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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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somehow they are still remembered, this is the end of the eighties, it hung, it seemed important to us to fill this gap. gdr is an attempt to combine action detective and reflection on history. viewers will find out what happened this week. daria okunevaya, mikhail alterkop, lead. and tonight on our channel there is a continuation of the medical drama sklefosovsky. after the big news, don't miss two episodes at once. vesti follows the development of major events in russia and abroad. stay with us. scientists from tomsk polytechnic university they have created a facility that will make it possible to make radioactive concrete safe after the nuclear power plant has completed its intended life. in addition, it can be put into the secondary. revision with
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details natalya chertkova. this is how, almost in musical rhythm , the upper radioactive layer of a concrete block is shot off using an electric discharge. there are more and more nuclear facilities that need to be decommissioned. currently, about 200 reactors have been shut down around the world. new technologies must do ac output is more economical and efficient. this is exactly the technology that scientists from tomsk polytechnic university offer. we clean the surface. in order for the remaining block to be used somewhere in industry, the removed layer, which is heavily contaminated, can be buried. all this is done in order to reduce the volume of buried material. according to scientists, it is enough to remove only 1.5-2 cm of the top layer to reuse a clean concrete block , while the costs become lower, than with the already familiar methods of decommissioning nuclear power plants. in general, the layer can be removed mechanically.
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and this is being done now, problems with tool wear, and the same thing as you said, you can completely bury everything, which is what we actually did here in seversk, for example, the advantage of the new technology is obvious - the absence of radioactive dust, the environmental cleanliness of the process, comparatively low energy consumption. the development will be in demand at nuclear industry enterprises for the decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities, both in russia, and abroad. natalya chertkova, andrey stepanov. lead tomsk. on lake bolshoye gryazninskoye, near severomorsk, the construction of a modern water purification complex is being completed. local residents have long complained about its quality. the treatment plant is made in russia, and the special technology makes the whole process not only high-quality, but also safe. when will the new complex be launched? elizaveta sukhova recognized her. the only source of water supply for the village of safonovo and the murmansk microdistrict of roslyakov is bolshoye lake gryazninskoe. residents often complained about
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the quality of water from the self-explanatory lake. very soon the problem will be solved. a modern wastewater treatment complex has emerged on the basis of a former waterworks. there were no difficulties in the process. all work is carried out in accordance with the work schedule in accordance with the project. the work is now being completed. water is taken from the surface of the lake and then flows through pipes into the station’s reactors, where purification takes place. all dirt remains in special tanks. this is aeromak - a domestically produced treatment plant, it works on the principle of a non-agar waterfall. at the top of the reactor there is dirty water, at the bottom it is already clean. there are dozens of such stations in the country, and there are more of them, but it is here in the far north that the structure will for the first time use water from the surface of the lake, and not from the depths. the technology itself for separating harmful metals and impurities is interesting. the water in the reactor accelerates to very high speeds and falls. into the container, at this, at this time
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the oxidation process takes place, here accordingly, iron in one direction, clean water in the other. reconstruction of the water supply station using new technologies will improve the quality of drinking water for more than 13 thousand people in the part of severomorsk and one of the microdistricts of murmansk, and this does not take into account consumer enterprises and military units. the creation of this water treatment plant is part of the federal clean water project, thanks to which, in just 5 years , water appeared throughout the country. workers are about a week away from the first experimental launch of the new station all that remains is to carry out hydrotesting and flushing of the pipes. elizaveta sukhova, mikhail nakhaichuk, vesti murman. hundreds of cyclists and runners took to the navik bay ice track in the primorsky territory. participants came from all over
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the country; our correspondent maria ezhevskaya was able to catch up with the athletes. by analogy with litur de franc, we also have leturdy popenberg. and for cyclists, for the eleventh year now , athletes from all over the country have been taking to the ice track, the head of the region, oleg kozhimyaka, is also at the start, literally from the plane, yesterday they opened a day of youth, airplanes, and an ice cycling rally at vtnh, traditionally runners, speed skaters, skiers join the bike racers, hundreds of participants conquer the bukhtunovik, super, yeah, cool, really like it, good to go. great, the weather is whispering, warm, good , no wind, forward, probably the sixth in a row, this is a relaxed track in tourist mode, i ’m riding, i’m not in a hurry, i’m having fun, nadezhda tishchenko took part in all the races, pedaled, covered the distance by running,
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she says each popenberg is unique memorable, especially in 2020, there was a strong wind, snow drifts, we literally ran like that. the first time, i participated last year , it was well, i’ve been a lot, but i see such a race in very snowy conditions, i liked it, i decided to come back this year, the weather this year surprised us a little, on the contrary, it was very
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slippery, there was no snow , and this is the victorious finish of the same distance among the runners, time is 19:39, good, warm. is this even a kopenberg for you? i didn’t see, i don’t know, there was an island, but i didn’t notice, without noticing, falling along the way and taking their first steps into the world of sports, hundreds of athletes are trying to win the heart of a russian, pappenberg from the air has the outline of a symbol of love. maria izhevskaya alexander ostafiev, leading primorye. the oldest temple in the luhansk region, the peter and paul cathedral, is painted by painters from the ivanovo region, artists from the polegsky workshop. the iconostasis managed to work in shrines throughout the country, from vladivostok to kaliningrad itself. right now the craftsmen are working on decorating the altar. alisa khakimova with details. the altar of the cathedral is decorated with images of russians saints. orthodox faces are filled with life by the artist’s inner prayer. the paint
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is completely fresh, but the building itself is more than 200 years old, the oldest temple in the luhansk region. the peter and paul cathedral is painted by masters from the ivanovo region. transfers the drawing from tracing paper to the wall, a preliminary sketch helps to maintain the correct size of the image, the palera iconostasis is part of the workshop, the girl managed to visit shrines throughout the country, from vladivostok to kaliningrad, the trip to lugansk is special, spiritual support is needed, faith, now it seems to me that everyone, i have a mother from donetsk, a grandmother, a sister, i want to make wonderful wonderful murals for people, the waters of the temple are already covering scenes from the life of the apostles peter and paul, the patrons of the shrine. now the masters decorate the walls, work in the faceted chamber style, observing all the traditions of russian icon painting and using the techniques of academic painting. this way the images become voluminous and
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a stucco effect appears. while workers are constructing new scaffolding, services continue in the temple. already 25 years. to the cathedral for prayer, my husband and i got married in the same church , for us, let’s say, it’s our home, although now we live on the other side of the city, we go here, that’s why we thank you so much that they started restoring it, its vaults are almost 10 years old and the walls of the temple were covered with blue paint, the basis for the frescoes was prepared back in 2014, the painting began not long after the shelling of ukrainian militants, now the shrine that survived the civil great patriotic war is being prepared in... 30 parishioners in a new look the language of the temple bell tower even in the most at the height of the hostilities in july 2014 , the sounds of bells could be heard throughout the city; in response, residents went to pray for peace in their native land; very soon the chime would announce to parishioners the start of services in
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the renovated shrine. alisa khakimova, dmitry pyrkh, maria bulgakova, conduct lugansk. the first unmanned aerial vehicle control competitions were held in the oil capital of yamal, novembersk.
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the twenty-five-year-old guy has almost perfectly mastered not only piloting skills from the ground, but also assembles
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aircraft himself. this drone is for sale, well completely ready, but i assembled it completely myself, that is, it’s more interesting for me to assemble it, plus on top of everything i made moisture protection so that rain and bad weather could fly, so i completely went through it myself and set it up completely myself, that is, well, you can say that it handmade, the only spare part. we buy from china. he showed up for the competition and brought one of his students, he said, real training can only be achieved in tournaments, he brought his mentee, coach of the ulingoy training center, vyacheslav chaplin, and not the pilot, but the system administrator of the future second-year student, here one does not interfere with the other. well, as for the results of the flight competitions, the first championship cup remained in november. the speed and precision of alexander usov's control turned out to be unattainable for the rest. vitaly turopov, andrey dobrikov. news ima. a large family from the village of belgo, khabarovsk territory, became
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the winner of the all-russian forum, loved ones. our correspondent lyudmila smirnova learned how the traditions of the small homeland are instilled in modern children. on the other side from industrial komsomolsk-on-amur and life flows completely differently. this is the tiny national village of belgo, a place of power, a place where traditions laid down by ancestors are honored, a place where families are strong, like the amur family. life here is not as simple as in the cities, but it teaches you to appreciate simple little things, even drinking water, because you get it through labor, go ahead for water, go to the water pump, that on the next street everyone goes together, well, the plumber says, let ’s get some marinsan , i’ll bring you all the water, i say, no need to bring it, they do it themselves, because his work never bothered anyone, the older children live separately, dad is at work in another village, the farm is shared by mom and the younger ones, but there is enough time for fun and playing with oldies. and the sun
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is a teacher, every lesson, a synthesis of local history of the native nanai language, knowledge about traditional tools and crafts, native culture cannot simply be taught, you need to love it, this is the most important thing, love your homeland, love your family, yes, it’s not for nothing that our . people of the khabarovsk territory, when the president came out, she and i were crying, just at two
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voices, people clapped, all the families stood up, it was such a heartfelt, solemn moment, zaksor elton, family of the year, mother marina, teacher of the year, they are not used to stopping there, meeting with the president is a new impetus to act, a constellation is already waiting for us , an international symposium awaits us, we continue to work, you have to love it yourself, you know? so they see that i love, i love my country, they love it too, and the parents are sure that there are simply no special secrets of upbringing, to become an example to your children, you need to deserve.
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i miss you, kesha, everything is fine, we’re going, my husband is on kenty, he’s not going anywhere, only new love can melt the ice in my heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, i won’t let you go anywhere else oh, what are you doing here? and you? frost. on sunday on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. we will practice how to walk on ice correctly. he will always give you a hint. how to increase low
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blood pressure. how can an air freshener lead to asthma. how. taking your medicine correctly will always be supported by a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, you sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor misnyakov on saturday on rtr, it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if i’m not me, the premiere is on rtr, and we
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’ve never met anywhere before, why are you looking at her like that, and that the normal one is so pretty. to me it seems that our mother has gone crazy, money to find out the criminal, that sanyai, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, he has possessed me, i look at women exactly the same as him, he can hear his thoughts to me, you are crazy , and how do you cope, you probably get very tired, you want to rest, somehow relax. it’s just written all over your face, you’re sure that it’s not these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you know who the killer is, and since february 19 on rtr, we have gathered about ten in the first group man, there were short calls, we are going to
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donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me to... hello, dear soldier, and in fact, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr. in izhevsk, they celebrated the world dumpling day, the tenth
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anniversary. over the years, the popularity of the gastronomic festival has grown greatly, with more guests every year. more, more and unusual records, as the dumpling shop walked the capital of russia, anzhelika tashmukhamedova will tell you. perhaps, dumpling day is not celebrated so widely anywhere. this is a favorite dish in udmurtia, so hundreds of citizens and guests of the capital gathered to taste the bread ears, as pelnyan is translated from the udmurt language. every year we have a tradition: frost, not frost, run.
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right there on the central square you could try the udmurian tabani baked goods in the heat, without worrying about your figure; there was a place to burn calories, for example, at the championship. champions of this unique game, where instead of valinka skates, a broom instead of a stick, the team from the grakhovsky district of khva, which has been in the lead for the last year, this time came to izhevsk for victory. the level of the visiting teams shows that the guys are very good, they are preparing, they are strong, everyone has a strong desire to win. there was also a special marathon called pelmen. four hundred runners from twelve regions of the country quickly covered their distances in frost. at the finish line , the winners received not only medals and cups, but
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also pots of dumplings. and these are not all records. the organizers counted the total 11 tons of dumplings were eaten, and the gastronomic festival attracted 40,000 guests. anzhelika tashmukhamedova, yuri afanasyev, news from udmurtia. more and more foreign students are choosing to study at universities in the trans-baikal territory. they come from china, mongolia, tajikistan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan and even cameroon. victoria nikolaeva will tell you how residents of the hot continent settle in a new place and what specialties are especially popular among them. very heavy bags, all together weighs 23 kg. peanuts, pistachios , spices and even smoked fish. varest shabifor unpacks suitcases with gifts from far away. all the treats for themselves are already settled in the four classmates from africa, as they say, study, study, and lunch is on schedule, the couple buys more food and
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tries to cook dishes in the national style, for example, dried fish and chicken. we have known some classmates even since childhood, they invited me to study as a couple, they praised me, i decided to come to study russian so that i could later engage in entrepreneurial activities; russian education is highly valued in cameroon. evaluate and conditions accommodation, they say, can hardly be called a dormitory, two or three people live in rooms, in their free time they prepare for classes, play sports and even perform at student festivals, almost always in national costumes, they decided to show off to our film crew, luxurious fabrics with patterns, bright jewelry, that’s how beautiful it is, the first group of cameroonians arrived in the couple back in june last year, they studied russian as part of the zabgu summer school, got acquainted with the culture, learned about... very good progress has been seen, literally in 6 months our foreign guests have already learned to talk
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about themselves, about their family, describe their appearance, they can talk about their nationality, the basis of russian speaking courses, vocabulary, regional studies, readings, the topic of today's lesson is appearance, and what is on your hair, what is it? yeah, arnela, many, many, pigtails, today 19 students from cameroon are gnawing granite in zabgu, after completing the courses they will receive certificates, some are already planning to enroll in a bachelor's or master's degree, many of them are interested in mining. victoria nikolaeva, nikolay shunkov and daniil yakovlev, lead the reading. this was the main news at this hour, i am maria sittal, thank you for. attention, all the best, see you soon,
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rtr planet, more than just television, it’s a piece of russia on every screen of the planet, let’s fly! the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and you have a corporate party, or what? who are you? and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for a murder on a trick, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, it’s a dog in my opinion, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich's seventh symphony. those who do not take risks, luck does not smile on them, we will succeed, i will operate, i am scared, as if i were not me, unfortunately, there is no
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motive for the murder.
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are going through difficult trials, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, the story of a mysterious disappearance is live on air. the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years. cutting-edge documentary. and now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet union brought liberation to the peoples of europe. people. current news, political investigations, impartial analytics. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what this day will be remembered for, when the whole world calls it black and white, we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair and, as we remember, enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine
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russia without. only. on friday on rtr, in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, the frequency is in some hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe, we leave not returnees, marveling at the love of the sun. to
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the depths of your heart and to the depths of your soul. hello, this is our program. those who went to the front as volunteers could now live a peaceful life, make a career, and raise children. but these people have other priorities; they decided to share the fate of their homeland. today our program is from... selfless heroes, several sets of uniforms, to be precise, two sets, here is the main one, practically one of my main working tools are the unloading belt, because at least i feel much more comfortable with it, my bag is almost packed, all i have to do is throw in some warm clothes, well, let’s just say,
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personal protective equipment, but i mean a bulletproof vest. kazan businessman denis toporov is going to the northern military district zone. this is denis's second trip. he signed his first volunteer contract back in november 2022. i have one good friend of mine, comrade, he told me about how he went to mariupol as a volunteer, and then i frankly asked for it. was it scary? yes.
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i won’t say that some super-specialist is not, but i realized that i can help, if, well , i can’t refuse, for me the words there, military brotherhood, are not an empty phrase, at the end of the contract, yes, i hope during the entire contract, first of all , my son will be waiting for me, to see my comrades, i’m going out to see friends, to see my own people, well, i need, i need to help a little, you know, i’ll come back, i promise you, we’ve already talked regarding this matter, in our studio we have a participant in a special military operation, a volunteer, denis toporov, good afternoon, hello denis, hello denis, good afternoon, tell me. how did you decide to become a volunteer? it all started in 2022, my good friend timur kamaledinov went to the esvo zone in mariupol as a volunteer, and well, he asked for it, but we just looked and saw
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that we not only can help, we must help, and after that there were several trips with humanitarian aid to various detachments, to various special forces, and then the first contract, and who are you? or before there was a chain of establishments that is currently sold and it is run by other guys, what kind of establishments , public catering, these are cafes, restaurants, canteens, when i returned from the last contract , one of probably my biggest projects, a nightclub, was opened, and a decision was made, since i already knew that i would go to the guys, the decision was made to sell, that is, you sold your entire business in order to go to serve, well, not all of it. for example , the tato-studio was simply donated to the girls who stayed, some sold the business to someone, gave someone a gift, yes, yes, that’s right, well, part of the money was spent on humanitarian aid , a car was purchased there, and there, well, to get there and
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arrive no longer empty, precisely with humanitarian aid, this was a decision that was as logical as possible, and there are no regrets, none at all, have you found yourself? you can say so, to some extent, yes, you are probably right, there is probably more of an understanding of the successes at the front, an understanding of how problematic it is now for the guys without any support, and that every person, if he is a specialist there in one from the areas he can help, he should help, i have other options for myself, at least i don’t see it, but what is your specialty at the forefront? i , let’s say, am involved in solving issues with weapons, that is, i... for many now there will be an incomprehensible combination, i work in the rough service, that is, we keep records, equip the guys, and of course, from time to time we also go to lbs, well , the line of combat contact with the delivery of ammunition and so on, there are many tasks,
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but you served in the army before, no, that is , you had no experience before the first contract, yes, i had no experience absolutely, do you remember this , probably the most important moment, when you realized? she came up with her eyes filled with tears , she asked: where were we before, at that moment i realized that, well, i couldn’t do otherwise. when she told her story
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that she lost her son, she lost her husband because of the atrocities that were happening there, and well , i think this is the most powerful shock that i have had since twenty-two. right, well, i’m done, i realized that there is no turning back, there’s no other way, let’s see now there is a video from combat exercises about your comrades with whom you went to the front. shot, this is training to coordinate the battle , yes, yes, this is training, this is done so that you can understand your tasks, you
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must understand what the fighter walking next to you will do, so that all actions are coordinated, so, well, roughly speaking , calls coordination, did you have any authority in this military team? well , whether it was a commander, i don’t know, maybe some senior comrade, yes, of course, there was an instructor, a battalion commander with a bellied swift, to unfortunately. deceased, this man taught so many things, these are again guys, instructors, these are people who teach how to live, who teach how to survive and lead as much as possible , to do the right movements, the right actions, we have a special video for you, yes, now you look and react, den, dear, hello, once upon a time you and i started traveling together as volunteers to mariupol. but now you are under contract
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to defend our homeland with arms in your hands, and at the moment i am on my way to our boys from another humanitarian mission, unfortunately, i won’t be able to come to your program, because i’m almost at the border now, we have 90 km left to the ribbon, but i really hope that we will meet when i go in your direction, it so happened, they asked me to find our common a photo from my student days, i found a bunch of photos from general events, but either you are in the frame or i am in the frame. so when i get to you next time with humanitarian aid, we need to correct this mistake and finally take a group photo, dear, who is it, it’s quite obvious, you were happy i welcome this video, this is the same mr. kamaledinov, the man thanks to whom i came to mariupol for the first time, and thanks to whom i probably put everything in my head in order, this is an old friend from university, we are still... friends, why the word did you take student photos like
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this? but the thing is that really, but we never got photos together, i don’t know how it happened, that is, we are friends, but i have very few people with any photos, they began to appear, you know , probably after the first contract, when i realized that there might not be any other moment, but you began to appreciate life differently, yes, yes, there was a revaluation, you changed, the guys noticed this, well, for the better , that is, more calm, more restrained , i make fewer rash, probably correct to say, movements, and a more reasonable one, your example is an illustrative example for many, perhaps, after watching our program, many think that they live a little differently, and that there are things much more valuable. just thank you for
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your action, in any way we can, timur said some kind words to you, comrade, friendly, you have something to say to him, yes, yes, let's call him, let's, he said that he would not come, but still he broke away, timur, come in, he couldn’t help but come, hello, hello, i tried, i made it in time. i’m very glad, but we still need to fix it, yes, the fact that you and i, well, i think, take at least one photo, accordingly, the end, ours is written on the back, it got into the frame, this is important, timur, what played such an important role in your life that you decided to help from the very beginning, well, i in general - all my life i was brought up on the example of the exploits of my great-grandfathers of the great patriotic war, my father is a veteran.
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afghanistan and, accordingly, somehow all my life i was brought up in such a patriotic, correct way, they couldn’t do otherwise, naturally, that is, this is just my perception of the world, for the first time, i was generally lucky, well, i think i was lucky, i ended up in donbass back in the fifteenth year in january, then a very large number of volunteers went there, and i myself am a search engine search movement of russia and with the guys... search engines from the rostov region, who were in the militia, we went, carried humanitarian aid while still a militia, it was just the donetsk people's republic, the battles for the donetsk airport, just these famous ones, and we we went to the guys who were supposed to go to positions right at this airport, we took them to humanitarian aid, that’s when i got there for the first time, but naturally, when a special military operation began, and since i’m involved in patriotic education and youth politics, i couldn’t stay away, we... but actively participated in information
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work in order to explain to young people where the fakes are, where the truth is, and the reasons why this all started, that it didn’t start in ’22, and back in the fourteenth year after the coup d’etat in ukraine, well, when the opportunity arose to go as part of a volunteer group of the young guard to mariupol, i naturally went there immediately denis, just on the day of my departure we went to one of denis’s bars at that time, and... on the way, well then i mean, we went there and got together, decided on some traditional issues, and at the same time we just went to see denis, and how did you get him out, that’s how it happened, i’m going, i’m with you or something, not quite like that, but.. ... my trip turned out to be very chaotic, that is, they told me , let’s do it, now you’re working on the ninth of may, we’ll immediately leave, so it turns out that i left kazan on may 14, and accordingly , almost as soon as i found out denis, i said, but it was already impossible for him to be here with me, and accordingly, the next time i returned from the next group denis
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i had been asking for it for a very long time, it was asking for it, yes, but there it simply wasn’t entirely up to me, because there the group is formed in advance, so accordingly , as soon as i returned to the next group , it was already... yes, it was, it was very important for me, because at that time, there were a large number of questions to which i wanted to get some kind of answer just for myself. i got it, having been there, again, it became, here’s one of those situations, i told you, yes, about a woman at the doctor, and it decomposed everything is completely on the shelf, it’s just all drawn out, and it’s as if everything is already done. already now, now yes, when you were selling your business and giving it away, you didn’t sell everything, as i understand it, you just gave something else, yes, let’s see the story about this, in general i want to say a huge thank you for the work, i managed to work with someone right from the opening,
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someone joined only recently, a huge request, after all, guys, understand that you are a team, this is very important. and if you try to somehow separate yourself, you will have nothing it will work out, i can say frankly , in principle i have everything, once again thank you very much for your work, see you in a year, come here everyone, denis toporov has more than ten serious business projects to his name, after returning from the northern military district zone, in 2023, he opened two new establishments, a nightclub and a tattoo studio. but before concluding the second contract, i decided to part with them, sold the club, gave the studio to my employees, i already had experience in management, but in a slightly different field, the field of beauty, fear as such i have no, my only fear is that i won’t see him again, this is such a gift for
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the girls with one condition, that i remind you that this should all work until i arrive. well, in the end , you have to finish off your back somewhere, an unfinished tattoo on denis’s back, another reason to return home from the front, because he is used to finishing things he started and going to the end, but we won’t ask to show you, and she’s still in the same form, yes in unfinished form, no, not yet, semi-finished product, but what about carp, this has a separate story, carp, yes, japanese mythology. and you didn’t finish it off - for what reason? the back is a very voluminous work that is not done at one time, and is done for quite a long time, a lot and there are a lot of sessions, well, this became the reason that girls, i’ll be back, we finish off the back everything, after the victory, after the victory, of course ,
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sorry digression, they really are visiting us in the studio, we need to introduce them, these are your colleagues, let’s do it, these are not all colleagues, not all colleagues, come on? in order , igor is the person with whom, in fact, the latest projects were created, here namely, a tattoo studio and a nightclub, igor is currently a co-owner of one of the bars, which was once opened by our old team, and these two charming ladies are my happiness and my punishment, this is ilina and indzhey, this is a tattoo masters, and the studio, strictly speaking.
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we also learn from this, we move on, for us this is also such an experience, for which we are very grateful to denis, i hope that he will come and be happy with how it will all look, listen, how did you generally perceive denis’s decision to leave everything and leave , he actually said that it’s very strange, he comes into the studio, the engineer and i are working, and he says: girls, i’ll be celebrating the new year out of town, we’re like, well, he’ll go somewhere. yes, the countryside, yes, he will go on vacation, have a good time, then he announces that he is leaving, and we felt a slight sadness, not light, even strong. i won’t lie, at first there was anxiety, and then you look at the person and you roughly understand what he is capable of, for me it was so that
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i remembered that he had already been there, he has experience, trust in the person turns on, that is he can handle it, so we supported him, of course there were questions the same as everyone else, why, why, but then over time you just accept it, because... if this person decided, then he will really do it, that’s how he is there is. igor, how did you react? well, for me it was not , let’s say, a surprise, because we are a little more acquainted with him, we discussed this topic more than once, that is, thoughts, ideas, to return from him, he was visited for some time before, let’s say , the final solutions, therefore it wasn’t a surprise, it’s just, well , i won’t say that he hesitated, he rather...
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programs here, very soon you will have to leave moscow and return, that is
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, you specially came to kazan at our invitation , you won’t have time to come, well yes, today i’m returning back to goodwill, like a sunny, well, i’ll tell you this, the first contract was a very touching moment, when my son and my father cut their hair according to the regulations, let’s say. well, they sent me this photo, it was truly sincere to the point of tears, that is, well, i understand that men don’t cry, but here i really broke down, probably, and i just sincerely shed tears, he understands, he understands why, he understands why, he understands that there is no other way, because there are guys there, and what questions does he ask you? - well, he made me promise that i would return, yeah, he knows that i can’t deceive him, but the authorized ones still wear their hair, and you don’t know, no, in my opinion, at the moment, well, at least at least when was the last time we saw each other, let's look at
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them, let's call them to the studio right now, ivan petrovich and ivan, please come in, no, not authorized, not authorized, no, well, ivan is not authorized, but ivan petrovich is authorized, yes, hello, hello, hello. petrovich and ivan denisovich, hello, hello, what can i say, i left for the second time to no one. didn’t say anything, we found out in fact, when he was already there , that he had left, and we didn’t even
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know where he was, he didn’t want to upset you, he just talked about it so that you wouldn’t worry again if he will tell you where, in case he doesn’t know it at all, but there is military secret, it can be a patch at headquarters, yes, well , now i want to roll back a little on the first contract, the first time i... well, a little , but there’s an old joke when a husband sends a message to his wife: honey, i’ll be home in 30 minutes, if not arrived, re-read the message again, it’s about the same story, that is , well, i myself didn’t know how much, well, just like that, it turned out again, i still think. ivan denisovich, you miss dad very much, could you ever imagine that dad would suddenly
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become a military man, yes. very often they were like this assumptions, because well, my dad likes to go somewhere and not say, so he should become a military man, but a military man does this, leaves, they don’t say, because this is a military secret, ivan petrovich, how did you raise your son, well, how did you raise , as best i could, well, i never thought that he would become a military man, there were no prerequisites, even i did not imagine. he was always like this, in his student years he was distinguished by the originality of his decision-making and uncompromisingness, that is, when he made a decision, he went to in the end, i don’t know whether this is good or bad , of course you can judge, but there it is, but here it’s different, and a couple of times they asked me if i was ready, if i would replay the moments there with
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the first contract in order to leave there completely everything is as it was before, but no... and there aren’t even such thoughts, i understand what i’m doing, i understand why i’m doing this, there simply can’t be other options, i ’ve set all the points for myself, i i understand why we are there, why we are there, i understand how much these people endured, talked to the local a resident of the city of mariupol, she uttered one very interesting phrase that... she was in this city during the second world war, she says, i haven’t seen anything like this from the nazis, what they are doing, well, i don’t know how to call them more politically correct, what these guys are doing , who hide behind the residents of ukraine, who present them as a human shield, well, after such things you understand that we are doing everything right, there are actually a
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lot of such stories, every time we go with humanitarian aid to ours. donetsk in august twenty-second year we together with the commission of victims of the crime of the kiev aggression and worked in the village, a local resident told how the national battalionists simply beat to death his grandfather, a weak-walker, who it turned out that since the age of fourteen, children have been somewhere in the militia, because the trace has long been cleared, and they, when they found out about this, they came, started beating him with rifle butts, he fell, naturally he couldn’t get up, because he walked weakly, and they
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shot him there, forced his neighbor to bury him. that is, there are a huge number of such stories, here’s to all those who fled, all those who say that we should not have started a special military operation should talk to these local people, local residents, local residents, experiencing everything that is happening there, absolutely fully support the arrival of the russian army, because this is the arrival of russia, that means calm, that means laws, that means there will be order, manechka, how old are you, twelfth year? when you hear stories about such atrocities by ukrainian militants, how do you feel? i’m annoyed that this is happening, that it’s already come to this? you do you understand that your dad is on guard to prevent this from coming into our lives? yes, i understand, i’m very proud of it. further in the program, kursk regional duma deputy dmitry guliev will come to the studio and tell
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why he decided to go defend his homeland. i am periodically asked the question: who do i feel more like, a military man or a politician, and i’m racking my brains over this, probably now it’s more of a 50/50 parity. eh, of course, an indelible mark, in any case , everything that has already happened in my life has left it. i see my main mission, of course, as military issues, support for military personnel. i forbid you to come here. premiere on rtr. where have you been?
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resources of the wall, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are completely faceless from this room... we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant person maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes; after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality. you
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i love you very much, yes, but i can’t give birth to a child, what kind of family is without children? anton madegliani, 12 years old, angela's last name, are you still licking your heart early? will you treat me? yes, i will. i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you. do you like our doctor? like. me too. it's a pity that i don't have such a dad. who sent it? who is this woman? choose. either me or she. they are very easy to apply. they are much more difficult to cure. all your life you’ve been healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart. heart wounds on saturday on rtr.
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thirty-two-year-old marad dzhumagaliev was seriously wounded on the front line, he realized that my hand was missing fingers, and then it turned out that i didn’t even have a leg, and is now looking for his comrades in arms. lost contact. a fighter with the call sign grozny was his mentor before being sent to the front. a fighter with the call sign doc became a front-line brother for him, and a fighting friend with call sign radik saved his life on the battlefield. we found these guys. meetings for marat in our studio. malakhov, today on rtr. vera was an orphan all her life.
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earlier in the program, kazan entrepreneur denis toporov went to the front in the northern military district zone for the first time in the fall of 2022; in december 2023, denis sold his business and entered into a second volunteer contract. the first time i left. i left for a day, i said everything, guys, it took me a day to get back there, and six months later, six months later, god, all the days stretched out, well , a little, yes. there's an old joke when husband sends a message to his wife: dear, i’ll be home in 30 minutes, if you haven’t arrived , re-read the message again, it’s about the same story, that is , well, i didn’t know how much, how it happened like this, again until now i think this is the most correct decision; since the start of the special military operation, a lot of successful people have decided to go there as volunteers to defend.
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studied for the north military district from the first days, at first he and his friends carried aid for the soldiers, in june 2022 he himself went to the front as a volunteer, with him thoughts began to flash through, he began to wonder if he should go himself, but i was just 90% sure that this would not happen, then when he said that was it, but i just couldn’t believe it, the man, roughly speaking, who has everything, who has a pregnant wife, why risk his life, well, it was just not clear to me personally at that time.
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not noticing that dad is sitting next to him, he just takes his t-shirt like that, pulls it off and smiles at dad, we love our country, our seven and of course we want our wives and children lived in our houses, so we are doing everything to bring this victory closer, and we will, of course, continue to do this until the end, in our studio we have kursk regional duma deputy dmitry gureev. dmitry, hello, hello! i’m on
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the last days of my next vacation, literally tomorrow is the last day, the day after tomorrow i’ll be back with the guys at our combat positions. when did you first get there as a fighter? in june of twenty-two , it was the beginning of my first three-month contract, and i was on the leschansky, kremensky, but i was finishing this first three-month contract in kherson. direction on the right bank of the dnieper, our entire unit was transferred, yes, and from there i went home upon completion of the contract and after literally spending 4 weeks in kursk, i felt out of place, in principle, when the first contract was ending, i planned it that way, that i would return to my guys, they didn’t say goodbye especially when i had my last days, it happened, so i also returned to the kherson direction, then we were returned to...
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they are meeting halfway, here i am, we already have traditions with the chairman of the government, every vacation i come to him, we meet in person, and i push for a new benefit for participants of the svo, in the kuzhensk region there is the largest number of benefits, every time i get ready on my next vacation , i give the task to my assistants to see what in other regions , in order to perhaps adopt the best experience, so that our kursk fighters have all the best in terms of benefits, some privileges, they really have to break. head to come up with something that doesn’t exist, but i can do it, even on this vacation of mine i’m still the same, that’s what i talked about in terms of supporting the fighters, the residents of the kurst region, i’m doing all this, you said with such joy , that the day after tomorrow is already pulling there , well, you know, i won’t lie, when i had my first vacation, the pull was much stronger, now, after all, well, it’s accumulating, i ’ve been in the zone for more than a year and a half, we live in conditions that are not the best comfortable, especially in winter, now - so of course already
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i miss a lot of people there, we continue to be in touch as much as possible, and it’s good at home , and it’s good there, i often now meet with children, preschoolers, high school students, and i’m periodically asked the question of who i feel like more, a military man or a politician, and i’m racking my brains over this, probably now it’s more of a 50/50 parity, uh, of course, an indelible mark in any case , everything that has already happened in my life has left its main mission, i see, of course, here is a military theme, support for military personnel, i am very i wouldn’t want them to forget about the guys after some time there, just like veterans of the great patriotic war are treated in our country after 100 years have passed, yes, i also want the participants in the special military operation not to be forgotten, so this is my main mission, and many of the things that i am doing now, while at the front, are connected precisely with this work,
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which i want to do in the future, i think that this is very important for me, what is your current military specialty, i anti-aircraft gunner, now i’ll tell you what it is, for this...
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to help him, to cover him, there is such a calculation of cover, plus now a new line of activity has appeared, the ministry of defense is constantly updating - means of combating drones, there are a lot of them on the front line of the fpv, these are the so-called drones, and in order to preserve the lives of the guys, our combat vehicles intact, we were given an electronic warfare radio station, it is quite heavy, my friend and colleague in the humanitarian field. alexandrevich glazatov, deputy of the regional duma, he bought us an all-terrain vehicle, now this is the calculation that i am in, about the work that i told you, he will still leave this station, which prevents kamikaze drones from hitting our military equipment, i want to tell our viewers that
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there is nothing, this is what the russian army, our leadership of our country would do, there is nothing for which we could be ashamed, so i am ready to answer for every action, for every word. for every step, in which, at least, i took part and my colleagues, those people which and not only mine, my unit , there are always a lot of neighbors there, especially if we live there in the forests, different units, formations, the truth is behind us, i am deeply convinced of this, that is why i am there, moreover, we should be proud of the fact what is the current state of the armed forces of the russian federation compared to where we started? the growth is colossal. yes, i can confirm this, from the very first days, when i got to the front, i started doing humanitarian work from the first days, the fact is that the kursk region is border region, and through the city of kursk itself, our regions that border with ukraine,
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a huge amount of equipment crossed the so-called ribbon, and a lot of military personnel lived, the wounded were in our hospitals and... everything related to the ussr, for kursk residents, for my fellow countrymen, this is not an empty phrase, in your own experience, if we talk about, for example, everyday shelling, you probably hear that this happens in the kursk region, bryansk, belgorod, we all neighbors suffer from this ourselves, all ourselves we see and know, so we don’t need to listen to anyone, believe or not believe someone, and i literally from the first days, in march we started transporting humanitarian aid, i and... and friends, colleagues, every saturday we went first to our border area, the kursk region, then the units that we helped the most were transferred to another direction. first in the belgorod region, then in the lpr, this is how i became friends with
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the commander of one of the units with the guys from him, and made the decision myself - to go to the front, in the first contract, the second, when i was returning, i am serving in the same division. next in the program: why did marad mirkhayrov decide to leave his high post and go to the front line? i want to do this? i want my son to also say, dad, i’m proud of you, but the point is not that there are those who don’t go there, there are those who go there, all sons have the right to be proud, well , who works in the rear, here us, but with all this, i made this choice for myself, to go, to go through, to see with my own eyes through all this, that this time dreamed about me... hold on, come
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on, where did you learn that , i saw it in some tv series, she’s having strange dreams again, she had a dream last night, i said, the robbery of this bank, i was there in that dream , you won’t get bored, prince , invisible witnesses are coming again, who killed you, will you find a case? i’ll tell you who the killer is, poor girl, how she brings it all up, new crimes have already been committed, and only she can solve them, we urgently need to meet on the way home in the park by the canal, i now know exactly who will be killed when, anna is a medium since 19 february on rtr. you look a hundred to one, what is our task to open the whole board,
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we can handle it, if you ask, then with the podboh, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who on work , speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then... with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. from
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the first note: beauty, repetitious, with the first phrase , a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front. we are also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the brigade, from the car, i’m running, the whole brigade is just looking at the platform.
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“catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place , have you ever wondered why people count eggs, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy, we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, could there be any benefits?" " fantastic, can science be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make your diet not only tasty, but healthy, and this lifts your spirits, that’s for sure. formulas go to rtr on saturday, let me process them, yeah, what do you have?
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i had to. sklifosovsky. new episodes. today on rtr. previously in the program. kazan businessman denis toporov and deputy of the kursk regional duma dmitry guliev left volunteers to the nwo zone. in the studio they talked about why they left a successful career and a prosperous life. there is probably more understanding here. success at the front , understanding how problematic it is now for the guys without any support, and that every person, if he is an expert in one of the fields, he can help, he should help, i at least don’t see any other options for myself, the truth is behind us, i am deeply convinced of this, that is why i am there, i really want to talk to your wife, let me
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invite her to the studio, alina, come in, please, hello, hello, in our studio we have the wife of a participant and our own, alina guleeva. hello, how did you react to your husband’s decision to go to war? well, to be honest, i couldn’t believe it, because i didn’t understand why a person who had everything would go to the front. what words did you say to him, what words did you try to say? speaking , dmitry didn’t even ask me, he simply confronted me with the fact that he was going to the front, and this, despite the fact that i was six months pregnant, and dima was the kind of person that if he was for himself decided something, then he won’t give up on it, and if i didn’t stop his pregnant wife, then accordingly no one else could influence his decision, so i just resigned myself,
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it was offensive, well, a little, but rather i was more offended second contract. when he said that he would go again, it was a complete surprise for me, of course, i mean , you assumed that he would go only once, yes, of course, and somehow the first contract was still easier for me, because after all, i was thinking more about the upcoming birth, that is, i was preparing space in the house for our baby, and somehow this honestly made my life easier, these 3 months, in principle - well, they passed, so to speak, not so difficult, was there a connection with dmitry? stable phone, well, yes, from time to time we called each other, texted each other, it happened, of course , when he disappeared, he didn’t have to warn, of course, yes, it was exciting, now, look, the last day of vacation, i ’ve already gotten used to it, and even more so i’m completely i support him now, and accepted his choice, and it’s just that my son and i are waiting for him at home, when
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he returns to us forever, alina , let’s see the story about what your husband’s friends say about him: every person, he commits a certain act due to his capabilities, due to his abilities, desires and so on. at one fine moment, yes, he was in my office and said: “sery vasilyevich, i’ve made a decision, i’m leaving as a volunteer for the front.” i just started, thank you, dmitry, well done, you are an example for everyone to follow. knowing his character, knowing his indifference to any injustice, to some kind of evil, i could imagine that he would take this step, well , that’s what actually happened. not scary , he says: i feel that nothing will happen to me, i feel, i am sure that nothing will happen to me, i myself serve in the special unit vityaz, and well, i understand him as a man, i was worried about him, great worries and we still experience it every day, he showed everyone by his example what kind of person he is, dmitry, my friend, over these years, how much we
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work together, how much good has been done, i want to tell you to remain the same person. these, by the way, are the very friends i told you about, it was with them, eduard and ivan, that we began these weekly trips, first to the border, then further, where that unit, my future, where i am now serving, was relocated, they even came to the front line, to the village of zhitlovka, this was probably a year ago,
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when the front was even closer to the line of contact to this village, here is sergei vasilyevich. and eduard came to see me there, i i showed them where i live, met my guys, it was also very touching, i didn’t expect that they would get to this very point where i am. that is, it’s understandably very dangerous there, and the road, well, absolutely no, but they personally delivered humanitarian aid for our unit, by the way, all my friends and i are still working for my division and solving all the issues related to support humanitarian aid, a huge amount of everything, for this, of course, i want to say thank you to them, and i know that a huge the number of russians for other units, many for other military personnel. they give away the last of their money, but they understand that now in the life of our country is a very difficult and important stage; in fact, if you look at it, we are confronting
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half the globe alone, and we are fighting this evil, and i am glad that the russians have in many ways taken such a patriotic position, including i am glad that among these russians there are a lot of my fellow countrymen, residents of the kurdish region, just the other day the deputy prime minister of the trans-baikal territory... marad mirkhaidarov announced that he was going to go to the front volunteers, let's see the story about this, this morning i decided to go on a special military operation, to defend our fatherland, in the next few days i will fly to grozny, i will join the ranks of volunteers, the akhmat special purpose battalion, dear friends, take care of yourself, take care of your loved ones, take care russia, the strength of russia is in our people, the strength of russia. in our president, soon all this will end, and soon there will be victory, peace be with god in your home, hello, good
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evening, good evening, hello, there you go in fact, a very unexpected statement, your decisions, you are the first deputy chairman of the government of the trans-baikal territory, deputy prime minister, somehow, this is the decision, did you think that you were there? more necessary than at our post here in peaceful life, we in the trans-baikal territory have actually put forward a lot of initiatives to support the guys who are on a special military operation, in particular, one of the initiatives was put forward by the governor of our region, this is a meeting of our guys that are returning special military operations, and we are this we support the format, that is, every day our volunteers go to the airport and our guys meet us with flowers. this unique format was picked up by all residents of the baikal region, today we have a queue for 4-5 months in advance, people call, pensioners, volunteers, and want to go to the airport to meet them, and we tell them,
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we have a schedule for 5 months in advance, we don’t have the opportunity, you know, the next initiative was, it was my initiative , to make priority counters at airports so that the guys who move around country so that they can skip the line, and i myself do a lot of work with our volunteers in the region and when you see that... people live every day, every second, they think about helping our guys there on a special military operation in the morning until nightfall they collect help, weave nets , make candles, sew clothes, send, send, send, i’m not talking about the whole of russia, i’m talking about the trans-baikal region, but we have this feeling of patriotism, you know, it’s overpriced, overpriced , yes in general, the best people live in us
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, so... to do this, i want my son to also say, dad, i’m proud of you, the point is not that no matter how there are those who don’t go there, there are those who go there, all sons have the right to be proud, special purpose, is there any special physical by the way, in order to join the troops , training or some kind of requirement? well
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, i talked in principle, well, i evaluate myself as a person with normal physical fitness - so, well, i think, i think i’ll fit in, we’ll see, we’re a special forces clerk, we’ll tell you let's believe now, let's, let's hope that something will work out, today we have a situation in our country where everyone, everyone must contribute to the victory of russia, what can they do? what we can, what we can, what we can, today we have rallied, all together, united, all russians are around our president, and we are moving forward to victory, so everyone contributes as best they can, van, today dad is leaving there, what you want to wish him good luck, good luck, yes, wish me good luck in battle, health, fortitude, good luck, just good luck, real
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stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet all viewers, i’m maria sittel , hello, fiery greetings to the other side of the front from our blazing sun, a package of twenty-four missiles, it fires in just 10 seconds, no more, there’s nowhere without military savvy on the front line, this is an incomprehensible thing,
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it’s ours. protection for infantry. poland, spain, moldova, romania, a global systemic crisis is growing in european countries, cities are occupied, roads are blocked. we will restore historical justice. rivers on the streets of antalya, cars under water, basements and subways are flooded, severe flooding due to heavy rains has affected
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several areas. people are asked not to go out, this is some special breed of people, there were seven of them brave and courageous, they saved 104 chelyuskinites from a drifting ice floe, the whole world watched this heroic operation 90 years ago. near artyomovsk, our troops destroyed a group of ukrainian infantry. saransk, saransk, i’m a tramp, i received fragment 76. a reconnaissance drone discovered a shelter containing enemy fighters. after this, a group of usuri paratroopers moved into the area in third-generation infantry fighting vehicles. they opened fire on the enemy's defensive positions from 100-millimeter guns, as well as automatic cannons. a significant part of the militants were destroyed, the rest retreated, abandoning their weapons and equipment.
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the supporting one was hit with an accurate blow. near severodonetsk. the task at low altitude was carried out by 28 helicopters. in the south donetsk sector west of volnovakha, five control points for ukrainian drones. in the kupinsky direction alone, artillery hit 150 enemy targets in one day, including three mortars and a stud installation. the sunburn systems are on...
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it releases in just 10 seconds, no more. here is footage of the sunburner's combat work. the thirty -ninth regiment of the russian chemical defense plant, the eighth combined arms army, sends greetings to the other side of the front line, the greeting turns out to be warm and, one might even say, fiery. combat vehicles that have just emerged from battle are being cleaned up in this hangar. fixed on the sides additional armor, gratings are welded around the towers. this is the repair unit of the fifth brigade of the first army corps and several know-hows are already being used throughout all vehicles. this is an incomprehensible thing, this is our protection for the infantry. you mean, why do our troops land, quickly cut it off, it falls out, and they take it with them. when capturing a trench, they cover the trench from above , the drones no longer see, the attack aircraft themselves, yes, yes, this crew is accepting a completely new car, we are talking under a canopy, which is called a gazebo, that is, it came without
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this design, would you go forward without it, or would it be better with it, better with it, guys, they quickly do it for us, the armor has been strengthened, well, all the characteristics. it’s also better in terms of chassis and handling, and of course it’s playful. and any work progresses, of course, when it smells delicious and lunch is on schedule. at such moments, everything is forgotten even between the dog sergeant and the red cat krasnogorka, named after one of the directions of advancement of this unit. we ask cook ivanovich about the main thing the secret of his recognized skill. you have to love, cook, love, and i have loved cooking since childhood.
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the supreme court in minsk intends to bring to a verdict the case of nazi criminal vladimir kotaryuk, the executioner of khatyn, who during his lifetime could not be brought to justice. katryuk was a member of the punitive battalion created by the nazis in kiev, participated in the burning of villages and mass executions, but succeeded in the end. after the war he joined the french resistance and lived his life in canada with impunity. currently open the genocide trial is a way to achieve historical justice. report by anastasia sakhovskaya. the historic hearing is the first criminal case to
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be examined posthumously, the dock is empty, but everything is according to the law. a lawyer has been provided by the state. the prosecutor read out the charges under article genocide for more than an hour. realizing the common goal of systematic destruction with nazi criminals. of the belarusian people, the victims are listed by name, kotryuk is accused of the brutal murders of almost 400 civilians. on requests from the prosecutor general's office were answered by germany and slovakia and refused assistance by the baltic states and poland, the borders of humanity. the most effective, most fruitful and most valuable cooperation we have, of course, is with the relevant authorities of the russian federation. those documents that were received from them, plus our research, archival files, they formed the basis of this criminal case. he lived in the province of quebec, raised bees, and responded to all accusations with a poisonous refusal. this is not the first time. and that this is all untrue? i will not speak. but it has been proven that this beekeeper is in the past, the commander
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of the 118th division of the ukrainian security police battalion, a death battalion that destroyed hundreds of villages in the minsk, vitebsk and grodno regions, including khatyn, which became a symbol of nazi crimes. witnesses said that vladimir kotryuk escorted people to the barn, which stood here on the site where the mass grave is now, opposite the entrance the nazis placed a tank machine gun from it and from machine guns, they shot people point-blank who were trying to escape from... the burning barn , right here on in this place, among these punishers was vladimir kotryuk. the name kotryuk first appeared when grigory vasyura, one of the most famous executioners of khatyn, was tried and sentenced to death in minsk. katryuk transferred contributions, here is his name on the list of sponsors of the ukrainian congress. moreover, he received the so-called hitler’s pension, an allowance for collaborators of the reich, and financed the installation of a monument to the nationalists bukovinsky kuren in his homeland in the ukrainian chernivtsi. even the canadian confirmed the fact of collaboration. court, but here are the atrocities and he didn’t see any executions at close range. the canadian
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authorities essentially put the brakes on things when in may 2015 the russian side demanded the extradition of kotaryuk, who had at most two weeks to live. as part of this criminal case , witnesses are also being heard; all of them are over 90 and there is no statute of limitations for such crimes. now it is a law according to which the guilty will be condemned even after death. anastasia sakhovskaya,
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progress transport ship successfully completed its mission on the international space station. at 5:00 am moscow time it undocked from the iss and left orbit. after 4 hours, the fragments of progress that did not burn in the atmosphere were flooded in the south pacific ocean, in a zone free from shipping. the russian space truck arrived at the station in august, delivered 2.5 tons of cargo and helped correct the iss orbit eight times. to avoid possible collisions with space debris. the new
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ship is expected at the station in 5 days. a historical date that served as an example of true heroism. exactly 90 years ago, february 13, 1934 in chikotsky the sea sank the soviet passage chelyuskin. more than 100 people found themselves on the ice and had to fight for their lives for almost 2 months, drifting in arctic waters. and all this time , making dozens of flights to help them. brave pilots made their way, and the legendary operation to rescue the chelyuskinites, dmitry petrov, this character, this look, this is some special breed of people, the sculptor is creating a bust of the third hero of the soviet union, pilot vasily molokov. there were seven of them in total, brave and courageous, they rescued 14 chelyuskinites, molokov, from a drifting ice floe the most - 39 people. in the summer of 1933, the party and
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government set the task: to travel along the northern sea route in one navigation, on a new, but completely unsuitable steamship, led by otto schmitt. in september they were captured by ice and drifted for almost five months, waiting for rescue, but chelyuskin was covered in ice and sank. in 5 days on the 12th they were carried away to two latitudes, then they began to be dragged along the chuko. to evacuate, the fasteners were removed from the sets
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of houses, so when chelyuskin drowned, the tree floated up, due to which it was possible to build first a small house, where the women and children were placed in the kitchen, and then a large barracks. party meetings, lectures, and that too , the soviet people, even on the outskirts of civilization, remained a social activist, and how else could they have prepared several runways to receive planes if they had acted alone. the chelyustkinites are preparing the airfield for babushkin’s plane, which was a shavrushka there, they are transporting sleds, ice, and clearing it. svetlana boldareva, of course, is proud of her great-grandfather, she talks about the feat of hero of the soviet union number six currently living. mikhail vodopyanov transported 10 chelyuskinites to the mainland. all information was transmitted in morse code via shortwave radio communications. ernst krenkel was responsible for her. father naldini in the village of wil lyudochka shirader,
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was the radio operator caught right away? not right away, not right away, that ’s the point. in the resort antalya of turkey, in moscow and further in our issue about severe flooding , the largest forum of scientific solutions in biomedicine, the premiere of the action-packed spy series of the gdr. we'll be back on air in
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a couple of minutes. who are you all looking at, well there young woman. premiere on rtr, can you see me? tick-tock, there’s a little bit left, i’m scared, zhenya, usually ghosts don’t do this, only in very extreme cases, in what cases? anna meteo, from february 19 on rtr. i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal,
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when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here, how everything is neglected, i i really want to check, this is flirting, obviously , just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when i said such a stinking little one, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is no 100,000 zhenya will add his own, something that many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, i oops, five-on-one on saturdays on... rtr: where are we going? on a treasure hunt? what treasures, we're going to look for mom! look at the weekend! so look at me, you're embarrassing me! you are the most wonderful girl in the world, i miss you! kesha, everything is
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okay, are we going? my husband is not going anywhere, only new love can melt the ice in my heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you frost, on sunday on rtr, eh! watch a special episode of 60 minutes today. don't miss all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. 60 minutes. today on rtr.
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well, bye, friday. nervous for me, she's ready for anything turns, the whole village knows that
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you don’t spin karbysh and shash, but you believe, and i believe, queen of the roads, on friday on rtr, this is news, we continue the release: china, canada, the netherlands, the usa, jordan. and other countries are calling on israel to end its military operation in rafah. it will turn out to be another humanitarian catastrophe for the gas sector, where the situation is already unprecedented. this is what king jordan said at the second meeting with joe biden. the head of the white house himself is against the purge, but it’s true he couldn’t decide who was in charge operation in enclave, washington or tel aviv. report by denis davidov. there is no hope for the owner of the white house.
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they gossiped about all 3 years of his presidency, which are called obama's third term. welcome back to the white house, welcome back. by the way, barack is looking at you over there in the corner. then he will confuse the name of the queen, throw up his hands in search of the crown prince, and come to an agreement that he will call the operation in rafahi not israeli, but his own, that is, american. our military operation. in rafah, large-scale military operation in rafah, must not continue without a credible plan to ensure the safety and support of the more
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than 1 million people sheltering there must be protected. after reading on the prompter for 8 minutes, the us president leaves and does not know what to do with himself, rushes from side to side behind the guest, the king of jordan stands his ground, bloodshed in rafah cannot be allowed. we cannot allow israel to attack rafah, it is inevitable. will lead to a new humanitarian catastrophe, the situation is already simply unbearable for more than a million people who have been squeezed out of the raf since the beginning of the war, we cannot remain in the country and allow this to continue, this war must end. on the eve of the visit, the sixty-two-year-old king personally participated in the drop of humanitarian aid over the gaza strip, in the box there are medicines for a field hospital, here the king in military uniform , having sent the cargo, gives a thumbs up: in london, toronto, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in defense of palestine, activists gathered in washington,
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near the white house. the crowd blamed the administration biden's genocide of inaction. the american president was asked why he does not protect the palestinian people. the owner of the white house did not hear the demonstrators. he left washington, taking another weekend off. flooding in oman, rainfall did not stop for several days, the north of the country was hit the hardest. the current is so powerful that it easily carries away suvs. there are dead. authorities suspended school operations and urged residents not to leave their homes. in chukotka
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they go to 50 degrees. frosts in khabarovsk the warmest record for 100 years of meteorological observations, this morning in the city it was only +2, and the urals are covered with snow, trucks are skidding on slopes, collecting strings of other cars, restrictions are being introduced on the highways, the number of accidents has increased and there are deaths. meanwhile , moscow and neighboring regions are recovering from the icy rain, the situation on the roads and sidewalks has improved noticeably, but cars, trees, snowdrifts... are still covered with icy glaze, regional roads are covered with a thick layer of ice, this video was filmed on the pugachev highway saratov. in ryazan ice caused a serious accident. two cars collided on the slip road. many accidents occurred at night in st. petersburg. on nevsky prospekt, the girl was unable to brake and demolished two cars. one of them was thrown out towards her. on ligovsky, the driver of a foreign car lost
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control and flew into the wall of a house. there was another one. on the ice of the okhta river, flying off the komarovsky bridge. at this moment, the central election commission is drawing lots to determine the dates for the airing of pre-selected materials of candidates for the post of president. today, time is allocated for campaigning on radio stations and television channels, tomorrow there is a draw for print media. a future that very quickly becomes the present. a key event in the field of advanced scientific solutions and developments has started at the moscow international trade center. the second forum of future technologies is dedicated to biomedicine. experts, representatives of relevant departments, state corporations and innovative companies discuss new opportunities provided by genetic and genomic research. also on the agenda issues of developing accurate diagnostics, prevention and treatment of hereditary
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diseases, creation of biobanks and an individual approach to each patient. the most interesting thing was that the analysis of our genes is becoming a fairly routine study, and therefore available to our patients, along with other quite ordinary medical tests. we have begun to better understand the basis of degenerate monogenic polygenic diseases , and even a little better to understand the basis of multifactorial diseases. and this, in turn, gives us not only hope, but also real prospects for at least somehow approaching those diseases.
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unexpectedly draws the hero into a dangerous race for extremely important documents from the ministry of security of the gdr, the famous stasi, literally everything will have to be put at stake. this is a movie about love, about love for your woman, about love for your homeland, about love for your work. a key role in this complicated story
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will be played by women, the wife of captain nichaev, who played. and spies, and love, and the soviet union, punks, everything in the world. one of the tasks of the creators of the series was to assemble the mosaic from reliable facts and show the era as accurately as possible. it is no coincidence that he is one of the key figures in the series. i didn’t have the task of playing unconditionally gorbachev in all respects, an internal task, i had the task of simply understanding some emotional range of this man, how he reacted, how he... related himself to time, and also the authors of the series, which was created with the support of the internet development institute, we wanted to look at the history of the fall of the berlin wall from a different angle, the events of modern history in some other way
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are remembered, this is the end of the eighties, it hung, it seemed important to us to fill this gap. gdr is an attempt to combine an action detective story and reflections on history ; the viewer will find out what happened this week. daria okuneva, mikhail alterkop, lead. and tonight on our channel there is a continuation of the medical drama sklefosovsky, after the big news, two episodes at once, don’t miss it, the news follows the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay with us, i forbid you to come here, premiere on rtr, where are you was, in the police, what igra accuses yakolich of murder, yes, lizhechka, how are you doing there, we are healing, we are fighting.
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everyone, this is an incredibly charming face to which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well, then i clean up, i ’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you agree to it, first they shoved in a red snake , hearts did you miss it? ours, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, provocation is
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treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family, orientalism is some kind of parallel agenda. the conversation will continue in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe and listen watch on the media platform let's watch, the first podcasts we watch. thirty-two-year-old maraz dzhumagaliev, a landing gunner in an assault company, was awarded the order of courage for his heroism and military merits on the front line. in one of the battles marat received serious injury. i was
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in a state of shock, i didn’t feel any pain at first, i reached for the first aid kit and realized that i was missing fingers on my hand, and then it turned out that i didn’t even have a leg. marat spent more than a year on a hospital bed, underwent 15 operations, and is now looking for his comrades in arms, with whom... he lost contact, we all communicated warmly, we all became friends at once, we had no word, no to each other, these are the kind of people they are always remain not just friends, but brothers; one of the fighters with the call sign formidable was marat’s mentor before being sent to front, the second with the call sign doc became for him a younger brother, whom he took care of and protected, the third with the call sign radik carried the wounded marat from the front line and handed him over to the doctors, thanks to him i remained alive. when he pulled me out of pain, wounded, he told me: “brother, hold on, don’t close your eyes.” marat does not know how the fates of his friends turned out, but he dreams of meeting them and introducing them to his family. meetings for a hero
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today in our program. marat is in our studio today, how are you, good evening, everything, everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine now, returned to normal, feeling normal. yes, well, no, no, the presence of phantom pain , but you get used to it, and everything is fine, well, for more than a year in hospitals, 15 operations, yes, that’s what helped you survive, how you set yourself up, but on a positive wave , and what do you need to accept these i just have a lot of relatives and friends, you know how it is, sometimes you get angry with them because they call you often, they just worry, well , thanks to their relatives, that they want to live, they want to do something -more into this for yourself, just just to prove to yourself, i know that you went to the svo zone because you already had experience in. i had, before that i had
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this combat experience in other hot spots, well, i also just came home, came home, saw what was happening, and in addition mobilization began, that day when you were wounded, you remember, what happened before or was it just like these outbursts, no , i remember, of course, it’s just that even when i met the guys, we laughed at something every day, we always there were topics for conversation for anyone. table, even when they were sitting, eating, talking , no, it’s always the same, you’ll still remember your guys all your life, and they told me that the guys who saved you took risks, but for good measure, well, yes, they me, first of all , through the minefield they brought me 600 m, according to the postcard, yes, i was stuck in that face plane, they brought me 600 m, 600 m, then we waited for evacuation, an armored personnel carrier arrived, they loaded me onto the armored personnel carrier, that’s it, and
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then it went on as usual, evacuation , immediately rostov, after rostov and st. petersburg, everything happened quickly, it seemed it’s like you notice in time, you see that it wasn’t that long, what is it, that on the contrary it was a long time, and then you see that it all flew by so quickly, just one moment, but tell me, did you know when you returned to to your homeland, that you will be greeted with honors like this, with television cameras, honestly, i’ll tell you how it was, honestly, i didn’t, honestly, i didn’t like it at first, it’s somehow not... unusual, well, on the other hand , after all, this is also an example for the younger generation, yes, let's see how our colleagues from the astrakhan program lead region, illuminated your return home, met marat in his hometown worthy , as any hero should, with flowers and words of gratitude for... such a sacrificial
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feat, among those who greeted was marat’s mother, with tears in her eyes the woman hugged her son after a long separation, after why they went home together, there at the dinner table the family was finally reunited, everything was fine with us, he himself recovered, and the rest will be fine, besides marat, his older brother radmir is also on guard today fatherland, in april of this year he joined the astrakhan registered lotus jet division, therefore, as marta says... this is the name of the mother of servicemen, for her every son is a real hero, of course, this is his time, it is pride that my child defended his homeland , morad will stay in astrakhan for 2 weeks, here he wants to take a break from the boring hospital walls, enjoy time spent with loved ones and of course gain strength, because in the near future astrakhan residents are expecting prosthetics in st. petersburg, for now i’m recovering, shiva, i recently took it off and i can’t yet, why because of my leg?
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here is a message from mom, we just saw how she is also worried and at the same time proud of you, how you communicated, so you were waiting for these messages from family and friends when you were in the sf zone, of course, yes, of course, we had one like that another interesting story is how we sent messages, took a two-liter bottle, made a hole in it, and threw a rope onto the highest tree. you write a message, there was no connection upstairs, you lift it up and wait 2-3 minutes that’s how the message was sent, it’s okay to go in like that, and that is, the connection is caught, then the click, it is sent and you lower it, but basically messages that can be printed, well, is your mother here today, let’s invite marta sakhanovna to talk with us .
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i know that maratik is a long-awaited child, and you really, really wanted him, you have three sons, who told you that he was wounded and in the hospital, they didn’t tell me at first, the children, the eldest, the youngest knew, because they were 2 days they couldn’t tell me this, for 2 days they they held me and i felt what they were... these days became there, looking at them, i felt something, i say, something happened, i say, then two days later the youngest tells me, mom, just like that happened to marat, he blew himself up, he says it was terrible. i couldn’t think
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what it was, i just thought for myself, he’s alive, alive, he remained alive, like... this is my child, then they told us, we wanted to fly out, but we didn’t have a ticket , we waited 4 days for a ticket, it was brought to st. petersburg, and we arrived 4 days later with our eldest son, that’s it, we saw him, the first, the first time we saw him, there are no words at all, there were no words, what to say, the child, i didn’t know what , i felt bad, seeing my son that he was alive, i calmed down a little, the most the main thing is that he’s alive
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, well, you didn’t want your mom to look after you there, you once told me harshly right there, yes, yes, he says, mom, why did you come, it was me, i couldn’t, because that... i had to go, we were there for almost a month, before the new year the eldest son stayed, they sent me home, my mother says, says the eldest son says: mom, i’ll stay, you go home, calm down a little , and i went home, then he was with my son for a month and a half, the eldest son, looked after him, but seeing all the guys there, it’s very painful, god grant them health . and to all our soldiers , i know that you are also very grateful to your son’s comrades who saved him, radmer saved him there, my son is a fighting friend, i am very grateful to him that he pulled him out of there, saved him, provided assistance,
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at this moment, not i let him sleep, saw him through until the end, i want to see this soldier. hug my son, say thank you to him, his mother , for raising such a son, i want all the guys who were with him, were friends, served, and still remain, they are friends, they want to meet, well, i want to show you one story, i don’t know, whether you recognize this guy or not, let's see. six months ago we bought an apartment, at the moment i am actively renovating, but the living room is almost finished, the rest are the kitchen, children's room, bedroom, toilet, bath, i devote all my free time to renovations, that is, i even
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take my daughter and wife to kindergarten, i get up, let's get started run, wife ilgina and daughter kira, she loves to do gymnastics and acrobatics with us, how do you jump, come on? got caught, like that, quietly, quietly , don’t do it, well done, the fact that my husband left, i didn’t find out about it right away, but it was of course a shock, i was of course very worried, i’m even talking now, my voice is trembling, well, this is an indescribable feeling, my wife is a muslim kazakh, she gave me a big gift, and here she is a muslim, she gave me a baptismal gift, she gave me a gift from january 18 to 19, 2020, i went and took a swim here in volga, came out of the ice hole, my wife said
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, let's go, i'm giving birth, kira loves to work out, well , at home she does things like that, draws, sculpts, paints, the walls are new, which have only been renovated, she helps her dad paint them too. bon appetit, thank you, dear, kira , there will be a salad, why is it like this, when i was in sso i constantly remembered my beloved daughter and wife, i knew that i had to come back, because my family needs me, because well, i need to raise my child, build next family. this friend of mine, we met in the unit when we were brought, he he was our eldest, in fact we all called him the political officer, well, he had such a position at work, it was normal, a normal guy, right from the very first days we became friends with him, we were also when in the northern military district, he also often tried to find out through the boys,
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how are we doing, where no, no, if we asked him for something, he always tried right for our sake, to immediately send a convoy to us from the very first column, in general a clear guy, they told me that it was... he came up with it for you call sign johnny, are you a fan of rapper johnny, or why? no, us we were just kidding, he always the... well, i want to say that sergei is here today, he came to meet you, and he will meet your mother today, we meet sergei duloglub.
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was not in the unit, served as deputy gate commander for military-political work, that is, he taught the guys military-political matters, morale, strong-willedness, we also went to the training ground, that is, the marat showed himself there, he was purposeful, persistent, a confident guy, well, one of these morally strong-willed guys qualities you can deduce a person, and how to characterize him, well, in short, how, well , from from this. as if, in principle, the song is that of johnny lahunta anton maloka, somehow it escaped from me, it flew further and
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further, as if as a joke, and johnny attached himself and remained behind him. tell me, but he proved himself, as i understand it, then when he was wounded, somehow he even helped your family, as i understand it. yes, i had an accident, after being injured, a year later, while i was undergoing rehabilitation, well it worked out so, while driving, we got into accidents, i can’t tell you all the details either. so i literally got out of a wheelchair a month and a half or two ago, was in a wheelchair and rode for six months while in the hospital, morat turned out to be discharged earlier, well, i got in, and he was discharged, and just at the time of buying an apartment i needed to buy, well to help translate there for his wife, daughter, all these things , marat organized it all, but here is a man without a leg, it’s not in vain that they say, friends are known in trouble, this is a real friend, for whom i can say: i’m sure that yes, this my friend, this is my brother, we are always in search of some heroes, yes, where are they, who
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can be an example, yes, it seems to me that marat showed himself not only there in a difficult military operation, yes, but in ordinary life, yes , as we see, you can rely on him, and yes , you can confidently say that this is a real friend, you were told that he was wounded, yes, that he was in the hospital, you did not admonish him about this, i saw him off to soo, it turns out. later, well , we kept in touch, we were in touch with him, then for some time the connection was lost, broke up with us, and the guys called me, our comrades in battle, they said that the man was hit by a mine, blew himself up, tore off his leg, lost a limb of his fingers there, as if i was very worried, but i couldn’t, you know, get to the service with he can’t go to the hospital anywhere , so the situation here is like this, well, it’s like... the long meeting took place, i’m glad for this meeting, but now you see how he
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handles the prosthesis, how he uses it, almost for reading books, let's see what marat dreams about, here this is my room, i lived in this room until i was 18 years old, then i left for military service, then the incident began. here i have awards , the order of courage, the medal for courage, and the zhukov medal , my girl, this is my dog, gina, she is 3 months old, but she loves to bite, gin is not allowed, she generally adores people, she is a strong breed of dog, i took her in order for me to live up to the fact that he is a good dog, but she is very strong, and the most important thing is that my mother surprised me, she gave me a projector, and i just get a kick out of this projector, to be honest
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, in the evenings i mostly watch videos, i i love the strawberry, i used to love to move very much, i used to love to name very much, now you yourself understand that i am a little limited, but i still try, so i try to keep up with healthy people, here is my prosthesis, i have this microprocessor one like this moves completely, that's the process. this is how it fits , everything is convenient, if not, if you need some kind of stand for the phone, then i do it like this, yes, this is my stroller, because... i moved in a stroller for a very long time, almost 13.5 months, now it i just feel like furniture, i try not to sit on it, so that it is not present in my life at all, i am still even embarrassed at some moments, honestly, in my dreams i have such a situation that i will walk like this, what will i do when i walk in pants , from the outside it will not be visible that i am wearing a prosthesis,
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i want children already, because my age has already approached, i am 32 years old, i want three, just three, an older boy. and two girls, why girls, because daddy always loves girls more, i want to get married so that i don’t get divorced in the future, i want to forever, well, seryozha has a girl, they really are girls, yes, indeed, girls are yes, they are daddy’s daughter, that’s undeniable. what are you doing together with her, tell me, we draw together, well , we work out, yes, she is very active, hyperactive, one might say, she has been a cheerleader for me since she was three years old, and at the same time she also does acrobatics, and the brides are in mind there is
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or we can announce, announce. i'm ready! let's get started now on a little advertising, right after it, in our studio, new meetings for marat, the friend who saved him at the front, and sergei’s mother , who hasn’t seen her son for almost a year, don’t switch, he wanted to kill the girl for some reason, that’s it, relax, i have to help her, relax, you can’t help everyone who is without... to him no need to sign up, just kidding, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly,
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he’ll always tell you how to increase your low blood pressure? and how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. it is for you?
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well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday. dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, but for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time. beauty, reppin, the whole crew, just watching on the platform, favorite songs are playing in our studio, let's go,
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birthday, favorite music never gets old.
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once again, good afternoon, you are on the russia tv channel, earlier in the program today , thirty-two-year-old marat dzhumagaliev, a rifleman of an airborne assault company, for heroism and military merits on the front line, he was awarded the order of courage, in one of the battles marat received he was seriously wounded and lost his leg; he spent more than a year in the hospital. bed has undergone 15 operations and is now looking for his comrades with whom he lost contact. he met with one of the fighters with the call sign grozny today in our studio, this is how their meeting went a few minutes ago. but this is not the only surprise for marat
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today, let's look at another story: will marat recognize this hero, pay attention, this is my parents' house, my mother lives here, i'm quietly doing renovations for my mother, i installed plastic windows, we keep a household here, cattle. eat, eat, i’m fixing the manger where the hay goes, the cows fight, break each other, so i have to fake it like this all the time, at home, when you live. the work never seems to end, then there is something that needs to be forged in the barn,
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then we do the housework quietly and do repairs, i’ll fix the faucet, mother, that’s how the water fills up, ma get to work, oh, well done, yeah, my son, yeah , okay, yeah, i have a son. chief assistant, yeah, he's the smallest, the furthest away, yeah, this is my uniform, in the chest i drew a drawing from my daughter in my pocket of our family, and says: remember, we are always waiting for you, here is my wife rosa, well done, my needlewoman, she has been cooking for 10 years. we have been feeding me together for 10 years, when he returned from the oxen, he
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lost a lot of weight, and i decided to feed him, zakarmi, my husband loves pancakes, beshparmak, kurdak, my wife cooks very well, she even has some dishes, she sometimes looks from the internet and cooks, i am very pleased that i have such a wife , beautiful children, she gave it to me, i waited for him every day, i am for him i was worried, i wanted him to return home safe and sound, but if he worries , you will grow up, you will be a man, for sure, this is
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the one who carried you out from half the battle, and they pulled me out, and i wrung out the pea coat, then there there well, he is the mother of your own brother, your own brother, who, after you were wounded, also went to yes, i also have an older brother now at the moment...


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