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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  February 15, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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in memory of this particular event, in the 19th century , next to the ancient ruins , a monastery appeared, a complex of buildings, the heart of which was st. vladimir’s cathedral. the monastery was visited several times by emperor nicholas ii, but exactly 100 years ago the first-class st. vladimir monastery in khersanes was closed. during the war , the cathedral was destroyed by enemy shells; the temple was restored only in this century. now it is undergoing restoration; the mosaic is being restored according to historical documents. after the big news, two new episodes are not available at once skip it. vesti continues to monitor developments in russia abroad. stay with us.
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a unique complex is being created in the novosibirsk region that will take science to a new level. the scythian or siberian ring photon source is being built in the science city of koltsova. now the production of special magnets has begun, which will create an orbit for electron beams. which will give the novosibirsk skiff a large-scale scientific installation to become the world's first source of generation 4+ synchrotron radiation, this will help scientists solve and applied and fundamental tasks, from the study of structures and processes to the creation of new materials and drugs. resonators that accelerate particles are successfully tested. and the magnetic
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rings in which they will be built have already begun to be assembled, this is the most important stage in the production of equipment, more than half of the magnets of the main ring of the skiff are ready, during the operation of the synchrotron these chains of magnets with their field will set turns, create an orbit along which electron beams move, therefore despite on the massive appearance, this equipment is very finely tuned, for example, even the distance between each other is important, a deviation of even more than 50 microns can lead to an error, and this, by the way, is just thickness.
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remove the necessary competencies, concentrate on yourself , put the necessary technologies on the wing in order to quickly and efficiently make a skid. industry is also following along, many factories involved in the process took up such precise drawings for the first time , produced magnets and stands for them, set them up, tested them in operation production of vacuum chambers. soon the equipment will be sent to the skif construction site in koltsovo. the builders promise to deliver to us in accordance.
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some kind of ice show, then the temperature of the ice rises to -3 and it becomes softer, more slippery. now we have made it specifically for hockey. the air temperature on the ice field is from +9 to 12°. the microclimate is created by a refrigeration unit. the display shows the status of each area at a glance. the spectator sector is warmer and more comfortable, +18. the stands are designed for 350 people. people with disabilities will also be able to cheer for their team. prologue through the building. for example, the ramp
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along which you and i are now walking, and yes, we go out onto a separate podium for people with limited mobility, wheelchair users are located here, yes, we have other opportunities, for example, for hard of hearing citizens, this a special row of seats on the podium, where additional impulses are sent to the hearing aids, and thus... builders say that such technologies have never been seen in sevastopol before we used modern sound equipment and powerful light. today we have adopted the most modern technologies, starting from an ice melting machine, also refrigeration supply,
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this also includes our ventilation and air conditioning system, automation, that is , today it is the most modern ice skating rink that exists in the city of sevastopol, yes, i think construction in crimea. it took a little more than two years to complete the arena; to provide the facility with electricity , a separate transformer substation was built, and a an autonomous gas boiler room; the builders also recreated the historical entrance group with columns, a memory of the fact that this was the first sports facility built in post-war sevastopol; it was on the territory of the kchf stadium in fifty-four that the city anthem, the legendary sevastopol, was first sounded. oksana kolesnikova, mikhail shurmel, svetlana baeva, news! residents of even the most remote towns and villages of the urals can now find out what the organ played by ogan sebastian bach sounded like. the sverdlovsk philharmonic received a unique margarita letanina found out why it’s worth hearing, a digital instrument that makes it possible to go with it anywhere.
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one of the most famous works of yagan sebastian bach, the soloist of the sverdlovsk philharmonic taras baginets performed in the best concert halls around the world, and he knows firsthand what the very organ that the great composer played in 1703 in ardstatt, germany , sounds like, now they can find out too urals. the sound is identical, absolutely, the sensations are different, because there are keyboards modern ones, they are somewhat simpler, all the same on historical organs, sometimes the keyboard. very heavy and do not always work flawlessly, well, that’s the difference. instead of 3.00 organ pipes, there are eight audio speakers and six subwoofers. place real estate twenty-two-ton acoustic design, portable gaming pulse with four hand and one foot keyboard. an ultra-modern digital organ was purchased
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specifically for the regional project of the municipal organ concert halls of the sverdlovsk region. the tool is capable convey not only the authentic sound of twenty historical organs, but also recreate the acoustics of cathedrals. and the best concert halls in almost any space, even in a small city or village cultural center. it allows you to convey the full magnitude of the sound of this instrument, the scale of this action, and you feel truly amazing. i have a lot of friends in the region who live in nizhny tagil, even in sirov, they have difficulties getting to our philharmonic. this is already the second digital instrument of dutch masters, created by order of the sverdlovsk philharmonic. purchased it thanks to the national culture project initiated by vladimir putin. last year , the cultural centers of turinsk, tavda, talitsa, kamyshlov, beloyarsky, tugulym and baikalov turned into organ halls. the level of culture is, by and large , determined by precisely this, precisely by the opportunity and accessibility for the most ordinary person
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to come into contact with the most diverse manifestations of art, including classical art. and today a project related to... organ music - this is exactly what is in line with what was mentioned. now that the philaronia has two digital organs in its arsenal, the list of cities where they will be performed will expand significantly. in honor of its ninetieth anniversary , the sverdlovsk philharmonic plans to hold 90 outdoor concerts a year. margarita letanina, alexey bogdanov, lead ural. in the caucasus nature reserve, the largest ungulates in the caucasus, teeth listed in the red book, are being counted. these giants are counted using small aircraft, which research tasks are set by scientists and what information has been collected to date, details in the report by murat pshizov. the census of teeth in the caucasian reserve takes place twice a year; the peculiarity of its conduct in winter is that, due to
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the inaccessibility of the wintering areas of ungulates, the population is monitored mainly by aerial photo reconnaissance. there is a lot of snow, yes, it is impossible to walk, but you understand what it eats, that it is alive. in the spring, the population size is determined, but now it is being carried out herd structure analysis. if successful shooting with good resolution, well, with a certain degree of probability it will be possible to distinguish males from females, it is definitely possible to distinguish and distinguish sigalets from last year’s calves, and in this way we will be able to determine at least the survival rate of animals. in addition to data on herd growth, the food supply at wintering sites is assessed. scientists, in the cold season, bison prefer to be in alpine meadows, where the wind blows
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the snow off the ground and opens access to vegetation, however, if snow levels remain too high, herds may move between mountain areas due to hunger. we have now flown around the stormy ridge, counted teeth here, we will fly around wearing trigwarts, and we will land on portartura and count the bison there, in general, of course, when counting teeth in a helicopter is not... as difficult as when you do it with your legs. visually, from a bird's eye view, scientists recorded about 300 bison, which is quite a lot for the winter period. in total , there are approximately 1,200 animals in the reserve. analysis photographs and videos will help clarify this data. murat pshizov, host odegei. in yuzhnosalinsk, young technicians came up with a new method of water purification for a local fish factory. the life support system was developed by scientists. quantorium may well compete with imported analogues, it will provide comfort to the fry
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of the lasasev family, the first batch has already grown up, they will be released into their natural habitat in the spring, with a successful example of close interaction between two different sciences, natalya pretty got acquainted, grow practically a thousand salmon in the city center, this idea was born by the director of a fish hatchery from the kholmsky district 2 years ago. alexander moskalev offered the teenagers an exchange. children are coming up with sensors to monitor water to replace imported ones, and schoolchildren will be able to observe the development of salmon every day. i needed to show the children how a baby grows, what the stages are, to show that this is not only a biological direction, but other modules can be connected to this direction. the project involved several dozen children who prepared almost the entire life support system for salmon in a seven-hundred-liter aquarium. last year we also had an unpleasant incident. when the energy in the entire bioquantum was turned off and the fry unfortunately died because
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the installation turned off along with the complex. this year, a special filter was invented for installation; even if it is removed, oxygen circulation will still continue. a special film in order to close the aquarium, that is, even if the lights turn off - water circulation, temperature in the aquarium will still be preserved for quite a long time. water in which the fry from the river will live. a mystery that flows through the center of yuzhno-sakhalinsk. now quantorium students are developing sensors for oxygen, turbidity and water temperature so that the fry develop in good conditions. by may, when the lasaso have grown up, they will be released into the slingshot river. natalya khoroshenka, alexey ketchik, vesti sakhalin kuriles. a record number of cars from china were delivered to the khabarovsk territory through the far eastern checkpoints. per month brought four times more than in the whole of last year. not only dealers, but also drivers for personal use began to import cars en masse. anna leonova with details.
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just as this used chingan suddenly takes off to check the system, the chinese auto industry is also rapidly conquering the market of the khabarovsk territory, and there are far fewer of those coming off assembly lines this year than those with mileage. this is, of course, a unique trend, when it ’s the eastern new year like this, when it’s usually calm the warehouse was full. filled with the chinese automobile industry and for the first time they are transporting not only cars for personal use, but also microtrucks, tractors and trucks. lesyan, gili, cherry, chingan, as well as well-known european brands, but assembled in chinese factories, ford, mercedes pickups, are lined up to pass the test before mandatory registration. there are a lot of cars, they are driven by both legal entities and individuals, everything already has this experience, there are already companies that help people with this, it’s about the same as it was. now it’s the same with chinese cars, this laboratory, which opened just six months
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ago as a testing laboratory, is now barely coping with the influx. test engineer alexander pitaev is conducting diagnostics on the suitability of chinese tires for russian roads; for the first time, massive applications throughout january and early february did not come from large dealers. now , most of all, probably, individuals. the flow is established and is growing more and more each time. this is the queue. we'll kill everyone according to the recording. chinese cars enter the territory of the region from other regions the far east, crossing the border at the checkpoints of the primorye jewish autonomy of the amur region, import for personal use, that’s all. it’s not difficult, the scheme has been worked out for years in the currently sanctioned japanese women. in order for an individual to register a vehicle, it is necessary to submit a passenger and customs declaration, pay payments, customs duties, recycling fees, obtain a vehicle safety certificate, and our car will be released into free circulation. in just a month, skyr cars imported into the region is four times more than in the entire last year.
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the logistics shoulder of zhaakh pokrovka has become convenient, so car dealers are lobbying for the idea. the border crossing has become year-round after all. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, vesti khabarovsk. we go to the doctor, take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health. develop.
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sources, take care of your body comprehensive, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday on rtr, well, bye, quietly, on friday, today i had an accident, everything will be fine, everything will be as before, it won’t be as before, i just have no one else , what's happened? senya needs money for the operation, loading at night, i advise you to sleep before eris. road intersections are a very dangerous job, in general, excuse me, but this is not for women. crossroads of fate, i’ll go with you as a spare. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. why don’t you answer your husband? i don't want him to be nervous for nothing for me. she is ready for any turn. the whole
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village knows that you don’t play karbysh or play checkers. so you believe it? queen of the roads, friday on rtr. we stand up for what we have, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about what is important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. there’s a big accident on the highway, there’s not enough air, sklefosovsky, the oligarch has arrived, it’s about to start, quietly, so my life depends on you, well, in general, yes , during the operation you imperceptibly do it to him,
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otherwise your whole family will die, i should say that you are a good joker, excuse me for... i’m dancing in front of you, you don’t feel well, i ’ll operate, they left him no choice, he’ll never agree to it, you just don’t know him well, skliposovsky, final episode, today on rtr, we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they... carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay down on on top of me, one bullet is still in me, let’s say this is my trophy, we also had a famine, here comes a grandmother, she is hungry, but she takes this kurpa to the parish and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that
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we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care , support? “hello, dear soldier, and in fact , without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, the sea is off the coast of vladivostok covered with ice, did not become an obstacle to the competition sailing sport, two dozen young yachtsmen." replaced their usual yachts with ice boats, report by ekaterina kernacheva . the youngest participant in these competitions is only 9 years old, but they prepare the ice boats for the competition themselves. the coaches only help the conditions when they race well, that's when the wind is 4-5 m per second, well, the minimum threshold and up to seven,
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good speeds are obtained, that’s because children, even on their small boats, can reach speeds of up to 80 km/h. speed, beginner boaters say, is what attracts them in this sport in the first place, although at first it’s scary, i like this sport, because high speed and adrenaline will be difficult for beginners, but don’t you consider yourself a beginner anymore? no, and this is my second year, now in the primorye region iceboating is developing rapidly, the conditions for training here are better than in other regions of the country. the thing is that, let’s say, now there are competitions taking place on the volga, it’s raining, that is , people there have wet feet, that is, knee-deep, while at the same time on baikal it’s very it’s cold, there are very serious disadvantages, yes, but here we have conditions that allow it, that is, it’s comfortable to practice. in primorye, fans of iceboating usually open the season at the end of november or beginning of december until the end of february, so these competitions became
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the final competition of the outgoing winter. ekaterina kornacheva, danil kostin, vesti primorye. an exhibition of medals from the private collection of academician boris pyatrovsky has opened in st. petersburg. the exhibition is dedicated to the 116th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding archaeologist and orientalist. scientist headed the hermitage in the soviet years, now his son mikhail pyatrovsky continues the work, reporting by ekaterina gritsenko. the hermitage love for medals is a special phenomenon, the ability to see and feel the beauty of these things, to understand their intent, elegant objects from the private collection of boris pyatrovsky, who headed the main museum of the country for more than a quarter of a century. they were kept at home in boxes, so they remained at home, then after his death. mama mikhailovna selected these and solemnly handed them over, so to speak, according to the list, as supposed to convey belongings. among boris pyatrovsky’s favorites was a medal in
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memory of the preparation of the international congress on iranian art and archeology. it took place in the hermitage in 1935. then, in order to cast the entire edition of medals, the museum collected 40 kg of wire. the times were difficult, and the events were large-scale. pyatrovsky was directly involved. assistance in the preparation of this congress, since there was a lot of work, a huge number of exhibits were brought from all over the ussrmeta that he went to spend the night in a tent and left a note: i i'm spending the night with the sultan. this collection is a demonstration of the art of medalists from different countries, the completeness of the plastic image, softness and lyricism, the features of italian masters. several medals are dedicated to the two thousandth anniversary of the birth of virgil, two more were presented to boris pyatrovsky by the mayors of florence ... here is a deep relief, litas and laconic forms - signs of finnish medals, on one of the works the names of five cosmonauts, these are ship crew members, soyuz and apollo . this
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upper part is apollo, this one with wings is our union, if you look, they were just at the moment of connection, you see, they moved from one ship to another, that is, the whole process is depicted on one medal. the big date is the 150th anniversary of the birth of dmitry mendeleev, one of the anniversary medals is unique. it once again reminds us of the importance of the school curriculum; there was a technical error in the inscription on the reverse side, which, unfortunately, no one noticed, but the medal was made, what do you think, where is the error? well , it seems to me that aluminum is spelled incorrectly, it’s correct, we studied chemistry well, in fact i i knew, a circle of exhibits dedicated to serious events and high-profile dates, a sample from 1968, a medal of the all-union cognac tasting. in yerevan, the opinions of great scientists are important in all areas, of course, the most touching inscriptions on anniversary gifts, such as a medal in honor of boris
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pyatrovsky’s seventy-fifth birthday for loyalty to science, enlightenment and love for people, and a gift for his eightieth birthday from military sailors of leningrad and kronstatt, for help in the restoration of the cruiser aurora. on the birthday of boris borisovich pyatrovsky, these the objects themselves seem to tell the story of his life, work and endless love for the hermitage. all the news is always available on the media platform , we watch, and by this time we have everything, denis palanchukov was with you, see you at the big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich sofun. “these are very serious
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people, you will have to move out, in case of any lawlessness, this is our home, i have already left for this place a long time ago, you will find your own man , the paratroopers do not abandon their own, everything is back, the nkvd was blown up by a mine, but he has already cleared everything, there's a stick, you go there, like that, grandson, no one except us, break everyone! "
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there's a liman on her nose. you're still licking your lips heartily early , will you treat me? yes, i will , i invited you here, which means i'm not responsible for you, but do you like our doctor? i like it, me too, it's a pity that i don't have such a dad, who sent, who is this woman, choose either me or her, they are very easy
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to apply and heal. it’s much more difficult, all your life you’ve been healing other people’s hearts, but you can’t figure it out with your own heart, heart wounds on saturday on rtr, in the depths of his heart, purity like a baby’s dream, purity. in some hertz the silence does not even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our souls, hello, this is our program, we all always strive to help our loved ones, and
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this is normal. to go, but i was alone with the children, maybe i didn’t want to to leave, he wanted to go defend his homeland , he wanted to stay, i say, what am i going to do alone, alone with my own child, somehow, something, i say, well, since you are staying here, we will all stay, in the fall of 2021 year, alexander shovt signed up to volunteer , he said that he was offered military protection , this is not the front line, there’s nothing scary , there’s nothing dangerous there, it’s a rotational system, you work for 4 days, two or three at home, well, in the end i agreed,
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i think: since he’s going there he wants it that way, he’s drawn to it, well , he has to go there. however, alexander did not told the whole truth to his wife, he went to fight in the first motorized rifle brigade. and when he came to leave, his youngest didn’t give a damn about him at all. she hung on him, sat, he sits, eats, she stands next to him, hugs, kisses, she never left his side at all. the older one was somehow older, more serious, not so much anymore, but the younger one was hanging on him, he goes to bed, she is with him. lies right above his head, wriggles in a ball, just to be next to dad, there were premonitions about the last time he got fired, they flashed through his head thoughts that you are seeing him for the last time , that you will not see him again, that you are hugging him for the last time, that this will never happen again, the youngest also cried two weeks before his death, sits, plays or does her homework, just starts cry, what happened, something hurts, someone offended
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you, something doesn’t work out, no, he says , they’ll kill dad, something will happen to dad, they’ll kill him, for about six months, probably after his death, even younger than me she didn’t let me into the store, she was afraid of me, i said, everything will be fine with me, she me... your husband? it will be 2 years in march, march 30th. how much time has passed since the death ? what happened? the shelling took place, as the commander already told me, after the death of my husband. when he died that day, i was at work, the foreman called me at 13 pm and said: “you are such and such, such and such, i say, yes, he, your husband, is in the morgue, the second hospital in the city of gorlovka.” that's all. i couldn’t believe it, because
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they said it often happens like this, they call with the aim of scamming money or something else, it was hard for me to believe it, especially in the morning before work, in the morning, when i was getting ready, i talked to him, i talked to him, he was alive, healthy, he was returning from duty, that is, you talked in the morning. yes, i talked to him at 7 am, at 130 he was already dead. what was the last conversation like? he was very calm, cheerful, everything was fine, he was on duty, uh, he knew that i was going to work at that time. he called and said: i have a couple of minutes, how are you , that you are there, everything is fine with us, they were transported to verkhnetoretsk, this was the third day in their new place, he says, everything is fine with us,
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or... this has happened before, no, never, when at 35 pm the foreman called me and said that my husband was lying in the morgue, naturally i didn’t believe it, i started calling back again, i said, this is probably a mistake of some kind , my husband always said that he had his passport in his breast pocket, i say, you were mistaken, i have his passport in my hands, i think, well, you never know, maybe he took off his jacket, someone took the department, well there could be different situations there, this is war, i say, you were mistaken, i wanted to go to the mortuary right away, but time... they told me, they won’t let you in there, everything is closed there, wait until morning, it wasn’t night, i didn’t sleep, i didn’t mind, it was hard for me to be in the apartment, everything was suffocating, oppressive, i waited until the children they’ll lie down, fall asleep soundly, probably we
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still have a curfew, but after waiting for 3 o’clock i couldn’t stay at home anymore, i went out and went, there was a church next to my house, i was there until 5 to 6 in the morning, probably , in general, until the buses started walking... i stood under the church and asked that it be a mistake, so that he, let him be disabled, wounded, but so that he remains alive , so that they just make a mistake, after waiting for the first bus to gorlovka, i got on and went to gorlovka to the morgue, the morgue starts at eight, well, i’m there for probably an hour and a half, well i was ready to wait, suddenly someone would come earlier, open it, show me, the sergeant major arrived, gave me his phone number, passport, the military officer took me to the morgue for identification, when i entered the morgue, it seemed to me that he was lying and breathing, his chest was like is breathing, i say, you are not here, my mother was with me, i say, you were mistaken, you didn’t put him here
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, he’s alive, well, they took me out of there, he, he found out , that’s it, come out, i didn’t know how to tell the children , i had no idea at all, i literally told them the other day that dad had everything ok, the youngest was worried, 2 weeks before his death, she just sits, does her homework, or plays, starts crying for no reason, i say that it’s an accident, something hurts you, maybe there’s something at school then there are problems, something was offended, it doesn’t work out, no, she says, dad will be killed, where, as she felt, like him, but she loved him madly, she just didn’t want to be away from him, while i was going on leave, i was very afraid to tell the children about this for their moral, nervous, emotional state, i was very afraid, but i couldn’t hide it... i also couldn’t, where was dad? that dad, as i later confess, needed to find the strength within himself and confess right away, and what words did you find? none, i said so, i couldn’t find any words, there was just emptiness in my head, he
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’s gone, that’s all, this phrase is everything. the youngest, how did you cope with it? it was hard, very, very hard, she endured it, she was afraid to leave me, wherever. to the store next to the house , i couldn’t go out, she’s with me, mommy, i’m with you, i won’t let you go, i say why, i ’ll go there now for bread, the store, i’ll buy up , i’ll come, no, i say, everything will be ok , she says, dad promised too, but dad didn’t ... you need something, you want something, you understand that besides them you have nothing left, like they have, except me, that they are of no use to anyone else. this world doesn’t need me, that i need to pull myself together, get ready to continue living for their sake, and then what about time generally happened in yenakieva, why did your husband decide? to go to the front, he was still
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planning to go to the front in 1914, when this maidan began, it began in ukraine, all this, when ukrainian equipment began to come to us, when they began to claim their rights to our territories, he was still planning to go to defend homeland, because they started bombing us, shells began to fly, in the middle of the night they jumped because bombs and shells were exploding next to us two blocks away, he said, i ’ll go, i’ll defend, i tell him, sasha, this is not your war, at that time... the youngest was still an infant, so i just wanted to ask, that is, she actually doesn’t remember the world? no, no, she was born, she was born in 1313, it was just during the maidan, because when i left the maternity hospital, a small baby, i didn’t really care about the news, i didn’t have time for that, i was more involved with the children, two children, i didn’t delve much into this then, and then, when it was already spring, summer, shelling and bombing began, i wrote statements, that’s all, long conversations, tears, hysterics, something...
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he was offered military security to protect , in my opinion, air defense, he says, this is not advanced, the rotation method there, in my opinion, 4 days at work, two or three at home, i don’t remember exactly, was this really true, or was it a version for you, i still don’t know this, he presented it to me like that then, he said, there are rear cities nearby that are not on the front line, no front line, nothing, i thought that now i have no right anymore. to forbid him, so he left, okay, valery, let’s now watch
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the story of another woman from your city, i feel his support for anelskaya, he sees everything, not all people will understand this, but i thank the lord for what i had the opportunity to see. to say goodbye, because i know there are a lot of cases when families are searching, looking for and not even seeing their loved ones, i was lucky in this regard, in 2014, he made a decision without hesitation, signed up as a volunteer, went to slavyansk, where he served for quite a short time , and already in connection with the beginning of the northern military district, he also signed up as a volunteer. it was his decision,
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who else but me, he said, there is such profession, to defend the homeland. at the end of february , he signed up as a volunteer, on september 1 he died, on september 2, a colleague, a psychologist from the military unit, called me and said that she was no longer there, in our studio there is a resident of enakiev, svetlana sukhanova, hello, hello! therefore, i did not dissuade him and accepted
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his decision for granted, as important, this is a matter of his honor, and i will say this, he was a very strong-willed person, so he spoke about it, and i humbly accepted, he did not stay there for long in 2014 , he was very literate a specialist, a good economist, and even his fellow soldiers... recommended that he return in order to boost the economy of the young republic. in fact, my husband did not have any military experience, because he did not serve in the army in his youth. health , that is, there was absolutely no combat experience, when he signed up as a volunteer, he also said that he was not ready to shoot at people, but nevertheless, someone needed to dig out the mines and unload shells, so he even went for this purpose, to help whatever he can, everything that is in him
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forces, well, for him it was precisely this idea that was paramount, the idea of ​​the russian world, but how did you know? about what happened to him , in general, what happened, he signed up as a volunteer with the beginning of the northern military district, he also ended up in a security battalion, at first, then, after a while, as if they had some training there, yes, he was already there at that time political officer of the infantry battalion and it turns out that he was on the front line near avdeevka, with the guys, supporting their morale, i honestly didn’t specify any details.
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and we are september 1, of course, the eleventh the class with bouquets and bows went to school, then i went to work and completely calmly, no premonitions, no worries, on september 2 i came to work, traditionally sent him a message in the morning, did not receive an answer, the psychologist called in the morning and said that he was injured poddeevka, he was brought to... powerlessness, but at the same time i had to get ready, i took my daughter from school, told her this difficult news, well
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, everyone had to deal with organizational issues and got ready and... and what helped you here in this situation or who? or who? yes, we are children? you know , i have had to go through a lot of difficult events in life, but of course, first of all, my close people help, and my daughter is strong, i have a lot of friends, my environment always supports me and gives me the strength to live through these events, sometimes even complete strangers , i'm active. i lead a social life, i am a psychologist by training, people from different parts of the country send strangers messages of support, this also helps a lot in life. and the education of a psychologist somehow helps to solve one’s own problems. problems, difficulties, serious condition? yes, of course, first of all, i am an ordinary person,
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but nevertheless, this knowledge, the facets of the soul, the stages of grief, they, of course, help, after the death of my husband, literally for a month, i gave myself the opportunity to to recover and returned to work, today i work, my main work is with children, with disabilities, their families, and i am also part of the donbass psychology of life project, within the framework of which we provide psychological assistance to military personnel, so to their families, widows, well, and to the ordinary... population of our republic, i believe that if i once read such a phrase, it really resonated with me, if the pain of loss is very strong, you can reduce it only by enlarging your heart, helping others people , that is, you, in need of help, you yourself provided this
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help, thus saving yourself, and such therapy, svetlana, and you, as a professional, probably heard what valeria said, you see her now on... what are we now we can support each other together, because there is still too little time has passed, you talked about the trip, what trip, valeria and i went together with the children. to gelendzhik, thanks to the kuprik family , it was some kind of gift for me , probably a surprise, because
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it was offered to my daughter at school, and since the trip was with my parents, and of course, i agreed without hesitation, but i didn’t know , who is the organizer of this trip, literally until the last thing, what impressed me most was that there was no need to collect any supporting documents, right up to the very moment when... we we arrived in gelendzhik, i didn’t know who to say thank you to, yeah , katya met us near the bus, i didn’t know him, sergei, of course, i know him from his work, he’s an incredible person, an incredible creative person, a great soul, yes, when, we we got off the bus, we were checked into a hotel, i asked a slender, thin, fragile girl, to whom should i express my gratitude for... the gift and where is she from? she said that she was from moscow, she said that this was my husband, the initiator of this trip, i
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was so impressed, now even i say, i’m getting goosebumps, and after staying in gelendzhak for a week of vacation, we didn’t even know who katya was, who she was, we already found out literally the day before leaving, and we were amazed, just how kind he was, a simple, sensitive, ordinary person, we... that life goes on, that life exists, let's see a story about how you vacationed there in gilenjuk?
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don’t look at the photos of you a lot, who else was with you on the trip? about 60 families, if i’m not mistaken, from the donetsk people’s republic, from the lugansk people’s republic, that is, it was just a large number of families, mothers with children, children of different ages, but i was so impressed by how katya... every minute, daily, right down to the accommodation of everyone, so that they were
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comfortable in the rooms, if anything - something else is needed, nutrition issues, excursion issues , we were occupied every day , you can see in the plot, yes, we were in a safari park, we were in a dolphinarium, we went to the pool, we visited a temple, that is, it impressed me so much, because i know what to collect funds for this... not just yes, but also to personally organize all this and personal participation, now, after all, our most valuable time is time, let's now look at the story about them, as in the song that my husband sings, i will buy you a house in moscow region, he fulfilled what he promised, here is our house in the moscow region, in which we live happily and amicably, here is our shirkhan, here is our friend, all of them were saved in due time.
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you walk, your back already hurts in the evening, but on the front it is necessary, since my husband is a singer and musician, so we go there first began to go with concerts and songs, a fallen star at the work where i took you, and of course nabis was asked to sing a song, a white swan on a pond, when... i sang it seven times, with this guitar sergei performed in hospitals , on the front line, i looked at
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people’s faces, and of course, people’s eyes sparkled, and for them, of course, i think... it ’s worth a lot, this icon was given by a soldier in lugansk, he drew it himself, made it himself , and gave it to sergei at one of the concerts, now this icon of the holy mother of god protects our house, we and seryozha has been together for 17 years, the head of the family is sergei, so i support him in absolutely everything, i said we need to, we need to help, that’s why we made this decision to help donbass. further in the program, honored artist of russia sergei kuprik and his wife ekaterina will tell why they began to help donbass. i ask the commander, what is needed? yes, everything is necessary, and katya and i, when we were driving back, driving our car, we said, listen, we need to help the guys. katya says: you have a
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big story in lugansk, “it seems to me that our mother has gone crazy, money to figure out the criminal , that sleigh, she is sick, you need to think like a criminal, a maniac, he possessed me, i look at women just like him, he instills his thoughts in me, you are abnormal, but how do you cope, you, you’re probably very tired
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, you want to rest, to relax somehow, it’s just written all over your face, you’re sure that you don’t have it..."
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god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention. we have a big one today day, big holiday. hey, it's been a while since we 've seen each other. daring. bela, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good to you, your wife or your boys? don't ask stupid questions now. they are still loved today. are you
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responsible for your words? i am always responsible for mine. heroes of their time, beauty, rapping, the whole crew, only on the platform we watch. in one of the previous programs, anastasia buzmakova asked to find her sister victoria, whom she had never seen. we found victoria in the moscow region. jaana worked as an actress in the local theater. on the program , the girl admitted that she was harassed by a famous director, and after being refused, he ruined her career. there is a confrontation in our studio, a former actress and director. who is telling the truth and who is lying? the answers to everything will be given by a lie detector. malakhov, today on rtr. vera had been an orphan all her life, and then suddenly her mother showed up.
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there's something wrong with her. you can break through it through your channels. on saturday. i woke up in the ambulance, i said, where is my daughter, where have you gone, daughter, and i have some kind of black hole in my memory, wait a minute... where did it come from? you will never be alone again, everything will be fine with us. you yourself called me faith. he who wants to believe too much will be deceived even by his heart. we didn’t play too much, maybe you should have acted theatrically, but quietly, b said. ber, i just want to understand. no, you just want me to start suspecting something. he wanted to kill me. someone else's daughter, premiere on saturday on rtr. earlier in
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the program, residents of yenakiev, valeria shovt and svetlana sukhanova, came to the studio. their husbands died defending their homeland. at 130 in the morning my heart sank. i realized this later. we invited them to the studio of sergei and ekaterina. come in, please. hello. hello. hello valeria. hello
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hello. in our studio we have the honored artist of russia, sergei kuprik and his wife, ekaterina. hello. have you heard what they said about you? yes, they heard it behind the scenes. how did it all start, how did you even decide to start helping donbass when? well, it started quite a long time ago, after all. our touring activities are still connected with travel, then back in the nineties in the 2000s we were quite often in donetsk, in lugansk, i have quite a long history there, i graduated from the masovsky academy in lugansk, received a higher education there, that was also 2008, then... since 2014, when, in general, all this began, we began to support our guys, go there with concerts, and on one of our visits, we
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worked for the military, i accidentally heard the following conversation, that the artillery has arrived, and maybe they brought something, so i then, well , naturally we arrived empty-handed, maybe with concerts there and the guys we support everything, so i asked the commander, what is needed? he says everything is needed. and katya and i, when we were driving back, driving in our car, we said: listen, the guys need to help. katya says: you have a big history in lugansk , you owe it to these people, both your title and your education, apparently the time has come to repay debts, together with the parishioners of the chernigov icon of the mother of god church, the guys are collecting a lot of help, and we have purchased. how many bulletproof vests we could fit on the bus , i don’t know, there were 40 of them, i think, 40 helmets , literally a week later, probably, we went back there to the guys, now with
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humanitarian aid, that’s how it kind of started, and then we switched to medicines, now of course this is in huge volumes, that is, we try to send a twenty-ton truck there twice a month, these are antibiotics, saline solutions, that is, well for hospitals, well, since we also work here and... in hospitals , and i ask the head of the hospital, where do you get your medicine, who do you need are they lucky? and he gave me the contact of the pharmaceutical company that deals with this, i called, we agreed, a wonderful person, vadim ivanovich, for which i thank him very, very much, the guys still do a lot of work for us there, so we started delivering them already in the hospital such volumes, i wanted to ask, what is it like to be the wife of a man whom? loves millions, yes, russian pop stars, and moreover, a caring person, how is it, how do you deal with it all, i just do my best for him i’m helping, just as they say, you look , we were once told, he says, you’re probably on the same
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wavelength, i say, yes, we’re looking in the same direction, so i support him in every possible way , in all, i don’t know, in all, probably , wherever we’ve been, we’ve been to syria four times with seryozha, i said, i say, you can’t go anywhere alone, just like in syria, in the donbass, that’s why in every possible way, i said it’s necessary, it means it’s necessary, really in fact, katya is even... more than me , somehow she has more ideas in her head, again , that’s when katya’s idea came to take the guys rest yes the idea was this this this katya no-not this katya i say how do you imagine this?
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and we are very glad that i really spent a whole week with you, so this is a great happiness for me, i’ll be honest, thank you very much, in general i want to say that there are very, very many people who want to help, and these people are not rich, again this example, here’s a car mechanic from a car service center, every time we go there, he always gives me a box of socks, a box of panties, or a chainsaw there, or generator, he says , be sure to tell the guys from us, that is, every time he collects something, seryozha, what comes first now ? creativity or help? of course, help, anechka, help, that is, we understand that we cannot go to these places empty-handed, no matter how now, of course , the situation at the front is much better than back then in 2014, at the very beginning it was of course it’s terrible that there was one bulletproof vest for five people, that is, people, the guy is standing at a post at -15, and he’s standing in sneakers, keep in mind just these guys, who served. it was happening and now, thank
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god, it’s more or less good, but nevertheless, this help will never be superfluous. let's see how your help is organized in lugansk? i have been a volunteer since the beginning of the northern military district, we work with sergei and my brother, we help civilians. today we have. a trip not only to the guys on the front line, but to the temple, church, severodonetsk, where people need warm things, blankets, pillows, and so on. they were among the first when it was necessary to go along with the army, to help it, where else is everything it was burning, it was necessary to enter, and it was necessary to carry out the most necessary things.
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it was sergei kuprik’s headquarters who were the first to immediately follow the fighters and pull people out of basements, feed them when people simply asked to smell more bread, targeted help, which...
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i can tell you a little about who sergei is, we have him too quite a lot of years , we have known him, more than twenty, he gave us concerts, even when i was working in a group, that is, he gave us a lot of concerts in the lugansk-donetsk and krasnodar region, and then when it all started he went to serve, he and i started this same story with humanitarian aid. let's sing , they need support not only in the kind of humanitarian aid that comes to them, but in concerts like this or something from our artists who come as if we were doing a humanitarian mission from the first days of the start of the northern military district, yes, sergei began to roll come.
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could they, that’s what the headquarters does? maybe there are some stories that you won’t forget, that shocked you, well, maybe someone imprinted on your heart, and you remember this person? yes, this is the girl dasha, she lives in severodonetsk , yes, the severodonetsk temple, uh, i was passing by , uh, well, that’s how i met him, yes,
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i stopped by this temple, uh, to meet him, to find out what it’s like parishioners, who even lives in this church, of course, there were a lot of... dogs, some animals, this girl, dasha, came out to me, how old is dasha? well, a girl, 9-10 years old, a little girl, yes, that is, this girl, experienced all this horror, all the nightmare that happened from the beginning of the operation, and we began to help this temple, and separately the girls, there, well, where are her parents? i know her mother, her mother finds it too.
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now they are preparing for an operation, yes, we have a video about how you help the residents of severo-donetsk, let's see, the bell ringers taught me how to play, when there was a war, we were in the city, we sat in the basement for 3 months, everything is at home it was broken, but not everything, but large windows, glass, ceilings, fragments, well, live there. it was impossible for now, and we stopped here, here i worked as a cook before the war, there was no one, it was necessary too support feeding people here, people came here, and we stayed here and lived and worked, last year volunteers came to us, they brought food, not only
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food, but food for dogs, for cats, he often stops by, helps, we with the team...were repeatedly under fire, found ourselves in such situations that we had to sit out in the hallways, sprinkled shrapnel in the basements, from the beginning of the military operation i always wanted to help our people, well, take part in this, guys, tell me, after all who do you help more? or helped, military personnel or such peaceful people as... in the plot, yes , we help everyone absolutely, we share as much as possible, and if people need something, we work, well , through sergei, sergei sends requests because we fight a lot, let’s say we have friends there are a lot of us who already know who are fighting, well, they’re already leaving as volunteers, they’re sending requests
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, now we need this and that, that is, you don’t buy anyhow, that you buy exactly what a specific unit ordered, of course , the military needs cars, they need quadcopters, here let's see the story about what and how... you help, light, light of god, truth, god, the parishioners of our temple took to heart the events taking place during a special military operation, namely the needs of ordinary soldiers, and we are trying to collect and send help to where it is needed. today is a very important day, we were able to collect, purchase, equip and send nine to the front. equipment vehicles, in fact , the work that people do in the rear is irreplaceable, thanks to this we are fighting with high with our heads raised, we know that not the whole country, the whole of russia, is behind us, we have equipped the cars
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with special guards, special lights, here there are still seats to transport soldiers, these cars take out the wounded, bring in ammunition, first of all, of course, faith strong in god, because without faith there is no salvation. let us believe, we will live. next in the program: for whom did sergei kuprik prepare an unexpected surprise? you came to the conclusion that orlik
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was completely tired, that’s why we, together with the chernigovskaya temple, with the parishioners of the temple chernigov icon of the mother of god, they bought you this atv, and a completely new one, in addition to there there will also be first aid kits, well , there are some other gifts, so i think that this will help bring our victory closer, so we will win and i think that he will serve faithfully. the equipment is reliable on the highway there is a big accident, there is enough air, sklefosovsky , the oligarch has arrived, it’s about to start, so my life depends on you, well, in general, yes , during the operation you imperceptibly do it to him, otherwise your whole family will die, say that you joker joker, well, excuse me that i don’t dance , i don’t sing in front of you, you
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don’t feel well, i guess they left him no choice, you’ll never agree to it, you just don’t know him well, skliposovsky’s final episode, today on rtr, hello! how are things going at the front, the weather is cloudy and hailing in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, quickly, reliably, 8 is coming, with equipment, and we have a house full of trees.
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where are we going? on a treasure hunt? what kind of treasure pack? we're going to look for mom! let's see this weekend! so look at me, you me you’re embarrassing, you’re the most wonderful girl in the world, i miss you! kesha, is everything okay, are we going? my husband, throw it on, he’s not going anywhere! melt the ice in your heart! only new love can do it,
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hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me, we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you ’re frozen, on sunday on rtr. this married couple is called grandmother and grandson behind their backs, but despite all the condemnation, they celebrate a green wedding as a gift for themselves, they buy a luxurious country house, but what terrible secrets they hide from each other, the wife is on the sixth ten and her twenty-three-year-old husband, this is a child from a very influential big man, he forbade it, i have no words. live broadcast on friday on rtr, well, for now
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, quietly, on friday, everyone got into an accident, everything will be fine, everything will be as before, as before, it won’t be, i just have no one else , what happened, today for an operation, i need money, loading at night, i advise you to get some sleep, the road intersections are very dangerous. on friday at rtr in the nana group this year
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35, i congratulate you, thank you, thank you, the nana group is classified as secret. i once i jumped from the stage, i felt like i was being sucked right into the crowd, here i was really scared , because it’s very easy to die in a crowd, but there was a worse story when they didn’t share me, i was a free person at that time, that’s why i was driving so wildly lifestyle, girls loved volodya politov’s model type, and my grandmother’s children came to me. everything will change, understand, but life is good, you smile and hug, applause for our new soloist, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. earlier in the program, honored artist
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russia. father maxim, how to address you correctly, father maxim, father maxim, well, first of all, of course, thank you for what you do, well, we do it together with the help of our parishioners, which includes sergei, ekaterina kuprik , for which we also thank them very much, for their help, for their support, the fact is that for the most part they
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organized the logistics chain, how to put it here, they have connections, here we can... help, and certain fighters they contact and say that they need a car to transport the wounded there, to deliver ammunition, to development activities, and we help. father maxim, tell me, are there any rules on how to properly pray for those who are now on the front line, who are protecting you and me?
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well, you need to constantly pray in your heart, first of all to god. special military operation, that is, the flow of people increased, well, our parish, it is quite friendly, we began to help together from the very beginning, that is, from the rich people who are in our parish, and to the weakest old grandmother, who with your own hands
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he can knit socks or send some kind of jam or pickles or something like that to the front with his own hands. but some people who found out that we were helping the front began to come, began to ask about what else was needed, how they could help, so many thanks, really, father maxim, to you, everyone, all the parishioners of the church of the chernigov icon of the mother of god , because this is very important, this is the help that is provided, you know, it’s understandable, you want to do, well , more, but as if not everything is in your power, well , that’s why i say, everyone, everyone can help, absolutely everyone, let people know and see what is needed. the role of the orthodox church has always been high in such situations, this includes support for the fighters, the fact is that chaplains and clergy work at the front who care for the soldiers, who baptize them right at the front, give them communion, confess, our rector, father alexander, is very ardent supports the fighters, supports the priests who care for the fighters, with his
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blessing, with his prayers, in fact, with the prayers of our bishop, all this too... gathers, goes there, we are also very we warmly support all our heroes who come to our program, they become family to us, literally family people, and now we... want to show you a story about one of our heroes. andrey, which troops are you listening to? separate motorized rifle brigade, oleyskaya. i'm an infantryman. are you here for a visit? no, it so happened that when my command found out that the program would be recorded, it was difficult, but thanks to all the editors, it turned out that i was allowed to go on leave.
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he needs a friend to replace him, of course, through i’ll tell you, uh-huh , thank you, let’s call him now and
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tell him all this in person, if you don’t mind, no, no, of course , we’re dialing, hurray, hurray, we see, andrey, hello, hello, hello, hello , hello, andrey , we are sitting, this is a program, the wonderful kuprik family has a surprise for you, yes andrey, we just watched the story with your little eagle, well, you came to the conclusion that the little eagle is completely tired, that’s why we are working together with the chernigov church, with the parishioners of the church of the chernigov icon of the mother of god acquired here's an atv for you, completely new , besides there will also be... there will be first aid kits, well , there are some other gifts, so i think that this will help bring our victory closer, so we will win and i think that it will serve as faith and it’s true, the equipment is reliable, thank
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you very much for everything you do for us and for our country, a huge hello to all the guys, i’m handing over the keys to dima kharatyan, andrey, take care of yourself, andrey, look now, don’t switch off to your new orlik 2, don't switch off, okay. we purchased this atv together with parishioners of the church of the chernigov icon of the mother of god in the village of sanino for the skif fighter, now i tested it, the quad is cool , it has good tires, the suspension is good, in general this equipment is very reliable, i think it will go where it needs to go. in the near future we will deliver this quad to a position where it will serve our guys faithfully with all its horsepower and help them in fulfilling their tasks, everything for the front, everything for
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victory, victory will be ours, what a gift to you, andrey, just super, the only thing you know what i want to say is to convey to all the parishioners of the church a huge, huge thank you, i hope that... people will see the program, they will see that there are so many people in our country who are not indifferent to our victory, who are doing everything for the front, doing everything for the sake of our victory, i was very happy i’m glad to see you, thank god that now there is a connection here and i can communicate with you, this is very good, i would like to convey greetings to you from all our guys, and most importantly from those guys who are here now.
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your labors, god help you to win and return home alive and god help us everyone, god help us all, thank you, god, andrei, we know that you received a special rank, intelligence reported , tell us what, we want to congratulate you, congratulations, just before the new year you received the rank of senior lieutenant, that is,
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to. .. and my command sees, that is , that there are results, yes, it appreciates it, so our commanders, well, to be honest, are great, that is, the guys, the military personnel are all, as they say, good guys, there are no questions, andrey, you and i always count on us, tell us please greetings to your family, wife, daughter , i will definitely come to moscow, i would really like to meet you, shake your hand, hug you, thank you very much for not forgetting, that you remember us, we are always waiting for you, come back , we are waiting for you with victory, come back alive and well, that's it, god bless you, god bless you, god bless you, god bless you, god bless you, at all times the russian orthodox church has united people and given people hope, take care of yourself,
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god bless you, and you are very beautiful, thank you very much, it was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. hello on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the denis polunchukov studio and most importantly by this hour. moscow was hit by heavy snowfall , traffic jams, strong snowstorms, and almost zero visibility in novosibirsk and omsk. it's good that they are watching and listening to what i say. vladimir putin spoke about an interview with tucker carlosn about what was left behind
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the scenes. attacks on the ukrainian armed forces. russian military hit 140 targets in krasno-limanadsky direction. air raid alert in seven regions of ukraine, including kiev. europe is seething with farmer protests, roads are blocked, cars are broken, and there are more and more dissatisfied people. and a festive liturgy in crimea in honor of the revival of the st. vladimir monastery in kersanes. and we start from moscow, the capital is covered with snow, moving around the city is difficult not only while driving, but on foot. under the snow there is a thick layer of ice. the snowfall sometimes turns into a blizzard; according to forecasters, it will continue all day; the height of the snowdrifts is now about half a meter, which already exceeds the norm by almost one and a half times. by evening they will grow even more. city
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services are working in intensive mode on... the city has at its disposal, all municipal equipment has been withdrawn, which hours ago the streets were completely swept. there are trams parked on serpukhovsky val in moscow, and because the switch is covered in snow, the tram drivers have to clear the snow and break the ice off the rails manually using a crowbar. moscow airports, despite the bad weather, are operating normally, the federal air transport agency reported this. a similar picture is now in the regions siberia, in the omsk region. they have been fighting the consequences of the bad weather for almost a day. on certain sections of roads, restrictions were introduced on the movement of heavy-duty shuttle buses. heavy snowstorms, almost zero visibility on the roads of novosibirsk. drivers move almost blindly; those who do not want to take risks wait out the snowstorm on the side of the road. and in barnaul, gusts of hurricane wind blew off the roof of a building. the footage shows a woman getting into one of the cars a few seconds earlier. there is one more victim,
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damaged. 10 cars. the west needs to change its policy to seek compromises in relations with russia. the bet on confrontation with our country did not work. the president spoke about this in an exclusive interview with the author and host of the moscow kremlin-putin program pavel zarubin. the reason for this conversation was the sensational interview of vladimir putin with tucker carlson, which collected hundreds of millions of views on the internet. andrey grigoriev will tell you more. following the russian president’s big interview with independent american journalist tucker carlson , one more thing could be recorded complete what the author of the program did.
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which, in my opinion, would have given a certain specificity to our entire conversation, but he chose a different tactic. for the first time, vladimir putin talks about what remained behind the scenes at that time, but we managed to discuss several additional issues with carlson, one of the topics that we talked about with them already when the cameras were turned off, this is exactly what the secretary of state spoke about states, he spoke about this several times, that... that his great-grandfather fled from russia from jewish pogroms, in different countries of the world, in europe, in states, this topic constantly arises, i repeat, arises with the aim of demonizing
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russia, to show what kind of barbarians are here, what kind of scoundrels and robbers live here, mr. blinkin’s great-grandfather really left the russian empire, he was born in...
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because well, it’s difficult for yourself to imagine that a politician of such rank treated the interests of the economic interests of his country and his people with such disdain. for organizing filming in the kremlin, tucker carlson was threatened in the united states with deprivation of citizenship and deportation from the country, which does not look like an exaggeration, if, for example, we recall the fate of another famous journalist, julian assange. asanj sits , almost no one... remembers him anymore, only people close to him talk about it, that’s all, these are the features of public consciousness, so the topic goes away, but it’s true, asanj was at least accused of giving away some... then state secrets, it’s difficult for carson
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to pin this on, because he didn’t touch any secrets at all, nevertheless, probably, theoretically, everything is possible in today’s america, in today’s united states, views, and this shows the interest that the western public actually has in what is actually happening in russia and ukraine, no matter how european and american politicians try to distort the meaning, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i i say, if today, for some reason related to them, we are unable to conduct a direct dialogue, then we should be grateful, lord. carlson for the fact that we can do this through him, as an intermediary, and so what they watch and listen to is good, but what they distort what i said is bad, and they distort
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the map, why, because i didn’t say anything like that, i didn’t say that the start of our special military operation in ukraine is connected with the threat of a nato attack on russia, where is it?
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getting out of the helicopter he hit his head there and this helicopter, but whoever in our country hasn’t hit his head somewhere, let him, let him be the first to throw a cani at him, in general this is in my opinion, i’m not a doctor and i don’t consider myself in the right to give any comments on this one.
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ivano-frankivsk, zaporozhye, poltava, more only in dnepropetrovsk and kyiv. presumably, the russian armed forces carried out a series of combined attacks, as reported, officer barracks were hit in lviv, military warehouses and industrial warehouses in the ukrainian capital were hit in the ukrainian capital . in the krasnolimansky direction, artillery and aviation hit 140 enemy targets during the day. armored vehicles and
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concentrations of manpower were destroyed by the s-25 crews. the forward air controller confirmed the hit. the attack aircraft returned to the airfield, and the ukrainian armed forces stronghold was taken by storm in the artyomovskaya trap armored group of paratroopers from transbaikalia. under the cover of darkness, in a landing combat vehicle, the fighters approached an enemy object at a distance. less than one and a half kilometers away and they opened fire. the fighters' work was corrected by a drone equipped with night vision equipment. having suppressed the firing point, the detachment passed the baton to the assault groups, which cleared the strong point. motorized rifle guardsmen also successfully worked in the kupinsky direction on the bmp-3. the drones revealed the movement of militants in the forest belt. following the transmitted coordinates, the armored group approached the enemy as close as possible close. delivered several precise blows to
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the concentration of manpower. a rocket with a progress ms-26 truck took off from baikanur this morning. in between, the main thing is the rise. the ship has already entered low-earth orbit and is flying towards the international space station these minutes. progress is planned to dock with the zvezda service module of the russian segment of the iss. the ship will deliver over 2.5 tons of cargo. these are apparatus and equipment for scientific experiment station systems, as well as chocolates. events are being held in different regions today in memory of russian soldiers who served in afghanistan. the organizer was united russia. in arkhangelsk, within the walls of the maritime institute, a meeting of student volunteers with a combat veteran took place . in moscow, on poklonnaya hill , flowers were laid at the monument to soldiers and internationalists. the ceremony was attended by party leaders of more than 400
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afghans and heroes of the northern military district. the historical bridge of those events, today's. our country has risen to fight this evil, and today our guys, warriors, are in the zone of a special military operation continue, this is a job that we have not finished, as the president said, we did not start the war, we are finishing it, so today we pay tribute to our comrades, comrades in arms who passed away in those years that have passed today, eternal memory, the kingdom of heaven, and the ministry of defense also published on its website a series of authentic documents dedicated to the afghan war, the project is dedicated to the day of remembrance of russians who performed their official duty outside the fatherland and talks about the exploits performed by our military far from their native land. reportage mikhail fedotov. this map is original, it is
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the decision of the commander of the fortieth army to withdraw troops from the territory of the republic of afghanistan. the authenticity is beyond doubt. below is the signature of lieutenant general boris groma. after 10 years of presence, a limited contingent of soviet troops left afghanistan. on february 15, 1989, the withdrawal of troops was completed. this was 35 years ago. columns of armored vehicles cross the bridge across the amu darya in termez. for a few seconds , the then-captain vladimir rybakov appears in the footage. for us it was like a victory day, that we were all over, finally it was all over. we are going home, alive and well, our family and friends are waiting for us there. russians who performed official duties outside their homeland, the ministry of defense is launching a multimedia project, declassified documents on afghanistan , the vietnam war, on this map, which was also declassified as top secret, the loss of american aviation in the confrontation with soviet pilots and anti-aircraft gunners during the conflict on the korean peninsula . blue color indicates aircraft that
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confirmed, there are documents that confirm that in such and such a period, with such and such a unit, these aircraft were shot down. the planes that allegedly shot down our units are indicated in brown. several of these aircraft are exactly according to nikolai sokov , a veteran 101 years after the great patriotic war , the front-line soldier also took part in the korean war. the beams of my company's searchlights illuminated an american plane, which , you know, and... "fighters, that means, our units, shot it down, hundreds of thousands of our military went through dozens of local conflicts, our days continue to serve far from their homeland, and this is a feat that will not be forgotten. mikhail fedutov, oleg dubinin, evgeny turchak
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and sergey shcheptev, lead. and that’s what we’ll talk about later in our program. major fires in the center of moscow burned down three buildings, one of them. collapsed, europe is seething with farmer protests, roads are blocked, cars are broken, there are more and more dissatisfied people, and a festive liturgy in crimea in honor of the revival of the st. vladimir monastery in khersanes. about this and more immediately after the advertisement, stay with us. watch today special edition of the program 60 minutes. all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world. do not miss. 60 minutes. today on rtr. big film premiere, this is my grandfather, vasily pavlovich safonov, major of the airborne forces. god bless america. if anything, the hero of avgan.
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these are very serious people, you will have to move out. in case of any lawlessness, this is our home , i left on the spot a long time ago, there will be one of your own, palych, the paratroopers don’t abandon their own, everyone back, the nkvd was blown up by a mine, but it was all cleared, there’s a pavlych, you go there, like that here, grandson, no one except us, to break everyone’s not terrible surname, yes, today it will be hot. february 23 on rtr, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you have chosen the right place, have you ever wondered why people count eggs, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be
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healthy, i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? fantastic. can science be intelligible? how about you make a wish? yes. once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their own diet without only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on saturday on rtr, who is all ripsvo. well, there ’s a girl standing in a sundress. premiere on rtr. can you
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see me? tick ​​tock. a little bit left. i'm scared, zhenya. ghosts don't usually do this. only in very extreme cases. in what? anna meteo. from monday on rtr. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig, once you get a pet, life will never be the same again, it will put everyone in the mood, this is an incredibly charming face that forgives everything, they they’re not bored at all, and then i clean up, i’m not bored either. after all, each of them is a real star, the secret of dreams, how did you
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agree to this, at first they shoved in a red snake, our hearts skipped a beat, you are the most understanding program about animals, among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr , you are watching the news, we are continuing the issue, now we are returning to the streets of the capital, moscow is being swept away, since the very morning the city has been in eight-point traffic jams, taxi prices have jumped several times, increased public transport intervals, there is pandemonium on buses and subways, our correspondent, sergei, is monitoring the situation in moscow.
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today is a rather anomalous situation , as weather forecasters say, when with heavy snow the temperature is also at a fairly
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low level, now it’s -12, but it feels like -18, so it’s unpleasant to even go outside today, there’s a lot of equipment working on the streets right now city, this also greatly complicates traffic, and the same goes for the most... police fire in the courtyard of the building news hall in in the center of moscow was extinguished , the press service of the ministry of emergency situations of russia reported this, according to preliminary
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data there were no casualties, the fire area was 1500 km, three buildings burned, one of them collapsed, rescuers managed to stop the fire from spreading to the main building, the causes of the emergency are now being established, the capital's prosecutor's office conducts a pre-investigation check. europe is seething with farmers' protests and strikes. in greece, moldova, spain , 40 people were detained there. polish farmers are threatening to march on warsaw and block key roads to it. in germany and france they demand that the authorities ban or at least limit the transport of cheap ukrainian agricultural products and strengthen support for the agricultural sector of the european union, instead of pumping kiev with weapons. report by anastasia popova. they buzzed and whistled so much that they could barely hear each other. a spontaneous rally of farmers in biebirach, germany. dozens of tractors lined the roads, blocking access to the concert hall,
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and a large pile of manure was dumped in front of it. they had to gather inside. greens, annual political meeting, where they waited big guests. it was impossible to drive or get to the building, there were cobblestones and sandbags on the road, the police came to the aid of the officials, they tried to drive two cars through the crowd, and the windows of one were broken. pepper spray liberally in the face, then pacify the protesting farmers. with batons, arrests began, amid talk of increasing the military budget and the need to reduce the social budget, the degree of discontent is only growing. according to polls, almost half of german citizens are against allocating money for weapons to ukraine, farmers do not want see cheap ukrainian goods on the european market. next week the czechs will join the already striking farmers. this is
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despite the fact that the country is among the most active supporters of supporting ukraine. mass demonstrations, blocking border crossings, blocking highways with heavy equipment - these are the first of the planned actions. in agen, france, they are again pouring onto a cart at the city hall. they promised to change, but so far nothing has gone beyond words. representatives of the dairy industry protest in the center of paris. we 're already losing a lot of jobs in this sector, but what’s even worse is that every day they make us die more and more. spanish farmers have the same sad forecasts. barcelona is against the import of foreign products. in pontos they block highways and light fires, demanding changes to european legislation to protect european agriculture. anastasia popova lio bernadsky, anastasia barkovskaya. european news bureau. rumors about russia's plans to place nuclear weapons in space, another ploy by the white house,
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which is trying to convince congress to approve help to kyiv. okay, hype. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the american media about the imaginary threat to national security from moscow. the depression in western political circles was caused by a statement by the head of the house select committee on intelligence, mike turner. he said that he had informed all members of congress about some serious threat to us security. at the same time, he could not say what it was connected with; he addressed all questions to the biden administration. assistant to the president, jake sullivan, promised to conduct...
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this is the vladimir monastery. to commemorate this, a festive service was held in the ancient basilica, which symbolizes hersanez. it was led by the metropolitan of simferopol crimean tikhan, the revival of the shrine of jan cherbata. the festive liturgy starts with a procession of the cross from the former monastery buildings, prayers are heard along the very coast of the black sea. the metropolitan conducts the liturgy. the festive divine liturgy takes place in one of the sacred places for all orthodox believers , khersonestovrychesky - this is an ancient city where prince vladimir was baptized, and after him all of russia, an event that determined the spiritual development of the country. in memory of this particular event, in the 19th century , a monastery, a complex of buildings, the heart of which became the st. vladimir cathedral, appeared next to the ancient ruins.
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emperor nicholas ii visited the monastery several times. but exactly 100 years ago st. vladimirsky. the first-class monastery in khersanes was closed; during the war, the cathedral was destroyed by enemy shells; the temple was restored only in this century. it's going on now restoration is underway, the mosaic is being restored according to historical documents, prayers will soon begin to sound in the cathedral again. st. vladimir's cathedral will open its doors to believers this year, and then a monastery will be restored in the sacred place, a century after its closure. yana cherbata and andrey terentev, lead sevastopol. tonight on our tv channel there is a continuation of the medical drama sklifosovsky. after the big news, don’t miss two new episodes at once. vesti continues to monitor developments in russia abroad. stay tuned i i know who you are, you protect good people from bad ones, forgive me, my daughter probably got in your way, vera, on saturday, mom, you knew that
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she had a daughter, he left you, no, why did you do this, who i’m like this, a grandfather’s daughter, i have every right to see my daughter, she has the right to know who her father is, her own someone else’s daughter, premiere on saturday on... rtr. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours, which was together, what will you have left? they went against god, drove with tour throughout all liberated territories. what impression does it make? russia comes and the city lives. boris korchevnikov's program life and fate from monday to friday on rtr. does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has
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special gifts. who are you looking at? scratch. maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without doing anything on your own, judge on the spot, don’t move. here. for some reason i believe you. ann medium. let's look earlier everyone. in the application or on the website. in one of our past programs , eighteen-year-old anastasia buzmakova from the city of lopaevsko, sverdlovsk region, asked to find her eldest.
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i’ll look at you, you look like your mother, yes, it seems, yes, then on the air twenty-three-year-old victoria bervnikova made a sensational confession and stated that her acting career was destroyed by the honored cultural worker, film actor and director of the dmitrov theater dmitry yumashev. the director pestered not only you, as i understand it, yes, not only to me, that is, when i came, there was still a girl, she was already working there and... i was cast in her role only because the girl didn’t want to do anything there either, after the release of the program, the famous director went on a rampage running, the editors of our program received dozens of calls and letters with
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similar stories from other actresses of the dmitrov theater. the same thing that nika told me, there were exactly the same advances, she invited me to her house, to sit there for coffee, to talk, i kept refusing, but i was somehow scared, he... came, he was there he hugged and kissed all the girls, it really embarrassed us. we began our own investigation , the legacy of dmitry yumashev was revealed, where he was hiding all this time, who was covering for him all these years and what was actually hidden from the audience behind the scenes of the dmitrov theater, a shocking revelation, as well as a confrontation in our studio: what will the director answer to the accusation addressed to you today in our program. victoria today. our studio, tell us how you got into the theater in the first place, and how the casting went, who conducted it? and i studied in st. petersburg, and after studying i naturally, i started looking for a theater
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, i came across a vacancy at the dmitrov drama theater, which was inviting me to a casting, i arrived, passed the casting, the casting took place with the director, with the director, and the actors were sitting in the hall, i auditioned, i received a call, they said : we’ll take you as a corpse theater, yeah, when i came to the theater, the first thing the director told me, he called me to him, so we sat and he said to me: listen, listen only to me, don’t communicate with this person, don’t communicate with this just listen to me and i i’m kind of in charge here and i’m saying the right things, that there will be some gossip, it ’s all not true, it certainly confused me, but i think, well... okay, let’s see what happens next. during the time i was working, some actors came up to me and said, be careful with him, he loves.
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to somehow seek the attention of the girls, and therefore be careful , it naturally alerted me again, well, later , during work, some calls began after hours, asking how you were doing, what are you doing, who are you with now, and how did you react to me? it confused me very much, i didn’t understand why a person would call me after hours. although this is a director, and we must work together purely as an actor and director, only on stage. well, you got a role in the play, as i remember, you told me, yes, russula in a children ’s play, then such, let’s say, courtship continued, i don’t know, an invitation to visit, to a restaurant, to rehearse, and he wrote a message with a request come to my house, called, i say, well, no, why, why and after that.
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and as i understand it, this whole story, well , would have remained with you, if not for the meeting with your sister, if not for the federal broadcast, if not for this bitterness of the fact that you really came to the theater and... now drama theatre, hello guys, tell me, is there an artistic director of the theatre, big nest or any of the representatives, please, my name is sergei. we are looking for
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one girl, victoria bernikova, oh guys, well, you came to the wrong place, she hasn’t worked for us for a long time, why did she leave here, she, well, she found another job, left , there is such a turnover in theaters, young artists come, work there for season 2, go either to another theater, or give up the profession altogether, so she was among them, she had a young man, and he was jealous of theaters, i know, if it weren’t for him, maybe she would have worked on her own , no one maintains contacts with her, directors, i don’t know how they are with you, the director, nor the artistic directors, i assure you, they don’t communicate with her, the girl makes the decision leave the theater abruptly, you understand how abruptly straight, well, okay, we can watch , you can’t, why, well, there’s some kind of crime , i don’t know what kind of crime, the girl is not just like that. study leave
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at some wonderful moment i decided to call the department of science to find out, but i found out that she was not studying there, that she had taken an academic leave and left, no need, but in this story there is definitely a theater, in this theater i ... worked, are we already starting or are you going to start with questions, let the little man pass by, no, i’m here, hello, hello, you’ll see, no, you’ll see, i won’t, you you’re filming me, well, in general, victoria in general , yes, we seem to be a little busy, well, tell me that you’re filming, what difference does it make that we’re filming, well , no, i’m just wondering who sent you a message to ask, no, what difference does it make that we are we filming, well, big vika, without permission?
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came here, no , you generally worked in a big load, there were these, yes, i understood, everything is fine, thank you very much, but what kind of story is this, that you took a sabbatical leave, went, did not study anywhere, who is telling, and i i’ll explain, look, when i lived in st. petersburg, i was sick a lot and sessions it was difficult, because the climate in st. petersburg is such, and i decided to take academ to relax a little, naturally, i wanted to come and tell the director about it, but...
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she, as i understand it, beat me to it when i came to her about it say, she, well , that’s it, you will work part-time, you deceived me, and you can generally, well, that is , in general, well, as if... as if i’m not a person now, i left of my own free will, when i director, the director did not hear any support, when i told about what was happening, she nodded her head at me, says: yes, i know, but let ’s wait and see, yeah, when i came to quit, she asks me why you decided to quit, i say, i’m quitting because of the director, but i want to say that after that broadcast the editorial office received a huge number of calls, and today we have a call center, let's listen
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, they immediately asked me to leave, because they realized that there was no point in pestering me when i don’t even knock and don’t write down talmuts for anyone, and my parents are at the theater yours didn’t come, didn’t try, so of course you went together with me , let's go, so they parted with me very quietly, we had a complaint that they asked to write in our own way, or they intimidated that they would give out a white ticket,
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that's how they gave it out, they told me: wait, let you think about it, don't do it hasty conclusions, where will they take you, when will they take you, but tell me, in general, after the program , a lot of people called you as support, as some kind of emotional, yes, i heard a lot of calls, they said: well done, vika, let’s fight, we are afraid, but you are not afraid, that is, stand up for us, stand up for young girls and you can handle it, well, let's listen to another call to the editor, she claims that the director hugged and kissed her, yumash offered me some kind of agreement, where i will act out all the performances in which i participate, regardless of whether i was there or not, i refused this agreement, the same thing that ik told me, there were exactly the same tricks, she invited me to her home, sit there for coffee, talk, i
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refuse all the time, but i was somehow scared , he came everywhere, he hugged and kissed all the girls there, it’s very i was embarrassed, at that time i still had a young man, i specifically told him about this, that i have a boyfriend, no, i don’t want anything, to go anywhere with you, he will be jealous, and he isolated it by saying that we will talk only about work, nothing personal, yes, you also saw how he pestered or this, well, look, when the girls came, well, after me, when i had already arrived, i immediately told them, this is how this person can pester, call home, i say, be careful. len, what’s in the call center, what do viewers write, please tell me, i want to say that in addition to actresses , a lot of residents of the city of dmitrov call us, that’s what one of the residents told us, let ’s listen, two years ago they also posted something, their rumors circulated, and even at one
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time they closed the ticket office there, that is, tickets were even it was impossible to buy, but what kind of rumors were there about the director, well, there was the director, and there was a corpse somewhere, they left because of this director, there were rumors, conversations, here we have a small city, and that is, there were also rumors literally a year ago you say, some article was also published that did the director harass anyone? well, the gist of it was, that is, it felt like, you know, they just repeated the plot, as i understand it, the whole city already knows that the director is given to the girls, of course, well, of course, our city is small, of course, well, we are all in already aware of all this.
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region is still listed as a director here, which is why now we will try to go inside, talk to the employees and find out what kind of reputation he has in his corpse. we're going to the theater, wait, what is this theater, wait, here's to the theater on the second, we wanted to talk to theater employees, for some reason they don’t let us in, hello, could we talk to you, does dmitry anatolyevich still work here? you, why did he quit? marina mikhailovna, give us two minutes,
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please, he doesn’t want to talk to you, why? well, marya mikhailovna , as i understand it, was guided , without her consent we would have to miss access, especially since we don’t have video filming, but as i understand it, there were some consequences after the broadcast, i don’t like to spread rumors, what happened before me i got it, i’m not the hr department, especially not the hr department of the big nest, right? the director doesn’t want to say what the reason is, of course, because, firstly , she’s afraid of awkward questions, i think that she was
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aware of everything that was happening, i told them so there, the director cannot help but know what ’s going on around her, so well , and also accordingly, i think everyone in this palace knows, because the theater is only a part of the palace, and there is also a palace of culture, there is a cultural department in the city, so you also went, by the way, and to the dmitrov administration in the cultural department, let's. let's also see how they reacted to the program to the scandal that was raised by our main guest today. now we are heading to the administration of the dmitrov city district to talk with the head of the cultural department, irina vladimirovna kostyshina, maybe she will clarify the situation for us about yumashev and what is happening in the theater now. hello, we would like to talk with irina vladimirovna kostyshina. house of culture there she is in that place in the house of culture in the palace of culture this is where the constellation is even there on their first
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on the floor there is the department of culture , as if they weren’t waiting for us, now we’re trying to call viktor evgenevich, deputy vladimirovna viktor evenievich, hello, we’d like to talk , she’s on official leave, and she’s where , but we can’t get to you, when will she return from vacation, dates and where , well, what are you talking about, but tell me, could we meet with you, talk, there are a few questions about yumashev, thank you, unfortunately, no one from the cultural department for dmitrov is contacting us, now it seems that management... of culture according to dmitrov - they carefully and diligently avoid answering,
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but unfortunately, so far they have not given us any comments. why did he, why did he quit at all, is he afraid of repeating the fate of harvey weinstein, or something, that he will be imprisoned for 25 years for haresmint, or what even happened? well, or maybe there is a story of some young actress who can tell more than vika. what can she say there if there is a similar situation? a similar situation happens in a huge number of theaters, but of course, i know many actresses, i know many actresses who also seem to have become victims of quote-unquote haresment. do you think it should be so, that young girls who have just graduated from drama school are trying to be used and frightened in this way, he is confused, roughly speaking, i think it should be so, because the male dominates nature everywhere, even if you kill yourself with a broom.
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i just didn’t have any saliva flowing from my mouth, ugh, disgusting, oh, but this was repeated periodically when i was walking from rehearsal and in this dark corridor he was waiting for me, the feeling that he does this with a girl, he is the first , he grabs, no one has ever done this, i will never forget this lustful smile, at first i was numb, i just
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cried and just let me go, yes, at first just silently somehow froze, then began to fight back, cry, ask him to let me go, that is, it was such a repeated attack on, oh, i say, i’m sorry, but she’s actually a film actress, just say no, that’s it, god, she’s a child, 15 years old, a child, that she can say no, when the uncle director is standing, she is shaking with fear, could you break a girl? she is 3 years old, so let us now make a short advertisement, immediately after it even more injured actresses will tell witnesses about everything that is happening behind the scenes of the dmitrov theater, as well as a confrontation. director dmitry umashev is already approaching our studio to personally answer all the accusations against him. what kind of video or audio recording will he bring to our
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editorial office? don't switch. this married couple is called grandmother and grandson behind their backs, but despite all the condemnations, they note they buy a luxurious country house for a green wedding as a gift, but what terrible secrets are hidden from each other, a wife in her sixties and her twenty-three-year-old husband, this is a child from a very influential big man, he closed, i have no words, a live broadcast in.. . face on rtr, you are looking 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we will cope, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how will it be
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7,8, 7,8, 7, 8, how much? who talks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i to chop oak, not to pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one. every saturday and sunday on rtr, this is for you, well, got some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, pay attention, today is a big day, a big holiday,
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dashing, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. holds, blows, well, you know, but for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole team. we only look at the platform. i ask you to sign one of the most important documents in your life. the mortgage agreement with the taraski family has been signed. please,
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a book of complaints. here you are. you will know how to use napkins later. report him, he doesn't work, take him back, that's why we fired him, because he didn't work at all, now get your books on management anger, the serenity of banbok, we honor you, seers, the technique in which this is done is called realism, but i myself didn’t do it at first, but it’s already real, maybe this will save? this is also realism, this is the original. stories of a big country, on friday on rtr. your husband may be completely paralyzed , order the implant on friday, i understand , i need money, but driving a truck is not
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a woman’s job, the road is not calm now, trucks are being robbed, the main thing we remember is to never stop on the road, no matter what happens, tatyana kozyuchets , the queen is on road, meet, queen of roads, wait, on friday on rtr. once again, good afternoon, today we are broadcasting a scandalous story about harassment at the dmitrovsky theater. the editors of our program have received dozens of calls and requests from actresses who ask to protect them from the famous director, actor, dmitry yumashev. let us recall that before leaving for advertising in our studio, twenty-three-year-old aspiring actress victoria bertnikova said that the famous director made her unequivocal proposals. and having been refused, he destroyed theatrical career. in a few minutes , dmitry umashev will be in our studio, and during advertising, yuri
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khakhalin, a former theater actor, appeared in our studio, who claims that after 14 years of serving the dmitrov theater, director dmitry umashev kicked him out of the team. how did you react on the program to the fact that vika, let’s say, was such a cry from her heart here, well, i was shocked, to be honest, but from hearsay. i heard many people say all this, but it was a shock for me, i probably haven’t worked there for more than 6 years, well, for another reason i was forced to leave, because somehow my relationship with dmitry anatolyevich did not work out, there were some kind of accepted ones, maybe because i expressed my point of view, he didn’t like it, but he i allowed myself a lot, not as a director, that’s how rudeness fell, what rudeness, but that’s another question.
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there is a place, i haven’t seen it, but your such an unspoken name in the cinema in the 100 m theater, i have a hundred meters, not a single man has come closer to me, the fact is that the fact is that it depends on a woman how to behave , when we we are young, our eyes are open, we rejoice at any person who comes up to us, this is taken for granted. this means that girls must learn to behave competently, here the situation is different: one immodest question: have you completed your education? no yet, i
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have no more questions, they treated you like a girl who came from the street, you are not an actress, but let’s return to the situation, the fact is that any man, having received a young specimen in the theater, especially, naturally stares eyes. "if you are more accessible, he approaches you, forgive me, i will interrupt you, here is another opinion from the theater, attention, if vika started this topic, let it be in this sense, as if it continues, as long as possible, i believe that if this topic is touched upon, it means that there is probably some meaning in it, i would not doubt it in her words, because if she had any problems, then there is no point in taking it, i worked for a lot of years, i worked since 2006, so you are just like that? a former person who has been in the theater for quite a long time, yes i know quite well what is happening there, i had such a position in the theater, i came there as a young girl, too, and how would i put myself
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in such a way that no one dared to come up to me and offer some things, but again, if i showed some interest in something, then as if it would be a completely different story if people themselves understand what is happening, but they see a person, no matter how they put up barriers, he will not approach them, well, i understand that... the little girls are young and they didn’t immediately understand that why, this is such a story that well, this is not the only theater where this is, well, to be honest, you are adults, you all understand everything, as if this is a real story, now they just want to finish off this person, apparently, that he’s such a mess, well, it’s a joke, you come to the theater and they offer you a mountain gold, i immediately have a question, what is it? no one offered me a mountain of gold from the very beginning, so i didn’t have roles for a very long time, many years, i had to work a lot in order to at least... act something, in general, how you present yourself, so the director will behave . alice, and you? what point of view do you adhere to, you also had a story, i know, but i was 16 years old,
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i had just... graduated from school and i


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