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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  February 14, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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continues to defend itself against putin's evil, brutal onslaught. we have all seen the horror stories of recent weeks, ukrainian soldiers running out of artillery shells, ukrainian units running out of ammunition to defend themselves. this bipartisan bill sends a clear signal to ukrainians and our partners and allies around the world. america can be trusted, america can be trusted.
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house of representatives, you must decide, will you stand for freedom or side with the terror of tyranny? will you be on on the side of ukraine or on the side of putin? will we side with america or with trump? republicans and democrats in the senate came together to send a message of unity to the world. it's time for house republicans to do the same. pass this bill immediately.
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but should poroshenkovsky talk about failed work? the concern of the kiev spiders is growing due to the approach of the next ramstein, nord, under the syllable of the people, buzhansky expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the western partners are endlessly holding a meeting contact group on military assistance, instead of allocating all aid to ukraine at once, but then it will end immediately.
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on february 4, 2022, after the start of the special operation , and they had not yet managed to pass the law on mobilization with its draconian measures, that is, by the end of february there would be nothing left in the banks of ukraine , the economy of kiev and warsaw continues to save the economy, kindly, polish farmers striking at the border against the import of ukrainian grain, today
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the polish brothers are going to block absolutely all automobile checkpoints on the border with ukraine, as well as railway junctions, all ports, so to speak, in polish, a grain deal, and the european allies are cheating not only the ukrainians, but also other applicants for membership in the european union and nato. the radar bought by moldova to france was unable to detect the drone, the wreckage of which was in...
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in the american presidential elections, europe is actually left alone, the only question now is how quickly the alliance will collapse, in the sense that if donald trump wins, then washington will quickly leave nato; if biden wins, the united states will not have there is no will, no strength, no money to support nato, and europe will be left without its defender. we have both options. naturally they are good, but europe is not giving up, and, like 80 years ago, the germans are marching ahead of everyone, of course. deputy chairman of the european parliament katerina barli from scholz's party called on eu countries to urgently think about creating not only their own army, but their own nuclear umbrella.
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she turned to both great britain and france. they say that now the nuclear deterrent forces for europe are in the hands of nato, and nato, what does it mean?
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nuclear weapon. german finance minister christian lindner believes that discussing nuclear rivalry means that we need deterrence, deterrence includes a relationship so that no one wants deterrence with us as advisable. lindner spoke in favor of expanding cooperation with france and great britain. french president emmanuel macron offered cooperation in different ways, said the leader of the fdp. we should take donald trump's recent statement as a call to continue to think about this element of european security under. and nato. in doing so, lindner deviates from the previous line of chancellor olaf scholz, who still opposes the debate about changing nato's course towards nuclear deterrence. currently , nato's nuclear arsenal is based almost entirely on us nuclear weapons. britain and france are the only two other nato countries with such weapons systems.
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is europe capable of protecting itself from russia without the us alliance? i think the chancellor made it clear to washington that without... the americans cannot be avoided, we see this everywhere where there are theaters of war or where operations are deployed. americans have opportunities that we don't. increasing these capabilities, for example, only satellite reconnaissance. it will take years, it will not be possible to decide today and be ready tomorrow, so i would not even consider such a plan b without the united states of america. the principle of collective defense has been the cornerstone of european security for decades, while the us footed nato's bills, many governments maintained spending on defense at a low level, especially since the end of the cold war and especially in germany, where trump's words caused incredible outrage. there is a new sense of fear that russian aggression, already ravaging ukraine, could become
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bolder after donald trump suggested nato allies would be left to their own devices if he retakes the white house. donald trump tells russia if you invade europe, the united states will not defend you. europe is yours, this is actually an invitation to the third world war war. germany and europe must respond as they did. even the very thought is disgusting if the americans left europe. our defense spending would increase fivefold, no, the whole point is that the americans still have doubts about
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keeping their nuclear weapons in europe. this is the cheapest guarantee we can have. neither french nor british nuclear weapons can compensate for this. europe will not be able to replace american nuclear capabilities for several years. we must look at the promises of the americans and let them understand that the war that russia is waging against ukraine is a war against all of us. well, the ukrainians seem to have noticed. russia's new weapons suddenly forgot about all our irons, microwaves, refrigerators, washing machines, from which, as they previously believed, our missiles were made. so, ukrainian experts claim that when striking the cave, russia used the cerka hypersonic missile for the first time, this is supposedly its first use in 2 years of war. at the kiev research institute they showed videos found in the wreckage, on them. found markings of 3m22, parts that are supposedly
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characteristic of zircon, other fragments indicate the date of production of the rocket, the end of the twenty-third or even the twenty -fourth, that is, they produced zircon literally just about now, one thing is clear, the ukrainians were definitely not able to shoot down the zircon, they were looking for fragments on one of the targets of the armed forces of ukraine, our rocket scientists say that hypersonic... zircon can reach speeds of more than 9 km/h, hit targets at a distance of up to 1500 km, currently among the most famous carriers of zircons, guessed by admiral gorshkov and the submarine severodvinsk, which , as it is difficult for me to guess, is based far in the north of russia, that is, where the missile simply could not physically fly to kiev, so the ukrainians believe that the missile was launched from the south from the modernized coastal one. bastion missile complex, in this regard, the guys from the ukrainian general staff sadly reported that if
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so, then the syrkon attacks will be thought through. and it was on the basis of preliminary data that scientists concluded that it was a rocket circuses its fragments damaged underground
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cables. according to observers, the projectile was launched into the territory of occupied crimea, the mass of the missile warhead is more than 300 kg, the flight range is more than 1.00 km. these blocks were found on february 7 in kiev at the site of a powerful missile strike. before us is all that remains of the secret russian weapon - the hypersonic missile 3m-22, 3m22, which is known as circot. this is evidenced by the markings. zircon: about this marking, here is 3m22, this marking was found on an element of the rocket steering mechanism rocket mechanism, no other rocket has such a rotary mechanism lock.
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which makes it virtually impossible to defend against it. the russians have been developing this hypersonic missile for 10 years. zircon is the name of a transparent mineral that is used in jewelry. one of the missile's distinguishing properties is that it cannot be detected, which is a nightmare for enemy radars. this is the fastest rocket in the world, whose
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speed is five or even nine times the speed of sound. zircon can. and according to the russians, the missile has perfect accuracy. zircon belongs to the same category of missiles as avangard, dagger, sarmat and posseidon. test launches of missiles from the frigates admiral gorshkov and admiral kasatonov have been carried out on a large scale since 2020. however, on february 7 they struck kiev. we see russia using increasingly powerful weapons. the film crew was in kiev during the impact, and we heard a very loud explosion several kilometers away from us. it is assumed that this missile cannot be hit by air defense systems or detected by radar. it is still worth determining whether this was a test launch? indeed, ukrainians fear that russia may use other weapons of the same power. in finland
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, the presidential elections ended with a small lead over its rival in the person of the former head of mitz, not traditionally. moscow, both support ukraine, both agree with the need to put pressure on russia. both are in favor of strengthening ties with nato, both." for anti-russian sanctions. for war with russia, and from an early age the swedes also began to be prepared, german deutschwel propagandists in their report tell how membership in nato directly influences the fear of war between stockholm and moscow. among the swedish people, the horror of panic among
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teenagers caused by government statements about an imminent war is growing exponentially. but the fierce patriots, who are also the chiefs of the swedish army, believe that everything is going even better than well, preparing for the so-called total defense, or in russian, total defense, the rightful heir of charles xi, are eager for a new poltava battle. stockholm brought back compulsory military service last year, and the first conscripts are already undergoing training. al-jazeera visited the former pirate tortuga on... according to the opinion , which is located 275 km from russia, the island of gotland will become the swedish government's first avanoposp of the future war with moscow.
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reading, writing and arithmetic aren't the only things swedish children learn in school these days. now some news about where people can seek refuge in case of war. linda began using news materials in her curriculum 2 years ago to, so to speak, open a dialogue with her students concerned about the war between russia and ukraine. she also shares recommendations from authorities on how to best prepare for an emergency.
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i think a lot of young people grow up doing something like this, because it's a reality check, it's not about military conscription. conscripts were common at the site during the cold war and after, but conscription was abandoned in 2010 as mistrust in the military was addressed. russia, sweden's application to nato has forced us to rethink all this. conscripts are trained in gotland, an island that today symbolizes radical changes in swedish military policy. it was once largely abandoned by the country's armed forces until 2018, but is now the center of training for swedish conscripts to join nato. from here across the baltic sea, just 275 km away is the russian port. the regiment transferred here will triple the size of the military contingent, but some of them will soon have the right
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to refuse service in nato. military elite the country told the swedes that it is mentally preparing for war. the swedish emergency management agency reports that the number of searches for air raid shelters on their website is growing exponentially, as are the number of downloads of their booklet on preparing for war. well, and a little more madness in these shots of a uav shot down by ukrainian border guards near poland. the drone did not carry explosives, that is, these are peace-loving drones, this is not a reconnaissance drone. the uav was transporting 22 kg of gochish at once. the smugglers wanted to transport the shipment to poland by air.
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in january alone , the companies that test these drugs managed to attract
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163. drug addicts say in all seriousness that when high, they do their jobs much better and more efficiently, take better care of their children, and this helps fight depression.
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do you think you cope better with your motherly responsibilities under mushrooms? i think that i am a more compassionate mother, i began to hear and feel my child better. this is part of our coverage of the growing popularity of magic mushrooms in the us. today we'll look at the how and why people start using psychedelics. new research from the national institute on drug use shows that the number of seizures. we know from history and data that this substance affects serotonin receptors in the brain, which are responsible for mood and thinking. several studies have shown the positive effects of this substance in the treatment of ptsd, depression and anxiety, this
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substance from... we are located in this commercial building in burnaby, british columbia. john hume is a mycologist who grows magical mushrooms for filament health. the company has received canadian approval to produce psil cybin for a growing number of studies in canada around the world to treat a variety of mental illnesses, from addiction to depression. they grow very quickly, from this they will grow, the harvest can be harvested in 3-4 days. in order to
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produce small.
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mencia, then lgbt propaganda, now drugs are our enemy, we must try to study it, although all this, of course, cannot be explained, on the one hand, the golden billion, who is trying to achieve our defeat, on the other hand, they themselves are heading towards self-destruction, now, if there is footage, show the live broadcast of the state duma, foreign minister lavrov. right now he is speaking to deputies, the main thing is that he said just a minute ago, probably many people noticed, the day before a note was published in writers, where they sensationally reported that putin, not understanding how to achieve success, turned to the west with a proposal to stop, to stop. fire to record
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the current state of affairs in the war, knowing that he won't be able to do anything further, supposedly for...
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we assume that in this way they are trying to misinform us and partly themselves. in 2023, the kremlin sent signals to washington publicly and privately through intermediaries, including moscow's arab partners in the middle east and others, that it was willing to consider a ceasefire in ukraine, russian sources said. putin proposed freezing the conflict at the current level and did not want to cede any part of ukrainian territory, controlled by russia. a russian source familiar with the contacts told reuters that the americans, through intermediaries, told moscow they would not discuss. a ceasefire without the participation of ukraine, so contacts ended in failure. a third source familiar with the discussions said: the americans failed. the source said that the americans did not want to put pressure on ukraine. according to three russian sources, the mediators met in turkey at the end of the twenty-third year. according
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to three russian sources, the signal putin was transferred to washington, where top us officials met, including white house national security adviser jake sullivan, cia director bill burns and us secretary of state antony blinken. idea. was that salevan would talk with putin's foreign policy adviser yuri ushakov and determine further steps, one of the russian sources said. but when the call came in january, salvan told ushakov that washington was ready to talk about other aspects of the relationship, but would not talk about a ceasefire without ukraine, one of the russian sources said. the american official declined to provide any details about salvan's alleged calls or whether such a conversation took place with ushakov. the american state department also noted the reuters' note. hastened to refute, the state debt claims there are no contacts between moscow and washington now and never will be. lavrov, back to the foreign minister, has just announced that the west’s plans to isolate russia have failed, but they will continue to build pressure on
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russia. main directions of foreign russia's policy remains to strengthen the sovereignty of our country. we are transported to the front, where? with arms in hand we are seeking security for our country, war correspondent evgeniy lesitsi is on the line. let's start with a blow to selidov, either it happened or it didn't happen, either the ukrainians confirm this information or deny it, official kiev is silent, the deputies of the verkhovna rada, ex-deputies, for example, say that they hit. it’s not that everyone was destroyed, but many died, tell us where it is, what it is at least some information from the russian military department is also still silent, yes, hello,
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look, an interesting thing is developing here, the most fierce thugs from the third brigade of the azov armed forces of ukraine were transferred from the bakhmut direction to the south donetsk direction. they are trying to strengthen the defense of the southern front, while after the loss of this brigade near bakhmut there were up to 70% of the personnel, now this brigade has been restored, so it was sent to selidovo, where they received , in fact, a missile attack, well, in terms of the number of destroyed i - personal composition i don’t know yet, all i know is that there were foreign curators there, officers of the armed forces of ukraine, and also enemy personnel, but i think a little later... we’ll find out what really happened there, but the ukrainian authorities will try in every possible way, let’s say so, to hide this fact, because they already have a sad situation along the entire front line, and also such precise arrivals that our
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intelligence officers provide for the all-russian communist party of the russian federation, well , they undermine the morale of the whole of ukraine, not only military personnel, and the local population, because it's a testing ground vseledova exists, you can... confirm this information by looking at the video footage, the reserve actually gathers there to train, this is not fresh footage filmed in november 23. the points are occupied by our troops, and the guys
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are advancing daily and approaching the hourly ravine, by the way, tonight the guys took control of the whole forest, which means that the scouts control any entry into the chasvyar, equipment and the enemy, but recently the enemy decided to move his ppu, a permanent control point, to konstantinovka, well, since he was trying to save personnel brigade commands there, yes, which is now... controlling the battle from the armed forces of ukraine, so our guys gave them the opportunity to retreat, go to konstantinovka, the scouts followed the whole thing, so, literally after a while, they received greetings from the russian aerospace forces in the form of fab 1500 bags, well, the ukrainians don’t like these missiles that our guys send at all, in general, in general the front there is moving, moving quite quickly, that is , somewhere there they rushed to 700 m, somewhere... a kilometer, that’s it and the enemy is now trying
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to dig in, the landscape is now playing on our side, the guys are watching from the side, everyone is monitoring the enemy every minute , what is really going on there, zhen, what is called a view from the special operation zone, comment, if possible, tsirsky returned from a trip to the front, zelensky sent him to the trenches, returned, holding a report , just urgent news on... don’t hang around, come back to us, it’s clear
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that this is the front line, obviously there are communication nuances, now our editors will try to dial our war correspondent evgeniy lisitsin again, while we’re calling about lavrov, i will say that the minister of foreign affairs continues his speech, he just said that moscow is nevertheless in a positive mood. with regard to a diplomatic settlement, they have repeatedly proposed to impose ourselves on the west, we do not plan to agree, we are ready to communicate, no, we will continue the special operation until victory, taking into account the reality, lavrov said again, it will not be possible to reach an agreement at the table, negotiations will not work, well, that is, all those territories that included in the russian constitution.
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sirsky also said there in a german publication that it is very difficult there, very difficult there it’s not easy for ukraine right now, there’s still a report to the president, yes, well, that is, he’s now telling his drug addict that we’re in trouble, but he says it so softly and restrainedly, but nevertheless he says, this is what ’s really happening inside front, it ’s all very serious there, that is, their defense can crumble like a house of cards, because there is maximum advance on all flanks, but... as for what they have there, they don’t have enough, well, they
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have left of course accumulated bull for cannon artillery, for rocket artillery, that is, they use it, but they don’t use it as before, that is, now they don’t shoot there at different positions just to shoot somewhere, they now shoot very precisely, carefully, so - of course it’s more difficult to determine where it’s coming from now there is a struggle, and well, shots from the artillery itself, but nevertheless, our guys are watching the whole thing , reconnaissance and inflicting defeat, that is , not really, probably in the belogorovsky direction several were destroyed yesterday - a self-propelled gun, a crab, several there were hit with lancets d20 howitzers, which well... let's just say they hit our positions, so of course he needs to report that the situation is not easy, there is no one to make up for it, that is , if they are going to make up for it, they need to train these people, they stole people there all over ukraine, and some untrained ones there something incomprehensible, and they throw them into meat assaults , of course, they will die, this is in our favor, let them be lucky there, let ukraine
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begin to feel that they have problems, serious problems with their drug-addicted government, olga, thank you very much , zhenya , evgeny lesetsin, military correspondent. days later, all this reached ukraine, the essence
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of his statements, the delay does not change, read in front of the curators and only then the situation is difficult in the war, we, says syrsky, went on the defensive. tazh general, it's up to you. yes, you know, this is how our president used the term “ignites” to address one major politician, when he expressed revolutionary ideas. trump, too, has been lighting things up very often lately, and most recently he started talking about nato, which excited the american public very much, well, i mean political community, and to a greater extent even europeans. i really don't know. political affiliation of the leadership of the washington center for strategic and international studies, in my opinion, they are still democrats, so far, at least when i was there, it is still a democratically oriented institute, and so they immediately published data that, on the one hand confirm that trump was right, well
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, they confirm why, because they immediately published data that out of 31 nato members, only 11 are members - germany, italy, spain, portugal, canada, belgium, in general, they all don’t fit in, although washington is right there. just look for a second canada 1.38, turkey - 1.31, bulgaria - 1.84, the poles are really great, almost 4%, most afraid of russia, norway 1.67, germany 1.57, holland 1.7, belgium in general, it’s not
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scary at all, 1.26, portugal 1.48, slovenia 1.35, that is, they don’t pay extra within their own limits. 50% for these purposes, that is, this is not a very favorable picture for the current administration in relation to nato. now the european union, there is talk again about
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the creation of a european army, well, naturally, this is the army of the european union. i have already said several times, i repeat again, this is not the first attempt. this is already the third attempt, but it’s true , now conversations are already being conducted based on the fact that the united states will abandon us, it will definitely abandon us, that is, there is a difference, if trump, then soon, quickly, if biden, then a little, so to speak, yet we will suffer, so, this, this is impossible by definition of creating a european army, you know, in the history of europe there was such a union, the western union, the western european union, but that was a very long time ago. almost it’s not true, it ’s impossible to create an army of the european union, why? because not a single european country, including such giants, well, it’s true that germany is no longer a giant. is not able to withstand the funding of both nato and the european army, so you need either one
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or the other, but it is also impossible to detach yourself from nato, because according to some parameters, well, in particular intelligence, about 70% of them are americans, but according to even more in space, for strategic transfers, about 60 percent there are americans, for warships, for combat aircraft, everything is there within the limits... 50-60% are americans, a very good option that was proposed at one time, let’s rely on nato, well , let it be so to speak, some kind of separate structure, sort of independent, but the american one says, well, in principle, since we are on nato, that means we will control , let’s do it, but then a factor arises, so to speak, like turkey, which says: “yeah, on nato, okay, i agree.” i agree, we will provide you with intelligence data, we will transfer you, strengthen you, but, but we will take part in everything, in planning
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there, the europeans say, how can it be, you are not members, turkey says, well, you never know that we are not members, then without nato, that’s where the conversation ends, now regarding the nuclear umbrella, this is generally an innovation , because until now their position and doctrine of france is such that the nuclear forces of france, france, by the way, are even in the group. does not take part in nuclear planning, sits somewhere in a corner, listens, but does not take part in the debates, always says that our nuclear forces are our national treasure and are intended only for the defense of france , and they, moreover, have a rather modest arsenal, 290 air- and sea-based weapons, well, naturally, all these are, so to speak, missiles, the maximum average range there is...
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in the thirties they managed to do it in 5 years rise from the ashes and recreate actually the most powerful army in europe, which conquered 2/3
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of europe there and also tried to destroy the soviet union, so to speak. so - then the situation rose industrially, militarily , with very great support from the united states states. without the united states, without ford, without other american concerns, it is unlikely that they would have succeeded.
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in general, it doesn’t hide , but it’s impossible to hide, space intelligence sees everything, i think it’s a bluff, all these displays of some vague markings there, m-22 there, how do they know that it’s zircon, i personally , it’s not clear, i think that all this does not correspond to reality, well , peskov has just officially verified information from the rators agency that putin is a secret. allegedly went through communication channels on washington and proposed freezing the conflict.
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peskov, of course, said that this is nonsense, we are finishing it off. victory, but about how to prevent putin from winning. the essence of this does not change; in our work we proceed from the fact that the security of russia, including the residents of new russian regions, life, honor, dignity, rights and interests of our citizens will be reliably ensured, and the goals of the special military operation, of course will be achieved, as the president emphasized in
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an interview with tucker kalson, we remain open. it turns out that such options are not visible, we’ll be back in a minute, it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if i, not me, are premiering on rtr, and we have never met anywhere before, why are you looking at
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her like that, what? the normal one is so cute, i would fall for it. lah, it seems to me that our mother has gone crazy, money to figure out the criminal, that sanyai, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, but neyak, he has taken possession of me, i look at women exactly the same way as him, he inspires me your thoughts, you are abnormal, and how do you improve, you, you’re probably very tired , you want to rest, somehow relax, it’s just written all over your face, you’re sure that you’re not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you know who the killer is, and from february 19 on rtr , good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on the ordynka, on the ordynka, where in this
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program. morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, did you
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get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, tough, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they’re still loved now, are you answering? for my words, i am always responsible for my words, hero of my time, beauty, rapper, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look, russia,
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traditional, modern, personal, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all russia. before your eyes come to the international exhibition forum russia, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. vera was an orphan all her life, then suddenly
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her mother showed up, something is wrong with her, you can get through her through your channels, on saturday, i want an ambulance, i say, where my daughter, where have you gone, daughter, huh? i have some kind of black hole in my memory, wait, where did it come from? you will never be alone again, everything will be fine with us, you yourself called me faith, whoever wants to believe too much will be deceived even by his heart, you didn’t play too hard, maybe you should have acted theatrically, but quietly said, ver, i just want understand, no, you just want me to start suspecting her of something. he wanted to kill me, his own stranger’s daughter, premiered on saturday on rtr. so, ukraine’s support from
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on the part of the west, the scale of the american plan for the restoration of europe after world war ii, the so-called marshal’s plan, is already greater in scale, the president of the european bank for reconstruction stated this in an interview with politico. an investment for both europe and the usa , ukraine is still a profitable investment, which allows you to fight with the russians with the wrong hands - said the editor-in-chief of the economist bedows magazine, that is , they have not come up with any new theses and are extorting money by saying that... for the americans, instead of the americans he is fighting with us now in ukraine. vladimir putin has already carried out a full-scale invasion of ukraine, and he
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is rearming much faster than europe. europe is fundamentally a more dangerous place. so, even though donald trump is not even close to the white house yet, his words right now are destabilizing the situation. this makes it much more likely that putin knows he will push ahead.
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you see, that is, in fact, they act in the interests of the united states of america , both of them, because trump’s ideas, which he voiced several years ago, implemented by whom,
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the democrats. now about the voting. well, you know, maybe this was an unexpected decision for some, although in fact , firstly, the democrats have a majority there in the senate, this is one, secondly, the fact that the republicans voted does not bother me either, most likely lobbying worked, yes, that is. these are most likely senators who are in one way or another connected with the american military-industrial complex, who supported this decision, because it is in their interests that this war continues, if this war is not enough... in order to to recoup the investment, there will be another war , a third war, a fifth war, they don’t consider us as people, they’re sitting here, they have calculators there, maps, these here, these here , we’re fighting there, let them kill us, they read everything, they they all think, and what they are now saying, what stage we are at now, we are at the stage when, in fact, through the war in ukraine, they cleared europe of old soviet weapons, and we are at the stage. when
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the issue of rearmament of europe within nato will be decided, who will have to produce everything these are talking about whether they will be allowed to create their own european army, no, because they will sell them american weapons, of course, of course, so everything revolves around this, you know, and we are talking about billions and billions of dollars, moreover, when we talk about the fact that germany declares its readiness to support ukraine and produce shells, of course i apologize.
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gold, you see, it’s not difficult to produce, now about these striking villagers, and there in the countries of the european union. one is possible a simple question to ask is, why are the villagers fasting? well, farmers, why are they posturing in europe? yes, the metals won’t stand, there , i don’t know, the machine builder won’t stand, no, because ukraine has simply turned into an agricultural country, you know, if ukraine were an industrialized country, believe me, it wouldn’t be the farmers who would stand, it would be the metallurgy industry. i don’t know, there are mechanical engineers, aviators, anyone would be there, well, it’s just that the question is not who is doing the post, the question is not in one country, but, as we understand, in all countries, this is a question of the struggle for markets, we live in the modern world, producing a product is not a problem, the problem is selling it, but no one wants to share markets, you just need to understand this, you know, just understand, accept and then, based on this, accept some. but ukraine, to my great
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regret, within the framework of this political elite is not capable of making rational decisions , it feels like the planet consists exclusively of nato and the european union, that’s all, there’s a desert around, there’s nothing there, and there’s no other way, there is, this is ukraine will take the path of development when it understands that it must be where ukraine’s interest is, if it is in africa, it must be in africa, it is in asia, it must be in asia, and they... that’s just in they are trying to knock on a closed door frontally, please , i will start with conclusions right away, the deep state, world bankers, world politicians want europe to pay more, to spend more on defense, but this is not only about that, they want europeans to pay two times.


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