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tv   Sklifosovskii  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 10:20pm-11:26pm MSK

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there to talk to us, given robert hur's report, which calls into question the president's mental health. so look, you know, just to talk very, very quickly about the hur report. special prosecutor khur, as far as i remember, is obviously a republican, a prosecutor, he is not, he is not a doctor, he is not a doctor, you should not talk to him, always alive, lenin, always. with you, in grief, in hope, in joy, when i look at her, one tune sounds to me, chunga-changa, no, well, she can’t do that, but she really carries it, she can’t help but understand that she is talking nonsense, i think she understands this, so what should she, what else should she talk about, she, she, yes, this is her job, she lowers her eyes, she is ashamed, like alkhin, he stole, he was ashamed , that's why she 's lying, she's ashamed.
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doesn’t understand this anymore, well, before the broadcast , i somehow came across a recording of him from two years ago, you know, he had lively eyes, yes, he’s absolutely dead now, now he looks completely, i don’t know, i don’t know, the fact that he was supported, something else, but the person is even worse and worse, of course, of course, this should worry, this should worry, he heads a state and we don’t know who makes the decision there, who makes the decision in general, this man is clearly completely behind... he doesn’t accept them, but in fact,
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he is, apparently blinken , well, yes, who knows, just based on the decisions he makes based on the level of idiocy blinken, i’m not going to take it now, of course i think sale ivanoch is smarter than blinky, i say that blinken, in any case case, it is now difficult to say who there decisions are made on internal, on foreign issues, on foreign policy issues, on economic issues, there probably... different people make decisions, because american policy is allocated in pieces, well, someone influences, they write about that the rockefeller foundation influenced this decision, which biden made to please putin, so as not to supply liquefied gas to europe and so on, this is really the disorganization of american policy, it inspires great concern, by the way, for the first time in for a decade it’s not clear what they want, that’s the goal, because there’s no politics. what
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we’re talking about, that is, it’s a complete fault, we used to have something like, that is, well, maybe not the smartest people at different levels of power, but there is an understanding of where this icebreaker of american politics is moving, which was extremely slowly changing its course there, now the tragedy is that they do not understand where they are going, not understanding, one thing is clear, we want to remain as before, we want to be the main ones, but before not, we want to be the main ones, the same as we were in the nineties, the 2000s, and so on, no, these are words.
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but you are also creating your own european armed forces, and this means that you will need not two, but four, six, and so on , while the united states, i also agree with you, they will not dissolve any nato, nato will remain, but it will be reformatted, if we take, for example, the san francisco system of treaties in the far east and compare it with nato, nato had large obligations and large expenses for the united states, japan, and korea. pay for the presence of american troops, and these will pay, that is, what i’m talking about, 2% for nato is mandatory, and the purchase of american weapons is mandatory, plus this, plus this, you are arming your own armed forces with these weapons, which means protecting the united states
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states - this is the default, here is the implementation of the fifth article - this is according to the article, this is absolutely self-deception, this is, this is just repeating. will be the forty-first of your european treaty, you defend yourself than what we will give you and purchase from us, no, of course, it’s very easy to conceive ourselves, than what command structure will determine what they will defend with? they are convincing of one thing,
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this is what is not there now, the europeans are that you should have it, if you have an article on joint defense, create a structure for joint defense, united states.
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what would it be like for the americans to say, say: who are you? 900 bass, 900 military installations around the world, how many of them are currently under attack? well, how many are there in the far and middle east, about 40, they they can’t do anything, about 30 of them are attacking , and about 40, and what do the americans answer to this, how do they object to this, what are they doing, they can bomb it, they keep silent about bombing and how it would help if they bombed and what helped them, what are we talking about, well, as it is perceived as a bad joke, but not... the bases still exist, of course, only these bases are withdrawing, america cannot protect them, wait a second, they have the foundations, then those of the leadership that they did not create, the bases are what they had, no other country, like now, sorry, now they want, they want
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to preserve them, if they had not maintained leadership, they would not have, this is the problem, that they cannot bring any problem to an end, listen, for the first time they are introducing the most powerful that themselves, so look, they have a nature of increasing sanctions, as a result which they themselves suffer, their allies, allies suffer, they themselves are not hello, of course they suffered, well , now what, absolutely inflationary in nature, this is wonderful, what they suffered, they are now collecting everything, technological industries that others have, they are now united american companies are migrating their capital from china. and what they exported, how they exported it, they are withdrawing capital, withdrawing it to neighboring countries, which pay attention to what has appeared in america, jobs have appeared, they don’t have them, their number is decreasing, well, khazina explains this better than me, she talks about it every time he says, the number of working hours per
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week is being reduced, this is a very serious sign, wages are being reduced, the important thing is that no, and this, by the way, is even worse,
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of course, what i'm trying to say is that the system of political delegation of power has completely gone beyond the level of demand for understanding and feeling that the american voter needs, the gap that has now arisen between the expectations of the american voter and the political system that it serves has reached its limit, and this is very large a problem because technologically society lives by the same laws.
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insanity, advertising, there are places that
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fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is; there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say it's bukhara done right. became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday at
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rtr, where we are going, in search of treasures, yes what a pack of treasures, we are going to look for mom, we look at the weekend, look at me, you confuse me, you are the most wonderful girl in the world. i miss you, kesha, everything’s fine, we ’re going, my husband is on kenty, he’s not going anywhere, melt it. only new love can be in the heart, hello, i’m not alone, matvey , it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you’re frosty, sunday on rtr.
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that's why we love some women, because they fly to work on a broom, listen, editor-in-chief of the magazine economist, englishwoman zani minus, to be clear, clarity of help to ukraine for everyone, most s'. for the usa will strengthen its security, there ’s nothing to talk about, it’s just who is fighting , the ukrainians, who are killing the ukrainians, and the usa and europe are simply supplying them with weapons, thereby, fight back putin, well, it’s clear that the woman is going to work for the broom flies, apparently, yes , well, so to speak, i’ll probably still object
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to the fact that the europeans were promised so much of something, especially lately, i don’t... it hasn’t come to this yet, but in principle , probably, if you behave well , you are told to live without the northern annual pay, golden parachute, excuse me, streams, live without the northern streams, you are told to give all the weapons where they say, go over there and put everything in the armed forces of ukraine, but they are all
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do, but it's clear that what's true here is that they're all worried europeans. by the way, i think that the king of saudi arabia was also worried, why did he fly to washington, jordan, i apologize to jordan, that’s jordan, why were they all worried, in my opinion, because really this is the situation in the united states, where it is not very clear who controls not only the country of the united states, the global system of the united states, who controls it, that is, in fact, you understand what the matter is, if well, anything can happen, anyone can do it.
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that is, everyone understands this now, in every , so to speak, every newscast, one way or another, there are journalists, it’s not fox news asking questions, the whole range of journalists is asking this question, listen, what’s wrong biden, when you remove him, why do we have a sick person leading a nuclear power, are we the united states or whoever we are, spent many hours in the oval office, just shuddered , yes, but the point is... not that biden is weak, yet once, yes, how does this happen, the thing is that they say, everything is fine, now look, i have a wave and something else, and how old is karine jeanpierre, karine jeanpierre, well, somewhere probably under... 50, probably 40 years or something, no, well, she just says that she’s been with biden since she was 9 years old, well, that’s quite maybe she could have come as an intern, why not, she really could
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have worked as a student, i’m not saying that she couldn’t, i’m just asking what she did, that is, she’s been with biden for 15 years, and she’s only 49, yes , well, i told you that a bright young woman came, well, by the way, it was an ordinary career, they came as an intern to the vice-president’s office, they worked for almost pennies. yes, such incidents happened there, this is how they made a career in washington, now, of course , everything is different there, but now for this you need to be a lesbian, but she has both, an internship, so in terms of situations , everything is fine for her, yes, everything is absolutely fine for her, she is a representative of all possible minorities, yes, yes, exactly, and so, the situation is not that , that biden, so to speak, is bad, perhaps, as if personally there on josephanet biden jr., although he is of course a war criminal with experience, starting from yugoslavia, but maybe there would be no need for him,
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which had not been heard before , which says: listen, to us, by accepting this beat, we allow this administration not to present no strategy to end this
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conflict, this is what senator vensa zagaya says, and in general says, he does not encourage them to do this, on the contrary, he stops them from formulating such a strategy, which means this is an open check, which means we should not vote for him, senator lee is still- i’ll quote: about the ukrainians, they are not boys from the choir , not boy scouts, not girl scouts, they are record holders in... the world for corruption, there it is an art form, which means that something that was not heard at all in the united states senate before was talked about tucker carlson is there, i could tell about this, laura is there ingram, could have said, someone else , bradboard publication, now they are talking about this in the united states senate, not because their eyes have been opened to ukrainian corruption, lord, they have been supplying the corrupt guys since the very time they began their expansion, the problem is that they don't believe that the country is run by sane people, i think that even... the united states senators today don't know who exactly runs the united states. here's the main problem. so what should the responsible person do? world community in this situation? well
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, that’s what we’ll do; everything’s fine there ; there’s a limited contingent of troops. you understand what's going on. look, vladimir ludolovich always says: here is sarmat, here is posseidon. are you sure that there is someone there who is afraid of sarmat and poseidon? but we don’t need them to be scared? yes, no, wait, well, let’s at least scare them before a nuclear war. for what? are cruel, the point is this: when we say that we have nuclear weapons, we will definitely use them completely, who is it there will now understand, we are sure that there are people there who understand this, that there are people there who make political decisions in the sense in which it was understood in the seventies, eighties, even in the nineties, nothing like that, it seems to me, there there is no state administration at all, in this sense this question should already be raised, this is an international problem.
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i must understand that there are no people in washington who are capable of being afraid of this, well, write letters, yes, what do you mean i must understand? well who? wait a second, look, okay, let's wait unafraid idiots , but it’s not about unafraid idiots, that’s fine, we’re pining for unafraid idiots, the whole world is in ruins, everything is everything, the problem is that no one has yet formulated this problem, that in fact the internal affairs of the united states are generally political situation in the usa, it’s time to intervene in a humanitarian way, no one even said this, we are against intervention. it means we need to change, this is ours, ours are simple and how will you interfere, and how will you interfere, first at least raise this question, you continue with them
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talk, b, who are responsible to a fairly large extent for the life of the united states, each in their own state, so i think that you need to contact them directly, you just need to understand that there is nothing to talk about in washington, but with each specific state it is quite possible to talk to establish diplomatic relations and say that listen, guys, well, excuse me, it’s such a problem that let’s just establish relations with you, no, it’s clear that this will immediately cause , so to speak, a terrible rebuke from them
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soldiers in japan, 25,000 in korea, they have just managed to create a triple alliance: korea, japan, united states, now they are developing another triangle, united
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states, japan, philippines. you see, that is, there we can observe a certain, so to speak, policy, quite meaningful, quite, so to speak, clearly oriented, based on quite significant armed forces, there are aircraft carriers , everything, because somewhere by april there is evidence that in western pacific will be there three, four american yavenos are going there, that is, you see, here we can see a slightly different picture, apparently it’s just some other area and other people, actually about...
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this report is about planning the afterm, that is, planning the consequences, this is what rent corporation has just released, and it’s interesting, there are a lot of red comparation reports that few people are interested in, so... which somehow takes place within a certain community, here this report was given a huge, so to speak, very public report , he was published, he is quoted, that’s it the report in general is indeed, in a sense, revolutionary in the sense that until recently it was difficult to imagine that such a corporation as rand, working there a long time ago with the pentagon and so on, by the way, they came here at one time in the nineties tried to find our specialists who know north korea... they were interested in this in the early nineties, that is, such a large and serious corporation, here’s an idea, it speaks of something completely different, that’s not what we heard now from these senators who they said on the piece of paper, we need to put pressure
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, we need to put pressure, so to speak, destroy russia , but about something completely different, where they talk, or even this englishwoman says that it’s beneficial for us that the war in ukraine, they say about something completely different, that there’s a war in ukraine absolutely unprofitable, connected, that it needs to be completed faster. it says three main theses: first, that ukraine will lose new territories, second, that a clash with nato is possible, and third, and most importantly, there is a process of rapprochement with china, and that china can turn into a very important assistant to russia, and that if it continues like this, then this process will become practically uncontrollable. moreover, it even says that after resolving this conflict, the united states should quickly begin to withdraw.
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china, but in relation to north korea, they see very well that a certain common interest is increasingly being formed, which can become the foundation for the formation of a very serious, informal, but really big, important alliance that will play a huge role in... it’s just to stop , to stop as cheaply as possible, to stop as simply as possible, so i believe that we must really look at these things and really understand that there is, yes, there is still a tendency, attempts to crush us, attempts, so to speak , transfer
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weapons, attempts to prolong this whole war , but, but there is another tendency, which suggests that we will have to act much smarter, much more cunning, we need to deceive them, we need to promise them something, do something, to prevent in the far east, the formation of such a strong coalition, very dangerous for their power, and i think we should just really understand what this is all leading to. mikhail mikhailovich, at present, in the armed forces of ukraine, a very large-scale period of various kinds of personnel changes has begun, one can say without any exaggeration that the supporters of the ex-commander-in-chief. valery zaluzhny, his nominees. currently, they are vacating their positions and the nominees of the new commander-in-chief are already taking their place. alexander syrsky, as well as representatives of other centers of influence there, both in the military
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department and in other political structures. this personnel whirlwind will probably even reach the level of platoon commanders, when all the personnel chains are stretched out. so this process of appointing a reassignment has only, by and large, started, of course , the president of ukraine vladimir zelensky is waiting for what he calls the new one. team in the military department successes of victories, but what seems to me here is not entirely obvious when they tell me, you don’t tell the ukrainians there how to do this or that, but somehow i’m calm about this, why, because after all, the military-political leadership in kiev is distinguished by rare stubbornness, that’s what they got into their heads already, but it is practically impossible to turn them off this path, so i mean that leadership. which is now at the helm of both the state and the armed
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forces, so we can talk about these things quite boldly, this stubbornness will sooner or later destroy them, here is inflexibility, lack somehow reacting to completely obvious things, for example, president of ukraine vladimir zelensky set the task for the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine to present him with a realistic plan of action for the armed forces of ukraine for 2020. this is not how it is done, well, it is not done this way, because if there is a supreme commander in chief, if there is, say, president of ukraine zelensky, his working body should be the general staff, he invites the chief of the general staff, the chief of the main operational management, they together develop some proposals for the upcoming company together, the general staff analyzes there,
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and the intelligence agencies, again, are not in the structure of the general staff, and in general this is how all this, all this should happen in such a way that, for example, to he, president zelensky, does not need any visits from numerous military delegations there, only two people came, the chief of the general staff , the chief of the main operational department, they together developed some proposals for upcoming company, it is impossible to develop a realistic plan for 2024, why because it is planned, firstly, only for the company is not defined. and only the first
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operations are developed in the most detail, because how the second ones will turn out is still a big question, but of course the forces and resources need to be outlined for the entire company, all the reserves, all the stocks of material resources, ammunition, guided missiles, regroupings, everything is there etc., how can this be done if the supply of weapons and military equipment from the west is under great pressure question, and actually there are no other supplies, well, how can you even plan... something for the company, but nevertheless , they expect success from the new management, in this regard, of course, they would not want to start with what some, well, let’s say, painful defeat, by the newly appointed chief, but they also appointed the commander-in-chief, the chief of the general staff, they generally have a lot of invented positions there , just some, some, whatever they don’t have the strength to do, that’s all it will lead to.
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here it is necessary, they mostly take some they borrow western models, from them, for example , until very recently, until 2021, the chief of the general staff, he was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, but this is some kind of nonsense in the grand scheme of things, and sometimes it’s just very difficult to compare the structures created by him either with nato, or with the same ones, that is, it’s something ukrainian, yes, they brought us the worst of all, when you transfer some samples or.
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as it turns out, the situation there is quite unfavorable for the armed forces of ukraine, apparently a new career for isyrsky, to all new appointees whom he either brought with him, or they were nominated at zelensky’s proposal, apparently they will have to start with an offensive defeat, again they begin to sort things out by giving interviews to foreign media, what’s this do you have a practice or something like this, well, it seems to me that this, by the way, is very stupid until the end.
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when will it go where, what do you mean rockets are needed? he had a rider, by the way, today is his sponsors birthday, so kolomoisky you like it in prison, your foster has given you a good place, the cell is normal, warm, it won’t give you anything anywhere, that’s all, see you tomorrow.
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well, this is funny money, what is it anyway? well, so what, you're not going to get married? maybe i'm going to, huh? late, for whom is it fasting, for you or for me? listen, leave her alone, the distiller will punch you in the face, this is reasonable, but if, of course, i could call him to work, but i’d rather marry a zoechka, i beg you, give me more,
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maybe that’s enough already, here, here that's all, that's... all that there is, enough for a good bouquet , it’s unlikely for a gift, i already gave her a gift , by the way, i’m on duty for her on saturday, that’s enough , put it away, stop holding on to each other, i understand, i’m not a fool, viktor ivanovich, what’s a meeting , yes, really, what’s going on, that there’s a meeting here or something, let’s get to our places, yeah, masha, masha, when is your registration tomorrow, thank god at 2 o’clock. i’ll still have time to conduct a confrontation, you ’ve lost your touch, it’s your wedding, you, you’re a girl, you’re a bride, a bride, maybe give you your wedding night, no, well, i don’t need it, but the groom is supposed to, and we already had a honeymoon.
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put him to bed, uh-huh, well, good, they sleep like mice , great, tomorrow there will be a nanny, she will take care of him, and during the day it will be easier for you , listen, i have a request for you, try on your dress, dima, well, i ask you, this is a bad omen , you know that they shouldn’t see the dress before the wedding, listen, dear, how could i not see the dress if i bought it for you, well, in my opinion, let me not wear it, otherwise, how, well, i've already gotten married, once in white, that's enough, that's right, you i got married, but this time you’re not getting married, you ’re getting... married, dima, i have a confrontation tomorrow, that on the wedding day, can you imagine me at a confrontation in a white dress and a veil, nothing, nothing, yes, no, well, of course i read about... the forensic expert lyabl, who after the engagement left his wife with friends, went to the morgue himself to dissect it, no, well, i hope you’re not a lyabol, lyabol, and you’re also
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a lyabol, with tomorrow you are lugansk, dim, i like my last name, that is, you want to say that you will bear the last name my previous husband, no, this is my maiden name, and in general we have such a tradition, our women do not take their husband’s last name after marriage. well, well, well, tomorrow you have a confrontation , yes, well, you won’t be late for the office , well, we’ll sign another time, yes, no, my dear, this time we will wait for you, yes, well, don’t rush, yes , you specifically draw up all the protocols, absolutely all the protocols, and then i’ll check, and as you wanted, i’ll check, of course, you’ll be right there waiting, of course, if you ’re late, of course, i’ll marry you right away. here here, please, uh-huh, goodbye,
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goodbye , masha, we congratulate you, master of ghent, on behalf of the whole team, my dear, yes, i ’ll kiss you, it’s you, come on, come on, viktor ivanovich, vase , doc, this is for murder, we have to return her, the bouquet must also be returned, no, the flowers are yours, marya sergeevna, if you’re ready, the car is below, you’ll give me a lift, that’s it, everyone who’s coming. zaks, that means that's it, wait, and you, where is your dress? so, are you going to get married in this, but there’s something gorgeous
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hanging at home somewhere? wait, a bouquet, a bouquet in the sunset with a bouquet, a groom, let's go, will volodya vinokurov come? no, he’s busy, he doesn’t have time, quickly, quickly, quickly, quickly, otherwise we won’t have time to marry marsern before the start of my reception, “we’ve already left, nikolaich, find out what’s going on there, and catch up with us, otherwise we won’t have time.” in fact , viktorich, they won’t start without us, don’t worry , don’t tell me, the sooner we come, the sooner we’ll get married, but how..." our wedding didn’t go wrong, viktor ivanovich, that’s it, we had
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an incident, well, yes, damn, well , the incident is over there, where the smoke is, it’s not far, mash, maybe you’ll rush for me, otherwise i’m because of i won’t get to the registration, i don’t mind , the groom will object, i’m sorry, i forgot that this is your wedding, no, nothing, zhenya, maybe you and... let’s see, we open the doors in an orderly manner and sit down, it’s a pity you ’re getting married, but i wanted to marry you.
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so the groom, the bride, no, the bride is a little late, so it’s not you who’s getting married, but why in white, well, at least someone should be in white at the wedding, calm down, what did i tell you, girl, while you were late, you almost married me to your fiance, let's go, let's go, let's go, and i've already been here three times.
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volodya, hello, oops, hello, listen , it turned out to be screened, oh well, but i’ll tell you , well, something happened, you know, some strange situation, you saw the smoke coming from there, the citizens called the firemen, the firemen arrived, the smoke stopped, how is it, well, how is it like this, there’s a fire department walking around, swearing, but what do we have to do with it, there are no corpses, but no, well, who knows, they rang the doorbell in the apartment, no one answers, let’s go to a wedding, let's go, let's have time for the wedding, no, since i i’ve arrived, let’s go and have a look. well, didn’t you find anything? no , they didn’t find it, there was no source of fire, yes, it looked like nothing was burning here , but of course nothing was burning, well, it was visible from the street, there was no smell, the call was false, we went,
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well, so did we then, yes, no, for you still work, in what sense? there's a corpse there, obana, and what kind of corpse? we didn’t approach, everything was clear there, i was so burned out that i don’t know, now we’ll see at the top, yes. well, we need to call a doctor, a criminologist, the party is over, yeah.
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good morning my loved ones, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ordynka, in this program they perform.
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they keep glorious flowers, they still live in me, some kind of fantasy! morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, well , for now, on friday, the blue vavaria got. everything will be fine, everything will be the same as before, it won’t be the same as before, i just have no one else , what happened, they’re all for an operation, they need money , loading at night, i advise you to sleep, get into a fight, road intersections, this is a very dangerous job, in general, i’m sorry, but it's not for woman, crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, why
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don’t you answer your husband, i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, for me? she is ready for any turn, the whole village knows that you don’t play with karbysh, and that means you believe, queen. door on friday on rtr, we stuck knives in our hearts, bless you, just some kind of cleaver, god forgive me, the butcher worked, but was he really a famous artist? well, yes, he is an artist and sculptor, but this is his studio, because the apartment is nearby in this area. now some figure from the artists' union will come and see if something has been stolen, they are already drinking champagne in the zaksepad, and we are strangers at this celebration of life.
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well, remember, our little girl has probably already been registered, and we’ll die here. this is the first time i've seen him drink at work. this didn’t happen, finally masha will get married and he will stop suffering for her, yes, he will never stop suffering for her all his life, he will suffer for her, he will stop, hello, hello, he, and yet...
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that’s how you connect it with a mask, i'm not i know, i told him, you should sell it out of harm’s way, i didn’t listen, i said that it brought him happiness, i associated my luck with it, i even made several copies, they were here somewhere, he said something else about this smear, but i don’t really remember. he said that this is a mask of the black god, that it kills its owners, only a priest can contact it, he laughed that he is a descendant
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of ancient priests, the spell does not harm him, and you believe in these fairy tales, i believe in what i see with mine eyes, is george dead, or are these also fairy tales? there is no need to touch anything with your hands yet. van, can i? yes. vezhlivtsava aleksanna, doctor at clinic number six. do you know her? i have no idea. don't involve me in all this. interesting. fedya go to the clinic. talk to the doctor. evgenia anatolyevna, i beg you. well, please , let’s do it tomorrow, well, but i really want to have time for marya sergeevna to cry bitterly at least once, okay, fedya, just please,
11:21 pm
help me drag vinokurov home, but it’s clear, should he come to you, to me?
11:22 pm
11:23 pm
who arrived, the black god, the god of death, and next to him is a business card, a doctor from the clinic, show me, i’ll show you, masha, behave decently , please, well, if you want, i’ll show you too, no, thank you, i ’m in the photo of the corpse, just in case , i’ll take it tomorrow, i need to go to the clinic, but only tomorrow, please, can i have my wife, thank you, listen, don’t drive with these bad boys, i beg you very much,
11:24 pm
my husband, and he is a very smart person, god forbid, god forbid, mashenka, masha, i have a couple here, let me take a photo of you guys, dima, for the whole company, alya, let's all take a photo together, so let's get up to the stage, pay attention, get ready, right, well done, have fun, how was your walk yesterday? yes, nothing, in principle , sincerely, only there is no time, it is necessary to open it, of course, but i bought nothing for chocolate, nutmeg also helps well, great.
11:25 pm
“listen, yesterday i didn’t say anything unnecessary in front of my wife, boss, you couldn’t say anything to my mother yesterday, very good, i took an assignment from the prosecutor’s office, i can’t afford to worry, yes, it’s better not to look at the spachmel, sovereign alexandrna is rude.” doctor , clinic number six, but some old corga, probably a girl, who are you going to, i’m going there, thank you,
11:26 pm
yes, this is a very rare thing, especially now, this mask of the black god ming.


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