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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  February 14, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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this is the day of all lovers, this will illuminate everything, let all our viewers see that love is a creature. let 3 is on screens across the country from february 14. ivan kudryavtsev, anastasia chernikova, evelina kornaeva, sergey mazor, daniila milchuk, news from the cinema center in october. and today on our channel there is a continuation of the eleventh season of the drama sklifosovsky. surgeon oleg bragin again takes on the most difficult case and offers a non-standard method of operation. personal ones also become aggravated. heroes of the film. two new episodes today, immediately after the release of the evening news. the news continues follow the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us.
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21 years ago, the soviet army liberated it from the nazi invaders and marched into the city, now lugansk. city residents bring flowers to the monuments to the mass graves of heroes of the great patriotic war. in lugansk , commemorative events, historical lectures and reconstruction of the events of the forty-third year are held for the liberation holiday. with details stanislav shyla. and on the paste of this monument to lenin, destroyed by the germans , something symbolic was discovered. namely, you see, it's homemade, it's original. the lugansk museum of local lore contains the first photographs after the liberation of the city, showing red army soldiers tired after the battles and a few residents greeting them. an entry will appear in the diary of one of the eyewitnesses of the events: our people entered the city, again i have no one and nothing to fear. it was on this pedestal that the liberators of the city erected the red banner. of course, at that moment there was no monument to lenin here, the nazis...
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noise in the yard, i asked my mother, mother, what is this? she, oh, ours have arrived, i jumped up, i got dressed, jumped out into the yard, and there the whole street was already on its feet, the city was being liberated by soldiers of the third guards army, for several weeks they fought heavy battles on the outskirts, in the end one of the detachments was able to break through to take a foothold in the area of ​​the flour mill, i’m dying, please. considered
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a communist, this stone was found in the area of ​​​​the village of telmana, where soldiers of the 279th infantry division entrenched themselves in an elevator and fought heavy battles for 3 days, completely surrounded, holding a bridgehead, which would later play one of the key roles in the liberation voroshelovgrad. a raid by bashkir cavalry behind enemy lines forced the germans to retreat from the city. here is a saber, including the bashkir division. 70. percent of the losses among the nazis, as statistics later said, were from edged weapons, alexander bashkov, a member of the memory of donbass society in the fourteenth, in the ranks of the militia himself walked the path of his ancestors, talks about his findings at the battlefields of the forty-third. the second window is covered, the traditional reconstruction reminds the residents of the city how not easy it was to liberate voroshelovgrad.
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on february 14, may 9 and june 22, lugansk is renamed for one day to its historical name vorshelovrad. activists believe the city should always bear this name. the most massive achievements were made under this name of the city. we are proud of this era. the name of voroshilov is of the greatest importance to us. the height dominating the city is sharp; the grave was turned by the germans into a powerful fortified area when the front line. units
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of the red army were able to recapture the heights, the fate of the german garrison was sealed, later the remains of the red army soldiers were buried here, liberated the lugansk region, and this place became memorable... for every resident of the republic, today there is a memorial complex dedicated to the heroes who defended lugansk at all times. on this memorable day , lugansk residents visit the memorial with the whole family to pay tribute to the memory of those 120 thousand soldiers of the red army who died in the battles for the lugansk region. stanislav shila, daniil vetrov, kirill gentser, dmitry pyrkh, ekaterina tehmanovich, vesti lugansk. the new terminal of magadan airport is planned to be commissioned ahead of schedule; construction is currently underway with ahead of schedule. interior work continues on two floors; installation of a soft roof has already begun on the third. elena isaeva visited the construction site. at the same time, they work in the luggage compartment in the arrivals hall; signs help you not to get confused in the location.
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there are so many premises that even builders check their every step with the project. the circuit is called temporary, but the site is warm, even severe frosts cannot stop the work. own boiler room and... an extensive system of heat guns allows the builder to work in two shifts. plasterers, painters, the putty workers went inside ahead of schedule. the planned supply of the site with construction materials allowed the pace to increase. we managed to deliver the main items by sea during the summer navigation; cargo is being accepted now. work is being carried out: brickwork, pouring work, screeding work is being carried out, plastering and painting work is being carried out. works at the moment and puttying work on mechanical parts , installation of pipelines, heat and thermal systems, pipelines , fire extinguishing and water supply, luggage racks they are prepared in advance for the hall where luggage is handed over , they are allowed in in groups so as not to create a crush,
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every year the magdan airport receives and sends more than 400,000 people, passenger traffic is growing, the terminal cannot cope, the new one is designed for a million travelers and flies out. inside the work on two floors, on the third, the builders began installing a sandwich panel and a soft roof. there are currently 350 people working at the facility, and in the fall the staff will increase to 450. engineers will come to the new terminal to set up equipment. it is my understanding that we will complete all the work on time, all commissioning work, the airport will be launched in december. major equipment is expected in september, including two telescopic gangways for regions with harsh climates. conditions, this is one of the mandatory points of the new terminal project. ekaterina isaeva, sergey chikhkharev, host magadan. a new helicopter has joined the fleet of the kamchatka aviation enterprise. the aircraft has unique
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flight characteristics. a special platform is not required for its landing; the flight range without refueling is increased by twice. report by maria lysenko. the brand new mi-8 is visible. in the sky over kamchatka. at 7:00 pm the helicopter touched down for the first time on the landing strip of the city of elizov, having covered a long route before that. it took the pilot about a day and a half to transfer the aircraft from kazan, where it was manufactured. our flight went smoothly without any problems. our travel time was 35 hours. the route passed through the following cities: kazan, yekaterinburg, omsk, novosibirs. krasnoyarsk, bratsk, lensk, okhotsk, magadan, petropavchatsky. now the helicopter is showing off among his colleagues in the park of the kamchadsky aviation enterprise. compared to other rotorcraft, this is the newest model and can be used
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in almost all climate conditions. the kamchatka aviation enterprise has 10 helicopters, 6 of them are mi-8t and we received the fourth mi-8 mtv helicopter. any helicopter has a certain amount of work that it can perform, and especially for residents of our northern regions, this is an additional opportunity to deliver mail, cargo, and passengers. mi-8 mtv-1 is more a powerful aircraft with modified avionics and a number of changes in the fuselage design. the high-altitude transport helicopter is equipped with additional external fuel tanks, and its take-off weight is 1 ton more than its parent. this will increase the flight range without refueling almost in... in kamchatka, small aviation is of great importance, many settlements are located in the north of the region, so the arrival of a new helicopter into the fleet of the kamchatka aviation enterprise is truly a celebration. helicopters in kamchatka are jokingly called
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an everyday mode of transport; many remote areas can be reached only by air; in addition , cargo transportation, carrying out sanitary tasks, and landing are required; all this will become more accessible. thanks to the new rotorcraft. maria lysenko, dmitry sannikov, vesti kamchatka. kuzbass doctors not only saved the life, but also completely restored the health of an eight-month-old girl from a very rare condition. disease, a malignant tumor of both eyes. reportage andrey ufimtsev. we now see absolutely clear fields of the retina, these all white and black cups, yes, here, here, these were three completely, absolutely independent of each other, malignant neoplasms. a follow-up examination of the treatment results takes place in the operating room; the disease was detected at three months of age during a routine appointment with an ophthalmologist at the perinatal center of the regional hospital. the tumor was located critically close. to the optic nerve, treatment tactics were determined together with specialists from the federal center for pediatric oncology research and
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hematology named after blakhin, some radiation effects, some laser effects were impossible to apply, the patient would have been blind after these treatment methods, the child was immediately sent to receive a course of chemotherapy to the nashoknetsk department of pediatric oncology and hematology of the malokhovsky clinic, this is great, that we could... were able to do this here in the kemerovo region in kusbas before the diagnosis of bilateral retina blastoma was completely regressed. today the girl’s health is not in danger; the parents have been diagnosed this became a serious challenge for the child, from which it is difficult to recover even with a successful outcome, so the mother agreed to communicate on condition of anonymity. when they told me that we would receive chemotherapy directly in kusbas, i was kind of wary, i thought that in moscow there were more professionals there, but it turned out that... i talked with people who received help there, and here, that there is nothing here worse than
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anywhere else, it’s better here, yes, well, that’s all, that’s all, people say that in kusbass it would be better here, coming for blastoma is a rare type of eye cancer, the reason for which is still inexplicable is the breakdown of one of the genes, the hereditary factor is of great importance here, in kusbass , this is probably the only region in the russian federation that has a database of patients with retina oblastoma over a forty-year period, we know all these families , we know these children who have already become adults, that is, we know the risks in which families retinoblastoma may appear, which we expect, parents should not neglect the pediatrician’s advice that they should see an ophthalmologist within a period of zero to 3 months in age one year. timely detection of the disease dramatically increases the chances of completely maintaining health and vision. doctors even recommend that parents take more photographs of young children. of course, you can’t make a diagnosis from the picture, but there is no red effect on at least one side. the baby should already be alerted and should be a reason to immediately contact an ophthalmologist. andrey
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fimtsev, alexander serebrennikov, hosted by kuzbas kemirova. dozens of types of pizza, a wide variety of sausages or, for example, coffee with lemongrass taste. khabarovsk food enterprises are expanding production, all using only domestic raw materials, which are brought from various regions. our correspondent, nadezhda kurilina, appreciated the assortment. there is the aroma of fresh baked goods, delicious butter.
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dozens of types of mayonnaise, despite the fact that relatively few people work here, only 35 people a month produce up to 240 tons of mayonnaise products, and more than ten types of ketchup and tomato paste up to 7 tons per month. we work only for domestic raw materials, butter from the samur region, tambov sugar, sometimes from other regions, powdered milk, also russian, mustard from volgograd, vinegar. the head of the region also visited coffee production. in 2023, the company
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sold 100 tons of finished product of roasted grain and ground coffee, capsule version, as well as fermented with the taste of taiga endemics, lemongrass, rose hips, black currant. and now we want to try a project with them, to involve the local science of our innovators in creating a unique line of your own, patent it. indigenous fermentation, coffee with the aromas of our far eastern berries, decoros and lemongrass and various others is in great demand, we are on the federation council. presented them at the russian exhibition. the governor promised to support the growing ambitions of food production leaders with subsidies, preferential loans and assistance through the regional industrial development fund. mikhail dekterev emphasized the activity and enterprise of local producers, confirming the words of president vladimir putin, that energetic and
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active people live here. nadezhda kurilina, egor goncharov, vesti khabarovsk. we go to the doctor , we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before, what to pay attention to?
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treasures, we go look for mom, look in weekend, look at me like that , you confuse me, you are the most wonderful girl in the world, i miss you, kesha, everything is fine, we are going, my husband is not going anywhere in kent... he is going, only new love can melt the ice in my heart, hello , i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you’re
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frosty, on sunday on rtr, eh! ours don’t abandon our own, from monday to thursday on rtr, what did i dream about this time, they killed me, but you’re a very warm corpse, the premiere on rtr, hold on, oh, well you tell me, where did you learn that,
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i saw it in some tv series, she’s having strange dreams again, i had a dream last night. new crimes have already been committed, and only she can solve them, we urgently need to meet on the way home in the park by the canal, now i know exactly who will be killed when. anna medium from february 19 on rtr: the construction and commissioning of kindergartens in irkutsk has significantly reduced queues, and thanks to the national project demography , the most comfortable conditions have been created for children: interactive, music classes, natural science laboratories and swimming pools. with
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details kristina cherkova. without much persuasion, five-year-old vsevolot goes to kindergarten like... garden, today two preparatory groups under the program attend excursions at the school of our educational complex. educators and teachers work together
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to prepare children for school; many of them already know what kind of class teacher they will have. elena and vitaly serov like this approach in modern kindergartens. their daughters, alsou and faina, have been going to preschool since last year. their six month old sasha will go to nursery in the fall. the elders will look after... this year in irkutsk more than 800 children from 3 to 7 years old were waiting for their place, then at the end of 2023 this number came to naught, this kindergarten in novolenino, like in the lesnoy microdistrict,
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was built in irkutsk according to a national project demographics, it is being implemented on the initiative of president vladimir putin. this year , workers will complete the construction of a kindergarten in the nizhnyaya lesikha microdistrict and begin construction of a new preschool institution in the ivatu area. now specialists are engaged in design works.
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ditch were discovered, i am holding a fragment of a scroll in my hands, on the shelf you see a brush from a sculpture, the exhibition is not entirely standard, there are almost no signs telling about this or that object, but the things themselves reveal their history. the most common bricks are from the tsimau plant, and here an attentive viewer can learn the whole story without special signs, for example, there are tsimau inscriptions on the bricks, however... they are still different and one can assume that the production of bricks was a family business. total in the museum's collection there are about 3,000 exhibits, but the visitor sees only 400 objects in the halls. the bulk
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is stored in storage facilities, where access is strictly prohibited. we want to get a good basement room, build it so that we have funds there, perhaps we will think in the future that if this is the case, we will let people into this basement fund so that they can at least look at these items. the plans don't end there. this year , the friedland gate museum will receive support as part of the national culture project. to federal funds want to buy a robot tour guide. a lot of work. it is necessary to come up with hundreds of questions, not necessarily related only to the museum, to which visitors can get answers. alexandra perezhogina, nikolai pototsky, vesti kaliningrad. these are the main messages for this hour. thank you for your attention and be healthy.
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vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can reach her through your channels, on saturday, i want. ambulance, i say, where is my daughter, where have you gone, daughter, and i have some kind of black hole in my memory, god , where did it come from, you will never be left alone again, everything will be fine with us, you called me self-confident, whoever wants to believe too much, even his heart will deceive him, mother, you didn’t play too much, maybe you needed to be theatrical act, but said quietly. ber, i just want to understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his own someone else’s daughter, the premiere.
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on saturday on rtr. rtr-planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. the loudest premieres. how did i get here? are you having a corporate party, or what? what are you? it’s bad to know bender either, you don’t need a motive for murder based on cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know , it’s a dog in my opinion, exciting series, we’ll play an orchestra, we’ll perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks will have no luck, we have everything will work out, i will operate, i’m scared, as if
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i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible, but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is mine investigation, come on let's agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, even i don’t know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope my home is underground, what is more difficult to become a good person or to remain? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding
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program about animals. friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, so as not to was happening, the story of a mysterious disappearance was being broadcast live, the entire studio was discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and the bad luck had not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentary, and now the flag of the russian federation was rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. he brought liberation to the peoples of europe. our soviet people, current news, political investigations, impartial analytics, live program 60 minutes, news broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin sits in this chair , he, as you and i remember, enters the hall through these doors, everything that cannot be imagined without
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. russia only on the rtr planeta channel. in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, the frequency is in some hertz, the silence does not even breathe. we leave, defectors, surprised by love. the sun to the depths of your heart and to the depths of your soul. hello, this is our program. for a thousand years horses have been devoted to a person, people feel safe around them. but when trouble comes and pets need protection, the most important thing
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is to make the right choice. not from.
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that it was impossible to stay at home any longer, the russian military helped them leave, the parents were taken out by car, but the beloved horses of iskander and donna yulia had to be taken out on foot, the horses were taken out in their hands. and i led iskander, and andrei, the soldier, led my daughter, they walked under the hail, it was very scary, yulia found a new shelter for herself and her horses in the equestrian club in the village of khreshchavato, he continued work, although he suffered greatly during the fighting. there were about ten hits on the club territory, three were direct hits. there was no roof, destroyed walls, a lot of shrapnel hits. the worst thing is that people died in this place. there were favorite horses, what makes people take care of a lot of wounded horses, how they take care of risking their own lives to save them, why horses are called healers of human souls, yulia busenkova in our
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studio, hello, yulia, hello, hello, where do you get such love for horses, where it all began, like an obsession, you know, she lived her life, quietly, peacefully, until she was 37 years old. and then i just went horse riding with my child to a neighboring town, and i realized that i was lost, although my child said, he says, i’m like that, and the hare, come on, that’s it, we’ll be here, let’s go again, and he no , but how old is the child? where is their brake? he says, i’m afraid of them, but i realized that i was lost, i don’t understand how this is... this is magic, this is an induction, this is god’s guidance, at what level is this, what are these sensations, what? soul, smell, soul, they have a soul , yes, for me they do, i don’t know, well, every horseman has his own opinion, there are two opinions, some
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horsemen believe, yes, some horsemen believe that horses only understand intonation, and there certain instructions, like training, yes, yes, the leg is control of the horse, well, not even control. there are some nuances, yes, but there are horsemen who believe that the horse understands human speech, wait, what did you do before, i am a master of manicure and pedicure, i have 30 years of practice, i have been working since i was 15.5 years old, i worked, yes, well, wait, this is necessary taking care of your hands, actually working with horses is, well, it’s physically difficult, well, yes, my hands now are clearly not manicure masters, how horses have changed you internally, you know, i ’ve become more confident and... i’ve even probably become kinder, because , well, anyway, when you work in the beauty industry, it’s mainly with girls, with women, there you have to somehow be more restrained, there are different girls, there are different girls, of course, and i
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became more open, i learned to enjoy life more, because horses, they are so real, they don’t have there is a golden mean, they either love it or they don’t, tell me, you know, yul, about the shelling? military operations, when how do horses behave, are they afraid? they are afraid, very much afraid, i calmed mine down only if i was calm, calm, and the horse, and you know, the horse’s character is also very strong affects behavior under fire, for example , my dunyakha, it’s only the slightest bit somewhere, well, we tried to take it out anyway for at least 5, 10 minutes, for the first 2 weeks it didn’t stop at all, they didn’t come out of the dens, but what there is that wooden stall, well, yes, it has no protection, as i always say, i say, we are in the basement there. us, and they were upstairs , it was, these were probably the most terrible moments, these very moments, when it flew in, and well, there were hysterics, what to hide , i hear, stomp, stomp, the first time we they were taken out, my iskander could barely walk , his legs were trembling so much, but in general, in terms of
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behavior, the donka, she just banged somewhere, she was a horseman, she hid and pressed herself against the wall, but iskander didn’t, his mother, where shoots, who shoots , show me, show me, let’s go to the stall , let’s hide, here he is, here he is, well , a boy, a boy, first of all, he’s still old, he’s only 10 years old - this is the sweetest age horses, so horses react differently and are afraid, but again horses are just like humans, unfortunately can get used to the noise, to everything, you know , probably the most terrible moment i had was when we were going out under fire, when we were walking, there was a gun, well, i’m telling you, i don’t understand, well, a big one was feeding a cartridge into the chamber, noise, commotion, i understood that if they shot now, then no... i don’t know where i got so much strength from, i screamed to such an extent, well guys, please, don’t, they heard me, you can imagine how it should be i had to scream, no, i can’t imagine, i
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don’t understand myself, but then of course i had hysterical, i walked and just shouted pole, well , thank you guys, they didn’t shoot, what did you feed them, there was water, melted the snow, ice first. there was no water, there wasn’t, we, well, how relatively close to the temple, guys, our soldiers brought a battery and pumped water there, and just many local residents with... knew that horses and cylinders were used, they even let them through, they allowed it, although there were all sorts of people who were indignant, then it turned out, guys, the neighboring yard, they also collected water there, they pulled a hose for us, only because of the horses, you know, i’ll tell you this, if it weren’t for the horses, we would probably, my family, i do n’t know, would be even much heavier, because thanks to the horses, oh, the horses fed us, guys, the soldiers fed us, because horses. i will remember for the rest of my life the moment when there was a knock on the gate, maybe so
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carefully, there were such serious guys standing and one, well, a boy, well, yaroslav, maybe i would like to see him someday, so serious standing there, hello, and see the horses you can, i say, child, i say, how old are you, well, child, that’s it because horses, horses are like magnets , they attract you, let's see the story, how your parents talk about those terrible days, we are from the frontier, we ourselves ended up in novader due to military operations in the city, after intense shelling our house was destroyed, so we lived, we lived for the wrong reasons, some bastard came after their witness , they broke the wand, we were left without housing, the warmest place in our yard turned out to be a cellar, we lived in this cellar for 2 months, heated it with wax candles, i was with my husband. nor wash there was nothing to eat, since
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we had two horses, we collected snow, melted this snow on a fire, because the horses wanted to drink, when we were under fire, we couldn’t go out for days to feed the horses, sasha immediately shook his head basement , we also look at the snook sticking out like that, i’m not screaming into the house, but yulia is screaming, mom, dad, not to the stable, we could sit out in the cellar, but you can’t put the horses in the cellar, and every time we were afraid that a shell would fly into stable, simply out of fear for their lives, we left to save horses, it was scary to close the gate, to leave the yard, when you know that it is unknown when you will return and whether you will return to this house at all, i prayed, lord, at least save what is left, so that at least there is something to return to somewhere - that. how many
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horses do you have? two, this is black pia, who is this? this is iskander, what was he doing in the sand? lymphatic drainage pumps, horses, when well, there are just a few moments when horses can pump out, but at the moment pump out, and sway, lie down, you know, like where the horse didn’t lie , yes, this is the very thing, well, this is yes , yes, this is like lying around, well, for horses it’s like lymphatic drainage, they are a must, and if the horse stood up and... shook itself like a dog, this speaks of health, that means everything is fine, but if the horse is deflated, it does not shake itself off, and there are times when horses lie down, but this is a sign of illness, they have such colic, the most imperfect animal in terms of health is the horse, what are you saying, yul, in in the end, how did you get them out, how did you save them, i took the iskander, saddled it, the second one let's go, into the empty church, the church
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people put us in a house, i thought there were horses in a barn, but at my house there were guys, we called the iskander team, i was an animator with horses, so naturally, where there are horses, there are always kids, i had a team of about 15 people, we were there, and the guys, the older guys, they organized... the departure, and how would they help, tell us, fed them, i will remember this moment for the rest of my life, when the guys just came in, we five for days we generally sat in the basement, we had food, it’s black bread and lard, you, and the horses, and the horses, the horses had hay, a small supply of hay, and i started asking the guys who the soldiers were coming, i asked, well, if you find hay somewhere, straw, please, here did you tell you fighters?
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andrey’s strength, because he’s a complete beginner, well, he wouldn’t have been able to cope on the road , when the horse gets scared, it needs to be calmed down, it already needs to be reined in, but andrey had experience, i asked, although... in a good way, why would it be it was necessary to walk for 2 hours under shelling, because it was real, because that men, and we have from that same slavik, hello, he sent you an audio message, let's listen, yulia , hello, i remember you, i remember everything, all this, that we went through together, no matter what difficulties overtook us, we
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will overcome them anyway, i wish you health, all the best, we don’t forget about you, and you don’t forget about us. fang, by the way, andrey also said hello to you, i wish i could see you, and many of your students later followed in your footsteps, well , i won’t say that many, but there are, i have guys, a girl veterinarian, karina, by the way, works - here in moscow, we haven’t seen her for a long time, oh, literally 5 minutes, i saw her in january, we decided to do something nice for you. you were invited to a surprise - your student, karina, come to our studio , honey, today i can hug normally, yes, this is the first cast, this is my child, yes, the very first, hello,
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hello, how did you meet, wow, this i think it was the fifteenth, probably about the fourteenth year. the month of august, wow, this is my iskander’s teacher, he still has her sometimes, and i studied at a medical school in the city kremyanoy, i met them by chance in the city , as i remember, the children are just like gnomes, the children are standing, and how old am i, i was 15-16 years old then, and i got to ride a horse among them, with such eyes i always loved, they gave me a ride first since julia , as she says... and so and so, for the horses, and you need to come, see everything, do everything yourself, everything, and so it happened, i called, came, one thing was expected, in fact, what was expected and what turned out to be reality, well , in principle, i probably went to the horses,
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i wanted to study, but i came to the top, and by and large, everything turned out to be completely wrong, you know, it was a completely unusual stable, where people come... work out, leave, as if, in principle, that’s all, they don’t leave there, stables, then it’s as if my family was forgotten, how i unloaded you , what were some responsibilities, yes, but we did everything, everything, and it was absolutely, we didn’t consider it work, we came in the morning, cleaned the stable, carried hay, took it out to pasture ourselves, then after lunch. if you did everything, you could get on the horse, get up early, there before school, some came to the stables there first thing, they ran, after school, again, they ran there first thing, and in the evening they sat there, cooked food, had lunch, had breakfast, it was, this is such love, yes, yes, and the team we have one, somehow, we
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somehow gathered there in a group and somehow didn’t want to leave everyone, horses are good. but we were still with these people, essentially 24x7, and even if something probably didn’t work out, people would still move aside, well, what about your close friends? and my relatives said you disappear in the stable day and night - well, i didn’t live with my parents then, they basically had no influence on me , but they argued on the phone, and the family i lived with was my grandmother, my grandfather and i were arguing, but what else could we not do, of course, of course that i'm lost there. god forbid i miss my studies somewhere, well, well, but we still managed to do everything, i even remember, i was graduating, fourth year of medical school, on september 1, everyone was standing, and i just started crying, i everything is there, what are you, what are you, we’re still there we’ll talk, well, the final year graduation
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seems to be right there, i say, what do you have to do with it, i say, why am i saying i need it, i say, but we were waiting for our filly to foal. the summer holidays passed and on september 1, when everyone went to the line, they called us back and said that a foal had given birth, and i’m standing here crying that there’s a foal, that we need to run to the stable, listen, tell us the most amazing cases associated with a horse in your lives that you will never forget, i have some episodes you know arise, for example, we woke up, we had a sinus above, a stable below. and there was an exit to livada, that is, the horses were kind of on the street, but fenced in, and we got up early, so about 6 o’clock, probably in the morning, that very moment, you’re crawling under the edge like that.
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the inhabitants of the largest equestrian club in the city of khartsisk have just begun to get used to the roar of fighter jets and the whistling of their arrivals; about 50 km away the front line already begins. we brought this herd out onto the field, a helicopter was flying, they were scattering, the horses, in fact, they although they are large animals, they are very shy. before the hostilities, only six horses lived in the club, today there are already 17. the herd has been replenished thanks to work. they rescued horses that were abandoned by their owners and those who were going to be sent to slaughter, they treated , nursed, fattened, all on their own,
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they worked, they gave half of their salary for hay so that the horses had something to eat, that’s how they survived, we ourselves probably we won’t finish eating , we won’t sleep ourselves, but we will do everything to ensure that this stable thrives and lives, children are frequent guests of the club, they come to groom, comb out , clean the horseshoes, carry hay while taking care of the horses , they forget that planes are flying overhead, shells are exploding very close by, this handsome, rotten guy and nine-year-old polina have only recently known each other, but she has already found an approach to the obstinate horse, he is confused by the diamond, he loves to bite, he used to be very spoiled, now he has changed, he has become better, he is good, and he also has a very beautiful mark on his forehead, he has a warm heart, warm hearts, smart eyes, the ability to heal wounds. these horses help our
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for wounded soldiers to restore mental and physical balance. very nice, warm, comfortable and calming, aldanchik, thank you very much too. this red-haired treasure, his name is aldan, red-haired, hello, hello, ah, well done, what, military personnel came to us and when these people get on a horse and... get off the horse as completely different people, it seems to me that love can be restored well whatever you want, oh well, oh well, the head of the equestrian club victoria lobova, yes, her son nikita lobov and a therapist came to our studio olga melnikova, hello, hello, hello, well, for starters. tell us about your club, how it appeared, how many horses are in it, how did it all begin? well - the club appeared - it’s a private stable, this
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is a man for himself, he specially built a stable in order to relieve his soul, at that time they brought from adegea, our boss, pyatko yuri dmitrievich, two horses, he loved horses very much, he has all the soul , my whole heart was in this stable, children. we haven’t gone there yet, that is, it was all for one owner, but gradually the stable developed thanks to yuri dmitrievich petko, and at the time of the fourteenth year, when the owner died, the livestock grew to six, well, naturally it changed, more, increased, decreased, and how did you end up there, that’s who you are by profession, how you came to this, i am a teacher of welding disciplines by profession
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, that it is possible, in principle, to agree and for the child to come there in the summer, i brought him on june 1, and then it turned out that, well, i have a love for horses since childhood, but i have this there was no opportunity, probably, this love was transferred to nikita, and you stayed there, and i stayed, yes, further in the program, what is hippotherapy and how it helps
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military personnel who were injured on the battlefield, horses in their own way. on prosthetics, or it’s the smell of metal, maybe the smell of oils that lubricate these prostheses, but almost all the horses are afraid of it, what happened, niklyudov has arrived, you love you, well, that’s understandable, the premiere on rtr, i can’t do this anymore living in such limbo, how can you... follow the lead of a blackmailer, you everyone owes me, well, get out of here, freeze , get off, ah, i feel it, skleposovsky, new episodes, today on rtr, you don’t need to sign up with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we
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’re starting, he’ll always help, we’ll train, how to walk on ice correctly , will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, just like a child i'm sleeping, but you don't have to do that i advise. a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. i love you very much. yes, but i can't give you a baby. what is a family without children? anton ma'.
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12 years old, last name angela madelyane , you still lick your heart early, you will treat me, yes i will, i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you, and you like our doctor, you like it, i do too, it’s a pity that i have there is no such dad who sent, who this woman, choose, either me or her. they are very easy to inflict, much more difficult to heal. all your life you’ve been healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart. heart wounds, on saturday on rtr. russia,
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traditional. so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, bye bye. quiet, on friday , i had an accident in the blue, everything will be fine, everything will be as before, as it won’t be before, i just have no one else, what happened, today i need money for an operation, loading at night, i advise you to sleep before, crossroads, this is a very dangerous job, i’m sorry, but this is not for women, crossroads of fate, i’ll go with
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you as a spare, but... why don’t you answer your husband? i don’t want him to be nervous for nothing, for me, she’s ready for any turns, she’s all gone. so you know that you are playing tricks with karbysh, and you believe, and i believe, queen of the roads, on friday on rtr, we defend ours, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us , our every word is a step towards victory, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. previously in the program, yulia busenkova could not leave her horses, so she remained in the border area under fire until the very end.
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when we were walking, there was a gun, well, as i say , i don’t understand, well, with a big one, they were feeding a cartridge into the chamber, noise, din, i understood that if they fired now, then neither i nor andrey, we simply wouldn’t be able to hold it, physically we won't be able to hold the horse. you know, i don’t know where i got so much strength from, i...
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this is a very special item, a horseshoe, which brings good luck, you brought us good luck, oh well, you can, dima, we’ll surprise you. let's, monday is mine, tuesday is yours, wednesday is mine , a small present from khartsisk, thank you very much, thank you, this is a used horseshoe, this is very important, a nolmes horseshoe, and i think that it is worn on our little hopper, who was the very first one to come to the stable in 2000 year, unfortunately, in december last year our little crow passed away, but he was... 27 years old, i think he lived a decent life, in the end, how many horses do you have now, 17, you can handle it, yes, i like it, it’s hard, of course, but we’re managing,
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you can’t help but like it, you’re just starting move away from this, it still calls, and horses for you are already a profession or a hobby, yes, this is already a profession, this, this is already a second, so to speak, life, parallel to reality, tell me, the fighting began, how did they reacted, and what had to be done to somehow, apparently, calm them down, well , in fact, it was very difficult when the operation itself began, planes and helicopters were flying through us, they were flying very low, and naturally, at first the horses just you bring out the herd, they are scattered, even the horse you are leading, she becomes a candle because she’s so emaciated, you can’t do anything, but come on, 500. kilogram 550 kg of live weight, that is, well , it was very scary for them, it was scary for us, at first, of course, we were all very worried about it, someone asked me
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, he said, how can you, he says , get used to this, so they tell me that we are already used to it, we are used to it, the horses are used to it, to the noise, and even when we have training now, they are more relaxed and... lead ol, i wanted to ask what hippotherapy is, for what is she doing? for me it’s like a separate type of art, a separate type of beauty, i ’ve been sick with this topic for a very long time, it’s a method of psychophysical rehabilitation and habilitation for children and adults. now, as it were, the main direction in our activities is the rehabilitation of military personnel who have suffered. as a result of svo, how does this happen, tell us? we have a specially trained horse, i can’t help but mention, because this is my brainchild, my beloved, beloved, yes, and,
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probably, because he was raised in understanding, in love, from such a very wayward, ugly duckling, it turned out to be a very horse, a horse, yes, yes, it turned out to be very experienced. uh therapist, uh, during this year we involved him in work, uh, it was necessary to accustom him to non-standard situations, for example, if some kind of... unpleasant action for him is created, for example, he gets a little addicted on the lower back, for example, horses often have the lower back - this is such a very delicate place, and he must endure, and he must treat this, and calmly explain so that he tolerates when it is on him waist, body language, this is a very universal thing, and trust, it is important that the horse is like a partner, that he trusts his man, because let’s say aldan is... with military personnel, he simply
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amazes with his understanding, maybe , he feels strength, maybe this feeling of ours is somehow transmitted to him for a long time, because well, what can we do in this situation, the worst thing for us is inaction, we try to do at least something when they come to us military, and not only people who were injured, well, physically injured, not only people with amputations there or with some kind of injury, we have guys who were completely released. mariupol, they have several concussions and injuries there, they always come for the first time, when we get to know each other, there were several such people, they are all serious, they don’t smile, they constantly look and well, probably, this is already professional for them, they they look and, as it were , look out for where danger might creep up, naturally, we have the first method of interaction, immediately the supreme horse, no one yet, no, we had one little man who refused, but now he seems to be in the mood.
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yes, he agreed to sit on horseback, as if, when we arrive home, we will definitely organize all this, getting off the horse, these are completely different people, they are just people who want to smile, people, we noticed several times, they are getting off the horse, they say, oh, today the sky is so beautiful, in general , look how beautiful the blue sky is here, and well, that is, this is not only an important method of physical rehabilitation, it is an important method of mental rehabilitation, and there is an expression, the well-known archimedes, give me a fulcrum, and i will move the earth, this is our goal, to become this fulcrum for these guys who now need to find their place in life, they need to learn how to live on somehow, and we want to let them know that they are not alone in this situation, one of these guys you helped from the fighters recorded a video message for you, let's look at the screen.
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brothers and sisters, i have the happy opportunity to thank our citizens of the donetsk people's republic, our girls who help fighters with rehabilitation in hypotherapy, i had a large contracture on my legs, and it was hard for me to straighten my legs, and after riding a horse several times, i actually had a contracture. very cool, very good thing, especially for wounded soldiers, especially for soldiers with post-traumatic syndrome, this is the best medicine, thank you, girls, for being you, thank you very much, huge greetings from a soldier of the donetsk people's republic, i have the honor, tell us about it, who is this person, this person, our motivator, it was with him that it all started, when... it started with in, we really like
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it was difficult to stay away, a horse is a fairly large animal, the conditions left much to be desired, we were very scared, well, it’s always scary to take the first step, it was the fighter abdul, he motivated us to take this step, it was thanks to him that i went to get additional education in the field of hypotherapy in order to understand exactly how to work with him, because he has amputation of not... limbs, it was difficult for us to understand at all how to act in this situation, having taken courses and met wonderful people from the federation hypotherapy, slepchenko, yulia alekseevna , irina sergeevna, who gave very important valuable recommendations, they are still in touch with us, in case of any questions, any misunderstandings, they always seem to come to our aid, give advice , tips on what we should do, how we can work better. with prostheses, without prostheses, because
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in our work we also came across the fact that horses react in a peculiar way to prostheses, or it’s the smell of metal, maybe the smell of oils that they lubricate there these prosthetics, but almost all horses are afraid of him, that is, it takes time for the horse to get a little used to it, this fighter is a very important motivator, it is thanks to him that we sort of... decided on the vector of our work, because he very often provides us with moral support, uh, the results that we received in working with him, with... and specifically in his situation, they are simply amazing, it’s amazing, everything you tell, we have one interesting story, during stormed in mariupol, the stable was shelled, and the only surviving horse, his name is a competitor, yes , we have a video about him, let
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's see, the competitor lived well in one of the stables in mariupol, but the stable was very close to... azovstal, where the most bloody actions took place, the stable was damaged, it was practically gone, most of the horses died , the competitor remained alive, but he was not in very good condition, the owner of the horse turned to us for help, we did not know whether we would be able to transfer the horse at all, but however, thanks to the operational work of the director of the fund there, he ended up in the rostov region, and then there was a long road to our freedom center, look at his right eye, this is exactly the place where... a shell fragment entered his head, naturally , in this eye he was completely blind , well, plus he was shell-shocked from the loud explosions, now he hears practically nothing, for the first, probably, the first month he just stood in our stall, he was afraid to go out, any of this change of scenery
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was for him like the beginning of some kind of bombing, yes something incomprehensible, then he finally went out for a walk on the left. but he was scared to be there alone, so he walks in livada with his friends machu etstek. well , after the competitor ended up in the freedom center, everything became fine in his life, he no longer has any physical or health problems, as far as possible, he is completely rehabilitated. today olga vatomskaya came to us, it was she who organized the highest competitors from mariupol. hello, olga, hello, how old is his competitor? if i don't i’m wrong, the competitor is about 10 years old, we have a lot of them, i can confuse him, he’s young, as you can see, he’s very handsome, young, very handsome, but what happened to him, i’ll probably start all over again, so that it’s clear why we did this , our foundation, from the very first day of the special military operation
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, launched a humanitarian mission to save the animals of donbass, we are talking not only about horses, all the animals that we could take away, save, we... are not needed, that is, a family who has lost their home , lost most of the livestock, that is they had more than one competitor, all that was actually left in the yard after the shell hit was a cast-iron bathtub, that’s it, they left, well, they asked us to pick up
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the competitor, at the moment when the shrapnel hit him, there was no nothing at hand, there was a very big problem, that is, the girls won’t let me lie about veterinary help, a shrapnel went through the neck, through the head, knocked out an eye, he was completely shell-shocked, that is, we have now dealt with the shell-shock a little, of course, because i i see that he hears but he hears differently than other horses, his hearing has returned a little, yes, well, it seems to us that yes, we want to believe in it, it is very difficult to diagnose, except for some primary signs, but he reacts, maybe he has learned to react to all of us, maybe on intonation, facial expressions, vibration, but for us it’s too much. well, the first difficulty is the documents, they didn’t let them out without documents, all the competitor’s documents, here you go, this is their house, you can look, along with his family’s documents, yeah, but
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they disappeared, burned, they weren’t there, here are his documents, yes, here, in fact, all of his documents, this is the competitor himself, and how you managed to do this thanks to people in general. the story of saving animals, for the last 2 years, this is the story of people’s big hearts, because it’s amazing, it seems yes, while , as you already said, many people say: save people, not animals, what kind of kittens there might be , i myself have a cat, brought in my pocket, also on an armored personnel carrier, but here is just a litmas test, this suggests that in general, not everything is lost in our country, and this speaks very well about our people, because it turns out that by saving animals, we save our soul, of course, of course, in general, by saving others we save. myself, this is very important, and how many people around each, around each animal unite in a mission, it surprises me every day, although i encounter this every day, the mariupol printing house... was closed, they opened at the request of local veterinarians, they printed
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documents, wow, wow, yes, this is amazing, okay, what other documents with with a car it was a big problem to travel from the leningrad region to mariupol and back for a very long time, despite the fact that we have specialized transport, we figured it out, we understood that loading the shell-shocked horse that you see, it is very large, is another task, it was a very hot august, this... another additional point of stress, in rostov i met a wonderful man, victor, he is a representative of our russian cossacks, he got into his car from rostov, drove to mariupol, picked him up and brought him to us literally there at 3 days, they began to treat, our manager already said in the story, yes, that at first he did not leave the stall, because the competitor managed to get scared, he was scared of his condition, and he was scared of new people, met horses with ... for a walk, veterinarians began to work with him , he helped us a lot, there is also a very famous
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veterinarian karen vachaganovich dolakyan, he often goes for a ribbon, worked there with animals, so he helped us from the chelyabinsk council and thanks to him, i am also very grateful to him , we we are friends, so now , of course, this is a great joy for us, and when we took him, we promised the family that as soon as they get back on their feet, we will give him back, we will cure him, save him, protect him and give him back, yes, but so far we have no them. connections, but of course we are waiting for them, if they have the opportunity to take him home, we will be happy to return him. next in the program: how did love for horses help darina kurushina overcome her fear? i couldn’t sleep at night, i could, but i can’t sleep in bed, i’ll go into the corridor, because i'll be calmer there. who this time? i had a dream, they killed me, and you ’re a very thick corpse, the premiere on rtr, hold on
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, ah, come on, where did you learn that, and i saw it in some tv series, she’s having strange dreams again, i had a dream last night, a robbery this bank, i was there in this dream, you won’t get bored, invisible witnesses come to her again. who killed you , find the body, i’ll tell you who the killer is, poor girl, how does she bring all this up, new crimes have already been committed, and only she can solve them, we urgently need to meet at on the way home, in the park by the canal, i now know exactly who will be killed when, anna medium, from february 19 on rtr. lol cherishes
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, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are leaving this room with absolutely no glee, we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are being transformed before our eyes. i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday. on rtr, this is for you, well
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, got some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen you for a long time, girlish, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one will find. you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, heroes of their time, beauty, repin, the whole team, we’re just looking at the platform. i ask
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you to sign one of the most important documents in your life. the mortgage agreement with the taraski family has been signed. please, a book of complaints, here you go, you will know how to not report napkins later, it doesn’t work, take him back, that’s why we fired him, because he didn’t work at all. now get your management books. the serenity of the bandbook, we admire it. see, the technique in which this is done is called realism, yes, i almost led at first, but i need a real one, maybe this will save me, this is also realism, this is the original, stories of a big country on friday on rtr, i know who you are, you
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protect good people from bad ones, excuse me, my daughter probably for you... on saturday, mom, you knew that she had a daughter, he left you, no, why did you do this, well, who am i, a grandfather, i have every right to see my daughter, and she has the right find out who her father is, someone else's daughter, premiere on saturday on rtr, in the program. olga melnikova works hippotherapy specialist at the harciska equestrian club. her pets help fighters recover from injuries received in battle. they are all serious, they don’t smile all the time, they look and well, probably, this is already professional for them, they look and seem to be on the lookout for where danger might be creeping up. naturally, our first method
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of interaction is directly on horseback. the stallion, named competitor, miraculously survived. after the shelling of a stable in mariupol. a shrapnel went through the neck, through the head, knocked out an eye, and he was completely shell-shocked, that is, we have now dealt with the shell-shock a little, of course, because i see that he can hear. nikit, does a horse understand that a woman or a man is standing in front of it, so do they treat women and men differently? well, yes, even the same stallions, they can treat a man more rudely than a woman, yes, because.
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help, i’m 100% sure they understand, so the horse shows itself more carefully, and somehow it’s like with a crystal vase, seriously, and if he feels that the person has a little, well the balance is disturbed, he himself tries to slow down the pace, he tries to balance himself a little in order to catch a person so as not to lose his partner, what can i say, horses of course help people a lot, especially during a... military operations, and we now want to invite two girls to the studio who have their own history related to horses: darina and lyudmila kurushina. hello, hello, darina, lyudmila, hello, tell us what connects you with horses? darina works to the stable, baptize, here with yuli, under her mentorship. yes, this is her teacher,
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that is, today you are all students. yes, we have an equestrian club. she had this experience with these horses from the very first pony ride in yuftoria, once we were on vacation, but the experience was not very good, the pony bit her on the tummy, oh-oh-oh, yes, she asked for tears with full eyes don’t swear, she says, she’s sleepy, she’s tired, she says, don’t offend her, she says she confused me with a flower, it’s just darina, you yourself remember this incident, how delicious? well, i understood that she was not to blame for anything, and there was no fear left, nothing, just a desire, well, they weren’t offended, nothing, yes, that is, the desire to communicate with horses only intensified, yes, but how did mom react to this? well, it’s cute, the child has such fun, she draws horses, and since
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childhood, from the age of 5, we have been drawing these horses, we drew them with our eyes closed. here are the outlines, we had our own channels, where she taught others to draw these horses, so she made cartoons about horses, we have toys, i i don’t know, well... about 100, probably, okay, so how did you get to yulia? again, with my light hand, so to speak, after the ninth grade i went to study at a technical school in the krasnodar region, to become a horse trainer, yeah, but i studied for 2 and a half years, at the end of the second year we began practice, i wanted to be closer to the house, called yulia and came, well, of course it all started with training.
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shelling, but not so terrible, but what was the worst thing for you, this is the twenty- second year, mom was at work, summer it's the holidays, and i'm sitting at home at 9:00 in the morning
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, something starts shooting, i run into the corridor, uh, out of ignorance, i close the doors and both doors just fly out of me, a wave, a wave, at that moment it was scary . yes, in principle, in the twenty-second summer, it was the most terrible summer that we experienced, you had some psychological consequences, i couldn’t sleep at night, i could, now i can’t sleep in bed, i’ll go into the corridor , because i will be calmer there, now i work in an equestrian club and i also live there, that is... sleep in the bed now, yes, yes, i sleep in the bed, but in the stable, yes, in the stable, well, it’s actually much calmer, when we talked about this,
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you even have a face it’s cleared up, it’s easier there, yes, it’s much easier there, if i hear something, that something is wrong, i go to the horses and they somehow sort themselves out, you know, now i’ll probably spend a little time -parallel, here is one madam sitting, here is the second. they are very similar to me, when darina got, let's say so, into my chicks hands, from where i never let the kids go, i’m still looking closely, i’m thinking about understanding the line, because when karisha came in the fourteenth year, these little beady eyes, she just looked at everyone like that, so attentively, mostly silent, she was scared , the very moment was when the planes flew over us and i didn’t really know her yet, she looked like that, she stood there, she trembled, i went up and hugged her, she ... grabbed me and i was so reminded of home, i will remember this moment, scarikh, for life, until tears, and yes, honestly, and darina, when she arrived,
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the same hunted animal, such eyes are watching, she’s looking, she’s thinking, so what am i going to get here, and she ’s not making contact, i don’t want to, i won’t, but in in the end, she didn’t want to communicate, but she was with me, she chose me like, uh-huh, you’ll be the one i’ll focus on, so that’s it, you... i’ll listen to everyone else, now you’re just talking about horses, they’re just for the sake of, excuse me, for me, my students are the same horses, that’s how korikha thawed out in her time, this is our family, now in our club we also have a family and darina has thawed out, thawed out, i look, now she’s sitting alone, the other one is so relaxed , remembering the terrible moments, and they are mine there , one is the other one, only this is the first lineup, and this is at the moment, well while the current composition is not the last. yul, how long did darina take to thaw? from the moment the animal was hunted until she opened up, six months, that’s six months of serious physical work, and
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moral work, and you know, there were moments when things were kind of rough with darina, but somewhere i was quite sharp, i understood that this was, you know, shock therapy, i had to go into shock, i used to say, what are you talking about, i say, take it, do it, she ’s standing there, i say, do it, i'm nearby. i’ll back you up, i say, that’s it, but somewhere i look , this is the moment, i say, so calm down, everything is fine, that’s it, i say, exhale, we have a classic, and exhale beaver, so we exhale, that’s it, the same thing now. recently the cossacks were visiting, god really leads and i think that they found each other, it’s great, we have so they presented us with a story about one miraculous rescue, which we want to show you now, returning from combat positions, so we heard, well, incomprehensible sounds, wheezing, and when we got closer we discovered that it was
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already there... we were thinking about what to give you, because we understand perfectly well that horses need food, i’ll now ask you to make a commitment here, of course , we give you a lot of it, but we’ll just show you exactly what kind of food there will be, and here’s some tasty treats, they’ll bring you straight to the stable, 10 we bought bags to have your pets, your horses will have a tasty, satisfying and joyful meal, we will be happy, we will be happy, and you
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are sure to come and visit us. we will be waiting for you, yes, thank you, thank you very much, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i welcome all viewers, i am maria sittal. hello. new shells with an increased flight range of over 20 km began to arrive at the front. about the situation on the contact line. military correspondent of news, eduard punigov. the top floor of the eleventh was completely burnt out, the walls and the roof were collapsed. the strongest fire in
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anapa, more than one residential building was burned. years 3, the final chapter of a romantic trilogy created with the participation of our tv channel, films haven’t evoked such emotions in me for a long time, and it’s so cool, and it’s so good from this, in the kupinsky direction, units of our rocket and cannon artillery hit 170 targets over the past 24 hours.
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fortifications and an ammunition depot were destroyed, reconnaissance drones helped identify the target, they detected movement of armored vehicles and trucks. the work was completed by attacks with gliding aerial bombs on the accumulation of enemy forces. they were inflicted by s-34 crews. daily losses in the automated control system in the krasnolimansky and donetsk directions exceed 600 militants. tula paratroopers confidently hold their lines near the village of vesyoloye, methodically repelling attack after attack. the fighters set up on the territory liberated the day before. harvest, ugledar and staromaisky artillery is constantly working. report by vinkor vesti, eduard punikov. gloomy skies and low clouds today by the way, in such weather the activity of ukrainian reconnaissance drones is noticeably lower.
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a self-propelled gun moves to a combat position. you need to move quickly here, because the entire line of combat contact is visible by ukrainian drones, including kamikazes. dozens of them circle in the sky, looking for a target, constantly trying to attack our equipment. recently , new shells with an increased flight range of over 20 km began to arrive at the front; this greatly simplifies life for our crews; they do not have to get close to the line combat contact, which means the risk of receiving a retaliatory strike is much lower.
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the task of the artillerymen is to observe the front line and suppress any enemy activity. most often, technology, these are the goals, when more manpower works to clean up. and this is a reactive system. offensive in the ssu. according to the fighters, the enemy was noticeably exhausted, but still snapped. how many combat missions does the vehicle make? three four. in different ways, at any time, night, day, it doesn’t matter. our drones are also constantly monitoring movements of the enemy,
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equipment is immediately sent to the place of a possible breakthrough. during breaks between combat work, the rocket launchers are hidden in the forest belt. the top of the vehicle is covered with such a camouflage net so that the installation cannot be seen from the air by enemy drones. the division of the vostok group of troops repelled three attacks of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of sladkoe and ravnopol. bomber strikes and artillery fire hit strongholds in the vodyanoye and priyutnoye areas, destroying two points temporary deployment, as well as a field ammunition depot. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. 36 apartments burned down last night in anapa. a flame broke out on the attic floor of the eleven-story building. fire area 1.m. it took to extinguish. over 400 people, including 100 children, were evacuated from the house for more than 6 hours. report by anna sorokina , the eleventh floor was completely burnt out, the walls and the roof were collapsed, this is what an apartment building looks like now, with a major fire
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that took 10 hours to put out. more burned thirty apartments, now investigators, criminologists, fire laboratory specialists are working on the site, how it is burning, horror, the fire started in the apartment, engulfed the entire top floor of the square. and the city mayor’s office challenged that decision several times. this house is a self-construction; in 2007, the developer received permission to build a two-story
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service station, but instead erected a ten-story building with an attic, a basement and non-residential commercial premises on the ground floor. city hall of anapa this did not approve the project, did not issue a construction permit. despite such fame, apartments in the building were quickly sold out. for a resort, the cost of housing was low. irina robu, the owner of the apartment on the ninth floor, purchased it less than a year ago and did not know about the problems with the construction. she was not surprised by the fact that the eleven-story building does not have central heating or even elevators. we went up to the ninth floor like this. initially there were shafts for lighters, no, elevators. the price suited us, the apartment is very good, i'll take it i fell in love as soon as i walked in. related to the construction and operation of the house, a criminal case has been initiated. the residents of the surviving apartments are not yet allowed home; the fire victims have been placed in hotels; volunteers have already begun collecting help for them. anna sorokina
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valereypyatov, igor byreev, vladimir minyailov and anna nekos, hosted by anapa. vladimir putin signed a law that amends the labor code. a ban has been introduced on the dismissal of single parents with children under 16 years of age. a law was signed on the priority provision of rental housing to low-income citizens if they the only housing is considered unsafe. in addition, owners of dilapidated housing are given the right to receive new housing under social tenancy agreements out of turn. previously , only tenants of unsuitable housing had this right. in response to numerous requests, a law was signed on the right of regions to limit the operation of retail alcohol sales in apartment buildings, the so-called nalivkas. procedures for checking goods sold on the russian market were discussed at a meeting between mikhail mishustin and the head of the federal service for accreditation by nazariy skrypnik. the prime minister was interested in the effectiveness of accelerated
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declarations in order to adapt to new market conditions; you are responsible for the safety of the goods and devices that our consumers purchase. almost all federal spanish authorities, companies, and importers interact with rosakcreditation. and in the spring of 2022 , a decision was made to simplify the declaration of goods, which made it possible to quickly adapt to new market conditions. it works under the auspices of rosaccreditation. more than 9.000 testing centers, product certification bodies and other organizations, all their activities are aimed at assessing goods, testing and checking for safety; russians receive up to 15 million calls from scammers every day, this figure was announced today at the cybersecurity in finance forum, which takes place in in yekaterinburg, as the head of the central bank noted,
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credit organizations propose to make information exchange mandatory for all cybersecurity frameworks and introduce a so-called cooling period for large loans during their approval period, this means that the borrower will have additional time to refuse the loan if it was issued by someone else. stainless
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steel pipes, this is the capacity of the modernized section of the volga pipe plant. the new production line is fully automated; the equipment was made specifically to order by domestic enterprises. the new site will increase production efficiency , reduce order fulfillment times, and will also become a distribution center for industrial tourists. report by maxim akhmetov. production area of ​​one of the largest pipe factories in russia. the new line is designed for the final finishing of stainless steel pipes. the products have a wide range of applications, such as pharmaceutical, energy and chemical industries. the area is one kilometer long. the entire production process is carried out by machines, only specialists are needed. control the line is fully automated, the staff
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has been trained, the automation is simple, we learn quickly. some equipment is made according to special order, for example, this is a domestic ultrasonic testing unit. the final process of product quality control on the latest installation using ultrasound, the pipe is checked for integrity and absence of defects. after quality control, the product receives its passport and is sent for packaging and then to the warehouse. the production site itself looks unusually bright, which was intentional. when designing this area , more than 100 colors were used, which characterizes the wide palette of shades of steel in the process of its production and processing. the designers worked on the exterior.
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to lead the volgograd region. and further in our issue, in vladivostok, a rescue operation, five schoolchildren ended up on an ice floe. the us congress impeached the secretary of homeland security in a rare case that hasn’t happened in 150 years. and ice 3 is coming to the cinema, a continuation of the romantic film story. we'll be back in a couple of minutes. igor yakovich, you can’t be a relative.
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good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, this program performs not only songs, but also a desire, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kans after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done, how could you.
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sunday on rtr, well , bye, quiet, on friday, i had an accident today, everything will be fine, everything will be as before, it won’t be as before, i just have no one else, what happened , i need money for an operation, loading at night, i advise you to sleep in front of eris, crossroads, this is a very dangerous job, in general, i ’m sorry, but this is not for... crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare, temporary subscriber is inaccessible, and why don’t you answer your husband , i don’t want him to be nervous in vain, for me, she is ready for any turns, everyone knows that you don’t play karbysh and checkers, and you,
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then, believe, queen of the roads, on friday, on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons. i have already demanded a defensible nuclear weapon. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently.
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watch twice a day, see you later, me it seems like something is happening to me, as if i, not me, were premiering on rtr, and we had never met anywhere before, why are you looking at her like that, why is she normal, so pretty, i would fall in love, i it seems that our mother has gone crazy, money. to figure out the criminal , that sanyai, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, he possessed me, i look at women just like him, he instills his thoughts in me, you are abnormal, and how do you cope, you are probably very you get tired, you want to rest, somehow relax,
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it’s just written all over your face, are you sure that you’re not having these, not hallucinations, and you know who the killer is? yes, from february 19 on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. the forests of siberia, front-line territories, the middle east conflict zone , vladimir putin gave a high assessment of the activities of the ministry of emergency situations in different parts of the world, addressing his colleagues. first of all, for protecting people from emergency situations, for prevention, prevention,
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fire extinguishing, eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and man-made accidents, for development of the civil system. units of the ministry of emergency situations in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and professionally, kherson regions acted courageously. at the risk of their lives , rescuers evacuated people from dangerous areas, delivered humanitarian aid and carried out mine clearance. participated in the restoration of schools, hospitals and other social facilities. in vladivostok, five schoolchildren found themselves on a broken ice floe
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reaching the shore, tens of meters away with open water and moving ice. the city search and rescue service has now arrived to help the teenager. well in the same way one and a half dozen fishermen found themselves in the same situation in the amur bay. the ice became covered with large cracks and people found themselves cut off from the shore. destruction. coastal ice is favored by unusually warm weather, now in vladivostok it is +4, but in the next few hours the temperature will drop by 10° at once, strong winds will rise in the city, and a storm warning has already been announced in the city. six people, including children, were killed in an israeli airstrike on gaza. the army storms the cities of ramallah and qalqilya on the west bank of the jordan river. the idf announced that they were close to complete destruction. hamas in khan yunis, after which they will move on to clearing rafah. they promise to evacuate civilians, but it’s not clear where exactly. the latest data from the
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conflict zone is from sergei pashkov and alexander belibov. idf armored units are converging on the palestinian city of rafah on the border of the gaza strip and egypt. special forces and military intelligence are already operating in the suburbs. on monday night, as a result of a daring, complex operation, they were liberated with a fight. two hostages from the israelis kidnapped by terrorists on october 7. israeli military they are rapidly moving inside the gas sector, in similar jeeps, equipped, among other things, with heavy machine guns. this is the basic technique of motostrings. the military is preparing to clear rafah of hamas militants. this could be the bloodiest phase of the war, given that the rafah area is home to more than a million civilian refugees.
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difficulties in the gas sector, it is very important to understand that in the sector itself, like the battle itself, it is very difficult, because it is a very densely built-up area, this, so to speak, is territory that hamas knows in any case, better than us, they know all the traps that are set here, there are a lot of traps here, the air force continues to attack the military installations of the lebanese shiite group hezbollah in the south of lebanon, militants are firing at border israeli cities and towns with surface-to-surface missiles.
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the largest medical facility in the city , the nasser complex, is encircled, where patients and medical staff remain blocked, and the street is under fire from israeli snipers, who, according to palestinian media, are firing, including at civilians. journalists also came under yet another blow from the tsakhal. this time, as a result of the bombing , a correspondent and operator of the al-jazeera tv channel who worked north of rafah, south of the city, was seriously injured, that is, in egypt these days, meetings of international mediators in the palestinian-israeli conflict are being held one after another. and the main goal is to convince israel to stop its military operation in the palestinian
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enclave, and hamas to release the hostages. a formula that would be acceptable to hamas, which argues that the agreement could be signed only if it is based on israel's commitment to end the war and withdraw its troops from gaza. so the day before , a quadripartite meeting took place in cairo, in which the director of the cia, the head of israeli intelligence massad, as well as the foreign minister of qatar and the head of the egyptian intelligence agency took part. the consultations were dedicated to the release of the hostages. negotiations are reportedly already in their final stages. however, according to the media, there is no breakthrough yet. today in the egyptian capital they are waiting the next guest, turkish president erdogan, who previously compared israel's bombing of the gaza strip with the attacks of the nazis during the second world war. the main purpose of the visit to cairo in the administration of the turkish leader is called negotiations on a truce in gas, a final agreement on which everything has not yet been achieved. alexander bilivo, dmitry
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cherbakov and polina fedorova. news from cairo, egypt. in the united states, for the first time in 150 years, a minister was impeached; he became the head of the department for internal affairs. security alejandra mayorkas. the blow to the democratic minister is the republicans’ response to the bill on assistance to israel and ukraine, which the democratic party managed to push through the day before. kiev will receive $60 billion, while there is still no money to solve the migration crisis. it was the illegal immigrants, and not the situation in ukraine,
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that was attended by the author and host of the film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev. in modern russian cinema there are not yet many brands that are understandable simply as an image, without further ado, this flaming heart that melts the ice is just one of those. over these 5 years , the romantic saga of ice has conquered more than 12 million such loving hearts, and this is only in cinemas, there is still a day before the release, and more than 200,000 tickets have already been booked. nadezhda gorina's incredible skating makes her the main contender in the fight for the upcoming ice cup. nadya has matured and dreams of the ice cup that her mother once fought for. gorin, who lost his wife and is now a hockey coach, is sure that elite sport will break daughter's life, but the entire protection scheme, carefully built by her father, is hacked by the daring hockey player seryozha, a guy with one foot in the nhl, but
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only with him nadya begins to believe in her dream. come on, come on, star. he is very afraid for her, like any dad is afraid for his daughter, there is a reason for that, let’s say, but sometimes dads, so, well, like, don’t need reasons to find a reason, he’s just afraid, loves, very loves, loves very much, is very afraid, and this is scary, for any person, even the strongest, ice is created by an experienced team of producers from the studio hydrogen, art pictures from tv channel russia 1, but trust in young people is one of the main secrets ...
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i studied somewhere in the fifteenth year, that is, before that i assembled bumpers. the whole history of ice is one grand experiment, which was staged 6 years ago on valentine's day. nobody saw the multibillion-dollar box office potential in this at that time, so ice is a real miracle, faith in which makes our filmmakers dare again exactly like the heroes of the film. i tried to make the viewer feel more like a fairy tale, i wanted the film... no no pulled into a series of socially difficult topics. the first viewers admit that they did not expect such a finale to the trilogy. it's been a long time since a movie evoked something like this for me.
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offers a non-standard method of operation, the personal vicissitudes of the film’s characters also intensify, two new episodes today, immediately after the release of the evening news. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. hello, we are on the russia tv channel, i’m
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gennady malakhov, today is a special edition of the malakhov program. yes, friends, yes, friends, today, by popular demand, little health tips. let's look at the problem of bags under the eyes. if you wake up in the morning and your back hurts a lot, then do my set of exercises on how to get rid of blackheads on your face? i will show you now. more and more residents of our country are sharing their know-how findings from traditional medicine on the internet, and this is often done by professional doctors. this exercise will make your cheekbones more pronounced, due to which we get a good lift to our face. after after last year's success of a series of issues about life hacks, our editors received thousands of requests to make the program health tips, we decided not to stay in the country and collected all
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the best for you. what if today you prepare such an easy and healthy dinner in 10 minutes for a flat tummy? thus, an osteopathic doctor from moscow, oleg ogape, went to medical school to recover from his ailments, but in the end he helped hundreds of thousands of people get rid of pain and saved them. are you tired of eyebrow marches? then try it this powerful self-correction technique. but lana demidova, who is now 43, is given no more than thirty by everyone around her. and all because she is a certified rejuvenation trainer. she teaches her subscribers how to be young and beautiful without visiting expensive cosmetologists. today i will show you a wonderful exercise for our back. your back will thank you. today, the best tips for health, youthful beauty, your favorite little tricks experts will test all life hacks right in the studio, and of course, our special guest, gennady
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petrovich malakhov will share his secrets of longevity; according to tradition, we will tell you how to make our life simpler, easier, and most importantly - more economical! well, for those who have just turned on their tvs, once again, friends, i am happy to introduce my colleague, popular tv presenter, author of numerous bestsellers, gennady petrovits malakhov, as if these ten years had never happened, gennady petrovich, i agree, as mood, great mood, how do you feel, how are you living, a few words, tell me, i feel great, i’m living okay, so...
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but you never moved to moscow, you didn’t move, you don’t want to, well, at one time, when we talk, something so good turned up, the price for housing there was terrible, well, now it’s even worse, but i want to say that it seems to me that you live harmoniously , create and run your own channel, that it seems to me that you are the personification of harmony, i will introduce you to our experts a little later, these are also popular bloggers followed by the whole country, let’s let's see what you post on your channel, view from the porch. pigeons, i'm the one hooting, well, the house that jack built, you see, i made a call to make it big. it was sunset, the aura doesn’t fit
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, you see, here is my coat of arms, coat of arms, a large window, see how huge the mazhevelniks are, they supply us with phytoncins here, and how i look , i look like, practically 70 years old, an old woman. the telescope is standing, let's look at the sky , jacuzzi, welcome to my office, third floor, well, here is my office, the rookery where i rest, the table where i work, all, all, all, all sorts of things, these are the books that i wrote and thanks to which i earned... this is it, this is it, this
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is my personal toilet, collected urine, i’ll evaporate it, oh, ju-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu, and i walk with a stick, you see with a stick, huh, what the eyes are shining, there is no double turn, the ears are on top of the head, let’s leave it at that , they showed me the gym, mine, the gym, but how many books, i want to say, it’s... more than 100 it seems to me, well, there are much fewer main ones, the publishers have already started to resubmit them publishers to split up, so tell me, where do you get the recipes, it’s clear that at the beginning there are a lot of them, then still, you need to somehow find, invent something, test it on yourself, but here you don’t really need to, how to say, invent anything, the fact is that everything has already been invented for us, we just need to understand how use it, and as
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soon as you understand it, test all the recipes on kostya and iira gennady petrovich, by the way, speaking about the gym, you always have very serious sports success, how much do you bench press now, how many steps do you take a day, i walk 40 every day minutes, then once a week i study so-called isodynamic gymnastics, this means lifting huge weights to literally such, well, such a height.
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that is, my best result is 50, it just strengthens the bones and ligaments, but naturally, i started it all with 100 kg, in 5 years i reached these results, it gives good, so to speak, energy, you can feel the power , you know that you can live and live, the hormonal system, the skeletal system, the immune system work well, i am very pleased, but today gennady petrovich specially. i have prepared several for the viewers of our program little tricks, we asked to rehearse, he said that there is no rehearsal, you will find out everything on the set, so everyone is intrigued, friends, gennami petrovich, we are ready, come on, look, the very first thing , i want to show you, there is nordic walking, that is two sticks , people take them, let’s go, well, when it’s slippery, it’s very good, of course, to use this
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, but the way out, yeah, right now, they’re different densities, i remember that these, well, yes, you’ll try to tell me which one, well, i remember that i had some, oh, here, yes, here like this, you know, you need to eat porridge in the morning, so that seriously, seriously, not just porridge, but lard, you took the most serious one, gennady petrovich, porridge with lard, yes, that is, this one , well, you... women pick up such a soft one
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so that they walk and squeeze easily, the main thing is that the hand works, the hand works, you can say that your whole body is working. so if you walk for 20 minutes, 30 minutes, great. the next thing you know, i call this healing joy, yeah, now there are, of course, a lot of different problems, people, rudely speaking, in loans and something else, something else, the mood is very, very bad, i always go out, when i go for a walk, i start walking, listen to yourself, to your emotional state, which is what you have now state, now... you and i will do this together, and you will feel, so i went, i went, looked at the sky, i have such a saying, and the breeze is playing, the sun is sparkling, a cloud is floating across the sky, it’s so good i’m living life now, and my soul
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is singing with joy, then the tram started going, so... the energy level was raised as soon as we the emotional state has risen, 120%, that is, various kinds of sores and other ailments begin to go away, the immune system becomes stronger, and that is, use these things, various sayings, when you and i compose even small poems, they allow us to keep our mind well in good shape yes. you can make up such a simple thing as a story, but after this date it turned out to be under the date, and it doesn’t matter what the date is, the main thing is the attack date, when the attack date, any date will do for us, well , let’s show how gennady petrovich studies with
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myself at home on the exercise machines, i significantly lost the weight that i had pumped up in order to lift the barbell. developed more or less acceptable flexibility, you see me , i do gymnastics during a forty- day fast, i meditated perfectly, i know what , what, what and how to do, how to sit in a lotus, it is very important to be able to educate myself, i like to swim in the cold water, i can teach you to wake up, perk up,
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because a huge load is placed on the foot, the foot should be warm, it should be flat without any heels, if such scales...
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i’ll also emphasize that the fact is that walking allows us to cowardly our body, so that we don’t have any constipation, have normal stools, you know, we have to walk around when we walk, this is where everything gets cowardly, and if we we’ve been sitting all day, but nothing’s bothering us here , we’re constipated, it’s off, but by the way, we
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have a call center, our viewers ask questions, lena, what do they want to ask gennady petrovich, well, first of all, i want to say that our viewers are very happy to see. well, of course you can, but for this, look simply, at least you drink clean water, it’s trivial, drink clean water when you wake up, drink water on an empty stomach, well, i drink a little water, i drink tea, less sweets, less you know, this flour with fat, that’s it , when all this is mixed, and it all perfectly cleanses the kidneys. great, you have a recipe for kirven juice that you wanted to show
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our viewers today, yes, you see, i just hid this little thing, there, look, this juice helps, well, roughly speaking, to make the blood better, to produce red blood cells, look, the apple juice that we squeeze out, take a knife once... everything will be fine, if not, then it will be stained in this very red color, well
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, in the beet light , so we substitute it, which means we turn on the motor from the propeller, then we turn everything off, yeah. a signature cocktail that you drink every day, it’s very tasty, andrey, try it, let’s have a few, so that not only irina and konstantin, it seems to me that we need to treat them too, and konstantin ii wants, why? no, it will be very tasty and pleasant, but what do you say, as a doctor, nutritionist? i will tell you as a cardiologist that if there is a serious hemoglobin deficiency, only go to
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the doctor, but nevertheless, beets, green apples are really quite a decent amount of iron, in fact it is really useful, especially from the point of view of nutrition, you can go there by the way, add some more celery and you can add a little carrots, thanks, it’s better on an empty stomach or... thanks andrey, no, it’s not worth it on an empty stomach, because we don’t we know that a person has a gastrointestinal tract, well, i remind you again, everything that you see today, friends, it is better to consult with your therapist and your doctor, and before we go into advertising, after which we will show you a small number of recipes for your health, here are the lifehacks we picked up on the internet for those who want to get a massage, attention.
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today on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think. to think here, that’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i
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really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just have a look, let’s go , it must have been edible, that’s what i meant. of course, the bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general , the most gambling team, if 1000 is not zhenya will add his own and what many people use, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, i’m oops, and five on one on saturdays on rtr, where we go in search of, what kind of treasures, we go to look for mom, we look at the weekend, look at me, you confuse me, you are the most wonderful girl in the world, i miss you, kesha, everything is fine, we let's go, my husband is on kinta, he's not going anywhere,
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only new love can melt the ice in my heart. hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you’re frozen, on sunday on rtr. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us , yes, when my soldiers come running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s just say , my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes
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my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she brings this curba to the shelter, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend... a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys to myself, i came across such people, who are not indifferent, to support me in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your you wouldn’t have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday. on rtr vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can get through her through your channels, on saturday, she wanted an ambulance, i say, where is my daughter, where have you gone, daughter , and i have some kind of black hole in my memory, wait,
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where did it come from, you will never be alone again, everything will be fine with us, you called me self-confident. who wants too much to believe, even the heart will deceive him , you didn’t play too hard, maybe you needed to act theatrically, but quietly, she said, ver, i just want to understand, you just want me to start suspecting her of something, he wanted to kill me, his someone else's daughter, premieres on saturday on rtr. “we work in the interests of our country , our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr.
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good afternoon again everyone, you are on the russia tv channel , today in our studio..." he is the cutest osteopathic doctor and runs his own course on how to get rid of pain, spasms in muscles and joints, he already has hundreds of thousands of grateful subscribers. meet oleg, hello, gennady petrovich malakhov, legend, introduce yourself, the two of us today, it’s very nice, and my name is oleg, and i
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’m an osteopath, a general practitioner, we now have medicine, surgery, therapy, resuscitation that have reached unprecedented heights in terms of solving some problem, well, that is, we will come to a gastroenterologist, we say we have there is an ulcer, and we know a very cool solution, it’s there or a hernia, that’s all. there is already a sequestered hernia, an operation is needed, the solution is very good, but if we are looking at solving some small problems, well, something is pulling, something hurts somewhere - that’s where they sometimes pinch me, and sometimes they don’t, well, such a big medicine, it is powerless, i was also looking for my own path, in particular in the sixth year i found a direction in medicine that is not so widespread, this is osteopathy, which answered most of my questions, requests, and i became a practicing specialist, decided... a huge list of my diseases, so i do what i do, the path that led me to health and which i broadcast to the masses to my patients and my students, and now you
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run your own blog, you tell more of your secrets there, maybe today you will also share some with our viewers, today we will go through the most common problems that bother people, neck pain, there they will work on the computer until... their neck, yes, massage your shoulders, but what what happens is that you are sitting in this position, what are these muscles doing, they are holding you so that you maintain your posture correctly, they are already trying to contract to create the opposite shortening, and you are like, no, you haven’t overextended yourself too much, let’s relax you some more, lengthen it, and you again find yourself in the same position, they are just about to relax, but they again need to... and most often this creates a certain exhaustion of the nervous system, rooting the muscle in an unfavorable pattern, the pain only gets worse, but if we look logically, where does the main muscle shortening occur?
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it occurs in front at the level of the abdominal wall , at the level of the pectoral muscles, and how often, even when you come for a massage, this area is massaged, when they complain about the neck, it is very rare, so the very first basic exercise in order to relieve tension from the neck, this, no matter how strange it may sound, relaxes the area. our shoulder joint, we find the head of the shoulder joint, such a roundness that is located in front and go down forward, the shoulder joint and we begin to look with our hand
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here we find such a sharp protruding bone element, uh-huh, you feel it, right here it is, yes, just a little lower, and below we find ourselves in such a dimple, like a depression, this is essentially the front wall of the armpit fossa, try massaging here a little, don’t drill too much, but gently observe what sensations you have here, don’t be... rude, what, painful, painful, most people will have painful sensations there due to accumulated tension, try gently, directing your attention there, massage, pay attention to those areas that have directly accumulated fatigue there, you can move a little lower, a little more towards the center, because if you look at the picture, these are quite extensive muscles, and there are more superficial bundles and deeper ones, but i feel like this here, but what happens there? well, something is pulling, somehow pulling and this is the most important magic, try to work on the second side too, be sure to be symmetrical, so that there is no disharmony in
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the nervous system in the musculoskeletal system apparatus, yeah, it’s great, it’s possible on both sides , then when you understand, but the most important thing here is not to strain your muscles, because a secondary reaction may arise back, that you rubbed yourself, strained yourself even more, then you need to keep your back straight, but relaxed, you can sitting also when you are in the office, if yeah, okay. we tried, then the second technique , we relax the rectus abdominis muscles, we will see that they are attached to the chest at the level of the fifth and sixth ribs, or along the costal arch, find where your chest goes into the stomach, and walk straight, but there is still such a transition there, despite the volume, it is anatomically determined, we found everything, yes, great, not everything was found, you feel it.


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