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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  February 14, 2024 11:25pm-2:06am MSK

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listen, masha, actually you’re a woman, it’s okay , even though you get stuck sometimes, this is instead of thank you, okay, thank you, yeah, so you came to the distiller, well, he went around the corner to have a snack, i’ll go and have a snack too, hello , hello, i'm glad to see you, i'm glad to see you too, let's go to the hospital to see the injured hostage, come on, she hasn't been discharged yet , otherwise i brought you straight to the prosecutor's office, i don't want to go to the prosecutor's office, it's impossible to be there, but why so, oh well , a new investigator came, he already managed to say nasty things to everyone, he’s got a hold of you, he comes into my office, i tell him didn’t call, and said: your walls are dirty.
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i need to wash it, clearly, you ran away, uh-huh, i also ran away, your fillon drives me crazy, although i have to give it to him, today he was thrashing like a stakhanovite, he’s fighting for the title of the best investigator in the city, uh-huh, well, let’s go to the hospital , flew off, oh , hi, hi, hi, where are you going as a couple, zhen, we’re working, we’re going to the hospital to interrogate the victims about yesterday’s seizure, can i come with you, you left the prosecutor’s office early, maybe you’ll come back? no, i'm not a child, i left, so i left, well, let's go, we can, may i be glad to meet you, your colleague, nikolai felonov. belyaev, ivan ivanovich
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, you will be put down, i don’t understand and don’t approve of these drinks at work places , you have to work, i completely agree with you, i completely agree, after these drinking sessions a fight inevitably begins, all sorts of troubles, your head hurts, you have some kind of canteen nearby - is there anything? well, where do you have lunch, around the corner is a bestra, two restaurants, bestro, restaurants, you have a workers’ canteen, we don’t even have workers, it’s clear.
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nina, there isn’t a single canteen nearby, no, i haven’t eaten yet, my wife will feed me sandwiches, why sandwiches, now she’ll bring me hot food, well, bon appetit. thank you, i won’t take it, i’m here until six, now it’s already five minutes, we’re from the prosecutor’s office, or even from the supreme council, i’ll close the honor and whatever you want. well, we’re on
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business, we need to go to the sixth floor, oh, i don’t care, and they won’t let you in there in street shoes, but you have shoe covers, 10 rubles. and everywhere there are four, well, go where there are four, and why only two pairs, because, zhenya, it’s good that we... took you with us, take care of things, hold on, girl, can you tell me where the eighth ward is, we have victims there, and svetlana borisovna petrova, yes. yes, a seizure at the market, yes, yes, she
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hasn’t been discharged yet, no, she’s still in the ward, go there, please, girl, can i call? i told you so. it’s impossible, here you go, the jar of food has been delivered, thank you, linochka, oh, let me help , thank you, you are an investigator, yes, i’ve been working for 3 years, well , then help, please, it’s hot, and you thought it was necessary eat hot food, otherwise your stomach will spoil, go wash hands, thank you, i think i’ll go, it’s somehow inconvenient, you didn’t count on me,
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don’t even think about it, i always count on the whole team where vanechka works, therefore there’s no time to eat, yeah, go, go, wash your hands , well, come on in, quickly, it’s cooled down, sit down, how many more investigators do you have? another woman, we have the stakes, we just don’t have the complement, if only they would give us an intern. a young woman, well, it’s clear, that means she won’t cook, nothing, i ’ll bring it myself, lunch is a must, ninochka, my colleague goes to bestro, yeah, but
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mine tastes better, i always cooked for the entire prosecutor’s office where vanechko worked, i even went on a business trip with him, what kind of woman do you have? she's good, she's not bad, she's just a bore, ivan ivanovich, we had a hostage situation at the market, the taker was shot, so she pestered me, saying, send this scoundrel's gun to the bullet casing room, what is it, why is it necessary, business -he’s closing anyway, you know, what difference does it make where he got the gun from, nikolai, you’re wrong, but what if this any other crimes with a pistol? what brand of pistol? well makarov so what? makarov? what if this is a service weapon? if it was stolen from a police officer? vanechka, do you remember investigating the murder of a policeman and the theft of a pistol? so
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they never found any weapons there? good evening, would we like svetlana borisovna? this is a hostage , or something, she was also shown on tv, and she is the one, how can we see her, and she went, where for the procedure, no, she left altogether, as she left, well, like on her feet, that is, she went home or something , well i don’t know, but she took her things, a long time ago, but in a minute. are you from the police or what? yeah, someone came for her, who who? well , i don’t know who, but she quickly got ready and started, thank you, thank you, please.
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girl, where is your patient, she says, she went home, like home, who let her go? it looks like she didn't ask anyone. do you have a medical history? yes, can i take a look? yes,
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of course, that’s good, at least there’s an address, yeah, we’ll have to rush there, let’s go only if she’s there. i don’t know, thanks, well, otherwise i’m already i got bored, no way, our victim ran away. let's go, by the way, while i was sitting here, it was in the darkness of the night, now such a couple came out onto the street to her house, her aunt was such a creature, maybe it was they who had not passed for a long time, no, just now, her slippers were still lying around, do you think the smell remains? who knows, why her smell
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, she’s a victim, it might come in handy, well, we rushed off, let’s go, even though she’s not at home, why do you think so, volodya, if a person rushes out of the hospital so quickly, it’s unlikely he’ll go home , well, check it anyway it’s necessary, you tell interesting things, and how you could work in such conditions, well, ask, vitya, you know, if i forget something, nina will remember, she has a file cabinet for each of my cases, ask,
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vitya, in ninety-five , you worked in the investigative unit in the region, that’s right, you don’t remember who investigated the krapivin case, it was about the murder of a police officer, of course, i remember, well, krapivin is my business, my mother was found, she found me, can you imagine, maybe she 's hiding something, she's... it seems like the beginning some kind of suspicious, someone else’s daughter, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to the house himself, we ’ll start, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase the low pressure, how can an air freshener cause asthma? how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and
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cheese, this is a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust for 100%, you will be happy, well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but health for sure. dr. myasnikov on saturday nar, and i and you sit here, maybe i’ll miss another interesting couple. i wonder if our
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elevators will ever work, but they won’t get stuck, call, hello, hello, svetlana borisovna petrova lives here, no, no, no svetlana borisovna petrova is here. no, i live here with my husband, and you are agitators? criminal investigation. are you sure that petrova is not here? of course i'm sure. i am shevchuk and my husband is shevchuk, we are shevchuks. yeah, well, well, do you want me to show you my passport? yes, we do. yes? yes, if possible, we would also like to inspect your apartment. oh, my god, for god's sake. please come in. so show me your passport? in vselozhsk the body of a local policeman was discovered. right at the strong point, but he didn’t have a pistol with him, then we received information that
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shots were fired repeatedly in one of st. petersburg’s apartments, and from whom did the information come? well , then the criminal investigation department didn’t ask who reported it, the criminal investigation department wrote a certificate, so declassification was out of the question, but my dear, you haven’t seen those times anymore, then a lot of things were different, in short, we went to this apartment. they found shell casings from a stolen policeman's pistol, they also found a jacket with traces of blood, the blood on the jacket matched the blood type of the victim. and who was involved? the krapivina brothers lived in the apartment, the eldest wife and stepdaughter, and the younger one was mentally retarded since childhood, but we didn’t take him into account at all. yes, the eldest denied everything, and the wife testified that on the night, when there was a murder, yes, he returned home in this very bloody jacket, in
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his pocket she found a ticket to everything. yes, well, yes, then there was no witness immunity yet. a moratorium on the death penalty, his execution was replaced by 15 years of imprisonment, yeah, and senior krapivin was given a watchtower, but in connection with the gun we never found, so what, but we found the killer? i warned you, the hostage typed in her address, who is she , who came for her, we need to identify her, maybe she has something to do with that guy. yes, we have only one asset slippers, the surname is not written on them. wait, maybe it’s written, i had such a case. what about the smell? god bless the smell, the main thing is different. take a closer look.
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look, the slippers are signed, just like in a pioneer camp. yes, so that such a treasure is not stolen, here is the village, well , it is signed, and what does this give us? two letters k, k? how is this what? you need to look for a woman with a first and last name that begins with the letter k. got it? tomorrow i will bring you 15 thousand of these. well , sorry, i said something stupid. no, nothing, not the first time. now i'll give you these slippers? let's go, let's go. ok. good morning, good, ivan ivanovich, they told me that you were investigating the krapivin case, the murder of a policeman, yes, and why are you so slouched, young, bent over like a hook, straighten up, and about the case i told philon everything in detail, but then i wasn’t it was, maybe you can repeat it again, you’d better
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read the story, what kind of way is it to listen to stories? documents are documents, you see, ivan ivanovich, sometimes the case does not reflect everything that the investigator knows, then it is very useful to listen to the stories, and why don’t you they checked for the involvement of the younger brother, but because there was enough evidence to accuse the older one, then the jacket was covered in blood, she was an adult, and he appealed the verdict, appealed, well, what motivated it, well, it’s not guilty, it’s clear. okay, why did he kill chistkovoy and steal the gun? listen, marya sergeevna, how can i know, if the defendant did not testify, then the case went through the court, the verdict entered into legal force, what do you want from me, for me to be holier than the pope himself? no i do not want to,
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listen, my wife. there is a detailed dossier on each of my cases, if you want, i will ask her to bring krapivin’s dossier, i want, thank you, ivan ivanovich, but you’re welcome, oh, mary sergeevna, you almost traumatized my, so to speak, sensitive nature, i’m sorry , what have you been reading, orders on
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yes, yes, it’s me, that already, yeah, now for... you can, come in, marya, wow, what splendor, well, nothing special, introduce yourself. this is our investigator marya sergeevna shvetsova, and this is my wife, a very nice assistant. eat first and then i will i’ll show you everything, i won’t, thank you,
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wash your hands. hello, sorry, i was told that shveytsov is here. come in, young man, it seems to me that you worked in the criminal branch. yes, yeah, in my time people always wore ties to the opera. thank you, i'll take that into account. quickly sit down at the table, just wash your hands. i know that the operatives. thank you, no, no , but actually, that’s it, nina fedovna, before we wash our hands, we can look at the dossier, okay, okay, this is the accused, yeah, krapivin, stepan vasilyevich, and this is his wife, ksenia krapivina, nina, well, how do you remember everything, i remember, ksenia krapivina, a lover of signing. hospital slippers with two letters for hostage.
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what about the hostage? we are looking at the place of residence of the ambush, she will not return there. minokurov checks the railway ticket office. yes, there is a reason, it is unlikely that she has documents under a different surname. and what? work, what is her daughter? yes , she never worked, her husband supported her, well, her husband has been in prison for 7 years, and she put him there herself, and after the arrest, probably
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someone else supported her, but she could never understand what attracts men to non-working women. viktor ivanovich, are you asking this as a man or as a boss? ok, we talked, developed things, so... sign, what are you signing, certification for the position of deputy prosecutor? viktor ivanovich, i asked , don’t make me angry, after all, this is just a certification, maybe you won’t be appointed, why might they not appoint me, you have to be more modest, it’s unknown where he works with his daughter krapivina, we’ll have to look in fact, maybe... there are some clues on connections, but i hope that you don’t have the thought of going to the colony where krapivina is serving his sentence , although it’s very far away, and why
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kromolina, this naturally suggests itself, the prosecutor’s office doesn’t have money for a business trip, well i ’ll go at my own expense, that’s why he won’t appoint you, there’s no need to go anywhere, send him here to the investigator. well, this is a long time, how long does it take for the investigation to congress? well, if you argue with the prosecutor's office about the business trip, then you will have even more time will pass, that's why you always argue, well, you like it, where did you get it from, that's why, oh well, so while the nettles are being topped. go to the court archives, read the case, calmly, well , slowly, uh-huh, okay, hello, maria
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, they say you got married, yes, to whom, and you need to know everything, uh-huh, you’re not the deputy prosecutor yet, no, you're in the archives, yes, you need to make a copy of the verdict, i forgot to send a request about the terms about... you yourself know, prisons and sums, tipunte on the tongue.
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sorry, can i call? yes please. vinokrova, please. volodya, hello. listen, i’m reading krapivin’s case here , there’s not enough information, please find the address of schwalbaum’s lawyer boris aleksandrovich, uh-huh, yes, yes, no , you don’t need to meet me, uh-huh, bye, i’ll call again, uh-huh, uh-huh, yes, dim, hello , listen, i ’ll come home on time today, i’m in the archives, no, no need to meet, that’s it, bye, kiss, thank you.
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not for anything, but why did you refuse to be met, do you own judo or have a pistol in your pocket, or maybe there is someone else, but no, why, after all, it’s better to be met, we have places here deaf, the cemetery is nearby, in the evenings i feel very uneasy, yes, yes, call. hello, hello, oh, masha, why didn’t you warn me that they were meeting you, great, i dropped everything, but i didn’t know it myself, masha, you asked to find a lawyer, he’s waiting for us, wait, i came in vain, dimochka, i’ll quickly go straight home, okay, that’s interesting.
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what would have happened if i said no, well, we went , don’t worry, i’ll take her home, but i ’m not worried, what did you take, volodya, oh, and you ’re not going to get married, and that you and your wife are a good couple , well, here you are, i didn’t expect it from you. listen, he’s even more jealous than your ex, well, you compared, if i were married to andrey, i would n’t be here with you now, oh well, you always did everything your own way, what did it cost me, listen, what do
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you think? i quickly managed to find a lawyer, a secret of the company, he had been retired for a long time, he was even glad that he would have someone to talk to, i actually made an agreement with him for tomorrow , but he insisted, no, come now, so i didn’t come for you with the purpose of destruction your family, do successful lawyers really live in such ceremonial ones, but 100 years ago he was prosperous, now he is an ordinary pensioner. who are you looking for at night? to boris alexandrovich. to schwalbaum, three calls. i said three rings. listen, since we ’re bothering someone at home, we should have at least bought something for tea. and so to the interrogation empty-
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handed? moshli? nice, i can offer you tea, coffee and cognac, thank you, it’s not worth it, come on, young man, when was the opera they refused good cognac, and you, madam, excuse me, i didn’t introduce myself, marya sergeevna shveytsova, i investigator, heard, heard, very nice, please, so would you prefer tea,
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if possible, tea, everything is on the table, thank you, so, the investigator and operative comes to talk to me about a case seven years ago about... experimentally, yes, a crime has been committed in our area that is connected with the long-ago murder of a district police officer in vselarsk, which you carried out, my client is sitting, sitting, so i wanted to talk about him, but what can i say about him, he was lucky that they declared a moratorium on the death penalty, i am today i read the case, and what are your impressions, contradictory, come on, well, it’s interesting, it seemed to me that your relationship with your client did not work out, well , for goodness sake, what kind of relationship, i defended him conscientiously, did everything i could, although for that kind of money, boris alexandrovich, a lot of time has passed, maybe maybe you will lift the veil of commercial secrets, you are talking about my fee, but then i did not hide the fact that
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an agreement was not concluded with me, and according to the writ of execution i received a penny, but it happens that a lawyer is paid without a receipt, young man, are you from tax office, right? forget about mine fee, i couldn’t have helped him with anything for a million dollars. boris alexandrovich, we simply cannot have any complaints. we are interested in something else: the krapevin family, as far as we know, was very wealthy, why did you protect it as intended? believers, i also painfully searched for the answer to this question, why the wife doesn’t want to pay for her husband’s defense, and that she didn’t even make a deal with you, no, you know, how it happens, i was on duty when called by the investigator, i came to the presentation , accusation, well , i contacted my relatives, called them, and so what?
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they told you, my wife was just rude to me and hung up on me, well, i called her several times, i wanted to try to arrange a date, you know, it was difficult then, so she didn’t make contact with you, no, she didn’t, only to her judges u saw, the main witness for the prosecution, but she could have been a witness for the defense, or she could not have been a witness at all, because then witness immunity was already in effect, the wife could refuse to testify against her husband, yes , yes, yes, she drowned him, usually wives had to fight back, money, notes, transfer, which means that it appeared only at the trial, i saw her before the trial, she asked her husband to sign a power of attorney for the sale of the apartment, and krapevin signed the power of attorney, without any conversation, it had nothing to do with the case, and the evidence, there is evidence, you can’t argue against it , it depends on how you interpret them, what do you mean,
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krapivin’s fingerprints were not at the scene of the incident, but he might not have left them, but the fingerprints that were there were not identified, come on mash, anyone could have inherited them, the guards , you know how it happens, yes, but not all possible defendants were worked out. involvement, what do you mean? i mean krapivin’s younger brother , who, by the way, was very interested in weapons, for mercy, for mercy, this venerable brother in ninety-five was 12, 14 years old, he looked like such a stooped, puny child, i wouldn’t give him more than twelve, but that it was necessary to check for involvement, yes, there are circumstances in the case that point directly to him, what could have been overlooked? this is easy to explain; you haven’t often traveled by train in dovselarsk, have you? yes i i haven’t driven it at all, but what does it matter? the file contains a ticket for the dovsellarsk train, exactly on the date when the murder occurred. well, yes, his wife krapivina gave him away, this was one of the main
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pieces of evidence, but it is genuine, there is a certificate from the railway in the file, the top has been erased, but what was there at the top? the word is children's. well, the old man won't sleep all night now. listen, how did you guess that the ticket was for children? as for the price, the price remains the same. fantastic. the ticket sat for 7 years, was in business, didn’t touch anyone, everyone liked it. suddenly masha came. okay, you i heard what he said, i didn’t take the train from radyas. and the investigator is an opera, well, you give it to me. they have free travel with your id. well, yes. wait, how do you know? you also drive with a license. i’m buying a ticket, okay, let’s go, tomorrow we’ll have a search at the extreme guards, mash, what do you want to find?
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i don’t know yet, experience for a clear conscience. the task, i understand. volodya, yes, where would you hide the pistol cartridges? you know yourself, sometimes we find ourselves in such stupid places, it would never have occurred to us, then check all the stupid places, okay, yes, all the places here are stupid. which could have hidden a pistol, van , the younger one, the pistol with which he was shot was lying under the counter, well then what do you want from me, find a place, stop it, a portrait, you can’t get rid of the thought that krapivin the elder was unreasonably convicted. of course, this is unreasonable
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, is it really possible that an adult, mentally healthy man would fire from a stolen pistol in his apartment, yes, it looks more like ligofren , that’s it, plus a child’s ticket to vsellarsk, plus a new friend of the younger krapivin, who was registered with the police in sevelsk, and somewhere a friend dug up in the medical history, when anamnesis is taken from mentally ill patients, they study it practically all their lives, and so a certain karayan nunu appears there. they met in a mental hospital, vadim karayan lived with his guardian in vsevlarsk, and bothered all the police. so, it means that krapivin, the youngest, went to vsevolozhsk, where the murder took place, to visit a friend. yes. where is this friend now? but no one knows this. that's why i need you. well, for the life of me, nothing comes to mind about where to store the pistol. it's gone in the drain tank. no, well, you can, of course, have a look. okay, let's start with the basics.
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vanya, i’m coming, gentlemen are understood, you’re lucky, maybe there was a weapon there, let’s take traces of grease, uh-huh, cartridges from walter, the guy who took the hostage on the runka, they shot him with a jack. very interesting, isn’t this gun lubricant? it looks like we’ll take it for examination and check it, but these are women’s gloves, the jacket is also a woman’s, but not the hostage’s auntie, she won’t fit into it, don’t forget that another woman lived here, the daughter of this madam, yeah, well well, let's wrap up, we found what we wanted, gentlemen are understood, let's go through, sign the protocol. you were right, there are indeed traces of lubricants on the gloves in
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the jacket pocket too. what's interesting about you? i sorted out the documents that we seized from the apartment. well, kropivin’s wife divorced him as soon as the sentence came into force. i sold the apartment and bought a new one, which, of course, didn’t fit him into. it's a shame, it's good that i'm not married. you have to look at who to marry. yes, i'm already old. it's better this way. by the way, i graduated from the institute of communications. well what? do you know what the motto of signalmen is? what kind of relationship without marriage? who will give you a glass of water? i don’t drink water, only alcohol. bath, will you take some cognac? so, i understand that you need an examination of 20 pages as of yesterday. stop, it’s not so scary, but it needs to be done urgently. well then, post it? listen, i haven’t had time to buy a cognac yet, i’m stupid, i laid out the materials. i’m going to die, come and give me a glass of water,
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don’t even doubt it, in the archival file i photocopied prints from the scene of the murder of a local police officer in vsevolozhsk, with what to compare, with these with these, as i understand it, this is a posthumous nettle, uh-huh, who is karaya, the boss at home, uh-huh, oh, wait, “you received a notification that the nettles were transported from the colony, so quickly, yes, and something yet, and the boss asked you, i’m going to see him, yes, hello, i won’t interfere, yes, no, no, come in, viktor ivanovich, is it okay for you to ask me, nikolai petrovich, so i’ve given permission, yes viktor ivanovich, well i said something like this, since you’re both here..." let’s immediately discuss krapivin’s case, but what to discuss, i
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stopped mine, without interrogating the victim, but what can she say , she hasn’t had time to come to her senses yet, she probably can do something if she’s a relative of krapivin, what kind of krapivin, who took her hostage, you don’t know that either, uh, viktor ivanovich, i didn’t have time, but that’s the point they have already stopped, so, i feel, here... intrigues, they are undermining the best investigator of the city, i can go, yes, nikolaich, go, tear up the order to terminate the case, i knew it, thank you, marya sergeevna, i understood that you are investigating a case seven years ago, well, actually, yes, well, not without benefit for today, not without benefit, i think i identified the killer of krapivin
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jr., come on, come on, during a search in the krapivins’ apartment, a woman’s jacket and gloves were found, yeah, in the pocket of the patron’s jacket. from walter of the same caliber that was used to kill krapivin at the market, gun lubricant on gloves, not really the daughter of krapivin, i think yes, she won’t have a premeditated murder, most likely exceeding the limits is necessary for defense, after all, the mother defended the carrying of weapons, and the search, we are looking, we found distillers by to the ticket office that they went to the leningrad region, it only remains to determine who, they couldn’t have gone nowhere, well... lord, ask for a telephone exchange, the mother is in the hospital, the daughter bought tickets, probably called somewhere where they were going to go, agreed. thank you, viktor ivanovich, we somehow didn’t think about this at all. i hope that you will complete this case before your appointment as deputy, because i would not want you to have something left in the proceedings when you are already
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in charge of the investigation. then i will investigate this matter until the end of my days. marya sergeevna, i wanted to talk to you seriously, please, can i even guess what? yes, you are right, krapivin’s department. ivan ivanovich, it looks like stepan kropivin was convicted unfoundedly, and if i prove this, then the sentence will have to be revised. do you think i’m going to make a complaint to you, well, what are you, i’ll be glad to correct my mistake, i’m ready to help you, you can count on me, well, actually, that’s all
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i wanted to say.
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well, what fun place are we going to? in mork or jail? let's go through ruvd, i need to go to vinokurova. listen, you can’t live a minute without vinokurov. you're finally jealous of me. yes, i could pretend to say: no, whatever, but i'm an honest guy, a little bit. are you stupid, he is not just a friend, but you are not just a friend to him. is it that noticeable? it's noticeable to me.
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and i’m coming to you, and i’m coming to you, listen, the boss came up with a simply brilliant idea, check all long-distance calls from krapilin’s apartment. christmas trees, how did it not occur to us, i’ll do it, of course, but where are you going? to vselovsk on business service, but he couldn’t go with me , well, my husband is so jealous, but if i were in his place , i would actually challenge me to duel, oh, you boys just want to fight, it’s an old russian pastime, hello, hello, do you even know , where your crazy wife is dragging you, not to prison, not to the mall, it’s already good, but i see you’re already used to everything, life with her toughens you up, dima, we’ll be late for the theater, why do n’t we have to go for half an hour , so you’re going to the theater after vsevolozhsk? yes, cultural program, bye, hmm, well, good luck, thank you, bye. happy, dima, where are you from so good you know roads, not only roads, much
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more, i have a rich past, i hope it’s not too dark, lord, wherever people live, and i once lived in such a house. who's there? this is an investigator from st. petersburg, we agreed. hello. “hello , mr. ivanovich, you were the guardian of vadim
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karayan, yes, he was, he was, why not be, my dear nephew, the son of my dear late sister, my sister jumped out of the armenian, and at that house he turned out to be in grief, how he left in his revan, so we never saw him, yeah, but he hit his sister with a car, look at you, fate, "armenians are also driving"? sat, only our local, we are still friends with him, how is it , but why, it was her own fault, she jumped out drunk onto the road, kingdom of heaven, we studied with this armenian at school, where is your nephew now, and this one , who is from the sister or brother of my deceased , kingdom of heaven, so vadim karayan, who lived here, and he hasn’t lived for five years already? but what about five six already six or maybe and the seven district policeman kept getting attached to him, i’ll put him in prison, he says yes, i’ll put him in prison, why put him in prison?
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a young guy , talk to him like a human being, all business is that you are talking about the district policeman whom they killed and they killed him, they killed the kingdom of heaven, so why didn’t vadim live when the district policeman was gone, and it’s true that when he was killed, he left, look for me, grandfather says , don’t defeat me dashingly, i don’t know where he is now, whether his kingdom of heaven is still alive , my god, what am i saying, and so are the daughters-in-law, no-no-no, nothing, daughters-in-law, nothing, but somewhere here they are dying without pensions , it’s a pity, nothing will work out without him, of course, but what is it that he gave up, so the jacket they found him, they wanted to return him, they need him to identify her, or one of her relatives, so i ’ll find out, yes, i know, i know, let’s show her, okay.
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but this is possible, now they will come running, guys, there is a case, one thing needs to be found out according to the law. you are present here, i will find out , they will draw up a protocol, they will give the things back, well, in general, messr . ivanovich explained everything correctly, i will show the photographs, if he recognizes the jacket, i will draw up a protocol, he will have to sign, you agree, so what, yeah, so , oh, so here it is, here’s vadka’s jacket, that’s right, it couldn’t be more precise, oh, the hole on the sleeve is sealed, it’s a piece of trash, the trash is through the fence, the forest is caught on the sleeve. tore it up, i wanted to punch him in the face, and he hit him in the butt with a poker, oh, look, uh, no, look, look, so i see, thank you, and yevonny
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, yevonny’s jacket, uh-huh, wow, it’s getting dark, we ’re not going to the theater we'll be late, no , you'll still have time to change clothes, how do you have the patience to mess around with these bastards, i couldn't stand it, i'd kick him in the head again, naive people believe that the investigation is action, in fact the investigation is hellish patience, and you like all this... “no, you know, i don’t even think about work, i once dreamed of how to refute the accused’s version, what are you talking about, there’s only one thing that makes me happy in this situation, i
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know exactly what i need to do for...” what’s the last thing? the message from my nephew is dated two weeks ago, dima, what kind of opera things are they? what should i have done? by law, by law, you should have received a sanction? not necessarily, he could have given them to me himself, how could he explain to you for an hour that he hadn’t seen him for many years, and then all of a sudden, greetings from his nephew, no make me laugh, no, well, thank you very much , of course, but it was still obtained illegally, so
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give it everything, i made a mistake, put myself out there, look around, i’m afraid we’ll be late, wow, look, he’s been there for a long time, he’s settled in, no one’s looking for him i'm worried about what he's going to get out of there, but how did it occur to you that the district police officer could have been killed by nekrapirin jr., but by karayan, but in fact, you have a cassette with live footage of the hostage taking, of course, please play it,
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opa, free my brother, i i'll kill her, i 'll kill her, brother, free her, everyone heard, well if you don't notice anything unusual, don't approach, i killed her. no, he’s left-handed, right, well done, so what? i looked, in the krapivno case, there is an autopsy report on the corpse of a policeman. well, naturally, but i don’t think it says there that koroyan killed him. yes, but in fact it says that krapivin jr.
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did not kill him. you can't throw a punch like that with your left hand. and why? dim? this is a whole science, i ’ll tell you at home, but today we learned that karajan had a motive, and the district police officer got him, you know, yes, but the district police officer could to get his entire precinct, in the file there is a photograph of a jacket with the blood of a precinct officer, but practically the main evidence is, yes, the opikun pointed to this particular jacket, confirmed that it was his nephew’s jacket, okay, let’s say karayan killed the precinct officer due to personal grudges, stole a pistol , but he brought it home and started shooting at the walls, but how did the jacket get into krapivin’s apartment? i don’t know, that’s who you , krapivin sr., were covering for, if you knew that the jacket was not his brother, so, tomorrow i’ll go to prison, i need to interrogate krapivin stepan vasilvich, maybe it will finally become help the investigation, and by the way, how’s
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the performance? yes, okay, okay , let’s pass, stand facing the wall, let’s pass. face to the wall, hands behind your back, krapivin to you, yes, to me, come in, so what, they dragged me here, your brother was killed, as
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it happened, he was shot. the daughter of your ex-wife, tanya, tanechka, why, why, why did you do this, listen! did your ex-wife, tatyana's daughter, blackmail you with something? yes, and you would rather serve time for a crime you didn’t commit than for having sex with your wife’s daughter, you didn’t do anything you see, i loved her, well, at that time she was 16 years old, you could even register a marriage. “if you had opened up to your lawyer, he would have told you how to behave, who should old man schwalbaum? by the way, your brother didn’t
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kill the policeman, who? his friend, vadim karayan, was a damn moron, and his wife wanted to imprison my brother. stepan vasilyevich, now nothing can harm either you or your brother, maybe you will tell the whole truth? but who needs all this, your sentence may be reviewed, you will be released, it would be nice how the karoyan jacket ended up in your apartment, i i don’t want to say more, but why, it’s my right, isn’t it? well, what
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is moving here, moving, all that remains is to find krapivin’s ex-wife and her daughter, with whom he had a love affair, for which he paid with an apartment and freedom. wait a minute, this changes all the accents, what about the murder of a local police officer? we need to resume the investigation. what, what did you miss? so, he admitted to me that he was in a relationship with his wife’s daughter, that he loved her, and still hasn’t calmed down, what kind of idiot am i? why idiot? viktor ivanovich, when i told him
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said his brother was shot by his wife's daughter? well, well, how did he react, i wonder? well, it wasn’t his brother he was sorry for, it was them, and it wasn’t his brother he was covering for, tatyana, this one, his stepdaughter, his beloved. well, of course , karayan came to their house, they talked, since they were almost the same year, they could hang out together, well, logical, but this does not prove anything, like masha, oh, viktor ivanovich, hello, hello, there are three good news , where to start, well , come on, let’s go alphabetically, but the examination conclusion, the prints on valtara coincided with one of the prints from the scene of the murder of the local police officer. b: a printout with a telephone exchange, from the krapivins they called to vadim karayan’s apartment and the check confirmed that they are in the address, who they are, well karayan and get away,
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the daughter of krapivin’s wife, yes, in that apartment, the address that masha got, how she got it - then, i’ll tell you later, we need to take them both, well, take it, with god. go ahead, uh-huh, chief, how we’ll get in, no thoughts, but in the most unusual way, who’s there, the police, what kind of police, what kind, what kind, st. petersburg. where is the friend in the room on the right, thank you, hands, hands, stand, and really, the cops, why did you
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open the door, idiot, i thought it was legs, someone was making fun of me. idiot, hello, hello, come in, have a seat. now the duty lawyer will come, it’s better to smoke, give me, smoking is harmful, oh well, you better think about what kind of testimony you will give, none, but that’s good, you’ll have more time for karoyan, now mine, are you going to beat him, god forbid, i don’t like blood, don’t touch him, what are you talking about, he killed our colleague, a policeman. and we don’t touch him, yes
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what kind of policeman, when in the ninety-fifth year in vsevlarsk, we have evidence, but what do you mean, what does vadik have to do with this, the old horseradish is in prison for this cop, and now the old horseradish will be released, and your vadim will be imprisoned, his jacket is covered in blood it turned out, yes , you’re driving, 7 years have passed, everything was tip-top, suddenly they ran into some cop, a moron at the market?
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it was i who stabbed the screw by accident, how was it by chance, the district policeman grabbed the three of us, cut up the stall, well, he ran into vadik, as he was the eldest, and i had a knife, i gave wave at them, i lightly poked him in the neck, there was a fountain of blood from there, he wheezed and fell, i didn’t want to kill him, i only wanted him... to get away from vadik, and how did karajan’s jacket end up in your apartment? i was wearing it, vadik stole it somewhere and wore it until the sleeve tore off, he wanted to throw it away, but i sealed it, he gave it to me, vadik, he is kind, don’t touch him, but it’s disgusting, the father of the family is sleeping with his daughter, his wife, his wife imprisons him for a crime that his daughter committed, his daughter is sleeping at the same time, with mental
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patients, generally high relations, but in relation to the man they will reconsider the sentence, i think so, well, so, but you are dissatisfied, the murders are all solved, these are even extreme measures, justice has triumphed, dima, justice will never triumph, well , well, unfortunately, only investigators know about this, yes, listen, dim, i want to quit, what are you, what are you, stupid, how to quit, you are a wonderful investigator. you'll be promoted soon, right, no, you're just tired, you're just tired, you need to rest, what can i hear, you're trying to persuade me not to quit, no, i just don’t want you to reproach me later for the fact that you quit, but what does that have to do with you, i decided so myself, well, that’s understandable, but are you really ready to give up everything and not regret it later, yeah, and you won't be bothered by the inheritance, not at all, oh , now, wait a second, yes, and she... next
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to me, who is vinokurov, and what happened, something happened there, but she's no longer interested in that, she quits, come here, wait, a second, yes, volodya, hello, murder, triple, oh, capercaillie, oh, stunned, listen, dima will bring me now, wait, yes, yes, yes, you will take me before everything cools down, so i’m wondering what would happen if i said no, so what, what?
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the most beautiful thing we can experience is a sense of mystery. she is the source of all true art of science, albert einstein. they say in the ryazan art museum, you can see a miracle. if at around 5 pm, or 6:00 for sure, no one can say for sure, you find yourself
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on the first floor, at the end of the exhibition, next to the portrait of baroness von diergaard, the incredible happens, the portrait comes to life. at such moments light gauze scarf around the ram's neck. begins to sway, a blush spreads across her cheeks, her cornflower blue eyes flash with fire, a smile appears on her lips, but there are days when the beauty is not in a good mood, then she is stern and even angry, her lips are compressed, her forehead is furrowed, but the old-timers tell completely unprecedented stories, as if they personally saw the shadow of the baroness walking through the halls of the museum, there were those who assured the last visitors of the baroness that she had personally closed the doors. but you and i are smart people, we understand that paintings can come to life only in the movies in the fantasies of pr people who want to give the museum additional advertising. but the fact is that the ryazan regional art museum has earned the nickname small tretyakov gallery, precisely thanks
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to its rich collection of works of art , including paintings, so it does not need advertising, especially such a dubious one, people go there anyway... there is some kind of secret here, but what exactly is it, what is hidden by the revived portrait of baroness von diergard, why does it come to life. we're going to ryazan and we'll try to figure it out. let's take our skepticism with us. what if story. everything related to the inexplicable is a profitable topic. at our request, the staff of the local history center of the ryazan regional universal scientific library named after gorky made a selection
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of materials from the local periodical press dedicated to the art museum. the period is impressive from the stalinist banner of the forties right up to... our present day, here is the priokskaya newspaper, and the rezyanskie gazette, and a panorama of the city, only in one publication in the publication hometown, for december 9, 2014 there is a mention about the portrait of baroness von diergart, here you can find one single word, alive, and the author immediately stipulates that the word is used in a figurative sense, but apparently,
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i heard one word like this, well, i even found a photograph of this portrait somewhere, uh-huh, effect well, she died of unhappy love, i have seen many people watch the picture come to life, and in different years, but why she comes to life is unknown to anyone, but god knows, i don’t know. let us get acquainted with this fantastic painting. let's go to the museum. just 15 minutes walks through the historical center of the city from the kremlin, here it is, the ryazan state regional art museum. i must say that from this side of the street the malayakovka street
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does not produce the same impression as the big one , the mansion as a mansion, unfortunately, is not even in the best condition. at the entrance to the gallery. months of his life, the museum building was built by kazakov’s student, it’s a pity that the student remained in the shadow of his teacher, history has not preserved his name, in general, of course, it’s an interesting museum to visit. we didn’t have time, but there were already continuous riddles,
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this is probably one of the biggest mysteries of this house, and this is explained by the fact that , unfortunately, the documents of this period are very poorly preserved, and today we do not have a single piece of evidence that would allow us to somehow confidently assume who the author, who the architect is, how it all happened, in the collection of the ryazan regional museum there are 12 thousand under.
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yes, most likely this magazine was the property of a person who is very
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interested in art, but the name of this person, as well as the way the magazine with its reproduction ended up in the museum, remains so secret. well, this is actually the hall of western european art, where the portrait of the baroness is located. immediately attracts attention. well, the traditional question is whether we will see how... lives, but it all depends on the development of your imagination, of course, such a legend exists, the story is quite tenacious, yes, sometimes people come to us specifically to look at the baroness in exactly this way, first , what comes to mind is that the effect of a revived portrait is created due to sunlight, well, it is known from a physics course that the refraction of rays by border of two environments can cause... illusions, after all, we see a rainbow or, say , mirages, which actually do not exist, so it
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hung in the basement, at a certain point, on a certain day, a ray of sun illuminated her face, but naturally it was effect, this version would explain the connection to the time of year, they claim that the picture changes only in the hot months, when the sun can sharply warm up the room, then on the border... between cold and heat in certain lighting a mirage appears, and the time of day when the picture is most often playful from 5 to 6 pm. at the museum we were told that the painting was moved several times from the illuminated wall to the darkened one. the portrait of the barones was previously exhibited in a brighter, higher hall, where the sun actually hit the portrait more often, in natural light it was possible to see it more often, so what? changed from changing places, but nothing, the canvas still comes to life. the baroness, when she is impatient
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to shock visitors, still changes her facial expression, whether in the shade or in the sun. her gaze glows, her eyes reflect, they absorb light. god, she’s so alive, you start watching her with her eyes, or she turns in different directions. from the standpoint of common sense, we have not yet been able to explain the effect of a portrait coming to life. let's go from the other side. there are cases where works of art were so expressive that they influenced people in an inexplicable way. first of all, this concerned the paintings of great artists. you don't need to look far for examples. the writer standhal fainted while admiring leonardo de vinci's giaconda. and they couldn't do it for several hours bring to life. this mysterious incident happened on august 10, 1793
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. on the very first day, when luvar. opened for public visiting. later, standhal denied this fact in his biography, but the louvre employees themselves were somewhat wary of giacondi. they noted that when there were breaks in the work of the museum, the colors in leonardo’s work faded, as if the life itself was leaving the character. and vice versa, as soon as the audience filled the hall again, the smile became clearer.
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there was some trouble at sea, some of the goods sank, everything else was plundered by pirates, to cover the losses, the poor fellow sold the painting to another merchant, but he had a misfortune; lightning struck the warehouse and everything burned down. the next owner was a moneylender, and it’s a very dark story: he was robbed and stabbed to death. in 1906, velazquiz's painting venus in front of a mirror was bought by london. something terrible happened, this is how the press wrote about it, a certain suffragette named mary richardson, who fought for women's voting rights by throwing stones at the windows of the british parliament, came up with a new action protest, she somehow brought a meat knife into the gallery, attacked the painting,
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cutting its flesh, and inflicted many blows on the defenseless venus. venus was miraculously saved, the vandal spent many years in prison, as a matter of fact, although her fate, of course, was not enviable, but all this would have happened if richardson had not caught the eye of velasquiz’s masterpiece. question: ilya repin’s painting, ivan the terrible kills his son, became a long-suffering film; it caused inexplicable anxiety among viewers, panic and a desire to destroy it. exactly what is the nature of this psychological impact, what do you think? well, firstly, this is masterful execution, and secondly, in general, such portraits were made by smart people and good psychologists, yeah, that is, a good patriot is always a good psychologist? i think, yes, yes,
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he, he feels personality not, not by science, but by intuition. in the case of repin, this affected the mental health of the artist himself. it got to the point that upon completion of the painting, his hand gave out. strange stories related to paintings happened in soviet times. one one of these took place at the sotsart exhibition in ryazati itself. one of our graduates suffered, he painted such a big picture: lenin receives a parade on red square from the red army. and... it was exhibited at the all-union exhibition, and some person took it and cut it. what do we know about the author of the portrait of baroness von diergart? his brush is capable of clouding heads, provoking inappropriate actions, and creating inexplicable, mystical effects.
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a certain philip laszlo, well, art historians probably know this, so i only found out about him in connection with the portrait of the baroness. a strange situation, the portrait is more famous than the author, we need to figure it out, is this possible? the comparative obscurity of the name of philipp laszl in russia is probably connected not so much with a general lack of interest in his work as such, but, in principle, with the little-known nature of the hungarian school of painting. let's find out if among the works of the hungarian fülop lászló there are those that art connoisseurs hear. in britain it is generally accepted that one of the most famous works is the oil portrait of the mother of the british queen, now owned by her majesty personally decorates one of the walls of buckingham palace. the portrait looks incredibly modern, as if it was painted 10 years ago; in my unprofessional opinion, it looks simply amazing. but these three strings of pearls on the neck of elizabeth bowes lion, at
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that time still the young duchess of york , still remain the favorite decoration of british women. managed to win over representatives of the nobility so much that they lined up to see him. there is an opinion that marrying a representative
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a noble irish guinness family, helped him break into the art market. of course, the wife willingly recommended her husband to high-born acquaintances, but being in demand and working tirelessly with a golden brush does not mean being gifted, is his fame truly deserved, as... the artist became famous, what if it was also thanks to his wife? she married him precisely because he was already a very popular artist. and in 900, already in the year of his marriage to a representative of the guinness family, he received a large gold medal for exhibition in paris, for the portrait of pope leo the thirteenth. he saw in him a person, perhaps modest, a little timid, indecisive, that is, he showed those character traits that are revealed in the most intimate moments. it turns out that laszlo was a good psychologist, which, according to our experts, one of the signs of the master’s genius, a successful marriage
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, did not affect the artist’s recognition in any way, rather the opposite. with lucy medlin guinness, the daughter of a famous irish entrepreneur, yes, one of those laszlo met the guinness guys you were thinking about 7 years before receiving the paris gold medal. but the girl’s parents gave consent to the marriage only when everyone started talking about the artist. well, after another 12 years, the son of a simple jewish weaver received nobility. it was granted to him by franz joseph i, emperor of austria and king of hungary , because, i quote, lasla, he raised hungarian painting to the level of the best examples of european art. few artists have been awarded so many honors for...
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did something otherworldly happen to others? his paintings, this may shed light on the mystery of the portrait of baroness vaughn girgard. in the preface to one of the albums with reproductions of philop lasla , an interesting story is described: once lasla was painting a portrait of a very noble lady and went away for a short time due to some need of his own. the model could not resist, ran up to malbert, looked in and was stunned. through the translucent fabric, her naked breasts were clearly visible, at home she was not confused, and immediately covered the protruding places with her finger on the fresh paint. laszlo
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returned and didn’t notice anything, or simply pretended not to notice anything. and soon, after the portrait was completed, dorian bukin, that was the name of the noble lady, remarried and very successfully married the nephew of chancellor wilhelm of prussia. mysticism again, or the future husband saw lasla’s work, she struck him so much that he proposed to the original, the matchmaking could have been nothing more than a coincidence, it would be difficult to get to the bottom of the truth, it was too long ago and far from us. we will search further. there are examples of mystical paintings, which are called cursed paintings. one of the most famous, a crying boy by a spanish artist. the picture gained ominous fame in the second half of the last century thanks to a chain of strange coincidences. in northern england , residential buildings began to catch fire one after another. the victims of those
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who survived, and not all of them survived, recalled that of all the property , only reproductions of the crying boy miraculously survived. then the story of the creation of the crying boy became known. his son posed for the artist, who panicked. was afraid fire. they said that while working on the painting, the artist burned matches in front of the child’s face; the boy actually cried out of horror. at some point the child shouted “it’s burning out.” the curse itself, oddly enough, came true; the boy himself died of pneumonia some time later, and the artist burned to death in his own house. it has long been noticed that the people from whom masterpieces were written do not live long, at first glance, albeit with a slight stretch, there is a logical explanation for this. models have a hard job, of course, but it used to be yes now it’s heavy, because he... she
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was almost tied in a certain position, he was not supposed to move, we had cases when the sitter fell , the sitter fainted, it can be assumed that the fatigue and tension of the sitters was reflected by artists and especially sensitive people they reacted to this by looking at the canvas, not excluding the sitters themselves, from whom portraits were painted, a portrait is an object of pleasure sometimes, directly for the one who is probably sitting, yes, or the one who portrays, yes, as a constant model of the flemish genius rubins had his first wife, the beautiful isabella, and he often wrote to his daughter. isabella died before she was thirty-five, her daughter at the age of twelve. the famous model of the artist vladimir borovikovsky, countess maria lapukhina, died without any reason 3 years after the artist created his masterpiece.
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the boy suffered the same fate. who posed for the painting "pirova" "troika". in just a month , “the only love of konstantin somov, the lady in blue” burned out from itch. miraculously escaped the sad fate of ida rubinstein, with whom painted one of his most famous portraits, valentin sirov. after all, she put it somewhere in the portrait closet and didn’t show it to anyone, but he exposed it too much, so she didn’t like it. soon after writing the famous... ida fell ill and for some time the doctors seriously feared for her health. however, this could also be due to the scandalous fame of the portrait itself. at first it was bought by a russian museum; indignant spectators demanded that the portrait be removed from the exhibition. surikov called ida a disgrace in this portrait, repen a galvanized corpse, the majority of critics are a savage ugliness. on this
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basis... museum visitors demanding fair retribution, what do we even know about the heroine of this portrait? we interviewed museum visitors who were interested in the mysterious properties of the painting, and here is the story: a young unknown artist laszlo fell in love with the beautiful girl baroness von diergaard and even risked asking for her hand in marriage, but her parents married her off to another, noble, but unloved man. soon
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after her marriage, the young baroness died of longing, and the shocked artist painted her portrait from memory. history seems to confirm the version of early death in the following place, but it does not stand up to scrutiny. the portrait of the baroness was painted in 1899. in the same year, laszlo painted the pope , leo the thirteenth, for this work he received a gold medal at the paris exhibition, that is, he became one at that time. a superstar, but who would have even allowed him to be the head of the catholic church? nebutin was already an accomplished artist at that time, and the baroness, while work was underway on her portrait, was preparing for a wedding with another person, and although here she is listed under her maiden name von diergaard, in fact, soon after that she already became romberg. moreover, the baroness did not die in her youth, lived a happy life,
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became... she was the daughter of the collector baron von diergart, a famous collector of antiquities, she got married quite late, the portrait was painted in 1899, here she is about 22 years old. got married, she was already after the portrait was painted, in fact, that’s why here she is called baronesa diergart, and not von romberg. but her husband, baron von romberg , served as ambassador to germany and
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switzerland in 1912-1919. but in comparison with the pope of rome, this dubious contingent is really divinely rich? or there were other reasons that forced the dear court artist to take up his brush. there is a semi-historical legend that baron von romberg organized the shipment of lenin from germany, in that same carriage, in that same, yes, sealed carriage. but this information did not bring us any closer to the solution to the coming to life portrait, maybe it’s the former owners of the canvas, because it also happens that works of art receive their unprecedented properties from their previous owners. a striking example is the ring of solomon, on which the king ordered. engrave the inscription: everything will pass, this too will pass, they assure that each copy of this ring works as a talisman. it was rumored that michael jackson bought the real ring of king solomon, giving a fortune for it.
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and then one day this most valuable artifact disappeared and the singer simply could not put it on his finger, as he had done before every morning. and until the next one i didn't live to see the morning. the jewel was not found even after the death of the idol, then many began to say that the ring simply left its owner when the hour struck. who owned the portrait before it came to the museum? the museum is located in the former mansion of gabriel ryumin, one of the richest people before revolutionary russia. at one time he served as the mayor of ryazan, but before that he had already become a very successful entrepreneur in the main field of activity of the drinking farm, which, in general, was for that purpose. time was completely normal, but ryumin lived centuries before the museum was created. during the museum boom of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , museums appeared throughout russia, starting with the leading cities of moscow and st. petersburg, based on already
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existing collections, or these were collections of philanthropists-collectors, members of the royal family; a unique situation arose in ryazan , when the museum appeared by enthusiasts, collectors, who were 10 years before its creation. the museum held exhibitions, and then turned to the newspapers asking for help in creating an art museum in ryazan. maybe ryumin’s heirs provided such assistance? the painting ended up in the museum along with the mansion. it’s unlikely, we found out; over the course of a century and a half, the mansion passed from hand to hand and was acquired by the museum relatively recently. since 1833, the boarding school of the ryazan gymnasium has been located here. well, naturally , the building was rebuilt several times to meet the needs of this new task, and the interiors were largely lost; with the beginning of the first world war, a military hospital moved into these rooms, the building in the twenties, well
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, gradually occupied with various structures, that is, some offices are moving here, all kinds of institutions in 1980, the art museum happily left here, maybe because the portraits are alive? the walls of the museum itself are to blame, but then there should be other exhibits with an otherworldly effect. one of the most interesting exhibits of the ryazan museum is this antique mirror framed in meissen porcelain. it dates from the first half of the 19th century. they tell this legend: if you look closely at your reflection in this mirror and smile at yourself, the dream at this moment the wish will certainly come true. very finely made objects , richly decorated, the mirror is also genuine , historical in a frame, well, as for the fulfillment of desires, this is of course in the hands of the one looking in the mirror, i wished for
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the baroness in the portrait to come to life right now, regardless of the time of year and time of day. apparently, i didn’t think so. the lucky mirror doesn’t work, let’s return to the portrait, how did it get into the museum, maybe this is the answer? in 1946, the portrait was purchased by the museum from a private person, his last name is known to us, but unfortunately, we have no information about him as a collector or as a collector of art, and in general we do not have any documentary evidence of the existence of the portrait either in russia or abroad in the first half of the 20th century. it didn’t belong to his heirs either, who else is rich?
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his asocial explosion, which is why he sold off his property, but there is no evidence that absolutely all of his paintings went under the hammer; this one could have remained as part of the interior. wealthy heir to one of the most significant fortunes before revolutionary russia in 1889 for his estate he acquired the territory of an abandoned factory in the village of kiritsy near ryazan. sergei von dervis could well have bought a portrait for his estate. it was written around the time when the building
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work was completed and the unusual manor needed to be decorated with something not quite standard. and in addition, such an original as forvis could well be interested in a portrait by a high-status artist. as i understand it, behind us is one of the access roads to the estate, and the main one from ryazan? yes, this is the damn bridge, the so-called main ones entry so to speak, the gate to the fundervis estate, in general, there’s probably a lot of land around, yes, that’s why he had to complicate his life so much, buy a factory, he dismantled the workshops and used this brick material to pave the road in the park to the railway station , plus here it’s very the nature is beautiful, there is an amazing landscape, very interesting buildings in the village itself, in the surrounding area and here. a cascade of ponds is located here, there is a convenient water artery - this is ak, and a road, which is
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a transport location, since here went from moscow to the urals. von dervis truly built something incredible. locals still call its former possessions the estate of the marquis of karabas. surely there are some legends associated with this place. there are a lot of legends, as in any large estate , of course, they are always looking for an underground passage here , of course, treasures, treasures, treasures were not found here, but individual coins were found, because a lot of guests came to the estate, receptions were held here, yeah, fondervis loved guests very much, he even had a house theater, which he maintained, plus he brought it here. a lot of things are from europe, in
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particular, here we see arches that were decorated entirely with corals with real mediterranean corals, today there is a sanatorium here, only thanks to the efforts of its employees, these unique buildings have practically retained their original appearance. the most famous legend is that a famous film was filmed here... i had the opportunity to see and buy the painting, and
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if the painting was really in the estate, it was here that it could acquire mystical properties. we became aware of family curse of the von dervizs, in ryazan, when the king of the railways is mentioned, they only talk about him: the mother - the owner of the estate, yeah, when parting with his father, a railway magnate, imposed a curse, because during parting with her... his her father sent her a tray with gold coins, a sign of parting, well, she seemed to pay off , yes, she took it very hard, this pay off, cast a curse on her entire family. pavel grigorievich von dervis leaves the country, settles on the cote d'azur, wastes money, changes lovers, suddenly dies, being not yet an old man at all, he has turned one. 51 years old, and of his eleven children,
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only two survived to adulthood. sergey is one of them. well, it should be. some rational explanation, yes, i can disappoint you, there is no curse, there was a genetic disease, tuberculosis, bones, and what is symbolic, on the site of this estate there is now a children's sanatorium that treats this disease, and if so, the secret of the animated portrait was not revealed to us in the estate background. experts told us about laszlo's unusual style of painting; his portraits are somewhat reminiscent of the paintings of vandyck, velasquiz and titian. against the backdrop of thriving cubism and modernism of the early 20th century, they stood apart, he took exactly this technique, letters
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from dutch artists, and they painted on good varnish, then the overlays come in color, that’s when the overlay is color id, color on... the color works more saturated, richer, richer, it begins to burn. icons sometimes produce a similar effect, and icon painters were so skilled at depicting saints that sometimes they seemed alive. maybe this is the secret of the painting coming to life; laszlo, for example, could have additionally used elements of iconography in his work. these are different things , of course, in a vakon it is very difficult to show authorship, because there it is necessary to observe the canon, and he...
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a person is a living person, this is flesh, this is his relationship with the world, but the face is a different relationship, this is a relationship with god, the perfection of expressiveness of the face, yes, with these thin lines, also amazingly perfect, which is completely absent in the portrait, so, when we look at a portrait , we don’t see a line at all, in a portrait there is no line, in a portrait we see light and shadow, as it turned out,
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having studied the collection of russian museums, we found in our country only three portraits by philop laszlo, and two of them , these are kept in the hermitage funds, only one is exhibited openly here in ryazan. now the question is, why is there so little work by such a famous artist in our country? well, his customers were european socialites .
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which the artist painted a portrait of the beauty. the baroness family did not have income comparable to the royalties of a court artist. so it's not because of the money. so, maybe he became obsessed with the model herself? apparently, this is the secret of the coming to life portrait of baroness von diergaard. photographic authenticity, the artist’s jewelry skill and admiration for the model allowed philop laszlo to create. masterpiece: yes, yes, yes, this is precisely the unique combination of precision and passion, this is actually the secret of the success of his
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such, as it were, living works? how many there are also unique works of art kept in russian museums, about which we, unfortunately, know so little, but behind each of them there may be an unsolved mystery, well, not yet solved, for example, in the pavlovsk palace near st. petersburg a work is kept ball... or karla van loo, cupid shooting from a bow, and so cupid aims at anyone passing by, no matter where he turns, while cupid's eyes do not look at you, but the arrow will definitely aim straight at you, and they say, that tip casts either gold or lead, predicting good luck to the beholder or, on the contrary, misfortune, is this what it is, an artist’s trick, another mockery or a mystery yet to come?
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something wanted to kill a girl, that ’s it, relax, i have to help her, relax, you can’t help everyone who just breaks into your head, anna medium, premiere from february 19 on rtr, good evening, news from petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. they raped their own children for 11 years, their husband from st. petersburg was sentenced for pedophilia
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pornography. construction of a new section of the brown metro line has begun at an accelerated pace in the northern capital. you can’t sell without a technical passport; deputies supported the ban on splitting up large studio apartments. the st. petersburg city court announced the verdict for married couple denis runov and ekaterina sinkina. they were found guilty of molesting minors. it all started in 2011. for 11 years, the couple sexually abused their own daughter and adopted son. they filmed their action , after which runov distributed pornography via the internet, the defendants were detained in the fall of twenty-two, and both
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admitted their guilt. runov was sentenced to life imprisonment, to be served in a correctional colony, special regime. sinkin to seventeen years in prison, to be served in a general regime correctional colony. the injured oturu krunova and sinkina and the children are under the guardianship of the state; the girl is now 13 years old. psychologists are working with them. there is a fire on salova street. during the day, the hangar of a car service center in which cars were being painted caught fire. the fire took place in a matter of minutes. spread over 200 km, there was a threat that it would spread to a gas filling station and cause an explosion. rescuers and police blocked traffic on salova street. five special vehicles and 20 rescuers worked at the scene. the fire was extinguished by 6 pm. one of the car service hangars was almost completely burned out, information. there were no casualties; according to preliminary data, the cause of the emergency was careless handling of fire or a short circuit. construction of a new section
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of the krasnoselskaya kalinin metro line from putilovskaya to karetnaya started in petersburg. another mechanized tunneling complex with a diameter of 5 and a half entered the tunnel. the first began work in december. the new shield must pass through four stations of the brown line, armored, outpost, borovaya and carriage. the length of the future tunnel is almost 7 km. participation. governor alexander beglov and representatives of the city government took part in the test launch of the complex. we started working on two tunnels in '23.
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1234 m, further towards zastavskaya, which will become an interchange, to the moskovskie station gate, but first a test section 200 m long, then the final adjustment of all systems and units. by the end of the year , another shield will be launched, which means 563, the existing bypass channel station. a second shield will be launched towards each other in early 2025. all stand-ups. the construction of the krasnoselskaya-kalinskaya line is of great importance for st. petersburg residents. from the new brown branch you can transfer to the blue and purple ones. so, for example, residents of the krasnoselsky district will not be tied only to the kirov-outflow line. except in addition, the metro with access to borovaya station will make it easier and faster to get to the center of st. petersburg, from the center of st. petersburg to areas such as kupchino, the village of shushary, the cities of pushkin and pavlovsk. we have big plans; we need
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to increase the volume of work in metro construction. they want to ban splitting up large studio apartments. st. petersburg deputies supported the corresponding bill. government hour was also held at the marinsky palace. anastasia larionova. read more. st. petersburg deputies decided to block unscrupulous owners who the residential area will be converted into studio apartments. according to parliamentarians, this problem is relevant for large cities in the country. we need to fight at the state level,
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so we wrote a bill that will be sent to the state duma. the problem is really ripe, if we take the petrograd, central, admiralteysky, vasileostrovsky districts, in every house, in every house there are apartments, multi-apartment apartments, yes, which are divided into these studios, 10 bathrooms with showers, as a rule, such redevelopments are not approved , sold as separate apartment, although legally it is a share, it happens that the buyer does not even know about it, not many people know what the package of documents is.
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it will contain information about the study of the living space, which was carried out no earlier than a month before the transaction. not all deputies supported their colleagues. those who have ever seen a technical passport will understand that it does not contain any information that is then transferred to the unified state register of real estate rights, the unified state register of real estate, not a single one, and this will not help the registrar figure it out in any way. in addition, the registrar cannot match.
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cleaning from july 1, all district housing agencies switched to cleaning intra-block areas on their own, without the involvement of contractors. 6,000 new jobs were created with competitive
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salaries, comfortable branded clothing was provided, as well as office space and equipment. however, we still feel a personnel shortage; today we have 90% of the janitor category, and more than eighty. percent in the machine operator category. since january, the janitor's salary has been 55,000 rubles. the machine operator has 82,000. the vice-governor also noted that this winter is a record one: frosts and snow. the total height of the snow cover has already reached 143 cm. i admitted that we didn’t quite cope with cleaning the paid parking zones. mobile teams were brought in for this purpose. the deputies, in turn , proposed to reconsider priorities in cleaning areas around social facilities. in some places you can walk through the city more or less, but the sidewalks near social facilities, i would like to separately note that if they change the regulations, of course, near hospitals, clinics, kindergartens and schools
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must clean everything first. they asked evgeny razumishkin whether robots would help with cleaning, as is already happening in the capital. the lieutenant governor said that he was monitoring this experiment. in moscow, cars clean paths in parks and squares without human intervention. this is a russian development. if. and just once again, a powerful snowfall hit st. petersburg, the roads were jammed with ten-point traffic jams, the snow began after 2 o'clock in the afternoon, although weather forecasters were expecting it closer to the night. atmospheric the pressure has increased, pulkovo airport has reported possible flight delays, but for now it is operating according to schedule, abnormal cold weather is not expected, the thermometer will show at least eight in the next few hours. up to 10° frosty. let's find out the detailed weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast, there will be
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a little snow in the leonid petrov studio and the thermometers will creep up on thursday in st. petersburg and the region. according to the hydras of the center of st. petersburg, february 15 is cloudy in the leningrad region. during the day on the property field expected from 10 to. 12° below zero, it should be colder in tifina and baksitogorsk, about -8 in volkhov and kirishi, 6° below zero, weather forecasters promise in gadchin and vyborg, the day will pass with light precipitation in st. petersburg, in the northern capital it will be moderate, windy, cloudy and -5 on thermometers, on friday night it will not get much colder and light snow is also possible.
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ekaterina gritsienko, more details. the hermitage love for medals is a special phenomenon, the ability to see and feel by touch the beauty of these things, to understand their intent, elegant items from a private collection. among boris pyatrovsky’s favorites was a medal in memory of the preparation of the international congress on iranian art and archeology, which was held in the hermitage in 1935. to cast the entire edition of medals, the museum collected 40 kg of wire. the times were difficult, the events were large-scale. pyatrovsky was directly involved in the preparation of this congress. since
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there was a lot of work, a huge number of exhibits were brought from all over the ussr, to the rmitage, he went to spend the night in a tent, i left a note: i am spending the night with the sultan. this collection, as a demonstration of the art of medalists from different countries, the completeness of the plastic image, is soft.
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for loyalty to science, enlightenment and love for people, and a gift for his eightieth birthday from the sailors of leningrad and kronshtat, for help in restoring the cruiser aurora, there is one very beautiful medal lying there, i also remember the medal in honor of the director ermeter selovsky, i remember then boris boris he said, well, once upon a time they did it like that, they minted it.
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nowadays it has somehow become especially fashionable to race for trends, excuse the taftology, but... i
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never thought that in industry, broadly speaking, specifically in industrial design, there could be trends, i would like to know what it is, anna, hello, i don’t quite understand , what is industrial design, because i, as a person a little connected there with the production of furniture, thought that industrial design was connected there, perhaps with the optimization of the production process or the simplification of some tasks, but as i understand it, industrial design is about everything , what surrounds us, it's not even about... industry, it's about everything. philip, you understand everything absolutely correctly, because all things not made by hand, in an artisanal way, are somehow related to industrial design. a table, a sofa, a camera, a lighting device, that’s exactly what happens, and when we tactilely use these things we encounter design successes and failures, whether it’s convenient for us to use or inconvenient to use.
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just to make it convenient, now it’s starting to gradually move away a little the background, and the aesthetic component, it ’s back in trend, yes, i’m behind as always, no, not as always, we’re just seeing the consequences of the pandemic, harmful, people forgot to change clothes and still walk around at their convenience, as if at home , sneakers, backpacks, sweatpants, everywhere, and me, not excluding the theater, well, this is temporary. you just haven’t had time
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to change clothes yet, and as for things, there was a period when functionality was in the foreground, the main thing is convenient, the main thing is function, the main thing is that the thing works and serves, now a person’s demands are higher, a person wants beauty, he wants an industrial product to look like a piece, so now there is a very good trend in industrial design and... we talked in general about the desire for luxury, well, that is, we are moving away from comfort to aesthetics, and where there is aesthetics, there in some places luxury probably slips through, this is a completely natural return to natural materials and even to such a retro style, because the consumer is already fed up with all these high-tech, some smooth empty surfaces, steel products, uncomfortable iron chairs, because in...
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because it is more convenient to negotiate, it is more comfortable there, literally, yes, to achieve the expected result, because the atmosphere is favorable, the interlocutor is comfortable, be it some kind of serious meetings or just friendly ones, also at home , porcelain, yeah, look now at the trends in tableware, chorustal, glass, colored, bohemian, venetian, again this is trending again. this is fashionable, again, and even imitations are made in cheaper versions, but to make it look like an expensive one. do you think now, how do i it seems that more money will remain in the country one way or another, perhaps there will be some wave of second newcomers, well, in general
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, the need to distinguish oneself, yeah , what do you think this will lead to, now we have a certain insight, people, thank god, there is the internet, it appears. some examples that are actually examples of such good taste, yeah, what do you think, if we look at it in the future 3, 5, 10 years, we will return to durable, high-quality, perhaps more expensive products, but not black, all of us we won't be back to such products, well, this is already necessary after all, but industry, you think that it has irrevocably turned to the rapid replacement of goods, that is, we want to produce more, consume more, more... if only something depended on me, i would close a lot of all sorts of companies, especially chinese ones, don’t be offended, we also probably produce something, not in such large quantities, there are also factories that produce, well, they need to sell,
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so do we need buy, how to explain that well, maybe you need to buy once in 10 years, not 10 times, and you know, coming back. there are several color trends, for example, consumers , well, categories that belong to color modest people, or vice versa, experimenters, these are those who are at the forefront, they need, have just proclaimed some kind of trend, they need to possess it, due to this in general, some part of the sales is made to the consumer, because there are people who, on the contrary, have a coffee grinder while i’m not behind the tape. wrap the lid and glue it, so far it’s still begging and it’s good, but there are those who need update, update and update, so to say that everyone will be here, no, this will not happen, but i believe that people who have money should now still turn their attention
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to culture, just show diamonds like this, these are the cars, these are the concept models, this is already indecent and... as we know history, no, well, this is window dressing, yes, absolutely, what advice can you give to people who want, not even so much, maybe to be, to stand out, but want to enjoy new opportunities, including financial, how to do it beautifully , how to do it tastefully, how to do it correctly, maybe you can go somewhere, maybe you can watch films from some era, you can open some encyclopedia. the whole list that you named , here it is, point by point, if you read, watch, contact and communicate with specialists, it all, of course, develops culturally, of course , the specialists are now different, there are those who have completed two-week courses, and there are those who win
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international competitions, so here it is necessary choose very carefully, if you are talking with a designer, and he didn’t ask what you like, what you like, you don’t need to have anything to do with him, well, if we talk about industrial design and assume that supply creates demand, and maybe representatives of large companies are watching us, you think it’s possible to change demand through supply, well, maybe even discard fast turnover, because it’s part of their business, but something more beautiful, don’t grab trends from social networks, but how about this find what is good, attract industrial. there are design companies , design bureaus that make a very good offer, and develop the author’s design, it can be a one-piece item, it can be a small capsule collection, literally there are from two to 10-15 items, that is the fact that
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only a few have what, so it is quite possible, yes, i hope that this will happen, it’s a shame that we are limited by the timing of... i always want our programs to last for hours, but we touched on a topic that is important and for me personally and i i think that it is important, it is not like that here , thank you very much, then i will look forward to new meetings, i will be happy to come, thank you
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, i remember at school - we once made a mobius out of a piece of paper, as far as i remember, this... such a strip that turns over, collects, and this turns out to be infinity , but infinity is still not completely clear to me, how it is, how something can be infinite, so i propose to approach it through a figure, through something that has no end. nikolai, good afternoon, good afternoon, mobius, this stripe here, well, after all, it’s not the mobius itself, but the mobius sheet, by a mathematician, yes, it’s presented here, indeed, it’s not in vain that you remembered about infinity, because it has a very interesting structure, it doesn’t have one.
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done, let's glue the mobius strip, but if we glued it this way, we would get a cylinder, so here, as you correctly said, we need to turn it over, let's do it, i 'm alone too, we can do it, so now i have to do it like this, so really you we got a moebius leaf, can i ask you cut it along the middle line, what happens, let me start, what happens, i 'll start. to make it easier for you further along the middle liner, i’ll get two mobius sheets
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, now we’ll see, yes, magician , i really can’t separate them, we actually have nothing to separate, how did we get the sheet, but how much twisted it was for us, to make it easier to experiment, they really always cut the paper , and we have preparations. on ours, how come i lost the transition to the other side, and if i cut it again, here we have everything, now we will not cut, but experiment, the same little piece of wood that makes our models prepared such an experiment for us especially for your program, so, we did it this way and got it, well, let’s make sure once again that we we get, yes, it’s interesting, it’s young, so this is a mobius strip, this is a mobius strip, yes. well, we got the same surface that we can explore, an extra curl appeared,
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an extra curl appeared, who knows, and it brought us back, as it were, to the other side, should we call it this is a mobius sheet, this is the next question, but now let’s do another experiment, we will connect our lightning back together, i’m glad that. will it ever become infinity again? well, this is a mobius leaf, this will someday become again , we will get, we will get much more interesting pictures, let me show you another experiment, i won’t unravel it, that ’s all, now it’s like this, let me give you more, that means the lismobius is one time turn over, yes yes, let's turn it over twice and cut along the middle line again, we will get the same most. yes, that is, we kind of jump over right away, that is, we move to another plane, that is, if here you
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twisted twice, then here it turns out to be one and a half times, and then we go, let’s see, this is what i got, well, not really, but you can’t uncouple them, but i got two moebius sheets now, no, okay, but how can you get them, there is some way out, how to make them several cuts, there is always a way out, you have to believe in it, or maybe ours? tv viewers can either experiment with a piece of paper or make lightning, conduct experiments. let's do one more experiment, i'll make the next preparation now. so play, play, it’s ready, it’s ready, i made a cross like this, i’ll glue each of these strips into sheetmeus, if i glue the first strip clockwise, then the second will be glued counterclockwise, let’s try, this is what i’m doing now i remembered
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the lessons when i was distracted by something. i'm waiting for the teacher to arrive now, uh, you know, just a slight anxiety, and this you are waiting in vain, because what captivates you is precisely what is interesting, passion needs to be supported in every possible way, but i want you to take your mind off everything, it will arrive, it will arrive, i feel like, take a break from your business and look, this means that i glued one strip in one direction, i , accordingly... will glue the second strip in the other direction, that is, if i did that one in this way, now i will glue it this way, and now let’s understand the design, yes i have there was a cross, i don’t understand anything anymore, there was a cross, now there must be two, two sheets, but it doesn’t seem like it, but just really, you can use
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scissors, let me cut them along the middle line. i’ll also cut the second one along the midline, it’s always easier to start this way, well , we can continue, and now i’ll finish the first one, and make a cut for the second one, what do you think we’ll get?
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experiments with paper, as your example will show, you can find a lot, that's all, now we have two ideal hearts, culture and mathematics, i hope you see, goodbye, thank you very much, goodbye, in this studio... we talked about craftsmen from japan, we talked about aesthetics, but still, if you look at modern japan, it is definitely nice, and the people there seem very nice, even somehow darkly cute, why is this so and so whether this is true, we will find out today. nina, hello, hello, philip,
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are they all really so cute, as they say now, well...
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the author of such, let’s say, artistic language, his style is very recognizable, these are just grotesquely cute characters and besides that he is an artist, he he is also an art theorist, he has a lot of academic credentials, and he was precisely the person who promoted the aesthetics of cute, the aesthetics of kawaii in japan and said that this aesthetics is rooted in post-war reflection. regarding the nuclear explosion that took place in japan, it is actually depicted here, is this a picture dedicated to an actual atomic bomb, even two, and apparently, kheroshima and nagasaki, or?
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worked for themselves the american occupation, for some time even political decisions japan could not accept, and japan, due to this humiliation that it felt in front of the winner, began to perceive its own national image, firstly, as very small , tiny and childish, very infantilized, and children are just that still... big eyes, bright colors, very intentionally cute image. this is the opinion of takashi mukami, which we, in principle, can take on faith, but at the same time,
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firstly, throughout the entire 20th century, throughout the entire second half of the 20th century one could see how mass culture, from rather serious images where people have, let’s say, normal proportions of parts of their faces, moved to the most grotesque... and there is another interpretation, which does not belong to the japanese, which actually speaks to that , that this image, the image of japan in the world, is largely connected with the image that pop culture broadcasts, this is not only relative to japan, it happens, it happens relative to everything, it’s just that in japan pop culture is so important, cool and... well-known, it happened that way the fate of this pop culture, but it’s not that fate worked out, and the japanese themselves did not consciously take part in it. there is an opinion that
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the promotion of japan as an importer of such cute images is such a far-reaching multi-step, since you can solve your political problems, being a state on the world map, through what... is called in economics hard power, that is let's say i can put pressure on partners, put pressure on counterparties, because i have resources, i have finances, i have some other levers of pressure that you can go and feel them, hard, yes, hard, but there is soft power, there is soft pressure, for example, promotion is similar to soft power.
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now, this can be considered as some kind of long-term political, you said kawaii kawai - this is sweet kawaii from japanese and
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it is translated as cute, it is an adjective, but this is, firstly, very interesting that this word itself has gone into international use, in russian you can also say kawaii, form the noun kawaiiness from it , and so on, that is, word formation, despite the japanese root it becomes russian.
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the peculiarity is that there is a feeling that this is a trend towards infantilization, it is, in principle, now visible all over the world, but as if japan were the first in this regard, girls are trying to look younger and behave younger, this is a certain tribute fashion, probably the only thing that scares me about this is such excessive emotionality, i’m generally a little afraid of very emotional people, it’s not about excessive emotionality, it’s just mercy, that is howya. this is a little bit about this kind of game, it’s not about constant sobbing and giggling, it ’s just a cute image, the cuteness of this image can also be achieved through grotesque emotionality, because again, well, this is how children behave, thank you very much that they came and told us what kawaii is , i heard this term, but i did not understand what it is, i hope that our viewers and parents now know what kawaii is, yes, there is no need to be afraid if your little one wants to be kawaii , there is nothing dangerous in this,
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thank you. thank you very much, see you again, goodbye.
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the future is already here, innovation. development, measures to support a cancer vaccine, which was discussed at the forum of future technologies, the president took part in the discussion. dzhigit and chryzonthema, the latest models of launchers are presented to the minister of defense, when they enter service, burning tires, a blocked road, cows in the colors of the national flag. spain and france protested, farmers were pushed to the edge. a new day on the russia channel
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begins to be broadcast in the studio. hello, innovative development of medicine, new vaccines and additional support for doctors and medical staff, this is the topic of the plenary session of the forum of future technologies. vladimir putin took part in it. the president said that our country has come close to creating vaccines against cancer and expressed hope that in the near future they will be used as measures of individual therapy. the created groundwork has already made it possible to reduce mortality rates from cancer . but we certainly need to increase our efforts in this critical area, continue the work started. at the same time, i would like to draw the attention of my colleagues, everyone in the government, in the regions of the russian federation.
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hepatitis c. this is precisely what our special implementation program, which we launched last year, is aimed at. the head of state also added that the modernization project. primary health care will definitely be extended, according to the president, in recent years new district hospitals and clinics have been built, and for very small settlements the work of mobile medical complexes will be organized salaries have also been increased, i propose to increase their size from march 1 of this year for specialists who work in small towns, in regional centers and villages, in cities where the population is over 50 thousand...
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i ask the government to complete this work in a short time so that already on april 1 , medical workers began to receive increased payments for march. vladimir putin also visited a thematic exhibition, where he got acquainted with advanced medical developments and, together with the mayor of the capital sergei sobyanin, visited the first in russia and the world's largest moscow center for diagnostics and telemedicine. its specialists are engaged. remote description and quality control of radiation studies performed in urban medical institutions. last year alone, the center’s genologists analyzed more than 5 million patient images. earlier, vladimir putin made
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a video message to the participants of the board of the ministry of emergency situations, which summed up the results of the year. the president noted that today the ministry has a well-coordinated , technically equipped structure, and employees are able to act in non-standard conditions. in particularly during. business trips to turkey and syria affected by earthquakes, the work of rescuers in new regions was highly appreciated. sergey shaigu visited the mechanical engineering design bureau in the moscow region. the head of the ministry of defense checked how the work on modernizing weapons is progressing. the latest models were presented, including the chrizontema manpads, the dzhigit launcher, and the arena active protection complex for armored vehicles. the head of the department was also informed about the improvement of anti-drone weapons. shaigu called on defense personnel enterprises increase the pace of more quickly finalizing samples, weapons have been brought to normal combat condition, we can confirm the characteristics that were laid down initially, and now we will talk about
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the following samples: the range is quite large, this applies to manpads systems, this also applies to missiles and iskander and dagger, this applies to... uh, everything that we need today in the fight against unmanned aerial vehicles. the ministry of defense provides data on the progress of the special operation over the past 24 hours: a ukrainian was shot down in the rabotina area of ​​the zaporozhye region mi-24 helicopter. about 100 drones, seven hymers and alha missiles, an s300 launcher and an electronic warfare station were also destroyed. in several directions, the troops improved the position along the front line. the losses of the ukrainian armed forces in manpower are over. thousands of militants. an air raid alert was sounded several times in northern israel. as a result of a rocket attack from lebanon, one person was killed and seven more were injured in the city of safed. israel responded by shelling border areas.


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