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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

9:30 am
there this is the call sign of a gamachi from the stavropol territory, there is an international one, well, like everywhere else at the front we have a full international team, by the way, this saushka is called dilym, if you noticed , it is in honor of a village in dagestan, this is the call sign delym, on it i used to go, so he named it, and well, this is such a sketch from under work, the 291st regiment is working with this from the novopokopovka side, also from the outside. from the right flank they are pressing from the east from the verbovoy line, they have already advanced even close literally to the work, that is, there, in principle, i think that at this rate, the enemy will soon be squeezed out of this populated area. pavel, tell me, how much does this palace coup in kiev, the change of commander-in-chief, the change of commanders affect the situation on the lbs of the line of combat contact. branches
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of the military, nachtab and so on, yes, of course, this chikharda affects the moral and psychological state of morale, especially since mr. sirsky, to put it mildly, is not popular in the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, it’s not for nothing that he has many such unpleasant nicknames, starting with general two hundred, general of the retreat, butcher and so on, he is known for his relationship with...
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he insisted on the defense, they put tens of thousands, just tens of thousands of their soldiers, in general, everything is for the better, thank you very much, for us yes - military correspondent on direct communication from the zone of the special military operation, please leonit ivanovich, but i want to return to one story that you showed with berbok, or more precisely with the day of obedience to the victims of the holocaust, i looked at her tears, i almost
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came to my senses, because my grandfather for year before this one died at the front, maybe it was her grandfather who was awarded this iron cross for this, but i must say, what kind of troops was i in? he was in the regular ground forces, she was an anti-aircraft gunner, that is , i must say that i... have respect for the israelis, for the jews, in principle, for what they carried out in response to this holocaust against the jews for germany, they made them repent, and the germans are still doing this, but sometimes they are great, not only because they created a state, but they forced me to do this every day, and sometimes this raises questions for me about my ancestors, about the ussr, about russia,
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when this leads to oddities, for example, the blockade of leningrad, hand in hand with a million inhabitants, and jews, and russians and tatars, many, many, many nationalities, you know that germany still pays the siege survivors of leningrad, jewish nationality, but they don’t pay a penny to everyone else, these are the oddities that life comes to today, we need what kind of oddities that are not really funny. not funny, this is this, this is
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just an assessment for us, we forgave them too early for what they did for my homeland for my ancestors, but... i’ll go back to something else, from where you started, with trump. you remember, many times, i now relate to this plot, many say, trump, yes , if he comes, the same thing will happen, remember, when here, your programs, then calm zhirinovsky, drowned for him, everyone was against, everyone said, he won’t win, this madam clinton will win, but the point is not that this is not a sports match. or dispute, the fact is that if he had not come then, the war would have started then, it would have started then, when now this englishman, this prime minister of hindu origin, says that unprovoked, i want to ask him a question
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that due to the immensity of the interview there , putin did not ask when he said what provoked this aggression, not only...
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he will defend nato, he will, he simply intimidates them, like a businessman, pay more, when he ruled, when he was president, he did it, forced it, but after that you start praise biden, praise, oh , praise, scold biden, don’t scold him, don’t scold him, the crazier, the more this is like this, it means the person who will oppose trump, the faster trump will win, yes they are the same, to me they didn’t talk about the arrival of a reasonable, rationally thinking person, he is not pro-russian, well, what do you want michelle obama to come, but against the backdrop of this elderly, stuttering, forgetful person, he quickly gains sympathy, but not on the same face, not on the same face, she
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will look better in the country with trump, between by the way, i’m worried about trump, therefore, that’s why i’m telling you, you don’t need to worry about talati, not for trump, i worry about talati too, by the way, you’re in vain. you see, because the roots , of course, when the president talks about the dollar, about foreign investment, of course, all this prevails through what they tried to arrange for us, for example, i also have renault in talyat, it practically destroyed jobs, ruined, i have already told you many times, the car kits that were produced, thank god that they gone, but returning to, to...
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yes, even release news anymore, release putin’s interview, release his meeting with - especially the press conference , and so on with translations, at least interlinearly at the bottom into english, remember, i’m all i said this at the time, i wrote letters , i won’t say to whom now, but the very, very
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top, because i know that on the internet foreigners who read smot, who look at the picture, they don’t understand anything in russian, naturally, they shouldn’t understand this, only the russians living there. they listen, they watch, and foreigners would watch, so when last time i spoke here, olya was there, i said, for example, i don’t expect anything new, i don’t expect anything new.
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well, no, trump, in my opinion, you just showed that when he talks about the euro to europe about nato, so that europe understands that the russians cannot be defeated, that they will not leave donbass from crimea, no matter how much we will put weapons there, or maybe musk, well, it doesn’t matter, you just said it, and i say, addressing the ukrainians, i do it all the time, sometimes they tell me, what are you doing? for the ukrainians, when i listened to the president, when he finished his interview, he said the same thing, why?
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there is a son and a daughter left, they serve , so, well, like me, well, you can’t, it ’s unnatural, he’s still a son to him, so when you show this cheese scoundrel, maybe he’s a scoundrel, well , fighting against us for russia, you know, invading this family sphere is right, it’s better not to do this precisely because we are the very people who live, in belgorod nearby or there in rostov divided people
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, relatives there, there, here, there in the kursk region, but at the same time , i’m addressing why i’m saying this, not because to repeat once again, the president has said enough to make a person’s heart ache, but i say, when he spoke about trump or about musk, or about the president’s this statement, how much more do you need to understand, ukrainians, how many more children do you need, that’s what he said, or how many deaths of russian ukrainians does it take for you... to understand that you are being scammed , these are the johnsons, these are the ones, then, the current sunaks, well, what else do you need to understand , that for 2 years they give you pieces of hardware, sometimes they don’t, and people die, well, what else do you need to understand, so that you had the paper a year and a half ago, you threw it aside, and these are egging you on again, they are again saying the same thing, we give you money, we give you iron, and you give us people, that’s why i say these words and i won’t stop saying them, because that’s the only way we can come to an agreement,
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because you understand , so i look, it means that they are saying that european integration has been deceived ukraine, this is also an example for you, why i say this sincerely, i am involved in the cis, we agreed with armenia, which is part of the eurasian economic union, because it could not join there without the consent of all members, we agreed, they said, join, they joined the euro.
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these things are happening now in dubai, where tucker has flown, and there he is revealing some behind-the-scenes secrets, for example, that putin, in his opinion, is ready for compromises, come on. listen. putin wants to get out of this war, but he will no longer be open to negotiations, the longer this goes on. over the 2 years of this war, we realized that the capabilities of russian industry are much better than we thought. russia, which we considered a gas station with nuclear missiles, easily copes with the task of producing missiles and
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artillery shells, which cannot be said about nato. did not attack russia, but putin still sent in troops. why didn't you continue this question in the interview? i started the interview with this question, but he gave me a thirty-minute lecture about catherine the great and russia. i forbid you should come here. premiere on rtr. where have you
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been? to the police? what does igor yakolvich accuse of? in murder? yes, lezhechka, how are you doing there, we are rushing about, we are in pain. i can't, you know, i'm suffocating. skliposovsky, new series. today on rtr. i ask you to sign one of the most important ones. documents of your life. the mortgage agreement with the taraski family has been signed. please, a book of complaints. now, please, you will know how not to report the napkins later. he does not work. take it back. so that's why we fired him, because it didn't work at all. now get your
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anger management books. the serenity of a bandbook. let's honor it. history of a big country on friday on rtr, i love you very much, yes, but i can’t bear you a child. what is a family without children? anton madeliani, 12 years old, surname angela madeliani, still licking your heart early, will you treat me? yes, i will, i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you. do you like our doctor? me too, it’s a pity that i don’t have such a dad,
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who sent? who is this woman? choose or i or she. they are very easy to apply. they are much more difficult to cure. all your life you’ve been healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart. heart wounds. on saturday on rtr. we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself,
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but she carries this kurba, shelters, she says, baby, feed the dogs, extend your hand along... ttr. bye then.
9:51 am
why don’t you answer your husband? i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, for me, she’s ready for any turn, the whole village knows that you’re playing tricks with karbysh, and that means you believe, queen of the roads, on friday at rtrva.
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dogs need to be loved, but also kept on leashes, a large dog, which was being walked without a leash, attacked mine during a walk, me, thanks to the doctors in aleksandrovskaya for correcting me. personally, that it was for my injury that an intern from india was on duty, who remained to study and work in ukraine after the invasion. i ask you to. most of all, evgeniy, i was amused by the reaction of european countries to trump’s speech. they, in my opinion, i have the feeling that they clearly have not read the washington treaty since 1949, and that they do not know that america is not obligated to protect them. i will quote specifically from the official website.
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and nowhere is there even a phrase that we will sever diplomatic or trade relations with the aggressor, nothing of this is said in the washington treaty of 1949,
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therefore, it is difficult to understand the hysteria of warsaw: they will want, they will protect you, they will not want, they will not protect you. by the way, this is not an american tradition; compare this with their treaties with japan and south korea, how strict obligations the united states has to. japan and south korea, they actually undertake to protect them and actually use armed forces, but here they will want to use them, they will want to break off depot relations, they will limit themselves to this, they will want to sew an expeditionary force. actually, by the way, during the cold war they did this we saw that our main enemy would be the german army on the territory of two germanys, and they, the british, the americans, would send aviation and navy, maybe not even formally announce it.
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i remember very well, we thought then for many of the nineties, the ninety-first years, that if we leave the warsaw pact countries, from the former soviet republics, everything will be approximately as it was, but nothing like that, they will very quickly, firstly , returned to their aggressive anti-russian state, second, they are educating the nation, this is the same as ours they say this is not schizophrenia, no, this is the education of nations. to war against others, this is the education of nations of war, strictly speaking, there is such a concept, a nation of war, by the way, let me remind you of one episode:


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