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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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which does not imply mandatory protection of entry into war in the event of an attack on one of the nato countries, well, they are obliged to provide assistance , a basket of fruits will probably be sent to that country that, god forbid, dares to enter into a military confrontation with us, while they will look for solutions, and in this case they will to install these factories, at the same time they will increase military funding, they will find, they will look for a way out of the disastrous situation. which now turns out to be not only the ukrainian military, but also the european economy itself, because but the stakes are very high, and these are not ordinary people, this money deep government of the world has invested in the ukrainian conflict twice as much as the pre-war ukrainian economy, they need a return, of course... they need profit, and
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what is happening at the front now? , let's see. we are experiencing the second winter of a full-scale war. conditions on the battlefield are difficult for both sides, but pressure on ukraine is growing, not least after the unsuccessful counter-offensive in the summer, the cessation of funding from the united states and the european union. the situation is at least in three sectors of this vast front line is complex,” admitted the supreme commander-in-chief of the army. if you believe the american forbes , the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrski, is urgently bringing one of the best units of the ukrainian army, the third separate assault brigade, to the donetsk front, which until today was in reserve, after leapfrog personnel changes in the military elite of the country, zelensky is holding the first headquarters of the supreme commander-in-chief on the agenda of defense and offensive no speech. conducted the first meeting of the rate today participation of new military personnel.
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syrsky goes as a guide to the training, then the future general was a kremlin cadet, he studied in the fourth year of the moscow higher combined arms command school, a few days after graduation, lieutenant syrsky will be appointed platoon commander of the twenty-fifth motorized rifle division named after chepaev, duty station poltava region, city of lubny. on the march, kremlin cadets.
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syrsky took colonel sukharevsky with the call sign badger. it was he who on april 13, 1914, being the company commander airborne brigade, was the first to give the criminal order to shoot at the donbass militias near slavyansk. vadim sukharevsky, a warrior who took responsibility and became the first ukrainian soldier to open fire on the enemy, by order, together with the unit moved towards slavyansk, i gave the command to move forward in armored personnel carriers, i sat down in the gunner’s place, so that all responsibility for this decision would be on me, i decided to open fire myself. vadim sukharevsky, about the events of april 13, 2014. conflict on ukraine has reached a dead end. zelensky demanded atsirsky to change the situation. - reports
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the american television channel abc. perhaps it's too late. the head of norway's intelligence service, stensenos , said that russia has strengthened its position and now has an advantage in the war. over the past year, russia has been able to strengthen its position in the conflict in ukraine and is now seeking an advantage, said the head of the norwegian intelligence service stetenos, presenting the agency’s annual report. according to him, moscow copes with sanctions better than was expected, and the russian military industry is currently producing enough.
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122 mm, about to fire, ammunition needs to be saved. we are not russians, who can afford to shoot indiscriminately; if we are given a target, we fire, for example, six shells, after which we run away from the car. in kharkov, military registration and enlistment office employees crippled a conscript who tried to escape from a patrol. in this footage, they throw him to the ground and begin to kick him. and the british bbc is now reporting the total distribution of subpoenas.
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15-20 years, they have to be born, they have to be raised, and then they will undergo training, the training process alone, if it is complete, to even give them a chance to survive on the front line will take at least a year, ukraine does not have months, they can’t afford the luxury of managing time, that
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’s what people don’t understand, they don’t understand that the generation of young men, say, between the ages of 18 and 28 or 30, has been destroyed in ukraine, that they have no people, no matter what the general will be... breaking news, federal the security service reported the detention of a ukrainian citizen while preparing sabotage against fuel and energy infrastructure facilities in the leningrad region. as stated in the public relations center of the fsba of russia, the terrorist attack was planned by the ukrainian special services. the operational footage shows that the saboteur was monitored with the help of drones and... caught red-handed while planting an explosive device, as the chairman of the national anti-terrorism committee bortnikov said, at first the svo prevented 419 terrorist attacks that were being prepared by recruited sbu and other terrorist organizations
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ukrainian special services persons, i hold, i hold, handcuffs handcuffs. on the territory of russia in st. petersburg, on the territory of russia i ended up on the instructions of the sbu, for what purpose did you get it, the task was to cause, how to properly, damage the pipeline, what method, the method of detonation, i tied the bag with a rope, the bag that i tied with explosives to the rope, threw it over... between the fence and the barbed wire, i lifted the barbed wire, threw it there, pulled it to this side rope and, using a fishing rod, slipped it all to the pipe. the federal
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security service of russia on the territory of the leningrad region prevented the commission of a sabotage and terrorist act planned by the ukrainian special services at one of the fuel and energy infrastructure facilities. employee. a foreign citizen, a ukrainian by nationality, was detained by the department ; five improvised explosive devices, ready for use, which he tried to plant at a pipeline junction, were seized and neutralized. regarding this fact... a criminal case has been opened under article 281, sabotage and 222 paragraph 1, illegal trafficking in explosives and explosive devices of the criminal code. the latest issue of newsweek asks an ethical question: how normal is the policy of the canadian authorities, who encourage citizens of the country who do not have life-threatening diseases to think about suicide. the author asks: if the suffering of people with such diseases is enough for euthanasia, then why is it not enough for...
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the healthcare system instead of improving it. in canada, euthanasia for adults, who suffer from incurable diseases is allowed from the sixteenth year. during this time, think about it, more than 4,500 people committed suicide. this year, ottawa wanted to expand the program to include people with mental illness, including those suffering from depression. but the decision was postponed for 3 years; doctors who were ready to participate in such murders turned out to be insufficient. canadian doctors did not want to participate in the analogy of hitler's eugenics program, t-4, in which the nazis physically exterminated people with mental disorders disorders, mentally retarded hereditary patients. in the netherlands, this has not yet been thought of, but this is the first country in the world where euthanasia was legalized. this is already in 2001. since then, more than 91,000 dutch people have died. in the twenty-second year
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, the number of victims of euthanasia accounted for more than 5% of all deaths in the country. every year the number of requests for euthanasia increases by 10%. last year, age restrictions for the lethal procedure were lifted. evgeniy decided to die with his wife former prime minister of holland dries van ackt. this kind of couple euthanasia is becoming increasingly popular in the netherlands; last year, about 30 married couples passed away holding hands. people have been dying for thousands of years, but the idea of ​​euthanasia is not new. the original hippocratic oath, written 2,500 years ago, emphasizes that doctors should not give poison to a patient, even if the patient asks for it. former prime minister of the netherlands. died as a result of euthanasia, holding the hand of his wife eugenia, they were 93 years old. their deaths on
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monday mark a growing popularity of double euthanasia in the netherlands. although it occurs infrequently, euthanasia among couples was noted for the first time in the 2020 report, when twenty-six people were given permission to euthanasia at the same time as their partners. the next year there were 32 such people, in the twenty-second year - 58. euthanasia assisted suicide has been legal in the netherlands since... 2002 in six cases, among them unbearable suffering, no prognosis for improvement, long-term, not dependent on anything , wish die, whether euthanasia accounts for only a small part of the total number of deaths, 8.720 cases or 5.1% of the total number of deaths in the netherlands in the twenty-second year. over the past 10 years, the number of people wishing to resort to euthanasia has more than tripled, from 200 to almost 7.200 of these people suffer. rob branting, a journalist who covers
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palliative care in the netherlands, says terminally ill patients are looking for comfort and compassion rather than ways to kill themselves. he says euthanasia is becoming a universal solution to society's problems, which are not resolved. people prefer not to talk about such things as hope, suffering, the terrible symptoms of diseases, but euthanasia. pretty pure topic in that regard, you're suffering, we'll help end it, great, let's do it, and i think that's one of the reasons why we talk a lot about euthanasia rather than palliative medicine. but despite all this, euthanasia is becoming increasingly popular and increasingly accepted in the netherlands. and yet there was no answer to the rhetorical question for europe. they tried to invest invest? into clinical research , into science, into medicine, in order to help people live and not die, please, eugene, i
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think you really think about them very well, because this, in my opinion, is absolutely logical chain of events, such a cannibalistic policy, what is the problem , the fewer people, the more they die, the better, so i listened there, they say: die, you know, but this is today, if you yourself they said, and tomorrow the doctor prescribed depression for you, go to autoname it quickly, like this. i like the point there better, well, i like it, in quotes, of course, a long-term desire to die, euthanasia, a whole hour, the doctor said, a very long time, let's kill him quickly, that is, we are talking about this, and what, and lgbt stuff agenda, this is not from this topic , the same thing, one on one, there some farmer from canada ran with his children to nizhny novgorod,
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i don’t know anything about the language, i’m going to russia, well, that is, think about it, why not craziness on the contrary... on the contrary, there are only elgebtniks all around, there are some transgender people all around, i understand how the children will grow up, here they will grow up as normal people, with normal human values, without killing these people there, without killing anyone, you know, this is very important, so you know, euthanasia , i don’t know whether it exists there in america or not, here’s a poor self-propelled grandfather, he probably already had the desire to leave a long time ago and say, guys, leave it. i’m at peace in general, he says, no, no, he says hello there, there, but hello, there it’s abdul, there to say, well this is not our president, thank you, god, you know, this is, well , what is this and camilla haris says, and i’m ready to lead the country there, that is, i saw it somewhere on the internet, i don’t know if it’s true or not
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, there are two posters somewhere, biden and camilla hapoi, even dumber, well... well, everyone knows her too, but she keeps saying the same thing throughout this entire period, and i don’t know, so the question is, who really rules america, well, it’s not them, well, it’s clear that no, then the rodellers or something like the rosshelds, or who? that is, well, it’s not impossible for these people to make some serious decisions, it’s impossible, so it’s still unclear with whom to conduct any negotiations at all, as... i said, yes, when no one is interested in the interview that he took, uh, this means that carlson is with vladimir vladimirovich, naturally, no one is interested in it, but it continues to excite the minds of the public for several days, and accordingly, the carsons even have to make excuses for
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why they didn’t ask such a question, well, as it were here on this forum, of course it was funny, where... he explained that moscow is the best city on earth, we already know this, you know, but the main thing is that it’s not us who are explaining it, now there’s a joke like that on the telegram, that tucker carlson was not paid for the interview by putin, sobyanin, yes, most likely , but this is not certain, but it is of course funny, well, you just understand, that’s what is surprising here in this regard, that things that are obvious to us for... they are produced by what -it’s an incredible impression, you know, we have 14 stations a year to open there, well, that’s normal, but what, what? for them, oh well, it can’t be, they haven’t rebuilt this railway there since the times of the indians, so, but well, somehow it’s amazing for them, of course, but
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trump drew attention to the problems of us infrastructure even during the election campaign his when he was elected. the airports are in ruins, the roads are in ruins, there is no locomotive infrastructure , in general in this sense, of course, there are serious problems there, you are not from the times of the indians, but from the times of roosevelt, many roads are not built there, and if we are talking about the subway, then roads there, comparing moscow with new york, well , in principle, an adequate comparison in terms of population, and in terms of territory, the roads in new york are much, much worse than... moscow, you know, because you were there and enough they lived for a long time, i wasn’t there, i can only find out about it from carlson’s words and talk about it, but what outraged them most, in my opinion, you know, is a common thing for us, but for them everything is so unusual, with them when a journalist conducts an interview, he is not
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interested in his opinion, you know, so to speak, your interlocutor, and he imposes it on you. opinion, and carlson took it traditionally, as is our custom, he listened to the person, he simply listened, he’s a scoundrel, and in general, everyone is outraged by this, why is it here, this is some kind of horror of horrors, why didn’t he impose his opinion, but it was, remember how these journalists approached, how there were interviews, they impose their opinion, here, this is how it will be, it didn’t work out, however, with vladimir vladimirovich, it doesn’t work, well, but caroson took it normally, how. expected, that’s all i just did what i was supposed to do, it turns out, there it is, it’s mikhaloch, it’s, you know, there was some other opinion when they conducted a sociological survey. in networks and yes, which opinion of western leaders is still important, you are more impressed or, therefore, the president of russia,
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160,000 were surveyed, 98 or 92%, i don’t remember exactly now, well, they said that vladimir vladimirovich’s opinion is much more understandable to them and correct than western leaders, so they really do strange things for their own people there, well...
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there you have to wonder what to do, and on march 31 close to the end of zelensky’s term of office, you can fiddle with it as much as you want, you understand, and this question is how others will look at it, and you say, it’s not me now, but i’m the president next, yes, well, but we don’t think so, this is what they are very afraid of, and ukraine, yes, the guys there are like that, you know, uh, to betray in time, to foresee this, they call it, this. a very important country, part of the political culture, yes, this is part of the political culture, they, here, they are looking forward to this on march 31, and what next,
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it’s clear that this is our most important component, because the war is going on there at the front, yes, there are guys there, heroes, well done, handsome guys, simply, but the war is going on on the political front, on the economic front, and it’s brutal. no less tough than there, no less tough, here in politics they can sag very much, and, so to speak, on both knees, this is something that must be done, then, you know, by appointing a syrsky, who, what cheese, you know, we have them now at the head there is not a single ukrainian in the army, you know, zelensky is a jew, umaar is a tatar, a syro russian. as it turned out, yes, and where are the guys, oh , have you gone crazy, you know, that’s why, i think that they appointed him
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to say, here are the muscovites, they lost everything, the muscovites, here, here, you see , he’s so syrsky, because there’s no other meaning when he loses, he’ll definitely remember it, and the moscow military school, and the parade on red square, and he brings his parents here, and he’ll remember the children , he’ll remember everything, and this will be, this will be, this a cunning plan, i guess. among the americans , i don’t know, let’s go back, what did i dream about this time , they killed me, and the corpses are very thick, the premiere is on rtr, hold on, oh , come on, where did you learn that, and you saw it in some tv series, there is news... i'm having strange dreams, i had a dream last night, the robbery of this bank, i was there in that dream, you won't get bored,
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invisible witnesses come to her again, who killed you , you'll find the body, i'll tell you who the killer is, poor thing girl, how does she bring it all up, new crimes have already been committed, and solve them maybe it’s just her, we can meet urgently, on the way home in the park by the canal, now i know exactly who will be killed when. anna has been a medium since february 19 on rtr, there was no sadness, a woman bought a pig. once you get a pet, life will never be the same again. puts everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face with which you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either. after all
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, each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how you agreed to this, first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, from the first note, beauty, repetitious, with the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, cost, from the first smile, we recognize everyone. we
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’ve been together since first grade, we’re also responsible for everything we do together, and in all this crap, i’m covering for you, the team, brake out of the car, run, the whole team, just look at the platform. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before
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your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum russia, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes...
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what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. the us senate voted to end debate on the text a bill that provides for the allocation of $61 billion to ukraine. washington has already spent 120 billion on kiev. this has not helped to contain russia or come to the negotiating table, said the senator from alabama. taberwell. according to him, the efforts of the white house led the war to a dead end. the bill may not pass a vote in the house of representatives. speaker johnson preemptively rejected the bill. house republicans made it clear from the start of the debate that any so-called additional legislation homeland security must recognize that national security begins at our own border. the house of representatives made the decision 10 months
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ago. to help bring about transformational policy change by passing the secure our borders act, the senate has failed to meet this point ever since, including today. instead , the senate foreign aid bill is silent on the most pressing issue facing our country. mandate of additional national security legislation was to secure america's own border before sending more foreign aid around the world. this is what the american demands and deserves.
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