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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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yes, well, the populist democrats hold the senate , they have a majority in the senate, i understand, but the republicans voted anyway, and i’m not saying what friends, i’m just saying the most interesting thing, the most interesting thing, well, somehow the most interesting thing is that there is no class interest, you yourself are suffering from this, well, they can’t connect it, i don’t know, maybe it ’s some kind of genetic fund they don’t have enough or...
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they don’t care what the external reason is, they don’t care, and then who said that europeans are smart? no, this is completely serious, then there is why we suddenly decided that they should all be smart, why we decided that they should be generally interested in understanding the global picture of the world, and that someone was pushing for this, this is something that is somehow cultivated, cultivated so that they they were, as they call it, transgender...
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“well, please, give me a kiss, they are ready to kiss in all the places they can, just to get them, you know, and i see this fear, it didn’t appear like that zelensky has had for a long time, but it increases every day when a person publicly i can only tell you that we thank the us senate, there is no one else, because if that comrade joseph, biden’s office.”
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650,000 with money left at the beginning of march and that’s all 650,000, well, it was said , in my opinion, the senator and where did they come from so much was found in ukraine , wait, wait, i don’t know, i knew that there were hundreds of thousands, but i didn’t know that it was 650. and how much money did they take with them? yes, bye! according to the most conservative estimates , at some point there were about 130 in the hands of the population billion dollars, you see, we all know what i mean i’m saying, that means for the month of january, the month of january, recently the national bank of ukraine revealed information that a record amount of money was withdrawn from accounts, ukrainians began to withdraw money, what does it mean when people withdraw cash, what are we talking about, we ’re talking about that... the smell of a big nifty,
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you know, what am i saying, that is, if they press the lids, then the lid, yes, but volodya, harness the horses, but i would like to say two words, but...
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i listened, like bohdan stupka, who played the milkman in the most beautiful ukrainian that there were no jews, well there were, no, i have nothing against it, this is normal among our people, it’s just what i mean, you know, the milkman is like a shit bullet, i don’t just remember how the already deceased bogdan stupka, that means he, you remember, there are five daughters, a poor milkman, he sells, well, what he produced, and he meets.
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it’s good to share, your mind doesn’t need a lot of money, but you try your best , i’m listening directly, there’s no point, it’s still, please, theater wheel, theater at the bottom, i’m just where, of course i’m asking simpler, but still come pick up and share, this is much more honest than coming to pick up and not sharing, well, at different times
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vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something was wrong with her, you can get through her through your channels, on saturday, she woke up , ambulance, i say, my daughter, where have you gone, daughter, and i have some kind of black hole in my memory, wait, where did it come from, you will never be left alone again, everything will be fine with us, you me she herself called it faith, whoever wants
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to believe too much will be deceived even by his heart, we are not started playing, maybe you needed to act theatrically, but quietly said, ver, i just want to understand, do you want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own someone else’s daughter, premiere on saturday on rtr, favorite songs are playing in our studio, let's go, birthday, my favorite music never gets old, what do i have in life.
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on saturdays on rtr. russia is traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone. all of russia is before your eyes. come. to the international exhibition forum russia, nato - it’s the end
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, it’s even somehow awkward there, the europeans are twitching like that, they say, that’s it, they say, it’s the end of nato, it ’s probably just zelensky playing the piano for them, it’s the end of nato, listen, well what is this... ridiculous hysteria , there is no end to nato and there will not be, but not for this , the americans occupied europe now to take and give them the opportunity to twitch, everything will be somewhat different, they will simply recruit european idiots who will be sent to die for interests of american imperialism, and under what terms this will be done, what will be the end of nato, if all the weapons are only american, there will be meat, now ukrainian is coming, then polish, romanian will come, but...
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allowing europeans now is not for that , this is all, our own defense alliance, well , of course, this is obligatory, to directly defend they will say that it’s just that they will defend, now they tried to defend their ships through, i understand that this is not there, but i just really want to say babeldeb, no, well, it’s just not only there for me, well, it’s just money , definitely there. like a whole british ship that did not leave the port, and that the franco
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-spanish-italian fleet, kayak, kayak, yes, three boats, two motorboats, all drowned, no, well, of course, there are famous british gyms instead of launchers rocket launchers, but if you take away the idiocy, then it is clear that the europeans have already tried to fight themselves, mikhail mikhailovich will correct me, did they have enough for a day or half a tara? own reserves, it didn’t work out from the very beginning, from the very beginning, yes, that is, without america there is nothing to talk about there at all, without there is nothing to talk about in the us military-industrial complex, so if you want to see in scholz a weapons chancellor, an iron olaf, well then find yourself another oaf of the king of heaven, because this one is not iron, but some kind of tin, the head of france reports the launch of an alarm mechanism and calls to prepare for a possible conflict, but when you hear this from half-poker, you want...
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for the security of europe, that is, just that everyone got punched in the face at once? this is a traditional european fun: get ready, convince yourself of something, then suddenly go, when it turns out pogom, ask why? the poles generally have some kind of craving, it feels like michurin was somewhere nearby, they always strive to share, this is what kind of crossing this is, this is what this is for, why can’t the poles calm down, why do they do this? i like to watch the next partition of poland every time, is this a national sport
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? well, why do this? they were so comfortable as part of the russian empire, some as part of the austro-hungarian empire, by the way, why i also can’t understand why we in all seriousness, we talk all the time about some of these incomprehensible, illusory, ridiculous states of today, why do we recognize france within its borders? germany is my favorite italy, why italy? listen, well, this is a brilliant creation, well, of the 19th century, but what about the whole history before that has already lost all meaning?
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as much as you can, as much as you can, you want to play history, well, play, here the legendary estonian intelligence warns that tucker carlson is going to interview putin, yes, they really call you back because of this they think, that moscow is preparing for confrontation with the west in the coming decades, but they don’t know which decades are coming, norwegian intelligence is catching up. reports that russia is now much stronger than a year ago, and perceives the conflict in ukraine as decisive, capable of predetermining the entire future trajectory of the confrontation, but you don’t understand anything at all, you just really don’t understand anything, you don’t understand at all what metamorphoses are taking place now and what happens to the world, the world returns to its natural state, natural
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the state of the world turned out to be war, the worst thing happened before our eyes. it’s just that the seal that glued the package together suddenly began to crack, so gradually, and what was inside was opened, and there was war, nuclear weapons had ceased to be a deterrent factor, that’s it, no one was afraid of anything, american bases around the world were being attacked, and if if the american press were free and would give real losses of american troops and damage caused to american interests.
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but there is no opportunity to stop and think, because in reality the power in america which largely determines all these wars , has captured a generation of people who are well over 80, who want to drag the whole world with them into the underworld, just look at
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what they are saying, if you think about what they are saying, for example, what the senator says,
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and chuck sumer, let's listen, this is a fantastic idiot, we stand by our word to the ukrainians who desperately need supplies, to the innocent palestinian
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civilians who need help, to the israelis who need support and to the military personnel on patrol service in the indo-pacific region in the karasno sea around the world, today we will make the world.
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now it’s going to start, it’s easy , what are you talking about, grandpas, you’ll turn your head on, well, you yourself can’t, well, at least your matchmakers, well, at least your replacement, well, it’s impossible, it feels like everyone has the same one, though on the other hand, what are we talking about them, well, they were all taught in one place, of course, here a dude came to america, dude, dude came, dude, no one has ever called king jordan, but they called the second dude. and no, no, just think about it, yes, the president of the united states, joseph rainet biden jr., says it’s cool that you’re back,
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dude, but he doesn’t understand anything, who came back, why he came back, and most importantly, they said, i thought that he came with hussein, and as i understand it, by hussein he meant saddam, well, look, his name is hussein, yes, let me greet his majesty. king of jordan, he's a good friend, welcome to the white house, welcome back dude, and by the way, barack is peeking over there, along with queen rihanna, who is now dating jill crown prince hussein. where is the prince? i thought he came out with us, oh well. no, if you think that this is otas, and you saw how the grandfather began to dance, when he meant the dude put him on the side.
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it’s a really funny story, as for europe, you know, when you read their statements by certain leaders, in my opinion, there ’s nothing but a reaction, like some kind of inter-notations remain, so he wants to say, wow, what are you , relly, that’s what it feels like , especially about the fact that only now they discovered that in a year, in fact, we have developed a serious military-industrial complex, vladimir putin said very well about the europeans in his interview about who to negotiate with, he repeated, by the way, the words of kissinger, who said who to call in europe, here they are , in my opinion, they are having fun, then they are building some kind of defensive alliances, then the norwegian intelligence stated, as if this was probably the first time we
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heard about this intelligence, we also found an example, and as for the americans and israel, of course the situation is two a deer, two seals and one-hundred, yes, apparently so, and underwater salmon, losovs, yes, latsovs, and as for the kremlin’s middle east, then indeed. it seems to me that what is being done there now, the americans do not really understand what it can produce in the future, and although today the main statements of biden, or as his grandfather aptly called him today, he comes up with something every day, either a can or a dementia, i don’t know, it’s really surprising, it means that apparently the americans are approaching some kind of plan with israel, although they don’t understand what this could lead to, although israel is basically getting its bearings, i’ll now try to explain, firstly, today, of course, biden finally admitted that 27 people died, using his own
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words, what could be the plan there? rafah has a population of 100 or 150,000 people , it’s small, imagine, there are 1.5 million there, what is one and a half million, well, it’s a city, probably larger than samara, or it’s like yekaterinburg, probably, can you imagine, in such a small area there are so many people, the city belongs half to egypt, half to palestine, it the only place where there is a humanitarian corridor, they start bombing it, the fact that they said
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that they freed the hostages, we still need to think about this. ago, during the creation of israel , many now living there, it is impossible to distort history, israel could agree to anything, there the first, second, third, fourth less than 80 years ago, forty forty-seven years ago, less than 100 years ago, yes up to 80, less in even less eighty, the israelis agreed to anything, but they never agreed to return as refugees to the territory of palestine, and it is absolutely obvious that they will now do
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everything to finish...
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yes, and what happens is that now the egyptians are saying that we, apparently, will refuse this agreement, it turns out that no matter which way you take it, the bonus will be returned, here the situation will be uncontrolled, especially , and the way the israelis act, they have tasks, they never agreed to the return of refugees, they always wanted the israeli state to be without arabs, i do not rule out that squeezing refugees into egypt
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is quite possible, as . proliferation of nuclear weapons, but against north korea has sanctions, but what about the international law, which is supposed to happen someday.
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did not allow, therefore, the conflict to develop further, but then only the americans said, everyone immediately pushed back their troops, especially the israelis, so if they wanted, the americans, they would have long ago, it seems to me, now, but how they can do this is not in
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that’s the point, but how they do it, i wanted to continue, they would like to, but they can’t, because the leaders who are there are no longer leaders, so dmitry can correct me, i know, that there really is american influence in israel. but the influence of israel in america is gigantic , of course, and biden wants to get elected, i ’m just thinking about the conclusion, because before the elections, any american president always wants to prove himself in something; from afghanistan , they left with ukraine, it didn’t work out very well and they are getting involved here, well, i don’t understand what the outcome will be the logic that follows in order to finally, before the elections, simply apparently screw up in general in front of american citizens, so this is what we have the feeling, i have the feeling that, in principle, all this is external.
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tanyahu is doing in the gas sector to understand, he wants to show that he has achieved something , for this he needs to take, at least the cities that are located there, the same khan yunis and the same rafah, rafah is actually just by agreement between egypt and israel, they should not enter under any circumstances, so the egyptians, they are also hooked on this , they say, it is impossible, so to speak, and not to mention where to push 1.5 million refugees, a generally unthinkable task, yes after this is what i understand, at the end you can say, we completed the task, we defeated, for some reason the battalion, last time i was up... i don’t understand at all, the numbers don’t match, so to speak, that means, yes, and that’s all , but the fact is that i myself, the head of the conflict here, wanted to say, the war has not yet begun, there are two phases in such wars, the first phase is what
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is happening now, when superior forces in technological terms take over basic, seemingly strategic objects, the second phase is the beginning of the active phase of guerrilla warfare, as a rule it takes several months in iraq, almost a year in afghanistan, but here it’s not even... it wasn’t needed, there is already information that in the north, uh, the gas sector not just - that means hamas and its ally, it’s not only hamas, it’s also the palestinian islamic banned in russia, the popular front for the island of palestine , and so on and so forth, they not only begin to attack israeli troops, but create a civilian system of government, even they start paying money to their officials, listen, what they fought for, they fought for, so to speak, yes, so this question is understandable, as for the creation of a palestinian state - it’s really a beautiful idea, to create two states. that means they are there, but there really is no territory, but 17%, only the palestinian national autonomy is not considered electric gas , everything else, therefore, is not controlled, well , someone else, someone can imagine that israel is coming from the west bank of the river jordan, from eastern jerusalem, liquidates its
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the capital, well then they’ll just resort to the latter, which means it’s impossible, i ’m for what was, but this is an unrealistic task, it’s simply unrealistic, which means there’s another factor, the degree of radicalization of both the israeli and palestinian populations is extremely... .. is higher than ever and some others say: no, no, and we see our state from the river, that is , the jordan river to the sea, this is to the mediterranean sea, so this means that other events are taking place against the background of this, look, there is this option two floors: on the ground floor a palestinian state from the river to the sea, on the second floor an israeli one, so what? well, it ’s not, well, because it’s real, because this formulation allows one to use one and the other, moreover, it completely excludes the possibility of the existence of another state, therefore. the situation is like this, and the united states , as for, you say reagan, but reagan would not have started in this situation either, no, i brought you on the radio, but how to start any operation against the ground, against the same ansaral houthis, no there is nothing to cling to,
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he spoke specifically where, what, how , there is not even a plastard, well, that is, it is impossible, now here is an interesting moment, various events are happening behind the scenes, the iranian foreign minister visited beirut, where he met with the secretary general of hazbolah hassan asrulah. it’s hard for me to say how ready it is, yes, it would seem, yes, we assume that this was not done because of any pressure on the united states on israel, yes, and there won’t be a war, probably, perhaps, there won’t be now, but other information is no less interesting, which means that on the territory of syria during civil war, active participation in hostilities in the country was taken by units formed by alkot, this is a special unit of the corps of the islamic revolution, which was made up of the fatimids - these are the shirites of afghanistan, and the zeinabedi - these are the shiites of pakistan. it turns out that then they were reduced, they went there to afghanistan,
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even before the taliban government was indignant that they were coming, well trained, now it turns out that again these fatimid units are first of all building up, that is, returning them to duty, for what, this infantry for you they understood that these are not those who launch missiles , drones, the iraqi shiites are doing this, but these are the infantry, good ones, which means that everything is coming to the point that more new fronts may arise, yes, this is where the situation already arises, how much is controlled by all this ?
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yes, that is, these are people, that is, the situation is getting out of control, in these conditions a question has arisen, and regarding nuclear, which means war, no one guarantees, we don’t know that he will tanyahu tomorrow, when he understands, that he cannot show the result in gas, that he will do what he will do, but he won’t will retreat, well, will he go to war with hezbollah, hezbollah itself will not attack, but if a ground operation against hezbollah begins, they tried to convince hezbollah, which means they are trying to somehow convince hezbollah to come to an agreement with israel, i will not describe all this... what they proposed, but this is unacceptable for hezbollah,
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for israel too, i am sometimes surprised by european, american diplomats and specially trained people, they need to make such proposals that, well, why are you bareli, have you seen? well, there, someone is preparing it, they’re idiots, so it’s clearly beyond the bounds of reason, this , this, well, essentially, the situation on earth is different, you stop fantasizing and so on, then the war will be wider, and then, where is the guarantee, what? one fine day israel will not strike iran, because the situation with the possibility of iran developing nuclear weapons in almost a week or in 2 months, excuse me, this will be the first time that israel carries out preventive strikes on the territories of other countries, but this once they use nuclear weapons, but then then the situation will completely get out of control, yes, and without using conventional weapons, they will do nothing, that how can you eliminate iran’s nuclear program, which...
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and where is the guarantee that iran will not strike with nuclear weapons in response to this , which , for example, pakistan will obligingly provide , no, pakistan will not present any conditions, that means, but also...
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in fact, there is no need for this, everything is ready for a big war, that’s what the problem is, that’s why now there is a fishing game going on knife, here's how to dodge, how to leave. we are sure that everything will happen, advertising, what
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happened, vniklyudov arrived, you, well, that’s understandable. premiere on rtr: i can’t live like this anymore in such a limbo, well , how can you follow the lead of a blackmailer, you owe me everything, well, get out of here and freeze , get out, ah, i feel it, skleposovsky, new episodes, tomorrow on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons. i would already demand to give it back to me nuclear. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act
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confidently, the commanders act confidently. reliably, the equipment is coming, and we have one there. the second tank flew into kropsky, the hero of russia will be in kind, we are all with you and i, including, to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he also has a gang in his head with zelandsky, yana is a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later, i love you... very much, yes, but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what kind of family is it without children? anton madelyane, 12 years old, surname angela madelyane , you still lick your heart early , you will treat me, yes i will, i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you, and you
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like our doctor, you like it, i do too, it’s a pity that i don’t have such a dad . who sent it? who is this woman? choose, either me or her, they are very easy to inflict, healing them is much more difficult, you spend your whole life healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t figure it out with your own heart. heart wounds on saturday on rtr. yes, i probably still need to say something about europe, but i’m just literally like this, well somehow it’s either good, or nothing but the truth,
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because europe falls under this rule, when making a speech about it, you need to start from. now we are saying goodbye to the old lady, yes, yes, you know, i actually looked at how it played out literally from the end of last week, so all this, i would say, such, well, drama, yes, in a sense, dramatic interlude, it took place from scholz’s visit, yes, to the united states, but we don’t know very much about this visit, well, because we show biden and what he said there you can’t, that’s what it’s for.
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russia, and we will finally get unlimited access to all the resources that the germans, and europeans in general, lack, but first of all, the germans lack, we got involved in this war because you promised us that russia will collapse and we will receive resources, such as who promised, who is here, i promised, i did not promise anything. i don’t know anything, who promised you, by the way, it’s interesting, you understand what’s the matter, this is a repetition with europe of everything that happened with ukraine.
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as soon as we attack russia, it certainly won’t will survive, then we will fairly divide the resources, this is less, this is again less, this is again for me, like in the film malinovka’s wedding, first we will eat yours, and then everyone will eat their own, well, something like this , but europe because i believed it.
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it didn’t work out here, it didn’t work out, and i think that someone, maybe it’s unlikely to be scholz, but someone might think about how they were really scammed, rudely, cynically, harshly, here , well, they cheated me, i don’t know what this will help, most likely nothing, because i again, i’m contradicting myself, there’s no one there to really think about it. over all this, so all that remains is to yell, yell forward to the war, i always love how the brave
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soldier schweik went to war, this is beautifully described by the ugashik, here he was riding in a wheelchair, as you remember, in principle this is lustration fits all the speeches, so to speak, that they make from there, because of course only a complete moron can expect that... europe will now carry out some kind of military construction will form some kind of military an alternative to nato. they are shouting about it, well , this is pure nonsense, but at the same time you need to feign enthusiasm, and then a person specially designated for this , berbok, comes out and says it will be until lugansk. and i, i always say this, what? lisbon will be before lugansk, only in the opposite direction, yes , lugansk will be before lisbon, i lugansk will be, lpr, yes,
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that is, we give everything to the lpr, well, which is also an option, so she comes out and pronounces this thesis, against the backdrop of the fact that they dug up in germany about her grandfather, yes, that one was true orian and endlessly devoted, and endlessly dedicated to the cause of the nsdp, yes, to use a quote. 17 moments of spring, they accurately reflect here, here she announces, yes, that there will now be a united europe, that means until lugansk, this will behave badly, it will be great, yes, this is great, there are also , of course, the poles, here they will all shout that they are ready to fight, this, in their opinion, should somehow endear the american master to them.
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here the newspaper’s politics are like this, they also tell them, you know, it’s not about trump, a secret to you i’ll say, it’s not about trump, the americans are not going to support you at all, at least in a military sense, at least in any other way, they’re not going to, what a nuisance, they say, but it’s not now, maybe it will happen directly, not if trump, then faster, if not trump, then slower, well, the end is still the same... well, strategically in the context of decades, america will not do this, the fifth article of nato does not
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work, by the way, they write: they asked the question, i like these analysts, they decided to read, yes, yes, yes, they wondered, they say: let's imagine that russia attacks estonia, beloved by vladimir radolfovich, yes, yes, estonia, and after that let's ask ourselves the question, regardless of who the president is, biden or trump, will america declare war on russia if it finds it on the map in estonia, well, naturally the answer is negative.
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to kiev for security reasons and it was announced that he was homeless for security reasons, or so, but he said that for security reasons, then it’s the same thing, this, this is already such, you know, some, well, some kind of movement, but they look at ukraine, they think, well, not napoleon, it will be about the same with them, maybe
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something the same, but they are cooler, in general.
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and just some kind of missiles, after all, this is already known, they already know this, only they do not inform their population, but the fact that these missiles are now flying across ukraine, which air defense cannot stop with a conventional charge, from it does not follow that they will fly with a conventional charge to the territory west of the former border of the soviet union, this does not follow, it follows exactly back.
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my speech under the motto either good or nothing but the truth, nevertheless, has not yet completely spread to europe. europe has been behind the scenes for so many centuries that it can easily return to what is familiar to us, but we don’t think historically, of course, yes, but historically here. andrey, what do you think? i understand that the war begins with the investigative committee coming for kaya-kalos. kaya kalos, yes, she, she. and now they are looking for her, they are looking for kaillos, why look for her, everyone knows gren, well, this is where the conflict begins, for me, to be honest, to a greater extent i now i’m in such anticipation, waiting to see how the great strategist, major statesman, i mean, of course, kamelo haris, will explain the american position on february 16 at the munich security conference, well, in theory, she
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should say something about the fact that i even remember that this... he has, and this is a beautiful gesture, but it won’t cost them, but it must be attached to it, today is not explained by what happened yesterday, he has some words attached, except, except the ones she had memorized.
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a mentor to me, sometimes i spent countless hours with him, whether in the oval office, whether on the road, and i guess for me, you're asking for my personal opinion, he's insightful, he's on top of his game, he's when we have meetings with him, with his staff, he's constantly pushing us, getting us, trying to get more information. so, that was my experience with this president, everything else other than that, i just shared with you what dr. o-kon told me, so i'll just leave it at that. when can we talk to the doctor why hasn't the president been here yet, they haven't been asked to come here to talk to us, given robert hur's report, which calls into question the president's mental health. so look, you know, just to
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talk very, very quickly about the hur report. special counsel hur, as i recall, is obviously a republican prosecutor, he's not, he's not a doctor, he's not a doctor. always alive, lenin, always with you, in grief, hope in joy, when i look at her, i have one motive ringing, chungachanga, not this, she cannot do this, but she’s really talking about her, she can’t help but understand that she’s talking nonsense, i think she understands this, but what should she, what else should she talk about, she yes, this is her job, she lowers her eyes, she’s ashamed , like alkhina. he stole, he was ashamed, that’s why she’s lying, she’s ashamed.


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