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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 9:05pm-9:21pm MSK

9:05 pm
already an associative state after the vote in december 14th, everyone is talking about the minsk agreements, there is not yet even a hint of an independent dpr, lpr of recognition, and the european union allocates several million euros as part of macro-financial assistance to ukraine for the equipment of 13 border points for the reception of so-called illegal refugees. ukraine is an associative country in the eu program, because it means that in the fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth year the european union suffered from illegal refugees, and what an associate. well
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naturally, no one canceled state acceptance even in the european union; a delegation from the european union is coming to see how these 13 points were built. i don’t remember the man’s last name, let’s call him pierre, a frenchman, a diplomat, the head of the mission, they didn’t come to look, but the house seems to be standing , there are showers, these means illegal immigrants can wash themselves, there are couches, medical aid, something else, plumbing, furniture is very not bad, okay, accepted, let's go to another point, no, says the general.
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the number is the same as in the previous paragraph was, legs appeared at the table , the table overtook the delegation while it was raising toasts to, this is the level of corruption in ukraine, everyone knew about it, it rose, the story continues, a terrible scandal arose, because the head of the mission turned out to be simply an honest, decent person, in in the end, he followed all the european instructions that were written, a few weeks later he comes back to kiev, minister klimkin is there, the head of the foreign ministry is also trying to sweep it all away, but it seemed to you. yes, yes, and i don’t know, so he leaves the hotel in the center of kiev, and some people, incomprehensible in leather jackets , beat the poor fellow so much that the man barely remained alive, the seventeenth year, everything is still good, europe still criticizes russia only for the crimean history, there is still no occupation and there is no one of our own on the horizon, this is the question they continued to talk about the level of theft that was then known to everyone in the european union, in the european parliament.
9:08 pm
throw millions of euros into this firebox. now, by the way, yesterday, literally in the evening, all the largest political groups of the european parliament finished working on the next a resolution on the inadmissibility of kremlin agents and employees of these fsb counterparties, there is a very long name in the european parliament, they will vote on thursday, which means that the deputies are being asked, since they need to create some kind of new information curtain, the ukrainian army has no victories, there are no political ones either. in addition to slogans at the level of the european parliament, this resolution also prohibits deputies and assistants from inviting people who, on suspicion, may be associated with the kremlin; they are prohibited from using television studios of the european parliament and in general are located, that is, what kind of absurdity has it descended to now they have defined the concept of an agent of the kremlin, yes, that means we need to turn to the elected deputies from the baltic states, in general, one of the authors of the resolution is our former komsomol member sandra kalnita, this is according to ...
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yes, this is generally the only parliament in the world that does not have the right of legislative initiative, that is, not a single deputy can come and say, i have developed a law, let’s put it on the voting is all done through the european commission, and sometimes there are pierres who meet. look under the table , well, that’s right, hungarian colleagues generally say that the principle of forming the european parliament is idiotic and should not be like that, that is, we need to return to the national principle of forming the european parliament, when countries will delegate or countries, well, that was the case before the seventy-ninth year, before the elections , another aspect that i would like to draw attention to is that sometimes it’s not my damn business to condemn russia, much less give advice on how to to fight and how to whom...
9:11 pm
russia, the street was renamed the independence street of ukraine, by analogy with prague, where on boris nemtsov square. i don’t know moscow history very well, i guess cheplygin was a worthy person, but why not rename part of cheplygin street, on which, for example, the latvian embassy in moscow is located, the street of victims of winter magic, a punitive operation.
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now it’s not falling, it’s falling, but not dramatically, slam everyone in business, everything, just like slam, for example, look, what kind of business belongs to the baltic structures in russia and slam it all, well, there are the husbands of prime ministers, for example, absolutely right, i’m hinting at this, and just calmly slam it, without latvian bananas there are a lot of supplies to our military factories, there are no supplies to our military factories there .
9:13 pm
well, here’s another idea, why if in tallinn, prague and riga they can display destroyed russian tanks literally with dried russian blood in front of the embassy or just in the city center, why can’t they put destroyed leopards in front of the embassy germany in moscow, in general, i generally proposed something else, i proposed to the army, i proposed to hand over the bodies there, hand over phil, that is , carry out the procedure in front of the embassy with all respect. bring the remains in coffins with national flags, officially hand over the bodies of the mercenaries to the embassy representatives, let them come and take them away, this immediately puts the head in place, yes, i agree, with all
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due respect to the remains, we are not ukrainians who bulldoze bodies into unmarked graves, the first thing in avdeevka, of course, everything we understand that avdiivka is now in a tactical environment. what does it mean that no, it shoots through all the main roads, now you can still move through the field, well, in a couple of weeks this will also close, as soon as the rains start, the weather will change, well, for the ukrainians, who are really starved of shells right now, they began to switch to drones , trying to somehow replace, of course, one drone that carries grenades, or a small mine...
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what is currently holding back is drones, as we know. serbian, many years ago, i read very interesting, i will say, i would be glad to share your optimism, but mine are different. information and drones are extremely dangerous things and are constantly changing and are used constantly and used in large quantities, they use baba egu both for repeaters and as a center, and of course it’s a good idea to use different reba systems, but this is an eternal war between the sword and the brush, so it’s going on there now searching for frequencies where, that is, well, it’s a big topic, everyone is doing it, that is, not everything is so simple yet, but of course this is a different application than, say... your factory 1500 arrives, that is, a drone cannot do this, but there is no
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need to write off drones either, this is very serious, of course, syrian, a couple of years, well, about 10 years ago, i read a very interesting book, called german generals say, writer, captain, english captain, tinkered with hart, he conducted interviews with all the spicy generals, and what came out interestingly, but... many german generals already in 1944 fully understood that the war had already been lost, in attempts to save the people, well, germany somehow, on some level, they began to perform hitler's commands word for word. when hitler spoke, this division did not move , it stood, knowing that they would now be surrounded by the red army, they stood only to end the war faster, and it had an effect, the red army won anyway, no matter what, well, perhaps it would have been much less no . after all this, that regime maybe lasted a couple more months, but
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the bloodiest, bloodiest period of the entire war was the last year or six months, just the same for the german side, for the german, well, for all sides, well, the main thing is the first one yes for the german, the people there suffered very much, considering what they brought to the whole world is another matter, but not consciously. maybe sirsky is doing the same thing, at some level, his conscience begins to act there, because by the fact that he carries out all the most idiotic commands of his fuhrer, he is definitely leading the ukrainian army to collapse, now he is pulling out reserves from work, they are coming from the entire zaporozhye front, everything is moving to avdeevka right into this very fire bag, where they will not come out and even in theory... they are going to move all 30 abrams, which are in themselves, well, like a checkpoint, they
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will somehow survive, but they won’t last there for very long, they are still in the cities, we’ll see, maybe somehow his conscience affects him, so zelensky doesn’t need to trust him, otherwise one day he ’ll be hit in the rib, but according to the europeans, here’s monday ... separately, with the british too, they all have the same dissonance, on the one hand they whine
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that they are suffering, on the other hand they do not can connect why we are suffering and what, what effect is it that we support ukraine, what effect does it have on us, they do not support ukraine, they are fighting against russia, the war in ukraine, well again yes, well this war keeps more ukrainians dead, this war brings them direct damage, but they cannot connect it, well, there is no alternative information, an ordinary french farmer there or a pole, what can he read, on the other hand, at least some alternative information, well , you won’t read it in the newspapers there, well obviously it must be, if there is no money for us, but this money goes to ukraine, first of all , the american senators there on the republican side are a mime popilist, they somehow already understood all this, there is no money for the border, there is no money for the people, cities in it's a mess, why the hell are we giving this money away?
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in america everything is clear, that is, it is easy to see who voted how, because it is clear who sponsors whom, that is , the industrial complex simply carefully pulled its own, regardless of party affiliation, they went and voted with europe, but europe doesn’t care at all, europe is not watching because we are helping ukraine, they say they are watching because our government is not protecting us.


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