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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  February 13, 2024 11:25pm-2:06am MSK

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yes, it’s better not to watch if you’re sick. vyazhlivtsava aleksandna, doctor, clinic number six. but some old corga, probably.
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his cult was widespread in egypt, mesopotamia, and asia minor. in addition, he was one of the minor gods of the zoroastrian pantheon. sura-austrianism still survived in some places in asia minor and earlier in the border areas with afghanistan. tell me, is this an item of theft or smuggling? no, it was found on a corpse. yes, it's unpleasant. dead body. naked, that the corpse was naked, there was a knife wound on it, yes, indeed, the corpse was struck by a knife blow, everything is confirmed, everything is exactly like that, everything is confirmed that is confirmed, you see, the black god, he is the god of war, the god of the underworld, the moon god, the roman god, one of the most formidable gods. according to iranian
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mythology, human sacrifices were made to him, so every year the most beautiful girls were sacrificed to him, and a large knife, serving as a pholic symbol, was a ritual instrument during the ritual. yes, indeed, the blow was delivered with superhuman force. as for the mask, the mask is a cult, that is, a sacred thing, by coming into contact with her , the uninitiated, according to beliefs, exposed himself to the danger of coming into contact with god, and for this it is necessary to die, every priest or shaman went through the so-called symbolic death, therefore he was safe, of course, with the help of this legend.. .the priests
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maintained their exclusivity, perhaps there really is something in this, you won’t deny that there are highly charged energy things, and there was also smoke at the scene.
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we, in fact, we, in fact, that's why question. as i understand it, i need to go with you, where, in what sense, it was i who killed him , he says that she killed him, we didn’t torture her from us, since she’s ready to talk, it’s better to say right away on the record. of course, zoya, is evgenia at home? well, let her interrogate properly, and you wait here for the results, then you will need to do an inspection at her apartment, at the victim’s, evgenia anatolyevna, interrogate
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the suspect, and then report to me. let's go, yes, well, well, well, he was my patient, and i've known him for 3 years since then since i’ve been working in the clinic, that day i came to see him on call, on what... day on the day of the murder, when he was working, he spent the night in his studio, and you came to his studio , yes, yes, i came to his studio, it’s just that that day he was kind of, i don’t know,
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there was a strange overexcitation of nervous exaltation, i mean alcohol, i don’t know, i don’t know, i went, after a while he... a knife and , excuse me, i would have hit him in the chest , i was defending myself, where the knife lay, i don’t remember
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, well, it was lying somewhere, i don’t know, you immediately realized that you killed him, yes, yes, i understood, and i immediately left, because i was already in such a state that where did you put the knife after. i don’t remember, however, i was already in such a state that you were married, no, not married, you confessed, the murder was solved, and what is objective about you, she clearly visited him in the studio, since the situation, the position of the corpse and the wound are described by ver well , well, she saw the position of iran’s corpse in a photograph, fyodor and i showed the picture, no, well, anyway, she wrote down the mask in detail, even the murder weapon, she explains that he was in a state of passion and doesn’t remember, she probably threw it away, convincingly, we’re near i rummaged through the trash at home, and it was all right, but
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the smoke, i don’t even know where it came from, i was told at the ethnography museum that the appearance of a black god is always accompanied by ritual smoke. evgeniyavna, the investigator must check first. real versions , and then worship the gods, i don’t worship anyone, but from the point of view of reality it’s impossible to explain this smoke, well, we were joking, okay , well, we’ll arrest you, of course, well, get ready to give away, in this regard, i think it’s necessary to be polite elect a preventive measure in the form of detention, the lawyer has objections, yes, your honor, the choice of such a harsh preventive measure is contrary to... the law, yes, while my clients have been charged with premeditated murder, but in fact she committed this act for the purpose of necessary defense , even if it is proven that there was an excess of the limits of necessary defense, which i doubt, then the penalty for this crime does not exceed 2
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years in prison, which means the arrest of my client is illegal, do you want something say yes, yes. yes, i want to appeal to the court with a request, yes, yes, i am listening to you, please , i beg you, arrest me, you mean, don’t arrest me, no. arrest me, really, if everything is as she said, but how could it be otherwise, wait, if everything is exactly like that, then there really is an excess of the limits of necessary defense for up to 2 years , there is absolutely no need to arrest her, mash, you always want to be holy pope, the court arrested her, well and good, but why does she herself want bail, to be arrested, you i don't like it. so what does that mean he repents? she says that the victim tried to rape her, well, she defended herself,
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well, i can hardly believe that a woman who killed a rapist would worry so much and dream of going to prison for this for many years, what is it , what is happening there, i said it’s impossible, it’s impossible they have a will, you have a case regarding the murder of the artist george winter, yes, you are a relative regarding the funeral, no, i am not a relative, well, what do you want then, i... “i want to confess to the murder, just a minute, i want confess to the murder of george winter, artist, guy , you're late, a person has already been arrested for this murder, but i know she didn't do it, i killed winter, i 'll interrogate you as a witness, why as a witness, i confess to murder, these are the rules"?
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murder? mine bride, ira vezhlivtseva , okay, tell me how you told me that one of her patients, an artist named winter, tried to rape her, where when she told you this, don’t interrupt me. ira, she, she was destroyed by this fact and refused to marry me, but there was no violence, there was only an attempt, but it doesn’t mean anything, you don’t know ira, i said that i would kill this bastard, i decided to kill him, i found out his address, went to him, forced him to undress, why, so that he would know. why is he dying? yeah, how did you kill him? stabbed in the chest with what
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knife? an ordinary knife, the kind they sell in stores, but did you bring it with you? yes, i brought it with me, where did they take it then? threw it away, where? there in the trash can down the road? yeah, far from home, vintora? i don't remember. you can show it all on the spot incidents? for what? i need to check your words, i confessed, your confession is not enough, what else do you need? i, i myself came to the prosecutor’s office, i myself admitted to committing a crime, i’m not hiding anywhere , that’s it, arrest me, i don’t have enough grounds for your arrest, it’s good that you... still need your confession, it doesn’t
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convince me, how this doesn’t convince me, i told you everything, no, not everything, but a mask, a mask, when the fight was taking place, he accidentally touched the mask hanging on the wall with his hand, when i left, i put it on this mask is on his face to throw off the investigation, but you saw this mask before, no, where would i have seen it? can you recognize her? yes , of course, i can, are you going to arrest me, not yet, what do you mean not yet, girl, i will complain about you, please, but what do you say about the smoke? about smoke, what kind of smoke? listen, don’t fool me , you will arrest me, no, in my opinion, you are fooling me, read the protocol, if you agree, sign, have you not read the protocol?
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minute, you are unhappy that you are not wanted take into custody, but i'm not happy. and what do you intend to hide? no, i don't intend to hide. well, why arrest you right away? need to check your confession? well, check, and we will check, but for now , stay at home. i ask you to sign one of the most
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important documents in your life. mortgage agreement with the taraskin family signatures. please, a book of complaints. now, please, you will know how not to report the napkins later. he does not work. take it back. so that's why we fired him, because he didn't have worked. now get your anger management books. the serenity of the bandbook , we read it, you see, the technique in which this is done is called realism, yes, i myself almost fell for the beginning, but it’s already real, maybe it will save it, this is also realism, this is the original,
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the history of a big country, on friday on rtr, the whole life was an orphan , then suddenly the mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can get through her through your channels, on saturday, she wanted an ambulance, i say, where is my daughter, where have you gone, daughter, and me some kind of black hole in the memory , wait, where did it come from, you will never be left alone again, everything will be fine with us, you yourself called me faith, those who want to believe too much will be deceived even by their hearts, mother, you’re not playing too hard, maybe you had to act theatrically, but quietly, she said, ver, i just want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own someone else’s daughter, premiere on
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saturday on rtr. well, marya sergeevna, didn’t convince you of the confession? not convinced. with what explains that he decided to confess? i found out that the polite man had been arrested for the murder of the artist and came to surrender so that she could be released. just about, they released the correct self-sacrifice. was she really his fiancee? viktor ivanovich, you can understand him, he wants to get her out of prison, but why will she open up here? yes, the same thing, he also wants to win here. well, guys, they showed a photo of a corpse, that’s it, she decided that he was crazy. damn, well, it turns out that this is so, and the smoke, that smoke, where did the smoke come from, if nothing was burning, there was no smell of smoke, zhen, let’s go with you to the scene of the incident and see, if it’s not a black god, you and i
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will find the source of the smoke, with god, also conduct a confrontation between these girls. irina andreevna, i ask you to testify,
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yes, okay, listen, i can only tell you what i already told, which means i... was called to vintor, he wanted to rape me, in self-defense, i killed him, okay, oleg vitalievich, your version, having learned from tyr that this old goat tried to rape her, i went to him and stabbed him, what else do you need, arrest me, and her let me go, okay, but where is the murder weapon, why is it necessary if i confessed? well, you see, you have a competitor, but i need to know which of you is really me. well, what do we have there? nothing, complete unanimity, everyone claims that he is the murderer. it's a shame, two whole murderers, you're wearing a capercaillie. you said that if the story
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of the attempted rape is true, then the killer is one of them, two of them, but none of them discovered criminal knowledge, we don’t know where the smoke is coming from, where the murder weapon is too, so now let both of them go? let go away from sin. by the way. checked, maybe at least the fingerprints of any of them were left at the scene? no, they haven’t checked it yet, we need to copy the body, but her prints are in everything, well, don’t wait, check that the capercaillie is hanging up, it’s the end of the year, well, now bring them both here, fill out the documents for release.
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hello, hello, secretary, please wait, uh-huh. okay, are you ready for the appointment? well, shall we stand and be silent?
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masha, we looked at everything here carefully, let's see again. and you left the mask here, just to look at it, but here it is, i’m afraid to take it into my office, but do you really think that this is the god of death, well, who knows, where from? then there was, well, let's think logically, something was definitely smoking here, of course, we saw it with our own eyes, it means there is some kind of mechanism in the studio that was smoking, yes, let
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's look at everything and decide what could be smoking and what no? i know where your bride is, we called her too, i wasn’t the one looking for her, her phone doesn’t answer, yes, volodya, it’s you, yes, yes, and the criminologist, well , don’t strain, don’t strain your hand, okay , we’ll be there now, let’s wrap it up, the girls
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found where the smoke was coming from, and i’m done, you can wash your hands, and i’m free, yes you they will call, and if you find a polite person before us, let him contact us, yes, yes, yes, of course, it seems. this is a machine like this in movies, it should be used for special effects, but why were you silent before, you were at the inspection, well , who knew what it was, you could have determined it yourself, this is the first time i’ve seen it at all, so i wonder what it's for to the victim, maybe he was making a movie, guys , these are all secondary questions, yes, but what is paramount, and the fact that the killer turned on this machine, deliberately or accidentally, because it couldn’t work on its own, well, of course, the button must be turned on, that means the killer i couldn’t help but notice that smoke was pouring out of this thing, you want to say that if anyone... from this couple knew the truth, then they would definitely say about the smoke, well, of course, volodya, we need to interrogate the polite woman again, go and bring it her to the prosecutor's office, i went, you
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can handle this without me, well... we'll miss you, yes!
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my friends, i’m already tired of this mug. vanya, you recorded it, can we remove this monster? she is polite in irina sanna. i take it this is a new mask? yes, the old one was in the artists' studio, he made copies. by the way, no one has ever established how many of these masks are there and where are they? well, i. it’s not your fault, but zhenya’s, which one of you is the investigator, yes, she tried so hard, i missed that, uh-huh, mashenka, pay attention to the tattoo on the thigh, yes, with such a tattoo you belong in a brothel, and this is not a decal , well what are you, the most natural tattoo, and the groom was talking about her moral and high principles, so that means he was yelling about high moral
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principles? do you really think that it was he who killed her, he was afraid to breathe on her , he wanted to go to prison because of her, no, wait, these are all emotions, but the facts are as follows, the murder weapons are the same, i understand, at least the other defendants we don’t have anything yet, except for the black god, volodya, come on quickly, listen, but your husband is not jealous, he’s a hot guy, and he
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trusts me, in vain. what are you hinting at? i i didn’t understand your first husband before, now i think that i would be jealous of you, why aren’t you jealous of me now, volodya, we ’ll agree to the point that we won’t be able to work together, but you don’t want that, i just want to work, just what do you think, i ’ll answer you a week after i got married, all we can do is work, not only that, nothing, listen, the seals have been torn, yes, probably local hooligans, come on. can’t be opened with these keys, it looks like there was a break-in here, so we call the regada, we work in full, oh, someone has already been here, they opened it, apparently by selection, no, they squeezed it out, then they slammed it shut, guys, let's go to the kitchen, vanechka, we'll look at everything on our fingers, we'll look at footprints, of course, we go to the kitchen so as not to leave anything behind,
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like that. go ahead, don’t touch anything, and also, come on, marya sergeevna, will you have some coffee, no, but what about tea? fedenka, you know, i don’t use the owner’s things at the scene of the incident, come on, marya sergeevna, the property is escheat anyway, but i’ll have a drink, say thank you for allowing me. and you went to winter’s dacha, i don’t even know what kind of dacha he has is there something? well, here’s a notice, you have to pay for the asphalting of the road, the gardening partnership, you even have an address, well, what does it mean you have to go to hell, to hell with no one knows why, but what do you want to find there? masha, come here. you know
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whose fingers are in abundance here, i rolled him this morning, there is a characteristic scar on his finger, this is ladynin, i understand. got it, yes, dmitry, hello, hello, this is vinokurov, and volodya, masha, please call me, you, your drunken friend, masha. hello, hi, listen, i've been wanting to be with you for a long time talk, well listen, why are you working so poorly? well, okay, okay, tomorrow we'll conduct a search in ladanin's apartment, that's it, you called me at night for this, yes, yes,
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yes, yes, well, bye, that's it, bye, and you're not jealous, little guinea, no, i'm not jealous, so , let’s figure it out, let’s figure it out, he has a lot of time at work , so he calls me at night, and not while sober, and then continue, he’s been in love with me for many years, so, well, 100%, i feel sorry for him like a man, i’m a happy rival , you are not rivals, listen, you want to say that you had nothing, never, my god, to me, i already... feel sorry for him, no, he doesn’t know life then, no,
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the operatives are looking for ladynin, i hope. i don’t understand what we want, everything seems to be clean , there’s nothing, you can’t get caught on anything, it wasn’t enough, you can’t find his pipes in the mask, look, what a neat guy, women don’t have this kind of order, you can’t does it look like something was burned here? no, it doesn’t seem like it, but i’m telling you, it smells like logs, oh , you won’t get marty, now, masha, come here, look, i was right, come on, here’s a newspaper, let’s try, let ’s pour it out, what do i need? said, you will restore it,
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are you kidding me? let's listen, come on, oleshka, call leonsky back urgently, oleg vitalievich, this is lawyer burtsev, i can't find irina, i need both of you, hello, oleg, hello, oleg, this is nina, irina's friend, you know what problems we have did you have any common affairs? oleg, i’m very afraid, help me, please save me, he will kill me, he killed irina, and he will kill me, please come immediately, i beg you, i’m afraid to leave the house, come, everything would be fine if she i left the address, well , that means he knew the address, one thing is obvious, it’s not he killed vezhlivtsev, now
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we’ll check when the call was made, listen, central district police department ivanov, so the address, please, “wait, they’ve already left for you, volodya, do you hear, the call from the headquarters was transferred, a man called at 02, said that he was in the apartment murder, isn’t it your part, but why mine, the caller’s name is ladynin, so write down the address and call an ambulance.” fyodor, look around the room, everything is clean , our client is alive, well, thank god, he’s just
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very drunk, he’s a good guy, i don’t know yet, the first one we’ll go to help is the sobering-up station i need to look at what's wrong with the girl. well, she’s alive, we’ll take her, you can call, we won’t lie to the gentleman, we’ll handle it ourselves, we’ll handle it. well, hello, nothing interesting, the seventeenth, a weapon penetrating into the chest, a young woman unconscious, closer, good, the address is kind of unlucky, we were already here today, a man was hospitalized, that from this apartment, but no, a ceremonial heart attack , where the data is, i’ll give the telephone number to the control room, you call, they’ll tell you everything, listen, what about me?
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this is not a joke, mashenka, there is only one weapon, and this artist winter and the girl, vezhlivtseva, masha, they were both killed with the same knife, what kind of knife is that, our forensic doctors say it looks like an airborne one, yeah, with great force, the blows were struck with great force by an experienced person. the localization is clear, the blows go straight to the heart
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, you know, it seems that a trained person, well, at least a person, by the way, i took photographs for you here, tattoos on the girl’s thigh, pay attention to them, i should give them to zhenya, let him go to the ethnography museum , will consult, what the hell is not joking, or god, uh, yeah, the god of death, no , i can definitely say , this drawing does not carry any ritual, semantic meaning, just an indecent picture, for sure, you are disappointed, in a sense, the murders continue, that’s the point , the mask appears again. by the way, about the mask
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, after the end of the investigation , i don’t know what will happen to it, the artist has no heirs , maybe i can petition for the mask to be transferred to the museum, okay, i’ll talk to the prosecutor, thank you, no problem, all the best, all the best, come in if you still have someone will be killed. how can you live in such a house, and you have no
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artistic taste, well, thank god, an operative must be a harmonious person, when was the last time you were in a museum? the day before yesterday at the vodka museum, with our experts, or what? at our age, we need to know the city’s museums better, so i’ll tell my wife, let him take care of your upbringing, fyodor, maybe i should get married too, and if it’s better not to, let’s go upstairs. listen, fedor, where do people get so much money to live so well? chief, everything depends on the artistic taste. what does taste have to do with it? but because people with good taste will not work in the police. oh wow! and kid you were not a fool,
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well, naturally, he’s an artist, this is his model , “listen, she’s a doctor, yeah, a porn doctor, somehow everything is going well, and i was sitting at home, drinking, i didn’t even know then that ira, that ira died, nina called you, how do you
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know, and the answering machine, yes, it was nina, ira’s friend, who called.” “i didn’t pick up the phone, but i heard what she said on the answering machine, she was on the verge of hysterics, begged her to come, i went to her, what time were you at her place, i don’t remember, i really don’t remember, i drank so much, it’s strange that i got there at all, the apartment was open, yes, the door was not locked, i went in, saw nina, she was lying on
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floor, all covered..." no longer alive, tell the truth, what were you looking for in the artist’s apartment, i am you, it’s full of your fingerprints, you were looking for a video cassette, so, you searched and found it and burned it at home, what happened at the video register, i don’t want to talk to you anymore, hello, yes, yes, valodya, i ’m interrogating ladynin, so... how? yes, i’m waiting, you don’t have to talk, i already know this can’t happen. maybe you were looking for a videotape with a porn film compromising your fiancee, right? she killed the artist winter. no, no,
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understand, no, no. masha, you were right, this is what we found at the dacha. what's this? judging by the materials, she has been collaborating with this artist for a long time, you’ve been going out for a long time, zhenya, in the rvd she is now interrogating ladynin, he got sober there, we need to get involved, sergeevna, go to the rvd, join
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the interrogation, taking into account new materials, but i ’ll wait for the truth or not, or you want i don't care if i spend the night in a cell. i don’t want to talk to you anymore, but i can talk to me, to you, to you, okay, zhen, i wish! good luck. where are you going? i’ll go to the hospital to determine who was brought there after all with a heart attack. i will bring at least some benefit to society. zhenya, let him go.
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she was like that. i was afraid to breathe on her, i looked after her for a long time, you know, he had problems, well, in terms of intimacy, and you were ready to do anything for her, yes, i tried to persuade her to marry me for a long time, she finally agreed, she only said what does she need there are some things that need to be sorted out. and a week later this old bastard came, he introduced himself as georgy winter, gave me a videotape, i know what was there. there she was, she was wearing a mask, in this disgusting mask, i immediately, immediately recognized that she had
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a tattoo on her thigh, she kept laughing, that this was her special sign, and did you talk to her about this tape? yes, i tried, when i told her about the tape, she didn’t explain anything, she just said that... now she couldn’t be with me, she turned around and left, i caught up with her, shouted that i would kill this bastard , they forced her, you understand, i don’t know how she was forced to do this, she couldn’t do it herself, when they showed her a photo of the corpse, apparently she decided that you had fulfilled your threat, she took the wine herself, she probably loved you very much, me...
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well, you broke into the artist’s apartment, apparently to destroy the videotape? well, yes , i knew from the lawyer that the tape was not found in the studio where the artist was killed, but they had to be somewhere, i found out from the reference address, went there, broke the doors and began to look for the tapes, judging by what we found in your apartment, there was one tape there, only one, anina, irina’s friend, did you know that she also starred in films? when she called, i was very drunk, she said something about her common affairs with ira, but what else can you say about her?
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they studied together, i know that nina is married, her husband is a military man, he served somewhere in hot spots, ira once told me that nina is afraid of her husband, that he lost his mind during the war, that he has problems with his head in order, hello, hello, i’m an investigator from the prosecutor’s office, that’s also good, a patient came to you yesterday, from this address, his last name is golikov, by the way, he’s our long-time patient, golikov, that’s right, so what? no, nothing, but what about him? a career military man? went through all the hot spots, fought a lot of wars, he had some kind of vague story, either
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he stabbed someone, or, in general, i won’t lie, i don’t know for sure, he was kicked out of the army straight away and had a heart attack, but how is he now? , i need to interrogate him, now wait, hello, hello, right? hi, great, of course i'll come, yes, and maybe maybe not even alone, okay , that's it, bye, bye, yes, come on, that's it, bye, yes, what are you all about work, such a pretty girl, let's talk about something fun, later, show me the history of his illness, no problem. but it’s unlikely that you’ll understand anything there, well then say it like this, it’s unlikely that you’ll remember anything, don’t worry,
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not a single word of yours will be lost, oh well, i was joking, so, in what state is the sick, sick, golik in in a very serious condition, the trumpet has come off, which at any moment can occlude the vessel, then death, he cannot worry, in any case, so i can’t allow you to interrogate him, but he knows about it, but the severity of his condition, no, we don’t tell him about it, i repeat, he shouldn’t worry, any excitement will kill him, you know? yes, i understand, thank you, which ward is he in? eighth chamber, but you heard, i forbade you to interrogate him, he could die at any moment. and you sit there,
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what, is he still interrogating? “they have been sitting for a long time, evgenia anatolyevna in the hospital, like some kind of person was brought straight from the apartment where they dropped the girl, so if he’s a murderer , why did you let the girl go to him alone, she hasn’t called yet to go get her, so go ahead, don’t think it’s too much trouble, fyodor, come on, quickly, quickly, christmas trees, well, everything is fine, it’s okay that he’s there alone, nothing?” “
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yes, good afternoon, good afternoon, where is golikov stanislav mikhailovich? in the hall, watching tv. thank you. one day i had a photo shoot. pester the photographer, golikov, stanislav mikhalovich, well, golikov, investigator of the prosecutor's office, where can we talk?
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go out for a walk, i need to talk, hello, nina golikova, your wife , ex, what does ex mean, you broke up the marriage, she doesn’t exist for me, that’s it, that’s it, you broke up, i said, i’m done with her, lustful chick, you know that your wife
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is delivered to the hospital with a stab wound? no, i don’t know, she has a very dangerous wound , she could die, you don’t feel sorry for her, no , you don’t feel sorry for her, you were found near the house, while nina was lying in her apartment, wounded, what are you, you explain this somehow, listen, stanislav mikhailovich, you don’t want to tell me the truth, what else the truth? about who stabbed nina golikova, killed the artist winter and irina vezhlivtseva, why
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are you silent? . what do you know about military officers , and most importantly about death ? exhibiting, disgusting to look at, males lure, i understand your attitude towards women, but i still advise you to ease your conscience. since you don’t have much time left to live, why are you telling me about your imminent death, ease your conscience, you ease your conscience, and i’ll still outlive you, your doctor told me that you have a few days left to live, so i advise you to say everything before i change my mind, what are you weaving, i’ll get some treatment and come out a little, but i’m not weaving anything like you
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from... so, what is the condition of the patient, the sick golik is in a very serious condition. the trompe has come off, which at any moment can purchase a vessel and then death. he should not be worried under any circumstances, so i cannot allow you to interrogate him. and he knows about this, about the severity of his condition. no, we don't tell him about this. i repeat, he should not worry. any excitement will kill him. do you understand? i hope you recognize the voice. your doctor, it can’t be, they said that they would only treat you, you will talk,
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let me think, it’s good that i had a voice recorder with me, i wrote down the doctor’s words and gave listen to this scoundrel , congratulations, celebrate, oh, marya sergeevna, mash, sit down, champagne, no, thank you, i ’m not going to celebrate with you, why, you know that he died, died, i would n’t if i were you, evgenia i would drink wine and write a report to the shoe factory. report, but why? because such methods of inheritance do not work. mash, you're not entirely right. i understand you 're biased. but you are in vain. i'm not
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talking to you. if you are interested in my opinion, you should not work in the prosecutor's office. you are a general lawyer. go to the lawyers legal consultants, anywhere, but not in the prosecutor's office. what and what is this my resignation letter?
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come on, come on, sit down, let's talk, viktor ivanovich, what can we talk about, i don't want to work in the prosecutor's office anymore, how can that be, well, yesterday they wanted to, today they don't, that doesn't happen, it happens, i i understand the reasons for your... demarche, well , i can’t say that i approve of your method of obtaining information, well, you see, well , you’re worried, i’m not, evgeny anatole, how can this be, well, no, don’t try to be like that this hardened one, you know, pu, well, i see, you’re worried, well, if you weren’t worried , you wouldn’t write a report, that’s right , you wouldn’t try to quit, i was told that there’s no place for me in the prosecutor’s office, there’s no place, who would know, who would know, who would know, yes, ourselves , what do you think, here, here, never make
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sharp turns in the heat of the moment, cool down, and then we will make a decision, no, i decided everything, i submitted an application to the bar association, well, here she was in time. i won’t sign the report, go and think. viktor ivanovich, please sign, if you don’t sign, i’ll go to city ​​card and i’ll sign it there. i won't be able to work at the prosecutor's office anymore, please. that's it, right? please sign. may be. maybe it’s for the better if you change your mind, keep in mind, i’ll take you back,
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whoever will finish the job, marya sergeevna will finish it, but if it weren’t for the ladynin, i don’t know how i would have survived. why did you call him? you know, i was in such despair, i didn’t know who to turn to, i didn’t even understand what to do, i’m going to the prosecutor’s office. i came here, but i saw my husband through the window and got scared, didn’t dare come to you, can you tell me everything in order? yes, of course, we cheese polezhlivtsevs studied together, so we both didn’t live richly, i was the first to get married, stanislav was a military man, that’s what i bought into, you lived poorly, no, at first no, that’s when he
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was fired from the army, well he killed some local resident in the caucasus , i don’t know exactly why, the case was hushed up, and he was thrown out, in general, that’s how it all started, and he had strange things before, but no, it all probably started after he was wounded in head, but he's always, frankly speaking, between morality and ethics, and it happened that he threatened you until i found out about the guy, no, but how did he find out, they set us up, set us up, georgy said that the tapes would not be sold here, we were wearing masks, he wrote the scripts himself wrote , it was even generally interesting, but... we were deceived,
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you know, we were deceived, cassettes were sold here with all their might, so he bought one of these cassettes, recognized me and interrogated me with passion, said that he would kill this artist georgy, and you told him the address, but you wouldn’t tell him the address if in front of your eyes... a commando knife, of course, i said, i broke irina too, he asked who got me into this business, and i told him everything, why were they naked? well, stanislav said something like, well, so that they knew what they were dying for, well, in general, he stripped them, brought them to put on masks, and stabbed them. but as i
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understand it, ladyn didn’t come to you immediately after your call , no, i think an hour passed, i think about an hour and a half, then i heard someone coming, i thought it was him, it turned out that it was mine husband, they're burying him tomorrow, lord, lord, you know i’m glad, i’m very, very glad that he died , of course, it’s a sin to say so, but if he hadn’t died, i would have killed myself, tell me, tell me, and this won’t become public, it won’t come here, the culprit died, winter too, there is no one to prosecute for making pornography. but
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the amnesty applies to you, thank you very much, thank you very much thank you very much, thank you very much thank you very much , hello, lord, well, i just entered, i’m already dead, it’s necessary, then i ’ll seize the things, and you sign v protocol, okay, okay, let's sign, okay. to the archives, that's it, they stopped, after the death of the accused, okay, sit down, we need to talk.
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and i work for moral satisfaction, and zhenya, we will meet again on opposite sides of the barricades, some kind of dog is running on the ice, so... what to do with the fact that this is a monster, a museum, we won’t keep her in the prosecutor’s office, okay.
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hello, hello, i'm from the prosecutor's office, i called you, they brought it, they brought it, and where is the girl who came last time, she quit. the rest were not found, no, they will appear, will definitely appear.
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what's happened? niklyudov has arrived, you love you, well, that’s understandable, zhik, the premiere is on rtr, i can’t live like this anymore. in such a limbo, well, how can you follow the lead of a blackmailer, you owe me everything, well, get out of here, freeze, get off, ah, i feel it, skliposovsky, new episodes, tomorrow on rtr,
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend? tear off everything we had together, what will you have left? they went against god, toured all over liberated territories, what impression does it make? russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. russia, traditional, modern, technological. original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia.
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nikolai sovitsky, a wonderful family man , a successful businessman, a man with strong moral principles and an impeccable reputation, this is exactly what they are trying to do to us convince his supporters, but is this really so , we managed to discover facts that contradict the ideal image of a politician and businessman. a supermarket employee, who wished to remain anonymous, gave us a recording from a surveillance camera, which we bring to your attention. this video irrefutably proves that nikolai sovitsky’s wife larisa has repeatedly committed shoplifting. the supermarket administration
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hid these cases. you will ask why? yes , because candidate for deputy nikolai sovitsky generously rewarded them for their silence, actually engaging in bribery. the man who exalts honesty so highly, himself indulged in corruption, shielding his own wife. is it possible, after all this, to believe at least one of his election promises, maris barsukov, creature, creature, nikolai ivanovich, one call to television, they will throw him out , well, if you want, i’ll call on your behalf, don’t be stupid, not him, so another, this is all lariska’s machinations, and do you think larisa mikhailovna is involved in this? also, she dreams like that to spoil me, the creature ungrateful nikolai ivanovich, leave me alone, the press conference is in 40 minutes, you need to calm down and think about what to answer about this incident, i’m calm. like dav, everything can still be corrected, okay, i’ll make changes to your speech, larisa should go to
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the clinic immediately, let them fix her brains there, prepare everything, i understand, i understand, okay, nikolai ivanovich, so, here is chicken broth, stewed vegetables , here’s cranberry juice, let her drink, but why so much, well , they feed her there too, i know how they feed there, but she needs to eat often, little by little, and home-cooked food, then he won’t gain weight and the milk will be like a baby, well, like a baby, eats, sleeps, sleeps, eats, eats, sleeps, you know, it seems to me that he looks a lot like me, narozov, who else should he look like? well, yes, in general, yes, listen , thank you very much indeed, because i don’t know if it weren’t for you, morozov, your sentimentality... thank you, viktor
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sergeevich, help me out, all my hope is in you, you know, i have a choice, no question, i’ll do everything i can, well, what do you think, she could just leave you, spring, it’s a young thing, it’s all itchy in one place, look for the candles, larisa, yes, well, no, i didn’t think, she’s not like that, but i’m sure, although, you know, i myself don’t know what to think anymore, okay, when you realized that she was missing , like yesterday, so very little time has passed, i understand everything, but somehow my soul is not in the right place, i haven’t come home, i’m calling without answering, i’m afraid that she won’t be kidnapped, well kidnap me straight away... well, yes, in order to blackmail me later, you know what kind of people we have now, animals, no
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shame, no conscience, i brought the photo for wanted, andrey petrovich, come to me , you know, it seems to me that you’re panicking in vain , some girlfriend to make you angry, vitya, okay, okay, we’ll help you in any way we can , allow it, viktor sergeevich, yes, come on in, with that our best employee will take care of the case, and this is no fool, the best, to catch a maniac , to deliver a baby on the road, that’s all, that’s all he, andrei petrovich, we’ll now bring you up to date, this video irrefutably proves that nikolai sovitsky’s wife larisa
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has repeatedly committed shoplifting. the supermarket administration hid these cases. you will ask why? yes, because parliamentary candidate nikolai sovitsky generously rewarded them for their silence, actually engaging in bribery. andrey petrovich, pay special attention. the matter is very delicate, so no information. it shouldn't leak to the press. i understand, viktor sergeevich. i go here every day, check, well , that’s according to the instructions, so i came in as usual,
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here it’s like, ariana, you didn’t see anyone, maybe someone came in, left, no, it seems, yes no one walks here, everyone takes the elevator , only when the electricity goes out, this happens here, yesterday, by the way, they also turned it off, she probably came here then, documents, a cell phone, maybe, well, if only, but you don’t have any things here they didn’t find the bag , i found it, i would have given it all to you, why don’t i understand, there was nothing, maybe someone took it before me, uh-huh , it’s clear, you’re not going anywhere yet, our employee will come and fill out the instructions, okay?
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come on, do you know her? this is luck, a familiar character, this is larisa sovitskaya, today her husband reported her missing, what do you think? murder or did she stumble and fall? the body had multiple injuries of varying severity, most likely received during a fall when the body rolled down the stairs. so she could have been pushed? could it be the time of death? well , somewhere between two hours of the night, and the cause of death? a blow to the head or a blow to the step? do i look like a demon? well, yes, well then a blow to the head, but i’ll tell you very precisely, after the autopsy, are you kidding me, elena evgenievna?
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of course, valer, come here, i’m coming, look, there... on the stairs, maybe there’s somewhere there are still traces of blood, take them for analysis, well , carefully there, in general, examine everything, well, petrovich, i’m done here, and the rest is after hiding, okay, bye, bye, petrovich, i found the victims’ car there, great, valera, grab the suitcase, okay, come on, come on, "she, she, judging by the recordings from the cameras, she returned to the car yesterday at 16:45, sat in the car and drank again at 16:58, uh-huh, she never returned to the car, it’s unclear , because at 18:42 the electricity was turned off,
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and so were the cameras, so the recording continued at 19:12, hmm, and kosyanov says death has occurred"? in the middle of the night, well, i don’t know , the cameras were working at night, no one came in, it’s clear, it’s clear that nothing is clear, valer, well, maybe you can please me with something, except maybe the weather forecast for the weekend, that means, when during the initial examination, there were no traces of blood or anything...
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that time, come on, come on, come on, phil, come on, is there such a steep staircase, or what? well, quite steep, but not all of the ears would have been cut off, caused by a fall , that is, several hours before the fall she struggled or fought with someone, biomaterial was found under her nails throw-ins...
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morning dawn is called, by the way, good candies, yeah, so good that you have to eat them with the wrapper. disappoint, the biomaterial under larisa’s nails does not belong to dubinin. sovitskaya got into a fight with someone else, the hair on sovetskaya’s bracelet also does not belong to dubinin. great, what happens is this, a version of the cat’s approach, or what? michal, as far as i know, after bad news you usually give good news. well, well, maybe i
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have something else for you. don't languish, please. len, tell me. look, oh my god! what is it? nail polish. i extracted it from the wound on larisa sovitskaya’s cheek. and what does it mean? that the wounds on sovetskaya’s face were left by manicured nails. this doesn't look like dubinin. what if sovetskaya hooked up with some lady before the supermarket? no, this is impossible. look, in the video from the supermarket , the soviet one definitely doesn’t have such scratches. so it turns out that the killer of a woman is not a fact, we can only say that after the incident
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in the supermarket, sovetskaya got into a fight with someone else, with someone whose nails were manicured, great, if you look at this object from above, then from the side it will become clear that nothing is visible from below, sorry. yes, viktor sergeevich, andrei petrovich, come to me, it’s urgent. i’ll be there now, also a lieutenant colonel. elena evgenevna, please save this. what was the point? now it seems to me that mayevsky will remove the shavings. go already, everything will be fine. nonsense, to hell. will the real culprit go unpunished? we will. closely monitor the progress of the investigation, what can you say, andrei petrovich, yes, this is borsukov
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taza-noza, you know him, but he’s in every barrel of plugs, though he hasn’t appeared for a long time, i thought he went somewhere, but he surfaced again, well, since you’re an old friend, then have a heart-to-heart talk with him and let him tell you everything he knows is good, victor. grunts, i'll think of something, badgers, stop, stop, where are you going, just a minute, huh? you don’t have the right, oh , wait a second, it hurts, you don’t have the right, i
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knew it, this is police lawlessness, no, no, this is a conscientious citizen bartsukov, voluntarily, shares information with the police, and if not shares, shares, shares , wants to divorce his wife in order to marry someone else, than you have no motive for murder, that’s for sure, absolutely, but there is evidence
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of savitsky’s connection with this other, what’s her name, choice, renata choice, choice, choice, choice, something familiar, well, in the world she is renata verevkina, a famous model, and the evidence, well, how convincing? quite, yeah, it doesn’t look like this photo was taken by savitsky’s former security guard, well, wait a minute, what, what , now, now, wait, well, damn, now we have the informant’s address, and we we'll find it. unless, of course, you yourself voluntarily tell us who this mysterious well-wisher is, i would say, but honestly, i don’t know myself, it’s interesting, but information about the actions
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of the police was also sent from this address, yes, an unusually knowledgeable source was caught, yeah , come on, are you showing us everything that he sent you? in return, you will be the first to know the whole truth about this case, well, doesn’t this contradict my journalistic ethics? come on, you'll be a barberry, come on, it's her, well, i'm off, don't worry, to hell with it, renata, hello, it's like you're not bothering me you recognize, it’s me, well, you give me, but i spoke
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for... i’ll remember, that’s what a girl’s memory means, here you go, wow, this is for you , thank you, i’ve been dreaming about this for so long, well, didn’t i really remember, well yes, i remembered, excuse me, i’m just having a show, i’m still putting on makeup, that’s all, i understand, it’s always like this, 2 seconds in one place it flies away again, but nothing, i’ll admire it.
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you’ve become completely insolent, this is not a taxi, but a robbery in broad daylight, but to get a suitcase, what should you do yourself? let me, now who else are you, your fan, you are. rinata's choice, oh, well this is half a station of such fans, you should get out of here, and if so, what’s the matter, i’m late for the train, i have a show in moscow. moscow will wait, you are detained on suspicion of the murder of larisa sovitskaya. let's go, under the nails of larisa sovetskaya your epithelium and a flake of varnish were found.
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it was extracted from your nail from the abrasions on her face, which means that you saw sovitskaya on the day of her death, will you deny? i won’t, i really saw her, you didn’t just see her, you beat her, i defended myself, it was she who attacked me, well it’s nicolas, because of nicolas, zavitsky, she befriended me and made a scene, what do you want from my husband? and larisa, it’s you, and you, you’re worrying in vain, he won’t divorce you before the elections. well, for another six months after that, he will definitely leave you something, he ’s such a big deal with you, oh, you’re crazy, i’ll show you a divorce, there won’t be any divorce, only through mine, you calm down already.
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and why did she say that, only over my corpse? serve, she doesn’t mean anything, well, that ’s how to say, sovitskaya is dead, do you think i look like a murderer, but i ran away from this crazy person goes much further, honestly, your motive for murder is too suitable, to get rid of your rival, who is preventing you from uniting with your loved one, why don’t you believe me, i believe it, but i believe the evidence. “borisych, are you finished? yes, that means the hair from sovetskaya’s bracelet is not renata’s choice . so, it means that on that ill-fated day, she saw someone else, or the hair has nothing to do with the death at all, but
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suddenly . got caught somewhere, maybe, maybe, maybe len, and what about the toxicological examination, yes i already i’m finishing, well, everything here is much more complicated than we thought, there are no traces of drugs in either the blood or the hair, but i still found something interesting, sovetskaya’s blood sugar level is 1.2 mm per liter, oh well , that's for sure, absolutely. that with such indicators a person will fall into a hypoglycemic coma, that’s exactly it, we thought that someone pushed larisa when she fell down the stairs, and with such hypoglycemia she could lose consciousness herself and fall down the stairs. and lie there for several hours, this explains all the strangeness of her behavior, listen, she’s she must have experienced terrible hunger, it is not surprising that she ate sweets in wrappers, glucose surges cause aggression , so she fought with everyone, this is all
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understandable, but where does she have hypoglycemia, or maybe she has diabetes, you checked the card, yes i did i studied it lengthwise, there are no diseases that could cause it, uh-huh, maybe she was pregnant during pregnancy? sugar may drop sharply, there was no pregnancy, i did a secret, and maybe not all the information is in the card, you need to talk to her doctor, very, very it’s a pity, she was still a very young woman, we established that the cause of death was...
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her husband left for a model, because of this she developed an eating disorder, she either required some kind of diet, or generally went hungry, and also took some dubious pills for weight loss, i warned you that this would end badly, but tell me, why is all this not reflected in the midcard? well, i recommended larisa a course of treatment, including antidepressants, but she screamed, said that i wanted to make her look crazy and send her to a mental hospital, and threatened. raising your connection and complain to management, of course, and you decided not to get involved, right? well, what could i do? yes, it could not have occurred to me that there could be such consequences. so there is a possibility that she
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continued to take her diet pills and practice fasting, right? it’s quite possible, at least she didn’t contact me anymore. everything is very logical, i wanted to lose weight. i ate some unknown pills, my blood sugar level dropped, i felt weak , dizzy, fell off the stairs, bruises, abrasions, pain shock, lay there for several died for hours, that's it, no murder , political wife, no scandals, yes, hello, healthy lifestyle, why are you in such a hurry to close this case, why are you in a hurry, just all the facts indicate that the lady herself has fallen off the ladder, or not, or yes, well... you see, you have a phone number, yes, yes, valer, i’m listening to you, okay, this is very interesting, the email
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address from which the borsukovs leaked information is registered by sovitsky himself, in addition, the incriminating evidence was sent not from anywhere, but directly from his office. i don't i understand, is it that the soviet wants to disrupt his own elections, or what? well, it’s unlikely that he himself , but someone close to him who has the appropriate access, our politicians are not like people, okay, thank you, andrei petrovich, are you free? in your own words, it lowers glucose levels; it is prescribed only to patients with type 2 diabetes. so maybe she took it to lose weight? healthy people should not take glucofasin at all, it already
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significantly lowers sugar, and if you do this in combination with diets, there will be consequences deadly. what did i say? that means there was no murder, she brought herself to death through her own stupidity. and if larisa didn’t know what she was taking, or rather, she thought she was taking one thing, but was actually taking something completely different, wait, soviet, when he was with me, he felt bad, and he said that he had diabetes, i can’t understand what you want to find there, maybe stop tormenting me already, huh? my life is already completely ruined. larisa is gone, renata is behind bars, and the elections
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are all down the drain, do what you want, the investigation has not yet been completed, so it’s too early to sum up the results, you want to say, this is not renata, unfortunately, i cannot disclose the details, please tell me, nikola ivanovich, but... what kind of pills did you just take? well, is it a sugar-lowering drug for diabetes? excuse me, please, but you are the one who deals with health issues, chief . she is a nurse by training, so she understands this issue. i try to be useful. nikolai ivanovich needs to eat. the only thing, the only one who won't leave me. everyone else is like rats ship. this
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is for two people or for a whole company, woo-hoo-hoo, in my entire life i have never worn down as many shoes as she has here, shoes for a woman. it's like fishing rods for a man, you can never have too many. by the way, when i was a child, my sister hid sweets from me in her shoes. hmm, good idea. come on, there is. otherwise, well done, your sister,
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continue, nikolai ivanovich, please, everything is ready, nikolai ivanovich, you will have to travel with us. why else? maybe call a lawyer? why a lawyer? we just wanted to clarify some details for protocol, this won’t last long, and we’ll also have to seize your pills for examination. well, it is necessary , then it is necessary. lena, give me the pills. thank you. nikolai ivanovich, should i eat something? colleagues,
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avdeev is really looking forward to the results, at what stage? tablets were found in larisa, as expected, to lower blood glucose levels, which are prescribed for diabetics, the same as those taken by the soviet, absolutely, perfectly. borisovich, what about our fingerprints? on the bottle of pills, in addition to laisa’s own prints, there are also prints. i i even know who they belong to. it’s hard to guess, the prints of nikolai sovetsky , if only the hair in the bracelet belonged to him , no, no, just past here, the hair is not his, probably, after all, this evidence is not relevant to the case, petrovich, that means so, yes, mikhailov , i understand, thank you, the examination confirmed that your wife took pills that she did not need to take. this is what led to her death, i didn’t know anything about it,
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there are your fingerprints on the bottle of pills, how can you explain it? well, i once saw that she was taking pills, but i took them and threw them away. window, most likely she found them and brought them back, let's say, well, what, you think that i killed her, this is funny, of course i did. was not an ideal husband, but i loved larisa, yes, you couldn’t kill your wife, the moment she fell down the stairs, you were at a press conference, you know that i need your help to identify the real killer, and what should i do? nikolai ivanovich
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, they let you go, i’m so glad, you know, lena, i was driving and thinking, thinking, after all, it’s good that... i have you, nikolai ivanovich, i, i thought i ’d never hear these words, lena, tell me, only honestly, it was you who changed the pills , larisa, forgive me, i did it only for your sake, she was... unworthy, she bought your career, ruined your life with her antics, jealousy, but she trusted you, she’s ridiculous fat girl with glasses, how can i compete with her, she
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asked me for weight loss products, and i slipped her your pills, did you want to kill her, no? larisa, here you are, it’s good that i found you, you need to go back to the clinic, this is nikolai ivanovich’s order, take it from me my hands, i understand everything, these are your pills. yes, don’t talk nonsense, please , we need to go, it’s you, the gryan, you slipped me other pills, they make me feel so bad now, i ’ll tell nikolai everything about you, he ’ll fire you, this will never happen, i knew that
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these pills cause hunger pangs. i just wanted you to see what she is like and divorce her. why did you slip photos with rinata to the journalist? the connection with her was ruining your political career, but you didn’t notice it, i had to save you, from whom, from these terrible women, they used you, your money, they didn’t love you, i wanted to open your eyes. only i loved you all these years, you should be together, i will do everything for this, i did it only for your sake, she was unworthy of you, she bought your career with her antics, all your confessions are recorded.
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the final point has been reached in the complicated case of the death of nikolai savitsky’s wife, the killer turned out to be nikolai sovitsky’s assistant, she committed the murder for personal reasons, but this crime was only solved thanks to the brilliant work of our investigative agencies. good afternoon, it's me. well, did sovetsky withdraw his candidacy from the elections? no, no, no, no, no, no pressure, i decided so myself, so i congratulate you, one less competitor, what are we doing? well,
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we work, we stand, so to speak, on guard of the law. and order. in the near future we will present to your attention a series of reports on the work of law enforcement agencies in our city. boris bursukov. network express. stay with us. go crazy, petrovich. how did you manage to win over borsukov? whip you can achieve much more with carrots at the same time than with sticks and carrots separately. the main thing is not to spare the gingerbread, but choose a stronger whip. “will you have a barberry? come on, but the whole thing was literally hanging by a thread, if it weren’t for those hairs in the bracelet, i still can’t understand how kostina could leave, knowing that larisa was still alive, you know,
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a woman’s soul in the dark, especially when it comes to men, avdiev, is this a transformation of a major"? it’s good that i found it, andrey petrovich, this is for you, so it’s with great gratitude from marina gave me away too, they say obstetricians-gynecologists live poorly, it’s not too late to retrain... no, listen, in fact, marina has one more request for you, if this is another birth, then i’ll pass
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, yes, no, no, we want you to become godfather for our son, well, this is already very responsible, no, i don’t mind, yes, he agrees, he agrees, only with one condition, what other conditions for you to have your son called andrei, honor petrovich, petrovich? in short, we’ll discuss this, we need to call marinka and come to an agreement, who are you all looking at? well there, the girl is standing scratched. premiere on rtr. can you see me? tick ​​tock. a little bit left. i'm scared, zhenya. ghosts don't usually do this. only in very extreme cases. in what? anna meteo. from february 19 on rtr. the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking
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news. 60 minutes, don't miss it, tomorrow on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat.
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good evening on the air from st. petersburg to news studio igor strakhov briefly about the main thing. caught with explosives. the fsb prevented sabotage at an energy facility in the leningrad region. 40 liters of blood to save lives. cadets of the makarov university took part in the donor event. transparent armor on road signs in the nevsky district is being tested for anti-vandal coating. bach, chistushki, ballet. the leonid yakopson theater presented its performances on the stage of the alexandrinsky theater. the russian fsb prevented sabotage by ukrainian special services on the territory of the leningrad region. the security forces received a signal about a suspicious person in the area of ​​the gas distribution
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station. he was under covert surveillance. as a result of coordinated actions, the criminal was identified and detained. he turned out to be a foreign citizen, ukrainian by nationality. five improvised explosive devices, ready for use, were confiscated and neutralized. i tried to install them at a pipeline junction. how did you end up on russian territory? ended up on russian territory on instructions from the sbu, the task was to damage the pipeline, how to properly method, by detonation, sergei zazulya was taken under escort to st. petersburg, today a preventive measure was chosen for him, arrest, the man is suspected of committing sabotage, as well as illegal trafficking in explosives , explosive devices, according to the investigation , zazulya has a higher military education and...
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for arson in ligovsky, an unknown customer promised the performers 60,000 rubles. the crimean geese have already been convicted, and are now accused of murder in a generally dangerous manner. 40 liters of blood were donated by a cadet of the state university of the maritime river fleet named after makarova. the famous uuz joined the “remain a donor” campaign, it is carried out by the team of the youth wing of the popular front of the leningrad region. together with doctors from the city blood transfusion station, they organized a mobile unit right on the territory of the university. during the lecture , everyone was invited to take part in saving human lives. the collected donor material is very much needed in hospitals where the wounded are being treated during a special military
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operation. potential donors before the procedure. cities of the leningrad region. road signs in the nevsky district they hid it in transparent armor from illegal advertising near the mitro elizarovskaya station and are testing an anti-vandal coating. olga skripkina for more details. it’s as if he was hanged yesterday. but the surface of the sign looks like new. although he is already almost 2 years old. respectable age for a road sign. the peers have long since lost their marketable appearance. there are a lot of graffiti advertisements. it
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won't come out clean. but only. not with these signs, everyone is in invisible, reliable armor, covered with an anti-vandal compound, an advertisement on such surfaces do not last long, they fall off. glue residues can be removed very easily, without the help of any chemicals. transparent armor, an experiment of the traffic management directorate, protection from pasters, has so far been applied only to the signs of one intersection near the ilizarovskaya metro station. it repels, creates such a thin film that it does not let you through. one of the contaminants, due to the fact that nothing gets inside, you can easily approach using water and rags to remove any contaminants, next in line is the central and admiralty districts, they are covered in such a way that they can no longer be washed and it’s not just a matter of aesthetics, after cleaning the signs quickly lose their reflective properties, are invisible to drivers in the dark, which means they need to be replaced, in order to wash traffic lights, finish
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the crossing, or, for example , boxes with controllers and other equipment, godgorod spends 14 million rubles. this is only for cleaning the road infrastructure. advertising customers and advertisers tried to fight by auto-dialing numbers in grid advertisements. half the city was wrapped in chain-link, but it didn’t help. apply now alternative ways. if it is not possible to stick a sticker, they are wrapped either with tape and completely wrapped, or with wire. the life of one such ad is short, from 5 minutes to a day. they are torn down every day, but in the morning they... in the district administrations they ask st. petersburg residents who see the posters at work, not to pass by, take out your phone, take a photo or video, violation, filmed video and photo recording , please send to law enforcement agencies, you can also send access to the portal our st. petersburg, it is possible
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that this will help to catch, fine, or at least remind: violators of their conscience, while the usual warning does not work, the posters have their own morals, why are you spoiling the city, why am i spoiling the city, why did you do this , we help people, i don’t think this is a damage to the city. olga skripkin, evgeny rakov, alexander luchkin and galina rominskaya, vesti petersburg. a broken car, shop windows and fences - this is the result of a night chase in the frunzinsky district. half past 5 a.m. traffic police officers were pursuing white suv. here's some footage of the finale. on the corner of a melted street. on ligovsky prospekt , the intruder lost control and flew into the wall of a house. after the collision, the man still tried to escape, but he was detained. he didn’t even have documents for the car with him; the car itself was registered to a commercial organization. investigators are now working with the fast-driving enthusiast. new lighting is being installed in murinsky park, workers are completing the installation of six poles on the playground, ten-meter poles from two
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the parts can be folded, which simplifies the maintenance of the lanterns. there will be no need for technology. drive into a cramped play area, installed 90 led lamps, there will be 360 ​​in total, because of their bend they are called leaves, a guarantee of 10 thousand hours of operation for each lamp. new lighting is promised on the roller ski track, there are already 38 massive supports there, another 22 will be installed on the opposite side of the park, later 511 floodlights will appear on them, they will burn in three modes, especially in winter, the sun sets very early and... and training sometimes has to be carried out in real darkness, and we hope that we will expand our training capabilities and our forge of young talents will work even better. in addition, workers will have to lay more than 20 km of power cable; the work is planned to be completed by the end of this year. the coming week will be cold, on wednesday night in st. petersburg the thermometers
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can drop to -16°, even colder in the leningrad region, especially in the northeastern regions, frosts up to 28° are expected there at night, and no higher than -10 during the day. for a small weather changes can be expected in the second half of the week, with hopes growing. we hope that the anticyclone, along with the increase in pressure, will now squeeze out the clouds again and the sun will still appear, now the sun has already warmed up like this, well, it’s hard to say in cold spring weather, but in any case it’s noticeable, so the temperature remains the same 8-13° air, forecasters predict southeast wind, from 7 to 12 m/s, light snow is possible on thursday to friday. let's find out the detailed weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast studio leonid petrov, the temperature
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will not change significantly; precipitation will return on wednesday in the st. petersburg region. according to data from the city center of st. petersburg, on february 14 in the liningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings, snow during the day and -13-15 on thermometers. it will not be warmer and mostly without precipitation in tifin bakvetogorsk, light snow and from 8 to 12° below zero, weather forecasters promise volgri, kirisha, gachni and vyborg. in st. petersburg, the wind may increase slightly, much less than the day before, but the sun will still shine during the day in the northern capital until -10 and light snow, on thursday night it is 2° colder and also light precipitation, good mood for any day. weather. on the stage of the alexandrinsky theater , performances of the leonid epson theater were shown, including the premiere's productions, and a nominee for a golden mask. impression ekaterina grizienko. outbursts of passion, an eternal search. and
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so, through the fabric of a plotless ballet, the silhouettes of stories appear. the main character and narrator of 598 bars is the human body. unique and at the same time similar to others. three different fabric textures in the light create a game. and they give such an image, the outlines of a person, while, as it were, leaving his physicality, his soul. to warm yourself in the rays of your native heart is a simple desire of a person of every era. it’s easy to check; servants from the 16th century will happily swing on the time swing. no less convincing are the cute details from the past - candelabra, vases. and most importantly - the music, the unexpected choice of the choreographer, the work of carl philipp emmanuel bach, the son of the great composer, all 598 bars of the clavier are light and earthly, not a single one flirts with eternity. heavenly and earthly,
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everything is harmonized between the soul and the body ; the soft purple color, a symbol of spirituality, gracefully explains the performance artist, but there are purple chairs on the stage. has its own prosaic story, we thought that we wanted to present some color to the stage , as something that forms something, and then we agreed, i was just sitting with this scarf, and we then agreed that this is exactly the one the color we want to see on stage today, we would decide that purple is the new blue, that's where the colors dance like in a kaleidoscope, it's in the ballet, mischievous cleanliness, fragments form first one stained glass window, then another, first refer to the russian avant-garde, and then completely.
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white, there are absolutely, roughly speaking, simple colors, there are more complex ones, this is ornamental music, the works of radion shchedrin, mischievous cleansers, the result of the composer’s folklore expeditions and his ardent love for folk art. shchedrin's chistushki were so outrageous that they became famous throughout the world. two orchestras competed for the right to present the american premiere; arthur fiedler was ahead leonard bernstein at... the theater, although
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he competes in prowess, there are squats, folk fractions, but with the internal rhythm of the modern viewer, the new cleanses coincide much better. clip consciousness requires an endless series, black portals, like phone screens, display different pictures every second. it even scares me the way i consume information, sometimes it’s just headlines, i already kind of read the headline, i think i already know what the whole article is about. brevity really turned out to be the sister of talent. vyacheslav samadurov increased the cleanliness, first the piano version, then the version for orchestra, and brought the tempos to super-fast speed, the alegra ballet without a single slowdown, the dance on the verge of a nervous breakdown. music, is it giving a second wind? remembering my feelings, when we went to yekaterinburg not so long ago and danced, i remember i began to give my all so much that the cutting down was all over, and it seemed to me that i was lost. how much
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strength do the tough guys and girls have, which will give inspiration for new dances. one thing is obvious after such a party, you need to catch your breath and look inside yourself. ekaterina gritsienko, evgeny rakov, sergey larichev, lead st. petersburg. these were the st. petersburg news. all the best. today we will continue to study from what and we...
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not that we study islam, but we at least study what it is, we learn a little more. ildar khazrad, hello, today we were going to discuss the structure of, as it were , the muslim church or islam, i know very little about islam, what, for example, the life of a parishioner consists of, who does he address, here, yes, in general, who represents islam, well , today on the territory of russia, there is a spiritual administration, they are called the spiritual administration of muslims, there are moscow, the russian federation, certain regions there of dagestan, chechnya, tatarstan, sometimes other names, but you can find them there uftiyats or some other names of mukhtasibats, but here, you know, these terms, they do not have such a direct relationship directly to the religion itself, any direct indication in the holy quran or in the sunnah of the prophet muhammad, that is. sayings
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we don’t find the prophet muhammad in this regard , no, these are more those organizations, those structures that were created, well, taking into account exactly that reality, the reality in which we find ourselves today, that is, as such, such organizations today exist, and so within the framework of these spiritual administrations today a certain hierarchy has been built, within the framework of this hierarchy there is precisely the chairman of the spiritual administration, and the chairman of the council of muftis of russia, and often this is the head he is designated as a mufti, as a sheikh, mufti, sheikh , you are just a mufti, i am also the mufti of the city of moscow, we also have the mufti of russia, and the mufti sheikhavil gainuddin, and there is, forgive me for nailing, and there is also the mufti of the moscow region, there is the mufti of the moscow region, yes, the mufti of chechnya, the mufti of dagestan, the mufti of tatarstan, there are muftis as such, it turns out that there are some heads of these regions, there is also a head. all muslims, we say to
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russia, again here there are several figures, several people who claim, let's say, for this status, but in the world there is no person unanimously chosen as a representative of all muslims of the world, like no, no, no, no, there are individual scientists, yes, again, like muftis, like sheikhs, like imams, we are looking into this, and just this term, as far as russia is concerned, this term mufti, i repeat once again, it means the head of the muslims, as far as this is concerned. term from the point of view of no one, or from the point of view of the use of this term there in the arab world, in the turkish world, a mufti is that person who has a certain religious education, has the right to make fatwas, and what are fatwas - these are canonical decisions on certain modern issues, he makes a fatwa, that is, they turn to him, he, with a huge, huge store of knowledge, has the right to make a decision this way or that way, so the canonical and linguistic meaning of this term mufti is exactly this: to act
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politically or this means how to interpret scripture, but from a religious point of view, not political, from a religious point of view, this is the term mufti, it is purely religious, a purely canonical term, not something that is possible or not, here... well, from the point of view of religion, the point of religion, yes, accordingly, the mufti, the mufti necessarily has some ideas in different directions, but one of the terms that, we probably often hear, this is imam khatib, imam khatib is the person who is the imam, the primate, but the khatib who has the right to read a sermon, friday or holiday, again, there are imams, but there are imams who have the right there conduct a lesson, conduct a prayer, say a call to prayer, but does not have the right , for example, to go up to the pulpit on the minbar and read a sermon, this is already a certain status that comes with the mufti, imam khatib, a person who has the right to stand at the head at the same time to conduct a sermon, then there is also the appropriate knowledge for this, in general , imam, the word imam is the primate, then comes the imam, simply imam, this is the person
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who has the right to conduct all religious rituals, but does not have the right to go up to the menbar in order to read the friday prayer or a holiday sermon, a friday or a holiday sermon, then we have... hadhrat, yes, this is the arabic word hadra, hadhrat is translated from arabic as respected, but here, you know, central asia has taken hold, as i know that this term is used precisely when addressing religious figures, that is , representatives of islam who have, well , worshiped god or have some kind of religious
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rank, that’s how it’s customary to add exactly after the name ravil hazrat hazrat hazrat the word hazrat, and that’s essentially all this is an arabic word and also... maybe you have heard the word mula, mula, yes, but this term is more common in central asia, but it also conveys the meaning of a religious figure, like an imam, that is, imam is more of an arabic word, although mula is also used in the arab world, but this is, well, that is, probably to some extent a synonym for imam and mula, mula, even here, probably, this word is more common mula, that is, if we talk about hierarchy, everything is much simpler, there is imam khatib. there is an imam, and there is my one, as you say, i think, my one, everything, everything, there is a mufti, there is a mufti above them, but not in every country, or there is a mufti everywhere where there is islam, no, no, look, we say, that there are muftis everywhere, but simply the concept of mufti means slightly different things; in russia , the concept of mufti is meant as the head
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of muslims, for example, even when i fly, for example, to saudi arabia or turkey, when i was introduced as a mufti moscow, people often understand that this is mufti, he a person who considers certain issues and gives decisions on them. from a canonical point of view, that is, it’s like a scientist, it’s not like a head, yes, to a greater extent, what they mean by this is precisely the muftis, the ones who issue the fatwa, here it’s just that different meanings are attached to this term mufti in different countries, in different parts world, in our country this concept more precisely means the head of the muslims of a particular region. ildar hazrat, thank you very much for explaining, i hope that you can continue to enlighten us and tell us, what is islam, if it is in this... of course with pleasure, especially today we understand that in general, from the beginning of time, representatives of different nationalities, different religions have lived in our country, probably the splendor, the beauty of our country lies in , that we have always found a common language, mutual respect for each other, i
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fully support you, almost all programs in one way or another, indirectly or directly, come down to the program, the rules of life come down to love for your neighbor. yes, mutual respect for everything, thank you very much for coming, i hope that we will continue, thank you, see you, i remember the phrase from the school curriculum elniño and laninya or laninya, and what is this, except... as some kind of anomaly, so irregularly cyclical, not at all i remember, dari, hello, elniño, that you had an amazing school, for the first time in my life i heard that ilniña and lonya were mentioned somewhere in the school curriculum. ilninya is
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an interesting phenomenon, loninya was discovered a little later, ilninya was noticed by lanina - this is something intermediate, a little less pronounced, no, lonine is a girl, as we now see in the picture, it was thanks to these creatures that ilniñe was discovered, this... anchovies, which are actively caught off the coast of peru, but not only peru, there is also chile, ecuador, yes, they are caught in very large quantities, and naturally, this is a very important source of income for the economies of these countries, and even peruvian fishermen, in ancient times, noticed that during the christmas period there are fewer anchols, in fact, this could be done rejoice, because a short holiday at christmas is always nice, you don’t have to fish for a while, but then you noticed that this
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phenomenon, yes, a decrease in catches, it can last much longer, when a larger number of observations have already appeared, it turned out that this phenomenon covers not only coastal waters, but also a large part of the tropical pacific ocean. elniño, why is the boy, the baby, christ, just from... to the period when it reaches its maximum, when it is observed during the period christmas, but what is it really, here is an incorrect, often encountered statement that this current, no, if we speak by definition, an ilnina is an anomalous warming of the surface temperature of the tropical pacific ocean, you see such a red spot here, it’s like once the area where the ocean temperature rises, it seems, not by much, by two or three, but in the extreme. case by 5°, but if you imagine this area and imagine that this giant
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heating pad throws out anomalous amounts heat, and therefore moisture into the atmosphere, here this anomaly is also very clearly visible and flax, yes red, this is a temperature above normal, below is just the case when the temperature is below normal, and so this is when an anomalous amount of heat is released into the atmosphere moisture, then naturally it spreads further... in the atmosphere, winds blow in the atmosphere, it’s a gas, everything mixes very well there, a remote response to this phenomenon can be felt in very distant areas, and if you take these relatively close ones, for example, in the arid regions of south america, the west coast , there are floods, abnormal precipitation, which means there are mountainous areas - these are mudflows, this is half a day, in general there are a lot of catastrophic events.
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a large number of players, as i really liked this term, it was coined by one of the apologists of the doctrine of flax, klaus wirki, he called them players on the field ilnin, that is, it seems like the temperature of the ocean surface, but in fact it’s all linked to the intensity of the wind in the pacific... ocean, that's how you see, it's no coincidence vertical section, because the anomalies are not only on the surface, but in the depths, here - in the left diagram we just see that trade winds are blowing over the pacific ocean, from america to indonesia, from east to west, well , it is very logical to imagine that they they push warm water towards indonesia, and accordingly in the indonesian region of australia, the so-called warm pool, even it’s a wompul, they call it, english, on the contrary, the water is driven away, it is replaced
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by cold ones rising from below and it’s cold off the coast of south america, and not only there this effect, there is also the cold peruvian current , that’s where the word current comes from, normally the waters there come almost from antarctica, cold waters, in the years of silt the passage weakens, right here in the right picture we see the surge of warm water weakens and as we originally thought, but since no one it is not pushed there, it simply rushes back and flows in the direction of america, and it becomes warm there. an anomaly like this arises. as you understand, over a warm surface over warm water we have stronger evaporation, which means clouds form and precipitation falls. usually in south america there is no precipitation on the coast, cacti mainly grow there, all kinds of mosses and lichens and it is quite cold, in silting years, so the convection zone shifts there. and indonesia and
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there are fires and so on, but now this process cannot end, this is what is happening, it is clear why it is happening, so i just wanted to finish what they thought at first, but now the passage is weakening, and the warm water is flowing back, but as i have repeatedly mentioned in my conversations with you, among other things, nature does not give simple decisions, when more detailed oceanological observations appeared, they found out that there was nothing like that, no... water does not flow from west to east, on the contrary, first an anomaly appears, so warm, yes, bright red - near south america and spreads to the other side. here we got very tense, began to think about how it works, this theory was first proposed by jakob berknas, whom i also already mentioned, who began with the study of cyclones and the nature of cyclone formation, and now finished his scientific activity was just the theory of ilnia, it turned out that everything is much more complicated, the most interesting thing is this blue
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mixed layer, this is a very important thing, because yes, yes, when it’s normal. conditions, cold water rises from below, uh-huh, that ’s when our trade winds weaken, when we stop the surge of warm water to the region of indonesia and australia, this layer, it’s also called, interestingly, this phenomenon is called the pacific swing, because that's the slope, and it's deep here, and here warm water occupies a very small space, in the years of ilnin, like the board on which we all swung in childhood, this slope changes, it turns out that the water that rises from below is no longer cold, it is warm, it turns out that this here is an anomaly, it comes to us not from the west on the surface, but comes to us , essentially from the depths, but uninya is a sister, we also talked about her, and since elninho
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is a boy, lanine, translated from spanish, is a girl, and this is just the right one. when our temperature is colder than normal, which is why they always talked about flax, and lanin was discovered much later, but in fact, this probably undeserved little attention, the deviation was there initially, because the response, this climatic weather anomaly around the globe, is no weaker, than for ilnine, all the same data is involved in forecasting lanin, of course, the players on the field are still the same, it’s like a wave.
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long ago we knew when to stock up on coffee, when to catch more anchovies, because there wouldn’t be any next year, but in fact, this cycle is irregular, many processes influence it, but the most interesting thing is that in addition to the fact that it is irregular, sometimes there is a break of 2 years, sometimes there is a break of 7 years, and sometimes it is longer, this already greatly complicates the prognosis, but then there is the same claus virtki he said that not one ilni is... similar to another. and a very interesting story: in 2003-2004, an expert commission of the world meteorological organization was created on the topic of determination. by the way, i was also part of it, they suffered for a long time, they created a general definition of the idea that i should temperature exceeding the threshold of half a degree, an anomaly for so many months in
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such and such an area. after this 10 years, not a single ilnya fits the definition. hidden, yes. koreans discover after some time that ilnine did not hide, but moved, it began to be observed in the center of the pacific ocean, so they called it elnine madoki, this is translated from korean, the same, but different, this is a complex, yes, eastern philosophy, but nevertheless, indeed, ilninya moved to the center of the pacific ocean, but not completely, that is, one thing happens type of phenomenon, then another type of phenomenon, and it’s like you...
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and i’ll understand the weather, i’ll wait for this moment, give, thank you very much, see you, see you, personally, my most vivid memories from childhood are associated with nature, with hiking - with forays, i don’t remember. when i had my first hike as part of a school group, but i spent the night in a tent for the first time, in my opinion, when i was five or six years old, and then i did it quite often, but i want to talk about... hikes for children today, maria, hello, do i understand correctly that right now it is not hiking is practiced in school groups
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among children, primary school students, roughly speaking, from six to 11 years old, this is rare, this is really rare, but active tourism is beginning to develop, now there is a lot of active tourism for children, active children's tourism begins to develop, without parents, from time to time we... take parents with us, the most anxious ones, we take parents so that they immerse themselves in our life, join our values. i'll be honest, i don’t take my parents on every hike, because for me a hike is two things: adventure and overcoming. i really want the child to learn to overcome himself, so that he prepares food for himself, and not individually for himself, as part of a team, so that he puts up a tent himself, because he can do it. an adult, he comes up and begins to take away this opportunity, this is a loving adult, an anxious adult, and parents interact not only with their children, this directly turns out to be
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a collective, this is a team, of course, of course, we we unite in groups, children, parents, we try to ensure that parents get on a team other than their child, uh-huh, and we talk with the parent that he should develop a pedagogical position, not oohs, aahs and fears, but a reasonable attitude towards what should do. a child and the belief that he can overcome much more, class, a very good idea, i think, but if we talk about safety, nature implies, well, one way or another, the absence of a fence, that is, this is not a reservation, this is not a fenced area, and children, well, knowing themselves, for example, can quietly crawl out of the tent at night and go for a walk somewhere, so in this case, is there someone who seems to be watching at night, or is that still the case? well , since i take my children on a weekend camping trip, we don’t have wolves, it’s still
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a suburb of moscow, but it’s not a fenced area, and the child doesn’t leave the tent or go anywhere, why? because, firstly, safety precautions are discussed with him, the second point is trust, when they take you on a hike, and you understand that you have switched to something. adult level responsibility for ourselves and responsibility for the team, we now had a very serious experience of living in a winter tent, a winter tent is a huge winter tent for 15 people, with a stove, and the instructors and i thought for a long time whether our children would heat the stove at night or they won’t, some instructors seriously said, no, no, firstly, it’s unsafe, and secondly, well, it’s a pity... the kids, and there were instructors who were for it, why? because this is a very adult position for everyone to light the stove, and you owe it to
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answer, and you have to go through this initiation, and we still agreed that the children were on duty with us, they teamed up in groups of two, of course, for the sake of safety, there was an adult there, first me, and then another instructor, that’s when they lit the stove all night, they were completely different, at school they are so meticulous... looking closely at who got the most candy, if, for example, it was our birthday, who got a large portion of cookies, here they were so careful with each other, when they couldn’t wake someone up, they said: well, let him sleep, he’s tired, i said , well, you understand that in the morning everything will be different, maybe someone will blame the person for not waking up, no, they said, we won’t blame him, because we understand that this is not simple and true they didn’t reproach us, we’ve already lived for a week. and after that, i really didn’t hear any reproaches from them against those who couldn’t wake up, those who woke up, they lit the stove, naturally, in compliance with
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safety precautions, and i think for them this was one of the key moments of growing up , responsibility for yourself, for the team , understanding that you have been entrusted with an adult task, i don’t know how the school education system works, that is, how this happens, have you decided that i want to take the children on a hike? well, at the stage of talking about what will happen to us. coordination with parents needs to be very clear . parents are absolutely rightly concerned about everything, starting with where the children will go to the toilet, how they will eat, how they will sleep, parents are worried about everything, it is very important to dispel their fears. if we still we agreed with our parents that we need to understand where we get our equipment. some of our parents have equipment, some have equipment. is provided by the school, here the school’s position is also very important, is it ready to provide equipment and does it even value such events, although the school, represented by the director, yes,
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yes, it is very important that you have...
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about true friendship, thank you , thank you very much, see you, goodbye.
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolai zubsik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. and let's start with the last ones ministry of defense data. russian fighters shot down a ukrainian mi-8 helicopter in the zaporozhye direction during a special operation. in addition, over 1,100 mercenary militants were eliminated over the past 24 hours. 325 military personnel were destroyed in the donetsk direction alone. having improved their positions, units of the southern group repelled five attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft, in particular near kleshcheevka, georgievka and
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krasnohorivka. over the donetsk republic, as well as the kherson and zaporozhye regions , 63 enemy unmanned aerial vehicles and three hymers missiles were intercepted. the head of the ministry of defense became one of the speakers at the event.
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together with the executive power of the far eastern district, it was instructed to expand the geography of subsidized air transportation, and with the participation of the state-owned company avtodor, the government should determine optimal fares for travel along the east highway from moscow to kazaniya. russian enterprises have successfully adapted to new working conditions, mikhail mishustin spoke about this at a strategic session at the government coordination center. the prime minister stressed that it was not possible only to rebuild the chains of cooperation and logistics, but... significant progress has been made in terms of unmanned transport systems, they are now being actively tested
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for the transportation of goods both on our roads and by sea, in particular, on the basis of kamaz , the production of highly automated trucks and organized traffic on highway 11, moscow, st. petersburg. which, well, actually takes logistics between the two largest cities in the country to a completely different new level. idea exchanging the remains of pyotr stalypin for prisoners of the ukrainian armed forces is blasphemous. state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin made this statement in response to a proposal from the new leadership of the kiev pechersk lavra, where the ashes of the outstanding reformer of the russian empire are buried. well, the main topic of the plenary session was the suspension of the participation of russian representatives in the osce parliamentary assembly. according to volodin, due to...
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china, canada, the netherlands, the usa, jordan and other countries are calling on israel to stop the military operation in rafah, it will worsen humanitarian catastrophe. said king jordan doused the second at a meeting with joe biden. at least, the head of the white house himself is against the operation. but israel does not heed the calls. the bombing of rafah continues. tel aviv plans to launch a ground operation there. and all civilians will be relocated to large tent cities, the costs of which will probably be covered by the united states and its partners from the gulf countries. spanish farmers. on tractors has been blocking roads across the country for a week in protest against the crisis situation in the european agricultural sector. and now where belgium has joined the march. on tuesday , more than 500 tractors blocked the entrances to the port of antwerp, the second most important in
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the european union. protesters blocked several.


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