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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  February 15, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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when kissing, i tried to make sure that my partners did it, i didn’t show it myself personally, i treat each artist very carefully separately, even with vika, when she arrived, in order to work in the moscow region you need local registration, no one wanted to help her , i did it for her, helped her with registration, she didn’t play three roles, by the way, she had quite a lot of roles, the last premiere was the play “cinderella”, she was the host of the play. suddenly 3 days before the premiere
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she disappeared for some reason, after that she didn’t came to work because her session had started, and my director, she sensed something was wrong and called the university, and they told her that victoria bernikova did not show up for the session, we were not going to say goodbye to her, there was no such conversation, because that she was already in the repertoire, she just wrote a statement and left, vika, what would you like, the director no longer works in the theater, what else would you like? that’s it, i don’t need anything else, i just want justice, i came just to achieve this, so that, in what form justice should be, what it was i heard that a person realized that there is no need to do this, that’s it, that’s true, today the entire time of the program has come to an end, i think that each of you will draw your own conclusions, i wish all participants to find themselves after leaving this studio, take care to yourself and your loved ones, goodbye.
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there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, ritual is ready, explore, nature. mom, dear, just incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite remedy is. movement. there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake charmers are the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly
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made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday at rtr, where we go, in search of treasures, and what kind of treasure pact, we go to look for my mother, look at the weekend, so look at me, you're embarrassing me? you are the best wonderful girl in the world, i miss you, kesha, everything is fine, we are going, my husband and throw it on, he is not going anywhere, only new love can melt the ice in the heart. hello, i’m not alone, matvey, it’s so good that you found me.
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we won’t let you go anywhere else, oops, what are you doing here, and you’re starving, on sunday on rtr. hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit. we start with incredible, absolutely sensational news. official washington reported a serious threat us national security, which comes from russia, the threat is... only serious, that
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the problem can lead to destabilization of the situation in the united states, biden's national security advisor salvan said, we are talking about someone, further direct, quote: serious russian potential, bely said house. so, according to american intelligence. russia almost built its own death star right in space. three american officials told cnn that there is urgent new intelligence about the capabilities of the russian army to deploy anti-satellite weapons. nuclear weapons systems, space- based in low orbit. will destroy american satellites in the event of world war iii. the head of the us intelligence committee , mike turner, personally warned biden about a serious threat to national security, which was also urgently communicated to all
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members of congress. turner called on biden to declassify information about the russian nuclear threat in space so that congress, the white house and us allies can speak out. discuss the necessary actions for an emergency response in moscow. nbc news, tagged lightning. reports that biden has taken the situation under his personal control. an urgent meeting has been convened for today, at which biden's national security adviser salvan will brief the group of eight, which includes the speaker of the house, representatives johnson, the leader...
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the alarm is sounding in washington, a new serious danger threatens us national security. and as we managed to find out, by a serious threat to us national security we mean the last launch into space russian rocket that launched a top-secret combat system into orbit. the united states has recently been closely monitoring russia's attempts to create nuclear weapons that would shoot down american satellites so that the united states would be left without communications. national security advisor to the president jake salev. did not share details, but did not deny that such a threat really exists. i can't answer this question by simply saying yes, because americans understand that the list of threats and challenges we face every the day is quite long. the first to shed light on the new threat was the chairman of the select committee on
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intelligence of the us house of representatives, mike turner, and he called on president biden to declassify all information. in turn, secretary general nato stoltenberg has already called on congress to act immediately. the actions of select committee on intelligence chairman turner took the biden administration by surprise. he alarmed congress and the public with his claims that the united states was facing a serious new threat. threat. he also called for the secrecy to be lifted urgently so that congress, the white house administration and us allies could discuss a response. it came as a surprise to me when congressman turner made these statements without first meeting with me. i am our specialists.
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in order for this matter to finally be taken up, we therefore want to know what the administration intends to do in general, just that if the biden administration does not begin to act decisively, the geostrategic situation will change radically. and the white house is still like this and did not comply with turner's request to declassify all information. mr. president, you will talk to us about the threat to national security. what are your plans for this evening? having dinner with my wife, happy valentine's day. are you worried?
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two of our sources confirmed that all the fuss on capitalist hill is really
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about nuclear weapons in space, that russia is not going to drop them on earth, will only use them against american satellites, one source assured us that this is all very alarming, that the situation ticklish and that the problem is actually very serious. well, as you just saw, biden was asked a question about the threat to national security. i just don't quite understand what's going on. president putin, at the same time, said: “well, i
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’m not a doctor to make a diagnosis? well, i hit my head on my own helicopter, these are the shots. it doesn’t happen to anyone.” the president of russia smiled a little at that moment. well, what a sensational thing. putin answered the question: who is more beneficial for russia: trump or biden? you won’t believe it, comrade.” biden is beneficial, he is more predictable. financial times even put this thesis in the title of her material. putin's arguments are reinforced concrete. biden is a politician of the old generation, he is more experienced. between the lines, of course, something a little different is read. it is biden who is responsible for the disunity of american society, which is now on the brink of civil war. it is biden who is responsible for the weakening of the united states, which is now an aggressive minority in everything, sort of. "blm and lgbtq plus and so on, it is biden who is to blame for the migration
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crisis, when millions of illegal immigrants are breaking into the united states in droves through the southern america's border. well, finally, it was biden’s disagreements with congress that caused the blocking of multibillion-dollar military and financial assistance to the zelensky regime, so in this sense, yes, biden’s new term of office is on..." well, all the democrats’ claims that donald trump is a hidden agent of the kremlin, that now with them, they crumble into dust, that is , trump is still not ours. the forty-fifth president of the united states himself has already commented on this statement by putin, said the words of the russian president. this is not a compliment, many will say that this is very bad, no, this is good,
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donald said, but the main conclusion is that donald trump is not ours, it’s biden, our kremlin agent, i’m not a doctor, and i don’t consider myself in the right to give any comments on this matter, we must, we must not look at this , we must look at... at the political position, i believe that the position of the current administration is extremely, extremely harmfully wrong, and i once told president baidu in full, listen, when i met with biden in switzerland, this it was true a few years ago, 3 years there, well then they were already talking about that he was incapacitated , i didn’t see anything like that, well, yes, he peeked at his piece of paper, i just... getting out of the helicopter
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, i hit my head there, this helicopter, but whoever in our country hasn’t hit his head somewhere, that is , let him be the first to throw there is a stone in it, who is better for us, biden or trump? biden, he is a more experienced person, he is predictable. he is an old-fashioned politician, but we will work with any us leader who the american people have confidence in. russian president putin said at the same time, then
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it would be possible to avoid many casualties in donbass. moscow’s main mistake was that we believed our partners from... france and germany, who signed the minsk agreements without ever intending to implement them, which both western representatives of the normandy four, hollande and mrs. merkel, subsequently admitted. the world was not needed, they were playing for time to pump up kiev with weapons and prepare the armed forces of ukraine for the genocide of russian people in the then unrecognized russia, lpr and dpr. in this context, putin. partly grateful to carlos for the colossal coverage, his interview, conversation looked at a billion people, the west heard russia, the bad thing is that there in the west they are trying, as usual, to turn and say the words of the russian president, in the sense that the special operation began because of the threat
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of a nato attack on russia, putin never said this and never from this didn't... come from. nato did everything to create just such an impression. the famous words of us secretary of state becker that the north atlantic alliance will not expand after the deployment of the american contingent in germany turned out to be a lie. and instead of an inch to the east, russia immediately received five waves of expansion of the military bloc, with a consistent approach to the borders of russia. drawing ukraine into nato could not help but worry moscow, but no, in the end it became what is called a trigger for the start of a special operation, we did not start the war, we are trying to end it, president putin once again said to the dull-witted western elites. it's good that they are watching
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and listening to what i say. if we... today for some reason related to them are unable to conduct a direct dialogue, then we must to be grateful to mr. carlson for the fact that we can do this through him, as an intermediary, so that what they watch and listen to is good, but the fact that they distort what i said is bad, people all over the world watching this ridiculous interview with '.
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look, take the withdrawal of the united states from the kyoto agreements in the field of ecology, then it also sparked, but how is trump’s position different in this sense? yes , basically nothing, he wanted to force the europeans to raise their defense spending, or, as he said, then let them pay us
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for the fact that we protect them, that we have opened an atomic umbrella over their heads and so on, well, i don’t know, let them figure it out themselves, it’s their problem, well, probably from his point of view there is some logic in this, from the point of view of the europeans... there is no logic, but they would like the united states to continue to carry out, free of charge, some of the functions that have developed since the formation of nato. this is their business, i think that nato has no use for anything anymore. there is only one meaning, it is a tool us foreign policy, but if the us believes that this instrument is not needed there, that is their decision. well, there is a scandal with my grandfather in germany. to the nazis, the head of the german meath, annelena bärbock, you won’t believe it, played with, well , completely new and unusual colors, the belt newspaper
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tried to do work on the mistakes of history, rolled out an article under the heading, look, why we know so little about our grandfathers, in the end it turned out something like category, it’s okay, we’re all like that here, don’t be shy. 25 germans, from a football player to the prime minister of saxony, spoke about their ancestors, nazi wehrmacht officers. true, they prudently did not mention a single unit; you never know who wants to dig deeper. the purpose of this event, let’s call this article that way, is to break the vicious circle of silence into which the germans drove themselves and...
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the atrocities of the nazis are not worth it, otherwise, as they have tried to do more than once in the west, stalin will be equated with hitler, and the soviet the victorious people will be put on a par with the people of the third reich. in this regard , putin recalled the statement of the head of the state department blinkin, remember, who has already publicly accused russia of anti-semitism several times and told the story of his grandfather, who fled the jewish pogroms in russia. remember this formulation of the jewish pogroms in russia. the last time blinking rallied was in bengurion. jewish pogroms
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actually took place in the russian empire. yes. in 1881 after the assassination of emperor alexander ii. at the same time, the main pogroms took place in these russian cities. kyiv, zhitomir, poltava,
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