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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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during a press conference with the king of jordan, joe biden lost his orientation in space and began to rush around the stage. social media immediately reacted by ridiculing the 81-year-old president, dubbing him a lost puppy. the world leader is entangled in two steps, a sad sight. the fact that they don't even try to hide it anymore upsets me. and after that, baydon seems to have forgotten that prince jordan did not perform on stage with him. there with the queen. queen riana is currently dating. and the queen is heir prince they say: where is the prince? i thought he would come out. oh well. democrats need
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to come to terms with the fact that president biden is 81 years old and that has little to do with the real reason. why has this become such a problem. after all, former president trump is 77 years old. it's not the numbers on his passport, it's the fact that every time the president appears in public he seems to be on the verge of collapsing or forgetting something. the thing is that he seems to forget about things and starts talking so much that it's just not comparable to former president trump's reservations. voters are concerned about behavior, not... voters are watching biden, 76% of them have concerns, as do some of his donors. here's what the washington post reports: biden's top donors have received calls and messages from worried democrats asking if there is still time for other democrats to jump into the presidential race when gavin enters it, or what about whitmer or shapira, who have made the rounds in the last 24 hours democratic circles. but the bench
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democrats are so outnumbered that they are crying out for a savior. and then kamela announced that if necessary, she was ready to take over as president, but no one believed her. 380 million people and we have kamela haris as vice president. i don't think biden can handle this. whenever something happens that incapacitates the president , be it here.
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because she is a woman of color, not because she can lead, and the only thing she can lead to is a bunch of words that have no meaning, she has achieved nothing, i i feel dumber every time i listen to her speak, and i think most americans would agree with me, and i think if she were nominated, trump would just bury her in the november election. this is how biden sees the future. american cartoonists, the us president in the role of a goldfish says from the podium that everything is fine with his memory, then the trump shark eats him. by the way, scientists have refuted the information that goldfish remember only the last 3 seconds of life, so the cartoon downplays their cognitive abilities by comparing them to biden. the american journalist carlson examined the condition of old man joe. at the world forum in dubai, he compared the president of the united states and russia and said that be.
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the doctors had to cancel it. tucker explained that putin is in much better shape, a very capable leader; no other person could have ruled the largest country in the world for 24 years, which is so diverse in linguistic, cultural, and religious terms. well, a sensation from tucker: he spoke with putin without a television camera, and the president allegedly said that he was ready to agree to a serious compromise on ukraine, but no details. carlson did not disclose a private conversation with the russian president. another confession from tucker: he tried to interview putin for 3 years. the american authorities interfered with him. the nsa and cia illegally spied on journalists and leaked information about his plans to the new york times, ducker says. when he found out about this, he became furious with what was happening, and only became even more excited about the idea of ​​recording an interview with the president of russia. well, one more confession. he really
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liked moscow. moreover, russian the capital, he said, is much more convenient than any city in the united states. moscow is cleaner, more beautiful and safer aesthetically, karls said, noted. that in new york people are afraid to go into the subway, in moscow there is nothing like that, it’s clear. tucker's interview with putin has already been viewed by almost 199 million people on twitter alone. today, an american journalist published another video. his new interlocutor was republican jay. carlolson gave out the kromola again. ukraine, even with the help of western countries, will not be able to prevail in the conflict. all the efforts of the west support from kyiv. only lead to increased losses of the ukrainian armed forces and further degradation of the us and especially german economies. carlson called washington’s current policy not just a stupid idea, but self-destruction, madness and cruelty, and senator vance agreed with him. according to him, the west is prolonging the conflict in
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the interests of military contractors who are trying to explain to the public that america's most pressing task is to defeat the russians. it became absolutely obvious to everyone a few months ago that ukraine would not be able to win the war against russia. ukrainian military even with western support of hundreds of billions of dollars, they cannot push the russian military out of the regions of eastern ukraine. ukraine has no industrial capacity. the same can be said about nato and the usa. they don't have enough people. the population of russia is 100 million people larger than ukraine. this means that further western support for the armed forces of ukraine will lead to even greater deaths of ukrainians and further degradation of the western. economy of the usa and germany in particular, so this is not just a lost cause, this is self-destruction, this is cruel madness, this is complicity in the murder of an entire generation of ukrainians, this is absolutely obvious, and not a single honest person will deny it now. however, the us senate, which is several years behind the times,
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decided a few weeks ago to send another $60 billion to the ukrainian government, which is corrupt and authoritarian. imagine the surprise of all rational people around the world who woke up just today and found out that.
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i really wanted to know what vladimir putin is like and what he thinks about the war that rebooting this world is causing irreparable damage to the economy of my country, but i wanted to do this interview because they told me that i couldn’t do it, they
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tried to stop me by illegal means. they started the war in 2014. our goal is to stop this war. tucker carlson claims in his preview video that the biden administration opposed and even tried to interfere with his attempt to interview putin. wait, repeat the last part. he says the biden administration tried to stop him interview vladimir putin. do you have any comments about the interview or this statement? absolutely not. do you not comment at all or deny that this happened? i have absolutely nothing to say, period. during the 8 days that i spent in moscow, i was impressed not only by the leader of this country, who, of course, is impressive. this is the largest country in the world, it is all very different. and linguistically and culturally, there are different religions, it is difficult to govern such a country
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for 24 years, whether you like it or not, an incapable person could not, and putin is very capable, as many of you know, but what came as a shock to me was that moscow, where i had never been before, the largest european city with 13 million people, is much nicer than any city in my country, i had no idea about it. my father was there in the eighties when he worked for the government in the us, and it didn't even have lights everywhere, and now it is much cleaner, safer and more beautiful, aesthetically, its architecture, food and services are better than any city in the us. often a person is not interested in some abstract things, but rather concrete ones, and if you cannot use the subway, which many point out in connection with new york, because it is too dangerous, then you begin to wonder how world leadership is measured? the day before the attack, the us ambassador to russia suddenly confessed her love for the moscow metro. lyn
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tracy said that she used the moscow subway back in the eighties, since everything there had changed a lot and became much more modern. but trips in the moscow metro they never get bored anyway,” tracy admitted. by the way , 14 metro stations and 74 mcd stations opened in moscow last year. somehow it doesn’t look like an economy torn apart by sanctions. in russia the turnover is solid. is, quote: in the territory of positive growth,” said the imf’s first deputy managing director, gita gapinath, in an interview with foreign policy. according to her, the russian economy is performing better than experts expected. putin said the day before that our country is successfully coping with sanctions pressure from the west. at a meeting on on economic issues, the president of russia announced the growth of our country’s gdp in 2023. gdp increased by 3.6%. the american conservative cites the opinion of the famous french sociologist and writer tod. western sanctions
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turned out to be something of a paper tiger that could not bring russia to its knees. the expert notes that over the past 20 years, russia has achieved stunning success in agriculture and internet access. infant mortality, which is considered the most important indicator of the country's development in russia, is one of the lowest in the world, already lower than in the usa. it is curious that in his first book, back in 1976, he accurately predicted the collapse of the soviet union. now he writes about the inevitable collapse of western civilization. the book is called the defeat of the west. according to the bestselling author, the states are leading the liberal world into the abyss. the west has no idea how much of the world rejects its value system of modern globalist neoliberalism.
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russia invaded its neighbor, one of the most the richest countries imposed crushing sanctions, and the invasion turned out to be extremely costly.
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to the economic containment of russia. we have witnessed something that has not happened before, the confiscation of sovereign assets of the central bank, and despite this, the russian economy has shown flexibility. why did the united states do this? i can only explain it to arrogance, they probably thought that everything would collapse, but nothing collapsed, moreover, other oil-producing countries are starting to talk, they are already making payments for for for the sale of oil in the yuan, despite restrictions on exports to western countries, for
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gas supplies, money was still paid, and this means that the kremlin and its war machines were fueled by this. what has changed is that... russia has embarked on a military economy, huge taxes are spent on this, which means that spending on the military sphere is extremely high. spending on social benefits is also extremely high. russia was able to export huge amounts of oil despite the price ceiling, so they were able to make huge export funds. but beyond this, the central bank behaved quite skillfully and was able to build protective buffers around the russian economy to protect.
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russia took the lead, to everyone's surprise, russia bypassed all the countries from this group. the economy of russia's main enemy, the united states, grew by less than 3%. the economies of japan and canada are less than 2%. france, italy and great britain by less than 1%, and the german economy was generally in the negative zone. so for now , moscow has managed to survive the onslaught of western sanctions. we have a whole chain of small shops here and even a bank branch, which is very cool.
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now about the bad weather, which has been attacking central russia for the second week in a row. in saratov , gagarin airport was closed due to freezing rain. the same situation is now in voronezh after the rain. the streets were searched by holoplanes, huge queues. in the rostov region, in addition to the ice, the ice storm led to the fall of trees that could not withstand the gravity of the ice. as a result , more than 200 people were without power due to damage to the power lines, but the capital of our country, moscow turned into a huge cat after the freezing rain. some muscovites skate around their yards. according to weather forecasters, freezing rain, sleet and fog are expected in moscow throughout the day. the capital's debtrans recommends not to drive and
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use public transport. and by evening the icy glaze will gradually pass and fall on the residents of smolenskaya. kaluga, tula, bryansk, oryol, lipetsk and tambov regions. be careful. in addition, the first magnetic storm is expected today february. several fairly powerful solar flares caused disturbances in the geomagnetic field. during the day, the storm can reach class g1, g2. weak disturbances are possible tomorrow. there is also a small chance of auroras in the european part of russia this night. the glass over there is so frozen that you have to break it off, just so you understand what a skating rink there is on the street, there is ice everywhere.
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basically, of course, truckers value their time, but do not value the time of others, one after another continues to get stuck, and so a chain reaction occurs, a powerful cyclone has passed in the volgograd region, even special equipment was powerless in the face of terrible ice. a real skating rink on the sidewalks and streets, someone even decided that it was easier to move around on a skate, hello utility workers, this is the first time like this. not only people had to be saved from the consequences of the disaster, but a sparrow was freed from icy captivity.
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the regional capital was also hit by bad weather. the morning for volgograd drivers began with a real quest: get inside your car, the car is frozen in an ice shell. warming came, the city was covered by a strong fog, visibility is minimal, these steps lead to the mamaev kurgan, but because of the thick pilina, the majestic motherland is not visible at all. terrible ice today practically paralyzed the voronezh region, there were dozens of accidents on the roads, bus service was suspended in many areas, and pedestrians had to cling to any possible support to avoid falling. here is a man, he is trying to get there. city ​​emergency rooms are overcrowded, ambulances bring victims virtually non-stop. over these few days the weather has decided
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to demonstrate all their capabilities , frosts will come to the european part of russia again after snowfall, freezing rain and heavy fog. we have an incredible winter, but summer is just around the corner, just 2 weeks and spring will begin. let's go to the front, the legendary military correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda is in direct contact with us, alexander kots, sasha, hello, we are very glad to welcome you. where were you, what did you see? i know that you have visited one of the most difficult art directions? yes, in fact, now there are enough points of tension for the ukrainian army, not only in artyomovsky, this is also the kupinsk direction, and the south donetsk direction, and the donetsk direction itself, therefore. and today the enemy is forced to try to operate with reserves so that a serious major breakthrough does not occur anywhere, near kupinsk, there are prerequisites for
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creating such a situation for the armed forces of ukraine near senkovka, we continue to put pressure on the artyomovsk direction and the prerequisites are also being created for an operation to capture an important defense center in the future the armed forces of ukraine in the city of chasov, there is a small one there. promotions, i won’t say which ones directions, so as not to jinx it, but there are such reasons for cautious optimism, respectively, to the north of artyomovsk in the belogorovka area in the seversk region, there is also a gradual improvement in our positions, again to create some kind of bridgehead to cut off, cut off this entire line defense, which today
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began its activities in the role of commander by sending supposedly elite assault units from the reserves to the most difficult areas? well , i think if i told our fighters on the front line today that the enemy had run out equipment, they would look at me as if i were begging, because the enemy’s equipment, well, unfortunately, is enough for now, and there is less artillery, there is actually less artillery, and there are very few fragments. they are trying to compensate for high-explosive shells with cluster munitions, but a huge number of unmanned strike aircraft are still being demonstrated, trying
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to compensate for the lack of artillery. as for technology, well, in one of the most difficult areas, my friends who work with fpv drones, they say that here you are you take off and you know for sure that you will find a target, because there is a lot of equipment, it is not heavy equipment, mostly... humvees and bradleys, but there are enough of them in the same donetsk direction, a flight is actually guaranteed, you will have a target, but i repeat , there is less artillery, there is less artillery, as for syrsky, well, in general, the appointment of syrsky means that we will not have simple captures of cities, because syrsky was remembered back in 2015 for some kind of suicidal mania. here is the defense, yes we remember the operation podebaltsev, when it was clear that there was no point in staying there, and yet
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they continued to die there. ukrainian soldiers, asyrsky was one of the main characters in that epic battle, he first led, let me remind you, the battles of vuglegorsk, from which he was kicked out miserably, then he defended himself in redkodub with the same result, then he tried to recapture logvinov, this is so small a village that stands on the debaltsevo-artemovsk highway, the very neck of the debaltsevo cauldron at that time, and in fact could not do anything there either and coordinated the exit armed forces. he is also credited with success in the kharkov region, but it was still not
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syrsky’s operation, but his... there the vanguard was made up of foreign mercenaries, well, in fact, then the enemy simply took advantage of our mistakes very cleverly, in general, tsirsky did not take over 10 years of confrontation not a single city, this probably says a lot about him as a military leader, he defended, of course, kiev and even received some kind of awards for it, but who knows how the operation to defend kiev would have ended if if we...
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there is no operation to expand the bridgehead there, russian aviation regularly works there with gliding ammunition , there is actually nothing left of the containers, only some skeletons of houses, and with basements, and an attempt to build up the group on this section of the front, it naturally meets fierce resistance from our marines , our paratroopers, are destroyed daily and - the means of delivering the enemy to our shore and... the enemy's manpower, that is, this goes on every day, while there are several dozen people on our shore, but their advance further is impossible, building up a group with equipment there is also impossible, and this presence, well, apparently was created in order to divert some of our resources to constant combat work in this direction, but in general the situation there is controlled, it is clear that the enemy is still
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strong, although... the news is really positive coming from the front, what difficulties are we experiencing now, what unexpected things can we expect from the enemy, because many paid attention to the phrase that zelensky said the day before regarding the formation of more the number of mobile groups, what this could mean, terrorist attacks, well , mobile, mobile groups, small maneuverable groups, whatever you want to call them, they have proven themselves. but since then our army has changed, the war has changed in principle, the main difficulties now are the impact of enemy strike unmanned aircraft, in some sectors of the front, well , the air is just buzzing all the time, like mosquitoes above a swamp, yes, a huge number of their pividrons and it is very difficult to counteract them, perhaps there is in certain areas of the front there is a lack of reb,
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as a classic one. so portable that ordinary soldiers could use it, hence the huge amount of filming from the other side with defeats, but we also have enough such filming too... thank you very much, comprehensively about the situation on the line of combat contact, the legendary komsomolskaya pravda commander, our comrade, alexander kots. please, how is the situation on the front line, through the eyes of a militiaman? well, in principle, i agree with alexander, we have known each other since we were twenty the second year he came to see me on the kinburn spit. somehow i didn’t even believe that it was me, so i’m very glad to see him today, you took off your senatorial suit, let’s go, let’s say, here i am representing the volunteer corps, today in cooperation with
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the airborne troops, the corps under under the command of major general boril , he advanced to the outskirts of the yar clock, this is what we are talking about, and it must be said that the vsu is very ... comfortable now in a number of sectors of the front, starting from kupyansk, kuzemovka and, in fact, to krynki. this the constant transfer of maneuvers carried out by the command of the armed forces of ukraine today is subject to enormous difficulties in terms of human resources, you see how the ukrainian authorities are trying to mobilize, actually inhumanly calling up the disabled and the elderly. because, well, in my understanding , a person over 50 years old in the trenches is far from a combat-ready person, physiology, there is physiology, how old are you, well, i’m 52, soon 53, but it’s like i’m in a command position, i’m in a command position, but
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i started the war practically in the trenches, in lived in dugouts, took part in assaults, then in ’22 this is how the situation developed, well, this is not your first war, this is with all the hot spots... the seventh war in a row, my eldest son is fighting, he started too since twenty-two, it’s like brothers have been fighting , that is, for me and for my family this is normal, and i kind of want to thank our federation council for its support, for example, i, as the former head of tambov, together with the head of the tambov administration , are today the only region together , where two the chapters are howling at the same time, now the third is also trying to take shape. come, this says that in fact there is a certain patriotic spirit within the country in order to defeat nazism and our task now is to destroy these rabid
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dogs as much as possible, i am not afraid of this word, all these tarasiks should be treated only this way, these are the heirs of the fascists , and as for all today’s reports of the west’s participation in all these... pains with the statement that the russians are about to attack, they’re about to come, they’re all understand that all 54 parties that are participating today indirectly or directly with instructors, mercenaries, intelligence data , and so on, will have to respond, and none of them can give a guarantee that a russian soldier will not come to warsaw, berlin, or other cities, and so from... well, get rid of it, like in 1945 the spaniards, the dutch, the belgians, the finns, and only romania, which, for example, an interesting country with hitler, reached moscow, then with stalin to berlin, jumped off, that's probably how to play around ,
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it won’t work, and today these bookmarks, new enterprises for the production of ammunition, this is what they hoped for after the collapse of the soviet union. that russia will no longer rise, they were preparing to fight in afghanistan, iraq, syria, and in fact missed the time when russia was reviving, today the president, and i want to say, here is our president, is truly a patriot of his side, and i want to say that we we’ll all stand up so that he can win again, because what’s happening now, all these bad fights in the west, well... well, i hope that now i’m going to scrape , let biden win, it’s interesting for us that this, well, a self-propelled misunderstanding, continues this policy, no matter what anyone says, trump for
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us is, well, many times more dangerous, many times more dangerous, he is a nationally oriented patriot of the united states states, and he will do everything, continue everything in order to destroy. and we will not sit idly by, we will continue the fight, grinding down these, well, i would like to put it mildly, well, i’d rather not , don’t be shy. searched by the earth, searched for, this is artificial
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formation in the form of a misunderstanding former ukraine, former ukraine, as once , remember, after the collapse of yugoslavia, which the united states was collapsing, wrote former jugoslavien, yes, former yugoslavia, now several republics, the west accepted it, well, of course, no yugoslavia, why it shouldn’t be exactly the same with this fascist legacy, hungarians, romanians. poles, russians, where are the ukrainians, who are the ukrainians? there are little russians, but this is part of the russian people, so today we are fighting so that the heirs of nazism, all these bärbock, scholz and so on, could not in any way influence the future of our country, you tell us about the front, but still, if for you this is the seventh war, we know that at the beginning of the special military operation there were commanders.
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no one thought about where the operators were trained, no one thought about counteracting turnips, everything was presented as some kind of magic, and you need to understand that what is fighting on the other side is, well , a fairly dangerous and serious technically advanced enemy. at that moment, even from my own experience, when near nikolaev... they took platoon strong points,
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a unit rises to storm the platoon strong point, in the sector of the ukrainian company, that is, directly the front and flanks, 30-40 units of all kinds rise, from industrial, to homemade quadcopters, which adjust the fire of artillery, mortars, heavy machine guns, it was very difficult to fight this, and once - at the very beginning... they shot down a homemade uav, which means that there was an antenna on it, a satellite antenna, a satellite antenna, such an octagonal thing, while the ukrainians do not have an orbital one satellite constellation, accordingly , this homemade product has such a design, which means it has a design made of aluminum corners with lifting motors, with propellers, which means three gopro cameras
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of frontal positioners and not side grips, we at one time, well, occupied some positions there at gas stations under the visors they hid the equipment, now this product made it possible to open our equipment and came under fire, that is, this indicated that the ukrainians at that time had all the resources that were involved, like a circle of crazy pens there are palaces of pioneers from... from all the sites where possible, they collected these craftsmen, stupidly bought these parts on avito and made their own, which means they produced these copters in unlimited quantities. according to the stories that in the twenty -third year the ssu allegedly purchased one and a half million, well, industrially manufactured ones, even if they lie at least half, 7000 is a lot, that’s what sasha was talking about, there is a lot.
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the lancet indicator recently noted the thousandth defeat, which was recorded by a camera, the drones actually located there, and even ukrainian experts, so-called , admit that we were lagging behind in drones, but now priority, i would like to finish about drones, what is happening now, literally today there is a large
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meeting on the so-called garage production of drones, this is such an addendum to industrial production , what is carried out by the ministry of defense, here i am. taking this opportunity, i want to thank everyone, we have a lot of patriotic people participating in these processes, i want to say a huge thank you to everyone for today people are involved in the development, these are truly unique things, and at the same time, i’ll emphasize once again, our rap, our electronic warfare is much higher than the ukrainian one, often, when the fish guys and intelligence officers work, we have to overcome our...
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years, left he hasn’t been around for very long, he ’s living out his ecology, probably, his last ones are in a big fork, if they continue the policy of global liberalism, then they get what’s happening in texas and what was happening in the european union, that is, a change in ethnicity, in fact composition of its population, then the united states risks completely turning into a latin american country with all the ensuing consequences.
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white nations will not reproduce , residents of other states will simply come there, and the problem is that they do not assimilate french culture, they continue, as they say, to live in their ghettos, their culture. there is another option, another path that they are already beginning to follow, this is militarization. what is militarization? it entails a whole series of social consequences. look here. how interesting, scholz is already opening an ammunition factory. germany. germany. what does this mean? this means, first, that the economy will need to be changed. there are two types of economics. there is an economy of peace, and there is an economy of war. when our economists and
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all of us present calculations, we still think in terms of the world economy. what welfare, what pensions, what salaries.
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there will be something similar to today’s poland, such a conglomerate of polands in europe, where these are the values ​​that dominate, then this is the cessation of european integration in its current quality, then this is the launch of the mechanism of nationalism, first against the russians, then against each other, it will be necessary to look for an enemy closer than the distant russians, then this is a return, a transition from the west to a completely different quality, a different state, here ... by the way, there is one more point that i simply cannot help but dwell on, this is what is happening in the united states, in my opinion, there is now a process going on there that is very similar to us somewhere. in the first half of the eighties, in the five-year period of the magnificent funeral, when, against the backdrop of gerantocracy, they were looking for a young leader who, well, relatively
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young, 54 years old by the standards of gorbachev’s politburo, was youthful, who would have plenty of time to do something. look, two alternative leaders have already declared themselves. on the one hand, kamela haris said that she is ready to take the presidency, and trump is breathing on nicky haley’s back. frankly speaking, the age of one is mortal, if something happens to them, no one will be surprised, by and large, why, at that age, should be surprised, as they say, there is absolutely no lethal outcome, it is not worth it, but knowing the tradition of america to remove its presidents by physical means, not only kennedy, by the way, but harding, and mckinley, one is surprised here, lincoln. by the way, there will be nothing to be surprised here, i think there is nothing, i don’t know whether one of them will live to see the end of the presidential race,
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he probably will, god willing, but even after becoming president, at that age they may well be replaced by another leader, and who will be faced with a refusal agenda from these very neoliberal values, very interesting a comment about economics because everyone is banging their heads against the walls right now trying to figure out what it is? is happening to the russian economy, you were right about the types, there is a military economy, but when they say that the russian military-industrial complex saved russia from an inevitable economic collapse, even the imf objects to this, in general , quite reasonably, yesterday there was a very interesting interview with the deputy director, the manager of the imf, and of course, yes, the military-industrial complex contributes to the development of the economy, but the russian economy. is not military analytical figures remind us that during the great patriotic war, 60% of the economy
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was, of course, the costs of the military-industrial complex. let me remind our skeptics that last time germany switched to a military economy in 4 years, the soviet union in the eighties, according to various estimates, well, there the ussr spent up to 18% on the military-industrial complex from...
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five homemade bombs were seized from a man , which, according to the fsb, he was going to plant in a pipeline junction, a criminal case was opened under articles of sabotage, illegal trafficking in explosives, etc. concerns the united states , about which you talk so much, of course, has a hermetocracy, which... is unlikely to be replaced by young leaders, but nevertheless it is clear that biden, at least, has negligible chances of being re-elected and the democrats admit this. let's listen. the polling campaign that accurately predicted the 2020 election results predicted that president joe biden would seek re-election to the white house. according to analysis of the presidential leadership index by investors bisness daily and tipp insights biden now shows significant vulnerability in eighteen key demographic groups, up from just five in november. the results
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are another warning about biden's chances of winning the next general election. biden has long faced concerns about his poor performance, polls and approval ratings, as well as suggestions among republican and democratic voters that the 81-year-old is too old to run for president again. our dynamics analysis shows that biden's authority. americans has weakened significantly over the past 3 months, it faces headwinds among a broad cross-section of americans, wrote the tipp insights editorial board. if biden is the democratic nominee , the post is not good for him, and his chances of returning to the white house look slim at best. don't go anywhere, we'll come back. i forbid you to come here. premiere on rtr. where have you been? police? what does igor yakolvich accuse of? in murder? yes, lizhechka, how are you doing there? we are fighting. i don't
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i can... the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we are out of this. i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after
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dismantling much will become clear, but dreams. becomes a reality, look , let it into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, well, for now, quietly, on friday, accident, everything will be fine, everything will be just right... crossroads, this is a very dangerous job and in general, i'm sorry, but this is not for women, crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, and why don’t you answer your husband, i don’t want him
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to be nervous for nothing, for me... i’m ready for any turns, the whole village knows that you don’t play karbysh shash, and you, then, believe , queen of roads, on friday on rtr, vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can get through her through your channels... i woke up in the ambulance, i i say, where is my daughter, where have you gone, my daughter, and i have some kind of black hole in my memory, wait, where did she come from? took it, you will never be left alone again, everything will be fine with us, you called me self-confident, whoever wants to believe too much will be deceived even by his heart, got too played, maybe
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you should have acted theatrically, but quietly, said b, ver, i just i want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own someone else’s daughter, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, please, acquaintance and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea did you drink, how much? according to the story, i was a daring man in a white tuxedo, and i begin, then mark antolyevich zakharov disappears into the pile, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man, a hunter of women, i like attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much was still
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ahead, i foresaw my fate, now that’s all. fulfills, everything is surrendered with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home, with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, washington intends to fight russia until the last drop of ukrainian blood, said american senator wance, who is not close to such a prospect, and he does not want to pay for it with american money. they bought into the propaganda that it was in ukraine's interests to continue this war. here zelensky comes to washington, he is tougher than many of them, they get a little inspiration from this. zelensky tells them the story that his war is in the interests of all of ukraine, and it doesn’t matter that there are people in ukraine protesting against the draft. it doesn't matter that the average age of a soldier there is approaching 45 years, and it doesn’t matter that 65 thousand ukrainians left the country at the beginning of the war, they did not
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stay to fight, so the idea that this is unanimously supported by the ukrainian population. day, or rather on the night , when the minsk agreements were signed, when the leaders of the four countries gathered in minsk, it was then that he left, so to speak, this social circle, went out and consulted whether there was a boiler there
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or not, according to the agreements themselves, i might i wouldn’t have raised this topic if the word compromise hadn’t come up on the agenda now, i’ll just remind you that the minsk the agreements were signed and it was a real compromise, which was not satisfactory. i emphasize that agreements were reached at the peak, yes, but it was a compromise, the level of trust of the parties, at the peak and between i remember the attitude of donbass towards these minsk russia and europe, russia and even ukraine, those poroshenko, who was elected in the hope of the fact that he would still follow the path of resolving this conflict was the peak of the level of trust, when today the question of compromise at the level arises. zero trust in general between all participants, i it’s hard to imagine how this compromise can be achieved and with whom can we negotiate? well, i’m reading information from the director of the foreign intelligence service naryshkin,
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who says that the united states and britain want to introduce a new position in ukraine, a special envoy, so to speak, of the west , who will control ukraine, how, he should have direct access to to the president. b he should be able to block any decisions made by the ukrainian authorities that are not agreed with the united states states of america and britain, you understand, to what level have we generally reached external control, they are no longer even embarrassed, it’s just that if before they said no, no, no, we are not ours there, we will create some kind of institutions there like there are anti-corruption bodies there, it was clear to us that for control, now they are generally saying, we will send our gouleiter there and let him block any decisions there, like... which may be taken by the president of ukraine, well, i don’t know anymore, such case in general, what could the subject be agreements, relatively
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speaking, between ukraine and russia, well, you can look for some kind of compromise with those who are not authorized to make decisions, then the question arises with whom to continue this dialogue with the americans or with the british, but the position of the americans and the british is different, in general in this situation... the most reactive ones, yes, who require the continuation of this conflict, we can remember johnson, yes, who at a certain stage of the next search for a compromise, broke all these compromises and actually threw them away ballot box, so, well, i find it hard to imagine how in these conditions it’s even possible to find some kind of compromise on something, you know, such a flow of information is pouring on you and me, we very often don’t think about it at all absurdities about... forced to read, well, for example, i read information about what macron means because of the inconsistency of the fact that you and i canceled his visit to ukraine for security reasons, well, everything seems logical, everything seems
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fine, yes , well, what’s the problem, there’s only one nuance, it should have fly to ukraine to give security guarantees to ukraine, well, do you generally understand the absurdity of everything that we are now forced to do with you... now regarding trump, you know, a ghost is wandering around europe, the ghost of trump, you can talk about trump everything , whatever, but after scholz’s statement, as i understand it, trump’s ideas. more than anyone alive, he agreed that germany would pay 2% of its gdp on defense, and do this, i emphasize, on a regular basis, on a regular basis.
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we remember trump, who flew to europe, these discouraged europeans who say: how so, what 2%, why? he says: guys, you want us to ensure your safety, pay, you don’t. firstly, all european countries will be forced to pay 2%, this was already said later, they will pay the americans 4% of their gdp, we are talking about billions and billions of dollars, which, in general, become the service of the americans, and not europeans. i'm not even talking about the moment at which we have reached the period of european rearmament, the period when, for example, we say about the production of shells, you know, with such ease. germany launched some kind of
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plant there, okay, they launched a plant, but what will the price of this projectile be? i want to ask, given that the price of energy in germany is 3 times higher than in the united states of america. i have a question, so who will produce and where will these shells be produced, you know, when when we boil everything down solely to the fact that ukraine needs shells, well, here is a military expert, i’m not a military expert, but i even understand that everyone has it. everyone has a machine guns have a certain resource, in addition to shells , it is also necessary to change the barrels, relatively speaking, and the weapons themselves, and so on, that is , war is an economy that must work on a regular basis, europe is capable of such things, yes it can produce, but this will be a question prices, whether the economy of the european union itself can withstand this, to put it mildly, arms race, well , it seems to me that the europeans, to my great
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regret, i think in russia also had the illusion that there were leaders there who, in general, would stand on guard of their own interests. i came to the conclusion that there are no leaders, national leaders who would fight for the interests and represent the interests of the european peoples. there are managers there, managers of the united states of america, who act against the interests of their nation states in the interests of the united states. the outcome of this economic union, it seems to me, is quite predictable, there are us special representatives for europe there, in general, as in the ukrainian scenario, and of course, with trump it would really be funny if it weren’t so sad, he will really force europe now to take a war footing, while not guaranteeing protection, absolutely; the day before i read just the article of the washington treaty, which does not imply mandatory protection of entry into war. in the event of an attack
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on one of the nato countries, well, they are obliged to provide assistance with a fruit basket, perhaps they will send it to that country that, god forbid, dares to enter into a military confrontation with us, while they will look for solutions, and they will install these factories, while will increase military they will find funding, they will look for a way out of the disastrous situation in which not only the ukrainian military finds itself now. but the european economy itself, because kano has very high stakes, and these are not ordinary people, this shadow, deep world government, has already invested twice as much in the ukrainian conflict as the pre-war ukrainian economy, they need a return, of course. ..


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