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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 14, 2024 8:00pm-9:05pm MSK

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okay, that's enough.
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"we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, love - look in one direction, look, look , look, you want to see , look, let's see, look, well , look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we'll go to me, just watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you s... soldier, who do you serve, former friend
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, tear off everything that was ours, which was together , what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what an impression it makes, and russia comes and the city lives , boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, where are we going, in search of treasure? yes, what a pack of treasures, we are going to look for mom, we look at the weekend, it looks like that on me, you confuse me, you are the most wonderful girl in the world, i miss you, kesha, everything is fine, we are going, my husband is in kenti, he’s not going anywhere, only new love can melt the ice in my heart.
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hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you ’re starving, on sunday on rtr. “seryozha, i don’t want to ride in a mess, i don’t like to quarrel at all, light, i don’t like to quarrel either, so let ’s agree for the future, if you make some decisions, agreeing with me is all, okay, i’m just used to everything myself, i’ll try, try, i’ll try.” hello, oh lazarev,
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hi, where’s yours, he’s carrying the service, it’s clear , and i’ll take a look at you, you’re not depressed, but what do i care, well done, sasha wasn’t right for you , it’s a pity i can’t convey this to her, you don’t communicate at all , really, bone, go , better help, listen, you don’t have any dishes there or something, but ask polina, what’s polina, what’s polina, i thought of something, maybe i can take polina away from you during the trip, and wow, is there enough strength? you see, she doesn’t seem to mind, she doesn’t mind, try, wait, my things, what things, well, i need to put them away, but i couldn’t do it before, things, things, come on, so you rented a good car, well done, everything is included in the insurance, so we’ll take turns driving, you start, but where is kulyakov, did you promise to drive up? and oh, how delicious, guys, no,
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why is there always something on fire somewhere, what’s on fire, where? well, look, domodedovo is on fire, oh well, well, our guys are right along this route. let's go, so call them, let them come back , figure out where they went, but in sochi, oh, good, doctors live with you, and i would also go to sochi, but my pension doesn’t allow it, lord, so much negativity, just be happy for others, i’m negative, but of course, positive is your irina fedovna, well, go meet your positive, hello, hello, little one, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, sleeping, levka
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he’s sleeping, they’ll bring him some more, and we have two children, well, i’ll probably figure it out somehow, yes, that is, no one can hear me here, okay, look after the child , hello zoya sergeevna, hello, let him come, i’ll take a look, thank you, marinochka , thank you very much, hello, hello, you don’t remember me, no, i don’t remember, if you say last name, i’ll look, elena borisovna sivukhina, 3 months ago i was hospitalized with gallstones, i was operated on and discharged home. and at home i felt worse, the district police officer chased me around the office for a whole month, and then you know, he gave me this and said, go to the surgeon who operated on you, so i came to you, uh-huh, uh-huh, then i found elena borisovna sevukhina, cholecytostomia, discharged without complications , operated by ilchin sergeevich, but he
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is not here now, hello, faina igorevna, and hello, ivan nikolaevich, here is a woman, self-referral, elichin sergeevich operated, but he is not there now, take it, hello, hello. you know, i came from the region, i have nowhere to sleep here, maybe you can see me, doctor? faina igorivna , show the patient to the examination room, i ’ll come to you now, thank you, thank you, doctor , thank you, lyuda, show her home to the examination room, everything is loaded, not broken, everything is bye-bye, kiss, yulka, kiss, bye-bye, i’m probably a bad person if i’m glad that the children stayed with their grandmothers, but don’t worry, ilyukha promised to keep an eye on yulka, maybe it’s not necessary, paul, yes say, let him be friends. kulyakov is coming, oh, finally, stay, sergei anatolyevich, hello, well, maybe we can take the subway with bags, hello, well, meet me, this is svetlana, here i am the girl seryozha, hello, very nice, polina, petra’s girlfriend, konstantin
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, it’s nice, yes, well, let’s pack your things, can i go ahead, otherwise they’ll rock me from behind, of course, well, actually, you too, i, okay, fine, in honor of meeting you, please, where is the service here, this over here, carefully, let's hurry up already, sergetovich, what is he like? high? dude, take a lick, nothing will break, you can have a ball, quietly, quietly, uh-huh, but it won’t close, move away, well, oops, as if he did everything. come on, let's fly in, let's go , yeah, that's it, let's buckle up, guys, really, we're driving for 2 hours, i'm first, well, who's next, decide for yourself, but i don't believe, i don't believe, i don't believe, i don't believe, doctor, you know, after
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i was discharged, i began to feel pain, and i thought that it would heal and go away, but it still doesn’t go away and doesn’t go away, now inhale and exhale, oh, now again, again just be patient, it hurts, you know, tell me, this pain, it’s somehow connected with the position of the body, let’s stand up, quietly, here, like this, like that, lean to the left, uh-huh, right, it hurts a little, it hurts forward, oh , that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, sit down, oh, oh, how it’s pulling, you know, the doctor, that’s when they tie the shoelaces, and in general it feels like someone’s pulling on the intestines, it’s so disgusting, the district police officer told me: this is it show everything to the surgeon who operated on me, they messed up in your sklif, your youth, well, don’t talk about it like that our youth, your tests show signs of inflammation, upon palpation in the right hypochondrium there is a sensitive zone of compaction, now we will do an ultrasound, then everything will be clear, let’s sing some
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song, who knows what, but i don’t know and i don’t know how to sing, do you want me to turn on the radio, no, what’s the radio, then let’s use the words? play, i ’m now going to think of one word, you will ask me leading questions and guess, come on, come on, and i thought of it, doctor, what doctor, on your word, doctor, well... disappeared, you eavesdropped on me, your thoughts, well, something like that , now let you make a wish, turn up the radio volume, fires continue in the moscow region in the domodedovo area, smoke on the m4 don highway, drivers are asked to find, you comply, please, then the speed limit, i comply, well, you’ll make a wish , well, fine, then i’ll make a wish myself, there’s a fire, it’s not interesting to play with you at all, you’re all...
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well, yes, everyone works like crazy, they have the right to rest, we, my beloved, will have to work seven days a week, like you said, darling, yeah, who will walk the dog, and my dog , she is well-mannered, she goes to the diaper, i already miss you, yes, oh, hello everyone, sit, hello, hello, as a wife, yes, with your prayers, she works, even more, sleeps, even less, it’s contraindicated for her, well, something like this, i heard the departments went on vacation, everything
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went according to plan, four people, i hope bragin stayed, bragin stayed, thank god, but what happened, happened, radimin is being hospitalized with us, yuri radimin, an oligarch, he has all the coal, so he wants to be treated with us, and not in switzerland, especially since the operation is not very complicated, there he has an abscess in his lung, in my opinion, it needs to be removed, but not like that. it’s not complicated, well, it doesn’t matter, the most important thing is to meet him well, show attention to him and operate on him, everything will be fine, you know, he can either thank him or give him a ride to the monastery, or maybe we should still go to another hospital, very funny, who will be in charge of the operation, dr. bragin, if you don’t mind, i don’t, the main thing is that bragin doesn’t mind, well, talk to him, i’ll talk, thank you, okay, as soon as... the oligarch will arrive, i’ll let you know, we’ll meet him in the reception area, thank you for your understanding, everything will be at
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the highest level, ivan nikolaevich, they asked me to tell you the story, yes, lie there on the table, yeah, and i recognized you, you were an anesthesiologist at my place surgeries, yes , yes, yes, i remember, tell me, how long did it take for the surgical wound to heal, you know, one took a very long time, the one through which there was drainage, i wore a bandage for almost a month, did anyone else worry, temperature increased? yes, it’s still rising, but what does that mean? now we’ll do an mri , we’ll decide based on the results, here, take some napkins , wipe yourself off, luda, take the patient to the mri, okay, come on, come on, i’ll take the things, ivan nikolaevich, i understand correctly, this is some kind of education. how could lchin miss it? hello, are you finished? hello, that's it, we
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're leaving, change seats, yuu, catapult, oops, oops, run, run, run, come on, karim, come in, karim, hello, this is my daughter asya, thank you for agreeing to help us, oh, this is not for me , this is marina vladimirovna, so we we understood, we went to play in another room , we flew, we flew, what worries me is that it’s not my stomach that hurts a little, when i don’t feel well, maybe for a month or two, i don’t really remember, but even in the winter she lost consciousness, once she fainted on the street fell, take off your jacket, lie down, now let’s see, what’s this strange formation? i ’ve never seen anything like this, let’s call lchina, this is his patient after all, come on, we
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’re done, thank you, okay, get up carefully, unfortunately, we need another operation, there’s an adhesive process in the abdominal cavity, how did this adhesive process appear, you are needlessly scaring the patient, come out, come out, elena borisovna, sorry for the unnecessary excitement, our anesthesiologist, he has not yet fully understood the study, are you preparing for the operation, okay, okay, galya, prepare
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the patient for the operation, ok, let's get ready now. where are you? ivan nikolaevich, of course, excuse me, but where did you see the adhesive process? this is truly a foreign body. okay, then why this performance? because this is our doctor's mistake. and you can’t have a showdown in front of patients. well i can say that the liver is enlarged, the spleen is enlarged, and the lymph nodes are also enlarged. but it is so.
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marishenka, you won’t have any problems in the sklif , anything without documents, like documents , is not the most important problem , her condition is serious, she’s a good girl, she’s really bad, but i don’t know, she needs an examination, i don’t like it, so i don’t i like that you’re jumping around after the hospital, honestly, i ’ll tell oleg everything, it’s not good to knock, it’s not good to bring the man back. from the other world to force me to work, that’s it, i’ve packed my suitcase, i ’m leaving, oh, that’s it, calm down, please, now we’re going to have lunch , i’m afraid there won’t be enough room for me, god, what did he do to me, don’t pay attention, he’s just jealous, hello, irina aleksenovna, hello, narachinskaya, yes, maria vladimirovna, hello, how are you
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feeling, everything’s fine , everything is fine, i feel great, thank you, ah, i’m coming to you for help. the girl needs to be hospitalized, but there are no documents, okay, let her come, say that it’s from you, and i ’ll see what can be done, okay, thank you, goodbye, okay, okay, i’m here, hello, ivan nikolaevich, hello, ilchin, i was told that you have my patient, whom i removed. our own bubble , yes, we have arrived, we will operate , but what happened, well, i came with complaints of abdominal pain, we will watch, strange, the oligarch has arrived,
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it will begin now, tomorrow, quietly, my life depends on you, well, in general, yes, during the operation you discreetly do it to him. otherwise your whole family will die, they will never agree to this, you just don’t know well, skliposov’s final series, we’ll watch it tomorrow on rtr.
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work that allows us to hit targets with greater accuracy and corresponding range characteristics, the weapon has been brought to normal.
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with all the additional volumes in place , today we will consider and decide on the possibility of implementing all these projects. the supply of western weapons to sou also continues, while in kiev they are whining about the lack of shells, western representatives openly declare that the flow of weapons will not stop, they even started talking about the imminent transfer of american fighters again. in the same way, in the west they are not shy about saying what this means. ukrainians must pay.
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how to say, the dissector looks at the corpse, but in the face, it’s a stranger, you love your maidans all the time, you tell everyone that look, we have maidans, look how great we are, and
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if only... look at them from the outside without any sympathy, this is what it is , this is a coup d'etat, and where are these signs of democracy, if your institutions do not work and the people have to intervene to demolish everything and borrow, it is where your institutions do not work, and what kind of democratic norms do you have? what the president ordered to kill a journalist, he was cut into pieces, buried, and no one is in prison, indeed, vladimir vladimirovich , kiselyov... on these words, i see, he hung, that is, and he always hangs when there is no one to tell him in his ear what there must be an answer, the little man is empty and stupid, sexot , he said that the maidan is just the highest degree of manifestation of democracy, yes, it turns out, look, there is a coup d’etat, here kiselyov really started to freeze, but in general, to be honest, in ukraine they celebrate victory after victory, that is it’s an amazing country in this sense,
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there... legislation, that is, he didn’t register as a foreign agent, right, because, that is, according to american law , for just such words he should already receive a criminal sentence, to be honest, well, plus it’s just wonderful there everyone is now reading an article in the times newspaper about avdeevka, maxim tucker, a famous provocateur, i often remember him, one of
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the most... the main provocateurs of this newspaper, who works closely with the intelligence services of britain, ukraine, worked closely with budanov has been collaborating for a long time and is most likely the author of many fakes, which then spread widely, today he allegedly wrote a report from near avdeevka, well, that’s what it says, not far from avdeevka, well, that is, probably kiev, it’s nearby - yes, that’s what it describes there. and then he pees and says, that’s all, we had a rotation, there in avdeevski, well , there with him, yes, somewhere with him, despite the fact that you read the reports of his colleagues, well, in any case, journalists, reporters from daily mail, who drove nearby, of course , not to avdeevka, but nearby, and they say what a rotation we have, 100 people dropped out, 30 were brought in, instead of these dropouts, well, in the sense they died, were wounded, yes, that’s it, that’s it, here's the whole
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rotation. but the most important thing, here, i have to read this, maxim tucker, tymes newspaper, today, i emphasize, avdiivka will become a battle that will finally stop the russian wave and allow ukraine to turn the tide, that is, you understand, that is, this, well, i ’m reading this , i see reports, yes, panicky julia’s words on rebka that everything is over, they’ve blocked it off there.
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about the mobilization of all the children, women, old people, anyone, yes, and german propaganda writes, look, that’s all, now the border, the old border of the reich, it will become this very iron for, about it , this soviet rampart will break and so on, well that is, here’s one, why change something, one to one, you know, and i want to say right away so that our viewers, readers, so that ukrainian viewers can read...
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that the dpr, the leadership of the dpr, on the sly from moscow, quietly developing in donetsk a dirty atomic bomb, that is, you understand, yes, this is the level.
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i watched the program itself, this is a humorous show, they are called the daily show, they were laughing between jokes, anecdotes about trump ha-ha-ha, and so the chase slipped, well, this is the cheapest resource, the ukrainians, which is actually speaking, worry about them, yes, and this lady didn’t just walk in from the street, she took it not so long ago, on january 1 it was broadcast, an interview with vladimir zelensky. that is , i talked to him, she’s in the know, that’s it ukrainians have seen for themselves, i’m just drawing the attention of ukrainians once again to how the west treats them, why ukrainians shouldn’t count on any help, the
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more they send this help, you know, this is in order to kill you more , that is, here they tell you directly, you are just cheap consumables, i say again, we are not saying this, these are being said by those whom you consider your own...
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have every right to demand from the ukrainians that they stop supplying their low-quality grains from agricultural products personally is doing everything in order to essentially stop this supply, this is actually the attitude of the poles towards the ukrainians, now they are generally starting to say on air that the ukrainians must stop their propaganda, bandera propaganda, i want to note, since the poles, of course, are quite they reasonably perceive this as anti... polish rhetoric, and well, if someone in ukraine has illusions about the fact that they are greeted as gods, that they are loved and appreciated, well , let them read what they say about them or look at it, what do the poles say? agree,
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vladimir, yes, thank you, but i still want to go back to the personnel changes that zelensky had and see why they were carried out; in the armed forces of ukraine the number of people wanting to go over to the peaceful side has now grown sharply. this is confirmed not only by the events in the avdeevka meat grinder, yes, but we can already call it that, taking into account the fact that militant reinforcements have now been sent to the ukrainian armed forces in order to somehow unblock this only asphalt road, but we see that this is the road for them there was death, yes, because everyone who was thrown, everyone remained there, starting with vselidov’s training ground and ending with those who were able to reach at least the combat zone, and now there is also dirt there.
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where there were defeats, and very bloody defeats with a colossally large number of militants in the armed forces of ukraine of all possible other nazi units there, then other characters are less well-known, and here it is worth noting that , for example, the same pavlyuk, he is probably the most experienced boiler master, because because also started with the zvarinsky cauldron, and with the fourteenth year, when there was such a great defeat and the destruction of the armed forces of ukraine for the first time, and in such numbers that it led. to the first minsk agreements , when they ran to sign
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anything, just to at least stop this massacre, but regarding his role in mariupol, i already discussed this with you in the program, but an indicative point is that sodol, who is now the commander of the joint forces in the ssu, also a boiler master, and notorious for volnovakha, that is, a person who simply ruined there thousands of people, for this i also received a couple of orders, so in general i look at the post-ukrainian space under the control, no matter what regime there. well, they are all recklessly ready to carry out the will
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of zelensky, his most idiotic orders are decrees, but according to the information received, it is now confirmed once again, absolutely seriously, now with a lack of resources, with a lack of weapons and other things, the enemy has begun to consider the option of storming the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, well can you imagine, yes, that is, we returned to these wet dreams again, and most importantly with taking into account the fact that the situation with the dnieper has become a little different, and the mud there at the bottom, well, at the former bottom, is the same as in... nevertheless , the british arrived in earnest in the city of zaporozhye in the regional center on the upper reaches of the dnieper , and there the deep, wide dnieper again began to cross the dnieper and storm objects of man -made origin in the immediate zavodsky district of the city of zaporozhye, that is, in the industrial zone, that is, well, that’s what we’re preparing to train for again, and i’ll remind you that for more than a year , such actions haven’t happened since the beginning twenty-third and now we’ve returned to this again and here it’s just... quite suitable
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for such actions, especially since skibyuk, i remind you, he is the commander of the airborne assault troops, and we remember his bloody actions in the kharkov region, when he threw absolutely everything ukrainian landing force, somewhere, to put it mildly, achieved a small result, colossal blood, colossal losses, but is presented to the military as pushy, as, well, i beg your pardon, as invincible, yes, who, as it were, can do anything there... and this it is indirectly confirmed that literally this evening the energodar was fired upon, strikes were carried out with the help of kamekaze drones on the administration building on civilian objects, that is, the energodar, which was in relative silence for quite a long time, now it was again targeted and action began, so zelensky, to whom we need to show some picture, and we see that the british are now in complete charge there, it’s the british handwriting after all... these sabotage, assaults, the use of those
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drones, comics, they will asymmetrically respond to defeats on the fronts, this is obvious, yes, yes, and the number of people who are dragged to the slaughter is obliquely confirmed by deputies from the servants of the people, well , apparently their brain activity is not very good, for in order to earn some kind of popularity, there is such a character named shtepa in the zaporozhye region, well , he doesn’t say anything to anyone right away, but they all from this party don’t say anything, he suggested not to mobilize... directly teachers of preschool educational institutions, yah that is, the employees of these institutions, that is , essentially nannies and teachers, when they asked the question, are there women there, he said, well, there is a seventy-year-old guard there, although according to ukrainian law , no one should call seventy-year-old people yet, that is, they are already letting it slip about those plans that are being prepared for slaughter, but in reality we are now, well , it’s clear that our attention is closely drawn to... avdeevka, taking into account the fact that it is this avdeevka avdeevka meat grinder, it
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repeats in some kind of rewind, yes, well v large volumes of losses on the part of the enemy due to the attempts of what happened in bakhmut artyomovsk, but the most important difference is that, after all, then they held this bakhmut-artyomovsk in principle simply on zelensky’s command. now we see that, in addition to avdeevka, their affairs, to put it mildly, are not very happy, thank god on the zaporozhye front, and we are putting pressure on the orekhovo direction, yes, yes, that is. as if there is a general squeezing out of these scoundrels, and i think that the purpose of all these boiler masters is connected precisely with this, because they the most experienced, as in cauldrons, and throw a lot of people into cauldrons. that it’s just that this is a team of unearned people, it’s not even a fact that this is a team of syrsky, it’s just important that this is a team of unearned people, another question is that this kind of movement, on the one hand they are rocking, on the other hand, well, ambitious people, and military people are ambitious , they will try to prove that they can do something,
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the question is whether they have anything to prove and what they will try to do, well, we see now under the avdeevka that they are abandoning them because of their ambitions. including political ones, we know that zaluzhny has already joined poroshenko ’s party, yes, but the most interesting thing is that now he’s there with some kind of proposal, i don’t know what this person can offer, he officially announced that he joined poroshenko’s party, i don’t know about the official statement, but the whole party clearly states this and says, well, it seems to me that this would be a strong weakening of zaluzhny, why did he come so early, it would be strange, that is, it definitely does not play into the hands of zaluzhny, and it definitely increases poroshenko’s chances of being imprisoned to jail. i'm interested in something else, did anyone see it yesterday? zelensky near the prison? no , but he, well, yesterday was the day when zelensky usually performs the famous dance song, on the piano, no, happy birthday, but yesterday was kolomoisky’s birthday, that is , it’s interesting, zelensky came out to congratulate him, well, another
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big question , another big question is where is he ? already a boy, the boy said it, the boy did it, and he sent brews there on the chefir, as correctly said, yes, belomor kanalal, well, that is, everything is fine, in in conclusion, i still want to congratulate our guys, our fellow countrymen from the lugansk people's republic, and on the day of the liberation of lugansk , taking into account the fact that the main symbol of the liberation of the lugansk region, then still warshalograd, and its defense, yes, is kambat eremenko, a native of the zaporozhye region, yes, so here is the involvement, the involvement of historical lands.
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very bad, in fact, syrsky openly speaks about this in his first interview, obviously things are also bad for those who support the ukrainian regime, who pumping it up with weapons, who provide political support, because until recently they were the only monopolists on information for the western public.
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they began to sing their old song louder about the need to stop russia. many people probably noticed bareilles’ statement, when he last went to ukraine, he said a lot of things there, but what ’s interesting is that bareilles said that there is a battle of narratives going on, here’s a battle of narratives, which is just as important, like the struggle at the front, and at the same time, the old picture arises again, which...
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why not go crazy in norway and finland? that is, why is it so difficult to attack europe in such a cunning way? or don’t suffer there, but considering that we are a single state with belarus, go straight to poland.
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let's get back to this right after a short pause, there's a big accident on the highway, there's enough air, sklifosovsky, the oligarch has arrived. of course, quietly, my life depends on you, well, in general, yes, during the operation you discreetly do it to him, otherwise your whole family will die, i should say that you are a joker, joker, well, excuse me that i don’t dance , i don’t sing in front of you, you feel bad, i ’m going to give birth, they didn’t leave him a choice, i think it won’t go well, you just don’t know him well, skleposovsky of the final episode tomorrow on rtr.
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i ask you to sign one of the most important documents in your life. the mortgage agreement with the taraski family has been signed. please, a book of complaints. here you are. know how not to report napkins later, he doesn’t work, take him back, that’s why we fired him, because he didn’t work at all, and now get your books on anger management, serenity, bandbook, we read it, we saw it, the technique in which this is done is called realism, yes, i almost fell for it at first, but i need a real one, maybe this... this is also realism, this is the original, history of a big
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country, on friday on rtr, i love you very much, yes, but i can’t give birth to a child for you, what kind of family is it without children? anton madegliani, 12 years old , last name, still licking a heart wound, will you... teach me, yes , i will, i invited you here, which means i bear responsibility for you are responsible, and you like our doctor, i like it, i do too, it’s a pity that i don’t have such a dad, who sent, who is this woman, choose, either me or her, they are very easy to apply, it is much more difficult to cure them, you are everything ... in life you heal other people’s hearts, but you can’t deal with your own heart
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, heart wounds on saturday on rtr, our president recently in a well-known... interview recalled, but about, probably, a very tragic side of the current conflict, and by telling this story about the fact that the vsushniki shouted that the russians would not surrender, right? but this once again putin says that there is an element of civil war here, and if we initially paid attention to the fact that the event in ukraine is a civil war within ukrainian citizens, and within ukraine, there is obviously also an element of civil war within ... the great russian people, which our president himself spoke about once again, why it seems to me that our national leader pays
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attention to this more than once - it seems to me, in the struggle of meanings, in the struggle of narratives, this is the recognition of this tragic country of the current conflict , it at the same time indicates that this is our topic, this is our problem, this is our internal topic, yes, and at the same time, on the one hand, it makes us take this more seriously, understand that we are at war only for their own, and for those who... are trying to make a monster out of russia who is trying to absorb someone else, this position is completely broken, in this regard, here is the same picture, there is the figure of syrsky, who, we we watched this entire interview, we already saw how he barely speaks ukrainian, in principle, an absolutely russian person, an absolutely person whose family is in russia, there are now
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all sorts of videos going around that he’s almost in a box. there is a component here, so, in the struggle of the meanings of the narratives, recognizing that we are fighting, everyone is actively discussing it, it is obvious that this is ours, we must stand on this, we are liberating our people, we are fighting for our lands, for, by and large that land, the land from which...
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we do this for the sake of the ukrainians, we would not lose ours, this is our traditional it is a misconception that we are trying to take away those who are against us, and not strengthen those who are for us, and this is very, i, of course, understand that it would be nice to paint an ideal picture, that we come to every ukrainian’s house and explain, but what we want to say that ukrainians are stupid, you know, when it began, when it was 1914 and ukraine went to donbass - a significant part of our fellow countrymen had a part of such ukrainian self-awareness, it was strong enough, which went away literally in a few months as soon as the people of donbass saw what it carries ukraine, they felt like russian people, this transformation of identity, it is happening today, it is extremely important today in order to reach out, it
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seems to me that we need to work. russian , it will turn out that ukrainian self-consciousness will come into russian, what is ukrainian self-consciousness, i know that the germans all became anti-fascists on may 9 , 1945, we need to win, as soon as there is victory, awareness immediately appears in our heads , of course, because everything else, let’s give it to them now, listen, in the fourteenth year, when they went to kill, when 3000 people or whatever went through...
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russophobia, if you win, then you have to do everything to win, and for this, first and foremost , and victory is the main cure for the turn you need to to strengthen, i absolutely agree, our own, when we talk over and over again about what and what we are ready to offer them there, life, because there is... they want to die, so they want to die, if in the next cauldron - it’s their choice , and if they want to live, they must understand that there is purity well-known, agreed, left, surrendered
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, so our victory is their life, this is to flirt with them, since the ninety-first year they have chosen a very different path, crimea has chosen its path, donbass has chosen its path, these people, zaporozhye, kherson region, chose life. and , by the way, many in those territories are now fighting, they left those territories, came to us, many left for russia, so they made their choice, we are one people with them, but on the territory of ukraine there has never been one people, on the territory ukraine has always been there are a lot of different peoples with very different self-identifications, isn’t it so, but odessa is a russian city and odessa is waiting. odessa is a russian city, but lviv is not, but lviv is not, although it was once russian, well, long ago, when it was russian, well, it was the center of russaphilism and moscaphilism, by the way, then it was
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rather a jewish city, no, well, i mean there there were a lot of muscovophiles, who were just jews in telergof; there were no ukrainians to be found there, but that’s not the case here at all. this is a difficult question, but the simple fact is that here we have now this narrative is heard, and what can you , for me, donbass must be given everything, kherson must be given, crimea must be given here, zaporozhye, you can literally say, from my own experience in the zaporozhye region, those who shouted the loudest, zayushchenko, poroshenko and zelensky, they sang the russian anthem the loudest without mistakes, when the local residents, who were simply waiting for russia, did not know him, they still remembered the soviet one from memory, yes, but these shouted louder than everyone else, this is precisely the whole danger, absolutely true.
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i'll probably start with mr. stoltenberg, nato security agent, who on february 7 in brussels said that we do not consider peace as guaranteed, but we do not see any immediate threat of attack from russia on the territory of the alliance countries. so i want to ask a question: is he ready to say the same thing on the territory of ukraine in the presence of president zelensky, who convinces everyone that ukraine actually protects europe, it is the shield of europe, and... everyone should pay ukraine for that ukraine is protecting this europe, but you know, i wouldn’t talk about it i remembered today, after all, it was already february 7, if today he had not deciphered his words in general and said what he actually says about what is connected with
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the absence of this threat, with what turns out to be , this is due to the fact that the alliance countries decided to increase their investments in defense, so to speak, to... this is the demand of donald trump, who at one time, while still in office as president, demanded that european countries increase their defense budgets to 2% gdp will fully pay for the service to provide them
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security from the united states of america. what are we even talking about? and we are talking about the fact that these 380 billion, yes, we understand, this amount can grow to 4% of gdp, not today, but tomorrow, will create certain conditions, and this will be discussed. about trillions, billions and billions of dollars that will be allocated for the defense of europe, and they will be developed, i have no doubt about this at all, defense will be developed. complex of the united states of america, the americans will supply weapons to europe, firstly, they created a precondition when, well, the european industry cannot simply , by definition, compete with the american one, because their gas is 3.5 times more expensive than in the united states of america, and there is no reason to believe that they will receive any alternative gas or restore supplies of eastern i have russian gas, yes, that is, the americans will have all the arguments on the table in favor, they will say... what’s the problem, we
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ensure your safety, pay this money, we will be ready, so to speak , to ensure your safety. ukraine in this the situation was assigned a certain role, which it successfully fulfilled, but at the cost of the lives of hundreds of thousands of its soldiers, hundreds of thousands, although in fact, by and large, we are talking about the desire of the americans to degrease some europeans, not only in terms of defense.
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that germany will lose everything, but money , you know, it doesn’t appear out of nowhere and doesn’t disappear anywhere, it just flows, so i get the impression that that’s all, that’s all that’s happening with ukraine, with europe , this is absolutely planned, an implemented, simple financial scheme, behind which are the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, behind which are destroyed cities, behind which are people.
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i can’t imagine what the war plan that syrsky should present to zelensky might look like in conditions where it is generally unclear how mobilization will take place, how much financial resources will be allocated, whether there will be shells or not , how it will be, you know, this equation with all the unknowns, says, go find something, i don’t know what, bring that, i don’t know what, well, like this, how can i say this, what the plan will look like, and how, very simply, he will say, by the summer we will , apparently, lose the territory up to transnistria, by the end of the summer, up to transnistria, the kharkov province, we will reach the dnieper border and will hold the defense, a wonderful plan, a wonderful plan, by the way, we will dig in, in what remains of kiev, strengthen the lions, yeah, and we will beg the russians not to go further.


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