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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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they will want it, they will not want it, they will not , the united states has not and does not bear any strict obligations to them, that is, they view them as pawns for a game and nothing more. now the second point regarding the transfer of stolypin’s ashes to us, perhaps, you know, this is a very useful lesson for us, i remember very well, we thought then for many of the nineties, the ninety-first years, what if we leave the warsaw pact countries ? .. of the former soviet republics, everything will be approximately as it was, but nothing like that, they very quickly, firstly, returned to their aggressive anti-russian state , the second they bring up on, this is how we say, this is not schizophrenia, no, this is raising a nation for war against others, this is raising a nation of war, strictly speaking, there is such a concept, a nation of war, by the way, let me remind you of one episode,
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that is, the conclusion suggests itself, they were latently hostile to us, they were just waiting in the wings and, unfortunately, they got it, now the question is already before us, how to react to this, please, by the way, we were discussing now stolypino, no only stolypino, i just want to remind you that vatutin is buried in the marinsky party, they wanted to exchange him, and the hero of the soviet union, intelligence officer kuznetsov, who is in lvov, is also the mayor of sadovaya, this is...
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yes, some kind of dispute between neighbors , why delve into it, but today it’s where , that is, the root causes lie there, not here, yes, not 2 years ago, but there, it’s exactly the same as what the west says now, but after the dismissal of syrsky’s appointment, valstrenal wrote this, yes that now everyone will be responsible for everything that happens on the battlefield zelensky, for mercy’s sake, for 5 years, that’s all that zelensky did, he will not be held responsible, but it wasn’t zelensky who appointed zaluzhny, yes, that is, only now zelensky will bear the responsibility, otherwise everything is like that, there were some jokes. they, you know, like theirs , they can twist it all, right now zelensky is complaining that there, well, how can you calm down, but there syrsky should turn the dynamics, i don’t know where he will turn it, but in ukraine now they are complaining that the west is not going to allocate money to ukraine for the improvement of this line of defense, yes, that is , they have foreseen that, why should they allocate , well, here is the law on tightening mobilization, yes, that is, they believe that ukrainians are cheaper than building materials, why allocate money to build these fortifications, if possible build them with corpses. ukrainians, so
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he will send them there, 20-25, yes, they have already calculated approximately how many are needed per month in order to fill up with mountains of corpses so that the front line does not move, well, i think so, they are probably talking about it , well, that’s what i want another important point to note is that stoltenberg and others in the west say that we need to prepare for a long war with russia, and even a ten-year one, so it turns out, on the one hand, but here is the position of the west, 10 years of war, so let’s go back to what i said president putin in an interview, he said that: the war can end in 2 weeks, it’s enough just to stop the supply of weapons, and now there are hundreds of millions of americans, and they have in the balance, or on the one hand these old obscurantists, and another 10 years of war, or we need to elect someone who can meet with putin to complete all this in 2 weeks, and they have elections in the european council in the fall, and in europe, too , in many countries, there are also elections in the european council in the fall, i hope they will think about this, because they already
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86% of americans are discussing that trump is too old, but for that, it turns out, they don’t have trump, biden is too old, it turns out, biden is old, and osten is sick, so he’s already there. not a cake, he is no longer able to do anything, it would seem, well, that’s who remains there, but he can’t do anything maybe, well, the kuleba, they showed the kuleba , you know, here, when i looked at the kuleba, for some reason i felt sorry for the kuleba, the dog, if he hadn’t infected it with something, there would be a mad foreign minister, now in ukraine only this was missing, although without a dog he is like that, as for the syrsky, then this is of course, this is an element...
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soviet military, soviet, at this stage, of course, we understand that it was not because of the quality of the military leader that he was chosen as commander in chief the armed forces of ukraine, but because of their loyalty, and people without their own opinions, as we know, are not liked no one, they don’t like it anywhere, let’s see what kind of soup this is, tsirsky, how can you characterize the situation at the front?
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particularly intense fighting is going on in the direction of kupinsk, the enemy has set a goal to capture kupinsk, every day from morning until late at night he storms our positions. in fact, the enemy began to attack. back on october 3, for 4 months he waged a high -intensity offensive, now i am most concerned about ammunition, ammunition and people, these are two such topics that are especially important now relevant to us, it’s difficult. the information that syrsky has soviet roots
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was called propaganda by moscow, the russian relatives of the commander-in-chief of the disinformation company, and the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. published an official statement calling for the message that the syra native of russia to be considered fake, that is, he called for both his mother and father to be considered fake, it’s okay for him to work with them, i don’t know how he works with them, what did you feel at that moment, the same thing you felt, more nothing, but he’s worried, just ask him.
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he replaced all the key leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, the commanders of the joint forces, ground and air assault forces, as well as the defense forces. the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, zaluzhny , said that he was actually retired and does not currently hold any position, and published a photo with his wife. it is not known when the photo was taken, but the post appeared on the third day after the resignation. he said goodbye to his subordinates and the commander of the combined forces. naev learned about the resignation from the newspapers. from the media information learned about his dismissal from the post of commander of the joint forces of the armed forces of ukraine, which he held since 2020. these were difficult times, one of the most difficult periods in the history of ukraine. many thanks to all generals, officers,
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sergeants and soldiers for their dedicated service and coordinated work. alexander pavlyuk, 44 years old, was born in the zhitomir region, where. the national defense academy of ukraine has been at war for 10 years, participated in the battles of the slavic.
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igor plakhuta. in 2013, as head of the southern command of the internal troops, he led the operation to clear the government quarter of maidan supporters. according to him, 400 soldiers from the ministry of internal affairs were brought in to disperse the demonstration. i respect you.
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a massive collapse awaits. according to the new york times, air defense missiles will run out in less than
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a month. you can try to replace the shells, which will last for another 2 months, with drones and missiles, but now there is practically nothing to shoot down. military problems of ukraine are not limited to any particular battle. american aid, which the country desperately needs, remains in doubt. ukrainian soldiers are exhausted and lack weapons and ammunition. syrsky. will have to expand the boundaries of its field of vision from the bloody battles in the east to the overall picture of the conflict, which is being waged on land, air and sea. in addition to tactical and strategic decisions, general syrsky will also have to maintain the morale of the troops during one of the most difficult moments of the conflict. he will need to gain authority among the soldiers who loved and respected general zaluzhny. the west continues to strengthen the mechanisms of direct external control of the kiev regime. to do this , washington and london convince other members.
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an attempt to strengthen the enslavement of the ukrainian people close to us, it is curious that among the russophobic politicians vying for the role of special envoy, the current gene of the secretary-nato stoltenberg. pentagon chief austin was supposed to discuss the issue of arming the banderaites with him. on wednesday 14 february at brussels is the nineteenth meeting in the ramsteim format. the next day there is a meeting of the countries' defense ministers, but austin will apparently miss both guys.
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according to a source from the ministry of defense, he has not yet been admitted for treatment, they are only taking the necessary tests. the pentagon says it does not know how long secretary osin will remain in the hospital or whether his planned visit to
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europe this week will take place. the secretary of defense handed over his authority to his deputy, kathleen higgs , 3 hours after he arrived. hospital. in a statement , officials at waltery hospital said they expect austin to make a full recovery. they also note that his prognosis for recovery from prostate cancer remains excellent. mr. austin was hospitalized again just two weeks after leaving waltrey reed hospital due to complications from cancer surgery. he did not inform either the white house or the public about the latter. austin also promised to answer all questions before the congressional committee about why he decided not to report his secret to the state.
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“we in the united states cannot afford to have a breakdown in our chain of command at the political and strategic level, even for a few hours, so we need to demand that this level of transparency be in place at all times, maybe work a little in the united states to ensure that geranatocracy so quietly put away into the past, because the council of elders is, of course, no longer capable of fulfilling its duties, please, really, our enemies.” on personal problems with the minister of defense with urinary bubble, its leader, apparently, in the west is plagued by failures , including problems with the head, and not for the first day, one was already forced to admit it, the first time he tried not to admit it, now there’s no escape, the second is still
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has been trying to prove that there is nothing wrong, but it’s election time. is approaching, and the problems of the democratic party of the united states continue to grow, and there is no limit to the number of publications on this topic, discussions, everything, whatever. of course, being in such a state, leaders in the west have difficulty perceiving any word, including the one uttered by vladimir putin during his interview. takeru, takeru, it was a genre , including lectures on historical topics, the ignorance of the leaders of the west, including, unfortunately, europe, before they were not different in this, but now they are definitely different, it has already become a proverb, they are not they’re used
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to hearing about what they don’t know and don’t want to know, and none of them essentially... answered the questions that arose for them during the interview with our president, well you showed trudeau, he said whatever he wanted in response to a question from journalists, but did not answer the question, why , in fact, are ukranazis so welcomed in his country, why did he himself get involved in a story with this bandera member, from which he is trying to wash himself away , that... the chancellor of germany, then he, like others on the team, was indignant at the absurdity of putin’s interview, but did not say anything.
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in nato, and of course, to investigate the crimes of the head of nato, these are the americans, they do not want and will not, and this is all obvious, this is a conflict interests, we very often have such problems, including in our activities in the russian federation, when we need to understand whether an official has a conflict of interests if he has his own interest in some matter. turns out to be the judge in this case, exactly the same judge in their own case are those who have a conflict of interests with this, as for ukraine, it
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seems to me that in ukraine there continues to be an attempt, at all costs, to maintain power, even at the cost destruction of the state of the people, because the dismissal of the military, including the commander-in-chief, of course, can be explained, well, firstly, by the fact that they...
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against the backdrop of everything that is happening, of course, vigilance, only vigilance, we cannot relax under any circumstances, despite the fact that, of course, we have obvious successes now on the line of military contact, nevertheless, zelensky is waiting for the next step of the west, and the west must admit, is looking for some way out, voting is taking place in congress, in the end, they will probably be given some money after all, and scholz came to biden next week there will be a meeting - the nato council of ministers, ramstein, the so-called, will meet again this week in brussels, so they will, of course, try to resist and seek
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opposition. they won’t find anything to defeat russia, but of course they won’t stop harming, and they will use the tactics of these thousand injections, thousand cuts, as they call it, which they believe in, as for scholz, whatever they called him after this visit to biden, an absolutely useless visit and a failure, let’s read, during his trip to the usa. chancellor olaf scholz met with president joe biden for a one-on-one conversation. both politicians face serious challenges. the meeting of leaders could have far-reaching consequences, in particular for ukraine. if you're looking for a friend in washington, buy a dog. this american proverb describes the cruelty of politics in the american capital of the loneliness of power. joe biden owns two german shepherds. if you ask around the state department, joe biden even has a two-legged german friend. and relations with federal chancellor olaf scholz can be
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described as unprecedentedly good. and fantastic, us diplomats behind the scenes are stressing that no other head of state has been welcomed into the oval office for a one-on-one meeting for the third time since joe biden took office, and close coordination is especially urgent now that us congressional republicans have blocked assistance to kiev, which biden wanted to receive, and thereby called into question the entire western policy towards ukraine. let's return, we will leave ours behind, we believe in... what is dear to us, we we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. where are we going? on the search. hidden treasures? yes, what treasures, we are going to look for mom. let's see on the weekend.
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look at me, you confuse me, you are the most wonderful girl in the world, i miss you, kesha, everything is fine, we are going, my husband is not going anywhere to kenti, only new love can melt the ice in my heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey . it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else. oops, what are you doing here? and you? frost. on sunday on rtr. catch a fish, big or small. why do people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates. right
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here. my question begins: can something tasty be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, mm, m, yes, yes. yes, once again , yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on saturday on rtr, that this time i dreamed, kill me! i
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have a very thick corpse, the premiere is on rtr, hold on, ah, well, where did you learn that, but i saw it in some tv series, she ’s having strange dreams again, i had a dream last night, i said, robbery of this bank, i was there in this dream, you won’t get bored with you, the prince, invisible witnesses are coming again, who killed you, will you find a case, i’ll tell you? that the killer, poor girl, how is she bringing all this in, new crimes have already been committed, and only she can solve them, we need to meet urgently on the way home in the park by the canal, i now know exactly who will be killed when, anna is a medium from february 19 on rtr. we always do everything
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together, support each other. we believe in the best, we care and give warmth, and we overcome difficulties, together, together we are strong, we vote for russia. tycker tried to interview putin for 3 years, but the american authorities interfered with him, and the national bank and the cia illegally spied on journalists and leaked information about
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his plans to the new york times, carlson himself said that when he found out about this, he was furious with what was happening and only more more got the idea to record an interview with the russian president at the world summit in dubai. admitted that moscow is much nicer than any city in the usa. the capital of russia is more beautiful, cleaner and safer. during the 8 days that i spent in moscow, i was impressed not only by the leader of this country, who, of course, is impressive. this is the largest country in the world, it is all very different, and linguistically, culturally, there are different religions. is it difficult to govern such a country for 24 years, whether you like it or not? an incapable person could not. and putin is very capable, like many of you know, but what came as a shock to me is that moscow, where i had never been before, the largest european city with 13 million people, is much nicer than any city in my country, i had no idea about this, my father
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was there in the eighties when i worked for the government in the usa, and there weren’t even lights everywhere, and now it’s much cleaner, safer and more beautiful, aesthetically, its architecture, food and services are better than in any city in the usa, often people are not interested in some abstract things,
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chicago, they forgot, of course, also large city, in this sense, the usa is simply in the last century in terms of digitalization, in terms of comfort, in terms of. from the point of view of transport , from the point of view of education, its accessibility, accessibility specifically, in new york they only recently made kindergartens free, and in many states, the united states, there is still preschool, naturally, higher secondary vocational education, everything is paid, everything is not accessible, this casteism, where you were born, where you will stay, it is in the united states. unfortunately, it is still practiced, which is why it is so valuable, probably the american dream, because only a few people achieve it, okay, this is lyrics , please, well, after all, if you look at last year’s figures, then not everything is so bad in
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the american economy, at least in comparison with the german one, since we started talking about scholz’s visit, it is indeed very significant, of course it is symbolic that scholz, on the day of the publication of putin’s interview, how... ended up in the united states in the same office with biden, it seems to me that they watched the interview with putin together, all the time was spent precisely this is why apparently scholz never managed to ask really important questions , at least, as they say, for the sake of formality , ask publicly who, according to biden, for example, blew up the nord streams, he had no intention of doing so, but in general it’s very interesting that... the bloomberg agency greeted scholz’s arrival with a fairly large article , which was published there over the weekend, which is simply amazing in its frankness, its title already speaks volumes, the last
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days of germany as an industrial empire, that is, it details that germany destroyed itself as an industrial power, and its days as an industrial monster, the center of the european economy, are numbered. amount of graphics and statistical information, in general, the main conclusion there is quite obvious that germany has made colossal mistakes in the field of energy, germany today has one of the highest... highest prices for electricity, germany, naturally, refused russian gas, which immediately hit a huge segment of the german economy, chemistry, gas chemistry, metallurgy, well, by the way, it turned out that in europe there is also countries where electricity is more expensive, for example, italy, so let’s wait for news from this state, which, by the way, is also rapidly reducing purchases of russian gas. so the united states quite cynically assesses the role and place of modern
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germany, smiling at its chancellor in this beautiful office with a fireplace, and by the way, i remembered, it’s just that many people in russia, of course, know about the marshal’s plan, everyone quite actively discussed it and discuss they remember, but not everyone remembers the plan of the secretary of the treasury of the united states at that time. margenthau, and he just has the feeling that the united states was simply tired of these ideas of margenthau, who openly said that it was necessary to deprive germany of industry and turn it into a potato empire, that is, agriculture is the destiny of germany, according to the minister of finance margenthau of the united states states, which set out this plan, there was a whole intrigue about why , in fact, in the end the marshal’s plan still won, but the plan is being implemented in relation to ukraine. but, well, not only in relation to ukraine, not only in relation to ukraine, this
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the plan is now being implemented in relation to germany itself, however, not everything is in order with agriculture there either, due to protests, due to protests of farmers and even for the potato empire, there is not enough money, but the situation is quite indicative, but modernity does not teach, unfortunately, europeans, just today germany’s neighbor, austria, distinguished itself, the minister... has a contract with gazprom until the fortieth year - this is a huge mistake. austria, it turns out, is its weak spot, what austria continues is one of the few countries in the european union that have maintained, officially, publicly retained gas purchases from russia, this helps austria out in many ways, but no. missenerge says that no, this does not help us, this is a mistake, it must be corrected urgently. and she talks about it. that now the ministry will think about how
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to cancel this contract, again, yes to the question of contract law, there are some ideas of old roman law, that contracts must be fulfilled, a fundamental principle of roman law, no, the minister of energy of austria, he says, we will think about how to cancel this agreement, this is a huge mistake , austria’s achilles pita, well, really , we can only shrug our shoulders, news from finland: in the finnish system, the president is not the most important
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person, but nevertheless, last week , ironically, there was another the news from finland, in my opinion, is very significant, although one can also say it’s a trifle, in the ministry of foreign affairs of finland the department for russia was disbanded, that is , now before special people tried to analyze russia, they disbanded, now russia will be part of the department that deals with asia and the oceans, well , you know, when you read news like this , you understand that this is not only a question of finland’s attitude towards us, but... this is the level of knowledge that the finns and russia have, and it’s not difficult imagine what will happen in 3 years in mida, finland, what kind of experts on the ocean and russia there will be, uh, carlson discovers moscow with surprise, yes, wow, it turns out that the metro there is beautiful, it turns out there are digital services, then there is this revelation and shock for him, well, the same there will probably be a shock soon for the finns too, but in general this story is extremely sad, of course, extremely sad, that is, here we are...
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with russia, that is, he only talks about what negative consequences will be for moscow, he is completely at he doesn’t think about what losses he will suffer... his country, yes, is basically civilized, wealthy, not poor, but he is reducing the standard of living of his own citizens, and in general he is ready to fight with us, for a second, let’s listen, i agree with the nato secretary general that the path to peace lies
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through the battlefield, i think that now ukraine needs finance, we got it from both the usa and the european union, they need weapons and ammunition. he is driven by revenge, let's go back, i forbid you to come here, the premiere on rtr, where you were, to the police, what igor yakovich is accusing igor yakovich of
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murder, and vizhechka, how are you doing there , we're mad, we're in pain, i can't, you know , i ’m choking, do something, please, skliposovsky, new episodes, today on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig, once you get a pet, life will never be the same again former. will set everything up. “this is an incredibly charming face, to which you forgive everything , they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you
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agree to this, first they shoved in a red snake , their hearts sank ours . you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, i love you very much, yes, but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what is a family without children? anton madegliani , 12 years old, last name angela madelyane, still cordial early licking, will you? treat me, yes, i will, i invited you here , which means i am responsible for you, and you like our doctor, i like it, i do too, it’s a pity that i don’t have a dad like him who sent, who is this woman, choose, or me , or
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she, they are very easy to apply, much more difficult to heal. all your life you’ve been healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart. heart wounds on saturday on rtr.
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose are you? homeland of the soldiers, whom you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours, which was together,
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what do you have left, they went against god , went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, well for now. “the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, why don’t you answer your husband? i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing
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, for me, she’s ready for any turns, the whole village knows that you don’t play with karbysh, and you, queen of the roads, believe in friday on rtr. let's move to the united states, our staff correspondent, the chief of the american bureau, dmitry melnikov in direct communication from the walter reed military medical center, where the secretary of defense of the united states is currently in intensive care, austin, dmitry, what is going on with the management system in the usa now, austin in the hospital, biden is showing such results even among democrats, that they are already thinking about it with might and main. replacement. hello, evgeny, indeed, the state of mental and physical health of the us military-political leadership is causing
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increasing concern; it worries not only the americans, of course, it worries the whole world. indeed, we are now at walter reed national military medical center, where the secretary of defense, 70-year-old lloyd austin, was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon for reportedly bladder problems. now the head of the pentagon is here. either in the intensive care unit, or indeed in the intensive care unit, as reported, for supportive care, careful monitoring, this is actually the second hospitalization, the first was at the end of last year, after surgery, during surgery on prostate, then he did not warn austin, neither biden, nor congress, nor his own deputies, but now the pentagon reported that austin followed the instructions and notified both the white house and congress of his hospitalization, and transferred authority to the deputy head of the pentagon. gatlin hicks, who is now formally the commander of all american armed forces, while it was reported that at first there was no information about the transfer of authority
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to the deputy, only a few hours after austin got here, he actually gave command of the pentagon his deputy, and now it is indeed possible that biden will have to replace austin, since it is clear that he cannot now fulfill his direct duties, it is unlikely that he will be able to take part in... in the next meeting on ramstein and, which will discuss ukraine and speak the other day at a relevant congressional committee, but as for commander-in-chief joe biden, that report of the special commission really made a lot of noise and became a disaster for the administration and for the democrats in general, since it is really clear that it is no longer possible to run for a second term in such a physical, mental, mental state, it is unknown whether biden will be able to perform?
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the democratic voters themselves want her, this is michelle obama, the former first lady, she herself said several times that she does not want to participate in the race, but it is possible that if activists, party activists and... the party leadership still orders, then she will have to speak as a back-up, and perhaps the main democratic candidate for upcoming elections, this will become clear after the republican convention, which will be held in chicago in the spring, well, now the main question until the spring is whether biden will survive in his current state, now the headquarters is doing everything possible to minimize his appearance in public, his program is both presidential and the candidate's dissertation has now been cut down to the maximum... he is trying not to show it to the maximum, because indeed every public speech turns into a disaster, but after that report, which was published at the end
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of last week, it is simply clear to everyone that this is actually... a medical fact that the president of the united states is now unwell, in general he is aware of what is happening, he is confusing names, surnames, countries, leaders of european states, and as they say, in the white house they are now banging their heads against the wall, like here 's how to deal with this crisis, how to reduce the image damage that this report has caused to both the president and the democratic party, eugene, this is indeed an eloquent quote from jen psaki, biden's former press secretary in the administration. white house, just shows what is happening in the capitalist hill, by the way, the president of the united states, dmitry melnikov, the head of our american bureau from the walter reed military medical center, is also in the administration , well, at least give us a basket of tangerines , let him get better, please, well, i’ll start with some explanation, austin is not in command
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the use of us armed forces, since it... issues of recruitment, these are issues of equipping with technical means, weapons and transfers , these are issues of personnel training, this is assistance to ukraine, including aid transfers ukraine, this is it, but the operational leadership of the groupings is based on the operational one, this is the supreme commander, the chairman of the committee of chiefs of staff, then the commanders of the operational-strategic groupings in the theaters of military operations, this is the control scheme. well, we touched on this issue of military affairs, let us note syrsky’s question , which means that a lot has been said here about the fact that there has been a complete replacement of the leadership of the military leadership of ukraine, the very fact of this matter leads to the fact that this replacement, that a period is coming that could last about a month and a half, during which the controllability of the ukrainian armed forces will, let’s say, be reduced in effectiveness,
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due to the fact that people need to get into the situation well. to understand what we are talking about, to adapt, but doesn’t he understand what we are talking about, he has been killing russians since the fourteenth year, he has been killing russians on a specific sector of the front since the fourteenth year, here he will have to solve the problem with the air, solve the problem with sea, and solve the problem of the whole grouping, he needs to rise from the operational level to the strategic level, this is a very difficult question, not every person can do this, i want to note, i have already said this, that the zaluzhnye... in ukraine are practically the only full-fledged , truly talented commander, he was removed, sirsky does not enjoy such authority, therefore, in essence , such appointments are beneficial for russia, this is the only thing that can be said, i will say a little here about something else, a scandal broke out here due to the fact that yes, by the way , just a second,
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i want to draw your attention to our report , today everyone will want to do this, in these conditions it is not a fact that the new figure who will come to replace zelensky, if she comes, of course, will not think about the fate and path that bogdan khmelnytsky has traversed . this is what americans fear most, so they stick to zelensky. i would like to note a little about the question about starlink. today a scandal is unfolding around this case. examination. check, well, yes, of
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course, me too. clarify technical issues of this matter, let's start with the fact that one-time or single starlink sets have nothing in the military control system, for one simple reason that this system is not adapted to our military communications system , and secondly, our military communications system is closed with linear encryption linear encryption equipment, which is not suitable for starlink, besides starlink, which , of course, has its own encryption, but it is foreign and does not allow for reliable closure of information, therefore... but their military needs admit, they use civilian versions , there are no starlinks adapted for war, these are all ordinary civilian accounts, this is in ukraine, so that means they have starlinks en masse, they work normally, we have these starlinks, they were shown on tv, they are captured, captured, they are used from us, but not
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to make contact, as they say... when the starlink turns on and that side records the place of its work, they do not attack there in a certain vicinity, believing that it is their own troops there, well maybe, well that's it revealed a military secret. ukrainian intelligence claims that hundreds of starlinks are already on our side, on the territory of russia, which they recognize, yes, starlinks do not work, on the territory of ukraine, according to them, ukraine, which has long been russia, four new territories, it is still working there, we will return, it seems to me that something is happening to me, if it were me, not me, the premiere on rtr, and we have never met anywhere before, why do you look at her like that, why is she normal, so pretty, i would have fallen for it, it seems to me that our mother has gone
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crazy, money, to figure out the criminal, that sanyay, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, he possessed me, i look at the woman. just like him, he instills his thoughts in me, you’re crazy, how are you coping? you are probably very tired , you want to rest, somehow relax, the process is written on your face, you are sure that you are not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you know who the killer is, yes from february 19 to rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready
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, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here about... the taste. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on... rtr.
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from the first note. beauty. reply with the first phrase. a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place. you swim shallowly. from the first smile. we recognize each of them. front, profile , back of the head, business, or something, we’ve been together since first grade , we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’ve got your back, the team, pull out of the car, run, the whole team, just on the platform, we look, the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most environmentally friendly places on
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the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique: geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes, but the main pride. komchatkas, volcanoes, ice, stone, fire-breathing giants, the most powerful of them are included in the klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka is the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. the volcanoes of kamchatka are a world natural heritage site; here the natural life of the
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kamchatka peninsula has been preserved in pristine purity. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another one began shelling, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is , let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, hungry herself, but she carries this kurpa to the drive and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i have such caring people, support with a word, hello, dear soldier! and in fact, without
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your help we would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can get her through your channel, on saturday. i woke up, the ambulance, i said , where is my daughter, where have you gone, daughter , and i have some kind of black bark in my memory, wait, where did she come from, you will never be left alone again, everything will be fine with us , you called me a self-believer, whoever wants to believe too much will be deceived even by his heart, mother, you didn’t play too much, maybe you should have acted theatrically, huh? quiet,
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said, ber, i just want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own someone else’s daughter, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, we work in the interests of our country, our work - to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. at night, the earth will be affected by a magnetic storm that will last about two days. the storm will replace the freezing rain that fell in moscow and did not turn the metropolis into a skating rink everywhere.
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all the events of today are detailed in the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet all viewers, i’m maria sittel, hello, fiery greetings to the other side of the front from our blazing sun, a package of twenty-four missiles, it fires for just a second.


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