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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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our hero, well, i met marat at a picnic, in the summer, thanks to the weather, we organize such outings, with barbecues , with guitars, with dancing, with songs, with watermelons, and morad, of course, firstly, he bathed me there, pushed the water, but it was summer, it was great, fun, so he immediately attracted attention with his energy, positivity, his endless, how the girl muttered. well, he managed to pay attention to everyone, well , you think what kind of girl he needs, well, marad said it here, and i know it, that he is for me he said that he really wants a family, he already really wants a friendly, strong family, many children, every time we call each other, he tells me this, tells me what to do, he says, they say, i’m already like that, i want it so much, i say, well, marat, wait, sooner or later, maybe your program will contribute to this throughout the country? do you
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have something like that in the hospital, no, no, we are calm, we behave calmly, cultured, disciplined, we don’t allow too much, like a fool, but in general, right now - the girls will look at you and maybe they’ll want too - volunteer, how to become one? one of you to gain access to the wards to the soldiers is like - come to the state to penetrate with this and help the guys, in fact, because the guys are doing a great job, it’s just a unique brotherhood, in fact, yes, with great fortitude, willpower, in general, and thank you so much, guys, well, i also want to thank you for this meeting, for this program, i have flowers there for moms - and i hope you won’t
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get lost again, and will stick to each other, well, don’t forget to invite the wedding later, well that’s all for today, take care of yourself and your loved ones, goodbye. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program not only songs are fulfilled, but also wishes, my mother-in-law promised to give me a gift after the wedding, she says, but you don’t got it, damn it,
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with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. where are we going? on the search. treasure? what kind of treasure pack? we're going to look for mom. let's see on the weekend. look at me like that, you're embarrassing me. you are the most wonderful girl in the world. are you bored? kesha, it's okay, we're going.
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my husband, throw it on, he’s not going anywhere. only new love can melt the ice in the heart. hello, i'm not alone, matvey. it's so good that you found me. we won't let you go anywhere else. oops, what are you doing here? and you are frosty. on sunday on rtr. hello dear friends, yes. and gentlemen,
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comrades, hello, your favorite program 60 minutes about the most important thing is live. we start with breaking news, su-25 attack aircraft are facing strong opposition. electronic warfare carried out a missile strike at the ukrainian armed forces stronghold. right now, our fighters continue to advance along the entire front line. in this footage, a crew of an anti-tank missile system of the russian airborne forces destroys a group of ukrainian militants in the vicinity of chasov yar. our paratroopers, one after another, take enemy outposts along the route leading to the city from artyomovsk. at the same time, the russian army occupied the territory of the popovsky forest. it is reported that the ukrainian armed forces have already lost all positions around. the russian army is also developing successes south of marinka, where our troops were able to reach the outskirts during the assault the settlement of pobeda, which is an important defense center of the ukrainian armed forces. this is the kupa
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direction, the ministry of defense showed how rszzo and tornado-g crews are working on bandera positions. the artillery of the west troops group supports tankers around the clock and... the footage shows that the ukrainian unit was completely destroyed, the speaker of the vsuminyuk group stated that the ukrainian armed forces have run out of armored vehicles. 95 ready, ready.
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main direction right 1224 shots. the multi-purpose swedish сau archer takes only 10 seconds between shots. archer fires standard nato shells of 155 mm caliber, range up to 40 km, conventional ammunition up to 60 high-precision excalibur type. in automatic mode, a full ammunition load of 21 rounds is fired in 2.5 minutes. sergey gunner. he says that after each combat operation he puts the sau in order, the high-precision system requires constant maintenance, after firing, say, two drums, two drums were launched and it is advisable to clean it so that the barrel is clean, so that the barrel is clean, the ukrainian crew of this archer went through a six-month
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sai training program at an accelerated rate, i had to memorize the fire control program to the point of automaticity, the entire menu is in english, army. now has a strategic advantage in the war, not having as many shells as last year, the ukrainian armed forces find it difficult to restrain the enemy’s daily assaults. it is obvious that the ukrainian army will spend the next few months in active defense, and much will depend on further military assistance from the west. we have a one-hour task. our task at the same time fast.
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we are driving to the location of the military unit to meet the uav operators in the unit , whom we visited last spring when they participated in the defense of the marinka, the soldiers are in an abandoned cottage, muttering about the cold of a difficult military situation. it's not the best weather for drones, the skies are clear, but when the temperature drops below -10, the drone batteries lose charge. there were also cases when the propellers froze in the middle of the flight, which led to...
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he will hate dima, he says, everyone dreams of the summer after the victory, so that they will never again feel this cold. now this is one example of what ukraine would like to do, but cannot. in these frames , targeted artillery fire is being fired at the position of the ukrainian armed forces, which repeatedly hits the same point of ukrainians on this street. apparently, they have something in the form of a temporary position there. we see russian artillery hitting these points again and again. it feels like the russians can aim for the same places for days on end. the russian army is armed with 152 caliber howitzers and 122 mm. they have explosive rockets, missile launchers, and various mortars. superiority.
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and where the russians are now pressing, who are looking at a large fortified area in the ssu of the land. now, if we concentrate for a moment, we will see a powerful explosion and a whole barrage of fire. these are airstrikes, guided bombs fap-500 and even 1,500. this is one and a half tons of explosives that fall on you from the sky. ukrainians have no way to protect themselves from them. there are no air defenses against these glide bombs that could prevent them. knock down it is obvious that now the russians have absolute fire superiority over the ukrainian armed forces in all respects. against the backdrop of the problems of the kiev regime at the front, zelyansky reported in his evening address that he held the first meeting with the updated military
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leadership of ukraine, a decision was made to increase the number of capabilities of mobile fire groups, the supply of armed forces, drones, shells and electronic warfare equipment was discussed. the new commander-in-chief syrsky, among others, made a report. and this photo appeared on the internet: look, november seventh, eighty- six, a cadet of the moscow higher military command. school comrade syrsky takes part in the parade on red square in honor of the 69th anniversary of the great october revolution. he goes to the holiday box with other cadets and does not think about any decommunization. these are already shots from the principality of monaco, famous for its casino district of monte carlo, zelensky’s ex-adviser arestovich is making a promenade. enjoying a vacation in europe while the taras and mykolys are in ukraine.
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putin's russia is called a greater threat to the west than the soviet union of the times of khrushchev or brezhnev. they explain to the dutch reader: he wants to destroy the european union , he will not rest until he restores his empire , it will extend to the oder, that is, the russians will reach the border with germany, seize part of the czech republic and almost all of poland, but in order to prevent this, the authors of the article demand from europe, build a military economy, following the example of russia, forward for a strong europe from lisbon to lugansk, calls on the head of the german foreign ministry nalena berbak, who posted this photo with colleagues from poland. and france by secorski and séjourne. apparently, her nazi grandfather used the same cry when the wehrmacht
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reached lugansk. only then did we have to escape from the red army back to berlin. by the way, grandfather berbak did not make it; he was killed in 1945 in the vicinity of kennicksburg, which after the victory became russian kaliningrad. anna lena could draw at least some conclusions from this, but no. german chancellor scholz demands from countries. europe move to mass production of weapons, spend on defense at least 2% of gdp, right now - just over one and a half percent. the nato 2% standard is met by only 11 members of the alliance, that is , a little more than a third of the bloc’s member countries. these include the us, uk and nine eu countries. with the demand to spend more on the war, scholz spoke at the groundbreaking of a new ammunition production plant for the rain metal arms concern. accompanied. defense minister pistorios, danish prime minister fredrickson and columnist bilda tiede. the latter
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demanded that the chancellor become a tank chancellor, an iron olaf, the leader of the western peace. but only the head of rain metal, poperger, admitted it. there is not enough strength for this. ukraine's needs for shells exceed the capabilities of the german military-industrial complex. kiev needs more than 2 million shells a year, germany plans to reach... the figure of 700,000 by next year, while it will take 10:15 years to replenish the reserves of the bondesphere itself. ordinary germans are not eager to fight the russians, they are not... fools, chancellor scholz and defense minister pistorius were met in lower saxony by hundreds of disgruntled demonstrators, including farmers with pitchforks and shovels.
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ceremony of laying the first stone of a new production plant.
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well, right now it’s extremely difficult for ukraine, for 10 thousand russian shells a day, the ukrainians respond with only two thousand, it will be even harder in the ssu if the united states stops the supply of ammunition. the german opposition therefore demands that contracts be concluded with defense companies for the production of shells in the required quantities. russia has already transferred the economy to a military footing, so
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we must produce military products 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. for this political will is also needed, which the federal chancellor's office has not yet demonstrated. and despite the fact that scholz announced the beginning of a new era almost 2 years ago, it’s really time for it to come. as bundeswehr inspector general carston bruer said in turn, germany will need 5-8 years to prepare, given the scale of the military threat that comes from russia. according to him, germany must be able to defend itself and must make it clear to the enemy that... it is too big if he decides to attack. to do this, however, it is necessary not only to keep military equipment and personnel in combat readiness. this also requires a change in mentality, broer is convinced. many in the same german opposition, however, are very worried about the state of the german economy. the leaders of the cdu and csu parties therefore even wrote a letter to chancellor scholz, in which
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they listed measures through which the german economy could theoretically get out of the recession faster. economists, in turn , warn that action is necessary right now, so that germany does not cease to be a developed industrial country. everyone notices it, everyone feels it, in germany something is getting out of control, people are upset, nervous and feel that they have reached a dead end. this is due to unfortunate political developments that are expressed every year in the federal budget, because it is about who gets what and from whom. government spending has increased over the decades, and
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there is now an impenetrable network of subsidies, special funds and associations beneficiaries, church. the royalties are redirected back and forth, like in a market, and in the end the one who shouts the loudest wins. while there was enough money, it somehow worked, but now the treasury is empty, we live on debt, we need to make a decision. in any case, the best specialists in our country are tired of this. many of them have long left the country, others are about to leave, and many of them have left and will never return, and there are those who finally open their mouths, who organize demonstrations and who are immediately driven into the right corner by the government. rain metal builds a new ammunition production plant in germany, how did they react to this news in russia? any supply of ammunition, any supply of weapons, any increase in production.
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on the hill in washington, republicans continue to block the white house's attempts to transfer billions to zelensky. speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson rejected the ukraine funding bill passed by the senate over the weekend. he stated that the document providing for the allocation of $95 billion to ukraine to israel and taiwan does not correspond to the moment. mol for first we need to ensure the security of the southern border of the united states, where there is a catastrophe with migrants. then start inciting wars. far from washington , senator from alabama domi daberil made a proposal not to give kiev a cent from american taxpayers. his colleague james vance said democrats
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want to set the $60 billion ukraine funding bill as a trap for trump if he is re-elected. according to the document, kiev will receive part of the money until january 20, 2025. if donald after returning to the white house he will try to stop the war, then him. will be accused of non-compliance with the financing agreement, which will be a reason for impeachment. newswick writes that biden is unlikely to be re-elected to a second term. his already low support has weakened over the past 3 months, and voters in a variety of electoral groups have turned away from the incumbent president. one of the reasons is joe's progressive dementia. biden’s cognitive problems are a threat to us national security, the employee directly stated this. doctor white house under obama and trump ronny jackson. on fox news, he commented on the report of special prosecutor robert heur, where biden was called a good-natured pensioner. the doctor said
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that joe had truly deteriorated since his time as vice president in the barack obama administration. the white house press secretary disagrees. karin claims that biden has a sharp mind and does not need medical examination. grandfather is already full of strength. in this footage , for example, biden hit his head while exiting the presidential helicopter. and here's another one a strange prank, while receiving the king of jordan in the white house, the american leader got lost in space and made ridiculous maneuvers behind the guest’s back. against this background, the vice president of the united states expressed her readiness to replace her decrepit leader. kamala haris said it's okay. on the front page of the new york times in this regard , the headline: kamala haris and... a controversial political experience that i did not realize, although i was there, yes, i know that it turned out that i was not there, but i was, i i even remember this,
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is it possible to talk to the president’s doctor why is it still there? look, you see, speaking about the special counsel's report in a nutshell, the special counsel, as far as i remember, is obviously a republican, he is a prosecutor, not a medical doctor, he is not a doctor and it is not his place to say. i have known the president since 2009, he is not just my boss, he is also in some way a mentor to me, sometimes i...
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during a press conference with the king of jordan , joe biden lost his orientation in space and began to rush around the stage. social media immediately reacted to this with ridicule. puppy. the world leader is confused in two steps, the summer president, calling him a sad sight lost. the fact that they don't even try to hide it anymore makes me sad. and after that, biden seemed to forget that the prince of jordan did not perform on stage with him. there with the queen. queen riana is now meeting with zhil, and the queen and the crown prince say: where is the prince, i thought he would come out. oh well.


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