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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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in the nervous system in the musculoskeletal system, yeah, it’s great, you can do it on both sides, then when you understand, but the most important thing here is not to strain your muscles, because a secondary reaction may arise back, that you rubbed yourself, strained your back even more , you need to keep it straight , yes, relaxed, you can also sit when you are in the office, if, yeah, okay , you tried it, then the second technique, relax the rectus abdominis muscles, we will see that they are attached to the chest at the level of the fifth and sixth ribs, or along costal arch. find where your chest is the cell goes into the stomach, and even walk straight, and there is still such a transition there, despite the volume, this is anatomically determined, we found everything, yes, great, not everyone found it, if you feel a lot of tension in the tissue, try to bend a little, then the tissues will fall off in tension and you can go deeper and walk from the center to... and
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look also at the sensations in this place, i don’t have the edges, yes, you can relax, yes, and don’t rush, don’t rush, that’s how we often do, we’ve passed, how you tickled yourself, massage it directly, give it to the receptor apparatus relax at the attachment points, rebuild your nervous system pattern so that the muscles do not immediately tense up, you can realize that you need to change the tone at a deep level, massage, walk here to the periphery, what are the comfortable sensations here? no, no , too, too, many will have discomfort there, and most importantly, if you pay attention, the entire abdomen will relax, because you are working with the tendon attachment, and not with the muscle, reflexively, through the gamma motor neurons, everything will relax, and as for the facial muscles, how to relax them, oh, this also a frequent request, i will now show you eight magical points that make it easy to relieve tension from all facial chewing muscles, the facial muscles are innervated. tronic and facial nerve
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and it enters the facial area at certain points, in particular on the chin, middle third of the face, above the eye behind the ear, now we will find these points and massage through it: find your corner of the mouth, go down to the chin, go down along corner of the mouth down, here on the lower jaw you can find small holes, as if there is a hole there, yes, cool, this is the exit of the third branch of the tronic nerve, and we will massage it. you can feel what the hourly differences are, you can first clockwise , you can counterclockwise, you can just stand , press, the most important thing is that you have a nervous system, in fact, we irritate the receptors at the ends of the tronic nerve, it immediately begins to light up , roughly speaking, and through such a certain neurological deception, relaxation occurs, massaged here, realized, then the second branch, we are with you along the pupillary line we go down near the nose and set up a zone.
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yes, here you can also feel such a small hole, there is also a hole in the upper jaw, but it is physiological there, it is needed there, and we are massaging here, also evaluate, maybe there will be pain , some tingling sensations here , pain, sensations can spread to the teeth or head, because the teronic nerve also irritates the dura mater and upper teeth, and if there is any dysfunction there, tension will also accumulate there. so you can relax, uh , stand, watch, then we relax the top branch, find the inner edge of your eyebrows and you can also massage in this place with your thumb, but look, like this, and there you can find something like the channel is small, or the hole is like the feeling here, great, great, yes, you can even walk a little more towards the periphery, more towards the center, here many people will have tension, especially if...
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the oculomotor muscles are tense, so wait too, watch where it spreads effect, your sensations are internal and the eighth point is the facial nerve, behind the ear, right under the lobe, you found it, massaged here, you can place a few fingers directly like this and you will find, if the nerves are thick, you can even feel a cord that rolls from above down, don’t press too hard, don’t be rude, i remind you again, massaged and felt how your facial expressions changed. relaxes, yes, because when we send signals to our facial nerve, all the facial expressions it makes nervous, it a little bit like a boom, he can first turn on and then harmonize, uh-huh, class, like yours, gennady petrovich said before leaving for advertising that he sets himself up for positive thinking by writing poetry, that ’s a good mood, it certainly also affects the general tone, of course, thank you, thank you, and well, good mood. we cannot
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always be in a good mood, sadness, this is also an important feeling that we must live, be able to feel ourselves with it, and for me the philosophy of harmony is more, that there are ups and downs. and the most important thing is what we rely on in our life process. the body is the closest instrument, if you know how to communicate with it, you can live through even the biggest crisis with dignity and health. in short, if someone has lower back pain, what point to press to relieve the spasm. also an interesting question, they usually rub the lower back itself, but there is such an important muscle that few people know, this is the iliopsoas muscle, which. is one of the very important sources of myofascial pain syndrome, if we are talking about this area, because here not all pains are associated with muscles, a very important point, they can also be neurologically associated with arthrosis changes, but if it is myufoscial syndrome, the air-lumbar muscles will hurt in 90% of cases, accumulate
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tension, and you will not get it here , you need to massage the front again, yes, such a mirror story, and let's see where we can find it, can you price it at a higher price? whether it’s tense or not, find your pelvis, you can hug, say, hello, i’m from there, so we found the most protruding bony edge, it’s called the anterior and superior iliac spine, massaged it, then put the arms a little forward, you can bend a little, you’re already sitting, it will be easy for you, there will be a lot of space here, and you can massage it place, you can go up a little higher and where you can squash the belly a little, there are these wings, and you can go right along the inside. walk a little, when there is a large volume, large, large volume of the abdominal cavity, usually, i suggest lying down, then there will be more maneuvering, then he will fall in the stomach, or you can somehow beat him carefully, but
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try to massage here and the magic in most cases will also relax your lower back, let's see what recipes you give on the blog, attention? today we are looking at the problem of bags under the eyes, in fact, the whole problem here is not edema or stagnation of fluid, in violation of bile outflow, let's place one hand on the gallbladder in the projection of the midclavicular line on the rib arch, create a soft flexion and dive under our ribs, if there is still discomfort , then do it gently, create a gentle massage clockwise, dive deeper and deeper, especially with the effect of exhalation. do you feel pain in your knees when squatting? this is definitely not worth tolerating. now i will show you a powerful self-correction technique. we stop our fingers on top of the knee and create a soft squeezing movement upward, pressing deeply. this technique will lower your blood pressure to normal in just a matter of minutes. we find
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our sternocleidomastoid muscle, we place our fingers in its center, create a soft massaging movement, i feel a slight protrusion here, this is a sleepy globule. let's create a light hold here. we create a slight pre-tension with your ear towards the ceiling, at the end we simply massage in this area, thanks to the reflex effect on the vagus nerve, we will have a decrease in pressure by 20-15 mm of the mulberry column, how to remove a nasolabial fold, very often the nasolabial fold is associated with that the muscles of the nose are overstrained, you see, they are depicted, in this area we have swelling, pain is a spasm, so we take our finger, place it in the area of ​​the nose, where it... the bones are fixed, the cheekbone of the nose creates a soft pressing movement, and here it can be extremely painful, unpleasant, and you can massage it slightly, get high, then let go, you will be surprised , but the nasolabium will shrink, are you tired of interbrow marches, then i’ll try this powerful
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self-correction technique, we place our hands on the inside of our eyebrows and create a slight pre-opening movement to open this area as much as possible, and then we frown, i hold it with my fingers and we feel just how this zone is trying to close, while relaxing the pumas, we reach out even more, and after that you will feel how this zone relieves its tension and straightens out, seasonal pain goes away , how do you like the recipes, friends, listen, what i want to say , which i liked very much, firstly, you need to understand that osteopathy is an academic science already quite officially, everything that concerns the myufacial syndrome, which was voiced in general, pain syndrome, this is a difficult moment when not all specialists, even very serious neurologists, can figure it out, and those techniques that have been shown, they, in principle , have the right to life, except perhaps for one thing, from the point of view of vagal activity, which we have now looked at from the point of view of blood pressure
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, under no circumstances should you do this if you have problems with blood pressure, this is treated by a cardiologist, period, you have learned something for yourself, i am delighted, this is what gennady petrovich is talking about, here... doctor, well, i just don’t know, i stood up for this, you know, we picked ours up from the sofa and started moving, and we’ll all be like this. years old, gennady petrovich , right here, or without lifting, i made myself magic smoothies, because i want to introduce you to another heroine, alexandra the king, an intraciologist, who herself lost 15 kg, will now tell you the recipe for a magic smoothie, we meet alexandra, hello everyone, andrey, hello! hello, hello, so, at some part of your life you sold furniture, then you realized that
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you don’t want to do this, i don’t want to do this, pulled myself together lost 15 kg , i told you correctly, yes, yes, almost everything is like that , i came to life at the age of 30, but i came late, the profession of an accountant led me to gain weight, well, i thought that something was needed what to do, if i don’t pull myself together now, don’t start taking care of myself, caring for myself, then when i’m 40 i will. but not like now, there are no secrets, no, no, how is it not, you have magical smoothies, but there are almost no secrets, in fact , healthy eating is sports, now i want to do what, tell my little secrets, how to preserve beauty and youth, because the basis is nutrition, a healthy diet , it’s still important, you wake up, do you drink water on an empty stomach or not, be sure to have a glass of warm water on an empty stomach to improve bile, 90% of us have stagnation gall , unfortunately, so be sure to drink water
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, then prepare my healthy smoothie, and we’re preparing a healthy smoothie, i’ll show you everything now, we’ll need a banana, pay attention, this is one of the healthiest fruits, why, because banana is rich magnesium, and we need magnesium for our nervous system, i think that’s enough , banana, let’s take kiwi, kiwi is vitamin c, our protein and iron are absorbed in the body thanks to vitamin c, so vitamin c is a must. green apple, note that in principle the peel is very useful , it contains fiber, but drinking juices is not very healthy, because juices are devoid of all this fiber, vitamins and minerals. yes, but gennady petrovich, by the way, drinks juice in the morning, i would
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definitely add something to the juice anyway proteins and fats, because if our fruits and vegetables come to us on an empty stomach, it raises the blood sugar level, so that this does not rise, in our case we will add rich omega-3, proteins and fats. so, kiwi, banana, apple, spinach, uh-huh. iron and b vitamins, unfortunately, we live. now is the time, yes, we constantly, if there is no spinach, what can you replace with, green lettuce leaves, you can even add green buckwheat, it is also rich in b vitamins, if you sprout it a little, that’s right, and soak it in the evening, soak, blender, then add the seeds, we need some water, i’ll open it, yes, yes, please, breakfast 2 minutes for beauty and youth, close the lid somewhere we had, now a second, this mora. and if someone likes it a little sweeter, you, andrey
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, as you like, sweeter, sweeter, then the suggestion is, yes, that means you have sugar in your diet, yes, unfortunately, so then you need to add what if it’s sweeter, honey, i believe that honey, honey is a natural, natural sugar for us, but let’s not count on me anymore, after all, can i i'll comment a little, okay. there are testing experts, yeah, andrey, i ’m ready to comment a little on this story, here is the only thing that confused me, and such a smoothie, for example, is not worth diabetes, because there is such a thing as a nutritionist, an excellent specialist knows, it’s called carbohydrate index, and the index of banana and kiwi is high enough so that the blood sugar level does not rise, we definitely add proteins and fats, i can say that for those who have diabetes, these are the healthiest breakfasts. egg us, protein breakfasts, fats and proteins are a priority , and a minimum of carbohydrates, so i can ask this
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question, with breakfasts, you know, everything is fine, the most questions are about dinner, because people somehow have a weak breakfast, they have lunch, and then they come and how if they eat too much for dinner , what do you recommend, we will answer gennady petrovich’s question and show you the recipe that you give for dinner, attention, what if today you prepare such an easy and healthy dinner in 10 minutes for a flat tummy? place the breast, turkey, broccoli, sprinkle everything with spices and pour olive oil. filling with greek yogurt and eggs, sprinkle with parmesan at the end, put in the oven, bon appetit everyone. i came up with such a useful recipe, it’s prepared from two ingredients and without time for frying. here it is tasty, healthy, dry the peanuts in the oven and add liquid honey, mix everything, put it
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on parchment and let it harden for an hour, you can put it in the refrigerator. the dessert is ready, slice and enjoy. what can you say about baked chicken breast and turkey? yes i it’s okay to say that it’s good, it’s just a question of how to restrain yourself, because if it’s tasty and good, three or four servings are usually eaten at night. you know, this is the biggest misconception, in principle, a person should never go to bed hungry, our hormonal system is structured in such a way, in particular melatonin and samatropin, that if you go to bed. eat, ira, eat at night, hungry, very briefly, we have 30 seconds before leaving for advertising, this is very important about sleep, we eat dinner correctly 3 hours before bed, ideal circadian rhythms for the body, how i wouldn’t like it, from 10 to 11 pm,
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we get up somewhere at 7 am, let’s do another small advertisement, right after it, what to look like after 40... dreams, i had a dream last night, i said, the robbery of this bank, i was there in this dream, you will miss me , invisible witnesses come to her again, who killed you, give me the case, i’ll tell you who the killer is, poor girl, how she does all this, new crimes have already been committed , and
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only she can reveal them, we urgently need to meet on the way home in the park by the canal. i'm definitely now i know who will be killed when. anna is a medium. from february 19 on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. we will practice how to walk on ice correctly. he will always tell you how to improve.
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you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr, i love you very much, yes, but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what kind of family is without children? anton madelyane, 12 years old, surname angela madelyane, still licking the wounds of your heart. you will have me treat? yes, i will. i invited you here, which means i am responsible for you. do you like our doctor? like. me too. it's a pity that i don't have such a dad. who sent it? who is this woman? choose. it's either me or
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her. they are very easy to apply. they are much more difficult to cure. all your life you’ve been healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart. heart wounds on saturday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed. then it turns out that my husband. and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first
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podcasts we watch, i ask you to sign one of the most important documents in your life, the mortgage agreement with the taraski family has been signed, be kind book. complaints, please, you will know how to not report napkins later, it doesn’t work, take it back, that’s why we fired because he didn’t work at all, and now get your books on anger management, the serenity of banbok, we read, we saw the technique in which this was done, it’s called realism, but i myself didn’t lead at first. but we need a real one, maybe this will save us, this is also realism, this is the original,
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stories of a big country on friday on rtr, good afternoon everyone again, if you have just turned on your tv in our studio , little tricks for health, in your opinion. due to numerous requests, we continue our bestseller, today we have collected the best for you life hacks for health, today in our studio your favorite experts, and also for the first time gennady petrovich molakov returns to the big city of vidnya. and now lana dimidova will appear in our studio, she is a rejuvenation coach and more than a million girls follow her advice. we meet lana. hello hello! hello, well , is this the first time you’ve met genie petrovich malakhov today? this is actually my first time meeting you in person, and in general this is my first time on television, i’m very glad
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to see everyone, i’m 43 years old today, and uh, yes, i will soon be 44, today i don’t go to cosmetologists, i don’t have any injections, i don’t use anything related to cosmetology, i rejuvenate - at home , working with the body. and face, today i want to show you exactly how you can save money in beauty salons and at home with your own hands using little secrets, let’s get everything ready while we show you what secrets you tell your subscribers and how to keep your breasts toned and without interruption, even fattening three children, it’s very simple, we can help is an ordinary stick, we need to work with our chests... love push-ups, take dumbbells, work, then you won’t be able to take anything from anyone, my dears,
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so, what are we going to do now? so, i 'll start with life hacks, show you exercises that work on our face without touching our face. look, many people have it on their forehead.
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you need to do where to stand to show , come on, look, great, gorgeous, for example, yes, a wall, everyone has one at home, we stood up and stretched, stretching the entire back of our legs, like this, we stand, pulling and stretching these lines, we remove our horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, we learned this, i think.
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an elementary exercise 100 times forward and 100 times back, we start, we start at least, but this needs to be done regularly, it’s not something you did today that you forgot about it, it needs to be done regularly, plus you have the secret of your magic mask that you you also make them at home for yourself, masks and there are also tapes,
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what are tapes petrovich asks? no, look, the anchor is exactly where we first put it, and then we draw the ends into side, here we brought it, great , it holds, holds, holds, yes, here we put these tepas, look, when we put them, we definitely have to activate the adhesive base, because the tepas work due to the glue, they lift our skin,
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after all, you can buy it anywhere, there is a certain danger in this, because there are great sharpshooters who know how to use it, because it’s one thing when a professional did it for you, especially with a shoulder, where the joint is very complex, it’s another thing when they do it themselves, for example when they run 10 km only traumatizes you, in fact, there is also a whole methodology, a whole technique and
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the most important concept, where this really is... the reaction occurs again, everything is very individual, well, how many children do you have, tell me i have three three three children and tension in which neurological zone which very many nuances really with which eldest how old is 21 21 and what is his name? here he is on the screen, as i understand it, gleb is also a popular blogger, more than 8 million people follow his recommendations, let’s let's see what he is promoting, attention guys, hello everyone, my name is gleb, today i want to tell you about hardening, which i have been doing for quite a long time, it improves blood circulation, increases the productivity of the nervous system, to be honest
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, i remember when i i’ve been sick lately, i really don’t remember, hardening improves the immune system, i was inspired by this idea from wim hoff, looked at his practice and also began to repeat after him, gradually, systematically step by step, starting with 15 seconds of a cold shower every day increased by 15 seconds, and you know what it came to, a cold bath with ice, i could lie there for a long time. i don’t feel it in a cold bath, that’s how i’m lying now, i don’t feel cold at all, i want you to be inspired by this too, i’m showing you the right example, glebas was with you, toughen up and be great, gleb joined us during this recommendation, good afternoon, greetings, gennady petrovich malakhov, one of the hardening promoters, you are still dousing yourself,


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