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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  February 12, 2024 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK

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sadists, losers, and so on and so forth , and they thought that if they simply write that they are heroes and that they are successful, this will be enough to develop a successful story, in fact there are technologies at the top, there are some intrigues, so to speak political, but there are much deeper layers that, so to speak, or higher ones, that you can’t deceive, that you can’t deceive with such things, you can get a short-term effect, in the long run it will definitely lead to self-destruction or to such internal conflicts, they will start, as it were, all this to shake the system and we see how this is happening, it even became somehow sad, a pity , now about the fun, another time, well, here is another big blow of this interview, there was a demonization of putin, that he was almost a dictator out of his mind , in terrible physical shape, hiding from everyone, nothing, shows a person in brilliant physical shape, calmly speaking with a sense of humor, brilliant in mastering the question. it’s clear what
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johnson and scholz can say and so on, because putin removed them, he said what to talk to them about, who are they? i explained why they so after that every time they try to say something, it looks like, who are you? which of these leaders is able to remember and knows the history of their country, just as putin knows the history of russia? well, imagine scholz telling the history of germany, but what is there to tell? macron?
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diplomacy as a profession, diplomacy as one of the key areas of international relations, with security and economics, so the fact that after vladimir vladimovich’s interview with tucker carlson, the words diplomacy, negotiations returned to our vocabulary, it is very significant, in general, i will now try to give an assessment not so much myself.
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conflicts are already underway, they are with the united states and i don’t know with europe, but with the states for sure, i even gave advice, yes, how exactly the americans need to save face in these negotiations, these are very important negotiations, after the negotiations in the 1920s on the kari crisis, i i don’t even remember that an issue more important for the entire planet and its security was discussed, and secondly, for negotiations with the ukrainian...
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in the kremlin, the foreign ministry revered this plan of five points, laughed, returned it and threw it into the orna, wrote their own plan , which was called medvedev’s sarkazy plan, which saakashvili was forced, in fact, to accept it in this way, it would be better if they took tbilisi, well, the latter is still very important, they stayed where they were writing, they gave the command to return back to the mountain, but nevertheless . this is not what i didn’t want to talk about, but you will agree that the effect, if you look at the distance of 16 years, it still turned out not bad, saakashvili is in prison, or in a prison hospital, georgia, demonstrates, in general , loyalty to russia during the period of the northern military district, so no, no, no, well , there are no diplomatic relations, but our citizens there are still imprisoned in ukrainian. they would have left a military
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contingent there and independent georgia would have quietly calmly moved happily to the side , yes, speaking of it, it was unrealistic, that is, it was realistic to take belishche, but everything is further than that, well, it would be an occupation regime oh-oh horror, it’s not about horror, it’s about business the fact that all the anti-russian anti-soviet phobias are right there again well, i don’t care , it’s very easy to give a damn, it’s a phobia and so it is, but here in the southern caucasus it would be quiet, yes... it’s already grace, they say , good, what a pretext, there was a border with armenia, there was land territory with armenia, it was immediately direct, if all the conflicts would have been instantly different, the game of troop withdrawals could have been a lot, of course, there would have been nothing at all, the black sea would have been different right away, oh,
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they would have views on us, they they hated us anyway, but we would have had a straight path there is a base there, well, all this , you don’t have to be ashamed of your imperialism , you have to be ashamed of it...
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think about what will be in this document, not actually in the theses about where the front line becomes, although this is also very important, but also stories about the future structure of that part of ukraine, which, and if of course it remains, that is, not negotiations, but an ultimatum, then, the fourth question, still more important, he several times named the united states as a possible partner in negotiations on this conflict. i have no there is no doubt that when the negotiations begin, as i already said, i generally think that they are already underway, and we will return to the negotiating table with the document of december 2021, of course it is a little ambitious, but in essence, and this is a good starting point to start negotiations, the west means
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stopping nato's expansion to the east, withdrawing the infrastructure created there after 1997, removing all nuclear weapons of the united states from... europe is a good starting position for negotiations, like ours diplomats will come to an agreement, we'll see, but if, if we keep in mind that sergei viktorovich lavrov, simply the most experienced diplomat in the world, among foreign ministers, i think, they fail, the last thing, at some stage of this process we still need include our partners and allies, possible discussions about the security architecture in europe, also convert into a broader discussion about eurasia on... our relations with china, india, pakistan, iran, this is also that complex of security communications, which allows us, at a minimum, to begin to create a structure equal in weight to the osce, which in the future may be dominant throughout the entire eurasian space. and
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lastly, regarding the special military operation, we have a heroic army, an excellent rear, people who help. in the field of information, information war, at some point we had the impression that russia did not show up for war, if we mean a war of foreign confrontation in the information sphere in foreign information space, now this is interview with vladimir putin, this is a signal to all of us, in fact, our diplomacy, our allies that we have returned, the main thoughts that we have, our model, our... worldview regarding the future world order, we can and should present it there at enemy space, although of course our partners are still the main thing, information about the conflict itself should first of all be directed at our citizens and at our allies, in fact, this task,
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in my opinion, has already been solved with all the deepest respectfully, i don’t agree at all about the negotiations and what’s going on, but more on that right after the advertisement. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr, well for now. quietly , on friday, senya had an accident, everything will be fine, everything will be as before, as before, it won’t be like before, i just have no one else, what happened, today i need money for an operation, loading at night, i advise you to sleep before, road intersections, this is very dangerous work and in general, i'm sorry, but this not for women, crossroads of fate, i'll go with you as a spare, temporary subscriber. inaccessible, why don’t you answer your husband? i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, for me, she is ready for any
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turns, the whole village knows that you don’t play karbysh and checkerboard, and that means you believe, queen of the roads, on friday on rtr. if you look, they are now growing colossally in arms sales, they
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have completely sucked in the brains and money of europe, they turned europe into an absolute colony, pulled out of it whatever they wanted, they severely planted their own energy resources of europe, and for them the continuation of such a war is a blessing, they do not lose a large number of their soldiers, they are strengthened.
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are using the russian threat to solve their problems around the world, we cannot go to any negotiations, what kind of negotiations are we, our territories are occupied, now tell our people: yes, by the way, before the presidential elections, we are going to negotiations with america , this is to create such feelings among the patriots here, that is , it turns out, that is, we have been fighting for 2 years, we are fighting for what, the supreme has set the task
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and... but when it came to implementing at least some part of these agreements, it quickly became clear that the american politician is structured in such a way that it does not implement political decisions in the normal, ordinary sense of the word, moreover, as if i had been behind this for a long time i look at politics, and i see that the biden administration is generally just a record holder for a split within itself, this is not a split with congress, which can say no, although this is also important, it is not a split with the opposition republican party within.
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but under the current administration, in my opinion , only one blew up the nord stream, this is the anglo-saxon faction, in order to frame the other, that’s what most likely happened, in any case, more and more it seems to be talking about this, so when we talk about , what’s going on there, well , listen, which biden, which trump? i generally don’t know what will happen to them with the 2024 problem, well, because in the normal sense, i think that there will definitely not be elections at all . they will try to remove these players, and this will cause conflict both at the grassroots and at the elite level, but in terms of foreign policy, they really are now in a big impasse, but we can consider this vision from the point of view that this is the situation, let’s say in ukraine and even in the middle east, to a certain extent their suits him, despite, say, trump’s hatred of zelensky and this
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ukrainian government, despite the democrats’ hatred of biba netanyahu, but nevertheless this may suit them. for them there is only a certain rhetorical construction, why the interview is so popular also, well, besides carlson’s popularity and besides the fact that this is a breakthrough of the information blockade, from an intonation point of view it was a completely different interview, you are interviewing biden for the americans, even trump, who is biden’s opponent, a set of rhetorical cliches, nothing more, no politics there really is no, confidential, calm,
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at the same time very deep and simple conversation in human language, there is no conversation there, because... there is no understanding of what kind of object this is, what kind of russia is it, if it is not just a gas station with missiles, what kind of russia is it, europe's first economy? this basically doesn’t fit in my head, which means demonize putin, which means make a voodoo spell, the same thing, by the way, with china, its growth as a partner of the united states in the production of clothes and other crap, please, high-tech power, power, which lands spaceships on the moon, a power that is catching up with the united states in... that high-tech that americans have always been proud of, no, this cannot happen, by the way, there is someone there who is doing at least something there a little bit of policy formulation, national security advisor jake sale, he said: we are ready to be friends with china in everything, but there is a small garden that we will build very large walls, technological, where we will never allow china, that is
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, the idea that some power, the same china, with which they have been working for a long time and know much better than us, by the way , to say that... the most important thing is that their internal policy is a confrontation between these two americas, these are not republicans and democrats a long time ago, because they have been arguing there for a long time and this way and that, these are two absolutely infected, yes, they are
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islamists, the left wing of the democratic party, for example, one cannot refuse ours , we call it, this squad here, well, they cannot if they everyone will give up this, all the policies that they have been building for years, this whole rhetorical structure will collapse, others cannot give up...
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therefore, neither trump, nor biden, nor anyone else there, armed, biden will give us deliverance, will not give , will not give, armed neutrality will give, but you just have to be at all weapons, understanding this, this is the soaring, and what is armed neutrality, armed neutrality, this means that we will not give either of the two countries based on the conflict, here they are, one side says, listen, they are doing so badly, you understand, we are forced to block. no , no arguments will make us move, in this conflict within you, they won’t make us move away from our national interests, well, for example, trump is a very simple thing, he will say,
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listen, well, i’m a christian, maybe not a very good one, but a christian, you christian, and these atheists, listen, well, give me something here about this , the good people in america will win, then we will somehow agree, no, this does not correspond to national interests, figure out your war yourself, wherever your conflict tries ... we are drawn in from the point of view of your internal rightness of the wrongness of the two fighting centers, we are not participating in this, moreover, we are not participating armed, that is, we are ready to defend national interests, armed participation, we shoot just in case those who come with a request, we are simply armed, armed neutrality then meant approximately the following: armed protection of russian trade routes, in this case here you can defend anything with armed force, but this will not be a readiness to inflict. if this is really really necessary, it is necessary for the enemy to know that if something happens, there will be a blow, we will not be drawn into this, we will strike at all neutrality when offered, but at the same time, no, well, why should we
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even get involved in their civil war, i didn’t understand, because the united states was always involved in a civil war, moreover, the south, we are sitting in moscow, great, why should we listen there, then almost the whole, almost all of europe was involved, moreover, it was involved. in spain , absolutely everyone was drawn in, the only thing is that everyone was drawn into the civil war in russia, but not too much, any civil war in a large state draws in other states, but the usa is also a global system, by the way, in your educational system people who received education by american standards will be dragged in, just like they tried to drag people in, i remember.
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like, what kind of creature did you write a denunciation against the professor ? the liberal will be held accountable for his words , we’ll go to prison for a false denunciation, otherwise they’ll get divorced here , but do you like this one? people with high positions here kicked me out of the news for this, but you thought you thought it was all just liberals.
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to my arguments that i am a citizen of russia, expressing the interests of russia here, this is completely different, that every time is different, don’t be naive, we have a pro-israeli lobby, we have a pro-arab one, but we don’t have anything about the american one, sergech naryshkin paid a whole lot extra, as you well know, this is the us democratic party, that’s it.
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generally has such a pro-ukrainian position now, why? became a liberal, studied in america, at harvard, somewhere in colorado, well, he drowns for the kiev regime, and he decided, by inserting this dispute, so to speak, to stop the takerization of the international community, to publish his own and historical maps, he published four, one there, well as if yes, the empire of chengis khan, but he hints that we also have claims , but we are a peaceful nation, so in general... we don’t claim anything, but for some reason he tsakhiagin elkbekdorsh published a map of the soviet union, on which the mongol empire wrote, i can’t understand, that is, in my opinion, even mongolia is not particularly included in this composition, that is, he really wanted to answer, to which he replied, he showed his stupidity yet again, well you'll get along with the liberals, i don't know if it's airborne or if he published something, there is such a network, which i think is banned in russia, you have a presence there.
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kamchatka, despite its relative proximity, did not set foot on the shores of the sea of ​​okhotsk , maybe he wanted to write advice to the emperor, i don’t know what he wanted, but somehow, to put it mildly, he does not know the history, by the way, from the mongol empire, doesn’t coincide with the drawings, well, no, well, i’m saying, genghis khan’s horses were not in murmansk and they didn’t even set foot on the baltic coast, in fact, apart from this curiosity with the tsakhiagiin elbekdorj , it somehow gives me pleasure to say this person's name.
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and a protestant, be he a calvinist or a lutheran, will never be able to agree with each other, never, under any circumstances, it was with this thought that europe entered the year 1618. in 1648 , catholic france, which, well, before that
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, had been in charge for a long time and he actually began this policy, although he did not live to see its finale, cardinal richelieu, she was an ally of protestant europe, and national interests were born there. based on these national interests, any war, no matter how frenzied, ended in negotiations. what does the west offer? there is none of this. basically no. they do not take into account any national interests. they do not want to negotiate with people who are unpleasant to them. they do not want to take interests into account, assuming that the enemy may have his own interests. they don’t allow such thoughts. they say: these are demons. these are the damned russians.
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night at diplomacy, what kind of mediation are we talking about, who will mediate with whom? another key point is trust. the minsk agreements are a turning point in diplomacy. not because there could the war in donbass will end, and trust there was killed. when the key event of modern foreign policy, which seemed to be able to resolve the contradiction, then the participants in this process, poroshenko, come out. yes, merkel and the half-mad aland, who , in my opinion, did not understand at all what was happening there, why they took him there, and they say: guys, when we signed, we were not going to do anything, in principle we weren’t going to do anything, this whole history of our more than thirty years of
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relations with the west, evidence only one thing, when they sign, they are not going to implement anything, so if professional, diplomatic principles are destroyed, as in these conditions in these... there is salvation, and it was in the cold war, public diplomacy, remember these american schoolgirls, ours, our professors . now there is a fragment of public diplomacy, yes, so they look at how they react, it was not in vain that you spoke yesterday about an institutional response, they are trying to restore this tackerization, they are trying to push orbanism under the bench, they are making sure that no tucker appears karls, i’ll give you an example, we have a school in minsk, i think there are such in russia, the fifth gymnasium on mendeleev street, which means they remember the meeting on the elbe, the heroes of the meeting on the elbe, so they spend a lot of time rewriting.
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the question arises, on the basis of what we will resolve this, there is another salvation, there is a lifeline, world history, it still generated a lot, business, market interest, it would seem, but figurines, figurines, look how german business is being warped , if the market decided, germany would be first if there was an agreement with russia, yes, of course, they would set conditions and so on, what germany should do, you gave a detailed description of scholz today. one more point, it seems that the market is taking its toll, this conflict on
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the polish-ukrainian border, but an absolutely artificial formation, this whole ideological construction, that from the baltic to the black sea stands this genuine europe, which protects western europe, its heart from russia , and they themselves are confused, where their heart is, then their heart is ukraine, then it protects the heart, that’s not the point, but history shows that they are competitors in the market for grain, agricultural products in general, logistics, and many others. question, nothing of the kind, it means that now they have another conflict, tusk got involved in it again, he broke his promise that he would resolve it, but i assure you, they will still, despite the fact that their national interests conflict, will defend this ideology, in other words, i can still give these examples further, we come to the conclusion that negotiations with these people, they are useless, not only are they counterproductive in their essence right now at this particular time. we don’t know who to talk to, we don’t have a legal basis,
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you know, a treaty is a law, it ’s international law, a law that is interpreted the way they want to do it, it’s impossible to implement it somehow, what kind of treaties are possible during a religious war, well, a thirty-year war has turned from a religious war into a war of sovereign states, there are affairs of a sovereign war of sovereign states, negotiations are possible when speech we are talking about religiously, we are talking about without... a return to a true understanding of sovereignty in europe and the west, popular sovereignty, if we are talking about the usa and true sovereignty, if we are talking about europe, in principle there is nothing to talk about with them, it will be endless scholz in a circle, about which putin said that these people do not represent the national interests of their state, when speaking and absolutely, to conclude, yes, well, vladimir frantsivich, of course, tomorrow in minsk we will argue with him, once again, yes, for its transfer. but today he brought me to what i agree
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with, not only with him, but here is a good conclusion, i also believe that now there can be no negotiations with the americans regarding kiev-ukraine, i don’t know, maybe someone... then it leads, i think that this is wrong, this is the first thing, they will not give any result, in particular for the reason that france spoke about.
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the european union will collapse until the european states gain freedom, it is impossible to negotiate with it, because before the label on... the book was from the pope, well, on on the crown, now at some time there was half -europe from moscow, the soviet union gave, and half europe america, now only america, we, alas, until this is removed, until they really become an independent state for at
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least some period of time, nothing is possible , we need to wait for the collapse of europe, that is, the european union, and further, and even push for this. people also come up to germany and say that they watch programs in this case with my participation in this case and an evening with vladimir solovyov from germany, they constantly fly in, but on i don’t have the opportunity to run, but how do you see it there in germany? by the way, many. these russian germans are returning to altai, in particular, this also happened yesterday, how free thought penetrates there, to germany, how this happens, on television we ask a free question, the question is yes, well, how would you answer me right now, we’re watching the whole network , this
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is exactly what was said, that supposedly we lost the war on their information field, no, margarit sinovna, brilliant working structures... just shows that despite for all the crazy prohibitions, we find a way to convey our word, so that’s also very good, well, there are structures there that know and can, but we won’t tell you about them so that they don’t get covered up, that’s all, see you tomorrow.
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oh, hello, here, here, the reception log, well
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, thank you, dear, there are a lot of people, no one yet , listen, well, yesterday it was just some kind of madhouse, just some kind of invasion , and it was all... some crazy women , one, for example, says that sulfuric acid flows down her walls from her neighbors, sometimes i i believed it too, i was inspired, well, you never know what the neighbors are doing there, that’s right, i say, you called the sanitary pedem station, that’s right, she said, she called, i picked up the phone, sulfuric acid is also flowing from there, oh, masha, get ready, in my opinion, she will appear again today, of course, thank you for not being violent, what do you mean not violent, she will come like this, god , i am a dandelion, how will she dream about you? zoey, it’s better not to argue with them. do you think i don’t know how to deal with crazy people? you won't recognize them right away. you know, because the most creepy psychos at first seem to be very nice people. but i went. yes, can i speak to
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the prosecutor on duty? of course, have a seat. am i with you? talk, well, yes, okay, you see, i have a matter of national importance , sulfuric acid has been flowing down the walls from my neighbors for a long time, at home i wear an anti-chemical protective suit, with a respirator, you know, in the morning i drank a glass of kefir and discovered that it not kefir, but that it is sulfuric acid in its pure form, yeah. it's good that i didn't drink the whole liter packaging, i should see the prosecutor, right? you
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to me? yes, and you are the prosecutor on duty? yes, come on in. you will probably say that i... have gone crazy and i need to see a psychiatrist, let me first write you down in the journal, okay, yeah, klimanova, tatyana viktorovna, where do you work in the drama and comedy theater, i understand, tell me what happened to you, i’m being pursued by a maniac, help me, please, i’ll... i’m listening, 2 years ago i divorced my husband, my ex- husband, writer andron ladkovsky, you know,
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when they filmed the film victims based on his book, he set the condition that i play the main role, you and him had a normal relationship then, yes, we have a normal relationship now, we broke up even before filming, i was very worried about our breakup, i even ended up in a neurosis clinic, the official version of overwork, eh. .. in fact, i just loved andron very much, and i couldn’t find a place for myself. you want to talk about a crime that has something to do with your husband, right? no, excuse me, please, i ’d better go, are you afraid of something? i don't know, the thing is that someone is following me. explain, well, i don’t know how to explain it to you, it’s boring. rather, you know, we are unlikely to be able to help you, this is not for us, you know, i
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live alone now, the apartment is huge, and i feel very lonely in it, i always feel like there are some knocks, steps, what floor do you live on? at the last one, i hear someone walking in the attic, well, anyone can walk , workers, for example, workers, they don’t sneak, they stomp, and these steps, they are as if someone is walking on chains, yes, until 18:00, please, and they’re also calling me, who? i i don’t know, they call and are silent, i understand that i’m stupid.
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the prosecutor's office is powerless, some fan is harassing her, let her put caller id on her phone, i told her the same thing, honestly, what are the problems, that there isn't enough work, she 's really scared, this is serious, a nervous lady with disabilities, don't drink, yes, probably, but for some reason i feel very sorry for her, that’s very good, that’s a pity, if you feel sorry for the citizens coming to the reception, it means you were not affected by professional deformation, that’s good, she wanted something tell me, but... i decided, i really want to help her, and we are not a clinic for neuroses, can i
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bring my beloved woman out into the world? i think so, where? to a nightclub, there’s a presentation of a fashion film, okay, let’s go to albina’s, i’ll take something from her, at your age it’s indecent to borrow things from a friend. “she should ask you to wear something, what is that? yes, i don’t take bribes, but if it weren’t for your emancipation, i, for example, would love you more, more? yes, who said yesterday what to love more impossible, yesterday i lied, well bad, well, i won’t do it anymore, uh-huh, i won’t go , come on, come on, come on, come on, listen, i won’t go, i’m in the stern, well, look." this is the style of the mile, you know, here’s mashenka, dima! we need
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something choose, that 's it, that's okay, by the way, what about this dress? it's decided, we'll take it, wrap it up, let's go to the next department, now we'll choose everything, pick it up for me, i've already seen several films, excuse me, here they are, this shameless and shameless, hello, what will we be entertained with today, hello, fashionable film, fashionable director, fashionable actress klimanova in the title role. the girl began to understand cinematography, dima, i congratulate you, our table is over there, thank you.
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hello, so you really know each other, it’s incredible, just don’t say that she was involved, you’re on the case of some terrible murder, just the opposite, they want to kill her, who, and for what? alya, watch the movie, i was given a body, what should i do with it, so one and so mine, for joy.
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favorite songs are heard in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs are played,
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i miss you, kesha, everything is fine , we’re going, my husband is not going anywhere , only new love can melt the ice in my heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else , oops, what are you doing here, and you?
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drizzle on sunday on rtr, yeah. uh-huh, well, he came to the theater nicely, and there was just a stage there, that he should come close, close, i’m for you, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly,
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quietly, people look calmly, but why did she get divorced? manya, that she got divorced? she doesn’t tell me that at the reception said. was she at your reception at the prosecutor's office? what did she want from you? complained that someone was calling her. so what? nothing, it rings and is silent. pipe, no one loves you, you must die, well , what’s next, you’ll watch a movie, watch
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a movie, or i won’t take you anywhere else with me. impressive, this is andron lotkovsky, klimanova’s ex-husband, a famous writer, and next to him is wearing a cap?
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and maybe not in vain, but where? so is someone really threatening her? i think it’s her ex-husband who’s pestering her, you probably know, she said that she they had a good relationship, no, thank you, what are you talking about, you and i are married for the first time, this doesn’t happen.
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so, go upstairs and take care of my little bungee. and it’s time for me to infiltrate , you liked ladkovsky, come on, what can’t you do in the interests of the investigation, good evening, very talented work, thank you, i have something even more talented, in terms of work, i’m worse in the central region, masha, masha, you're from the court, yeah, what are your plans, to prison, the bandit borodinsky wrote a complaint that he was beaten in the homicide department, he should get an explanation, then you teach, the boss left for a collegium, go to the incident, well , fillon is being stitched up, zhenya is on a business trip, you know, well, okay, what kind of incident , well, the driver will tell you everything, there is most likely not a criminal corpse there, well, look just in case, so why go, the corpse is not
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criminal, you don’t know, i said take a look , just in case, hello, hello , yeah, thank you, why did they send you, everyone is busy, the boss asked me to go. what's happened? dead body? it is clear that the corpse is whose? yes woman flat's owner. they said it didn't seem to be criminal. yes, there is a suicide note, suicide. why go then? i don’t know, a lot of people gathered there, the head of the rvd, the deputy head of the search, even someone from orb. what, some kind of bump? yes, some famous actress, winner of some awards, what’s her last name, klimanova? yes, klimanova. oh, hi, hi, uh-huh, so what are we
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doing here, yes, we asked to go and have a look, the situation is sensitive, public outcry, how is it going without me? you'll go, they're famous right away the people involved, this is, this is like a famous artist, what’s her name, well, this very same wife, i see you’ve already revealed everything, but what did you think, yeah, so far... you got to the scene of the incident step by step than you think , did i study here? here you go, a suicide note, no one loves me, i have to die, i’ve already heard this somewhere, what kind of pills are on the table? i probably ate about 20 diphenhydramine. ok, i’ll call the boss and make arrangements for the children, it looks like there’s a long story here, i think we’ll definitely be there until 10 o’clock. mash, hi, this is ours
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a new employee, burov , he recently transferred to st. petersburg from the region, and the prosecutor’s office, this is shvetsova, well, at first glance, it looks like antihistamine poisoning, and dimitrol is an antikistamine, of course, her mouth is clean, mucous, without damage, which means forceful her pills. no one fed her, and there were no injuries on her at all, no scratches, no abrasions, why are you toiling, but she came to me at the prosecutor’s office, complained that someone was stalking her, well, in a sense , stalking her, well, she called and silent, lord, well it’s okay, what floor are we on, the third, how many in the house, what, well, five floors, what are you talking about , no, nothing.
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he called, he’s coming now, and the witnesses are a husband and wife, he’s established girlfriends, her ex-husband is old, her neighbors, uh-huh, thank you, mash, and you said that someone called her there, well, that’s what she said. or maybe she wasn’t lying at all, but it seems to me that she was not right in the head, she was even undergoing treatment, she probably really confused it with a movie, she imagined it was you, marya sergeevna.
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"hello, hello, koravlev, koralev, urgently call the duty station gvd, let them check where the call came from." hello, hello, they called me , they said that this tatyana is in trouble, lord, i 'm downstairs, oh, lord, my god, lord. lord, how did everything, all this
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happen, how this could all happen, let's go talk in the kitchen, tell me.


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