nato country, it will do so in accordance with the agreement. western leaders have criticized trump for threatening to allow russia to attack nato countries that are not spending enough on defense. any suggestion that allies will not defend themselves undermines all of our security, including that of the united states, and exposes american and european soldiers to increased
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risk. nato is not looking for war with russia, but we are must prepare for a confrontation that could last a decade. the russian president will win in ukraine, there is no guarantee that russian aggression will not spread to other countries. the best defense now is support for ukraine and investment in nato's military capabilities. deterrence only works if it is credible. i count on all allies to maintain their commitments. putin said several times that the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century was the collapse of the soviet union, because as a result, many russians found themselves outside russia's borders. he wants to restore great russia in...
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the danger of the alliance. forts are back in fashion. inspired by the suravikin line, thanks to which russia was able to stop the offensive of the armed forces of ukraine last year, nato armies began to strengthen their defense along the same lines. in january, the defense ministers of estonia, latvia and lithuania announced the construction of a complex of defensive structures along their borders with russia, collectively called the baltic defense zone and designed to stop russian armored units in the event of an attack by moscow. according to estonian officials, to strengthen the border section , it will be necessary to build about 600 concrete bunkers with an area of ​​35 km, capable of withstanding the impact of a large-caliber artillery shell. the goal is not to create an impregnable fortress, but only to provide an opportunity to slow down the enemy’s advance and wear him down until reinforcements arrive. ukraine and poland are also showing interest in fortifications, and are now equipping their border with russia and belarus shelter and
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defensive structures. however, such popularity of fortifications creates a separate dilemma for nato. alliance army doctrines. for a long time, they assumed the use of layered defense, within the framework of which troops could withdraw to other lines in order to engage in battle with the enemy on more favorable terms. if the alliance switches to positional defense, then it becomes extremely important for it to ensure that the enemy’s strike is as weak as possible, and this will require massive strikes on command points and supply lines on russian territory. western political leaders may be too sensitive to such attacks, says lukas melewski, an expert at leiden university in the netherlands. i'm captain mike santos, serving with the 187th infantry regiment of the us army, we are conducting an exercise with our partners here in estonia.
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now about the european economy, germany’s days as an industrial superpower are numbered, today’s bloomberg comes out with this material. according to the authors of the material, germany is experiencing a crisis investments, as a result of which the oldest german factories and enterprises are closing. in a word, the foundations of the german industrial machine collapsed like a domino, and the mille company also left germany. she left. usa, prime minister of hungary orban spoke about what was unpleasant for the entire european union in an interview for the german depression and said that europe is not strong enough now. so that russia takes it seriously, but the era of western dominance in the world economy is over. the center of gravity of investment is shifting to the asia-pacific
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region, polish farmers do not want to part with their own earnings; they demand to stop the import of cheap ukrainian products into poland and cancel benefits for their competitors from ukraine. today, demonstrators intend to expand the polish-ukrainian blockade. borders, blocking the routes that lead to checkpoints, setting fires on fire, erecting barricades from tires, pouring grain out of ukrainian trucks. in ukraine they have already seen , of course, a russian trace in what is happening. lvov mayor andrei sadovoy called the protesters pro-russian provocateurs. ukrainian the truck drivers said that the poles, or rather pro-russian provocateurs and kremlin agents, are threatening. we fill the portion with truckloads of manure and eggs.
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tractors filled the hungarian-ukrainian border in protest against the duty-free import of ukrainian products. the demonstration was led by the president of the largest farmers' union, who is also a lawmaker from the ruling party. protesters blame the eu for the difficulties faced by hungarian farmers. they are against the european commission extending the validity period duty-free import of ukrainian agricultural products for another year. polish farmers are also unhappy with the influx of ukrainian crops
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. that's the way things are, we barely have any money left thanks to the european union, so we are forced to motivate europe to block
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ukraine. at this rate, we will begin to cultivate the soil in our gardens with horses drawn by plows, and the harvest will only be enough for a family; there will be nothing left. capable of producing good quality products. well, funny shots of drunk people in austria
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skiers blocked an entire mountain. prestigious ski resort ischgl. after the sports day, the vacationer was given what is called an après ski party, translated after skiing. we drank alcohol at sunset and stayed on the slope; some of them, look, were lying in the snow, couldn’t get up and had to be evacuated by helicopters. the video with drunken skiers has already received more than 50 million views on social networks; tucker’s interview, of course, is still far away. well, weather anomalies continue in russia, last week the pressure was extremely low, this will be extremely high. the so- called baric hill is expected in moscow. on friday, the pressure will reach an anomalous 769 mm of fortupny column, which is 22 higher than normal,
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this pressure can be compared with the sensations when descending into a mine to a depth of more than 200 m. the increase in pressure will be accompanied by a cold snap; in 80% of russia, temperatures are expected to be significantly higher by the end of the working week below the climate norm, in moscow on friday it will be almost -24 parallel to the magnetic storm. see the spectacular sun flares. fortunately for weather addicts, most of the coronal mass ejections, the so- called mass ejections, passed by the earth. but on the night of st. valentine's day, february 14, a holiday that is not celebrated in russia, in the regions of our country it will also be possible to observe the northern lights.
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damn, we won’t get through there, probably, yes, people even walk along this road, because it’s unrealistically scary to walk on the sidewalks. here 's the weather for you, yes, they put tarasovka in us amazingly, in general it's just trash, just trash, everything is lying around, the roadways, this is kolin's street, on which there is transport, everything, everything is blocked off, there are wires on the ground.
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breaking news comes in regarding us secretary of defense austin, and austin has officially been placed in the squad. intensive care - this is our way, we understand, of course, resuscitation. the text appeared on the official website of the pentagon, they are on the verge, this is the following message: the lack of personnel threatens the armed forces of ukraine with global failure, the lack of personnel is depleting the advanced units in the armed forces of ukraine and undermines their morale, writes military watch magazine. ukrainians no longer
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are joining the army, there are no more volunteers, but you and i somehow agreed a long time ago that we read the western press, endlessly record their funeral mood, but we don’t believe them very much, realizing that the enemy is still strong, let's move to the front, war correspondent vladimir razin is in direct contact, hello volodya, but tell us where our people have successes - endless messages again that there are no weapons, no soldiers, there is nothing at all, let's slowly refute, i mean our enemies. olga, good afternoon , yes, indeed, the entire western press has been writing for quite a long time that some kind of global crisis is coming in the ranks of our enemy in the armed forces of ukraine, but if in reality we look at the front line, well,
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it’s impossible to say yet, that... by those who are collected from the street, every day this happens more and more harshly for them, in terms of technology in some places it really is - in others it is used less, these are mainly western models, yes, there is enough artillery on our side a serious superiority in ammunition and even in terms of installations that work in the directions, but in general, in general, if you look at the front line, the initiative is completely on our side, absolutely on every... board, even in those directions where there is a positional war, let’s say, yes , without any of our breakthroughs or advances, yes, but work is constantly being carried out to destroy, destroy both on the front line, in the near rear, in the far
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rear, almost daily work is carried out to destroy both equipment and personnel , yes, in the artyomovsk area we are moving in the khromov area, about a kilometer the day before. we pushed the enemy closer to the hourly ravine, plus in the bogdanovka area we took a fairly serious stronghold, which allows us to control precisely this side of the approach to the hourly ravine; in the kupensky direction there are also quite good tactical successes in destroying the enemy and advancing to their strongholds and accordingly, now our guys are gaining a foothold, therefore - it’s absolutely impossible to believe, because this is most likely being done on the part of the western press in order to, let’s say , lead us into some kind of misconception, yes, but we won’t be misled into this, because we really see the situation on the front line, we really
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assess it without any kind of casting , let’s put it this way, yes, but the fact that everything is not going well for everyone, the front line speaks for itself, that is, we see... at the same time, tsirsky began to fulfill his duties, gave the first interview in which he said that the ukrainian army is on the defensive, i will quote further, and grinds systematically.
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well, yes, yes, of course, he needs to say at least something, preferably positive, yes, especially in the first days in his position, but if you again look at the front line, of course counterattacks from the enemy do not end, but these counterattacks arise in those places where we have advanced, where we are gaining a foothold, that is, they are trying , let’s say, to regain their strongholds there, positions are trying to counterattack us, but again it must be repeated that these... in rare cases with artillery support in very rare cases
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this is with the support of armored vehicles, mostly on foot, and here again you need to understand that the superiority in the same artillery on our side is quite serious, yes, that is, reconnaissance works constantly, these groups that are trying to... throw to the line front, our guys still see enough at a great distance and trace the path, they know which roads they will move on, and accordingly all this is shot through by artillery and all other means of destruction, that is, in reality, to ours trenches of attempts to counterattack on our recently occupied positions, well, at best half reach, and even then this is half already, which saw that... some of their brothers-in-arms, let’s say, have already been battered by our artillery, so to say that they they are grinding us down, but again, yes, this is certainly what should have been expected in the speeches of syrsky, who
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only recently came to his post, for the chaotization of processes in the ukrainian army, we can hope, or we can at least record it somewhere , that's how it works. i have in i mean, almost everyone was replaced over the weekend, everyone just resigned and new people came, it’s clear that they are also from the army, but this is not a team. zaluzhny, how can they quickly take control of everything here? quickly, absolutely in no way , it doesn’t work like that, the army and especially the warring army is a rather complex system with all the problems that arise from it, let’s call them that, yes, because well, today he came to his post, yes, but uh, tomorrow in one of the directions, any, yes, let’s say, the situation will not change immediately, why? because well... before changing anything on the battlefield, quite
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serious work is carried out, including absolutely all services and logistics and combat-ready units, and this is some kind of understanding on the ground, yes, that is, if people are already in the direction yes they have such a situation there, but there are few options here. in fact, this is one of the options - this is to change these people, and who should they be replaced with, with recently recruited mobilized people from the streets? will change due to the arrival of a new one
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commander-in-chief, i think it’s not worth it, well, well, this is life at the front on the line of contact, it’s unrealistic, it doesn’t change with a click. thank you very much, volodya, vladimir razin, war correspondent on direct line front line. the peskovs just asked a question; many probably saw it on social networks; footage of the starlinks used by our country’s army appeared. peskov. left without retaliation the message about the military’s use of elon musk’s terminals, let’s not intrude into the discussion between the kiev regime and elon musk. however however, the photographs flooded the internet, ukrainians howled and were terribly indignant. once again we do not refute or confirm, but something was photographed somewhere. it's good that it works. ask. well, naturally, against the backdrop of a powerful self. said such a breakthrough interview
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with our president tucker carlson, who rightly in the story has already almost 200 million 95 million likes, that is, what we said, this breakthrough, this information environment, western, basically isolated from us for 2 years , and the most important thing, presentation of an alternative view of the geopolitical picture presented by our president, in contrast to the american ones... and of course, well, personally, such a mental, powerful narrative of vladimir vladimirovich, who was brilliantly oriented in all the figures and facts, carried on a conversation for 2 hours, completely without any , so to speak, hints and some kind of prompters, this is quite obvious, well, against the background of this out-of-mind, aging, so to speak, american dinosaur, it looks especially bright, i saw it... the western world, the elites, of course, they will now criticize and talk, but ordinary
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europeans and americans have looked, perhaps from a new angle, at this whole issue, and this situation will continue to develop, against this background, of course, very interesting, it seems to me that today’s visit of the prime minister, prime minister of poland tusk to paris, to macron looks important, and that means that their such a tripartite get-together together with scholz,
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the russian parties, well, in quotes, of course, the od party is there, and marie lepin and so on, this means that in this space of the european union, that is, i immediately have a certain analogy, a historical analogy, in the year thirty-six.
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he said that nato should be a commercial organization for america, that it’s only for money, otherwise we’ll leave, naturally, this caused a response, almost semi-hysterical reaction from stoltenberg and other european politicians, but the point here is that this is not news , trump, during his presidency, constantly swore at some european countries, there were two to 4%, demanding raise, when he represented the usa, he announced this officially, it’s absolutely true, and this is not news to him.
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they pay for american military bases for services and , as they say, do not squeak, well, apparently, this model will be, if trump, of course , wins, transferred to europe, the second even more important point, of course, trump, and well, despite that that the 118 billion project passed a procedural vote in the senate, this is a completely intermediate stage, of course, there are obviously no prospects in congress, and of course trump is like a bulldog grabbed hold of this... well, let’s say, the mexican-migration topic, he won’t let it go, and naturally the republicans too, that is, as the primaries deepen and other stages of the elections, of course, this big one, well relatively speaking, the mexican migration nail, trump will continue to slowly but surely drive
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, so to speak, into biden's back soft spot until complete, so to speak, political satisfaction, in this sense , this is, as it were, a main mainstream topic for... trump and of course the second american too a very important story is the results of the negotiation between scholz and biden, but they were closed, there was an open formal part, there was no press conference, as we know, which of course we cannot know, but we can assume that most likely it was about a difficult topic for scholz, that is, apparently, taking into account the fact that ukrainian money will not pass through congress for a long time, of course.
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complete collapse, but before the conversation again , mehl’s company announces its departure from germany to washington. americans have money for business quotas, they set quotas business, despite the fact that it is not even american, but german, everyone is fleeing germany , so summing up all these, i still
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want to end on a positive picture, well , we all know that china has already been celebrating for 2 days, the great one is finally celebrating then the coming year of green. dragon, and we, of course, also congratulate our chinese friends chunzihau, that is, as if on a good celebration of tunde, and i involuntarily remembered a phrase from the medieval chinese poet jau yuan about green dragons: 3 million jasper dragons converged on battle, as soon as the battle died down, the whole sky was filled with a shroud and shreds of torn frets scattered, such... the image of a green dragon and the eternal battles between good and evil, why a green dragon, if chinese culture agrees, in order to spend the new year with dignity, you need wear red outfits? it is the red outfit that will scare away that other evil dragon, which, according to legend, came to the chinese
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house to eat all the children, tell us about the tradition, why i ask this question, all of moscow is in red lanterns, in kamergersky it’s impossible to enter the alley , our people are celebrating the chinese new city in a big way, as if we were really chinese, well, first of all, the dragon itself, especially the red one, is a symbol of strength, goodness and... justice, and evil spirits are driven away , in this sense, of course, the white color of mourning in china is mourning, it must be borne in mind that this is , so to speak, a traditional perception, negative, very negative, as for this dragon itself, it was sung by a variety of poets , or others, right now i noting, but this is like a symbol, this is the inner worldview of the chinese, this is their civilizational essence, they are strong, but not...
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china is in the center around the rest of the world, this is from ancient times, that is, this is all together, this is , and of course the dragon, the lunar calendar itself, the lunar calendar so to speak, this... green wooden dragon, of course it is especially important for the chinese, because it is clear that there are two more around china, well, besides russia -three states, the enemies of this dragon, and the dragon must have allies, in this sense, as if geopolitically, the chinese civilization, and well, naturally, russia and other countries of the third, or more precisely, the large global south, they seem to be trying to stick together, but this is geopolitics, and as for the dragon, civilization, of course... 5.0 years of chinese civilization, it was ancient, it is eternal.
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the russian panda katyusha, who lives in the moscow zoo, also celebrated the chinese new year; the director of the zoo showed footage of katerina being solemnly congratulated and bringing her a whole bunch of gifts, then she notes, if possible, show me this very... episode when catherine was congratulated on the chinese new year, the director of the zoo herself took part in the solemn celebration together with the chinese ambassador in moscow, he also visited the zoo on the occasion holiday, in fact, this very katyusha that you see has already increased about 10 times since her birth, now there is urgent news that indicates ... that there will definitely not be elections in ukraine, zelensky has just signed a law on extension of martial law, martial law goes beyond his term of office, his
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powers expire on the 31st, march 31, that is, from the first of april he will, as it were, lose his powers, but no, martial law is extended until may 13, there will be no elections, which means he will to edit, well, at least until... may 13, small, and already a dictator, please , i’ll probably start with an interview with putin, first in form, such an absolutely free format of dialogue, i just find it hard to imagine a mirror image, so that, for example, in united states of america, some russian the journalist took a similar interview with mr. biden, it seems to me that this is absolutely impossible, and now, in fact, western leaders are focusing on the fact that the aggression of the russian...
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2014, now on the occasion of cheese victory day, the celebration of the day of the great october
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socialist revolution, i’ll tell you a big secret, there are no politicians in ukraine. who would not celebrate victory day, they are not there, i know them all, i saw them all, they all went to victory day, congratulated veterans, went with st. george tapes, the internet is full of photographs of them doing this, poroshenko, tymoshenko, the avakovs and everyone else starts, it’s just that at some point they had to sell this victory, sell it at a high price, they abandoned the whole past and decided to become, so to speak, in within the framework of the anti-russia project.
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weapons, but i apologize, i then ask a simple question: if the ukrainian army had such talented generals who were capable of changing the situation on the battlefield, can we say that mr. zaluzhny, who was fired by zelensky, yes, did not give opportunities for these generals to realize their potential on the battlefield, and if this is so, then you will explain to me why he gave zaluzhny the title of hero of ukraine? i'm not trying to find any logic in this. there is no logic here from the point of view of ukraine’s interests from the point of view of military strategy. there is a political logic here. mr. zelensky and mr. ermak naively believe that by depriving him of his position, they thus protected themselves politically from a political competitor. in fact, i think everything will go smoothly
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on the contrary. it is already obvious that zaluzhny did not write. statement, it is obvious that he made an application to participate in the political life of ukraine, and he claims, so to speak, a great political future for himself, photographs that he posted in military uniform, so to speak, the dismissed commander-in-chief along with his wife, you know, such creeping into big politics on soft paws, this is for now , this is for now, but we understand, yes, that the situation at the front will only get worse, and the responsibility for everything that will happen... at the front will hit zelensky , believe me, no one will even remember about sirsky, because the replacement of zaluzhny will be connected exclusively with zelensky, all defeats at the front will be defeats only of zelensky, and not of some sirsky, if he expects that he installed a loyal general who, if anything happens, will raise an army against the rebellious people inside ukraine, this
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will never happen, this did not happen under yanukovych. this won’t happen now, none of the military will raise their weapons and go to defend it there in kiev, if suddenly there some kind of mess will begin, he and ermak can believe in it, syrsky’s devotion, in general, you need to understand when they say, he appointed his man, these are all conventions, this man is yours, as long as you are village, as long as you have a mechanism of pressure, influence on the fate of this person, he can be your person, as soon as you lose this, in ukraine... you cease to understand at all whose person this is, who this person is, where he is going, what he is doing, this is impossible, these are all conventions, therefore, i believe that zelensky has driven himself into this political trap, in a military trap, for which zelensky personally will be responsible, not even so much yermak, yermak is such a, you know, figure, in fact, according to the laws of
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the constitution of ukraine, this will be full responsibility for everything that happens to ukraine next. ukraine is in its worst military crisis since the battle of kiev. after a trip to donbass, it becomes obvious to everyone that the ssu lacks weapons, soldiers, and technology for reliable support from the united states. the worsening mood in ukraine is already noticeable when crossing the border, it gets bad, doesn’t it, that’s what the border guards told me:
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uncertainty and disappointment led to these cold winter days. as a reporter, i haven't seen such a mood since the war began in 2022. the question is whether all this drama in washington, berlin and paris is understandable. zelensky's goal is to recapture all the regions captured by russia, but for... luzhny realized long ago that in today’s conditions it cannot be implemented, and this should be stated publicly. trip from kyiv to slavyansk by eastern ukraine, like traveling to another country. while kievans can once again enjoy life in restaurants, at least until the midnight curfew, in the grim donbass no one knows which city may fall next. today there are battles for hours. the russians now have the advantage at the front; they continue to move forward meter by meter. we'll be back in a minute. how the operation went, we lost a patient, polonsky made a mistake, do you understand how it looks from the country, if it’s not an accident, you want to say that i killed her, the premiere on rtr,
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the results of the analysis, i feel bad, so scared, he’s never been before, i’m afraid for her, i don’t even know. why should i prepare, i can’t breathe, you know, i want to go home, i can’t, help, skleposovsky, new episodes, we’re watching today on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power. beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what
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the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india; they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. bye. quiet. on friday, i had an accident, everything will be fine, everything will be as before, it won’t be as before, i just have no one else, what happened, i
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need money for an operation, loading at night, i advise you to get some sleep, there are crossroads , this is a very dangerous job, i’m sorry, but this is not for women, crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, why aren’t you answering your husband? i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, for me, she is ready for any turns, the whole village knows that you are playing tricks with karbysh, and you, therefore, believe, queen of the roads, on friday on rtr, there is no need to see him. sign up, it's a joke, he 'll come to the house himself, we'll start, he'll always help, we'll train the right way walking on ice, will always tell you
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how to increase low blood pressure , how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or... a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleeping, that's how the child is sleeping, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy, well , i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. i love you very much. yes, but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what kind of family would it be without children? anton madegliani, 12 years old, angela’s last name, still
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licking heart wounds, will you treat me? yes, i will, i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you. do you like our doctor? me too, it’s a pity that i don’t have a dad like him. who sent it? who is this woman? choose, either me or her, it’s very easy to inflict them, to heal them... much more difficult, all your life you’ve been healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart, heart wounds on saturday on rtr. so, in ukraine they continue to fight everything russians, at the leo tolstoy square metro station, dismantled the name of the damned muscovite, the square will now be called the square.
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heroes, one of the main orthodox shrines of kiev, the pechersk lavra, was finally captured, the territory of the monastery became a nature reserve, which is under the jurisdiction of the ministry of culture. the decision was called a fateful breakthrough, and they want to get rid of, among other things, the memory of the great reformer of the russian empire stalypin, he was killed during a performance in the kiev theater, buried on the territory of the monastery, and so director of the museum...
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independence, who in principle denied the right of the ukrainian people to exist as a person who denied the ukrainian identity and viewed us exclusively as an appendage to the russian empire, we need to think what to do about this, we need to start a public dialogue, one of the ideas, for example, to contribute it to the exchange fund, no matter how it looks or sounds, but we have dead heroes, we have living heroes who are in captivity, to be in complete, what is ukrainian independence? this is of course a separate question, but the very idea of ​​digging up bones and exchanging them for ukrainian soldiers, this of course smacks of obscurantism, we’ll say this politely, please, it really smacks, but let’s, as they say, turn to our older brothers, now there is a howl in europe about the nato bloc, yes let me remind you that the nato bloc was created by the united states of america to protect the interests of the united states of america. it
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existed for a long time in a bipolar world and opposed the warsaw pact, since the ninety-first year it was always decided how to format it so that it corresponded to the interests of the united states of america, it was under donald trump, in 1919, at the nato anniversary summit, that it was decided to develop a new concept called nato-2030, which became the nato-2030 strategy. and , by the way, in 1919, trump frightened angela merkel with these statements of his: whoever doesn’t pay, we don’t protect him, while the percentages there were, of course, significant, that from 2% they would reach four. what is 2% for the federal republic of germany? it is now the words were spoken in warsaw, i was still allowed into the european union at that time, and representatives of russia at that time, and the russian media were allowed into the holy of holies of the nato summit, since then a lot has changed.


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